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基于RBF型人工神经网络的碳/陶瓷复合材料的化学成分对硬度的耦合影响分析 被引量:4
作者 刘雅芳 董万鹏 +1 位作者 由伟 饶轮 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第12期153-157,共5页
用RBF型人工神经网络研究了碳/陶瓷复合材料的化学成分对其硬度的影响。首先设计了RBF型神经网络模型,用"舍一法"进行了训练,使模型具有满意的预测性能。随后分析了化学组分对硬度的影响,包括单因素影响和双因素耦合影响。结... 用RBF型人工神经网络研究了碳/陶瓷复合材料的化学成分对其硬度的影响。首先设计了RBF型神经网络模型,用"舍一法"进行了训练,使模型具有满意的预测性能。随后分析了化学组分对硬度的影响,包括单因素影响和双因素耦合影响。结果表明:材料的两种组分同时变化时,对硬度的影响更加复杂,呈现典型的非线性特征。 展开更多
关键词 碳/陶瓷复合材料 化学成分 硬度 RBF 型人工神经网络 耦合影响
基于神经网络的加速度传感器动态模型参数辨识 被引量:2
作者 俞阿龙 《淮阴师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2005年第3期195-197,共3页
提出了利用函数连接型人工神经网络(FLANN)实现加速度传感器动态模型参数辨识的方法,该方法以加速度传感器动态标定实验数据为基础,通过FLANN训练来确定加速度传感器传递函数参数,文中介绍了辨识原理以及算法,给出了利用FLANN辨识的加... 提出了利用函数连接型人工神经网络(FLANN)实现加速度传感器动态模型参数辨识的方法,该方法以加速度传感器动态标定实验数据为基础,通过FLANN训练来确定加速度传感器传递函数参数,文中介绍了辨识原理以及算法,给出了利用FLANN辨识的加速度传感器动态数学模型.结果表明,这种辨识方法具有精度高、鲁棒性好等优点. 展开更多
关键词 辨识 加速度传感器 函数连接型人工神经网络(FLANN)
基于遗传神经网络的机器人腕力传感器动态建模与补偿方法 被引量:5
作者 俞阿龙 黄惟一 秦刚 《机械工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第12期239-244,共6页
介绍用于MotomamV3X机器人上的新型多维腕力传感器,比较遗传算法与人工神经网络的特点,将遗传算法的交叉和变异操作进行改进,提出一种融合改进遗传算法(Genetic algorithm,GA)的函数连接型人工神经网络(Functional link artificial neur... 介绍用于MotomamV3X机器人上的新型多维腕力传感器,比较遗传算法与人工神经网络的特点,将遗传算法的交叉和变异操作进行改进,提出一种融合改进遗传算法(Genetic algorithm,GA)的函数连接型人工神经网络(Functional link artificial neural network FLANN),并将其用于所介绍的新型机器人腕力传感器动态建模与动态性能补偿中。介绍动态建模与动态补偿原理及改进遗传神经网络算法,给出该传感器的动态模型和动态补偿模型。该方法利用腕力传感器的动态标定数据,采用改进遗传神经网络搜索和优化模型参数,保留了遗传算法的全局搜索能力和FLANN结构简单,鲁棒性好,且具备自学习能力的特点,克服了FLANN容易陷入局部极小的缺陷,具有快的网络训练速度及高的动态建模精度。理论分析和试验结果都证实了所提出的动态建模与动态补偿方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 机器人腕力传感器 动态建模 动态补偿 函数连接型人工神经网络 遗传算法
用人工神经网络研究钢的硬度的影响因素 被引量:5
作者 由伟 赵玮玮 +1 位作者 赖惠先 白秉哲 《钢铁研究学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期34-38,共5页
用人工神经网络研究了化学成分及热处理工艺参数对低碳低合金钢的硬度的影响。首先设计了RBF型人工神经网络模型,用"舍一法"改进了模型,使其具有较好的预测性能。然后,用神经网络研究了化学成分和冷速对低碳低合金钢的硬度的... 用人工神经网络研究了化学成分及热处理工艺参数对低碳低合金钢的硬度的影响。首先设计了RBF型人工神经网络模型,用"舍一法"改进了模型,使其具有较好的预测性能。然后,用神经网络研究了化学成分和冷速对低碳低合金钢的硬度的定量影响。结果表明,碳的质量分数为0.11%~0.15%时,硬度随碳含量的增加而增大;硅的质量分数为0.24%~0.38%、锰的质量分数为0.94%~1.02%时,硬度值基本不变;铬的质量分数为0~0.6%时,硬度值呈增加趋势;镍的质量分数为0~0.04%时,硬度值基本不变;钼的质量分数为0~0.2%时,硬度值从HV 288降至HV 282;硼的质量分数为1%~2%时,硬度随含量增加而升高;钛、铌、钒的总质量分数为0.06%~0.14%时,硬度值基本不变;冷速从10℃/m增加至170℃/m,硬度值从HV 290增至HV 420。 展开更多
关键词 低碳低合金钢 硬度 化学成分 冷速 RBF型人工神经网络
基于HFLANN的MSMA传感器动态模型参数识别 被引量:4
作者 涂福泉 吕杰 +2 位作者 庄羽航 胡升谋 王云学 《自动化与仪表》 2017年第1期20-23,29,共5页
由于磁控形状记忆合金MSMA存在固有迟滞非线性现象,严重影响传感器的测量精度。为了消除MSMA的迟滞非线性带来的负面影响,运用了一种迟滞函数链接型人工神经网络HFLANN来识别MSMA传感器动态模型参数。识别结果表明,HFLANN可以应用于MSM... 由于磁控形状记忆合金MSMA存在固有迟滞非线性现象,严重影响传感器的测量精度。为了消除MSMA的迟滞非线性带来的负面影响,运用了一种迟滞函数链接型人工神经网络HFLANN来识别MSMA传感器动态模型参数。识别结果表明,HFLANN可以应用于MSMA传感器动态模型,应用HFLANN识别的MSMA传感器输出感应电压与实验输出感应电压十分吻合,验证了该方法可应用于MSMA传感器动态建模,为MSMA传感器优化设计和预测控制奠定了良好基础。 展开更多
关键词 磁控形状记忆合金 传感器 迟滞函数链接型人工神经网络 识别 感应电压
消失模铸造充型过程的模拟方法 被引量:6
作者 李锋军 沈厚发 柳百成 《金属学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第7期686-690,共5页
关键词 消失模铸造 人工神经网络 数值模拟
人工智能技术在桑病虫预测预报中的应用 被引量:2
作者 杨保俊 叶卫京 《蚕桑通报》 2001年第1期29-32,共4页
作者利用自己研制开发的KX -Ⅱ型人工神经网络软件 ,对桑疫病秋季发病率。
关键词 KX-Ⅱ型人工神经网络软件 预测预报 桑疫病 黄叶虫
改进遗传算法结合FLANN在加速度传感器动态建模中的应用 被引量:8
作者 俞阿龙 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期67-69,共3页
对遗传算法(GA)的交叉和变异操作进行改进,提出利用改进遗传算法(IGA)和函数连接型人工神经网络(FLANN)相结合实现加速度传感器的动态建模的新方法。该方法利用加速度传感器的动态标定数据,采用IGA和FLANN相结合搜索和优化动态模型参数... 对遗传算法(GA)的交叉和变异操作进行改进,提出利用改进遗传算法(IGA)和函数连接型人工神经网络(FLANN)相结合实现加速度传感器的动态建模的新方法。该方法利用加速度传感器的动态标定数据,采用IGA和FLANN相结合搜索和优化动态模型参数。文中介绍动态建模原理以及算法,给出用IGA和FLANN相结合建立的加速度传感器动态数学模型。结果表明:上面提出的动态建模方法既保留了GA的全局搜索能力和FLANN结构简单的特点,又具有网络训练速度快、实时性好、建模精度高等优点,在动态测试领域具有重要应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 加速度传感器 建模 函数连接型人工神经网络 遗传算法
作者 周亚丽 张奇志 李沛 《北京信息科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 2016年第2期13-17,共5页
研究了非线性有源噪声控制(ANC)问题。采用函数连接型人工神经网络,以勒让德多项式作为扩展函数,提出了基于数据驱动的无模型滤波-s最小均方(MFFs LMS)算法。采用同步扰动随机逼近算法,估算系统的输出误差梯度。有效解决了因次路径时变... 研究了非线性有源噪声控制(ANC)问题。采用函数连接型人工神经网络,以勒让德多项式作为扩展函数,提出了基于数据驱动的无模型滤波-s最小均方(MFFs LMS)算法。采用同步扰动随机逼近算法,估算系统的输出误差梯度。有效解决了因次路径时变所引起的系统稳定性问题。在理论分析的基础上,对该算法进行了仿真研究。仿真结果表明,当系统中呈现非线性及时变特性时,该方法能有效地抑制噪声且对系统次路径的变化具有良好的鲁棒性。 展开更多
