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作者 陈玉华 张铁军 孙洪斌 《高原地震》 2001年第1期54-59,共6页
2 0 0 0年 9月 1 2日青海省海南州兴海县发生 6 6级地震 ,宏观震中位于温泉乡的博荷沁沟及扎麻隆沟分水岭地带 ( 3 5°2 4′N ,99°3 2′E)。极震区烈度为Ⅷ度 ,震害以地震地表裂缝、山体崩塌及房屋倒塌为主。主震的发震断裂为... 2 0 0 0年 9月 1 2日青海省海南州兴海县发生 6 6级地震 ,宏观震中位于温泉乡的博荷沁沟及扎麻隆沟分水岭地带 ( 3 5°2 4′N ,99°3 2′E)。极震区烈度为Ⅷ度 ,震害以地震地表裂缝、山体崩塌及房屋倒塌为主。主震的发震断裂为鄂拉山 展开更多
关键词 地震裂度 震害特征 发震断 兴海地震 2000年 地表 房屋倒塌
作者 程新原 兰青龙 梁建民 《山西地震》 1996年第2期21-23,共3页
关键词 地震构造 地震裂度 地震调查 朔州市
地震灾害风险因素和风险评估指标的模糊算法 被引量:22
作者 姚清林 黄崇福 《自然灾害学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期51-58,共8页
提出了影响地震灾害风险的主要因素 ,分析了地震震级、烈度、人口密度等因素与某些震害现象之间的相关性 ,以及建筑物的地震破坏程度与其它风险因素的关系。筛选出了地震灾害模糊风险分析指标———震损度DA(其用于风险评估的指标值为 (... 提出了影响地震灾害风险的主要因素 ,分析了地震震级、烈度、人口密度等因素与某些震害现象之间的相关性 ,以及建筑物的地震破坏程度与其它风险因素的关系。筛选出了地震灾害模糊风险分析指标———震损度DA(其用于风险评估的指标值为 (da) 0 )。给出了一种多变量信息分配算法的公式。在建立因果律模糊关系矩阵时 ,以归并、排序的方法解决了自变量在其样本空间组合后的重叠与错序问题 ,并简化了矩阵运算。在此基础上 ,建立了震损度指标值 (da) 0 的计算方法。 展开更多
关键词 地震灾害 风险 指标 模糊数学 震级 地震裂度 人口
1993年咸宁地震群震害损失及发震成因探讨 被引量:2
作者 杨淑贤 于品清 +1 位作者 郑水明 蔡永建 《大地测量与地球动力学》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期84-87,共4页
关键词 地震 地震裂度 地震破坏 地质构造 地下水
2010年1月24日河津4.8级地震现场考察报告 被引量:4
作者 范雪芳 郭建立 +1 位作者 赵晋泉 王跃杰 《山西地震》 2010年第1期1-6,共6页
2010年1月24日10时36分,在山西省河津发生4.8级地震。地震后,由山西省地震局、运城市地震局和河津市、万荣县地震局联合组成地震现场工作队进行了震情监测、科学考察、地震灾害评估等工作,经调查,宏观震中位于万荣县张家院村一带,与中... 2010年1月24日10时36分,在山西省河津发生4.8级地震。地震后,由山西省地震局、运城市地震局和河津市、万荣县地震局联合组成地震现场工作队进行了震情监测、科学考察、地震灾害评估等工作,经调查,宏观震中位于万荣县张家院村一带,与中国地震台网测定的微观震中相距约12 km,与运城地震台网测定的微观震中相距约2 km。 展开更多
关键词 地震现场调查 宏观地震裂度调查 发震断
皎口水库地震特征及震情趋势分析 被引量:2
作者 杨作恒 王和章 《山西建筑》 2006年第6期80-81,共2页
关键词 构造地震 震情趋势 地震裂度 地震震源
受强烈地震和海啸影响 日本发生严重核事故 被引量:1
作者 伍浩松 王海丹 《国外核新闻》 2011年第3期1-8,共8页
【本刊2011年3月综合报道】北京时间3月11日13时46分,日本本州岛(Honshu)东海岸附近海域发生9级强烈地震,震中位于北纬38.0度,东经142.9度,震源深度约10公里,并引发高度超过10米的海啸。官城县(Miyagi)、茨城县(Ibaraki)... 【本刊2011年3月综合报道】北京时间3月11日13时46分,日本本州岛(Honshu)东海岸附近海域发生9级强烈地震,震中位于北纬38.0度,东经142.9度,震源深度约10公里,并引发高度超过10米的海啸。官城县(Miyagi)、茨城县(Ibaraki)、青森县(Aomori)、新渴县(Niigataken)等东北部区域地震裂度在5级以上,受灾影响最重。此次地震强度极为罕见,是日本史上最强地震,是1900年以来排名全球第5的强震。 展开更多
关键词 强烈地震 日本 海啸 核事故 北京时间 震源深 地震裂度 地震
作者 郑升翔 《市政工程》 2001年第3期6-12,共7页
关键词 弯道桥 结构设计 荷载 地震裂度
作者 苏幼坡 王绍杰 +4 位作者 刘英利 徐悦 曹国 凭卢峰 苏永强 《河北冶金》 1998年第2期78-83,共6页
关键词 地震 建筑震害 地震调查 地震裂度分布图
爆破振动测试在矿区的应用 被引量:1
作者 张凯 汪青松 黄素荷 《安徽地质》 2012年第1期34-37,共4页
道路铺设、矿山开采、隧道开挖、地震勘探等工程施工免不了要进行炸药爆破,炸药爆破所产生的剧烈振动必然会对周围的环境造成破坏,从而引起不必要的经济损失和纠纷,为了解决矛盾,对振动引起的损失和涉及的范围有个科学的评判,爆破时采... 道路铺设、矿山开采、隧道开挖、地震勘探等工程施工免不了要进行炸药爆破,炸药爆破所产生的剧烈振动必然会对周围的环境造成破坏,从而引起不必要的经济损失和纠纷,为了解决矛盾,对振动引起的损失和涉及的范围有个科学的评判,爆破时采用精密的地震勘探仪器进行不同炮距的振动测试,以做出公证的裁决。本文以两个实例来说明地震勘查在振动测试领域的有效应用。 展开更多
关键词 爆破 振动 测试 爆破地震裂度
作者 高彩霞 米文宝 王小娟 《中华建设》 2011年第4期92-94,共3页
宁夏南部黄土丘陵区包括同心、海原、固原、泾原、西吉等市县,处于7度或7度以上地震裂度区,其中海原县城原址甚至位于9度区,如发生于1920年的海原8.5级大地震导致房屋尽毁,死亡人数约24万人。宁夏南部又属人口超载带,部分人口需向外转移... 宁夏南部黄土丘陵区包括同心、海原、固原、泾原、西吉等市县,处于7度或7度以上地震裂度区,其中海原县城原址甚至位于9度区,如发生于1920年的海原8.5级大地震导致房屋尽毁,死亡人数约24万人。宁夏南部又属人口超载带,部分人口需向外转移,原有村镇布局面临重大调整,需进行村镇规划与建设,要保证村镇规划的健康发展,必须增强其抵御地震灾害的能力,因此进行村镇规划的抗震防灾研究关键而重要。 展开更多
关键词 村镇规划 黄土丘陵区 宁夏南部 抗震防灾 县城 地震裂度 死亡人数 地震灾害
棉花滩水电站大坝工程地质条件与评价 被引量:5
作者 余朝庄 吕敬清 《水力发电》 北大核心 2001年第7期19-21,共3页
棉花滩水电站在区域构造上属于基本稳定区 ,地震基本烈度为Ⅵ度。大坝基岩为块状中、细粒花岗岩 ,地质构造形迹以断层、挤压带、节理及节理密集带的形式出现 ,以北东向和北北西向为主。建基面多为新鲜、微风化岩石 ,部分弱风化 ,局部强... 棉花滩水电站在区域构造上属于基本稳定区 ,地震基本烈度为Ⅵ度。大坝基岩为块状中、细粒花岗岩 ,地质构造形迹以断层、挤压带、节理及节理密集带的形式出现 ,以北东向和北北西向为主。建基面多为新鲜、微风化岩石 ,部分弱风化 ,局部强风化 ,亦即以AⅡ 类岩体为主 ,部分AⅠ 类岩体 ,局部AⅢ 、AⅣ 1类岩体。断层及较差岩石经工程处理后符合设计与规范要求。 展开更多
关键词 大坝 工程地质 工程处理 棉花滩水电站 构造稳定 地震裂度 基岩 断层 抗剪断强 坝肩
