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跑道侵入概念中的地面保护区研究 被引量:2
作者 霍志勤 《中国民航大学学报》 CAS 2010年第6期9-13,共5页
为了便于信息交换、数据对比以及不安全事件的研究、分析和防范,亟待明确跑道侵入的外延与内涵。目前国际民航组织关于"跑道侵入"概念中存在一个"地面保护区"的术语,业内人士对其理解不尽相同。在综合考虑升降带、... 为了便于信息交换、数据对比以及不安全事件的研究、分析和防范,亟待明确跑道侵入的外延与内涵。目前国际民航组织关于"跑道侵入"概念中存在一个"地面保护区"的术语,业内人士对其理解不尽相同。在综合考虑升降带、端安全区、仪表着陆系统场地保护区、无障碍区域、障碍物评价面等限制条件的基础上,对地面保护区的划设提出了明确的意见。结论支持并丰富了国际民航组织有关跑道侵入的定义。 展开更多
关键词 跑道侵入 地面保护 升降带 跑道端安全区 无障碍区域
作者 何京江 柴毅 +1 位作者 魏洪波 王强 《重庆大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期83-87,共5页
针对运载火箭发射飞行安全控制任务的核心问题——地面保护目标,提出了地面保护目标相对危险度确定算法。此算法将地面保护目标相对危险度的度量考虑为当前时刻保护目标与火箭预示落点的距离、火箭残骸碎片散布和毒气扩散分布、保护目... 针对运载火箭发射飞行安全控制任务的核心问题——地面保护目标,提出了地面保护目标相对危险度确定算法。此算法将地面保护目标相对危险度的度量考虑为当前时刻保护目标与火箭预示落点的距离、火箭残骸碎片散布和毒气扩散分布、保护目标的人口分布、保护目标重要设施的代价函数,实现了目标的危险程度综合评估。通过将该算法应用于某对策分析及决策支持系统,实现了运载火箭安全控制决策中对地面保护目标危险程度的定量描述,为安控人员实施火箭安全控制决策提供了有效的支持。 展开更多
关键词 火箭安全控制 地面保护目标 目标相对危险度
《西北建筑与建材》 2002年第9期45-46,共2页
关键词 上海地者捷特种建材有限公司 混凝土 地面保护 绿色建材 防渗
现代测绘技术在三峡地面文物保护工程中的应用 被引量:2
作者 郑书民 《工程勘察》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第3期57-59,65,共4页
在给出文物保护测绘特点的基础上 ,介绍了现代测绘技术在三峡地面文物保护工作中的若干应用 ,分析了测绘成果在即将展开的文物保护工程中应用的前景。
关键词 文物测绘 近景摄影测量 三峡工程 地面文物保护
作者 郑痴佛 孙志宏 《矿山测量》 1995年第4期34-38,共5页
中指出:在波兰,受采动直接影响的地区甚至50%为建筑物地区。开采前对建筑物必须实施保护措施,设计开采及实施开采对建筑物也必须实施保护措施。这样,开采对建筑物的影响就相当小了,这就是使用所谓采矿预防法。文中探讨这种预防... 中指出:在波兰,受采动直接影响的地区甚至50%为建筑物地区。开采前对建筑物必须实施保护措施,设计开采及实施开采对建筑物也必须实施保护措施。这样,开采对建筑物的影响就相当小了,这就是使用所谓采矿预防法。文中探讨这种预防法的主要部分:长壁工作面系统的选择,工作面进尺中临时空间坐标的选择以及开采方法的选择。达到使用较少的费用排除矿害的结论。探讨建筑物预防法部分如;评定建筑物对采矿地区稳定性的问题和评定开采后发生变形得出建筑物使用困难的结论。同时着重指出:进一步发展预报方法致使设计安全开采,有经济依据和社会赞同的开采。 展开更多
关键词 矿区 建筑物 地面保护
作者 蔡玉义 王旭 李怡 《建筑技术开发》 2024年第9期112-115,共4页
近些年,装配式架空地面工艺是比较常见的装饰施工形式,其具有加工便捷、安装方便等优点,但对于文物古建空间的使用、文物地面的保护、防震稳定性、可二次固定安装展柜等方面的要求却难以满足。研究结合实际案例,通过对文物“金砖”地面... 近些年,装配式架空地面工艺是比较常见的装饰施工形式,其具有加工便捷、安装方便等优点,但对于文物古建空间的使用、文物地面的保护、防震稳定性、可二次固定安装展柜等方面的要求却难以满足。研究结合实际案例,通过对文物“金砖”地面进行检测、场外组装试验、现场复测等措施,分析了装配式架空地面在文物古建空间的实施重难点,提出了探索性的装配式可支撑结构架空地面的实施方法和安装工艺,研究结果以期为类似项目提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 文物古建筑 装配式 可支撑结构 地面保护 文物展示
从忠县、石柱县传统民居建筑的文化内涵谈三峡工程地面文物的保护 被引量:2
作者 汤羽扬 《华中建筑》 北大核心 1997年第3期115-119,共5页
关键词 地面文物保护 三峡工程 建筑文化 民居建筑
5·12汶川大地震四川文物保护单位受损调查报告 被引量:6
作者 唐飞 姚军 《四川文物》 2008年第4期3-9,共7页
汶川大地震使四川文件保护单位蒙受了重大损失,地面文物保护单位近千处遭受空前的破坏。有83处全国重点、174处省级、803处市、县级文件保护单位受损,涉及世界文化遗产2处。受损特征明显,比例和程度较大;被损坏原因复杂。对灾害成因的... 汶川大地震使四川文件保护单位蒙受了重大损失,地面文物保护单位近千处遭受空前的破坏。有83处全国重点、174处省级、803处市、县级文件保护单位受损,涉及世界文化遗产2处。受损特征明显,比例和程度较大;被损坏原因复杂。对灾害成因的调查和研究,将是我省文物保护中探索防震减灾的新课题。 展开更多
关键词 地震 地面文物保护 受损
作者 李良才 《陕西建筑》 2010年第2期20-21,共2页
关键词 滚球半径(Hr) 避雷针在Hx高度的水平保护半径(Rx) 保护物的高度(Hx) 避雷针在地面上的保护半径(Ro)
作者 王欣冉 孙妍 徐程扬 《中国城市林业》 2024年第3期16-25,共10页
为明晰特大城市都市区城市树木人为管护因素对行道树国槐的胸径-树高关系的影响,拟构建以人为管护因素为哑变量的行道树国槐胸径-树高关系模型,根据2022年北京市中心城区行道树的抽样调查,取得685株行道树国槐的实测数据,结合文献中的1... 为明晰特大城市都市区城市树木人为管护因素对行道树国槐的胸径-树高关系的影响,拟构建以人为管护因素为哑变量的行道树国槐胸径-树高关系模型,根据2022年北京市中心城区行道树的抽样调查,取得685株行道树国槐的实测数据,结合文献中的12个模型,通过决定系数(R2)、平均预估误差(MPE)、赤池信息准则(AIC)、均方根误差(RMSE)4个评价指标,筛选出最优基础模型,分析7种典型城市环境中的人为管护因素对行道树国槐胸径、树高的影响。结果表明:1)模型M2(R2=0.647,MPE=-2.241%,AIC=600.726,RMSE=1.683)综合拟合程度最优。2)地面防踩踏护网设置、建筑遮光和树池边长显著影响国槐胸径(P<0.05);涂白保护、地面防踩踏护网设置和建筑遮光情况、垂直结构以及树池边长显著影响国槐树高(P<0.05);株距和邻近树种的差异对国槐的胸径、树高生长影响不显著(P>0.05)。3)在模型中引入代表地面防踩踏保护、树木涂白、建筑遮光和树池边长的哑变量后,模型精度明显提升,R2提升15.8%,MPE缩小29.5%,AIC值降低29.0%,RMSE值降低15.0%。因此,将人为管护因素作为哑变量引入国槐胸径-树高模型可以有效提高模型的拟合精度与适用性,可为未来行道树的科学栽植、管护以及碳储量评估等提供理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 国槐 行道树 生长模型 哑变量 树干涂白保护 地面防踩踏保护
