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粘土地层同步注浆盾构压力消散的地面降沉影响分析探究 被引量:2
作者 辛亮 《交通节能与环保》 2020年第3期137-140,144,共5页
本研究参考某隧洞注浆盾构工程案例,借助Flac3D工程模拟计算系统,以三维精细化有限差分数值模拟成果与工程检测成果比对分析的方式,对粘土地层同步注浆盾构压力消散的地面降沉影响课题开展专题分析探究,分析探讨同步注浆过程中灌注浆初... 本研究参考某隧洞注浆盾构工程案例,借助Flac3D工程模拟计算系统,以三维精细化有限差分数值模拟成果与工程检测成果比对分析的方式,对粘土地层同步注浆盾构压力消散的地面降沉影响课题开展专题分析探究,分析探讨同步注浆过程中灌注浆初期强度、灌注量、灌注压力对地面降沉的影响,以科学数据验证消散灌注压力原理的工程应用有效性。 展开更多
关键词 隧道工程 盾构影响 粘土地层 地面降 分析探究
日喀则市地面降雹统计分析 被引量:1
作者 尼玛拉宗 《西藏科技》 2001年第2期41-43,40,共4页
关键词 日喀则市 地面降 统计分析 年际变化 月际变化 日变化 雹规律 冰雹灾害
武汉市工程地质环境及地面与建筑物沉降观测 被引量:2
作者 李双林 《工程勘察》 CSCD 北大核心 1994年第6期55-57,共3页
本文对武汉市位于第四纪松散覆盖层上的多级阶梯台面与湖盆洼地汀谷地貌的工程地质环境进行了论述,从而认为其高压缩性软土的存在,大量开采地下水以及其它外部因素的迭加,武汉市形成地面沉降现象是可能的。进而提出了必须改造武汉市... 本文对武汉市位于第四纪松散覆盖层上的多级阶梯台面与湖盆洼地汀谷地貌的工程地质环境进行了论述,从而认为其高压缩性软土的存在,大量开采地下水以及其它外部因素的迭加,武汉市形成地面沉降现象是可能的。进而提出了必须改造武汉市高程控制网,根据不同情况的地基基础处理确定沉降观测方法和观测周期是十分必要的。 展开更多
关键词 建筑物 地面降 观测 工程地质环境 武汉市
地面沉降量的灰色预测方法 被引量:9
作者 林跃忠 《山东科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2000年第3期108-110,共3页
利用灰色模型对基坑施工过程地面沉降量进行预测分析 ,通过建模及计算取得比较满意的结果。
关键词 灰色系统 基坑 建模 地面 预测 施工
阜阳市地面沉降趋势预测 被引量:11
作者 李益湘 官煜 孙利平 《水文地质工程地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1993年第1期50-56,共7页
阜阳市地面沉降是典型的因抽汲松散岩层地下水引起水位(压)下降而造成的地面沉降。本文采用固结理论、回归分析、灰色理论等三种方法建立地面沉降预测模型,旨在探讨在未建基岩标、分层标的城市如何定量研究地面沉降,同时对该市地面沉降... 阜阳市地面沉降是典型的因抽汲松散岩层地下水引起水位(压)下降而造成的地面沉降。本文采用固结理论、回归分析、灰色理论等三种方法建立地面沉降预测模型,旨在探讨在未建基岩标、分层标的城市如何定量研究地面沉降,同时对该市地面沉降的发展趋势进行预测,提出控制地面沉降的措施。 展开更多
关键词 地面 固结理论 预测
无坡降地面式暗沟在居住区雨水系统中的应用与设计 被引量:1
作者 李云防 《中国给水排水》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第20期25-27,共3页
针对珠江三角洲某大型居住区地形低洼、平缓,雨水在洪水季节不能自流排入水体的特点,在顺德碧桂园雨水排水系统的设计中采用了既能用于排除雨水又可用于雨水调蓄的无坡降地面式暗沟。地面式暗沟是一种无覆土的盖板渠,其盖板可兼作路面,... 针对珠江三角洲某大型居住区地形低洼、平缓,雨水在洪水季节不能自流排入水体的特点,在顺德碧桂园雨水排水系统的设计中采用了既能用于排除雨水又可用于雨水调蓄的无坡降地面式暗沟。地面式暗沟是一种无覆土的盖板渠,其盖板可兼作路面,可减少雨水工程全系统的沟槽挖深,又因不需提高整个小区的地面标高而减少大量外借土方,一般都能节约造价。重点介绍了无坡降地面式暗沟实施方案的确定及其断面的两种作法。分析计算了雨水设计流量、排渍流量和调蓄容量,并给出了雨水调蓄容积的计算方法。工程竣工以来一直安全使用、正常运行,达到了设计要求。 展开更多
关键词 大型居住区 无坡地面式暗沟 雨水设计流量 雨水调蓄容积 工程设计
苏州地铁盾构工程地面隆沉控制分析 被引量:4
作者 王辉 《铁道建筑技术》 2010年第8期53-56,共4页
结合苏州市轨道交通一号线临顿路~仓街站区间盾构工程实例,探明苏州粉质黏土及粉砂地层盾构正常掘进引起的隆起和沉降变形特征;研究盾构隧道管片壁后注浆材料、注浆参数、二次补浆、各项掘进参数对地表隆起和沉降变形的影响;探究在苏... 结合苏州市轨道交通一号线临顿路~仓街站区间盾构工程实例,探明苏州粉质黏土及粉砂地层盾构正常掘进引起的隆起和沉降变形特征;研究盾构隧道管片壁后注浆材料、注浆参数、二次补浆、各项掘进参数对地表隆起和沉降变形的影响;探究在苏州粉质黏土及粉砂地层条件下较小的隆起和沉降槽范围。 展开更多
关键词 盾构隧道 地面降 注浆
太原市高校不同下垫面条件下降雨径流系数试验研究 被引量:6
作者 张凯凯 马娟娟 +3 位作者 孙西欢 郭向红 任荣 冯晓波 《节水灌溉》 北大核心 2014年第12期29-32,共4页
雨水积蓄利用工程是一种可持续性的节水工程。在确定蓄水池规模而进行的可积蓄雨量计算时,为了合理的选取径流系数值,进行了室外实地径流系数模拟试验。本次试验选取了沥青路面、水泥路面、透水性铺装三种下垫面,降雨强度(四个水平)、... 雨水积蓄利用工程是一种可持续性的节水工程。在确定蓄水池规模而进行的可积蓄雨量计算时,为了合理的选取径流系数值,进行了室外实地径流系数模拟试验。本次试验选取了沥青路面、水泥路面、透水性铺装三种下垫面,降雨强度(四个水平)、地面坡降(三个水平)、降雨历时三个变量,研究了径流系数与变量之间的关系。结果表明,水泥路面与沥青路面变化规律基本一致,径流系数均随降雨强度、降雨历时、地面坡降的增大而增大;透水性铺装在雨强较小时,径流系数与坡降成负相关关系,当降雨强度较大时,径流系数与坡降成正相关关系。通过对不同降雨强度、地面坡降、降雨历时条件下径流系数变化规律的研究,可以为雨水积蓄利用工程中确定可积蓄雨量的多少、确定蓄水池规模的大小、集雨工程的推广奠定理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 径流系数 雨强度 地面 雨历时
海淤泥层中污水截流管网顶管工程施工 被引量:2
作者 李小东 杨云龙 《科技情报开发与经济》 2005年第10期250-251,共2页
关键词 海淤泥层 污水截流 管网 顶管施工 地面降
黄河三角洲地区冰雹过程雷达特征分析 被引量:1
作者 刘昭武 田世芹 《气象研究与应用》 2022年第4期72-78,共7页
利用新一代天气雷达产品资料,统计分析了2016—2020年192个黄河三角洲地面降雹个例,从基本反射率因子(R)、垂直积分液态含水量(VIL)、垂直积分液态含水量密度(VILD)特征值等方面归纳出预警临近指标,并应用这些指标分析了2019年5月12日... 利用新一代天气雷达产品资料,统计分析了2016—2020年192个黄河三角洲地面降雹个例,从基本反射率因子(R)、垂直积分液态含水量(VIL)、垂直积分液态含水量密度(VILD)特征值等方面归纳出预警临近指标,并应用这些指标分析了2019年5月12日一次局地强对流天气过程。结果表明,风暴单体A3、X3初始回波主要生成于0℃层和-20℃层之间,跃增阶段R、单位体回波厚度平均每个体扫间隔分别增加5.8 dBZ、1.5 km以上,孕育阶段VIL、强回波最高高度(H45)平均每个体扫间隔分别增加5.6 kg·m^(-2)、0.7 km以上,且至少出现一次VIL跃增10 kg·m^(-2)以上,降雹阶段回波顶高、H45、VIL值迅速减少,具有明显的冰雹云生命史特征;两个风暴单体在孕育、降雹阶段表现出不同的发展演变特点,对冰雹的形成和维持有明显的影响。 展开更多
