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茭白田坑面水和渗漏水中氮素变化动态研究 被引量:6
作者 宣岩芳 赵茜 +1 位作者 陆贻通 曹林奎 《环境污染与防治》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第12期7-10,16,共5页
茭白是黄浦江上游地区广泛种植的一种水田蔬菜。通过测坑定位试验,研究了茭白田坑面水和渗漏水中氮素变化动态和流失规律。结果表明,各处理茭白田坑面水中氮素形态以NH4+-N为主,施肥后1~3d,其占TN比例可达90%以上;渗漏水中氮素形态主要... 茭白是黄浦江上游地区广泛种植的一种水田蔬菜。通过测坑定位试验,研究了茭白田坑面水和渗漏水中氮素变化动态和流失规律。结果表明,各处理茭白田坑面水中氮素形态以NH4+-N为主,施肥后1~3d,其占TN比例可达90%以上;渗漏水中氮素形态主要以NO3--N为主,施肥后呈现先上升后下降的趋势。通过增施有机肥、减少20%的无机氮肥用量可使坑面水TN减少20.74%,渗漏水中NO3--N减少16.10%,减少了氮素流失,且对茭白产量没有显著影响。 展开更多
关键词 茭白田 坑面 渗漏水 氮素流失
作者 曹新刚 《工程与建设》 2020年第1期119-121,共3页
基坑内侧设置管井降水井时,需经过钻机钻孔、清孔、吊放井管、填滤料、洗井、安装水泵等多个步骤,井点使用结束后还需拔井管、封井,总体费用偏高,且占用施工场地。提出了一种迎坑面兼有降水功能的地下连续墙,包括位于迎坑面中下部的储... 基坑内侧设置管井降水井时,需经过钻机钻孔、清孔、吊放井管、填滤料、洗井、安装水泵等多个步骤,井点使用结束后还需拔井管、封井,总体费用偏高,且占用施工场地。提出了一种迎坑面兼有降水功能的地下连续墙,包括位于迎坑面中下部的储水箱与现浇钢筋混凝土墙体,储水箱位于地下连续墙迎坑面底部,基坑内侧的地下水穿过进水孔进入、储存在储水箱中,再由置于中空圆管底部的潜水泵抽出地表排出。储水箱提前预制、埋设于地下连续墙迎坑面中下部,施工结束时降水井即可投入使用,故基坑工程内侧无须再设置传统的降水井,大大节省了降水井的工期与造价。 展开更多
关键词 地下连续墙 降水井 坑面
作者 赵呈选 龙建飞 +1 位作者 王鹢 王永军 《真空与低温》 2023年第6期555-561,共7页
由于特殊的环境条件,月球南极地区近年来逐渐成为月面着陆探测重点关注的区域。在未来开展月面南极地区探测时,探测器将受到月面复杂环境的影响。月球处于较复杂的空间等离子体环境,对南极地区月面探测器带电影响较大的环境主要包括太... 由于特殊的环境条件,月球南极地区近年来逐渐成为月面着陆探测重点关注的区域。在未来开展月面南极地区探测时,探测器将受到月面复杂环境的影响。月球处于较复杂的空间等离子体环境,对南极地区月面探测器带电影响较大的环境主要包括太阳风环境、磁鞘环境和等离子体片环境等。计算在不同空间等离子体环境条件下,月球极区月面巡视器表面及附近的电位分布,并分析电位分布形成的原因。建立典型撞击坑的仿真模型,探索撞击坑附近不同带电粒子的分布以及尘埃颗粒的迁移特征。研究结果将加深对月球极区月面环境的认识,为月面探测活动中遇到的环境问题提供理论参考。 展开更多
关键词 月球极区 等离子体 撞击 撞击遮挡效应
作者 崔守荣 李赞成 秦立军 《四川水泥》 2018年第3期318-318,共1页
机场道面坑槽是机场道面破损的常见形式,坑槽修补面质量对道面的飞行保障能力有很大影响,研究如何提高坑槽修补面抢修质量对于改善飞行保障能力有重要意义。本文通过分析坑槽修补面在机轮荷载作用下的多种受力形式,研究不同受力形式对... 机场道面坑槽是机场道面破损的常见形式,坑槽修补面质量对道面的飞行保障能力有很大影响,研究如何提高坑槽修补面抢修质量对于改善飞行保障能力有重要意义。本文通过分析坑槽修补面在机轮荷载作用下的多种受力形式,研究不同受力形式对坑槽修补面质量的影响,并提出改善坑槽修补面质量的方法。 展开更多
关键词 机轮荷载 槽修补 受力分析
作者 卞文堂 李赞成 秦立军 《四川水泥》 2018年第3期316-317,共2页
机场道面坑槽抢修是快速修复破损道面、恢复机场飞行保障能力的重要手段,其抢修材料和抢修工艺虽已进行了大量研究,但机场道面坑槽修补面在机轮荷载作用下的应力分析方面研究较少。本文采用机场跑道模拟试验台,对坑槽修补面试件进行荷... 机场道面坑槽抢修是快速修复破损道面、恢复机场飞行保障能力的重要手段,其抢修材料和抢修工艺虽已进行了大量研究,但机场道面坑槽修补面在机轮荷载作用下的应力分析方面研究较少。本文采用机场跑道模拟试验台,对坑槽修补面试件进行荷载重复作用试验,对道面坑槽修补面结构受力情况进行分析,从而为机场道面坑槽抢修工艺设计和优化提供参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 机轮荷载作用 槽修补 荷载重复作用试验
作者 曹荣华 《焊接技术》 2022年第8期87-92,共6页
依据陶瓷衬垫焊接工艺冶金原理,结合堆坑钢覆面结构形式、焊缝类型及无损检测质量要求、拼装特点,预先分析FCAW陶瓷衬垫焊接工艺在堆坑覆面应用时的质量风险,并论证工艺措施、工艺参数的有效性,保证FCAW陶瓷衬垫焊接工艺首次在核安全级... 依据陶瓷衬垫焊接工艺冶金原理,结合堆坑钢覆面结构形式、焊缝类型及无损检测质量要求、拼装特点,预先分析FCAW陶瓷衬垫焊接工艺在堆坑覆面应用时的质量风险,并论证工艺措施、工艺参数的有效性,保证FCAW陶瓷衬垫焊接工艺首次在核安全级物项应用时的焊接质量,并通过应用验证,形成了FCAW陶瓷衬垫焊接工艺及质量预控措施,该工艺在CFR600钠冷快堆核电2号机组堆坑钢覆面焊接应用中,焊缝无损检测合格率达到99.87%,完全满足工程设计要求。 展开更多
关键词 钢覆 陶瓷衬垫 CO_(2)气体保护焊 焊接工艺
作者 赵呈选 甘红 +3 位作者 谢良海 王鹢 王永军 洪靖焱 《中国科学:地球科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第10期2314-2322,共9页
近年来,月球南极地区因其特殊的光照条件以及撞击坑永久阴影区中可能存在的水冰而成为未来探测的焦点.沙克尔顿(Shackleton)撞击坑几乎位于月球南极点,已成为包括嫦娥七号任务在内的未来着陆任务最热门的目的地.然而,人们对该撞击坑周... 近年来,月球南极地区因其特殊的光照条件以及撞击坑永久阴影区中可能存在的水冰而成为未来探测的焦点.沙克尔顿(Shackleton)撞击坑几乎位于月球南极点,已成为包括嫦娥七号任务在内的未来着陆任务最热门的目的地.然而,人们对该撞击坑周围的电势和尘埃环境仍然知之甚少.本文建立了一个理论模型来研究撞击坑周围的月表电势和尘埃的静电输运.研究发现,由于地形遮挡,该撞击坑的底部会充负电,背风侧坑壁表面电位最低可至-175V.相应地,有大量带电尘埃颗粒会从背风侧坑壁发射出来,迁移高度可达10km,水平迁移距离约为40km,这使得撞击坑附近可形成局部尘埃云.通过数值模拟对地形遮挡和局部尘埃云进行了验证,发现撞击坑附近确实产生了局部尘埃云,典型尘埃密度为104~105m^(-3).研究结果对未来撞击坑附近月面探测的环境评估具有重要意义.此外,研究结果还有助于理解其他无大气天体的表面充电和尘埃静电输运过程. 展开更多
