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作者 韩增霞 《畜牧兽医科学(电子版)》 2020年第2期78-79,共2页
提高母猪产活仔数量是规模化生猪养殖场的一个重要工作,更是衡量规模化养殖场生存繁殖能力的一个重要指标。提高母猪窝均活产仔数有利于发挥母猪生产性能,增加养殖场经济效益。该文主要结合实际工作经验,就提高母猪窝均活产仔数关键措... 提高母猪产活仔数量是规模化生猪养殖场的一个重要工作,更是衡量规模化养殖场生存繁殖能力的一个重要指标。提高母猪窝均活产仔数有利于发挥母猪生产性能,增加养殖场经济效益。该文主要结合实际工作经验,就提高母猪窝均活产仔数关键措施进行了论述和分析,希望通过该次研究对提高母猪繁殖性能、加速仔猪生长有一定帮助。 展开更多
关键词 母猪 均产活仔数 技术措施
亚里士多德的财产伦理观 被引量:1
作者 孙婧毅 《湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期29-33,共5页
亚里士多德的财产伦理观可分为三个方面:用"私产公用"的主张反对柏拉图的"公产"主张,承认私产的善德性;批判柏拉图的财产"两分法",将人们的合理财产定额为"宽裕"而不是"素朴";通过&q... 亚里士多德的财产伦理观可分为三个方面:用"私产公用"的主张反对柏拉图的"公产"主张,承认私产的善德性;批判柏拉图的财产"两分法",将人们的合理财产定额为"宽裕"而不是"素朴";通过"均产"理论来缓和贫富分化、消除社会动乱,主张不多不少的适度财产是最善的,进而推导出中产阶级最具有政治上的善德,是社会的中坚力量和稳定核心。亚里士多德的财产伦理观对于当下理解公私产关系、破解贫富分化现象、培育中产阶层等方面都有借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 亚里士多德 伦理 均产 阶级
应用催产素提高猪人工授精效果试验 被引量:10
作者 蔡巨广 王前 +3 位作者 罗旭芳 李俊柱 刘远彬 毛雄优 《养猪》 2001年第1期17-18,共2页
试验选用健康状况良好的经产母猪 (长大和大长 ) 2 1 2头 ,随机分为 2组 ,对照组 1 0 6头 ,试验组 96头 ,试验组的处理方法为 ,母猪出现“静立反射”后 8~ 1 2小时 ,用 2 0IU催产素 (PRL)一次肌注 ,3~ 5分钟后实施第一次人工授精 (AI... 试验选用健康状况良好的经产母猪 (长大和大长 ) 2 1 2头 ,随机分为 2组 ,对照组 1 0 6头 ,试验组 96头 ,试验组的处理方法为 ,母猪出现“静立反射”后 8~ 1 2小时 ,用 2 0IU催产素 (PRL)一次肌注 ,3~ 5分钟后实施第一次人工授精 (AI) ,随后相继间隔 8~ 1 2小时进行第二和第三次人工授精。对照组不作任何药物处理 ,仅在发情后 8~ 1 2小时后进行自然交配 (NS)一次 ,随后相继间隔 8~ 1 2小时进行两次人工授精 ,即“本交 /人工 /人工”配种方式 (NS/AI/AI)。试验结果表明 ,试验两组跟对照组的配种分娩率和窝均产活仔数差异均不显著 (P >0 .0 5) ,两组母猪断奶后发情均正常。该试验表明在人工授精前用催产素处理母猪在生产中是确实可行的 ,我们现正进行较大规模推广。 展开更多
关键词 母猪繁殖指数 人工授精 配种分娩率 均产活仔数
作者 张国栋 李锦生 《经济论坛》 2017年第7期102-105,共4页
2007年全球经济危机爆发至今,我国经济逐步进入增速阶段性回落的"新常态",各地区就业水平显著变化。本文运用系统广义矩法GMM,选取2005~2014年全国30个省级行政区的面板数据,实证分析了中国各省份产业集聚下各经济指标对就业... 2007年全球经济危机爆发至今,我国经济逐步进入增速阶段性回落的"新常态",各地区就业水平显著变化。本文运用系统广义矩法GMM,选取2005~2014年全国30个省级行政区的面板数据,实证分析了中国各省份产业集聚下各经济指标对就业密度的差异性影响。研究结果表明,经济增长方式的转变及就业人员边际需求的降低,使当期就业密度受前一期就业水平的负向影响;提高城市产业集聚,调整产业结构,优化城市产业布局对促进就业水平具有积极作用;随着经济体制的改革和创新科技的进步,产业产量和区域经济增量都表现出了对劳动力的挤出效用。此外,城市中较高的工资水平对劳动力的吸引作用仍然存在,城市中产业发展所产生的劳动力需求主要还是依靠农村劳动力从农村走向城市。 展开更多
关键词 业集聚 非农就业密度 劳动力 系统广义矩法GMM
后备母猪的配种日龄、体重、背膘厚对母猪繁殖性能的影响 被引量:23
作者 许光锋 刘新春 庞运东 《养猪》 2010年第6期17-18,共2页
为研究加系长大、大长二元后备母猪配种日龄、体重和P2背膘厚对初产母猪窝均产仔数、窝均产活仔数的影响,用佳木斯天成养猪繁育基地2009—2010年引入的200头加系长大、大长二元初产母猪生产水平记录,按照配种日龄和P2背膘厚分成不同的组... 为研究加系长大、大长二元后备母猪配种日龄、体重和P2背膘厚对初产母猪窝均产仔数、窝均产活仔数的影响,用佳木斯天成养猪繁育基地2009—2010年引入的200头加系长大、大长二元初产母猪生产水平记录,按照配种日龄和P2背膘厚分成不同的组别,统计母猪分娩后窝均产仔数、窝均产活仔数等指标,用SAS9.0软件进行统计分析,再综合考虑不同配种日龄的生产成本,确定加系长大、大长二元母猪最佳初配日龄。结果表明,在一定阈值内,随着初次成功配种日龄和P2背膘厚的增加,窝均产仔数和窝均产活仔数呈线性增加。考虑综合成本,建议长大、大长二元初产母猪的最佳配种日龄为220~275日龄、体重130~145 kg、P2背膘厚为18~23 mm。 展开更多
关键词 初配日龄 P2背膘厚 长大和大长二元初母猪 均产仔数 均产活仔数
母猪胎盘效率遗传特点的研究 被引量:6
作者 吴同山 张豪 +1 位作者 李岩 张守全 《江西农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期890-892,共3页
