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作者 雷金 《中国卫生产业》 2021年第13期161-165,共5页
传染病对人民群众生命财产安全造成了严重威胁,传染性疾病防控工作是首要紧急社会性事务,应当对此建立快速响应机制,建立并强化垂直管理机制,把握传染病防治垂直机制重点工作方向,加强医院信息管理系统HISA系统与国家传染性疾病网络直... 传染病对人民群众生命财产安全造成了严重威胁,传染性疾病防控工作是首要紧急社会性事务,应当对此建立快速响应机制,建立并强化垂直管理机制,把握传染病防治垂直机制重点工作方向,加强医院信息管理系统HISA系统与国家传染性疾病网络直报系统的信息整合,提升基层医疗机构对疾病的应急处理能力,建立垂直物资储备供应机制,建立区域间物资出调配管理机制,加强对垂直管理部门权利的监督,破解垂直管理部门监督不足困局,加强医疗机构与疾病防控机制的融合,提升对疾病的快速响应速度,构建疾病直报系统,提升基层医疗机构对疾病的应急处理能力,建立分级诊疗方式,优化对疾病的协作管理功能,提升对传染性疾病的疫情防控能力。以此最大程度减少传染性疾病确诊人员,提升治愈率,动用多种层面的力量建立对传染性疾病的有效防控体系,实现对传染性疾病的提早发现与治疗,为社会正常健康发展提供保障。 展开更多
关键词 垂直机制 传染病 防治反应速度 HISA系统 物资调配机制
合理强化垂直机制以提高传染病防治反应速度 被引量:8
作者 燕继荣 梁贞情 《探索与争鸣》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期175-183,290,共10页
传染病防治中过于强调属地管理原则,面临权责不一致、激励不恰当、物资储备不充分、资源调集效率低的问题,不适合应对传染病造成的突发公共卫生危机。应当适当强化传染病防治的垂直机制,建立"职业守门员"制度、提升疫情期间... 传染病防治中过于强调属地管理原则,面临权责不一致、激励不恰当、物资储备不充分、资源调集效率低的问题,不适合应对传染病造成的突发公共卫生危机。应当适当强化传染病防治的垂直机制,建立"职业守门员"制度、提升疫情期间信息公开主体层级、提升物资储备主体层级。同时以防治传染病为落脚点,通过强化党的领导,加强传染病防治的统一管理,充分发挥政府、社会等不同力量的优势,以更高效率、更快速度预防和控制传染病流行。 展开更多
关键词 传染病防治 垂直机制 属地管理原则 危机应对 职业守门员
实施垂直监管 强化直销法规的操作性——西南政法大学赵学清教授对话直销立法
作者 赵彦君 《知识经济.中国直销》 2005年第2期40-42,共3页
赵学清,重庆人,西南政法大学教授、博士生导师.曾任第九届全国人大代表,重庆市人民政府法律顾问.现任中国WTO法研究会副会长、中国经济法研究会常务理事、中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁员、重庆市人大常委会法制委员会委员、重庆市律... 赵学清,重庆人,西南政法大学教授、博士生导师.曾任第九届全国人大代表,重庆市人民政府法律顾问.现任中国WTO法研究会副会长、中国经济法研究会常务理事、中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁员、重庆市人大常委会法制委员会委员、重庆市律师协会高级顾问,系重庆市国际法学科学术带头人,西南政法大学国际法研究所所长,多次参与国家及地方的立法咨询工作,亲自主持起草国家<合同法>中的委托行经合同的条款,学术著作颇丰.还担任重庆市建设投资总公司等企业的独立董事,多次参与重庆市大型国有企业的重大纠纷咨询论证事务. 展开更多
关键词 垂直监管机制 直销法 赵学清 立法 营销策略
适应股改要求 强化审计监督 建立健全农业银行内部审计垂直化管理体制
作者 胡铁宁 《中国农业银行武汉培训学院学报》 2007年第6期49-52,共4页
关键词 农业银行股改 审计监督 内部审计 垂直化管理机制
权力清单制度的理论分析与现实检视 被引量:14
作者 麻宝斌 贾茹 《探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期111-117,2,共7页
简政放权是新一轮行政改革的重点,权力清单制度则是简政放权的主要抓手和中心工作。但对权力清单制度的认识,理论界和实务界存在分歧。从应然层面梳理权力清单制度的表征和益处,澄清权力清单制度背后所涉及的关系样态和权力结构,在实然... 简政放权是新一轮行政改革的重点,权力清单制度则是简政放权的主要抓手和中心工作。但对权力清单制度的认识,理论界和实务界存在分歧。从应然层面梳理权力清单制度的表征和益处,澄清权力清单制度背后所涉及的关系样态和权力结构,在实然层面检视权力清单制度的制定、执行和监督等环节,进而提出优化权力清单制度的对策。着眼未来,权力清单制度应始终秉承公共性,建立以公民权利制约公共权力的垂直问责机制,通过多元治理和科学行政实现功能优化,进而推动中国公共行政基本结构的变革。 展开更多
关键词 权力清单制度 公共权力 公民权利 垂直问责机制
解读当代校园空间设计的四个关键词——以厦门市市头中学为例 被引量:1
作者 江贤生 《江西建材》 2022年第1期78-80,共3页
关键词 校园设计 构型 漫游 垂直机制 城市视野
栅格型分布式流域水文模型构建 被引量:2
作者 关传弢 李丹 王贵作 《黑龙江水利科技》 2012年第10期21-24,共4页
基于地貌形成理论,充分考虑了流域内地形、植被、土壤、土壤水分等因素对流域蓄水容量空间分布的影响,提出了蓄水容量空间分布模型及建模方法,在此基础上,结合垂直混合产流机制,建立了概念性分布式流域水文模型。项目研究应用RS和GIS,... 基于地貌形成理论,充分考虑了流域内地形、植被、土壤、土壤水分等因素对流域蓄水容量空间分布的影响,提出了蓄水容量空间分布模型及建模方法,在此基础上,结合垂直混合产流机制,建立了概念性分布式流域水文模型。项目研究应用RS和GIS,是对传统水文模型改进的创新尝试,同时指出建立基于RS和GIS的耦合水文模型是未来的发展趋势。 展开更多
关键词 栅格 垂直混合产流机制 蓄水容量空间分布 耦合 水文模型 发展趋势
议我国行政监察制度的发展和完善 被引量:3
作者 张蕊 《传承》 2009年第8期138-139,共2页
我国现行的行政监察体制是双重领导和合署办公的体制,这会造成行政监察机关的地位和职权不独立,不能充分地发挥行政监察职能,也不能起到遏制行政机关"不良行政"的作用。因此,我国应该借鉴国外的行政监察制度的优点和经验,建... 我国现行的行政监察体制是双重领导和合署办公的体制,这会造成行政监察机关的地位和职权不独立,不能充分地发挥行政监察职能,也不能起到遏制行政机关"不良行政"的作用。因此,我国应该借鉴国外的行政监察制度的优点和经验,建立垂直领导制和行政监察专员制度,加强行政监察的力度,完善行政监察程序,提高行政监察工作的透明度,全面推进依法行政,加快法治政府建设进程,构建社会主义和谐社会。 展开更多
关键词 垂直领导机制 行政监察专员制度 独立性 公开性
Analysis of the Current situation of Syphilis in a Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic
作者 郑华 马蕾 《Chinese Journal of Sexually Transmitted Infections》 2005年第1期17-20,共4页