作者 ОвчинниковВ.И. МонаховВ.В. +3 位作者 УрусоваА.В. КлепиковаС.М. 苑惠明(翻译) 佟元清(审稿) 《水文地质工程地质技术方法动态》 2009年第1期36-37,共2页
关键词 地球物理方法 水文地质 地质作用 高压电缆 物理特性 地震裂度 饱和带 包气带
作者 邢群英 《农村科技》 2008年第12期65-65,共1页
关键词 防冻处理 水管道 年平均气温 干旱荒漠 最高气温 最低气温 冻土深 地震裂度
作者 曾清生 《今日科苑》 2007年第12期127-127,共1页
A13合同段位于福建省宁德市霞浦县,路线全长4.9Km,其中后港特大桥4.32Km,路基引道工程长0.58Km;主要经济指标为设计荷载为汽车——超20级,挂车—120,行车速度80公里/小时,桥面双车道净宽24米,最大纵坡〈0.97%,地震裂度... A13合同段位于福建省宁德市霞浦县,路线全长4.9Km,其中后港特大桥4.32Km,路基引道工程长0.58Km;主要经济指标为设计荷载为汽车——超20级,挂车—120,行车速度80公里/小时,桥面双车道净宽24米,最大纵坡〈0.97%,地震裂度Ⅵ度;工程总造价1.8个亿,工期31个月。 展开更多
关键词 特大桥 项目管理 引道工程 设计荷载 经济指标 行车速 最大纵坡 地震裂度
Fracture detection by using full azimuth P wave attributes 被引量:16
作者 Qu Shouli Ji Yuxin Wang Xin Wang Xiuling Chen xinrong Shen Guoqiang 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第3期238-243,共6页
A type of specific fractured hydrocarbon reservoir, a shale fractured reservoir, exists in the Shengli oilfield. Due to very small porosity of this type, low sensitivity to the variation of petrochemical property para... A type of specific fractured hydrocarbon reservoir, a shale fractured reservoir, exists in the Shengli oilfield. Due to very small porosity of this type, low sensitivity to the variation of petrochemical property parameters, and strong anisotropy, it is very difficult to explore for them. So far, there is no set of mature methods for recognition of direction, distribution, and density of the fractures by an integrated analysis of geologic, geophysical, well log, drilling data, and etc. This paper presents a new method for acoustic impedance variation with azimuth (IPVA), based on existing fracture detection methods. Seismic acquisition, processing, and recognition techniques were developed for detecting directional vertical fractures using multi-azimuth P wave data in combination with the seismic and geological features of shale fractures in the Luojia area. The IPVA research is carried out for recognizing the distribution, strike, and density of fractures based on the study of velocity variation with azimuth (VVA) and amplitude variation with azimuth (AVA) for full azimuth P wave data at different CMP positions. Through practical application in the Luojia area, primary results have been obtained which verifies that the IPVA method provides good potential for quantitative detection of parallel, high angle, shale fractures. 展开更多
关键词 Shale fractures VELOCITY AMPLITUDE acoustic impedance P wave full azimuth
Active velocity tomography for assessing rock burst hazards in a kilometer deep mine 被引量:10
作者 He Hu Dou Linming +3 位作者 Li Xuwei Qiao Qiuqiu Chen Tongjun Gong Siyuan 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第5期673-676,共4页
Active velocity tomography was used to determine the stress state and rock burst hazards in a deep coal mine. The deepest longwall face, number 3207 in the Xingcun colliery, was the location of the field trials. The p... Active velocity tomography was used to determine the stress state and rock burst hazards in a deep coal mine. The deepest longwall face, number 3207 in the Xingcun colliery, was the location of the field trials. The positive correlation between stress and seismic velocity was used to link the velocity data with stratum stresses. A GeoPen SE2404NT data acquisition system was used to collect seismic data from 300 g explosive charges fired by instantaneous electric