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From Shanghai empty-nesters problem of looking of urban and rural dual structure
作者 Zhang YiRan 《International English Education Research》 2015年第8期60-61,共2页
With the continuous development of political, economic,social, empty nesters and more problems, it is not a simple personal issues, has become urgent to break the social proposition.This paper intr~,duces the concepts... With the continuous development of political, economic,social, empty nesters and more problems, it is not a simple personal issues, has become urgent to break the social proposition.This paper intr~,duces the concepts at the same time,Further analysis of the current situation empty-nesters of the problem and sort out the history of urban-rural dual structure,Finally, find information put forward some countermeasures and suggestions. 展开更多
关键词 empty nesters urban-rural dual structure research questions
The Initial Exploration of The Catastrophic Medical Insurance in Shanghai
作者 Liu Jiao Youchun 《International English Education Research》 2015年第4期33-35,共3页
Developing the catastrophic medical insurance for urban and rural residents positively is the key action to keep the new round of reform for medical system into deep. However this insurance is the 'shortage' of the ... Developing the catastrophic medical insurance for urban and rural residents positively is the key action to keep the new round of reform for medical system into deep. However this insurance is the 'shortage' of the national health system, so the Shanghai government carries out The Trial Measures for Catastrophic Medical Insurance of urban and rural residents in 2014. In this thesis, we will describe the current situation of the catastrophic medical insurance in Shanghai from aspects of financing, level of compensation, the way to undertake and regulatory. What's more, we expect to explore the weakness of catastrophic medical insurance in actual motion, and offer proposals for progressively realizing the integration of urban and rural in medical insurance, improving the basic health care directory, enhancing cooperation with commercial medical insurance. 展开更多
关键词 catastrophic medical insurance operational mechanism cooperation office INTEGRATION
作者 纪录片《大迁徙》摄制组 《月读》 2013年第9期63-68,共6页
持续不断的中原纷争,拉开了中原汉民大迁徙的序幕。从江淮之间到江南地区,再进入岭南大地,他们一次又一次地向南迁徙,不仅为生存寻找新的家园,还为中原文明在南方大地播撒新的火种。很多年后,当学者们将一些平凡的生活片段所赋予的文化... 持续不断的中原纷争,拉开了中原汉民大迁徙的序幕。从江淮之间到江南地区,再进入岭南大地,他们一次又一次地向南迁徙,不仅为生存寻找新的家园,还为中原文明在南方大地播撒新的火种。很多年后,当学者们将一些平凡的生活片段所赋予的文化内涵勾连在一起时,一段中原迁民的心路历程和中原文化在南方的播迁过程变得清晰起来。 展开更多
关键词 中原移民 中原文化 宁化县志 城上乡
作者 李松平 彭建新 《当代江西》 2016年第3期37-37,共1页
近年来,新干县坚持"党建+"理念,注重将深化党的建设与实施精准扶贫相结合,以党建为统领,发挥各级党组织和党员干部在扶贫开发工作中的示范引领作用,奏响了加快致富建成小康的最强音,让全县贫困群众面向未来的发展有了底气、... 近年来,新干县坚持"党建+"理念,注重将深化党的建设与实施精准扶贫相结合,以党建为统领,发挥各级党组织和党员干部在扶贫开发工作中的示范引领作用,奏响了加快致富建成小康的最强音,让全县贫困群众面向未来的发展有了底气、有了朝气,更有了奔头。干部带头,力求全员覆盖。立足扶贫工作新常态,新干县变"漫灌"为"滴灌"。 展开更多
关键词 党员干部 扶贫工作 党的建设 产业扶贫 智力扶贫 城上乡 水库移民 溧江 两带 山坳村
婆婆嘴 豆腐心
《当代江西》 2015年第5期44-45,共2页
邓建辉,新干县最偏远山区城上乡一名普普通通的人民调解员,自1986年从部队退伍后至今29年来,他始终默默坚守在远山,与群众连心交心,靠一张"婆婆嘴",凭一双"飞毛腿",息讼止争保稳定,用自己的满腔热情和聪明才智解开... 邓建辉,新干县最偏远山区城上乡一名普普通通的人民调解员,自1986年从部队退伍后至今29年来,他始终默默坚守在远山,与群众连心交心,靠一张"婆婆嘴",凭一双"飞毛腿",息讼止争保稳定,用自己的满腔热情和聪明才智解开了无数症结,先后调处矛盾纠纷累计达3000多起。"热心是搞好调解工作的前提。"从事调解工作以来,邓建辉始终坚持用心开展调解工作,坚持潜心自学业务知识。 展开更多
关键词 人民调解员 城上乡 人民群众 山林纠纷 上石村 调解协议书 群体性事件 丰乐村 越级上访 引水工程
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