关键词 月球南极 撞击 太阳风等离子体 月尘 充电
作者 李晓双 《农村科技》 1998年第4期23-24,共2页
地鳖虫,又叫土鳖虫、土元等。其性寒,味咸,有毒,具有催乳、化淤、止痛等功能,是一味珍贵的中药材。现将其饲养技术介绍如下:(一)饲养设备1.工具筛筛子分四种;1号筛方眼8.5毫米;2号筛方眼3.5毫米;3号筛与糠筛略同;4号筛方眼1.2毫米。2.... 地鳖虫,又叫土鳖虫、土元等。其性寒,味咸,有毒,具有催乳、化淤、止痛等功能,是一味珍贵的中药材。现将其饲养技术介绍如下:(一)饲养设备1.工具筛筛子分四种;1号筛方眼8.5毫米;2号筛方眼3.5毫米;3号筛与糠筛略同;4号筛方眼1.2毫米。2.饲养坑饲养坑后面要靠墙,墙前长3.5米、宽0.5米大小的面积,可建坑五座,每座中间用水泥板隔成5层,共25个坑,每个坑面积0.33平方米,坑内放土。坑的前面分上下两段,下段用水泥饭,上段用木料做成,必要时,上、下段均可移去。饲养土可用沙土、粘土或壤土。土敲碎后。 展开更多
关键词 地鳖虫 饲养密度 若虫 中药材 饲养设备 土鳖虫 水泥板 技术介绍 平方米 坑面
Deposition of atmospheric pollutant and their chemical characterization in snow pit profile at Dokriani Glacier,Central Himalaya 被引量:2
作者 Shipika SUNDRIYAL Tanuj SHUKLA +3 位作者 Lekhendra TRIPATHEE Dwarika Prashad DOBHAL Sameer Kumar TIWARI Uday BHAN 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第10期2236-2246,共11页
The uncertainty in assessing the numerous atmospheric pollutants transported via wind from arid and semi-arid regions is affecting the glacial ecosystem. In our study area due to the complexity of the system, a promin... The uncertainty in assessing the numerous atmospheric pollutants transported via wind from arid and semi-arid regions is affecting the glacial ecosystem. In our study area due to the complexity of the system, a prominent seasonal difference noticed among major ions(Ca^(2+), Mg^(2+), SO_4^(2-), and NO_3^-). There is a need for understanding the ions cycling as a whole and the directionality of the feedback loops in the system. Therefore, we provide an appraisal of our current hypothesis for seasonal difference in major ion concentration from snow samples for two corresponding years(2013 and 2015) at Dokriani Glacier. A systematic study of chemical compositionsin the shallow snow pit from Dokriani Glacier was undertaken for the pre-monsoon season to understand the cycling of major ions from atmosphere to solute acquisition process. The intimating connections of ions cycling in snow and its temporal behavior was observed and analyzed through various statistical tests. Among major ions, the SO_4^(2-)has the highest concentration among anions on an average considered as 14.21% in 2013 and 29.46% in 2015. On the other side Ca^(2+) is the dominant cation contributing 28.22% in 2013 and 15.3% in 2015 on average. The average ratio of Na+/Cl-was higher in 2013 whereas lower in 2015. The backward trajectory analysis suggests the possible sources of the ions transported from Central Asia through the Western Disturbance(WD) as a prominent source of winter precipitation mainly in the Central Himalaya. Ionicconcentration of Ca^(2+) in cations was highly dominated while in anion SO_4^(2-)played the major role. Factor analysis and correlation