detonator and located in the tail entry. The geophones were installed on the rock bolts in the head entry of LW3207. Velocity inversion shows an inhomogeneous distribution of stress in the longvvall face that could not be obtained from theory or numerical simulations. Three abnormally high P-wave velocity regions were identified that were located on the corners of the two roadways and at the face end near the rail entry side. The maximum velocity gradient is located at the open cut off near the rail entry and is the area most dangerous for rock burst. Mining-induced tremors recorded by a micro-seismic monitoring system demonstrated that the position of energy release during mining coincides with the high velocity gradient area. This technology aids technicians in the coal mine as they design measures to weaken or eliminate potential danger during subsequent mining. 展开更多
关键词 To-mographyRock burstStress fieldSeismic velocityHazard assessment
Fracture Characters and Seismogenic Fault of the Yajiang Earthquake Sequence with M_S6.0 in Sichuan in 2001
作者 LongSisheng 《Earthquake Research in China》 2004年第3期212-224,共13页
The Yajiang earthquake sequence in 2001, with the major events of M S 5.1 on Feb. 14 and of M S 6.0 on Feb.23, are significant events in the Sichuan region during the last 13 years. Eighty-eight earthquakes in the seq... The Yajiang earthquake sequence in 2001, with the major events of M S 5.1 on Feb. 14 and of M S 6.0 on Feb.23, are significant events in the Sichuan region during the last 13 years. Eighty-eight earthquakes in the sequence with at least 5 distinct onset parameters for each recorded by the Sichuan Seismic Network in the period of Jan. 1 through June 30, 2001 were chosen for this study. The events are relocated and the focal mechanism is derived from P-wave onsets for 13 events with relatively larger magnitudes. The focal depth of all earthquakes fall between a range of 2km to 16km, with dominant distribution between 9km to 11km. The foreshocks, the M S5.1 earthquake and the M S6.0 earthquake and their aftershocks are all located close to the Zihe fault and the dominant epicentral distribution is in NW direction, identical to that of the fault. The fracture surface of the focal mechanism is determined in accordance to the mass transfer orientation in the recent earth deformation field in the Yajiang region. The P axes of the principal compressive stress in focal mechanism solutions of the 13 events show bigger vertical components, and the horizontal projection trending SE. The earthquakes are of left-lateral, strike-slip normal, and normal strike-slip types. The rupture surface of most earthquakes strike NW-SE, dipping SW. Based on the above information, we conclude that the Zihe fault that crosses the earthquake area, striking NW and dipping SW, is the seismogenic fault for the Yajiang earthquake sequence. 展开更多
关键词 Yajiang earthquake sequence Zihe fault Fracture characters Focal stress field Seismogenic fault
Time difference correlation between earthquake lights and seismic ground accelerations
作者 Juan Antonio Lira Maurizio Mulas 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2021年第1期9-16,128,共9页
