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利用信息化手段推进重庆城乡一体化发展 被引量:2
作者 杜琳 钟志奇 《中国市场》 北大核心 2008年第5期28-29,共2页
重庆市城乡二元经济结构突出,发展极不平衡,主要原因在于重庆市城乡一体化建设中严重的信息鸿沟问题。本文分析了当前重庆城乡一体化当中存在的主要问题,并且指出造成上述问题的主要障碍在于重庆市城乡之间存在明显的信息鸿沟。阐明了... 重庆市城乡二元经济结构突出,发展极不平衡,主要原因在于重庆市城乡一体化建设中严重的信息鸿沟问题。本文分析了当前重庆城乡一体化当中存在的主要问题,并且指出造成上述问题的主要障碍在于重庆市城乡之间存在明显的信息鸿沟。阐明了利用信息化手段推进重庆城乡一体化的意义,并针对重庆市的现实情况,提出了利用信息化手段推进重庆城乡一体化发展的思路。 展开更多
关键词 重庆 信息 城乡—体化 和谐社会
农业产业化、农民专业合作组织与城乡一体化 被引量:1
作者 韦曙林 《调研世界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第9期24-26,共3页
为了把我国农业规模经营的内部经济与外部经济有机结合起来,联结成为有机的统一整体,提高农业的市场集中度,使其在市场竞争中发展成为自强自立的产业,促进传统农业向现代农业、城乡二元结构向城乡一体化转变,客观上要求农业经营组织形... 为了把我国农业规模经营的内部经济与外部经济有机结合起来,联结成为有机的统一整体,提高农业的市场集中度,使其在市场竞争中发展成为自强自立的产业,促进传统农业向现代农业、城乡二元结构向城乡一体化转变,客观上要求农业经营组织形式必须有新的突破,这就是实现农业产业化。我国家庭承包制作为一项制度创新,主要是解决农业生产体制问题,它并没有(也不可能)解决农业生产与市场的衔接问题。而在家庭承包制的基础上发展起来的农业产业化与农民专业合作组织,有助于提高农业的市场集中度,增强农业市场竞争力与经济实力,把传统农业改造成为现代农业,以及促进城乡二元结构向城多一体化转变。 展开更多
关键词 农业市场 农业产业 农民专业合作 现代农业 城乡—体化
坚持城乡一体化思路 加快提前基本实现现代化步伐
作者 苏利冕 《调研世界》 2004年第3期47-48,F003,共3页
党的十六大报告明确指出,要“统筹城乡经济社会发展”。这是党的十六大深刻总结几十年来我们党在处理城乡关系问题上的实践经验而提出的一个大战略。城与乡,不能截然分开;城与乡,同等重要;城与乡,应当有机结合在一起。长期以来,... 党的十六大报告明确指出,要“统筹城乡经济社会发展”。这是党的十六大深刻总结几十年来我们党在处理城乡关系问题上的实践经验而提出的一个大战略。城与乡,不能截然分开;城与乡,同等重要;城与乡,应当有机结合在一起。长期以来,城乡分割的二元经济社会结构,影响着县域经济社会的发展。 展开更多
关键词 中国 城乡—体化 农村 现代 产业发展模式 产业布局 工业 要素配置 基础设施 劳动力转移 社会保障 公共就业服务 合作医疗 社区 养老保险制度 生活方式
统筹城乡发展加快推进城乡一体化 被引量:2
作者 楼国华 《调研世界》 2004年第2期48-48,F003,共2页
义乌地处浙江省中部,市域总面积1105平方公里,辖8镇5街道。全市现有人口近150万人,其中本地户籍人口67万人,暂住人口60多万人,流动人口20余万人,来自80多个国家和地区的5000余名外商常驻义乌。目前,义乌中心城区建成区面积42平... 义乌地处浙江省中部,市域总面积1105平方公里,辖8镇5街道。全市现有人口近150万人,其中本地户籍人口67万人,暂住人口60多万人,流动人口20余万人,来自80多个国家和地区的5000余名外商常驻义乌。目前,义乌中心城区建成区面积42平方公里,建成区人口45万人,城市化率55%以上。 展开更多
关键词 义乌市 城乡—体化 经济建设 全面建设小康社会 城乡发展 农村 基础设施 农民 就业问题
作者 徐志华 《活力》 2012年第4期27-28,共2页
南通在2009年率先建成全面小康的基础上,提出了2018年“率先现代化,再创新辉煌”的宏伟目标。实现这一目标,应着重实施八方面统筹、加快形成八个—体化的新格局,朝着“六个更加”的城乡—体化发展目标奋力前行。届时,一个经济更加... 南通在2009年率先建成全面小康的基础上,提出了2018年“率先现代化,再创新辉煌”的宏伟目标。实现这一目标,应着重实施八方面统筹、加快形成八个—体化的新格局,朝着“六个更加”的城乡—体化发展目标奋力前行。届时,一个经济更加强盛、政治更加清明、文化更加繁荣、社会更加和谐、生态更加文明、人民更加幸福的社会主义现代化新南通将屹立在世界东方。 展开更多
关键词 统筹城乡发展 城乡—体化 基本现代 南通 新时期
作者 孙德龙 《活力》 2015年第10期28-28,30,共2页
在推进城乡一体化建设的过程中,最主要的方法应该是因地制宜,不搞遍地开花、村村点火、户户冒烟,确实以部分区城或中心镇为重点,着力做好规划引领、产业支撑和综合配套三方面工作,同时辅之以农民身份的转变,为此,就加快我区城乡... 在推进城乡一体化建设的过程中,最主要的方法应该是因地制宜,不搞遍地开花、村村点火、户户冒烟,确实以部分区城或中心镇为重点,着力做好规划引领、产业支撑和综合配套三方面工作,同时辅之以农民身份的转变,为此,就加快我区城乡一体化问题提出如下对策建议. 展开更多
关键词 城乡—体化 规划 产业发展 社会管理与服务
作者 孙德龙 吴利军 《活力》 2012年第6期150-150,共1页
在推进城乡一体化建设的过程中.最主要的方法应该是因地制宜.不搞遍地开花、村村点火、户户冒烟,确实以部分区域或中心镇为重点,着力做好规划引领、产业支撑和综合配套三方面工作,同时辅之以农民身份的转变。为此。就加快我区城乡... 在推进城乡一体化建设的过程中.最主要的方法应该是因地制宜.不搞遍地开花、村村点火、户户冒烟,确实以部分区域或中心镇为重点,着力做好规划引领、产业支撑和综合配套三方面工作,同时辅之以农民身份的转变。为此。就加快我区城乡一体化问题提出如下对策建议。 展开更多