采气井口安全截断新装置 被引量:2
作者 梅宗斌 钟瑾瑞 +2 位作者 杨文武 刘绘新 周平 《钻采工艺》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第2期86-87,共2页
采气井口安全截断新装置安装于气井井口与地面场站设备或输气管线之间。当输气压力(信号压力)达到或超过调定压力(场站设备或输气管线的额定承受力)或场站管线因破裂漏气而造成压力突降时,控制系统将迅速自动关闭液动截断阀,截断井口气... 采气井口安全截断新装置安装于气井井口与地面场站设备或输气管线之间。当输气压力(信号压力)达到或超过调定压力(场站设备或输气管线的额定承受力)或场站管线因破裂漏气而造成压力突降时,控制系统将迅速自动关闭液动截断阀,截断井口气源,以自动保护地面场站设备与输气管线。采气井口安全截断装置由液动截断阀(平板阀)与液压控制装置两大部份组成,具有原理科学、结构紧凑、操作简单、安全可靠、易于维护等特点,该系统获得两项国家实用新型专利,2009年6月经专家鉴定,其结论为:该装置设计和制造完全符合API规范要求,与同类产品相比,具有集成程度高、密封性能好、操作方便灵活、性能稳定可靠等优点,基于液压控制的采气井口安全截断系统属国内首创,该项技术总体居国内领先,达到国际同类产品先进水平。 展开更多
关键词 采气井口 截断阀 液压控制 地面设备安全保护
Fracture evolution and pressure relief gas drainage from distant protected coal seams under an extremely thick key stratum 被引量:53
作者 WANG Liang CHENG Yuan-ping +2 位作者 LI Feng-rong WANG Hai-feng LIU Hai-bo 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2008年第2期182-186,共5页
When an extremely thick rock bed exists above a protected coal seam in the bending zone given the condition of a mining protective seam, this extremely thick rock bed controls the movement of the entire overlying stra... When an extremely thick rock bed exists above a protected coal seam in the bending zone given the condition of a mining protective seam, this extremely thick rock bed controls the movement of the entire overlying stratum. This extremely thick rock bed, called a "main key stratum", will not subside nor break for a long time, causing lower fractures and bed separations not to close and gas can migrate to the bed separation areas along the fractures. These bed separations become gas enrichment areas. By analyzing the rule of fracture evolution and gas migration under the main key stratum after the deep protective coal seam has been mined, we propose a new gas drainage method which uses bore holes, drilled through rock and coal seams at great depths for draining pressure relief gas. In this method, the bores are located at a high level suction roadway (we can also drill them in the drilling field located high in an air gateway). Given the practice in the Haizi mine, the gas drainage rate can reach 73% in the middie coal group, with a gas drainage radius over 100 m. 展开更多
关键词 extremely thick key stratum protective seam exploitation fracture evolution gas drainage distant borehole drilling
Research on driving forces for rural settlement land changes in China 被引量:2
作者 CHEN Chun FENG Chang-chun 《Ecological Economy》 2010年第3期228-238,共11页
