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加拿大阿萨巴斯卡焦油砂岩加热区带的地震速度模型 被引量:4
作者 Larry R. Lines 李向科 《特种油气藏》 CAS CSCD 2002年第5期101-104,共4页
最新的研究表明 ,由于蒸汽的注入 ,加拿大阿萨巴斯卡地区焦油砂岩中的声波速度随着温度的升高而降低。在本次工作中 ,时变速度的模型是从反射层和井孔数据的地震旅行时中获取的。模型层的深度是根据使用蒸汽注入前旅行时的反射射线模型... 最新的研究表明 ,由于蒸汽的注入 ,加拿大阿萨巴斯卡地区焦油砂岩中的声波速度随着温度的升高而降低。在本次工作中 ,时变速度的模型是从反射层和井孔数据的地震旅行时中获取的。模型层的深度是根据使用蒸汽注入前旅行时的反射射线模型来建立的。由于速度在蒸汽注入后产生了变化 ,可在蒸汽注入后通过监视器勘测的旅行时数据来模型化 ,这些速度模型基本是由反射旅行时来决定的。地面到井孔之间的旅行时数据表示了蒸汽注入后的期望延迟 ,但没有有效地改变反射旅行时产生的速度映象。低速带与注汽井位期望的温度增高带相互间有较好的关系。结果表明 ,利用从地震旅行时获得的速度模型探测焦油砂岩中蒸汽的前沿是有效的。 展开更多
关键词 加拿大 阿萨巴斯卡 焦油砂岩 加热区带 地震速度模型
作者 江海宇 刘玉海 +3 位作者 孙海林 徐克彬 白田增 陈祖斌 《吉林大学学报(工学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期1969-1975,共7页
在监测工区范围内建立一个可用速度模型能够有效地提高微地震定位的可信度,本文针对微地震地面监测速度模型校正进行研究。目前已有的微地震地面监测速度模型校正方法仅对各层速度不确定性进行了分析,并没有考虑到各层界面位置不确定性... 在监测工区范围内建立一个可用速度模型能够有效地提高微地震定位的可信度,本文针对微地震地面监测速度模型校正进行研究。目前已有的微地震地面监测速度模型校正方法仅对各层速度不确定性进行了分析,并没有考虑到各层界面位置不确定性,导致最终射孔定位结果仍存在一定误差。本文在振幅叠加微地震速度模型构建方法基础上,提出了通过扩大解空间的方法提高射孔重定位精度,即在极快速模拟退火方法过程中同时考虑各层速度不确定性和层界面位置不确定性。二维层状起伏地层模型实验表明:与现有方法相比,该方法能够准确将射孔事件重定位至其真实值处,并能有效提高射孔点附近微地震事件定位可信度。最后将该方法应用于实际野外数据处理,验证了该方法的有效性和实用性。 展开更多
关键词 固体地球物理学 地震地面监测速度模型校正 速度不确定性 层界面位置不确定性 射孔重定位
作者 (Compiled by Editorial Office of CT Theory and Applications, Beijing 100081 ) 《CT理论与应用研究(中英文)》 2002年第1期48-51,共4页
在《CT理论与应用研究》杂志1994-2001年本杂志“刊标”的基础上,在其上方增加象征三维体视学成像的三角形四面体的透视图:该刊标的右下侧为医学断面成像扫描仪(包括各种X-CT机与核磁共振MRI扫描仪等):其左下侧为三维地幔速度模... 在《CT理论与应用研究》杂志1994-2001年本杂志“刊标”的基础上,在其上方增加象征三维体视学成像的三角形四面体的透视图:该刊标的右下侧为医学断面成像扫描仪(包括各种X-CT机与核磁共振MRI扫描仪等):其左下侧为三维地幔速度模型和地球核的示意图,切出有两个地幔剖面,表示纵波速度二维变化的剖面。该速度剖面系根据赵大鹏教授的理论和计算方法,按照地球上的两个大圆弧做计算和绘制的彩色图,排在本期封4:第一大圆弧,从北极经西巴基斯坦(28°N,64°E)到马尔代夫群岛(3°N,73°E);第二大圆弧,从马尔代夫群岛点(3°N,73°E)连接巴布新几内亚之南点(12°S,150°E),来计算两速度分布并作图的结果,其具体分布参见封4的两条彩色剖面和相应的地理位置图。由于赵教授这篇论文^[1]在中国国内只有很少数图书馆收藏,在Elsevier Science的EPSL网站上一般人只能查到摘要,本刊对于该地幔速度模型的制作方法和所用数据资料,该模型的优越性和特征进行了叙述,他所用的地震事件数目,多达7128个;用于层析反演成像的震相到时数多到近一百万条。该速度模型具有如下的特点:在所采用的速度结构中,包含用几个复杂形状的地质速度界面,如莫霍面,以及下沉板块的分界面,并给有三维的速度变化;提出一组三维网格,用以表示地下速度的三维结构。其中任何一点的速度变动,系由它周围8个节点上的速度变动经过线性内插来计算的。提出精确而快速地计算走时和射线路径的方法,即高效率的三维射线追踪技术,在射线追踪当中,计入了地震台的海拔高度,等等。这种层析成像方法,已在许多国家和各种大地构造环境中被引用。在网站上,他这篇文章在2001年被下载得最多。 展开更多
关键词 CT理论 地幔速度模型 刊标 体视学成像 医学成像扫描仪 地幔地震速度模型 震波速度变动分布图
作者 麦克拉尼 《国际地震动态》 1999年第5期28-29,共2页
南加州地震中心的科研任务南加州地震中心(SCEC)的研究目标是研究和发展地震危险性评估的科学基础,其研究重点是:①地震潜势或作为地点、震级和时间函数的地震发生的概率;②破裂动力学;③地面运动或是用于任何场地的任意地震... 南加州地震中心的科研任务南加州地震中心(SCEC)的研究目标是研究和发展地震危险性评估的科学基础,其研究重点是:①地震潜势或作为地点、震级和时间函数的地震发生的概率;②破裂动力学;③地面运动或是用于任何场地的任意地震的完整的理论地震图。地震潜势研究包... 展开更多
关键词 地震中心 研究项目 地震危险性 地震速度模型
井震信息融合指导钻井技术 被引量:11
作者 路保平 袁多 +1 位作者 吴超 侯绪田 《石油勘探与开发》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第6期1227-1234,共8页
针对地震速度模型建立过程中存在多解性影响钻井地质与力学模型预测精度问题,构建了由已钻井段地震速度更新、待钻地层地震速度预测、待钻地层地质特征预测与钻井地质环境因素描述3项技术组成的井震信息融合指导钻井技术,利用获取的已... 针对地震速度模型建立过程中存在多解性影响钻井地质与力学模型预测精度问题,构建了由已钻井段地震速度更新、待钻地层地震速度预测、待钻地层地质特征预测与钻井地质环境因素描述3项技术组成的井震信息融合指导钻井技术,利用获取的已钻地层的真实信息(速度、层位与对应深度)与井周一定范围内的叠前地震资料,快速完成速度模型修正及偏移成像,对钻头前待钻地层的地质特征与钻井地质环境因素进行实时修正描述与预测。现场应用证实,该技术实现了钻头前未钻开层段地层特征与钻井地质环境因素的实时描述、预测,及时预报钻头前可能出现的复杂问题,同时缩短资料的处理周期,大幅提高了时效性与预测精度,可为钻井方案的优化、施工措施的调整提供科学依据,并能有效指导现场钻井施工。 展开更多
关键词 待钻地层 地震速度模型 地质特征 钻井地质环境因素 实时预测 钻井方案优化 施工措施调整
南海海盆区莫霍面分布规律及其对深部钻探的意义 被引量:3
作者 秦绪文 张宝金 +10 位作者 赵斌 路允乾 陈玺 王利杰 许振强 张如伟 耿明会 杨振 李建平 吕文超 尉建功 《地质学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第8期2635-2646,共12页
钻遇莫霍面是人类一直以来的梦想。深海海底是地球上离莫霍面最近的地方,目前有研究推测南海是世界上莫霍面深度最浅的海域之一,但缺乏足够的直接证据。深反射地震探测可以直接揭示岩石圈的构造形态,是莫霍面探测的重要手段。本文基于长... 钻遇莫霍面是人类一直以来的梦想。深海海底是地球上离莫霍面最近的地方,目前有研究推测南海是世界上莫霍面深度最浅的海域之一,但缺乏足够的直接证据。深反射地震探测可以直接揭示岩石圈的构造形态,是莫霍面探测的重要手段。本文基于长达15000 km的深反射多道地震剖面的解释、处理、制图和分析,结合前人的研究,形成了南海海盆区莫霍面反射特征和空间分布的初步认识。①南海东部次海盆南部早期经历了较快速扩张,岩浆供应充足,受扩张停止后岩浆活动影响较小,基底平坦,地质构造相对简单,同时洋壳地震速度结构不存在异常,且有较强的广角莫霍面反射波和可识别的地幔顶部折射波,具备莫霍面钻探的基本条件。②南海海盆不同区域的莫霍面反射强度存在较大差异。其中东部次海盆莫霍面反射最为强烈且清晰,西北次海盆次之,西南次海盆仅有零星出现的清晰莫霍面反射且可信度不高。③识别南海海盆区莫霍面地震反射长度超过3500 km,首次形成了海盆区深度域莫霍面地震反射空间分布图。与重力反演的莫霍面深度相比,利用深反射多道地震计算的莫霍面深度细节更为丰富,并且可以在垂向上清晰刻画莫霍面的结构。整体上,南海海盆区莫霍面地震反射强烈和可信度高的区域中,深度较浅的区域之一是东部次海盆南部,最浅处仅约9.5 km,其中水深4.01 km,洋壳厚度仅5.54 km。综合判断,东部次海盆南部是南海重要的莫霍面钻探备选区,这对南海莫霍面钻探选址具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 南海 深反射多道地震 莫霍面 洋壳地震速度模型 钻探选址