关键词 有源噪声控制 非线性 勒让德多项式 函数连接型人工神经网络 无模
Recovery of indium by acid leaching waste ITO target based on neural network 被引量:5
作者 李瑞迪 袁铁锤 +3 位作者 范文博 邱子力 苏文俊 钟楠骞 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第1期257-262,共6页
The optimized leaching techniques were studied by technical experiment and neural network optimization for improving indium leaching rate. Firstly, effect of single technical parameter on leaching rate was investigate... The optimized leaching techniques were studied by technical experiment and neural network optimization for improving indium leaching rate. Firstly, effect of single technical parameter on leaching rate was investigated experimentally with other parameters fixed as constants. The results show that increasing residual acidity can improve leaching rate of indium. Increasing the oxidant content can obviously increase leaching rate but the further addition of oxidant could not improve the leaching rate. The enhancement of temperature can improve the leaching rate while the further enhancement of temperature decreases it. Extension leaching time can improve the leaching rate. On this basis, a BPNN model was established to study the effects of multi-parameters on leaching rate. The results show that the relative error is extremely small, thus the BPNN model has a high prediction precision. At last, optimized technical parameters which can yield high leaching rate of 99.5%were obtained by experimental and BPNN studies:residual acidity 50-60 g/L, oxidant addition content 10%, leaching temperature 70 ℃ and leaching time 2 h. 展开更多
关键词 INDIUM leaching rate ITO waste target BPNN model
Improvement and application of neural network models in development of wrought magnesium alloys 被引量:3
作者 刘彬 汤爱涛 +3 位作者 潘复生 张静 彭健 王敬丰 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第4期885-891,888-891,共7页
Neural network models of mechanical properties prediction for wrought magnesium alloys were improved by using more reasonable parameters, and were used to develop new types of magnesium alloys. The parameters were con... Neural network models of mechanical properties prediction for wrought magnesium alloys were improved by using more reasonable parameters, and were used to develop new types of magnesium alloys. The parameters were confirmed by comparing prediction errors and correlation coefficients of models, which have been built with all the parameters used commonly with training of all permutations and combinations. The application was focused on Mg-Zn-Mn and Mg-Zn-Y-Zr alloys. The prediction of mechanical properties of Mg-Zn-Mn alloys and the effects of mole ratios of Y to Zn on the strengths in Mg-Zn-Y-Zr alloys were investigated by using the improved models. The predicted results are good agreement with the experimental values. A high strength extruded Mg-Zn-Zr-Y alloy was also developed by the models. The applications of the models indicate that the improved models can be used to develop new types of wrought magnesium alloys. 展开更多
关键词 magnesium alloy artificial neural network MODEL mechanical property
Design and Realization of CPW Circuits Using EC-ANN Models for CPW Discontinuities
作者 胡江 孙玲玲 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第12期2320-2329,共10页
Novel accurate and efficient equivalent circuit trained artificial neural-network (EC-ANN) models,which inherit and improve upon EC model and EM-ANN models' advantages,are developed for coplanar waveguide (CPW) d... Novel accurate and efficient equivalent circuit trained artificial neural-network (EC-ANN) models,which inherit and improve upon EC model and EM-ANN models' advantages,are developed for coplanar waveguide (CPW) discontinuities. Modeled discontinuities include : CPW step, interdigital capacitor, symmetric cross junction, and spiral inductor, for which validation tests are performed. These models allow for circuit design, simulation, and optimization within a CAD simulator. Design and realization of a coplanar lumped element band pass filter on GaAs using the developed CPW EC-ANN models are demonstrated. 展开更多