关键词 黄河三角洲 地面降 预警临近指标 生命史特征
作者 喻自凤 余晖 高守亭 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2010年第2期115-124,共10页
The impact of terrains on the precipitation of landfalling typhoon Talim (2005) over China's Mainland is investigated using the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University-National Center for Atmospheric Resear... The impact of terrains on the precipitation of landfalling typhoon Talim (2005) over China's Mainland is investigated using the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University-National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model. The simulated precipitation of simulated typhoon (the control) matches the observations closely. To compare with the control simulation, four sensitivity simulations were carried out in which terrains of Wuyi Mountain, Lushan, Dabieshan, and both Lushan and Dabieshan are completely removed respectively, but other surface properties were retained. It is found that the complex terrains of Wuyi Mountain, Lushan and Dabieshan have a significant impact on the rainfall intensity and distribution of Talim. As the terrains are removed, the rainfall is decreased very greatly and the rainfall in inland area is decreased much more than that in the coastal area. Besides, the rainfall distribution near the Lushan and Dabieshan is spread much more westward compared with the control simulation. Further analysis shows that the Wuyi Mountain would increase both the lower level air convergence and the upper level air divergence for Talim that just made landfall and thus it would contribute to the convection and increase rainfall intensity. It can be concluded that the terrains of Wuyi Mountain, Lushan and Dabieshan have obvious impacts on the Talim rainfall, and their impacts are different in various landfalling periods. The present study is a useful attempt to explore the influence of orography on the TCs in China's Mainland. 展开更多
Land subsidence induced by groundwater extraction and building damage level assessment—a case study of Datun, China 被引量:4
作者 FENG Qi-yan LIU Gang-jun +3 位作者 MENG Lei FU Er-jiang ZHANG Hai-rong ZHANG Ke-fei 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2008年第4期556-560,共5页
As in many parts of the world, long-term excessive extraction of groundwater has caused significant land-surface sub- sidence in the residential areas of Datun coal mining district in East China. The recorded maximum ... As in many parts of the world, long-term excessive extraction of groundwater has caused significant land-surface sub- sidence in the residential areas of Datun coal mining district in East China. The recorded maximum level of subsidence in the area since 1976 to 2006 is 863 mm, and the area with an accumulative subsidence more than 200 mm has reached 33.1 km2 by the end of 2006. Over ten cases of building crack due to ground subsidence have already been observed. Spatial variation in ground subsi- dence often leads to a corresponding pattern of ground deformation. Buildings and underground infrastructures have been under a higher risk of damage in locations with greater differential ground deformation. Governmental guideline in China classifies build- ing damages into four different levels, based on the observable measures such as the width of wall crack, the degree of door and window deformation, the degree of wall inclination and the degree of structural destruction. Building damage level (BDL) is esti- mated by means of ground deformation analysis in terms of variations in slope gradient and curvature. Ground