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基于立德树人的航空地面理论教员师德师风建设探究 被引量:1
作者 张序 罗凤娥 +2 位作者 阮威 冯杨 潘振锋 《广东交通职业技术学院学报》 2022年第2期110-113,共4页
从现阶段民航业地面理论教员在师德师风方面存在的问题出发,以立德树人为目标,分析地面理论教员在师德师风建设的重要性,建议从找准内涵、实现目标、明确标准和总结方法四个方面展开师德师风建设,从制定规范、建立机制、开办活动和搞好... 从现阶段民航业地面理论教员在师德师风方面存在的问题出发,以立德树人为目标,分析地面理论教员在师德师风建设的重要性,建议从找准内涵、实现目标、明确标准和总结方法四个方面展开师德师风建设,从制定规范、建立机制、开办活动和搞好交流四项措施做好保障,为民航业地面理论教员课程思政的能力培养和立德树人的师德师风建设提供理论支持。 展开更多
关键词 立德树人 课程思政 师德师风 地面理论教员 政治意识
“四有”理念下飞行员地面理论教员教学能力提升探析 被引量:1
作者 张序 刘雪涛 +1 位作者 阮威 屈定非 《长沙航空职业技术学院学报》 2023年第2期57-61,共5页
完善课程思政是民航业落实立德树人的举措和路径,结合课程思政的前期研究成果,按照习近平总书记提出的“四有好老师”的职业标准,梳理飞行地面理论教员在课程思政方面能力的不足之处。在爱国主义教育与“三全育人”相契合的时代背景下,... 完善课程思政是民航业落实立德树人的举措和路径,结合课程思政的前期研究成果,按照习近平总书记提出的“四有好老师”的职业标准,梳理飞行地面理论教员在课程思政方面能力的不足之处。在爱国主义教育与“三全育人”相契合的时代背景下,从意识、素养、能力、情感四个方面探讨飞行地面理论教员能力提升的路径,让其当好飞行员地面理论培训的育人“大先生”。研究成果对与民航业安全相关的岗位培训具有借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 四有好老师 飞行员培训 地面理论教员
作者 杜丽娟 《科技视界》 2015年第35期32-32,81,共2页
飞行安全是航空领域永恒的主题,飞行员情景意识的培养贯穿飞行训练及航线飞行始终,具有较好的情景意识可以在很大程度上降低人为差错,保证飞行安全。本文主要分析了飞行学员在地面理论学习过程是如何通过学习机组资源管理培养自身的情... 飞行安全是航空领域永恒的主题,飞行员情景意识的培养贯穿飞行训练及航线飞行始终,具有较好的情景意识可以在很大程度上降低人为差错,保证飞行安全。本文主要分析了飞行学员在地面理论学习过程是如何通过学习机组资源管理培养自身的情景意识,并结合自身的教学实践为飞行学员情景意识的培养提出建议。 展开更多
关键词 飞行学员 地面理论学习 情境意识 机组资源管理
关于飞行学员地面理论学习阶段情景意识培养研究 被引量:2
作者 李跃 《中国市场》 2016年第27期193-194,共2页
随着我国社会主义市场经济的快速发展,我国的综合国力和国际竞争力都得到了显著的增强,特别是最近几年,随着我国科学技术水平的广泛提高,各行各业的科技含量都得到了明显的增加,进一步推动了我国的社会主义现代化建设的进程。飞行事业... 随着我国社会主义市场经济的快速发展,我国的综合国力和国际竞争力都得到了显著的增强,特别是最近几年,随着我国科学技术水平的广泛提高,各行各业的科技含量都得到了明显的增加,进一步推动了我国的社会主义现代化建设的进程。飞行事业作为现阶段我国社会主义现代化建设中非常重要的组成部分,长期以来我党及其管理部门对其进行了大量的人力、物力和财力方面的投入,取得了非常显著的成果。文章将主要针对当下飞行学院地面理论学习阶段情景意识培养研究方面的内容进行分析和讨论,并提出相应观点,仅供大家参考。 展开更多
关键词 飞行学员 地面理论 学习阶段 情景意识 培养研究
地面灌溉理论研究进展 被引量:6
作者 张新燕 蔡焕杰 《中国农村水利水电》 北大核心 2005年第8期6-9,共4页
关键词 地面灌溉理论 土壤水分 优化模型
作者 曹元均 《城市轨道交通研究》 北大核心 2024年第7期38-42,共5页
[目的]隧道埋深是隧道施工引起地面沉降的重要因素之一,特别是在城市地下空间施工过程中,细微的环境变化极易产生安全隐患。因此,有必要研究城市浅埋隧道的埋深对地面沉降的影响规律。[方法]提出一种关于隧道半径与埋深比的地面沉降理... [目的]隧道埋深是隧道施工引起地面沉降的重要因素之一,特别是在城市地下空间施工过程中,细微的环境变化极易产生安全隐患。因此,有必要研究城市浅埋隧道的埋深对地面沉降的影响规律。[方法]提出一种关于隧道半径与埋深比的地面沉降理论解二维修正模型;以重庆地区某在建隧道为例,通过模型试验,分析不同埋深条件下地面沉降的变形规律,验证所提修正模型对地面沉降预测的合理性与可行性。[结果及结论]随着隧道埋深的增加,地面沉降总体呈下降趋势,沉降槽的宽度逐渐增大,隧道轴线上的最大沉降量逐渐减小;相较于原理论解及Peck公式解,修正后的沉降预测模型与试验值所得曲线较为接近,且修正模型在不同隧道埋深条件下具有更好的适用性;在浅埋隧道施工过程中,当隧道埋深增加时,建议扩大控制保护区的范围。 展开更多
关键词 浅埋隧道 地面沉降 地面沉降理论解二维修正模型
飞行签派理论教员课程思政能力提升探究 被引量:1
作者 颜麒宇 张序 +1 位作者 罗凤娥 张成伟 《郑州铁路职业技术学院学报》 2023年第2期92-96,102,共6页
飞行签派员的地面理论培训专业性较强,引入思政元素的难度较大。为提升飞行签派理论教员课程思政能力,在梳理前期研究成果的基础上,从教员个体、教员团队和航空公司三个方面分析现阶段导致飞行签派理论教员能力不足的原因,在总结飞行签... 飞行签派员的地面理论培训专业性较强,引入思政元素的难度较大。为提升飞行签派理论教员课程思政能力,在梳理前期研究成果的基础上,从教员个体、教员团队和航空公司三个方面分析现阶段导致飞行签派理论教员能力不足的原因,在总结飞行签派理论教员课程思政能力要求的基础上,从教员个体增强挖掘思政元素意识、教员团队创新教学方法、航空公司健全培训与激励机制三个方面提出提升飞行签派教员课程思政能力的建议。 展开更多
关键词 飞行签派员 课程思政 思政课程 航空地面理论
超采地下水引发的区域地面沉降动态风险评估及区划研究 被引量:4
作者 钟卓 《水利规划与设计》 2020年第10期46-52,共7页
关键词 危险性 易损性 地下水超采区 地面沉降风险评估理论体系 风险动态评估
自我中心距离知觉研究综述 被引量:2
作者 陈潇 钱秀莹 《人类工效学》 2010年第2期92-95,共4页
本文简述了Gibson的知觉加工地面理论,概述了客体目标距离与主体知觉感知距离两者关系的Gilinsky方程,回顾了以二者为基础展开的一系列以往研究及取得的成果,对视觉系统整合客观环境信息、产生距离知觉的编码加工过程进行总结阐释,并对... 本文简述了Gibson的知觉加工地面理论,概述了客体目标距离与主体知觉感知距离两者关系的Gilinsky方程,回顾了以二者为基础展开的一系列以往研究及取得的成果,对视觉系统整合客观环境信息、产生距离知觉的编码加工过程进行总结阐释,并对该课题研究在驾驶安全、现代交通设计等领域的应用作了展望。 展开更多
关键词 距离知觉 地面理论 视觉系统 Gilinsky方程
