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作者 陈秀梅 杨庆东 刘磊 《机床与液压》 北大核心 2014年第4期1-2,63,共3页
高速多坐标数控铣床是高技术含量的数控机床。随着电机传动技术的迅速发展和日趋完善,高速多坐标数控铣床的铣头制动显得尤为重要和关键。通过对现有制动方法优缺点的分析,提出一种新制动方法,建立了制动的力学模型,给出了影响制动的参... 高速多坐标数控铣床是高技术含量的数控机床。随着电机传动技术的迅速发展和日趋完善,高速多坐标数控铣床的铣头制动显得尤为重要和关键。通过对现有制动方法优缺点的分析,提出一种新制动方法,建立了制动的力学模型,给出了影响制动的参数。研究内容为提高高速多坐标数控机床的制动效果、提高加工精度和质量提供了一定的理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 高速多坐标数铣控床 铣头 制动方法
作者 侯学军 魏昌祥 《机电工程技术》
关键词 PCLD-782/785 PCL-839 坐标数机床 IPC
作者 叶桃红 章诚 +1 位作者 过明道 陈义良 《燃烧科学与技术》 EI CAS CSCD 2001年第1期85-88,共4页
采用双流体模型对航空发动机加力燃烧室的湍流两相流燃烧过程进行了数值模拟 ,数值计算方法为非正交曲线坐标系下非交错网格的 SIMPL E方法 ,差分网格采用分区方法生成 ,计算时对整个流场进行分区迭代直至得到收敛结果。气相化学反应速... 采用双流体模型对航空发动机加力燃烧室的湍流两相流燃烧过程进行了数值模拟 ,数值计算方法为非正交曲线坐标系下非交错网格的 SIMPL E方法 ,差分网格采用分区方法生成 ,计算时对整个流场进行分区迭代直至得到收敛结果。气相化学反应速率用涡旋破碎模型 ( EBU ) ,充分考虑两相之间的质量、动量和能量的相互作用 。 展开更多
关键词 燃烧 湍流两相流 非正交曲线坐标 值模拟
作者 刘仁钊 王永奎 《资源环境与工程》 2010年第3期301-303,共3页
为了便于湖北省全国第二次土地调查中北京54与西安80坐标系之间的转换,湖北省测绘局提供了基于1∶1万图幅的北京54转西安80图廓格网坐标改正数,供各测绘单位对其成果进行转换。考虑到各测绘单位对精度上的要求不同,湖北省测绘局并没有... 为了便于湖北省全国第二次土地调查中北京54与西安80坐标系之间的转换,湖北省测绘局提供了基于1∶1万图幅的北京54转西安80图廓格网坐标改正数,供各测绘单位对其成果进行转换。考虑到各测绘单位对精度上的要求不同,湖北省测绘局并没有提供具体的转换方法。基于平面相似变换和仿射线性变换原理提出两种格网坐标计算方法,并对其转换精度进行分析,得出有益的结论。由于该方法不涉及外业公共点的选取和测量,因此具有非常重要的实用意义,可供相关测绘部门进行测绘成果转换。 展开更多
关键词 格网坐标改正 平面相似变换 平面仿射变换 格网坐标计算 精度分析
3种格网改正数法实现DGN图形无缝坐标转换 被引量:6
作者 白洁 郑凤娇 +1 位作者 李江卫 黄兵杰 《测绘科学技术学报》 北大核心 2012年第4期249-253,共5页
2000国家大地坐标系启用后,城市原有的测绘成果需完成向2000国家大地坐标系的转换。针对DGN格式的图形文件开发了一套转换软件;采用格网改正法,结合武汉市系列比例尺DGN图形数据转换试验,分析比较了3种格网改正数方法的转换精度;总结了... 2000国家大地坐标系启用后,城市原有的测绘成果需完成向2000国家大地坐标系的转换。针对DGN格式的图形文件开发了一套转换软件;采用格网改正法,结合武汉市系列比例尺DGN图形数据转换试验,分析比较了3种格网改正数方法的转换精度;总结了各种比例尺适宜的转换方法,对各地参心坐标系成果向CGCS2000的坐标系统转换具有一定的借鉴作用。 展开更多
关键词 2000国家大地坐标 坐标转换 格网坐标改正 Shepard法 逐点搜索
工程测量中新旧坐标转换的一种实现方法 被引量:6
作者 宗刚军 姚顽强 《西安科技大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2007年第3期401-404,共4页
常规的测量坐标转换模型因采用确定的变换参数而导致坐标换算误差。将转换区域内各新旧坐标公共点视为精度均匀的离散点,通过计算区域重心坐标和坐标转换的初始参数,求取各公共点的坐标换算近似值及其改正数。在此基础上,根据公共点旧... 常规的测量坐标转换模型因采用确定的变换参数而导致坐标换算误差。将转换区域内各新旧坐标公共点视为精度均匀的离散点,通过计算区域重心坐标和坐标转换的初始参数,求取各公共点的坐标换算近似值及其改正数。在此基础上,根据公共点旧坐标与其改正数的对应关系,利用常规数字成图软件的离散函数插值功能,获取任意点的坐标换算改正数,实现新、旧坐标转换。实例应用表明,该法简便可行,换算精度高,是新旧测量坐标转换的有效方法。 展开更多
关键词 工程测量 坐标转换 初始换算参 坐标改正
利用RANSAC算法筛选坐标转换中相对稳定公共点 被引量:7
作者 刘忠贺 李宗春 +2 位作者 郭迎钢 何华 赵文斌 《测绘科学技术学报》 北大核心 2019年第5期487-493,共7页
为提高坐标转换的精度及可靠性,提出一种基于RANSAC算法的相对稳定公共点筛选方法。以四元数坐标转换模型为基础,引入RANSAC算法来迭代筛选控制网中相对稳定点,并将其作为公共点进行坐标转换,以提高转换精度。以加速器工程隧道控制网为... 为提高坐标转换的精度及可靠性,提出一种基于RANSAC算法的相对稳定公共点筛选方法。以四元数坐标转换模型为基础,引入RANSAC算法来迭代筛选控制网中相对稳定点,并将其作为公共点进行坐标转换,以提高转换精度。以加速器工程隧道控制网为例,对该方法进行仿真实验与分析,并与基于M估计的坐标转换结果进行对比。实验结果表明,所提方法能够精确定位粗差,相对稳定点误判率低于M估计结果,且坐标转换精度更高。 展开更多
关键词 四元坐标转换 相对稳定公共点 RANSAC算法 迭代筛选 M估计 隧道控制网
手术导航中空间坐标系配准与注册研究 被引量:2
作者 葛敏 程云章 《生物医学工程与临床》 CAS 2019年第1期8-13,共6页
目的手术导航精度对手术的效果有着至关重要的影响,笔者研究了影响导航精度的因素,包括标志点的选取方法和注册算法。标志点的选取影响配准中两个空间相同目标点的选取,而注册算法影响利用这两组点进行空间配准的精度。方法首先分别阐... 目的手术导航精度对手术的效果有着至关重要的影响,笔者研究了影响导航精度的因素,包括标志点的选取方法和注册算法。标志点的选取影响配准中两个空间相同目标点的选取,而注册算法影响利用这两组点进行空间配准的精度。方法首先分别阐述了在注册过程中基于点匹配和基于点云的迭代最近点(ICP)匹配点选取方法和注册算法,随后对它们的特点与原理进行分析,比较了其优缺点。提出一种基于点匹配的系统注册方法结合四元数坐标系配准方法,并通过实验验证该方法在将手术空间和图像空间配准时符合手术导航精度要求。同时,分析了这种系统注册方法将来存在的问题和研究方向。结果利用光学导航仪追踪注册模具上的反光球,得到模具内乒乓球的球心坐标,而后在CT图像中获取乒乓球的球心坐标,在Visual Studio中验证两组点的配准,实验结果表明误差在科学可接受范围内。结论这种新的系统注册模具可以用于手术导航注册,结合四元数法精度是符合手术导航精度的。 展开更多
关键词 注册方法 手术导航 坐标系配准 标志点 注册算法 迭代最近点 四元坐标
四元数向量和矩阵的实表示 被引量:10
作者 连德忠 《厦门大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第6期704-708,共5页
在四元数和四元数向量、矩阵空间上引入3种不同的实数表示方式,将四元数之间及四元数向量和矩阵之间的运算,化为实数域上向量与矩阵之间的运算,得到的计算结果可准确转换成四元数和四元数向量和矩阵,可以在很大程度上克服四元数之间因... 在四元数和四元数向量、矩阵空间上引入3种不同的实数表示方式,将四元数之间及四元数向量和矩阵之间的运算,化为实数域上向量与矩阵之间的运算,得到的计算结果可准确转换成四元数和四元数向量和矩阵,可以在很大程度上克服四元数之间因乘积不可交换性而造成的计算困难,为计算机处理四元数数据提供可行的操作方案. 展开更多
