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Google Earth影像辅助的农作物面积地面样方调查 被引量:24
作者 刘佳 王利民 +3 位作者 滕飞 李丹丹 王小龙 曹怀堂 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第24期149-154,共6页
地面样方调查是农作物种植面积遥感监测的重要环节,一般采用差分GPS(DGPS,differential GPS)实地测量的方式实现,是一项耗时、耗力的业务工作。该文利用经DGPS实测点校正后的Google Earth影像,以中国农业科学院(万庄)农业高新技术产业... 地面样方调查是农作物种植面积遥感监测的重要环节,一般采用差分GPS(DGPS,differential GPS)实地测量的方式实现,是一项耗时、耗力的业务工作。该文利用经DGPS实测点校正后的Google Earth影像,以中国农业科学院(万庄)农业高新技术产业园及周边地区范围(3.1 km×2.0 km)为研究区域,探索了基于Google Earth影像辅助的农作物面积地面样方调查,比较了该方法与完全采用GPS实地测量在调查精度和效率方面的差异。针对不同的GE影像来源,文中定义基于GE客户端COM API编程下载后的影像为A级影像、经在线GE影像校正后的影像为B级影像、经DGPS实测点校正后的影像为C级影像。与实测的检查点相比,0.5 m以上空间分辨率的A级影像X、Y 2个方向中误差232.7 m,B级影像中误差5.4 m,C级影像中误差1.0 m。B级影像中误差符合《数字航空摄影测量空中三角测量规范》1:25000平地的平面位置中误差不大于8.75 m的要求,C级影像中误差符合1:10000平地的平面位置中误差不大于3.5 m的要求。在测区内选择结构组成简单、中等和较为复杂的3个样方类型,量算B和C级影像的面积量算精度,与DGPS实测面积比较,平均误差仅有0.108%和0.018%。从样方相对位置确定、地块和农田边界的修正3个方面用于地面样方的辅助测量,在业务工作中进行了初步应用,陕西省2015年冬小麦种植面积地面样方调查的实际效果表明,GE影像辅助调查比GPS实测方法在时间方面减少了64.2%,路程节约82.5%,调查效率提高了73.3%以上。 展开更多
关键词 作物 遥感 监测 地面 面积 GOOGLE EARTH 差分地理信息系统
基于SPOT影像和地面样方的一季稻晚稻遥感监测 被引量:1
作者 柳菲 王新生 《湖北大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2012年第3期313-316,共4页
利用SPOT卫星影像数据和地面样方数据提取一季稻晚稻种植面积的相对变化率,解决单靠遥感进行一季稻晚稻种植面积监测产生的信息误差,以湖北省一季稻晚稻种植面积为研究区,选取一季稻晚稻光谱特征显著的7-8月份SPOT卫星数据作为遥感数据... 利用SPOT卫星影像数据和地面样方数据提取一季稻晚稻种植面积的相对变化率,解决单靠遥感进行一季稻晚稻种植面积监测产生的信息误差,以湖北省一季稻晚稻种植面积为研究区,选取一季稻晚稻光谱特征显著的7-8月份SPOT卫星数据作为遥感数据源,对比分析2009年和2010年湖北省一季稻晚稻种植面积的动态变化,结果表明,湖北省一季稻晚稻种植面积总体变化率为-1.39%. 展开更多
关键词 遥感监测 地面 SPOT影像 一季稻晚稻 种植面积
思南县国家级地面样方旱地土壤墒情监测 被引量:4
作者 张永江 张丽娟 《贵州农业科学》 CAS 2008年第1期110-113,共4页
思南县国家级地面样方是全国100个农业遥感地面监测网点之一。于2006年9月21日至2007年8月23日对1号样方的旱地土壤墒情进行了19次观测。对观测数据进行了综合分析,找出了影响观测精度的主要因子及其作用大小,其中,以田间操作规范化程... 思南县国家级地面样方是全国100个农业遥感地面监测网点之一。于2006年9月21日至2007年8月23日对1号样方的旱地土壤墒情进行了19次观测。对观测数据进行了综合分析,找出了影响观测精度的主要因子及其作用大小,其中,以田间操作规范化程度对墒情测量数据影响较大。 展开更多
关键词 思南县 农业遥感 地面 土壤墒情
作者 王聪 赵帮绪 李逸凡 《机电产品开发与创新》 2023年第6期34-36,共3页
随着电子方舱的集成度越来越高,舱内热流密度越来越高,与此同时,操作人员对舱内的热舒适度及噪声舒适度的要求也越来越高,电子方舱热设计同时兼顾设备降噪设计十分关键。本文介绍了某地面电子方舱兼顾电子设备降噪的热设计过程。首先进... 随着电子方舱的集成度越来越高,舱内热流密度越来越高,与此同时,操作人员对舱内的热舒适度及噪声舒适度的要求也越来越高,电子方舱热设计同时兼顾设备降噪设计十分关键。本文介绍了某地面电子方舱兼顾电子设备降噪的热设计过程。首先进行方舱布局及降噪设计;然后开展风道设计并通过理论计算选型空调设备;最后采用6SigmaRoom软件对舱内热环境进行仿真,仿真结果表明设计方案满足操作人员及设备的工作要求。本文提出的思路和方法,对于同类型方舱的热设计,具有一定的指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 地面电子 设备降噪 风道设计 仿真计算 6SigmaRoom
基于物方定位一致性约束的光学航空影像多视铅垂线轨迹匹配 被引量:7
作者 张卡 盛业华 +2 位作者 付素霞 袁家明 陈辉 《光学精密工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第7期1784-1793,共10页
针对传统铅垂线轨迹匹配方法在进行地面基元匹配时存在只能得到一个高程值且匹配结果缺乏准确性验证的缺点,本文提出了一种新的基于物方定位一致性约束的光学航空影像多视铅垂线轨迹匹配方法。该算法对传统铅垂线轨迹匹配方法进行了针... 针对传统铅垂线轨迹匹配方法在进行地面基元匹配时存在只能得到一个高程值且匹配结果缺乏准确性验证的缺点,本文提出了一种新的基于物方定位一致性约束的光学航空影像多视铅垂线轨迹匹配方法。该算法对传统铅垂线轨迹匹配方法进行了针对性的改进,首先,改善了物方地面基元的像方多视匹配过程,其次,利用地面基元已有的物方平面坐标作为物方定位一致性约束条件,增加了多视匹配结果的准确性检验过程,从而得到可验证的地面元匹配结果。使用实际航空多视影像对本文算法与传统铅垂线轨迹方法进行了对比实验,实验结果显示本文方法在可靠性、准确性和算法效率等定量指标方面,比传统铅垂线轨迹方法分别高出26%、40%和4倍,证明其能得到更加可靠与有效的地面元匹配结果。 展开更多
关键词 光学航空影像 铅垂线轨迹匹配 地面 定位一致性 准确性验证
地面数字移动电视电波传播模型的选择 被引量:1
作者 张国庭 杨威 崔竞飞 《现代电视技术》 2007年第3期24-25,共2页
在分析ITU-R P.370.ITU-R P.1546.ITU-R P.526、Okumura-Hata四种基本传播模型特性的基础上,通过对北京单频网接收场强不同传播模型下的预测,结合北京单频网的实测数据,运用科学的数学检测手段,得出最适合地面数字移动电视在人口... 在分析ITU-R P.370.ITU-R P.1546.ITU-R P.526、Okumura-Hata四种基本传播模型特性的基础上,通过对北京单频网接收场强不同传播模型下的预测,结合北京单频网的实测数据,运用科学的数学检测手段,得出最适合地面数字移动电视在人口稠密、建筑物密集、城市地区网络规划的电波传播模型。 展开更多
关键词 电波传播模型地面数字移动电视均误差
作者 解文欢 《黑龙江农业科学》 2009年第2期141-143,共3页
关键词 农业遥感 地面 三江平原 地面调查