An intersection method for locating earthquakes in complex velocity models 被引量:1
作者 赵爱华 丁志峰 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第4期294-300,共7页
The intersection method is one of the basic approaches for locating earthquakes and is not only robust but also efficient. However, its location accuracy is not high, especially for focal depth because the velocity mo... The intersection method is one of the basic approaches for locating earthquakes and is not only robust but also efficient. However, its location accuracy is not high, especially for focal depth because the velocity model used for the conventional intersection method is based on homogeneous or laterally homogeneous media, which is too simple. In order to improve the accuracy, we have modified the existing intersection method. In the modified approach, the earthquake loci are not assumed to be circular or hyperbolic and calculation accuracy is improved using a minimum traveltime tree algorithm for tracing rays. The numerical model shows that the modified method can locate earthquakes in complex velocity models. 展开更多
关键词 Earthquake location intersection method ray tracing minimum traveltime tree algorithm
Effect of Lithology and Structure on Seismic Response of Steep Slope in a Shaking Table Test 被引量:15
作者 LIU Han-xiang XU Qiang LI Yan-rong 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第2期371-383,共13页
Studies on landslides by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake showed that topography was of great importance in amplifying the seismic shaking, and among other factors, lithology and slope structure controlled the spatial occ... Studies on landslides by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake showed that topography was of great importance in amplifying the seismic shaking, and among other factors, lithology and slope structure controlled the spatial occurrence of slope failures. The present study carried out experiments on four rock slopes with steep angle of 60° by means of a shaking table. The recorded Wenchuan earthquake waves were scaled to excite the model slopes. Measurements from accelerometers installed on free surface of the model slope were analyzed, with much effort on timedomain acceleration responses to horizontal components of seismic shaking. It was found that the amplification factor of peak horizontal acceleration, RPHA, was increasing with elevation of each model slope, though the upper and lower halves of the slope exhibited different increasing patterns. As excitation intensity was increased, the drastic deterioration of the inner structure of each slope caused the sudden increase of RPHA in the upper slope part. In addition, the model simulating the soft rock slope produced the larger RPHA than the model simulating the hard rock slope by a maximum factor of 2.6. The layered model slope also produced the larger RPHA than the homogeneous model slope by a maximum factor of 2.7. The upper half of a slope was influenced more seriously by the effect of lithology, while the lower half was influenced more seriously by the effect of slope structure. 展开更多
关键词 Seismic response Shaking table test TOPOGRAPHY LITHOLOGY Slope structure
An improved multidirectional velocity model for micro-seismic monitoring in rock engineering 被引量:3
作者 李健 吴顺川 +2 位作者 高永涛 李莉洁 周喻 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第6期2348-2358,共11页