deformation analysis in terms of variations in slope gradient has shown that the areas of BDL III and BDL II sites account for about 0.013 km2 and 0.284 km2 respectively in 2006, and the predicted areas of BDL (define this first) III and II sites will be about 0.029 km2 and 0.423 km2 respectively by 2010. The situation is getting worse as subsidence continues. That calls for effective strategies for subsidence miti- gation and damage reduction, in terms of sustainable groundwater extraction, enhanced monitoring and the establishment of early warning systems. 展开更多
关键词 land subsidence groundwater extraction ground deformation slope gradient building damage level Datun China
The role of potential soil cavity on ground subsidence and collapse in coal mining area 被引量:7
作者 OUYANG Zhen-hua 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2010年第3期240-245,共6页
Based on five basic assumptions, of the ground subsidence and collapse was using theoretical analysis method, the nature revealed from the mechanics point. Divided into four phases as groundwater level descent, soil c... Based on five basic assumptions, of the ground subsidence and collapse was using theoretical analysis method, the nature revealed from the mechanics point. Divided into four phases as groundwater level descent, soil cavity formation, soil cavity expansion, and ground collapse emersion, the whole process of ground subsidence and collapse was analyzed in detail. The study shows that ground subsidence and collapse is the macro- scopic performance and inevitable result of the soil cavity expansion and development, and the dynamic mechanics is the spalling force induced by the groundwater falling. The activities of underground water play a very important role in the process from the formation of soil cavity to the production of ground subsidence. 展开更多
关键词 potential soil cavity ground subsidence and collapse GROUNDWATER spalling force
Spatial-temporal Characteristics of Land Subsidence Corresponding to Dynamic Groundwater Funnel in Beijing Municipality,China 被引量:14
作者 CHEN Beibei GONG Huili +5 位作者 LI Xiaojuan LEI Kunchao ZHANG Youquan LI Jiwei GU Zhaoqin DANG Yanan 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第6期753-764,共12页
Due to long-term over-exploitation of groundwater in Beijing Municipality, regional groundwater funnels have formed and land subsidence has been induced. By combining a groundwater monitoring network, GPS monitor- ing... Due to long-term over-exploitation of groundwater in Beijing Municipality, regional groundwater funnels have formed and land subsidence has been induced. By combining a groundwater monitoring network, GPS monitor- ing network data, radar satellite SAR data, GIS and other new technologies, a coupled process model based on the dy- namic variation of groundwater and the deformation response of land subsidence has been established. The dynamic variation of groundwater fimnels and the land subsidence response process were analyzed systematically in Beijing. Study results indicate that current groundwater funnel areas are distributed mainly in the southwest of Shunyi District, the northeast of Chaoyang District and the northwest of Tongzhou District, with an average decline rate of groundwa- ter level of 2.66 rn/yr and a maximum of 3.82 m/yr in the center of the funnels. Seasonal and interannual differences exist in the response model of land subsidence to groundwater funnels with uneven spatial and temporal distribution, where the maximum land subsidence rate was about --41.08 mm/yr and the