平行金属线阵列地面附近的早期HEMP环境 被引量:1
作者 孙宪钢 魏兵 +2 位作者 李跃波 杨杰 熊久良 《微波学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期17-22,共6页
铺设金属网的地面作为一种复杂的地表,区别于均匀半空间均匀地面,金属网必然会影响地表附近上方的电磁环境,因此,对其电磁环境的准确描述和分析十分必要。为此,以地面铺设平行金属阵列为典型情形,提出了一种计算平行金属阵列地面附近上... 铺设金属网的地面作为一种复杂的地表,区别于均匀半空间均匀地面,金属网必然会影响地表附近上方的电磁环境,因此,对其电磁环境的准确描述和分析十分必要。为此,以地面铺设平行金属阵列为典型情形,提出了一种计算平行金属阵列地面附近上方高空核爆电磁脉冲环境的解析方案,并且分析了地面铺设平行金属阵列结构之后对早期高空核爆电磁脉冲环境的影响。结果表明:当地面铺设平行金属线阵列后,相比于均匀半空间地面而言,不同高度下的水平极化场,反射场与入射场相互抵消的现象更加明显,使得总水平极化场衰减更为严重;而对于不同高度下的垂直极化场,其反射场和入射场的叠加现象也更加明显,使得地面附近上方的垂直场强幅值大于入射波场强幅值的效应加强。 展开更多
关键词 平行金属线阵列 高空核爆电磁脉冲 地面的电磁环境
作者 黄颖芬 《中国民航飞行学院学报》 2016年第2期34-37,共4页
关键词 第三地面代理 非基地航空 质量保证体系 多式联运
Determination of Geopotential of Local Vertical Datum Surface 被引量:1
作者 王晓妮 张洁 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2003年第1期1-4,共4页
This paper first develops the approaches to determine the geopotential of the local mean sea level,and then investigates the offset of the 1985 vertical datum surface defined by the mean sea level of Yellow Sea at the... This paper first develops the approaches to determine the geopotential of the local mean sea level,and then investigates the offset of the 1985 vertical datum surface defined by the mean sea level of Yellow Sea at the Dagang Tide Gauge in Qingdao city using the developed approaches and GPS/leveling data.It shows that the geopotential of the local mean sea level at the tide gauge is equal to 62 636 853.5±0.2 m2·s -2 and that the 1985 vertical datum surface is 24.6±5.4 cm above the geoid realized by the geopotential W 0= 62 636 856.0±0.5 m2·s -2. 展开更多
关键词 mean sea level the 1985 vertical datum GEOPOTENTIAL GPS/LEVELING
Three-dimensional calculation of roadway earthwork volume 被引量:1
作者 程建川 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2005年第1期88-91,共4页
To solve the inaccuracy problem caused by the two existing methods (averageend-area method and prismoidal method) used for the calculation of roadway earthwork volume, thispaper puts forward a new concept of the 3-dim... To solve the inaccuracy problem caused by the two existing methods (averageend-area method and prismoidal method) used for the calculation of roadway earthwork volume, thispaper puts forward a new concept of the 3-dimensional algorithm that takes all the roadway geometricdesign procedures as a kind of geometrical operation between the ground model (original terrainmodel) and the roadway model (designed model) under certain constraints, and then presents acomplete 3-dimensional algorithm of roadway earthwork volume as well as its executable computerprogram. The algorithm benefits from the re-triangulation technique of constrained delaunaytriangulation (CDT), which can yield a true volume value theoretically. Through a number ofpractical testscovering varied intervals between adjacent cross sections, it is proven to possess ahigher accuracy compared with that of traditional methods. All the work involved in this paperindicates that the 3-dimensional calculation of roadway earthwork volumeis feasible, more accurateand should have further application in practice. 展开更多
关键词 earthwork volume digital terrain model (DTM) constrained delaunaytriangulation (CDT) roadway design CALCULATION
基于GPS照片数据处理系统的地面样方调查 被引量:4
作者 李启亮 范锦龙 +2 位作者 许淇 刘少杰 张吴平 《测绘地理信息》 2019年第3期113-116,共4页
