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运输问题的逐块选优解法 被引量:4
作者 蒋宏锋 《科学技术与工程》 2006年第8期922-925,930,共5页
关键词 运输问题 块选 最优解集
作者 安丽薇 《山东煤炭科技》 2023年第4期215-217,共3页
针对司马选煤厂300~50 mm块原煤动筛跳汰分选存在分选精度低、矸石带煤率高等问题,从选择块煤排矸方法、改造工艺流程、主要设备选型等方面探究了块煤智能干选改造策略。生产实践表明,块煤智能干选改造降低了矸石带煤率,且节省了人力、... 针对司马选煤厂300~50 mm块原煤动筛跳汰分选存在分选精度低、矸石带煤率高等问题,从选择块煤排矸方法、改造工艺流程、主要设备选型等方面探究了块煤智能干选改造策略。生产实践表明,块煤智能干选改造降低了矸石带煤率,且节省了人力、物力,具备良好的经济效益和社会效益。 展开更多
关键词 煤厂 煤智能干 改造
预抽取相对较近边界向量的选块算法 被引量:2
作者 孔波 刘小茂 +1 位作者 曹淑娟 苏展 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第28期170-173,共4页
利用支持向量机中支持向量的稀疏性和支持向量分布于分划超平面周围的性质,该文提出了一种预抽取相对较近边界向量的选块算法的新算法,该算法减少了普通选块算法的迭代次数和提高了仅依靠相对较近边界向量的准确率,从而大大加快了支持... 利用支持向量机中支持向量的稀疏性和支持向量分布于分划超平面周围的性质,该文提出了一种预抽取相对较近边界向量的选块算法的新算法,该算法减少了普通选块算法的迭代次数和提高了仅依靠相对较近边界向量的准确率,从而大大加快了支持向量机的训练速度,且支持向量机的分类能力不受任何影响。 展开更多
关键词 支持向量机 相对较近边界向量 算法
作者 马强 付艳茹 《计算机应用与软件》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第8期186-188,共3页
对宿主图像频域进行二维DCT变换,采用灰度图像JND门限值和多数字基底对宿主图像的DCT频域构造了选块分组技术,对中频分量的DCT交流系数分组嵌入水印比特,对高低频分量的DCT系数随机嵌入水印比特,嵌入了多个灰度数字盲水印。该算法预估... 对宿主图像频域进行二维DCT变换,采用灰度图像JND门限值和多数字基底对宿主图像的DCT频域构造了选块分组技术,对中频分量的DCT交流系数分组嵌入水印比特,对高低频分量的DCT系数随机嵌入水印比特,嵌入了多个灰度数字盲水印。该算法预估了水印嵌入量,提取水印无需宿主图像和水印图像,仿真实验表明能有效抵抗滤波、加噪、剪切、JPEG有损压缩,具有较好的鲁棒性。 展开更多
关键词 数字盲水印 分组 DCT频域 交流系数 多数字基底 JND门限
矿块的自动拣选 被引量:1
作者 汪淑慧 《国外金属矿选矿》 2004年第11期10-13,42,共5页
文中介绍了矿石自动拣选的分类方法、难选原因及目前进展情况 。
关键词 自动拣 光电分 X辐射分
凉水井矿选煤厂块煤洗选系统设计的体会 被引量:4
作者 毕明勋 《煤炭加工与综合利用》 CAS 2015年第1期42-43,共2页
关键词 煤厂 煤洗 工艺设计 资料分析 工艺流程 设备
作者 何茂林 吴林 +1 位作者 姬吉星 刘春龙 《选煤技术》 CAS 2018年第3期56-59,共4页
为了解决因块煤系统两产品洗选工艺的局限导致矿井煤质中天然焦等中间产物不能有效分离的问题,在对天然焦等中间产物性质分析的基础上,城郊选煤厂提出在块煤再选系统中将三产品代替两产品分选工艺的改造方案。生产实践表明,改造方案实施... 为了解决因块煤系统两产品洗选工艺的局限导致矿井煤质中天然焦等中间产物不能有效分离的问题,在对天然焦等中间产物性质分析的基础上,城郊选煤厂提出在块煤再选系统中将三产品代替两产品分选工艺的改造方案。生产实践表明,改造方案实施后,提高了选煤厂块煤产品质量,优化了矸石产品存储和销售环节,避免了产品质量纠纷问题。 展开更多
关键词 重介质煤厂 煤再 斜轮重介质分 浅槽重介分 天然焦
用VC6.0 MFC实现图像选块的拖曳和融合
作者 印涛 《电脑编程技巧与维护》 2002年第4期76-78,共3页
本文结合一个具体的图像处理程序讨论如何用VC 6.0实现图像选块的拖曳和融合。
关键词 VC6.0 MFC 图像 拖曳 融合 图像处理程序
作者 王佳力 《洁净煤技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第S01期41-44,共4页
针对乌兰木伦选煤厂目前煤泥含量较大、生产成本较高等问题,结合现场煤质、产品结构要求和生产现状,采用脱粉技术和块煤智能化干选技术对现有生产工艺进行技术改造,从技术指标和经济指标角度出发,对改造前后的生产工艺进行综合评价。结... 针对乌兰木伦选煤厂目前煤泥含量较大、生产成本较高等问题,结合现场煤质、产品结构要求和生产现状,采用脱粉技术和块煤智能化干选技术对现有生产工艺进行技术改造,从技术指标和经济指标角度出发,对改造前后的生产工艺进行综合评价。结果表明,改造后的工艺降低生产成本、提高产品回收率、煤泥减量和降低生产管理劳动强度,达到降本增效目的,具有良好的社会和经济效益。 展开更多
关键词 煤厂 降本增效 脱粉技术 煤智能化干技术
我国动力煤干选技术现状及展望 被引量:29