area with a subsidence rate greater than 30 mm/yr was about 1637.29 km2. Although a consistency was revealed to exist between a groundwater funnel and the spatial distribution characteristics of the corresponding land subsidence funnel, this consistency was not perfect. The results showed that the response model of land subsidence to the dynamic variation of groundwater was more revealing when combining conventional technologies with InSAR, GIS, GPS, providing a new strategy for environmental and hydrogeological research and a scientific basis for regional land subsidence control. 展开更多
关键词 land subsidence groundwater funnel over-exploitation of groundwater INSAR deformation response
An influence function method based subsidence prediction program for longwall mining operations in inclined coal seams 被引量:12
作者 LUO Yi CHENG Jian-wei 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第5期592-598,共7页
The distribution of the final surface subsidence basin induced by longwall operations in inclined coal seam could be significantly different from that in flat coal seam and demands special prediction methods. Though m... The distribution of the final surface subsidence basin induced by longwall operations in inclined coal seam could be significantly different from that in flat coal seam and demands special prediction methods. Though many empirical prediction methods have been developed, these methods are inflexible for varying geological and mining conditions. An influence function method has been developed to take the advantage of its fundamentally sound nature and flexibility. In developing this method, significant modifications have been made to the original Knothe function to produce an asymmetrical influence function. The empirical equations for final subsidence parameters derived from US subsidence data and Chinese empirical values have been incorpo- rated into the mathematical models to improve the prediction accuracy. A corresponding computer program is developed. A number of subsidence cases for longwall mining operations in coal seams with varying inclination angles have been used to demonstrate the applicability of the developed subsidence prediction model. 展开更多
关键词 subsidence prediction influence function method inclined coal seam longwall mining
Quantitative evaluation of soil erosion of land subsided by coal mining using RUSLE 被引量:13
作者 Meng Lei Feng Qiyan +1 位作者 Wu Kan Meng Qingjun 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 2012年第1期7-11,共5页
Based on a RUSLE model, we identified the key factors of the impact on soil erosion induced by coal min- ing subsidence. We designed a method for predicting/.S factors of a mining subsidence basin, using ana- lytical ... Based on a RUSLE model, we identified the key factors of the impact on soil erosion induced by coal min- ing subsidence. We designed a method for predicting/.S factors of a mining subsidence basin, using ana- lytical GIS spatial technology. Using the Huainan mining area as an example, we calculated the modulus of erosion, its volume and classified the grade of soil erosion for both the original area and the subsidence basin. The results show that the maximum modulus of erosion and the volume of erosion of the subsi- dence basin without water logging would increase by 78% and 23% respectively compared with the ori- ginal situation. The edge of the subsidence basin, where the land subsidence was uneven, is subject to the greatest acceleration in soil erosion. In the situation of water logging after subsidence, the maximum modulus of erosion would decrease if the accumulated slope length were reduced. This maximum mod- ulus around the water logged area within the subsidence basin is equal to that without water logging, while the total volume of erosion decreases. Therefore, mining subsidence aggravates soil erosion espe- cially at the edge of basins where water and soil conservation measures should be taken. 展开更多