集成GPS模块的相机拍摄的农作物照片可同时记录地物类型和空间位置。为了处理大量的地面样方照片数据并及时转换为遥感监督分类的训练样本,开发了一个能够高效处理样方GPS照片数据的软件系统。该系统通过人机交互判识照片中的地物类型,... 集成GPS模块的相机拍摄的农作物照片可同时记录地物类型和空间位置。为了处理大量的地面样方照片数据并及时转换为遥感监督分类的训练样本,开发了一个能够高效处理样方GPS照片数据的软件系统。该系统通过人机交互判识照片中的地物类型,同时提取照片的地理位置信息,并对样本的地理位置进行修正或补充,在地图与遥感影像的辅助下生成有效的样本信息。以宁夏银川灌区农作物采样样本为例,对系统进行了测试。结果表明,1 000个典型的训练样本可在1 h内产生,减少了样本的处理时间,提高了样本的质量。 展开更多
关键词 农作物 遥感 地面 照片 GPS
《神州》 2004年第10期22-23,共2页
这年的国庆阅兵,是在经过"文化大革命"的动乱之后,全面改革和现代化建设取得巨大成就的形势下举行的。这次受阅部队10370人,各种作战飞机117架,导弹189枚,坦克装甲车205辆,火炮126门,火箭布雷车18辆,轻武器6429支(挺),汽车221... 这年的国庆阅兵,是在经过"文化大革命"的动乱之后,全面改革和现代化建设取得巨大成就的形势下举行的。这次受阅部队10370人,各种作战飞机117架,导弹189枚,坦克装甲车205辆,火炮126门,火箭布雷车18辆,轻武器6429支(挺),汽车2216辆,组成46个方(梯)队。其中地面方队42个,包括1个仪仗队,6个军事院校方队, 展开更多
关键词 火箭布雷 军事院校 文化大革命 现代化建设 作战飞机 坦克装甲 轻武器 全面改革 地面方 仪仗队
Shrek:a dynamic object-oriented programming language 被引量:1
作者 曹璟 徐宝文 周毓明 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第1期31-35,共5页
From a perspective of theoretical study, there are some faults in the models of the existing object-oriented programming languages. For example, C# does not support metaclasses, the primitive types of Java and C# are ... From a perspective of theoretical study, there are some faults in the models of the existing object-oriented programming languages. For example, C# does not support metaclasses, the primitive types of Java and C# are not objects, etc. So, this paper designs a programming language, Shrek, which integrates many language features and constructions in a compact and consistent model. The Shrek language is a class-based purely object-oriented language. It has a dynamical strong type system, and adopts a single-inheritance mechanism with Mixin as its complement. It has a consistent class instantiation and inheritance structure, and the ability of intercessive structural computational reflection, which enables it to support safe metaclass programming. It also supports multi-thread programming and automatic garbage collection, and enforces its expressive power by adopting a native method mechanism. The prototype system of the Shrek language is implemented and anticipated design goals are achieved. 展开更多
关键词 dynamic typing metaclass programming computational reflection native method object-oriented programming language
Vertical-to-horizontal response spectral ratio for offshore ground motions:Analysis and simplified design equation 被引量:12
作者 陈宝魁 王东升 +2 位作者 李宏男 孙治国 李超 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第1期203-216,共14页
In order to study the differences in vertical component between onshore and offshore motions,the vertical-to-horizontal peak ground acceleration ratio(V/H PGA ratio) and vertical-to-horizontal response spectral ratio(... In order to study the differences in vertical component between onshore and offshore motions,the vertical-to-horizontal peak ground acceleration ratio(V/H PGA ratio) and vertical-to-horizontal response spectral ratio(V/H) were investigated using the ground motion recordings from the K-NET network and the seafloor earthquake measuring system(SEMS).The results indicate that the vertical component of offshore motions is lower than that of onshore motions.The V/H PGA ratio of acceleration time histories at offshore stations is about 50%of the ratio at onshore stations.The V/H for offshore ground motions is lower than that for onshore motions,especially for periods less than 0.8 s.Furthermore,based on the results in statistical analysis for offshore recordings in the K-NET,the simplified V/H design equations for offshore motions in minor and moderate earthquakes are proposed for seismic analysis of offshore structures. 展开更多