Objective: To analyze the current situation of syphilis in the sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) clinic, from January 1994 to December 2002 was studied. Methods: All syphilis patients were confirmed by history,... Objective: To analyze the current situation of syphilis in the sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) clinic, from January 1994 to December 2002 was studied. Methods: All syphilis patients were confirmed by history, physical examination, dark-field microscopy of samples taken from the chancre or satellite lymph nodes,or positive serological tests. Results: From 1994 to 2002, there were 2067 cases of early syphilis, accounting for 20.01% (2067/10330) of all STD cases. The annual proportion of syphilis cases among all STD cases from 1994 to 2002 was 0.57%, 0.53%, 3.54%, 16.20%, 31.29%, 27.88%, 25.63%, 17.11%, 10.48%, respectively. Of 2067 syphilis patients,49.64% (1026/2067) were male and 50.36% (1041/2067) were female. 44.75% (925/2067) of all cases presented with primary syphilis, 44.90% (928/2067) with secondary syphilis, 9.77% (202/2067) with latent syphilis (without any conspicuous clinical signs or symptoms), and 0.58% (12/2067) with congenital syphilis. The 30-39 year old cohort accounted for the largest proportion, at 37.68% (779/2067) of all syphilis cases. The 20-29 year old cohort also accounted for a large proportion, at 37.20% (769/2067) of all cases,followed by the 40-49 year old cohort, at 17.95% (371/2067). Syphilis was most prevalent among the unemployed,self-employed laborers, and office workers in decreasing order. The majority of cases were graduates of either primary school, high school, or college. Of all syphilis cases, 87.86% (1816/2067) were married, and 12.14%(251/2067, including children) were unmarried. 76.78% (1587/2067) of all cases were acquired through extramarital intercourse. 14.03% (290/2067) of cases were infected by their spouses. 0.58% (12/2067) of cases were due to vertical transmission. 8.61% (178) of cases were acquired through indirect contact. Conclusion: The proportion of syphilis infection among all STDs remained stable from 1994 to 1995,quickly and dramatically increased from 1996 to 1999,and then gradually tapered down from 2000 to 2002. The incidence of congenital syphilis infections increased throughout the study period. 展开更多
作者 蒋亚东 贺日开 《河北法学》 2000年第3期121-122,共2页
文章首先对我国目前司法裁判的执行中存在的问题进行了概括,指出执行难、执行乱和执行多是我国司法裁判执行工作的主要症结。文章对形成执行难、执行乱和执行多的原因作了分析后,着重论述了对现行司法体制进行改革的必要性,并提出了... 文章首先对我国目前司法裁判的执行中存在的问题进行了概括,指出执行难、执行乱和执行多是我国司法裁判执行工作的主要症结。文章对形成执行难、执行乱和执行多的原因作了分析后,着重论述了对现行司法体制进行改革的必要性,并提出了一些改革的建议。 展开更多
关键词 法院 司法裁判 执行 执行机关 垂直领导机制
Combustion behavior and influence mechanism of CO on iron ore sintering with flue gas recirculation 被引量:9
作者 范晓慧 余志元 +2 位作者 甘敏 陈许玲 季志云 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第6期2391-2396,共6页
The properties of circulating gas have a significant effect on sintering with flue gas recirculation,and the influence of CO in sintering process was investigated.The results show that the post-combustion of CO conduc... The properties of circulating gas have a significant effect on sintering with flue gas recirculation,and the influence of CO in sintering process was investigated.The results show that the post-combustion of CO conducts in sinter zone when flue gas passes through the sintering bed,which releases much heat