An improved multidirectional velocity model was proposed for more accurately locating micro-seismic events in rock engineering. It was assumed that the stress wave propagation velocities from a micro-seismic source to... An improved multidirectional velocity model was proposed for more accurately locating micro-seismic events in rock engineering. It was assumed that the stress wave propagation velocities from a micro-seismic source to three nearest monitoring sensors in a sensor's array arrangement were the same. Since the defined objective function does not require pre-measurement of the stress wave propagation velocity in the field, errors from the velocity measurement can be avoided in comparison to three traditional velocity models. By analyzing 24 different cases, the proposed multidirectional velocity model iterated by the Simplex method is found to be the best option no matter the source is within the region of the sensor's array or not. The proposed model and the adopted iterative algorithm are verified by field data and it is concluded that it can significantly reduce the error of the estimated source location. 展开更多
关键词 multidirectional velocity model micro-seismic event Simplex method rock engineering field measurement error estimation
Converted-wave Seismology in Anisotropic Media Revisited, Part II: Application to Parameter Estimation 被引量:2
作者 李向阳 Yuan Jianxin 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2005年第3期153-167,i0001,F0003,共17页
In transversely isotropic media with a vertical symmetry axis (VTI), the converted-wave (C-wave) moveout over intermediate-to-far offsets is determined by four parameters. These are the C-wave stacking velocity Vc... In transversely isotropic media with a vertical symmetry axis (VTI), the converted-wave (C-wave) moveout over intermediate-to-far offsets is determined by four parameters. These are the C-wave stacking velocity Vc2 , the vertical and effective velocity ratios γ0 and γeff, and the anisotropic parameter χeff. We refer to the four parameters as the C-wave stacking velocity model. The purpose of C-wave velocity analysis is to determine this stacking velocity model. The C-wave stacking velocity model Vc2, γ0, γeff, and χeff can be determined from P-and C-wave reflection moveout data. However, error propagation is a severe problem in C-wave reflection-moveout inversion. The current short-spread stacking velocity as deduced from hyperbolic moveout does not provide sufficient accuracy to yield meaningful inverted values for the anisotropic parameters. The non-hyperbolic moveout over intermediate-offsets (x/z from 1.0 to 1.5) is no longer negligible and can be quantified using a background γ. Non-hyperbolic analysis with a γ correction over the intermediate offsets can yield Vc2 with errors less than 1% for noise free data. The procedure is very robust, allowing initial guesses of γ with up to 20% errors. It is also applicable for vertically inhomogeneous anisotropic media. This improved accuracy makes it possible to estimate anisotropic parameters using 4C seismic data. Two practical work flows are presented for this purpose: the double-scanning flow and the single-scanning flow. Applications to synthetic and real data show that the two flows yield results with similar accuracy but the single-scanning flow is more efficient than the double-scanning flow. 展开更多
关键词 converted wave ANISOTROPIC MOVEOUT VELOCITY and seismology
Relocation of Earthquakes in the Northeastern Tianshan Mountains Area and Improvement of Local 1-D Crustal Velocity Model 被引量:1
作者 Sun Anhui Chen Qifu +2 位作者 Chen Yong Li Gang Zhang Zhiqiang 《Earthquake Research in China》 2012年第3期321-334,共14页