During the rapid urbanization period, the contradiction between demand for the construction land and the preservation of cultivated land for food security is getting more and more serious in China. With the urbanizati... During the rapid urbanization period, the contradiction between demand for the construction land and the preservation of cultivated land for food security is getting more and more serious in China. With the urbanization the rural settlement land is increasing instead of decreasing; This paper aims at.finding the driving forces for rural settlement land expanston. Based on land use change survey data (1996-2006) by the Ministry of Land and Resources P. R. C., this paper find, that per capita area for rural settlement land is more than per capita area for city; township and industrial land in each province except Tibet. Besides, rural settlement land area and per capita rural settlement land area are increasing while the rural poputation is decreasing in most provinces. The main problems of rural settlement land use are low efficiency, high vacancy rate, chaotic layout and illegal occupancy. Then the driving forces [br rural settlement land expansion, including economic development, family income, family scale, psychological factors, urbanization, transportation, lack of planning, limited circulation of dwelling-house land and imperfect sociat security, ate explored based on above analysis, Finalty, policy recommendations, in view of different influencing factors, are put forward to control the disorder expansion of rural setttement land. 展开更多
关键词 Rural settlement land: Land changes Driving forces: China
Stagnate to Extensive: The Design of Capital City Development in Coastal Archipelago Raja Ampat
作者 Sri Astuti 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第2期219-225,共7页
This discussion of Raja Ampat case, a subdivision of West Papua province, is related to the global warming issue where small islands will be narrowed as a result of sea level rise. Furthermore, it is related to autono... This discussion of Raja Ampat case, a subdivision of West Papua province, is related to the global warming issue where small islands will be narrowed as a result of sea level rise. Furthermore, it is related to autonomy regulations where each municipality and district has their own policy. The capital of Raja Ampat District in the east of Indonesia is developed from traditional place into central urban area. Raja Ampat, a naturally beautiful island, is located in a remote area famous for its diving spot for foreign tourists, amazing underwater life, bird watching, and to experience a traditional lifestyle with specific tropical fauna and flora. The problem is how to develop a city which needs to be in a stagnant extensive phase but: neither in vertical nor horizontal development to protect forest as conservation area due to limited land area. Identification and design methods used in this research is to develop settlement in Raja Ampat archipelago area which has around 610 large and small islands, atoll, and have 4.860 km shoreline with only 34 islands inhabited. The urban design for this archipelago of 1:6 ratios of land and ocean needs to be different, since it is dominated by water. With the limited land area resources, the development needs to be focused on the ocean area by optimizing land area. 展开更多
关键词 Coastal area sustainable design stagnant to extensive archipelago.