matrix suggested that, the precipitation chemistry is mostly influenced by anthropogenic, crustal, and sea salt sources over the studied region. The elemental cycling through ocean, atmosphere and biosphere opens up new ways to understand the geochemical processes operating at the glacierized catchments of the Himalaya. Moreover, increasing the field-based studies in the coming decades would also have the certain advantage in overcoming the conceptual and computational geochemical modelling difficulties. 展开更多
关键词 Western disturbance Central Himalaya Factor analysis Correlation analysis Snow Stratigraphy Atmospheric pollutants
Calculation of foundation pit deformation caused by deep excavation considering influence of loading and unloading 被引量:11
作者 黄明 刘新荣 +1 位作者 张乃烊 沈启炜 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第9期2164-2171,共8页
A new analytical solution for ground surface settlement induced by deep excavation is proposed based on the elastic half space Melan’s solution,and the analytical model is related to the physical and mechanical prope... A new analytical solution for ground surface settlement induced by deep excavation is proposed based on the elastic half space Melan’s solution,and the analytical model is related to the physical and mechanical properties of soil with the loading and unloading action during excavation process.The change law of earth pressure of the normal consolidation soil after the foundation pit excavation was analyzed,and elastic displacement calculation methods of analytic solution were further established given the influence of excavation and unloading.According to the change of stress state in the excavation process of foundation pit,the planar mechanical analysis model of the foundation excavation problem was established.By combining this model with the physical equations and geometric equations of plane strain problem with consideration of the loading and unloading modulus of soil,constitutive equation of the plane strain problem was also established.The loading and unloading modulus formula was obtained by using the parameter calculation method in Duncan-Chang curve model.The constitutive equation obtained from the model was used to calculate the soil stress state of each point to determine its loading and unloading modulus.Finally,the foundation pit displacement change after excavation was calculated,and thus the soil pressure distribution after retaining structure deformation.The theoretical results calculated by making corresponding programs were applied to engineering practice.By comparing the conventional calculation results with monitoring results,the practicability and feasibility of the calculation model were verified,which should provide a theoretical basis for similar projects. 展开更多
关键词 foundation pit Melan's solution loading and unloading stress state Duncan-Chang curve model
作者 罗海岩 《中国远程教育》 1987年第5期43-44,共2页