关键词 四元坐标 四元分量矩阵 四元蜕变矩阵 四元实表示
Experimental Study on Full-Surface Buckling of Variable Curvature Cylindrical Shell Using Multi-camera 3D-DIC System
作者 LI Xin SUN Wei 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2024年第5期589-598,共10页
To achieve full-surface strain measurement of variable curvature objects,a 360°3D digital image correlation(DIC)system is proposed.The measurement system consists of four double-camera systems,which capture the o... To achieve full-surface strain measurement of variable curvature objects,a 360°3D digital image correlation(DIC)system is proposed.The measurement system consists of four double-camera systems,which capture the object’s entire surface from multiple angles,enabling comprehensive full-surface measurement.To increase the stitching quality,a hierarchical coordinate matching method is proposed.Initially,a 3D rigid body calibration auxiliary block is employed to track motion trajectory,which enables preliminary matching of four 3D-DIC sub-systems.Subsequently,secondary precise matching is performed based on feature points on the test specimen’s surface.Through the hierarchical coordinate matching method,the local 3D coordinate systems of each double-camera system are unified into a global coordinate system,achieving 3D surface reconstruction of the variable curvature cylindrical shell,and error analysis is conducted on the results.Furthermore,axial compression buckling experiment is conducted to measure the displacement and strain fields on the cylindrical shell’s surface.The experimental results are compared with the finite element analysis,validating the accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed multi-camera 3D-DIC measuring system. 展开更多
关键词 360°3D digital image correlation(DIC) hierarchical coordinate matching method full-field 3D deformation measurement variable curvature cylindrical shell
Poststack reverse-time migration using a non-reflecting recursive algorithm on surface relief 被引量:3
作者 张敏 李振春 孙小东 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第3期239-248,293,共11页
Presently the research based on the accurate seismic imaging methods for surface relief, complex structure, and complicated velocity distributions is of great significance. Reverse-time migration is considered to be o... Presently the research based on the accurate seismic imaging methods for surface relief, complex structure, and complicated velocity distributions is of great significance. Reverse-time migration is considered to be one of highly accurate methods. In this paper, we propose a new non-reflecting recursive algorithm for reverse-time migration by introducing the wave impedance function into the acoustic wave equation and the algorithm for the surface relief case is derived from the coordinate transformation principle. Using the exploding reflector principle and the zero-time imaging condition of poststack reverse- time migration, poststack numerical simulation and reverse-time migration with complex conditions can be realized. The results of synthetic and real data calculations show that the method effectively suppresses unwanted internal reflections and also deals with the seismic imaging problems resulting from surface relief. So, we prove that this method has strong adaptability and practicality. 展开更多
关键词 surface relief non-reflecting recursive algorithm wave impedance coordinate transformation numerical simulation reverse-time migration