关键词 CPW DISCONTINUITIES MODELS equivalent circuit artificial neural-network band pass filter
Study on Artificial Neural Network Model for Crop Evapotranspiration
作者 冯雪 潘英华 张振华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2007年第3期11-14,41,共5页
Based on potted plant experiment, BP-artifieial neural network was used to simulate crop evapotranspiration and 3 kinds of artificial neural network models were constructed as ET1 (meteorological factors), ET2( met... Based on potted plant experiment, BP-artifieial neural network was used to simulate crop evapotranspiration and 3 kinds of artificial neural network models were constructed as ET1 (meteorological factors), ET2( meteorological factors and sowing days) and ET3 (meteorological factors, sowing days and water content). And the predicted result was compared with actual value ET that was obtained by weighing method. The results showed that the ET3 model had higher calculation precision and an optimum BP-artificial neural network model for calculating crop evapotranspiration. 展开更多
关键词 Crop evapotranspiration BP-artificial neural network Fitting precision
Complementary system-theoretic modelling approach for enhancing hydrological forecasting
作者 Martins Y.Otache 李致家 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第2期273-280,共8页
Hydrologic models generally represent the most dominant processes since they are mere simplifications of physical reality and thus are subject to many significant uncertainties. As such, a coupling strategy is propose... Hydrologic models generally represent the most dominant processes since they are mere simplifications of physical reality and thus are subject to many significant uncertainties. As such, a coupling strategy is proposed. To this end, the coupling of the artificial neural network (ANN) with the Xin'anjiang conceptual model with a view to enhance the quality of its flow forecast is presented. The approach uses the latest observations and residuals in runoff/discharge forecasts from the Xin'anjiang model. The two complementary models (Xin'anjiang & ANN) are used in such a way that residuals of the Xin'anjiang model are forecasted by a neural network model so that flow forecasts can be improved as new observations come in. For the complementary neural network, the input data were presented in a patterned format to conform to the calibration regime of the Xin'anjiang conceptual model, using differing variants of the neural network scheme. The results show that there is a substantial improvement in the accuracy of the forecasts when the complementary model was operated on top of the Xin'anjiang conceptual model as compared with the results of the Xin'anjiang model alone. 展开更多
关键词 hydrological forecasting complementary model RESIDUAL Xin'anjiang conceptual model artificial neural network
Artificial neural network modeling of water quality of the Yangtze River system:a case study in reaches crossing the city of Chongqing 被引量:11
作者 郭劲松 李哲 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2009年第1期1-9,共9页
An effective approach for describing complicated water quality processes is very important for river water quality management. We built two artificial neural network(ANN) models,a feed-forward back-propagation(BP) mod... An effective approach for describing complicated water quality processes is very important for river water quality management. We built two artificial neural network(ANN) models,a feed-forward back-propagation(BP) model and a radial basis function(RBF) model,to simulate the water quality of the Yangtze and Jialing Rivers in reaches crossing the city of Chongqing,P. R. China. Our models used the historical monitoring data of biological oxygen demand,dissolved oxygen,ammonia,oil and volatile phenolic compounds. Comparison with the one-dimensional traditional water quality model suggest that both BP and RBF models are superior; their higher accuracy and better goodness-of-fit indicate that the ANN calculation of water quality agrees better with measurement. It is demonstrated that ANN modeling can be a tool for estimating the water quality of the Yangtze River. Of the two ANN models,the RBF model calculates with a smaller mean error,but a larger root mean square error. More effort to identify out the causes of these differences would help optimize the structures of neural network water-quality models. 展开更多