Although earthquake lights have been known since ancient times,it has not been easy to study them.It was not until the 60s that the first photographs of them were taken.During the Peruvian earthquake in 2007,it was po... Although earthquake lights have been known since ancient times,it has not been easy to study them.It was not until the 60s that the first photographs of them were taken.During the Peruvian earthquake in 2007,it was possible to obtain the fi rst fi lm recording on earthquake lights.Likewise,during the earthquakes in Ecuador in 2016 and in Mexico in 2017,two fi lms of the earthquake lights were recorded.These fi lm recordings have helped in the study of earthquake lights,both for their objectivity and for their informational content.Several causal mechanisms have been proposed to explain earthquake lights:piezoelectricity,radon emanation,fluid diffusion,friction-vaporization,positive holes and dipole currents,among others.In this work a time difference correlation between earthquake lights and seismic ground accelerations was found and we use both seismic data and fi lm recordings of earthquake lights to explain its origin.In the discussion section it is suggested that fracturing of rocks manifest itself to some extent in the form of static electricity producing earthquake lights through induction The induction model proposed is new and it can explain the formation of EQL,even if the earth’s crust has layers of large electrical resistivity.The model also explains the formation of seismic lights without the need for special conditions on the earth’s surface or in the atmosphere.A better understanding of the earthquake lights generation process can improve our understanding of seismicity and help in the prediction of earthquakes. 展开更多
关键词 time diff erence correlation earthquake lights seismic ground accelerations rock fracturing
Preliminary Research on the Characteristics of the M_S8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake Hazard
作者 Li Zhiqiang Yuan Yifan +5 位作者 Li Xiaoli Zhang Qin Dai Boyang Ye Youqing Ge Peifeng Zeng Jie 《Earthquake Research in China》 2009年第3期278-298,共21页
The Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 2008 caused heavy casualties and economic loss. According to the field investigations, the characteristics can be described as follows: The meizoseismai region with an intensi... The Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 2008 caused heavy casualties and economic loss. According to the field investigations, the characteristics can be described as follows: The meizoseismai region with an intensity of XI shows an obviously zonal distribution and suffered serious destruction from the earthquake, and the destruction perpendicular to the earthquake surface rupture decreased sharply. At the same time, the intensity X and IX regions perpendicular to the rupture are narrow and therefore their coverage area is small. The intensity on both sides of the rupture attenuates rapidly, but intensity VII and the VI regions are wide, the latter covering about 240,000 km^2. In intensity VI region, the damage area perpendicular to the rupture in the southern part is much larger than that of the northern part. Also, much new understanding about destruction types and destructive modes for all kinds of buildings, landforms and terrain is achieved in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake Characteristics of earthquake hazard Intensitydistribution
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