作者 夏云凯 李功民 《洁净煤技术》 CAS 2017年第6期17-25,共9页
鉴于现有湿法分选工艺在处理动力煤过程中存在的一系列问题,比较了不同排矸设备的技术特点和优缺点;介绍了各种煤炭干选工艺和技术的应用进展,论述了不同干选工艺和设备的技术特点和未来发展方向。动力煤干选以提高产品发热量、排除矸... 鉴于现有湿法分选工艺在处理动力煤过程中存在的一系列问题,比较了不同排矸设备的技术特点和优缺点;介绍了各种煤炭干选工艺和技术的应用进展,论述了不同干选工艺和设备的技术特点和未来发展方向。动力煤干选以提高产品发热量、排除矸石及硫分为目的,具有产品不增加水分、分选成本低等优点。采用分级入选、块煤加介选、末煤干选、湿煤预处理浅度脱水再干选的双干提质、空气重介选等新工艺可以实现干选厂工艺流程的个性化设计,弥补传统FGX风选工艺和设备单一的局限性。建立先进、高效、经济、大型化的煤炭干选厂,开发分选精度高、处理能力大、能耗低、更低分选粒度下限的干选设备是煤炭干选厂的未来发展方向。 展开更多
关键词 干法 X射线智能分 煤干 末煤干 干燥-干联合工艺 空气重介
作者 袁风香 《现代矿业》 CAS 2016年第3期76-78,共3页
为合理开发利用甘肃某超贫磁铁矿石,在矿物学性质分析的基础上,对该铁矿石进行了不同粒度条件的干式磁选抛尾试验研究。试验确定了原矿粒度为15~0 mm时的粉矿干选,通过粉矿干选流程试验,获得了产率为64.03%、全铁品位为14.86%、磁性铁... 为合理开发利用甘肃某超贫磁铁矿石,在矿物学性质分析的基础上,对该铁矿石进行了不同粒度条件的干式磁选抛尾试验研究。试验确定了原矿粒度为15~0 mm时的粉矿干选,通过粉矿干选流程试验,获得了产率为64.03%、全铁品位为14.86%、磁性铁品位为5.80%、Ti O2品位为5.86%的干选精矿,抛除了产率为35.97%的低品位尾矿,达到了抛弃低品位尾矿的目的。 展开更多
关键词 磁铁矿 钛铁矿 粉矿干 矿干
作者 刘汝温 《河北农业科技》 2003年第6期8-8,共1页
关键词 小麦 收获 田间穗 块选
高效干法筛分和智能干选技术在准格尔矿区的应用浅析 被引量:3
作者 施长玉 《神华科技》 2019年第10期22-25,34,共5页
本文着重介绍了准格尔能源有限责任公司针对准格尔矿区劣煤中间密度级产率高的特点和当前煤炭市场形势变化。基于现有空间布置、工艺已经定型的现状,如何通过更新筛分设备、引进新工艺,进而提出了引进高效干法筛分技术(弛张筛应用)和块... 本文着重介绍了准格尔能源有限责任公司针对准格尔矿区劣煤中间密度级产率高的特点和当前煤炭市场形势变化。基于现有空间布置、工艺已经定型的现状,如何通过更新筛分设备、引进新工艺,进而提出了引进高效干法筛分技术(弛张筛应用)和块煤智能干选技术对策,成功为准能选煤厂带来了巨大效益,有效缩短了生产时间,增加了产品种类,实现了煤炭的清洁高效利用,树立品牌形象。 展开更多
关键词 高效干法筛分 煤智能干 提质增效
水工混凝土工程施工实时动态仿真 被引量:5
作者 翁永红 谢红忠 《人民长江》 EI 北大核心 2001年第10期20-22,共3页
计算机仿真丰富了水利水电工程施工的研究方法。水工混凝土工程施工实时动态仿真系统就是针对水工混凝土工程的施工特点 ,可实用于常规混凝土和碾压混凝土工程 ,建立在门塔机、缆机、皮带机为主或组合施工方案上 ,采用计算机跳仓选块 ,... 计算机仿真丰富了水利水电工程施工的研究方法。水工混凝土工程施工实时动态仿真系统就是针对水工混凝土工程的施工特点 ,可实用于常规混凝土和碾压混凝土工程 ,建立在门塔机、缆机、皮带机为主或组合施工方案上 ,采用计算机跳仓选块 ,仿真计算结果传输到P3进度软件和三维图形软件表达 ,动态分析混凝土工程施工在时间、工程量、施工形象等的进度特征。通过对三峡等工程混凝土施工 5年多的跟踪服务 ,对仿真系统进行了多次修改完善和补充 ,经工程实践验证 ,该系统具有较强的实用性。 展开更多
关键词 混凝土工程 动态仿真 进度特征 三峡水利枢纽 水工混凝土 计算机跳仓
Computer-based simulative training system--a new approach to teaching pre-hospital trauma care 被引量:1
作者 Tao Hong 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2011年第6期335-344,共10页
Objective:A computer-based STS(simulative training system) in providing pre-hospital trauma care at a disaster site was applied to teaching nursing students in the Second Military Medical University,China.This article... Objective:A computer-based STS(simulative training system) in providing pre-hospital trauma care at a disaster site was applied to teaching nursing students in the Second Military Medical University,China.This article reports on the teaching