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唐朝中期西州的市场经济和丝路贸易 被引量:1
作者 钱伯泉 《新疆大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2017年第4期63-69,共7页
关键词 西州 《天宝二年交河郡估案》 行肆 三贾均市
“均平”的学说形成与制度设计 被引量:1
作者 张甲子 《天中学刊》 2017年第4期69-75,共7页
先秦诸子皆有论"均"之言,道家多论天道之"均",儒家、墨家多论社会之"均",前者强调均平,后者强调均等。从先秦制度观之,社会之"均"主要显现在政事之均、食货之均。着眼于社会学考量的政事之均,... 先秦诸子皆有论"均"之言,道家多论天道之"均",儒家、墨家多论社会之"均",前者强调均平,后者强调均等。从先秦制度观之,社会之"均"主要显现在政事之均、食货之均。着眼于社会学考量的政事之均,其要点是"以礼均施";着眼于经济学考量的食货之均,其要点是"土均""均市"。 展开更多
关键词 以礼分施 均市
唐代物价管理制度刍议 被引量:2
作者 任艳艳 《理论月刊》 2008年第7期59-61,共3页
三贾均市是唐京都诸市令管理商品交易市场货物价格的一项制度,但不仅在京都,而且在全国各地也普遍实行。唐代三贾均市是对前代物价管理制度的沿革与发展,并对后世的价格管理制度产生影响。汉唐宋价格管理制度既相承又各具特色。三贾均... 三贾均市是唐京都诸市令管理商品交易市场货物价格的一项制度,但不仅在京都,而且在全国各地也普遍实行。唐代三贾均市是对前代物价管理制度的沿革与发展,并对后世的价格管理制度产生影响。汉唐宋价格管理制度既相承又各具特色。三贾均市与悬平赃物也有密切的关系,并指出《唐六典》注文的一处有误。 展开更多
关键词 唐代 三贾均市 物价管理
Impact of correlated private signals on continuous-time insider trading
作者 ZHOU Yonghui XIAO Kai 《运筹学学报(中英文)》 2024年第3期97-107,共11页
A model of continuous-time insider trading in which a risk-neutral in-sider possesses two imperfect correlated signals of a risky asset is studied.By conditional expectation theory and filtering theory,we first establ... A model of continuous-time insider trading in which a risk-neutral in-sider possesses two imperfect correlated signals of a risky asset is studied.By conditional expectation theory and filtering theory,we first establish three lemmas:normal corre-lation,equivalent pricing and equivalent profit,which can guarantee to turn our model into a model with insider knowing full information.Then we investigate the impact of the two correlated signals on the market equilibrium consisting of optimal insider trading strategy and semi-strong pricing rule.It shows that in the equilibrium,(1)the market depth is constant over time;(2)if the two noisy signals are not linerly correlated,then all private information of the insider is incorporated into prices in the end while the whole information on the asset value can not incorporated into prices in the end;(3)if the two noisy signals are linear correlated such that the insider can infer the whole information of the asset value,then our model turns into a model with insider knowing full information;(4)if the two noisy signals are the same then the total ex ant profit of the insider is increasing with the noise decreasing,while down to O as the noise going up to infinity;(5)if the two noisy signals are not linear correlated then with one noisy signal fixed,the total ex ante profit of the insider is single-peaked with a unique minimum with respect to the other noisy signal value,and furthermore as the noisy value going to O it gets its maximum,the profit in the case that the real value is observed. 展开更多
关键词 continuous-time insider trading risk neutral private correlated signals linear bayesian equilibrium market depth residual information
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