生命的长短用时间衡量 生命的价值用贡献计算 ——裴多菲 流星陨落 响起的是春雷 2月8日,春节后的第一个星期天。唐山市东矿区林西矿田永利父母的家中一片欢声笑语。田永利帮着父母招待客人,撑勺作菜,直到下午二点多客人们离去,又把屋... 生命的长短用时间衡量 生命的价值用贡献计算 ——裴多菲 流星陨落 响起的是春雷 2月8日,春节后的第一个星期天。唐山市东矿区林西矿田永利父母的家中一片欢声笑语。田永利帮着父母招待客人,撑勺作菜,直到下午二点多客人们离去,又把屋里院外打扫干净,拿起斧子,劈起柴来。这是他每周回家的“老章程”了,帮父母把下周的活都预先干好。 “救人啊!”突然一声凄厉的喊声从门口水坑中传来。“不好!有人落水了!”田永利扔下斧子,箭一般飞向门外,只见足有五个篮球场大的水坑冰面上,一个小男孩的身躯正时起时伏,情况万分危急。坑边只有一个十来岁的小女孩早已惊呆了。田永利不顾一切冲向坑面,在立春后的冰面上猛跑;未及脱衣就跳入水中。 展开更多
关键词 电大毕业生 革命烈士 斧子 星期天 生命的长短 唐山市 坑面 跳入水中 裴多菲
Snowdrift effect on snow deposition:Insights from a comparison of a snow pit profile and meteorological observations in east Antarctica 被引量:4
作者 DING MingHu ZHANG Tong +6 位作者 XIAO CunDe LI ChuanJin JIN Bo BIAN LinGen WANG ShuJie ZHANG DongQi QIN DaHe 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第4期672-685,共14页
A high-frequency and precise ultrasonic sounder was used to monitor precipitated/deposited and drift snow events over a 3-year period(17 January 2005 to 4 January 2008) at the Eagle automatic weather station site,inla... A high-frequency and precise ultrasonic sounder was used to monitor precipitated/deposited and drift snow events over a 3-year period(17 January 2005 to 4 January 2008) at the Eagle automatic weather station site,inland Antarctica.Ion species and oxygen isotope ratios were also generated from a snow pit below the sensor.These accumulation and snowdrift events were used to examine the synchronism with seasonal variations of δ^(18)O and ion species,providing an opportunity to assess the snowdrift effect in typical Antarctic inland conditions.There were up to 1-year differences for this 3-year-long snow pit between the traditional dating method and ultrasonic records.This difference implies that in areas with low accumulation or high wind,the snowdrift effect can induce abnormal disturbances on snow deposition.The snowdrift effect should be seriously taken into account for high-resolution dating of ice cores and estimation of surface mass balance,especially when the morphology of most Antarctic inland areas is similar to that of the Eagle site. 展开更多
关键词 Urban Evapotranspiration SEBS Remote sensing Anthropogenic heat
Femtosecond laser-induced surface wettability modification of polystyrene surface 被引量:1
作者 Bing Wang XinCai Wang +1 位作者 HongYu Zheng YeeCheong Lam 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第12期47-51,共5页
In this paper, we demonstrated a simple method to create either a hydrophilic or hydrophobic surface. With femtosecond laser irradiation at different laser parameters, the water contact angle (WCA) on polystyrene’s s... In this paper, we demonstrated a simple method to create either a hydrophilic or hydrophobic surface. With femtosecond laser irradiation at different laser parameters, the water contact angle (WCA) on polystyrene’s surface can be modified to either 12.7° or 156.2° from its original WCA of 88.2°. With properly spaced micro-pits created, the surface became hydrophilic