应急地震学的研究进展 被引量:13
作者 倪四道 《中国科学院院刊》 2008年第4期311-316,共6页
因孕震过程很难进行直接观测,人类对孕震过程及地震破裂起始过程了解尚少,地震的短临预报在短期难以取得突破。目前美、日等发达国家及地区采取的对策是,强化建筑物抗震设防、深化地震快速应急研究。应急地震学是指在地震发生后以最短... 因孕震过程很难进行直接观测,人类对孕震过程及地震破裂起始过程了解尚少,地震的短临预报在短期难以取得突破。目前美、日等发达国家及地区采取的对策是,强化建筑物抗震设防、深化地震快速应急研究。应急地震学是指在地震发生后以最短的时间确定地震的位置及强度,利用现代通信的快速性,在破坏性地震波(主要是地震面波)达到之前几到几十秒的时间内采取适当的措施,避免一些人员财产损失,形成地震预警系统。应急地震学另一个重要内容则是地震灾害的快速估计,即利用国家及全球的地震波形信息,结合地震灾区的强地面震动记录,快速确定地震的起始、终止时间、地点及能量释放的具体过程,结合当地地质结构信息,从而估计各地区可能的受灾程度,为合理分配救灾资源提供第一手资料。在进一步加密我国地震台网的基础上,在东部平原大都市地区我国应可实现强震(6.5级以上)发生后20秒内快速确定震中及震级,实现地震极早期预警。同时可在几小时内确定地震能量释放过程,形成地面震动理论评估图(shakemap),按照灾情程度合理分配救灾资源,提高救灾效率。 展开更多
关键词 地震应急学 地面震动理论评估图 研究进展 孕震过程
Prediction of ground surface displacement caused by grouting 被引量:3
作者 郭风琪 刘晓潭 +1 位作者 童无期 单智 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第9期3564-3570,共7页
Ground surface displacement caused by grouting was calculated with stochastic medium theory. Ground surface displacement was assumed to be caused by the cavity expansion of grouting, slurry seepage, and slurry contrac... Ground surface displacement caused by grouting was calculated with stochastic medium theory. Ground surface displacement was assumed to be caused by the cavity expansion of grouting, slurry seepage, and slurry contraction. A prediction method of ground surface displacement was developed. The reliability of the presented method was validated through a comparison between theoretical results and results from engineering practice. Results show that the present method is effective. The effect of parameters on uplift displacement was illustrated under different grouting conditions. Through analysis, it can be known that the ground surface uplift is mainly caused by osmosis of slurry and the primary influence angle of stratum β determines the influence range of surface uplift. Besides, the results show that ground surface uplift displacement decreases notably with increasing depth of the grouting cavity but it increases with increasing diffusion radius of grout and increasing grouting pressure. 展开更多
关键词 GROUTING ground surface displacement stochastic medium theory SEEPAGE slurry solidification shrinkage
The research on the thermal destruction of environment and controlling techniques of the No.4 outcrops fire in Haibaoqing 被引量:2
作者 ZHAI Xiao-wei DENG Jun +2 位作者 WEN Hu DAI Ai-ping WU Jian-bin 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2011年第3期345-348,共4页
The coal fire is one of very serious disasters in natural, not only amount of coal resources was burned and some ecological environment problems such as ground subsidence, acid rain, pollution and vegetation died were... The coal fire is one of very serious disasters in natural, not only amount of coal resources was burned and some ecological environment problems such as ground subsidence, acid rain, pollution and vegetation died were caused serious. The No.4 coal seam outcrops fire in Haibaoqing was take as research object, based on the existing theory of mechanism and characteristics of coal outcrop fires, a new fire-fighting composite gel is applicated which fits in with extinguishment of outcrop coal fires well. The technology has many advantages in extinguishing coal fires including isolating the coal from oxygen and lowering the temperature of the high-temperature coal and rock. The structure and chemical composition as well as fires-fighting properties of the composite gel is analyzed profoundly, as a result, reduce and stop the environment destruction caused by the coal fire. 展开更多