收集了1 059胎次的长白、大白、杜洛克、大花白和蓝塘猪5个品种母猪的胎盘效率,分析了胎盘效率与窝均总产仔数、窝均产活仔数的相关关系,估计了胎盘效率的遗传力。结果表明:不同品种猪的胎盘效率不同,胎盘效率与窝均总产仔数的相关系数... 收集了1 059胎次的长白、大白、杜洛克、大花白和蓝塘猪5个品种母猪的胎盘效率,分析了胎盘效率与窝均总产仔数、窝均产活仔数的相关关系,估计了胎盘效率的遗传力。结果表明:不同品种猪的胎盘效率不同,胎盘效率与窝均总产仔数的相关系数为0.310 3、与窝均产活仔数的相关系数为0.363 8,均呈中等强度正相关关系;5个品种猪混合数据胎盘效率的遗传力为0.292,长白猪胎盘效率的遗传力为0.303,胎盘效率具有中等强度的遗传力,可作为种猪生产中提高母猪繁殖性能的选择指标。 展开更多
关键词 胎盘效率 仔数 均产活仔数 遗传力
长白、大白猪纯繁与杂交效果比较试验 被引量:4
作者 赵自力 张水平 向前山 《养猪》 2007年第1期14-14,共1页
湖北省荆州市丫角种猪场于2002年9月从国内原种场引进丹麦长白、大白种猪扩繁。现从繁殖数据库中选择2004、2005年763头分娩母猪的繁殖记录,分为长白(L)、大白(Y)纯繁(LL、YY)及杂交(LY、YL)4个组合,各组头数分别为75、97、28... 湖北省荆州市丫角种猪场于2002年9月从国内原种场引进丹麦长白、大白种猪扩繁。现从繁殖数据库中选择2004、2005年763头分娩母猪的繁殖记录,分为长白(L)、大白(Y)纯繁(LL、YY)及杂交(LY、YL)4个组合,各组头数分别为75、97、287、304头,对繁殖性状(窝均产仔数、窝均产活仔数、窝均断奶活仔数)进行比较分析。结果表明,LY、YL杂交组窝均产仔数的杂种优势率分别为1.60%、7.41%;窝均产活仔数的杂种优势率分别为3.31%、5.43%;窝均断奶活仔数的杂种优势率分别为3.19%、5.13%。YL组较LY组窝均产仔数提高5.72%;窝均产活仔数提高2.05%;窝均断奶活仔数提高1.88%。杂种优势率(H%):[LY(或YL)-(L+Y),2]/[(L+Y)/2]×100%(式中L、Y分别代表长白、大白某性状平均表现值,LY代表长白×大白的平均表现值,YL则相反),详见表1。 展开更多
关键词 杂交效果 长白 比较试验 纯繁 均产活仔数 大白猪 杂种优势率 均产仔数
作者 龚高全 麻小凤 +1 位作者 魏天保 牛乾 《国外畜牧学(猪与禽)》 2011年第3期74-74,共1页
本试验针对农村散养母猪户和小规模母猪养殖场,在没有公猪的情况下,通过仿真刺激后输精来提高母猪的繁殖性能。试验分对照组(直接给发情母猪输精)和试验组(仿真刺激后给发情母猪输精),试验结果表明,试验组比对照组配种受胎率提高10%,母... 本试验针对农村散养母猪户和小规模母猪养殖场,在没有公猪的情况下,通过仿真刺激后输精来提高母猪的繁殖性能。试验分对照组(直接给发情母猪输精)和试验组(仿真刺激后给发情母猪输精),试验结果表明,试验组比对照组配种受胎率提高10%,母猪的配种分娩率、窝均总产仔数分别提高7.8%和多产仔猪1.5头,经显著性检验,差异极显著(P<0.01)。该技术值得在农户大群生产中推广。 展开更多
关键词 仿真刺激 人工授精 均产活仔数
气压对SF_6负极性直流局部放电分解特性的影响 被引量:4
作者 唐炬 黎可 +3 位作者 姚强 苗玉龙 曾福平 张潮海 《高电压技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期159-166,共8页
为了探究在负极性直流局部放电(PD)下气压对SF_6分解特性的影响,在研制的直流SF_6组分分解实验平台上,通过系统实验研究,获取了SF_6分解特征组分随压强的变化规律。研究结果表明:在负极性直流PD作用下,SF_6会发生分解生成SO_2F_2、SOF_2... 为了探究在负极性直流局部放电(PD)下气压对SF_6分解特性的影响,在研制的直流SF_6组分分解实验平台上,通过系统实验研究,获取了SF_6分解特征组分随压强的变化规律。研究结果表明:在负极性直流PD作用下,SF_6会发生分解生成SO_2F_2、SOF_2、CO_2、SO_2、CF_4这5种稳定的分解产物,且其生成量均随气压的增大而减小,但下降趋势存在差异,并表现出了与交流PD条件下截然不同的变化趋势;SOF_2、SO_2F_2、CO_2、CF_4、SO_2的均方产气速率均随气压的增大而减小,其中CF_4的均方产气速率随气压的增大呈指数规律下降,更适用于在故障诊断中校正气压带来的影响;特征组分体积比值CF_4/CO_2、SO_2F_2/(SOF_2+SO_2)、(CF_4+CO_2)/(SO_2F_2+SOF_2+SO_2)随压强增大呈现出了不同的变化趋势,其中CF_4/CO_2和(CF_4+CO_2)/(SO_2F_2+SOF_2+SO_2)具有较大的分散性,不宜用作故障诊断中的气压影响校正,而SO_2F_2/(SOF_2+SO_2)随气压的增大呈单调递减,更适于用作校正。论文研究表明在负极性直流PD条件下运用SF_6组分分析法进行故障诊断时,必须考虑气压的影响并进行校正。 展开更多
关键词 SF6 直流局部放电 气压 分解组分 方速率 特征组分含量比值
不同精子密度对母猪繁殖性能的影响 被引量:3
作者 蔡巨广 罗旭芳 +2 位作者 李明军 沈南波 阳志香 《养猪》 2003年第5期7-8,共2页
试验选用广东温氏食品集团养猪公司二元杂母猪(长大和大长)300头,随机分为3组,对照组、试验Ⅰ组、试验Ⅱ组各100头,三组均采用三次人工授精,每次输精量均为80mL,对照组母猪输精的精子密度为0.5亿/mL,试验Ⅰ组0.4亿/mL,试验Ⅱ组0.3亿/mL... 试验选用广东温氏食品集团养猪公司二元杂母猪(长大和大长)300头,随机分为3组,对照组、试验Ⅰ组、试验Ⅱ组各100头,三组均采用三次人工授精,每次输精量均为80mL,对照组母猪输精的精子密度为0.5亿/mL,试验Ⅰ组0.4亿/mL,试验Ⅱ组0.3亿/mL。试验结果表明,三种精子密度对母猪的配种分娩率、窝均总产仔数和窝均产活仔数影响不大,经显著性检验,相互之间差异均不显著(P>0.05),数据上反映试验Ⅰ组的效果最好,公猪精液采用0.4亿/mL的精子密度在大群生产中最适用,经济效益最好。 展开更多
关键词 精子密度 母猪 繁殖性能 人工授精 配种分娩率 仔数 均产活仔数
Strategic equilibrium price analysis and numerical simulation of preponderant high-tech metal mineral resources 被引量:3