effectiveness of this system.Methods:Among 92 participants,46 were in the study group and 46 were in the 'control' group. Each student completed a multiple-choice quiz after completing 18 hours(six three-hour sessions) of the study module,and a score was recorded.The simulative training module was completed only by the study group;the 'control' group was assigned in-class discussions for the same amount of time covering the same content as the study group.The final course scores,which included both comprehensive and group task-based tests were compared between these two groups.The study used a descriptive and comparative approach for quantitative data analysis.Tests of independency between the multiple choice scores and the simulation scores were also performed.Finally,anonymous surveys were conducted.Results:The study group performed better than the 'control' group with a significantly higher average score for the group scenario task-based test score,and consequently the study group's final course score was significantly higher than the 'control' group.As per chi-square tests,no significant associations were found between the multiple choice scores and the simulated training scores.The final surveys showed students overwhelmingly agreed that STS training improved their knowledge and skills,their ability to recognize a potential critical event, and their initial response for trauma care at pre-hospital settings.The survey responses of the study group were noteworthy as they indicated that students recognized the importance of simulative training,appreciated the realism of the simulation,and were able to fight/adjust to the stressful feelings in order to focus on the task.Conclusion:Computer-based STS may be an effective teaching model to help students improve their capability in providing pre-hospital trauma care,and in their effectiveness in disaster response. 展开更多
关键词 Computer-based simulation Pre-hospital trauma care Simulative training system TEACHING
Identification of Postharvest Pathogens of Amorphophallus muelleri and Indoor Screening of Fungicides 被引量:1
作者 Lei Yu Jianrong Zhao +4 位作者 Jiani Liu Xu Wu Dingkang Wang Shengguan Xu Georges Sigismond Srzednicki 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2015年第7期577-584,共8页