关键词 water quality modeling Yangtze River artificial neural network back-propagation model radial basis functionmodel
Comparison of Three Control Methods in Penetration Control of Pulsed Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 被引量:1
作者 陈文杰 陈善本 林涛 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2003年第1期63-66,共4页
An artificial neural network model for backside bead width was established and three control methods——PID, fuzzy and neuron were designed, simulated and tested. The test results of bead on plate weld of GTAW indicat... An artificial neural network model for backside bead width was established and three control methods——PID, fuzzy and neuron were designed, simulated and tested. The test results of bead on plate weld of GTAW indicate that the artificial neural network (ANN) modeling and learning control method have more advantages than the conventional method. They show that the ANN modeling and learning control method is an effective approach to real time control of welding dynamics and ideal quality. 展开更多
关键词 PID control fuzzy control neuron control ANN modeling GTAW
Flow behavior of Al-6.2Zn-0.70Mg-0.30Mn-0.17Zr alloy during hot compressive deformation based on Arrhenius and ANN models 被引量:16
作者 Jie YAN Qing-lin PAN +1 位作者 An-de LI Wen-bo SONG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期638-647,共10页
The hot deformation behavior of Al?6.2Zn?0.70Mg?0.30Mn?0.17Zr alloy was investigated by isothermal compressiontest on a Gleeble?3500machine in the deformation temperature range between623and773K and the strain rate ra... The hot deformation behavior of Al?6.2Zn?0.70Mg?0.30Mn?0.17Zr alloy was investigated by isothermal compressiontest on a Gleeble?3500machine in the deformation temperature range between623and773K and the strain rate range between0.01and20s?1.The results show that the flow stress decreases with decreasing strain rate and increasing deformation temperature.Basedon the experimental results,Arrhenius constitutive equations and artificial neural network(ANN)model were established toinvestigate the flow behavior of the alloy.The calculated results show that the influence of strain on material constants can berepresented by a6th-order polynomial function.The ANN model with16neurons in hidden layer possesses perfect performanceprediction of the flow stress.The predictabilities of the two established models are different.The errors of results calculated by ANNmodel were more centralized and the mean absolute error corresponding to Arrhenius constitutive equations and ANN model are3.49%and1.03%,respectively.In predicting the flow stress of experimental aluminum alloy,the ANN model has a betterpredictability and greater efficiency than Arrhenius constitutive equations. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum alloy hot compressive deformation flow stress constitutive equation artificial neural network model
Predicting Model for Complex Production Process Based on Dynamic Neural Network 被引量:1
作者 许世范 王雪松 郝继飞 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 2001年第1期20-23,共4页