关键词 offshore ground motion vertical component simplified design equation vertical-to-horizontal response spectral ratio (V/H) vertical-to-horizontal peak ground acceleration ratio (V/H PGA ratio) K-NET network seafloor earthquake measuring system (SEMS)
Analysis of factors and countermeasures of mining subsidence in Kaiyang Phosphorus Mine 被引量:11
作者 邓建 边利 +2 位作者 李夕兵 赵国彦 王新民 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2006年第6期733-737,共5页
Ground crack and subsidence were investigated in Kaiyang Phosphorus Mine as an example. Contribution factors to cause ground crack and mining subsidence were studied, including mining method, mining depth and ore thic... Ground crack and subsidence were investigated in Kaiyang Phosphorus Mine as an example. Contribution factors to cause ground crack and mining subsidence were studied, including mining method, mining depth and ore thickness and stope size, dip angle of orebody, geological structure, nature of overburden and water contents, and roof supports, etc. Countermeasures against cracks and subsidence were put forward. The uniaxial compressive strength of compounded phosphorus gypsum after 28 d of curing period was tested to be more than 1 MPa. Phosphorus gypsum can be used as materials for the backfill of stope. By comparison and numerical simulation, cut and fill mining method with middle-deep drilling holes and ore transportation by blasting force was selected as the optimum mining method in Kaiyang Phosphorus Mine. 展开更多
关键词 mining subsidence ground crack cut and fill mining method Kaiyang Phosphorus Mine
Influence of Late Springtime Surface Sensible Heat Flux Anomalies over the Tibetan and Iranian Plateaus on the Location of the South Asian High in Early Summer 被引量:9
作者 Haoxin ZHANG Weiping LI Weijing LI 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第1期93-103,共11页
Variation in the location of the South Asian High (SAH) in early boreal summer is strongly influenced by elevated surface heating from the Tibetan Plateau (TP) and the Iranian Plateau (IP). Based on observationa... Variation in the location of the South Asian High (SAH) in early boreal summer is strongly influenced by elevated surface heating from the Tibetan Plateau (TP) and the Iranian Plateau (IP). Based on observational and ERA-Interim data, diagnostic analyses reveal that the interannual northwestward-southeastwaxd (NW-SE) shift of the SAH in June is more closely correlated with the synergistic effect of concurrent surface thermal anomalies over the TP and IP than with each single surface thermal anomaly over either plateau from the preceding May. Concurrent surface thermal anomalies over these two plateaus in May are characterized by a negative correlation between sensible heat flux over most parts of the TP (TPSH) and IP (IPSH). This anomaly pattern can persist till June and influences the NW-SE shift of the SAH in June through the release of latent heat (LH) over northeastern India. When the IPSH is stronger (weaker) and the TPSH is weaker (stronger) than normal in May, an anomalous cyclone (anticyclone) appears over northern India at 850 hPa, which is accompanied by the ascent (descent) of air and anomalous convergence (divergence) of moisture flux in May and June. Therefore, the LH release over northeastern India is strengthened (weakened) and the vertical gradient of apparent heat source is decreased (increased) in the upper troposphere, which is responsible for the northwestward (southeastward) shift of the SAH in June. 展开更多