关键词 ecological environment coal spontaneous combustion composite gel outcrop fire the thermal destruction
Numerical simulation on fault water-inrush based on fluid-solid coupling theory 被引量:3
作者 HUANG Han-fu MAO Xian-biao +1 位作者 YAO Bang-hua PU Hai 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2012年第3期291-296,共6页
About 75% water-inrush accidents in China are caused by geological structure such as faults, therefore, it is necessary to investigate the water-inrush mechanism of faults to provide references for the mining activity... About 75% water-inrush accidents in China are caused by geological structure such as faults, therefore, it is necessary to investigate the water-inrush mechanism of faults to provide references for the mining activity above confined water. In this paper, based on the fluid-solid coupling theory, we built the stress-seepage coupling model for rock, then we combined with an example of water-inrush caused by fault, studied the water-inrush mechanism by using the numerical software COMSOL Mutiphysics, analyzed the change rule of shear stress, vertical stress, plastic area and water pressure for stope with a fault, and estimated the water-inrush risk at the different distances between working faces and the fault. The numerical simula- tion results indicate that: (1) the water-inrush risk will grow as the decrease of the distance between working face and the fault; (2) the failure mode of the rock in floor with fault is shear failure; (3) the rock between water-containing fault and working face failure is the reason for water-inrush. 展开更多
关键词 FAULT fluid-solid coupling water inrush numerical simulation
Analysis of insidious fault activation and water inrush from the mining floor 被引量:8
作者 Hu Xinyu Wang Lianguo +1 位作者 Lu Yinlong Yu Mei 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第4期477-483,共7页
Based on the stress field distribution rule of the mining floor under abutment pressure, we have established a simplified mechanical model, which contains multiple factors relating to activation and evolution of insid... Based on the stress field distribution rule of the mining floor under abutment pressure, we have established a simplified mechanical model, which contains multiple factors relating to activation and evolution of insidious water-conductive faults. The influence of normal and shear stresses on fault activation and effective shear stress distribution in the fault plane was acquired under mining conditions.Using fracture mechanics theory to calculate the stress intensity factor of an insidious fault front, we have derived the criterion for main fault activation. Results indicate that during the whole working face advance, transpressions are exerted on fault planes twice successively in opposite directions. In most cases, the second transpression is more likely to lead to fault activation. Activation is influenced by many factors, predominant among which are: burial depth of the insidious fault, friction angle of the fault plane, face advance direction and pore water pressure. Steep fault planes are more easily activated to induce a sustained water inrush in the face. 展开更多