关键词 RUSLE Coal mining subsidence Soil erosion Quantitative evaluation
Numerical Simulation of Land Subsidence at Tanggu District in Tianjin, China 被引量:2
作者 董国凤 张建军 +1 位作者 赵全 赵新华 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2006年第6期457-462,共6页
Based on observed data from Tanggu District in Tianjin, a back-propagation neural network (BPNN) model was introduced to predict possible land subsidence due to exploitation of groundwater. According to model estimati... Based on observed data from Tanggu District in Tianjin, a back-propagation neural network (BPNN) model was introduced to predict possible land subsidence due to exploitation of groundwater. According to model estimation under various hypothetical extraction scenarios, patterns of land subsidence at Tanggu District were studied and discussed.The predicted average background land subsidence rate of Tanggu is 9.47 mm/a.The significance of contribution of aquifers to land subsidence descends in order of units Ⅳ,Ⅲ,Ⅴ,Ⅱ.Land subsidence tends to deteriorate with the increase in total extraction rate. 展开更多
关键词 groundwater exploitation confined aquifer land subsidence neural network Tanggu District
Failure mechanism of large-diameter shield tunnels and its effects on ground surface settlements 被引量:5
作者 杨宇友 李宏安 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第10期2958-2965,共8页
A new technique for the analysis of the three-dimensional collapse failure mechanism and the ground surface settlements for the large-diameter shield tunnels were presented.The technique is based on a velocity field m... A new technique for the analysis of the three-dimensional collapse failure mechanism and the ground surface settlements for the large-diameter shield tunnels were presented.The technique is based on a velocity field model using more different truncated solid conical blocks to clarify the multiblock failure mechanism.Furthermore,the shape of blocks between the failure surface and the tunnel face was considered as an entire circle,and the supporting pressure was assumed as non-uniform distribution on the tunnel face and increased with the tunnel embedded depth.The ground surface settlements and failure mechanism above large-diameter shield tunnels were also investigated under different supporting pressures by the finite difference method. 展开更多
关键词 large-diameter shield tunnel failure mechanism ground surface settlements limit analysis theory supporting pressures
Comprehensive Analysis and Artificial Intelligent Simulation of Land Subsidence of Beijing, China 被引量:7
作者 ZHU Lin GONG Huili +3 位作者 LI Xiaojuan LI Yongyong SU Xiaosi GUO Gaoxuan 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第2期237-248,共12页