关键词 Tibetan Plateau Iranian Plateau surface sensible heat flux latent heat of condensation South Asian High
An Estimation of Ground Ice Volumes in Permafrost Layers in North- eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China 被引量:4
作者 WANG Shengting SHENG Yu +3 位作者 LI Jing WU Jichun CAO Wei MA Shuai 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第1期61-73,共13页
The ground ice content in permafrost serves as one of the dominant properties of permafrost for the study of global climate change, ecology, hydrology and engineering construction in cold regions. This paper initially... The ground ice content in permafrost serves as one of the dominant properties of permafrost for the study of global climate change, ecology, hydrology and engineering construction in cold regions. This paper initially attempts to assess the ground ice volume in permafrost layers on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau by considering landform types, the corresponding lithological composition, and the measured water content in various regions. An approximation demonstrating the existence of many similarities in lithological composition and water content within a unified landform was established during the calculations. Considerable knowledge of the case study area, here called the Source Area of the Yellow(Huanghe) River(SAYR) in the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, has been accumulated related to permafrost and fresh water resources during the past 40 years. Considering the permafrost distribution, extent, spatial distribution of landform types, the ground ice volume at the depths of 3.0–10.0 m below the ground surface was estimated based on the data of 101 boreholes from field observations and geological surveys in different types of landforms in the permafrost region of the SAYR. The total ground ice volume in permafrost layers at the depths of 3.0–10.0 m was approximately(51.68 ± 18.81) km^3, and the ground ice volume per unit volume was(0.31 ± 0.11) m^3/m^3. In the horizontal direction, the ground ice content was higher in the landforms of lacustrine-marshland plains and alluvial-lacustrine plains, and the lower ground ice content was distributed in the erosional platforms and alluvial-proluvial plains. In the vertical direction, the volume of ground ice was relatively high in the top layers(especially near the permafrost table) and at the depths of 7.0–8.0 m. This calculation method will be used in the other areas when the necessary information is available, including landform type, borehole data, and measured water content. 展开更多
关键词 ground ice volume PERMAFROST source area of the Yellow River Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Improved geologic surface approximation using a multiquadric method with additional constraints 被引量:2
作者 SONG Xianfeng RUI Xiaoping +1 位作者 JU Yiwen YANG Yongguo 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2010年第4期600-606,共7页