Measurement of Coordinate Parameter by Multi-baseline Digital Close-range Photogrammetry System and Data Analysis for Jujube 被引量:2
作者 田璐洋 李春友 +1 位作者 孟平 张劲松 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第5期756-760,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to explore the measurement of coordinate parameter by multi-baseline digital close-range photogrammetry system.[Method] The 3-dimensional coordinate of 8-year-old Jujube was measured by using L... [Objective] The aim was to explore the measurement of coordinate parameter by multi-baseline digital close-range photogrammetry system.[Method] The 3-dimensional coordinate of 8-year-old Jujube was measured by using Lensphoto multi-baseline digital close-range photogrammetry system,and through comparing with measured data of Total Station,the error and accuracy of photogrammetry data were analyzed.[Result] The absolute error of X,Y and Z coordinate was 0-0.014,0-0.018 and 0-0.004 m respectively,and the relative error of X,Y and Z coordinate was less than 0.145%.The significance test of pairs for the photogrammetry data and measured data of Total Station indicated that the space coordinate data of stumpage were accurately measured by using the multi-baseline digital close-range photogrammetry method,and the photogrammetry data meet the need of space coordinate measurement for virtual plant growth simulation.[Conclusion] This study had provided theoretical basis for the growth measurement of virtual plant growth simulation. 展开更多
关键词 JUJUBE Space coordinate Multi-baseline digital close-range photogrammetry Error analysis
作者 冷雪飞 刘建业 +1 位作者 李明星 熊智 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2007年第4期294-299,共6页
Based on the inertial navigation system, the influences of the excursion of the inertial navigation system and the measurement error of the wireless pressure altimeter on the rotation and scale of the real image are q... Based on the inertial navigation system, the influences of the excursion of the inertial navigation system and the measurement error of the wireless pressure altimeter on the rotation and scale of the real image are quantitatively analyzed in scene matching. The log-polar transform (LPT) is utilized and an anti-rotation and anti- scale image matching algorithm is proposed based on the image edge feature point extraction. In the algorithm, the center point is combined with its four-neighbor points, and the corresponding computing process is put forward. Simulation results show that in the image rotation and scale variation range resulted from the navigation system error and the measurement error of the wireless pressure altimeter, the proposed image matching algo- rithm can satisfy the accuracy demands of the scene aided navigation system and provide the location error-correcting information of the system. 展开更多
关键词 log-polar transform edge feature matching inertial navigation system image matching
New Architecture of Pipeline CORDIC 被引量:1
作者 李滔 韩月秋 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 1999年第1期89-94,共6页
Aim To design an ASIC based on CORDIC(coordinate rotations digital computer) to meet the requirement of coordinate conversion in high speed radar signal processing. Methods A new pipeline CORDIC architecture easi... Aim To design an ASIC based on CORDIC(coordinate rotations digital computer) to meet the requirement of coordinate conversion in high speed radar signal processing. Methods A new pipeline CORDIC architecture easily realized in VLSI was introduced. Results and Conclusion The results of hardware simulation with FPGA show that the pipeline CORDIC architecture meets the requirement. 展开更多