Based on the comparison of several methods of time series predicting, this paper points out that it is necessary to use dynamic neural network in modeling of complex production process. Because self feedback and mutua... Based on the comparison of several methods of time series predicting, this paper points out that it is necessary to use dynamic neural network in modeling of complex production process. Because self feedback and mutual feedback are adopted among nodes at the same layer in Elman network, it has stronger ability of dynamic approximation, and can describe any non linear dynamic system. After the structure and mathematical description being given, dynamic back propagation (BP) algorithm of training weights of Elman neural network is deduced. At last, the network is used to predict ash content of black amber in jigging production process. The results show that this neural network is powerful in predicting and suitable for modeling, predicting, and controling of complex production process. 展开更多
关键词 dynamic neural network Elman network complex production process predicting model
Analysis and optimization of variable depth increments in sheet metal incremental forming 被引量:1
作者 李军超 王宾 周同贵 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第7期2553-2559,共7页
A method utilizing variable depth increments during incremental forming was proposed and then optimized based on numerical simulation and intelligent algorithm.Initially,a finite element method(FEM) model was set up a... A method utilizing variable depth increments during incremental forming was proposed and then optimized based on numerical simulation and intelligent algorithm.Initially,a finite element method(FEM) model was set up and then experimentally verified.And the relation between depth increment and the minimum thickness tmin as well as its location was analyzed through the FEM model.Afterwards,the variation of depth increments was defined.The designed part was divided into three areas according to the main deformation mechanism,with Di(i=1,2) representing the two dividing locations.And three different values of depth increment,Δzi(i=1,2,3) were utilized for the three areas,respectively.Additionally,an orthogonal test was established to research the relation between the five process parameters(D and Δz) and tmin as well as its location.The result shows that Δz2 has the most significant influence on the thickness distribution for the corresponding area is the largest one.Finally,a single evaluating indicator,taking into account of both tmin and its location,was formatted with a linear weighted model.And the process parameters were optimized through a genetic algorithm integrated with an artificial neural network based on the evaluating index.The result shows that the proposed algorithm is satisfactory for the optimization of variable depth increment. 展开更多
关键词 incremental forming numerical simulation variable depth increment genetic algorithm OPTIMIZATION
On-line Fault Diagnosis in Industrial Processes Using Variable Moving Window and Hidden Markov Model 被引量:9
作者 周韶园 谢磊 王树青 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第3期388-395,共8页
An integrated framework is presented to represent and classify process data for on-line identifying abnormal operating conditions. It is based on pattern recognition principles and consists of a feature extraction ste... An integrated framework is presented to represent and classify process data for on-line identifying abnormal operating conditions. It is based on pattern recognition principles and consists of a feature extraction step, by which wavelet transform and principal component analysis are used to capture the inherent characteristics from process measurements, followed by a similarity assessment step using hidden Markov model (HMM) for pattern comparison. In most previous cases, a fixed-length moving window was employed to track dynamic data, and often failed to capture enough information for each fault and sometimes even deteriorated the diagnostic performance. A variable moving window, the length of which is modified with time, is introduced in this paper and case studies on the Tennessee Eastman process illustrate the potential of the proposed method. 展开更多
关键词 wavelet transform principal component analysis hidden Markov model variable moving window fault diagnosis
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