Mechanism and modeling of the land subsidence are complex because of the complicate geological background in Beijing, China. This paper analyzed the spatial relationship between land subsidence and three factors, incl... Mechanism and modeling of the land subsidence are complex because of the complicate geological background in Beijing, China. This paper analyzed the spatial relationship between land subsidence and three factors, including the change of groundwater level, the thickness of compressible sediments and the building area by using remote sensing and GIS tools in the upper-middle part of alluvial-proluvial plain fan of the Chaobai River in Beijing. Based on the spatial analysis of the land subsidence and three factors, there exist significant non-linear relationship between the vertical displacement and three factors. The Back Propagation Neural Network (BPN) model combined with Genetic Algorithm (GA) was used to simulate regional distribution of the land subsidence. Results showed that at field scale, the groundwater level and land subsidence showed a significant linear relationship. However, at regional scale, the spatial distribution of groundwater depletion funnel did not overlap with the land subsidence funnel. As to the factor of compressible strata, the places with the biggest compressible strata thickness did not have the largest vertical displacement. The distributions of building area and land subsidence have no obvious spatial relationships. The BPN-GA model simulation results illustrated that the accuracy of the trained model during fifty years is acceptable with an error of 51% of verification data less than 20 mm and the average of the absolute error about 32 mm. The BPN model could be utilized to simulate the general distribution of land subsidence in the study area. Overall, this work contributes to better understand the complex relationship between the land subsidence and three influencing factors. And the distribution of the land subsidence can be simulated by the trained BPN-GA model with the limited available dada and acceptable accuracy. 展开更多
关键词 land subsidence groundwater level change compressible sediments thickness building area Back Propagation NeuralNetwork and Genetic Algorithm (BPN-GA) model
Monitoring of reclamation-induced ground subsidence in Macao (China) using PSInSAR technique 被引量:2
作者 胡波 汪汉胜 江利明 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第4期1039-1046,共8页
The long-term reclamation-induced ground subsidence in Macao, a coastal city of southern China was investigated. Persistent scatterer interferometry (PSI) technique was applied to retrieve the deformation rate in Maca... The long-term reclamation-induced ground subsidence in Macao, a coastal city of southern China was investigated. Persistent scatterer interferometry (PSI) technique was applied to retrieve the deformation rate in Macao during the period from April 2003 to August 2010 with a total of 41 scenes of descending ASAR data sets. The PSI-retrieved results show a relatively stable pattern in Macao Peninsula, Taipa Island and Coloane Island, with an average subsidence velocity of -3 mm/a. In contrast, relatively large subsidence rates are highlighted in Cotai area, a new reclamation land in 1990s, in which an average subsidence velocity is about -10 mm/a. A consistent relationship between the PSI results and the leveling measurements indicate that this PSI technique is an effective tool to monitor the reclamation-induced ground subsidence with a high accuracy and adequate spatial details. Accordingly, the valuable ground subsidence results generated by PSI can be used not only for early detection and remedial activities of potential settlement of building, but also for helping the local government to formulate regional sustainable development planning and decision-making in disaster prevention and mitigation. 展开更多
关键词 persistent scatterer interferometry (PSI) MACAO reclamation land ground subsidence
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