关键词 Insidious fault Effective shear stress Stress intensity factor Fault activation Water inrush
Analysis of the Adjacent Terrain Effect on the Properties of Ground Motion
作者 Hao Minghui Zhang Yushan 《Earthquake Research in China》 CSCD 2016年第1期74-87,共14页
The explicit finite element analysis method combined with the artificial transmitting boundary theory is performed to evaluate the adjacent terrain effects on ground motion,and the influence of the distance between ad... The explicit finite element analysis method combined with the artificial transmitting boundary theory is performed to evaluate the adjacent terrain effects on ground motion,and the influence of the distance between adjacent terrains on the topographical amplification effects on ground motion is studied. The results show that:( 1) Compared to the case of a single hill,the presence of adjacent hills has little effect on the shape of the spectral ratio curve,but has a significant effect on the value of spectral ratio,which is dependent on the locations of observation points.( 2) The presence of adjacent hills has a greater effect on high-frequency ground motion,and with the increase of the distance between adjacent hills,such an effect weakens gradually,and the effect of the composite topography combined with multiple hills on ground motion gradually approaches that of a single hill. 展开更多
关键词 Adjacent terrain Terrain effect The response spectrum of ground motionTransmitting boundary
Increase in Probability of the Correct Forecast of Tsunami Formation
作者 V.I. Korochentsev E.V. Lisunov P.P. Sherbakov 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第6期716-719,共4页
The presented paper exhibits theory of the "gravitational" waves propagation near the Earth surface and in the ocean. There was determined an expression "gravitational" wave which was registered by the gravimeters... The presented paper exhibits theory of the "gravitational" waves propagation near the Earth surface and in the ocean. There was determined an expression "gravitational" wave which was registered by the gravimeters being placed in several points of the Earth globe. Alteration of gravitational field was accompanied by alteration of the "gravitational" wave which has the velocity differing from the velocity of seismic waves. The theoretical model was proved by many experiments realized under registration of the underwater earthquake core by tens of gravimeters being placed in the Earth globe different points. The "gravitational" waves assist to increase the right forecast probability of the beginning tsunami to 50%. 展开更多
关键词 TSUNAMI EARTHQUAKE gravitational waves tsunami forecast.
Structural Geology and Tectonics in Marine Science:Perspectives in the Research of Deep Sea and Deep Interior