We apply three methods to relocate 599 earthquake events that occurred from August 2004 to August 2005 in the northeastern Tianshan Mountains area ( 85°30' ~ 88°30'E,43°00' ~ 44°40... We apply three methods to relocate 599 earthquake events that occurred from August 2004 to August 2005 in the northeastern Tianshan Mountains area ( 85°30' ~ 88°30'E,43°00' ~ 44°40' N ) by using travel times recorded by regional seismic network and 10 portable seismic stations deployed around the Urumqi city. By comparing the reliability of different results,we determined a suitable location method,and an improved 1-D crustal velocity model of the study area. The uncertainty of earthquake location is significantly reduced with combined data of seismic network and portable stations. The relocated events are clearly associated with regional tectonics of the northeastern Tianshan Mountains area, and are also in agreement with the existence of active faults imaged by deep seismic reflection profile. The relocated seismicity discovers some potential traces of buried active faults,which need to be validated further. 展开更多
关键词 Earthquake relocation Velocity model The northeastern Tianshan Mountains area Active faults
Improvement of Pseudo-static Method for Slope Stability Analysis 被引量:3
作者 YANG Chang-wei ZHANG Jian-jing +2 位作者 FU Xiao ZHU Chuan-bin BI Jun-wei 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第3期625-633,共9页
traditional In this paper, two drawbacks pseudo-static method (vertical of the slice method) in the slope stability evaluation have been studied. First, the sliding mass is divided into vertical slices according to... traditional In this paper, two drawbacks pseudo-static method (vertical of the slice method) in the slope stability evaluation have been studied. First, the sliding mass is divided into vertical slices according to this method, which is irrational to some extent in the seismic design of slope. Second, only peak ground acceleration (PGA) is considered, and the effects of shaking frequency and duration on slope stability are neglected. And then, based on the theory of elastic wave and the summarized geological model, this paper put forwards an improved method of pseudo-method by using the theory of elastic wave and Hilbert-Huang transform. The improved pseudostatic method gives reasonable considerations to the time-frequency effects of seismic wave and its rationality has been verified by the shaking table test. This method can evaluate the safety of a slope, the happening time and the scale of landslides. At the same time, this method also can improve the high accuracy of the evaluation of the safety of the slope. 展开更多
关键词 Pseudo-static analysis Slope stability Elastic wave Hilbert-Huang Transform Transfercoefficient slice
Study on the Crustal Velocity Model of Xinjiang and Its Subareas
作者 Chen Xiangjun Shangguan Wenming +4 位作者 Song Xiuqing Wang Jun Liu Shuangqing Miao Fajun Zhu Yuanqing 《Earthquake Research in China》 2014年第4期436-447,共12页
In this paper,we firstly analyze the "3,400 travel time table "used for a long time in Xinjiang Seismological Network to obtain the velocity structure models in accord with the table by fitting. Then we fit ... In this paper,we firstly analyze the "3,400 travel time table "used for a long time in Xinjiang Seismological Network to obtain the velocity structure models in accord with the table by fitting. Then we fit the velocity of all seismic phases recorded in Xinjiang region in January 2009 ~ December 2013. Simulation analysis is done on the reliability and stability of the velocities,and a concept is proposed for building subarea crustal velocity models according to partitioning of seismic cluster regions. The crustal velocity model suitable for the Yutian area is fitted with the data of all phases of seismic events within a radius of 1°around the 2014 Yutian M_S7.3 earthquake since January 2009,and the model is applied to the relocation of the Yutian M_S7.3 earthquake and determination of focal depths of the earthquake sequence. 展开更多
关键词 3 400 travel time table Subarea crustal velocity model Yutian Ms7.3earthquake
Theoretical Error Analysis of the Accuracy of Focal Depth Determination of Near Earthquakes
作者 Zhang Chaojun Zhang Xiaodong +3 位作者 Miao Chunlan Ding Qiuqin Zhang Aiwu Hu Bin 《Earthquake Research in China》 2011年第1期28-37,共10页