关键词 CORDIC pipeline architecture ASIC design
作者 李卫国 唐月红 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1998年第2期93-97,共5页
A hidden line removal algorithm for bi parametric surfaces is presented and illustrated by some experimental results. The enclosure test is done using area coordinates. A technique of moving box of encirclement is p... A hidden line removal algorithm for bi parametric surfaces is presented and illustrated by some experimental results. The enclosure test is done using area coordinates. A technique of moving box of encirclement is presented. It is found that the algorithm is of general purpose, requires minimal computer storage, has high accuracy and simplicity, and is very easy to be implemented on a computer. 展开更多
关键词 computational geometry computer graphics computer aided design hidden line removal area coordinates bi parametric surfaces
Numerical Calculations and Cold Tests for Flow Fields of a 220t/h Retrofitted Oil-Boiler
作者 朱世钧 程永元 +1 位作者 蔡崧 肖军 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2000年第1期70-74,共5页
In this paper, cold simulation experiments and numerical calculations are conducted to predict 3 D flow field aerodynamics for an oil furnace after being retrofitted due to its fuel variation. K ε model and SIMPLE ... In this paper, cold simulation experiments and numerical calculations are conducted to predict 3 D flow field aerodynamics for an oil furnace after being retrofitted due to its fuel variation. K ε model and SIMPLE program under body fit coordination (BFC) system, in which TTM non orthogonal method is used to control the irregular geometric boundary, are adopted to solve the control equations. Model tests are conducted to check the calculation results, showing that they are in agreement with each other. Three different alternatives with different side window locations are also calculated to optimize the designs. The field retrofitting results show that the combination of cold tests with numerical calculations has prosperous application in retrofitting or renewing medium and small boilers. 展开更多
关键词 cold model test numerical calculation BFC boiler retrofitting
作者 姬俊锋 周来水 +1 位作者 安鲁陵 张森棠 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2009年第2期83-88,共6页
The planning method of tool orientation in the five-axis NC machining is studied. The problem of the existing method is analyzed and a new method for generating the global smoothing tool orientation is proposed by int... The planning method of tool orientation in the five-axis NC machining is studied. The problem of the existing method is analyzed and a new method for generating the global smoothing tool orientation is proposed by introducing the key frame idea in the animation-making. According to the feature of the part, several key tool orientations are set without interference between the tool and the part. Then, these key tool orientations are inter- polated by the spline function. By mapping the surface parameter to the spline parameter, the spline function value is obtained and taken as the tool orientation when generating the CL file. The machining result shows that the proposed method realizes the global smoothing of the tool orientation and the continuity of the rotational speed and the rotational acceleration. It also avoids the shake of the machine tool and improves the machining quality. 展开更多
关键词 computer aided mamufacturing NC machining TOOLS FIVE-AXIS
