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勘测数据地面建模的实现 被引量:7
作者 石红兵 曲经建 《北方交通大学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 1999年第6期78-81,共4页
关键词 地面建 勘测设计 软件开发 铁路 勘测数据
TBM施工对地面建筑物振动影响分析 被引量:2
作者 田皓文 《山西建筑》 2012年第34期192-194,共3页
为了了解TBM掘进对地面建(构)筑物的影响规律、影响程度,为重庆轨道交通施工过程中的建筑物保护提供理论基础,以五里店立交至五童路段道路主1线20号右桥台为研究对象,测试TBM掘进时,桥台的振动情况,通过对测试数据的分析,得出了TBM掘进... 为了了解TBM掘进对地面建(构)筑物的影响规律、影响程度,为重庆轨道交通施工过程中的建筑物保护提供理论基础,以五里店立交至五童路段道路主1线20号右桥台为研究对象,测试TBM掘进时,桥台的振动情况,通过对测试数据的分析,得出了TBM掘进对地面建(构)筑物的影响规律。 展开更多
关键词 TBM 地面建(构)筑物 振动规律
地铁车站地面建(构)筑物标准化设计——以武汉地铁为例 被引量:1
作者 王明文 《中外建筑》 2018年第3期147-149,共3页
关键词 设计 景观 武汉地铁 地面建(构)筑物 标准化
煤矿开采沉陷对地面建(构)筑物的影响 被引量:6
作者 赵安文 《山西建筑》 2003年第11期40-40,55,共2页
介绍了煤矿开采沉陷对地面建筑物的影响问题 ,从采空塌陷的一般规律、地表移动和变形等方面进行了论述 ,指出了煤矿开采沉陷的防治方法和措施。
关键词 煤矿 采空塌陷 地表移动 地面建(构)筑物 变形
无人机地面动力学建模及分析 被引量:5
作者 陈丽城 李春涛 +1 位作者 张孝伟 许陈元 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期13-18,35,共7页
在无人机地面运动优化控制的研究中,由于无人机地面运动有缓冲器等非线性系统存在,地面受力情况比较复杂,使地面滑跑产生偏差。首先以某型无人机为研究对象,分别对其在地面滑跑的起落架支撑力、纵向摩擦力及侧向摩擦力进行了详细的分析... 在无人机地面运动优化控制的研究中,由于无人机地面运动有缓冲器等非线性系统存在,地面受力情况比较复杂,使地面滑跑产生偏差。首先以某型无人机为研究对象,分别对其在地面滑跑的起落架支撑力、纵向摩擦力及侧向摩擦力进行了详细的分析,建立了包含起落架的无人机地面滑跑模型,给无人机地面运动提供了一个近似真实的仿真环境。在全面分析无人机地面滑跑过程的基础上,针对地面滑跑侧向受力的复杂性,提出利用其侧向力与力矩平衡条件,将地面对机轮总的侧向摩擦力合理分配到三轮上,使无人机在无侧滑情况下,地面低速状态时能沿着正确跑道滑行,不发生偏航。Matlab/Simulink上对模型进行仿真验证,仿真结果表明地面模型正确,符合用于对无人机地面滑跑段控制设计的要求,为无人机地面运动优化控制提供了原理依据。 展开更多
关键词 无人机 地面建 滑跑 仿真
GNSS-R SAR地面目标建模与成像 被引量:23
作者 李墨羽 焦瑞莉 +1 位作者 朱云龙 吴世玉 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第23期265-270,共6页
针对GNSS-R SAR对地成像仿真中,由于地面目标建模以目标复杂的实地勘测DEM(Digital Elevation Model)为基础而导致的典型目标影像特征不利于单独观察的问题,基于蒙特卡罗方法对随机地表建模,基于欧几里德原理对建筑和树木建模,构建结构... 针对GNSS-R SAR对地成像仿真中,由于地面目标建模以目标复杂的实地勘测DEM(Digital Elevation Model)为基础而导致的典型目标影像特征不利于单独观察的问题,基于蒙特卡罗方法对随机地表建模,基于欧几里德原理对建筑和树木建模,构建结构灵活可控的成像场景。利用导航卫星作为辐射源,机载接收机作为信号接收平台,成像场景反射的GNSS-R信号作为回波信号,BP算法作为成像处理算法,进行成像仿真。仿真结果表明,该仿真场景下生成的图像可反映不同地面目标的结构特点和散射强度差异,证明了所构建的地面目标模型能够应用于GNSS-R SAR成像系统的仿真验证。 展开更多
关键词 全球导航卫星系统(GNSS) 合成孔径雷达(SAR) 地面目标 导航卫星 BP算法
优化地面产建 节约集约用地 被引量:1
作者 史斌 张建军 +1 位作者 范鹏 马连杰 《石油工业技术监督》 2017年第9期20-22,共3页
面对日益严格的国家政策和法律法规,土地使用成本逐渐提高,征地手续愈加正规、复杂。地面产建在实施前充分优化设计,在设施过程中结合苏里格气田现场实际,在借鉴吸收苏里格地区其他区块地面产建布局的基础上,通过优化场站管网布局、井... 面对日益严格的国家政策和法律法规,土地使用成本逐渐提高,征地手续愈加正规、复杂。地面产建在实施前充分优化设计,在设施过程中结合苏里格气田现场实际,在借鉴吸收苏里格地区其他区块地面产建布局的基础上,通过优化场站管网布局、井丛类型优化、简化井口管线、电网电源点选择、充分依托地方道路,达到了切实减少土地占用面积,从而节约集约使用用地的目的,既有效地缓解了土地资源紧缺与油田开发建设的矛盾,又提高了油气田开发综合效益。 展开更多
关键词 地面 土地使用成本 场站管网 综合效益
一种低成本的机器人室内可通行区域建模方法 被引量:6
作者 张釜恺 芮挺 +1 位作者 何雷 杨成松 《北京航空航天大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第12期2470-2478,共9页
基于单目视觉的同步定位与建图(SLAM)是机器人领域中的一项热门技术。然而,在场景建图方面,由于其计算量较大,各主流方法还无法在低运算能力的平台上实现实时的场景建模。针对室内环境与小型机器人的特定情况,提出了一种新的可通行区域... 基于单目视觉的同步定位与建图(SLAM)是机器人领域中的一项热门技术。然而,在场景建图方面,由于其计算量较大,各主流方法还无法在低运算能力的平台上实现实时的场景建模。针对室内环境与小型机器人的特定情况,提出了一种新的可通行区域建模方法。该方法建立在单目特征点SLAM的基础上,通过HSV色彩空间内的图像自适应阈值分割获取地面分割图像,并与SLAM生成的稀疏点云进行交叉比对,进而获取地平面与准确的地面分割区域,再将地面分割区域反投影到地平面上,获取地面的稠密建模。在室内场景的实验中,所提方法的平均运算速度能达到21帧/s,速度约为ORB-SLAM的70%,能够满足移动平台的实时性要求。对于地平面位置的还原平均误差为5.8%,地面上道路宽度的建模误差在3.5%~12.8%。 展开更多
关键词 单目同步定位与 室内场景 可通行区域 地面建 图像分割
大口径顶管穿越浅覆土及对建、构筑物保护施工技术 被引量:2
作者 丁庆云 吴祥红 《建筑施工》 2009年第2期141-142,共2页
本文介绍了大口径顶管施工浅覆土地面建、构筑物的保护施工技术难题,并切实有效地确保了地面周边建、构筑物安全。同时对非开挖施工地面沉降若干问题的理论研究和探讨,研究开发适合大口径顶管穿越浅覆土及建构筑物保护综合技术,以达到... 本文介绍了大口径顶管施工浅覆土地面建、构筑物的保护施工技术难题,并切实有效地确保了地面周边建、构筑物安全。同时对非开挖施工地面沉降若干问题的理论研究和探讨,研究开发适合大口径顶管穿越浅覆土及建构筑物保护综合技术,以达到低成本、高效率、高质量进行管道非开挖埋管施工的目的。 展开更多
关键词 大口径钢管顶管施工 浅覆土 地面建 构筑物保护
复杂运动下弹载雷达杂波建模方法 被引量:2
作者 杨豪 余渝生 +5 位作者 王志城 孙永岩 刘艳阳 林欣 黄鹏辉 邹子豪 《上海航天(中英文)》 CSCD 2023年第1期94-103,116,共11页