Climate Change and Environmental Impact Caused by Anthropogenic 被引量:1
作者 Omar Khodjet Kesba Mustapha Kamel Mihoubi Abdelhamid Hebbouche 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第5期668-672,共5页
For the last two decades the world has undergone a population explosion which has been accompanied by a speeding up of urbanization and land use for industrial and agricultural products. These involve a vast increase ... For the last two decades the world has undergone a population explosion which has been accompanied by a speeding up of urbanization and land use for industrial and agricultural products. These involve a vast increase in the discharge of pollutants into very different receiving water bodies, and have had adverse effects on the various components of the environment. For a long time, human has concerned a little of the natural environment. It is obvious that this variation in surface temperature of the earth increases the level of sea due to snowmelt. So climate change is manifested by many phenomena: floods, droughts, fires, tornadoes, cyclones, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, diseases etc.. The statement today is dramatic. Entire regions were devastated and many rivers and lakes have become polluted around the world. Pollution has it nature which is hard to be absorbed. Where did the different pollutants come from? What are the risks to the aquatic environment? To prevent and combat the general decline of these ecosystems, it is important to distinguish and determine the effects of different sources of pollution and any changes that may suffer the physical environment. The climate depends primarily on changes in earth orbit parameters, which affect the solar radiation received by the earth surface. Therefore, human participates strongly to these changes, for example, pollution is the main reason to argue the greenhouse effect, an increase of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere, which promotes global warming to the planet. These modifications are already applied in order to ensure durable development in water resources by controlling discharges into streams to preserve water resources for future generations and to ensure reconciliation between man-climate and environment. 展开更多
关键词 Human CLIMATE environment anthropogenic pollution SOIL water.
山区采动地表数字地面模型及应用 被引量:2
作者 胡晋山 康建荣 +1 位作者 孙富强 黄晨玲 《矿业研究与开发》 北大核心 2017年第9期66-70,共5页
衡量矿山地下开采引起地表移动的变形参量包括下沉、水平移动、倾斜、水平变形和曲率,根据其具有显著的空间特征,首次提出了山区采动地表数字地面模型种类,并应用山区开采沉陷预计绘制了地表移动变形等值线,结合矿区地表建筑物损坏的临... 衡量矿山地下开采引起地表移动的变形参量包括下沉、水平移动、倾斜、水平变形和曲率,根据其具有显著的空间特征,首次提出了山区采动地表数字地面模型种类,并应用山区开采沉陷预计绘制了地表移动变形等值线,结合矿区地表建筑物损坏的临界变形值,提出应用数字化形式对地表建筑物损坏等级及损坏范围的判定方法,以此为矿区地面建筑物的预先防护提供决策。 展开更多
关键词 地表移动 数字模型 开采沉陷 地面保护
Salic Horizons in Soils of the USA
作者 J. G. BOCKHEIM A. E. HARTEMINK 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第5期600-608,共9页
The taxonomic hierarchy and nationwide distribution of soils with a salic horizon were studied using the USA Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Database to provide a more holistic... The taxonomic hierarchy and nationwide distribution of soils with a salic horizon were studied using the USA Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Database to provide a more holistic view of the role of soil-forming factors in pedogenesis than from isolated case studies. Soils with a salic horizon occupied an area of 11 000 km2, i.e., 0.1% of land area in the contiguous USA. These soils occur narrowly in three great groups (Aquisalids, Haplosalids and Halaquepts), 11 subgroups, and 97 soil series. Soils with a salic horizon commonly had a mesic (50% of soil series) or thermic (19%) soil-temperature class, an aquic (89%) soil-moisture class, a mixed mineral class (79%), a calcareous (52%) reaction class, a superaztive (59%) cation exchange activity class, and a fine (24% of soil series), fine-loamy (24% of soil series), or fine-silty (19% of soil series) particle-size class. Soils with a salic horizon were concentrated in the Basin and Range Province of western USA. The key pedogenic processes leading to the development of salic horizons were salinization, gleization, and calcification, with some evidence for argilluviation and silicification. 展开更多
关键词 saline soils soil classification solonchak
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