Konjac (Amorphophallus muelleri), a genus of tuberous plants in the Araceae family, is one of high-value crops in Southwest China. This study aimed at identifying the main pathogens causing tuber rot during storage ... Konjac (Amorphophallus muelleri), a genus of tuberous plants in the Araceae family, is one of high-value crops in Southwest China. This study aimed at identifying the main pathogens causing tuber rot during storage ofA. muelleri and screening the effective fungicides, so as to prolong the storage period ofA. muelleri and decrease the losses. Isolation and identification, as well as pathogenicity test and retro-inoculation experiments were made for the pathogen causing tuber rot during storage ofA. muelleri in Kunming city, Yunnan province, China. The effective fungicides for the main pathogens were also screened in the laboratory. Six fungi were identified as the pathogens causing tuber rot of A. muelleri, which were Fusarium solani (Mart,) Sacc., Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht., Botrytis cinerea Pers., Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissl., Rhizopus nigricans Ehrenb., Penicillium ulaiense Hsieh, Su & Tzean. The main pathogens causing postharvest diseases ofA. muelleri were F. solani, F. oxysporum and B. cinerea. The isolation frequencies of them were 33.9%, 10.5% and 19.4%, respectively. After artificial inoculation, the incidence of tubers infected by F. solani, F. oxysporum and B. cinerea was 100%, 83% and 95%, respectively. The results of chemical screening showed that, in potato dextrose agar (PDA) media plate, the compounds Fludioxonil (50% WP) and Boscalid (50% WG) were the most effective in controlling the three main pathogens, and the average effect reached more than 97%. The test of fungicidal antisepsis on tubers consisted ofA. muelleri being dipped in the 9,000x diluted solution of Fludioxonil (50% WP) or in the 3,500x diluted solution of Boscalid (50% WG) for 3 min and stored at room temperature (25 ℃) for 7 d and 15 d, respectively. The fungicidal effects of Fludioxonil against F. solani, F. oxysporum and B. cinerea for 7 d and 15 d were 88.6%/83.2%, 90.1%/84.7% and 93.0%/91.5%, respectively, whereas the fungicidal effects of Boscalid were 87.0%/85.3%, 89.0%/85.6% and 89.2%/89.1%, respectively. The results may provide useful information for the control ofpostharvest diseases ofA. muelleri. 展开更多
关键词 A. muelleri postharvest disease indoor screening of fungicides.