旋转是制导导弹为消除推力偏心、增强弹体飞行稳定性、提高打击精度所采用的一种重要手段。在导弹旋转飞行过程中,会产生马格努斯效应和陀螺效应,使旋转导弹具有特殊的动力学特性,这种特性表现为弹体除了绕自身的对称轴旋转外,还会产生... 旋转是制导导弹为消除推力偏心、增强弹体飞行稳定性、提高打击精度所采用的一种重要手段。在导弹旋转飞行过程中,会产生马格努斯效应和陀螺效应,使旋转导弹具有特殊的动力学特性,这种特性表现为弹体除了绕自身的对称轴旋转外,还会产生进动与章动,弹体的复杂运动使杂波特性发生变化。本文提出一种对弹体的自旋、进动和章动进行精确建模的方法。仿真结果表明:与理想的正侧视模型相比,该方法能更加准确刻画导弹的运动特性,对弹载平台下的杂波进行更精确化的建模。 展开更多
关键词 弹载雷达 多通道地面杂波 前视雷达 平台进动 弹体章动
基于BIM的道路地质地面信息模型构建及应用 被引量:13
作者 张志清 金雪峰 +1 位作者 肖书影 张贵阳 《公路》 北大核心 2021年第2期28-34,共7页
基于BIM的道路全数字三维地质地面信息模型构建是实现道路工程BIM动态设计的关键。以北京市平谷区黄松峪山区某道路工程为例,将道路地质地面信息导入到Civil 3D中,利用Civil 3D的点、块、曲面、实体提取等功能,构建了三维地质地面信息... 基于BIM的道路全数字三维地质地面信息模型构建是实现道路工程BIM动态设计的关键。以北京市平谷区黄松峪山区某道路工程为例,将道路地质地面信息导入到Civil 3D中,利用Civil 3D的点、块、曲面、实体提取等功能,构建了三维地质地面信息基础模型并在此基础之上进行综合设计,实现了基于地质地面信息的纵断面设计、土石方计算等定量分析。结果表明,该方法可以初步解决道路设计中地质地面信息储存、管理、分析以及可视化的问题,为基于BIM的道路全数字化正向设计提供支撑。 展开更多
关键词 道路工程 BIM 三维地质地面建 道路设计 信息化
采空区沉陷规律研究 被引量:6
作者 高中祥 冀凯 《山东煤炭科技》 2008年第2期93-93,95,共2页
关键词 采空沉陷 地表移动 区域 变形 地面建(构)筑物
Reconstructing DEM using TLS point cloud data and NURBS surface 被引量:2
作者 宋冰 郑南山 +2 位作者 厉东伟 陈冉丽 李亮 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第9期3165-3172,共8页
Underground coal mining inevitably results in land surface subsidence.Acquiring information on land surface subsidence is important in the detection of surface change.However,conventional data acquisition techniques c... Underground coal mining inevitably results in land surface subsidence.Acquiring information on land surface subsidence is important in the detection of surface change.However,conventional data acquisition techniques cannot always retrieve information on whole subsidence area.This study focuses on the reconstruction of a digital elevation model(DEM) with terrestrial laser scanning(TLS) point cloud data.Firstly,the methodology of the DEM with terrestrial 3-dimensional laser scanning is introduced.Then,a DEM modeling approach that involves the application of curved non-uniform rational B-splines(NURBS) surface is put forward.Finally,the performance of the DEM modeling approach with different surface inverse methods is demonstrated.The results indicate that the DEM based on the point cloud data and curved NURBS surface can achieve satisfactory accuracy.In addition,the performance of the hyperbolic paraboloid appears to be better than that of the elliptic paraboloid.The reconstructed DEM is continuous and can easily be integrated into other programs.Such features are of great importance in monitoring dynamic ground surface subsidence. 展开更多
关键词 terrestrial 3D laser scanning NURBS surface DEM modeling performance analysis
Establishment of Rural Housing Land Standard in China 被引量:6
作者 SONG Wei CHEN Baiming +1 位作者 ZHANG Ying WU Jianzhai 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第4期483-495,共13页
On the basis of rural household survey in 12 provinces of China in 2005,this research built an econometrical model to find the area standard for rural housing land.This standard is expected to facilitate rural housing... On the basis of rural household survey in 12 provinces of China in 2005,this research built an econometrical model to find the area standard for rural housing land.This standard is expected to facilitate rural housing land administration,efficient and intensive housing land use and policy making.This research concludes:1) according to the household survey data,the average area for rural housing land in China is about 235.26 m 2,and the rural housing land mainly includes