and reduces the consumption of solid fuel.The ratio of coke breeze can be reduced from 5% to 4.7% with 2% CO in circulating flue gas.In addition,with the increase of CO content in circulating flue gas,the combustion efficiency of fuel is improved,and the flame front is increased slightly while still matches with the heat transfer front.These are beneficial to increasing the maximum temperature and prolonging the high temperature duration,especially in the upper layer of sintering bed.As a consequence,the productivity,vertical sintering velocity and quality of sinter are improved. 展开更多
关键词 flue gas recirculation heat transfer front flame front combustion behavior
Blade pitch control of straight-bladed vertical axis wind turbine 被引量:1
作者 梁迎彬 张立勋 +1 位作者 李二肖 张凤月 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第5期1106-1114,共9页
Collective pitch control and individual pitch control algorithms were present for straight-bladed vertical axis wind turbine to improve the self-starting capacity.Comparative analysis of straight-bladed vertical axis ... Collective pitch control and individual pitch control algorithms were present for straight-bladed vertical axis wind turbine to improve the self-starting capacity.Comparative analysis of straight-bladed vertical axis wind turbine(SB-VAWT) with or without pitch control was conducted from the aspects of aerodynamic force,flow structure and power coefficient.The computational fluid dynamics(CFD) prediction results show a significant increase in power coefficient for SB-VAWT with pitch control.According to the aerodynamic forces and total torque coefficient obtained at various tip speed ratios(TSRs),the results indicate that the blade pitch method can increase the power output and decrease the deformation of blade;especially,the total torque coefficient of blade pitch control at TSR 1.5 is about 2.5 times larger than that of fixed pitch case.Furthermore,experiment was carried out to verify the feasibility of pitch control methods.The results show that the present collective pitch control and individual pitch control methods can improve the self-starting capacity of SB-VAWT,and the former is much better and its proper operating TSRs ranges from 0.4 to 0.6. 展开更多
关键词 straight-bladed vertical axis wind turbine collective pitch control individual pitch control self-starting capacity
Reversal of the Magnetic Nanofilms and Data Recording by Spin Current
作者 Mykola M. Krupa 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2015年第1期14-23,共10页
The article presents the results of experimental studies of the physical mechanisms and magnetic switching dynamics of films with one or two magnetic nanolayers under an irradiation picosecond and femtosecond laser pu... The article presents the results of experimental studies of the physical mechanisms and magnetic switching dynamics of films with one or two magnetic nanolayers under an irradiation picosecond and femtosecond laser pulses and also the samples of data recording devices on the spin storage medium are described. The study used a film with perpendicular anisotropy (Tb22Co5Fe73/Pr6O11/Tb29Co5Fe76, Tb25Co5Fe70/Al2O3, Tb22Co5Fe73, Tb19Co5Fe76) and films planar single-axis magnetic anisotropy (Co80Fe20/Pr6O11/CO30Fe70). The magnetic switching of magnetic layers under action the magnetic field of a spin current is the most important for practical use in elements of spintronic. The spin current can also be realized using short electrical pulses. On the basis of this mechanism, the high-speed recording of information on the spin carrier has been realized. 展开更多