关键词 城乡—体化 规划 产业发展 社会管理与服务
推行城乡公交—体化 实现公共交通跨越式发展的研究
作者 王旭初 《城市公交规划与管理》 2004年第3期24-25,共2页
我市经过“九五”期间的努力,城市公交和城乡客运市场的发展取得了很大的成就,运输能力和综合实力迅速提高,但在新的历史阶段,公交赖以发展的客观环境发生了巨大的变化:一是城乡居民对短途交通工具的需求日益增长;其二,随着城市... 我市经过“九五”期间的努力,城市公交和城乡客运市场的发展取得了很大的成就,运输能力和综合实力迅速提高,但在新的历史阶段,公交赖以发展的客观环境发生了巨大的变化:一是城乡居民对短途交通工具的需求日益增长;其二,随着城市化进程的加快,城乡二元结构已逐步向城乡一体化的现代经济结构转型,为城乡公交一体化提供了良好的发展空间; 展开更多
关键词 浙江省衢州市公共交通有限公司 城乡客运市场 公共交通 跨越式发展 城乡公交—体
作者 田军 《重庆改革》 2003年第9期36-37,共2页
关键词 农村经济 制性障碍 二元经济结构 农村基层组织 城乡经济—体
Experimental Summary and Enlightenment of Urban and Rural Integration in Henan Province
作者 张竟竟 陈文峰 +1 位作者 郭志富 鲁亚娟 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第3期622-625,共4页
By means of investigation and research of the 7 cities of the urban and rural integration in Henan Province, the paper summarizes five aspects of urban and rural integration in Henan Province in common from the social... By means of investigation and research of the 7 cities of the urban and rural integration in Henan Province, the paper summarizes five aspects of urban and rural integration in Henan Province in common from the social and economic conditions, spatial characteristics, dynamic mechanism, organization form, security measures: higher level of economic development, the selective advantage of location, the power mechanism characteristics of taking the government as the main body from top to bottom, the organization form of strengthen the construction of new rural area and industrial agglomeration area construction, the security measures of innovation mechanism system.The main sticking point to urban and rural integrition is the capital input and output, the rural collective economic power shortage problem , the problem of sustainable development of new rural community. A useful reference is playing the active role of rural cadre and masses initiative to promote the integration of urban and rural by injection power source from bottom to top; much channel solves problem of farmer employment according to local conditions; improve rural economy from hematopoietic function rely on industry development. 展开更多
关键词 The integration of urban and rural Construction of new countryside Henan Province
Review on Practical Models of Urban-Rural Integration in China
作者 张竟竟 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第12期2658-2662,共5页