Geologic surface approximation is profoundly affected by the presence, density and location of scattered geologic input data. Many studies have recognized the importance of utilizing varied sources of information when... Geologic surface approximation is profoundly affected by the presence, density and location of scattered geologic input data. Many studies have recognized the importance of utilizing varied sources of information when reconstructing a surface. This paper presents an improved geologic surface approximation method using a multiquadric function and borehole data. Additional information, i.e., inequality elevation and dip-strikes data extracted from outcrops or mining faces, is introduced in the form of physical constraints that control local changes in the estimated surface. Commonly accepted hypothesis states that geologic surfaces can be approximated to any desired degree of exactness by the summation of regular, mathematically defined, surfaces: in particular displaced quadric forms. The coefficients of the multiquadric functions are traditionally found by a least squares method. The addition of physical constraints in this work makes such an approach into a non-deterministic polynomial time problem. Hence we propose an objective function that represents the quality of the estimated surface and that includes the additional constraints by incorporation of a penalty function. Maximizing the smoothness of the estimated surface and its fitness to the additional constraints then allows the coefficients of the multiquadric function to be obtained by iterative methods. This method was implemented and demonstrated using data collected from the 81'st coal mining area of the Huaibei Coal Group. 展开更多
关键词 geologic surface spatial interpolation multiquadric function exterior penalty function physical constraints
Dynamic Polarization-Basis Compensation for Free-Space Quantum Communications 被引量:3
作者 张光宇 杨哲 +2 位作者 张成龙 朱智涵 王振华 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第2期27-32,共6页
In polarization-encoded free-space quantum communications, a transmitter on a satellite and a receiver in a ground station each have a respective polarization zero direction, by which they encode and decode every pola... In polarization-encoded free-space quantum communications, a transmitter on a satellite and a receiver in a ground station each have a respective polarization zero direction, by which they encode and decode every polariza-tion quantum bit required for a quantum com-munication protocol. In order to complete the protocol, the ground-based receiver needs to track and compensate for the polarization zero direction of the satellite-based transmitter. Ex- pressions satisfied by amplitudes of the s-polarization component and the p-polarization component are derived based on a two-mirror model, and a condition satisfied by the reflec- tion coefficients of the two mirrors is given. A polarization tracking principle is analyzed for satellite-to-ground quanaun communications, and quantum key encoding and decoding prin- ciples based on polarization tracking are given. A half-wave-plate-based dynamic polariza- tion-basis compensation scheme is proposed in this paper, and this scheme is proved to be suitable for satellite-to-ground and intersatellite quantum communications. 展开更多
关键词 dynamic polarization-basis com-pensation half-wave plate two-mirror model free-space quantum communications
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