作者 钟美瑞 谌杰宇 +1 位作者 朱学红 黄健柏 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第10期3153-3160,共8页
Based on exploitation compensation value system of preponderant high-tech metal mineral resources and distortion of pricing mechanism, social utility function was constructed to modify decision utility function of dev... Based on exploitation compensation value system of preponderant high-tech metal mineral resources and distortion of pricing mechanism, social utility function was constructed to modify decision utility function of developers, and was extended to Stackelberg production decision model of preponderant high-tech metal mineral resources development. Analyzing the influences on market monopoly, output and price decision-making exerted by altruistic preferences, inequity aversion and sequential reciprocity fairness belief equilibrium, game fairness equilibrium which is significant in experimental economics can be obtained and verified by numerical simulation. In process of strategic pricing, method that uses the variation of producer surplus to measure strategic value from psychological preferences was proposed for the first time and technical support to improve exploitation compensation value system of preponderant metal mineral resources was available. 展开更多
关键词 METAL high-tech mineral mineral resources equilibrium price numerical simulation
饲粮中添加镁提高母猪受胎率 被引量:2
作者 赵世波 边秋田 +3 位作者 高林 薛云安 孙春秋 赵会军 《黑龙江动物繁殖》 1996年第3期46-46,共1页
饲粮中添加镁提高母猪受胎率赵世波边秋田高林薛云安孙春秋赵会军(沈阳益华牧工商实业公司,110145)镁是畜体生长发育中必不可少的元素之一,参与体内多种酶的催化作用,作为激活剂或酶的辅助因子,能提高酶的活性,具有镇静、... 饲粮中添加镁提高母猪受胎率赵世波边秋田高林薛云安孙春秋赵会军(沈阳益华牧工商实业公司,110145)镁是畜体生长发育中必不可少的元素之一,参与体内多种酶的催化作用,作为激活剂或酶的辅助因子,能提高酶的活性,具有镇静、抗应激的作用。国外学者研究证明:饲... 展开更多
关键词 受胎率 种母猪 试验组 硫酸镁 日粮配方 复合添加剂 对照组 集约化养猪场 均产活仔 经济效益分析
不同中草药催情物对母猪催情效果的比较研究 被引量:1
作者 张吉鹍 刘俊 +1 位作者 孙国平 吴正荣 《中国饲料添加剂》 2019年第3期5-9,共5页
本试验旨在探讨不同中草药催情物的催情效果。采用单因子方差设计,选取断奶经产丹系二元母猪64头,随机分为4个处理(对照组、试验I组、试验II组、试验III组),每个处理16头母猪(每个处理4个重复,每个重复4头母猪),各组平均胎次相近。对照... 本试验旨在探讨不同中草药催情物的催情效果。采用单因子方差设计,选取断奶经产丹系二元母猪64头,随机分为4个处理(对照组、试验I组、试验II组、试验III组),每个处理16头母猪(每个处理4个重复,每个重复4头母猪),各组平均胎次相近。对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验I组、试验II组与试验III组分别在对照组基础日粮的基础上,每头每天添加50g“市场产品0”、50g“市场产品1”与50g“市场产品2”。结果表明,本试验条件下:①“市场产品0”具有较好的催情效果,且优于市场同类产品,其中就包括“市场产品1”(也是按照《药典·二部》配制的“催情散”),可能与“市场产品0”使用经微粉碎的淫羊藿有关;②中草药催情物的正确使用与其效果成正比;③“市场产品0”与“市场产品1”的“窝均产活仔数”均为11.5头,分别较“市场产品2”与对照组多0.5头与1头,提示中草药催情物有增加母猪“窝均产活仔数”的作用;④“市场产品0”与“市场产品1”的断奶仔猪成活率约为94%,而“市场产品2”与对照组的断奶仔猪成活率约为93%,提示中草药催情物有增加断奶仔猪“成活率”的作用;⑤各组断奶后15d(含15d)发情配种的受胎率均达100%。 展开更多
关键词 中草药催情物 发情率 受胎率 均产活仔数 成活率
Research on the Process of Yield Formation Based on Dynamic Design in Winter Wheat
作者 张竹琴 周顺利 +2 位作者 乔嘉 赵姣 廖树华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第4期6-9,109,共5页