HARQ Scheme for MIMO Systems with Antenna Selection
作者 仇润鹤 于天月 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2011年第1期62-65,共4页
A new type hybrid automatic repeat request(HARQ) scheme based on orthogonal space-time block code(OSTBC) is proposed and evaluated in multiple-input multiple-output(MIMO) systems.The transmit antennas are selected bas... A new type hybrid automatic repeat request(HARQ) scheme based on orthogonal space-time block code(OSTBC) is proposed and evaluated in multiple-input multiple-output(MIMO) systems.The transmit antennas are selected based on the feedback from the receiver.The modulated symbols are encoded by spacetime block code(STBC) and obtained by space time code blocks which are suitable for the number of selected antennas.The total packet error rate(PER) is given by defining the decoding function and the best value of the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions is discussed.Theory and simulation results illustrate that:this new HARQ scheme with antenna selection method has lower PER and the result is also satisfying. 展开更多
关键词 hybrid automatic repeat request(HARQ) multiple-input multiple-output(MIMO) orthogonal space-time block code(OSTBC) antenna selection
Design and Implementation of DSP—Based IEEE802.16a OFDM System
作者 仇润鹤 谢颖华 +2 位作者 沈雄威 韩汉光 刘超 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第1期62-67,共6页
A set of integrated Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing(OFDM) modulation and demodulation system is proposed and its performance is verified in reference to the standard of IEEE802.16a for WMAN.The design,combi... A set of integrated Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing(OFDM) modulation and demodulation system is proposed and its performance is verified in reference to the standard of IEEE802.16a for WMAN.The design,combined with analogy front-end,adopts Texas Instrument(TI) Company's 6701 evaluation module(EVM) to construct digital Intermediate Frequency(IF) platform.A DSP-based baseband processing software module is embedded into the system.The proposed scheme makes it possible for users to select various software modules to set up connections with different throughput performance.Taking into account the given hardware configuration,the design aims to optimize the algorithm modules to accomplish better system performance. 展开更多
关键词 OFDM WMAN 802.16a DSP modulation and demodulation 6701 evaluation module
Modularized dry coal beneficiation technique based on gas-solid fluidized bed 被引量:7
作者 赵跃民 李功民 +4 位作者 骆振福 梁春成 唐利刚 陈增强 邢洪波 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第2期374-380,共7页
A 40-60 t/h modularized dry coal beneficiation process with a novel method to control the bed was designed around a gas-solid fluidized bed separator. Furthermore, the hydrodynamics of medium-solids consisting of wide... A 40-60 t/h modularized dry coal beneficiation process with a novel method to control the bed was designed around a gas-solid fluidized bed separator. Furthermore, the hydrodynamics of medium-solids consisting of wide-size-range magnetite powder (0.3-0.06 ram) and 〈1 mm fine coal were numerically studied. The simulation results show that the fluidization performance of the wide-size-range medium-solid bed is good. The separation performance of the modularized system was then investigated in detail using a mixture of 〈0.3 mm magnetite powder (mass fraction of 0.3-0.06 mm particles is 91.38 %) and 〈1 mm fine coal as solid media. The experimental results show that at separation densities of 1.33 g/cm^3 or 1.61 g/cm^3, 50-6 mm coal can be separated effectively with probable error, E, values of 0.05 g/cm^3 and 0.06 g/cm^3, respectively. This technique is beneficial for saving water resources and for the clean utilization of coal. 展开更多
关键词 dry coal beneficiation MODULARIZATION gas-solid fluidized bed wide-size-range medium-solids
Transmit Antenna Selection in MIMO-OFDM System Based on CO-SFBC Schemes
作者 仇润鹤 金彦龄 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第6期738-746,共9页
A transmit antenna selection(TAS)multi-input multi-output orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing(MIMO-OFDM)system based on channel-orthogonalized space-frequency block coding(CO-SFBC)schemes was proposed for bette... A transmit antenna selection(TAS)multi-input multi-output orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing(MIMO-OFDM)system based on channel-orthogonalized space-frequency block coding(CO-SFBC)schemes was proposed for better performance.Firstly,the principles and criterions for designing CO-STBC/SFBC schemes with angle feedback were proposed,and then the effect of quantization for the feedback angle information within such schemes was discussed.Meanwhile,the TAS scheme was applied to the system to further improve the overall performance.Simulation results show that the combination of the proposed CO-STBC and TAS schemes can significantly improve the system performance,which is much larger than only applying them to systems individually. 展开更多
关键词 multiple-input multiple-output(MIMO) orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing(OFDM) channel-orthogonalized space-frequency block coding(CO-STBC/SFBC) transmit antenna selection(TAS)
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