Performance analysis of IEEE 802.11e EDCA in wireless LANs 被引量:7
作者 ZHANG Wei SUN Jun +1 位作者 LIU Jing ZHANG Hai-bin 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第1期18-23,共6页
In this paper, we propose an analytical model for the performance evaluation of IEEE 802.1 le enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA). Different from most previous analytical studies based on the saturation assum... In this paper, we propose an analytical model for the performance evaluation of IEEE 802.1 le enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA). Different from most previous analytical studies based on the saturation assumption, we extend the analytical model to non-saturation conditions. An empty state is introduced into the Markov chain to represent the status of transmission queue being empty. This model can be used to calculate the traffic priority, throughput, and MAC layer delay with various configurations of contention parameters. A detailed simulation is provided to validate the proposed model. With the help of this model, the contention parameters can be configured appropriately to achieve specific quality-of-service (QoS) requirements. 展开更多
关键词 IEEE 802.11 e Saturation assumption Non-saturation assumption Enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA)
A Coordinate Gradient Descent Method for Nonsmooth Nonseparable Minimization 被引量:9
作者 Zheng-Jian Bai Michael K. Ng Liqun Qi 《Numerical Mathematics(Theory,Methods and Applications)》 SCIE 2009年第4期377-402,共26页
This paper presents a coordinate gradient descent approach for minimizing the sum of a smooth function and a nonseparable convex function.We find a search direction by solving a subproblem obtained by a second-order a... This paper presents a coordinate gradient descent approach for minimizing the sum of a smooth function and a nonseparable convex function.We find a search direction by solving a subproblem obtained by a second-order approximation of the smooth function and adding a separable convex function.Under a local Lipschitzian error bound assumption,we show that the algorithm possesses global and local linear convergence properties.We also give some numerical tests(including image recovery examples) to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed method. 展开更多
关键词 Coordinate descent global convergence linear convergence rate
Generalized Lutzky Conserved Quantities of Holonomic Systems with Remainder Coordinates Subjected to Unilateral Constraints 被引量:2
作者 ZHANG Yi 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第4期732-736,共5页
This paper focuses on studying the relation between a velocity-dependent symmetry and a generalized Lutzky conserved quantity for a holonomic system with remainder coordinates subjected to unilateral constraints. The ... This paper focuses on studying the relation between a velocity-dependent symmetry and a generalized Lutzky conserved quantity for a holonomic system with remainder coordinates subjected to unilateral constraints. The differential equations of motion of the system are established, and the definition of Lie symmetry for the system is given. The conditions under which a Lie symmetry can directly lead up to a generalized Lutzky conserved quantity and the form of the new conserved quantity are obtained, and an example is given to illustrate the application of the results. 展开更多
关键词 analytical mechanics remainder coordinate unilateral constraint holonomic system SYMMETRY conserved quantity
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