unused land(42.89%) and house construction land(37.76%) with the average floor-area ratio of 0.42;2) the indexes in the standard concern the factors such as location,landform,house form,household population and cultivated land area per farmer,which all have significant effects on rural housing land use;3) the reasonable area for rural housing land may be 150 m 2 in average before 2020,and the referential standards in different provinces are 120 m 2,130 m 2,140m 2,150 m 2,160 m 2,170 m 2,190 m 2,200 m 2,210 m 2,220 m 2,230 m 2 and 250 m 2 respectively;and 4) if there are less than two persons or more than five persons in a family,these standards need to be decreased or increased by 7%.When the cultivated land area per farmer is lower than the provincial average,the standards have to reduce by 3.5%. 展开更多
关键词 rural housing land area standard rural household survey China
A New Look at Building Facades as Infrastructure 被引量:3
作者 Doris Sung 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2016年第1期63-68,共6页
Like the hard surfaces of streets and sidewalks in an urban environment, the vertical and horizontal surface area on the outside of urban buildings contributes to the constant heating of large cities around the world.... Like the hard surfaces of streets and sidewalks in an urban environment, the vertical and horizontal surface area on the outside of urban buildings contributes to the constant heating of large cities around the world. However, little is done to design this surface to benefit the public sphere. Instead, the facade of a building performs either as a component that focuses only on the quality of comfort for interior occupants, while ignoring effects on the exterior of the building, or as an identifiable aesthetic for the building's owners, This essay proposes the rethinking of the building facade as a steward of outdoor pedestrian welfare, and the conception of public health as an added function of the building envelope- a concept that may fall into the jurisdiction of public works. If the huge total surface area of a city's buildings is thought of as part of the city's infrastructure, then its public contribution may not only make outdoor areas comfortable, clean, and enjoyable, but also help to alleviate the bigger problem of rising temperatures in cities. 展开更多
关键词 Building facade infrastructure Public pedestrian comfort Building facades for public Health
Improved geologic surface approximation using a multiquadric method with additional constraints 被引量:2
作者 SONG Xianfeng RUI Xiaoping +1 位作者 JU Yiwen YANG Yongguo 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2010年第4期600-606,共7页
Geologic surface approximation is profoundly affected by the presence, density and location of scattered geologic input data. Many studies have recognized the importance of utilizing varied sources of information when... Geologic surface approximation is profoundly affected by the presence, density and location of scattered geologic input data. Many studies have recognized the importance of utilizing varied sources of information when reconstructing a surface. This paper presents an improved geologic surface approximation method using a multiquadric function and borehole data. Additional information, i.e., inequality elevation and dip-strikes data extracted from outcrops or mining faces, is introduced in the form of physical constraints that control local changes in the estimated surface. Commonly