作者 LI Sanzhong JIN Chong +7 位作者 SUO Yanhui M.Santosh DAI Liming LIU Xin MA Yun WANG Xiaofei ZHANG Bingkun YU Shan 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2012年第3期257-266,共10页
The fields of structural geology and tectonics have witnessed great progress over the last decade and are poised for further expansion in the future. One of the significant breakthroughs is the establishment of the &#... The fields of structural geology and tectonics have witnessed great progress over the last decade and are poised for further expansion in the future. One of the significant breakthroughs is the establishment of the 'Beyond Plate Tectonics Theory' where a combination of conceptual models and numerical modeling on plume tectonics and plate tectonics has enabled new insights into the structural and tectonic architecture and processes in the deep interior and deep sea. This paper synthesizes developments of structural geology and tectonics from a macroscopic perspective in deep interior and deep sea. Four key techniques are also reviewed: satellite altimetry for surface structures in deep-sea multi-beam sea-floor mapping; tomography for tectonics of the deep interior; diverse modeling approaches and software for unfolding dynamic evolution; and techniques for HT/HP experiments on material rheology and in situ component measurements. 展开更多
关键词 structural geology tectonics deep interior deep sea marine science
Correlations between Human Adaptation, the Earth-Cosmos Context and Aristotle's Four Causalities
作者 Cornelia Guja 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第10期914-928,共15页
The Earth, which is a planet connection with the evolution of the Solar system, was formed and evolved as part of the WHOLE, in close of the Universe. The awareness, knowledge, and understanding of our coexistence wit... The Earth, which is a planet connection with the evolution of the Solar system, was formed and evolved as part of the WHOLE, in close of the Universe. The awareness, knowledge, and understanding of our coexistence with the Universe may clarify a series of obscure problems of our existence, and, at the same time, may bring solutions for other acute problems which our modem society has to face, such as energy, nature preservation, the origin, evolution and adaptation of the living and especially of man to the environment, etc.. This paper is trying to theoretically break up the concept of environmenf' into four fundamental contexts: terrestrial, lunar, solar-planetary, and cosmic context. We intend to approach the four contexts that distinctly and simultaneously influence life on the Earth using the interface theory which we developed in Informational Anthropology, Integronics and Biocosmological Anthropology. We consider that the living adapted and developed in a differentiated way according to the impact of these contexts. They may be the source for the four causalities Aristotle intuited, as well as the cause of many still unknown phenomena that diversified man's evolution and variability (Ackrill 1997; Falcon 2008). 展开更多
关键词 system/interface CONTEXT COEXISTENCE differentiated adaptation to fundamental contexts
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