probably due to the spread of the water droplets into the micro-pits. While with properly spaced micro-grooves created, the surface became rough and more hydrophobic. We investigated the effect of laser parameters on WCAs and analyzed the laser-treated surface roughness, profiles and chemical bonds by surface profilometer, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). For the laser-treated surface with low roughness, the polar (such as C—O, C=O, and O—C=O bonds) and non-polar (such as C—C or C—H bonds) groups were found to be responsible for the wettability changes. While for a rough surface, the surface roughness or the surface topography structure played a more significant role in the changes of the surface WCA. The mechanisms involved in the laser surface wettability modification process were discussed. 展开更多
关键词 femtosecond laser polystyrene (PS) WETTABILITY micro-pits micro-grooves surface texturing and surface modification
Different structural origins for different sized surface pits observed on a-plane GaN film 被引量:1
作者 GAO ZhiYuan LI JiangJiang +3 位作者 XUE XiaoWei CUI BiFeng XING YanHui ZOU DeShu 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第1期156-161,共6页
A correlation study between the observed surface morphology using high-resolution scanning electron microscopy(HRSEM) and the observed structural imperfections using transmission electron microscopy(TEM) has been cond... A correlation study between the observed surface morphology using high-resolution scanning electron microscopy(HRSEM) and the observed structural imperfections using transmission electron microscopy(TEM) has been conducted for a-plane Ga N. There are three different sized asymmetric surface pits: large pit of 500 nm–2 ?m in side length, medium pit of 50 nm in side length, and small pit with side lengths of less than 5 nm, which originate from incomplete island coalescence, screw dislocation, and partial dislocation(PD), respectively. Both screw dislocation and PD can produce pits on the free surface because they have a perpendicular line tension to the surface, which must remain in balance with the surface tension. The two types of dislocation lead to distinctive pit sizes because the PD has a smaller Burgers vector component along the dislocation line than the pure screw dislocation. A pit that is produced in the island-coalescing process is much larger than those caused by dislocations because island coalescence is a kinetic process that involves large-scale mass transportation, whereas the dislocation mediates the surface in the local area. These three types of surface pits sometimes interact with one another in space. The coalescence of the island determines the surface morphology at large scales, whereas the defects affect the details. 展开更多
关键词 surface pits nonpolar Ga N screw dislocations partial dislocations Island coalescence
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