[Objective]The aim was to research on construction of yield formation model of winter wheat.[Method]In the case of variety Shijiazhuang 8,the process of yield trait formation was studied by the dynamic ideal and unifo... [Objective]The aim was to research on construction of yield formation model of winter wheat.[Method]In the case of variety Shijiazhuang 8,the process of yield trait formation was studied by the dynamic ideal and uniform experimental design;the differences between plant dry weight and population indexes were analyzed by using multiple comparison analysis,and the yield formation model was developed by multiple regression analysis.[Result]The results showed that multiple correlation coefficients of yield formation model ranged from 0.91 to 0.97.[Conclusion]The model was significant which provide certain theoretical base for high yield and high efficiency cultivation of winter wheat. 展开更多
关键词 Dynamic test Uniform experimental design Regression analysis Grain yieldf
作者 曾书琴 薛立群 田允波 《中国畜牧兽医文摘》 2005年第4期31-32,共2页
发展养猪业的中心任务是提高生产性能和质量。母猪繁殖力是影响养猪业经济效益的重要因素,也是现代猪遗传育种的研究重点。由于繁殖性状遗传力低(平均0.15),表型选择效果不显著。因而,研究者们一直在致力于对窝产仔数性状强正相关、遗... 发展养猪业的中心任务是提高生产性能和质量。母猪繁殖力是影响养猪业经济效益的重要因素,也是现代猪遗传育种的研究重点。由于繁殖性状遗传力低(平均0.15),表型选择效果不显著。因而,研究者们一直在致力于对窝产仔数性状强正相关、遗传力高的性状选择,以间接提高母猪窝产仔数。胎盘效率(placental efficiency,PE)是 Wilson 等1999年提出来的,胎盘效率(仔猪初生窝重/胎盘重量)对母猪的产仔数有一定的影响。 展开更多
关键词 母猪 PE 梅山猪 四白脚 太湖猪 仔数 约克夏猪 胎盘效率 繁殖性能 性能 排卵数 均产活仔数 子宫内膜 子宫黏膜 大白猪 广东大花白猪 长白猪 兰德瑞斯猪
Analysis on the Status of Farmers, Agriculture and Countryside, and Development Strategies and Measures in Tibet Autonomous Region 被引量:4
作者 ZHONGXianghao LIXiangmei PENGChuanzhong 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第2期175-182,共8页
Coordinated and sustainable development of farmers, agriculture and countryside (FAC) is key to realize the national objective of comprehensively developed well-off society. Since the peaceful liberation of Tibet, out... Coordinated and sustainable development of farmers, agriculture and countryside (FAC) is key to realize the national objective of comprehensively developed well-off society. Since the peaceful liberation of Tibet, outstanding achievements have been made in FAC work. However, compared with East and Middle China, there still exists a big gap. The farmers’ net income per capita in 2001 was 1,404 yuan, 962 yuan lower than the nation’s average. In late 90’s the farmers’ income growth slowed down. Agricultural industrialization is at low level, technologies play a small role in agricultural development, rural infrastructure is weak, the rural grass root organization is much underdeveloped, and construction of towns is behind the other regions of China. Based on the problems of FAC development there, this paper proposes FAC development strategies and measures for accelerating rural development in Tibet. 展开更多