关键词 Magnetic nanofilms laser pulses spin current storage medium.
国土资源管理体制重大改革 省以下实行垂直领导
《党建文汇(上半月)》 北大核心 2004年第12期29-29,共1页
记者近日从正在召开的国土资源管理体制改革工作汇报会上获悉,我国国土资源管理体制实行重大改革,省以下国土资源管理将实行垂直领导,改革工作将于今年年底前完成。国土资源部部长孙文盛在会上指出,改革省以下国土资源管理体制是党... 记者近日从正在召开的国土资源管理体制改革工作汇报会上获悉,我国国土资源管理体制实行重大改革,省以下国土资源管理将实行垂直领导,改革工作将于今年年底前完成。国土资源部部长孙文盛在会上指出,改革省以下国土资源管理体制是党中央、国务院作出的重大决策。实行省以下国土资源管理机构垂直领导,对于进一步加强国家对国土资源的宏观调控, 展开更多
关键词 国土资源管理体制 改革 垂直领导机制 宏观调控 矿产资源
加入WTO对中国中央与地方财政关系的影响 被引量:2
作者 胡书东 《世界经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第3期56-57,共2页
关键词 中国 WTO 中央财政 地方财政 税收管辖权 财政垂直机制 财政分权程度
冬季黑潮延伸体海域海洋涡旋影响局地大气强对流的研究 被引量:6
作者 刘秦玉 张苏平 贾英来 《地球科学进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期441-451,共11页
黑潮延伸体海区是冬季西北太平洋向大气加热的关键海区。前人研究表明活跃在黑潮延伸体海区的海洋涡旋会通过影响海表面温度而影响海面风。回顾了最近几年该海域海洋涡旋影响局地大气的研究成果,重点从船测探空资料、卫星观测资料和模... 黑潮延伸体海区是冬季西北太平洋向大气加热的关键海区。前人研究表明活跃在黑潮延伸体海区的海洋涡旋会通过影响海表面温度而影响海面风。回顾了最近几年该海域海洋涡旋影响局地大气的研究成果,重点从船测探空资料、卫星观测资料和模式数值实验3个方面分析和比对了已有的研究成果,依据该海区海洋涡旋导致大气异常的地转适应理论,得到了如下新的科学推论:海洋涡旋上空大气运动较慢时,大气对海洋涡旋的响应表现以气压调整机制为主,海洋涡旋的影响常常被限制在大气边界层中;海洋涡旋上空大气的运动较快时,大气对暖(冷)涡的响应以垂直混合机制为主,海表面风速在暖(冷)水上加(减)速,海表面风强辐合出现在暖水的背景风下游一侧,并从暖水上空携带了大量水汽;通过水汽凝结与海面辐合上升之间的正反馈机制,为导致大气中出现强对流提供了必要条件。该推论将有利于进一步定量刻画海洋涡旋对大气的影响。 展开更多
关键词 黑潮延伸体 海洋涡旋 大气强对流 地转适应 垂直动量混合机制
对于检察改革的思考 被引量:3
作者 朱亚峰 《法学杂志》 2003年第4期38-39,共2页
关键词 检察管理体制 改革 人事管理制度 垂直管理机制 主诉检察官制度 检察机关
Low impedance nature of 12 acupoints on the limbs,and the unexpected dependence on limb angle 被引量:1
作者 Xu Jingjing Yang Fan +4 位作者 Han Danhong Wang Zhenhai Hong Yuankai Han Hongbin Xu Shengyong 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第2期287-298,共12页
OBJECTIVE: To better understand the working mechanism of acupuncture, we investigated the skin electrical impedance distribution around acupoints, and the impedance changes at 12 original acupoints bilaterally after b... OBJECTIVE: To better understand the working mechanism of acupuncture, we investigated the skin electrical impedance distribution around acupoints, and the impedance changes at 12 original acupoints bilaterally after bending the limbs.METHODS: We measured the skin electrical impedance in three study subjects in the frequency range of 40 to 10 k Hz using the four-electrode method with a sharp probe and a large reference electrode.A measurement matrix of 7 mm × 7 mm with spacing of 2.0(or 3.0) mm was measured to obtain 2 D impedance mapping of acupoints. The impedance spectra of 12 original acupoints were measured at the 0° position and the 90° position.RESULTS: The electrical impedance of some acupoints, such as Yangchi(TE 4), was 16 times lower than that of the surrounding area, showing a recognizable small central area of low impedance with a diameter of less than 4 mm. In contrast, other acupoints, such as Laogong(PC 8), had an electrical impedance that was not significantly different from that of the surrounding area. When the limb was bent from a straight position(0o) to a vertical position(90o), the electrical impedance of the 12 original acupoints showed varied trends, either increasing or decreasing by a factor of up to