Focal depth is one of the most difficult seismic parameters to determine accurately in seismology. The focal depths estimated by various methods are uncertain to a considerable degree, which affects the understanding ... Focal depth is one of the most difficult seismic parameters to determine accurately in seismology. The focal depths estimated by various methods are uncertain to a considerable degree, which affects the understanding of the source process. The influence of various factors on focal depth is non-linear. The influence of epicentral distance, arrival time residual and velocity model (crust model) on focal depth is analyzed based on travel time formula of near earthquakes in this paper. When wave propagation velocity is constant, the error of focal depth increases with the increase of epicentral distance or the distance to station and the travel time residual. When the travel time residual is constant, the error of focal depth increases with the increase of the epicentral distance and the velocity of seismic wave. The study also shows that the location error perhaps becomes bigger for shallower earthquakes when the velocity is known and the travel time residual is constant. The horizontal error caused by location accuracy increases with the increase of the epieentrai distance, the travel time residual and the velocity of seismic waves, thus the error of focal depth will increase with these factors. On the other hand, the errors of focal depth will lead to change of the origin time, therefore resultant outcomes will all change. 展开更多
关键词 Focal depth h Location accuracy ERROR
Effect of Heterogeneities in Soil on Spatial Variation of Peak Ground Acceleration
作者 Mohammad Ahmed Hussain Ramancharla Pradeep Kumar 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2010年第11期45-52,共8页
In the proximity of an active fault, spatial variation of peak ground motion is significantly affected by the faulting mechanism. It has been observed that near fault ground motions consists of different characteristi... In the proximity of an active fault, spatial variation of peak ground motion is significantly affected by the faulting mechanism. It has been observed that near fault ground motions consists of different characteristics compared to the far fault ground motions. Near fault records, in the distance range of less than 100 m from the faults are not available except for few cases. Therefore numerical simulation of ground motions for such near-fault situations is necessary. In addition to the understanding of the phenomenon of near fault ground motion there is a need to enhance our understanding of the possible potential hazard that can be caused due to the future rupture activity by understanding the phenomenon of surface faulting. In this paper we propose numerical simulation based on discrete modeling to investigate the fault rupture propagation and its effect on the surface peak ground acceleration. In the present two dimensional study rupture propagation due to bedrock motion has been observed for different shear wave velocity. A model of size 1000× 150 m is selected for this purpose. It has been observed that as the stiffness of the media is decreasing, the affected surface is decreasing and also width of the shear crack zone is decreasing. Secondly, we attempted to study the ground motion on the surface due to the bedrock motion in presence of boulders in the soil media by keeping the boulder at different positions. We find that there is an increase in the shear zone as well as the PGA on the surface when the boulder is present on the foot wall and in the vicinity of the rupture zone. Finally, we performed the analysis using layered media and studied the affect of crack propagation and also the variation of peak accelerations. Findings from the study can be utilized to assess the damage potential of the near fault areas. 展开更多
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