关键词 Tibet Autonomous Region FARMER agriculture and countryside (FAC) STRATEGIES measures
Spatial Pattern Evolution and Casual Analysis of County Level Economy in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Urban Agglomeration, China 被引量:8
作者 DONG Minghui ZOU Bin +3 位作者 PU Qiang WAN Neng YANG Lingbin LUO Yanqing 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第5期620-630,共11页
In order to evaluate whether or not the county units′ economy in the Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan(Chang-Zhu-Tan) Urban Agglomeration was growing as expected, this study analyzed the spatial economy pattern at county-lev... In order to evaluate whether or not the county units′ economy in the Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan(Chang-Zhu-Tan) Urban Agglomeration was growing as expected, this study analyzed the spatial economy pattern at county-level by using the Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis(ESDA) method. In this process, the global Moran′s I and local Getis-Ord G*i indexes were employed to analyze indicators including per capita GDP and three industrials(i.e. primary, secondary and tertiary industry) from 2000 to 2010. The results show that: 1) the county units′ economy in the Chang-Zhu-Tan Urban Agglomeration has exhibited a strong spatial autocorrelation and an accelerated integration trend since 2008(Moran′ s I increased from 0.26 to 0.56); 2) there is a significant difference in economy development between the northern and southern county units in the Chang-Zhu-Tan Urban Agglomeration: the hotspot zone with high economic level was formed among the northern county units whereas the coldspot zone with low economic level was located in the southern areas. This difference was caused primarily by the increasingly prominent economic radiation effect of Changsha ′upheaval′; 3) town density, secondary industry, and the integration policy are the major contributors driving the evolution of the spatial economy pattern in the Chang-Zhu-Tan Urban Agglomeration. 展开更多
关键词 spatial autocorrelation spatial heterogeneity urban agglomeration county-level economy Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan (Chang-Zhu-Tan) China
Urban Expansion and Its Influencing Factors in Natural Wetland Distribution Area in Fuzhou City,China 被引量:8
作者 CAI Yuanbin ZHANG Hao +2 位作者 PAN Wenbin CHEN Yanhong WANG Xiangrong 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第5期568-577,共10页