accepted hypothesis states that geologic surfaces can be approximated to any desired degree of exactness by the summation of regular, mathematically defined, surfaces: in particular displaced quadric forms. The coefficients of the multiquadric functions are traditionally found by a least squares method. The addition of physical constraints in this work makes such an approach into a non-deterministic polynomial time problem. Hence we propose an objective function that represents the quality of the estimated surface and that includes the additional constraints by incorporation of a penalty function. Maximizing the smoothness of the estimated surface and its fitness to the additional constraints then allows the coefficients of the multiquadric function to be obtained by iterative methods. This method was implemented and demonstrated using data collected from the 81'st coal mining area of the Huaibei Coal Group. 展开更多
关键词 geologic surface spatial interpolation multiquadric function exterior penalty function physical constraints
Impacts of land-use change on ecosystem service value in Changsha,China 被引量:2
作者 刘云国 曾晓霞 +4 位作者 徐立 田大伦 曾光明 胡新将 唐寅芳 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第2期420-428,共9页
Changsha,a typical city in central China,was selected as the study area to assess the variations of ecosystem service value on the basis of land-use change. The analysis not only included the whole city but also the u... Changsha,a typical city in central China,was selected as the study area to assess the variations of ecosystem service value on the basis of land-use change. The analysis not only included the whole city but also the urban district where the landscape changed more rapidly in the center of the city. Two LANDSAT TM data sets in 1986 and 2000 and land use data of five urban districts from 1995 to 2005 were used to estimate the changes in the size of six land use categories. Meanwhile,previously published value coefficients were used to detect the changes in the value of ecosystem services delivered by each land category. The result shows that the total value of ecosystem services in Changsha declines from $1 009.28 million per year in 1986 to $938.11 million per year in 2000. This decline is largely attributable to the increase of construction land,and the conversion from woodland and water body to cropland to keep the crop production. In the five districts,there is $6.19 million decline in ecosystem service value between 1995 and 2005. Yuelu District has the highest unit ecosystem service value while Yuhua District has the lowest one. This may be attributed to the greater conversion from cropland and grassland to woodland and water body with the increase of construction land in Yuelu District. It is suggested that the increase rate of construction land should be controlled rigorously and the area of woodland and water body should be increased or at least retained in the study area. 展开更多
关键词 land-use change urban expansion city scale district scale central China Changsha
The mitigation negative effect of tunnel-blasting-induced vibrations on constructed tunnel and buildings
作者 LIN Da-neng 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2011年第1期28-33,共6页