ten times, or remaining at the same level.CONCLUSION: Not all acupoints tested show the property of low impedance, which might be related to the varied depth of the openings of superficial collaterals. The unexpected dependence of acupoint impedance on limb angle is a novel discovery, which implies that the channel paths are located in interstitial structures in the limbs. It might be possible to determine an optimized limb position for each particular acupuncture treatment in clinical practice. 展开更多
关键词 Channel ACUPOINT Superficial collater-als Electric impedance LIMB
An InSAR scattering model for multi-layer snow based on QuasiCrystalline Approximation(QCA) theory 被引量:2
作者 Zhen LI Zhixian LI +1 位作者 Bangsen TIAN Jianmin ZHOU 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第8期1112-1126,共15页
Snow-cover parameters are important indicator factors for hydrological models and climate change studies and have typical vertical stratification characteristics. Remote sensing can be used for large-scale monitoring ... Snow-cover parameters are important indicator factors for hydrological models and climate change studies and have typical vertical stratification characteristics. Remote sensing can be used for large-scale monitoring of snow parameters. In SAR(Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) technology has advantages in detecting the vertical structure of snow cover. As a basis of snow vertical structure detection using In SAR, a scattering model can reveal the physical process of interaction between electromagnetic waves and snow. In recent years, the In SAR scattering model for single-layer snow has been fully studied;however, it cannot be applied to the case of multi-layer snow. To solve this problem, a multi-layer snow scattering mode is proposed in this paper, which applies the QCA(Quad-Crystal Approximation) theory to describe the coherent scattering characteristics of snow and introduces a stratification factor to describe the influence of snow stratification on the crosscorrelation of SAR echoes. Based on the proposed model, we simulate an In SAR volumetric correlation of different types of multi-layer snow at the X band(9.6 GHz). The results show that this model is suitable for multi-layer snow, and the sequence of sub-layers of snow has a significant influence on the volumetric correlation. Compared to the single layer model, the multi-layer model can predict a polarization difference in the volumetric correlation more accurately and thus has a wider scope of application. To make the model more available for snow parameter inversion, a simplified multi-layer model was also developed.The model did not have polarization information compared to that of the full model but showed good consistency with the full model. The phase of the co-polarization In SAR volumetric correlation difference is more sensitive to snow parameters than that of the phase difference of the co-polarization In SAR volumetric correlation and more conducive to the development of a parameter-inversion algorithm. The model can be applied to deepen our understanding of In SAR scattering mechanisms and to develop a snow parameter inversion algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 SNOW InSAR QCA Scattering model
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