This paper principally focuses on land use dynamics,urban expansion and underlying driving forces in the Natural Wetland Distribution Area(NWDA)of Fuzhou City in the southeastern China.Based on time series Landsat TM/... This paper principally focuses on land use dynamics,urban expansion and underlying driving forces in the Natural Wetland Distribution Area(NWDA)of Fuzhou City in the southeastern China.Based on time series Landsat TM/ETM+imageries and historical data,relationships between urban land expansion and its influencing factors from 1989 to 2009 were analyzed by using an integrated approach of remote sensing(RS)and geographic information system(GIS)techniques.The results showed that built-up land increased from 151.16 km2in 1989 to 383.76 km 2in 2009. Approximately 64.25%of the newly emerging built-up land was converted from cropland(29.47%),forest and shrub (25.78%),water(3.73%),wetland(4.61%),and bare land(0.66%)during 1989 and 2009.With a remarkable decrease in cropland,the proportion of non-agricultural population increased by 23.6%.Moreover,rapid development of infrastructures,facilities,industrial parks,and urban and rural settlements along the Minjiang River resulted in the eastward and southward expansion of built-up land.Additionally,the growth pattern of built-up land in the NWDA is highly correlated with socio-economic factors,including the gross domestic product(GDP),GDP per capita,and structure of industry.As a result,the observed environmental degradation such as loss of cropland and wetland due to heavy pressure of rapid urbanization have greatly impaired the carrying capacity of city.Thus,in addition to scientific and rational policies towards minimizing the adverse effects of urbanization,coordination between the administrative agencies should be urgently strengthened to balance the conflicts between urban development and ecological conservation to make sure the sustainable land use. 展开更多
关键词 land use urban expansion natural wetland socio-economic factors remote sensing (RS) geographic in-formation system (GIS)
Regional Difference in Social Capital and Its Impact on Regional Economic Growth in China 被引量:14
作者 PAN Fenghua HE Canfei 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第5期442-449,共8页
Social capital has played an increasingly important role in regional development.China is a country with high stocks of social capital.Using several different indicators of social capital,this study tries to research ... Social capital has played an increasingly important role in regional development.China is a country with high stocks of social capital.Using several different indicators of social capital,this study tries to research the regional disparities in social capital and the influence of social capital on economic growth of China in 1978-2004.Measuring social capital with indicators of associations,charities