Provided the results of a research conducted to investigate the relationships between the empirical vibration attenuation equation of Peak Particle Velocity (PPV) and the Scaled Charge (SC) through testing the bla... Provided the results of a research conducted to investigate the relationships between the empirical vibration attenuation equation of Peak Particle Velocity (PPV) and the Scaled Charge (SC) through testing the blasting-induced vibrations on the spot of Wanshishan tunnel based on 96 vibration recordings. It is found that the maximum charge amount per delay in Wanshishan tunnel excavating is determined by the buildings on the surface and the constructed tunnel nearby. Considering that the repeated blast loading in tunnel blasting caused accumulative effects of damage on buildings, comfortable threshold damage limits of PPV to maintain buildings safety was given. Dynamic Stress Ratio (DSR) was adopted to study the stability of constructed tunnel on the action of blasting induced vibrations. The method to determine specific maximum charge amount per delay in Wanshishan tunnel excavation was given. It is proved that the findings in this study are very effective to control the negative effects of blasting-induced vibrations on buildings on the surface and constructed tunnel nearby. 展开更多
关键词 blasting-induced vibration tunnel blasting threshold damage limits maximum charge amount per delay
Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Geological Solids Based on Section Topology Reasoning 被引量:13
作者 HE Zhenwen WU Chonglong +1 位作者 TIAN Yiping MAO Xiaoping 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2008年第3期201-208,共8页
In order to solve the dynamic reconstruction and local updating problem of three-dimensional geological solids, topology reasoning is used for three-dimensional geological modeling. This can advance the level of the c... In order to solve the dynamic reconstruction and local updating problem of three-dimensional geological solids, topology reasoning is used for three-dimensional geological modeling. This can advance the level of the corresponding section automation in implementing the 3D geological solid dynamical reconstruction by the construction of and reasoning on topology on the 3D curved surface. This method has been successfully used in the Nanjing city geological modeling and the Zijin gold mine modeling. The results prove that this method adapts to coplanar section and noncoplanar section data, and improves the efficiency of 3D geological modeling. 展开更多
关键词 geological section topology reasoning 3D geological solid reconstruction
Application of probability integral method in ground deformation prediction 被引量:5
作者 WANG Zijian LI Guangjie YOU Bing BAO Shuochao 《Global Geology》 2012年第3期237-240,共4页
In order to study the law of mining subsidence and ground movement, to provide the basis of coal mining under building, railway and water, we used the probability integration method to make comprehensive evaluation of... In order to study the law of mining subsidence and ground movement, to provide the basis of coal mining under building, railway and water, we used the probability integration method to make comprehensive evaluation of ground stability. Take Yingcheng Coal Mine of Jiutai as an example. Mining-induced movement and horizontal movement are analyzed on the basis of the measurement data. The resuhs of prediction can pro- vide reference and basis for prevention of coal mining subsidence and future restoration and treatment. 展开更多
关键词 surface deformation probability integration method deformation prediction
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