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作者 潘焯成 《职业》 2023年第7期44-50,共7页
本文根据世界技能大赛的标准和理念,论述了作为一名场地经理如何在赛事组委会的指导下,阶段性、计划性地筹备一个项目的竞赛场地和基础设施。同时,围绕如何配合裁判长做好服务保障工作等问题展开探讨并进行经验分享,以期为其他赛事的场... 本文根据世界技能大赛的标准和理念,论述了作为一名场地经理如何在赛事组委会的指导下,阶段性、计划性地筹备一个项目的竞赛场地和基础设施。同时,围绕如何配合裁判长做好服务保障工作等问题展开探讨并进行经验分享,以期为其他赛事的场地经理提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 世界技能大赛 场地经理 服务保障
作者 沈小平 《道路交通管理》 1998年第4期16-16,共1页
当众说个明白好沈小平青岛市市北交警大队制订了重大事故公开调解制度,规定凡发生重大、特大交通事故,都在调解前三天把调解的时间、地点向社会公布,群众可自由参加,并邀请义务监督员现场监督。交通事故善后处理工作一直是社会各界... 当众说个明白好沈小平青岛市市北交警大队制订了重大事故公开调解制度,规定凡发生重大、特大交通事故,都在调解前三天把调解的时间、地点向社会公布,群众可自由参加,并邀请义务监督员现场监督。交通事故善后处理工作一直是社会各界关注的热点。无庸讳言的是,有些地方... 展开更多
关键词 特大交通事故 青岛市 交警 善后处理 现场监督 场地经理 监督员 执法
《中国招标》 2007年第8X期27-28,共2页
经对申请人所提交的材料的审查,对符合规定办证条件的,公证处应委派两名以上公证人员(其中应至少有一名为公证员)参加整个招标投标活动,进行现场监督。现场监督是指公证人员亲临现场,对招标投标活动的招标,投标、开标、评标定标每个环... 经对申请人所提交的材料的审查,对符合规定办证条件的,公证处应委派两名以上公证人员(其中应至少有一名为公证员)参加整个招标投标活动,进行现场监督。现场监督是指公证人员亲临现场,对招标投标活动的招标,投标、开标、评标定标每个环节进行监督。 展开更多
关键词 招标投标公证 招标单位 公证人员 投标方 公证处 评标过程 招标文件 侧重点 现场监督 场地经理
How Infrastructure Construction Reduces Market Segregation in China:Achievements and Problems 被引量:2
作者 范欣 宋冬林 赵新宇 《China Economist》 2017年第6期28-41,共14页
Theoretically, infrastructure construction helps remove domestic market segregation and thus create a modern market system. Based on the theory of new economy geography, this paper investigates the relationship betwee... Theoretically, infrastructure construction helps remove domestic market segregation and thus create a modern market system. Based on the theory of new economy geography, this paper investigates the relationship between infrastructure construction and market segregation using the Spatial Panel Dubin Model(SPDM) based on China's interprovincial panel data of 1993-2012. As shown by empirical result, the beggar-thyneighbor problem existed persistently within China, infrastructure construction helped remove market segregation and should be enhanced, infrastructure construction had heterogeneous spatial spillover effects across periods, and market segregation behaviors were heterogeneous across regions or localities. China should enhance infrastructure to narrow regional gaps and step up cooperation among investors across regions to reduce the adverse impact of geographical boundary, and create modern service-based local governments, allowing the market to play a decisive role in resource allocation. 展开更多
关键词 infrastructure construction spatial spillover market segregation Spatial anel Dubin Model (SPDM)
A model of local labor market regulation of China in the transition period
作者 VeQi 《Ecological Economy》 2009年第1期50-61,共12页
With the establishment of labor market of China, market is playing a more and mare important role in allocation of human resources. However, with the transition of economy in China and industrial upgrading in recent y... With the establishment of labor market of China, market is playing a more and mare important role in allocation of human resources. However, with the transition of economy in China and industrial upgrading in recent years, many labor problems have occurred which do harm to the sustainable development of local economy. The paper researches on the labor market issues of China from the perspective of local labor market regulation. Firstly, it reviews the theories of local labor market regulation. And then the main components of local labor market regulation of China are identified and the evaluation index system is established. The results of analysis of the calculated output show that (1) the local labor market regulation of China has an obvious character of gradient distribution geographically and decreases gradually from east to west; (2) of all the regulations, the regulation of the development of human capital has the most significant impact on local economy currently which is followed by the regulation of labor relation and the regulation of market participation. As to the regulation of social security, it has no Significant impact on the development of local economy. 展开更多
关键词 Local labor market REGULATION Transition period
作者 刘金国 徐金森 《山东人大工作》 2001年第9期27-27,共1页
关键词 药品招标 人大代表 现场监督 场地经理 药品购销
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