and blood donation rates,this study finds significant regional disparities in social capital at provincial level in China.Those indicators for social capital are highly correlated with regional economic performance.Statistical analysis shows that social capital has a significant and positive effect on a long-term provincial economic growth.This relationship exists after controlling policy,macro location factors,and per capita GDP in the initial year.The empirical findings indicate that institutions,culture and social relations are critical for regional development in China.Therefore,the creation and support of social capital should be paid more attention to when making regional policy. 展开更多
关键词 social capital TRUST economic growth transaction cost
Ecological Footprint and Major Driving Forces in West Jilin Province, Northeast China 被引量:16
作者 WANG Mingquan LIU Jingshuang +1 位作者 WANG Jinda ZHAO Guangying 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第5期434-441,共8页
The environmental impact caused by local people (ecological footprint of consumption, EFc) and the actual environmental impact that the ecosystem burdens (ecological footprint of production, EFp) in West Jilin Pro... The environmental impact caused by local people (ecological footprint of consumption, EFc) and the actual environmental impact that the ecosystem burdens (ecological footprint of production, EFp) in West Jilin Province, Northeast China from 1986 to 2006 were evaluated by using ecological footprint (EF) method. And the major driving forces of EFc and EFp were analyzed by STIRPAT model. Both EFc and EFp showed increasing trends in 1986-2006, accompanied by decreasing ecological deficits but expanding ecological overshoots. Population (P), GDP per capita (A1), quadratic term of GDP per capita (A2), urbanization (Tα1), and quadratic term of urbanization (Ta2) were important influencing factors of EFc, among which Tα2 and Tα1 were the most dominate driving forces of EFc. A1, A2 and Tα2 were important influencing factors of EFp, among which A2 and A1 were the most dominate driving forces of EFp. In 1986-2006, the classical Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis did not exist between A2 and EF (both EFc and EFp), but did between Tα2 and EF. The results indicate that enhancing the urbanization process and diversifying economic sources is one of the most effective ways to reduce the environmental impact of West Jilin Province. Moreover, importance should be attached to improve the eco-efficiency of resource exploitation and consumption. 展开更多
关键词 ecological footprint STIRPAT model ecological deficit ecological overshoot West Jilin Province
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