Urban-rural integration is important for urbanization and strengthening of urban and rural development in China. Since the third session of the 16th National Committee, the model is still at experimental stage, althou... Urban-rural integration is important for urbanization and strengthening of urban and rural development in China. Since the third session of the 16th National Committee, the model is still at experimental stage, although with some progress. Hence, it is necessary to make a summary on some typical experience of urban-ru- ral integration, in order to provide references for further exploration. 展开更多
关键词 Urban-rural Integration REVIEW China
打好基础 扎实工作开创农田水利建设新局面
作者 蒋昌明 《成都水利》 2004年第3期21-22,共2页
农田水利基础设施建设,直接关系到农村稳定和农民增收,在农村基础建设中占有重要的地位,是实现可持续发展的必要条件。按照成都市委、市政府2004年全市农村工作会议精神和县委、县政府“统筹城乡经济社会发展,加速推进城乡—体化进... 农田水利基础设施建设,直接关系到农村稳定和农民增收,在农村基础建设中占有重要的地位,是实现可持续发展的必要条件。按照成都市委、市政府2004年全市农村工作会议精神和县委、县政府“统筹城乡经济社会发展,加速推进城乡—体化进程,为率先构建成都西部新中心” 展开更多
关键词 农田水利建设 城乡—体化 城乡经济 防洪 灌溉
《浙江经济》 2005年第1期64-64,共1页
关键词 浙江 城乡—体化 能源管理 统筹城乡经济
打造新的发展模式 引领新农村建设提档升级
作者 杨琼 陈鑫 《活力》 2013年第4期196-196,共1页
党的十六届五中全会把建设社会主义新农村作为我国现代化建设中的重大历史任务,提出了建设社会主义新农村的总体目标。但对不同地区、处在不同发展水平和发展阶段、不同发展类型的农村而言,则具有很大差异性。基于资源禀赋、经济基础... 党的十六届五中全会把建设社会主义新农村作为我国现代化建设中的重大历史任务,提出了建设社会主义新农村的总体目标。但对不同地区、处在不同发展水平和发展阶段、不同发展类型的农村而言,则具有很大差异性。基于资源禀赋、经济基础等方面的差异,在社会主义新农村建设的模式和道路选择上,将有较大区别。哈尔滨市作为农业大市,新农村建设任重道远,必须找准切入点,靠先进的发展模式引领和带动,才能促进我市新农村建设不断提档升级。为此,我们对新农村建设发展模式进行了专题调研.旨在为我市新农村建设寻求新的突破.最终达到推动我市新农村建设向更高水平迈进的目的。 展开更多
关键词 发展模式 新农村建设 城乡—体化
Urban and Rural Spatial Layout based on Taiji Interactive Balance of I Ching
作者 张国勇 陈晓刚 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第4期707-709,718,共4页
Taiji is a traditional Chinese philosophy. The content is so diversified that can be applied to so many aspects. The research applied yin and yang, unity be- tween heaven and man to urban planning, and analyzed relati... Taiji is a traditional Chinese philosophy. The content is so diversified that can be applied to so many aspects. The research applied yin and yang, unity be- tween heaven and man to urban planning, and analyzed relationship between urban- rural spatial structure, from transport and material/energy exchange. With the prob- lems reviewed, measures are proposed to deal with the relationship between urban- rural areas in urbanization process. 展开更多
关键词 Taiji of I Ching Spatial structure Urban-rural integration
Changing Concepts of City and Urban Planning Practices in Guangzhou(1949–2010): An Approach to Sustainable Urban Development 被引量:2
作者 XUE Desheng HUANG Gengzhi +1 位作者 GUAN Jingwen LIN Jiarong 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第5期607-619,共13页
By focusing on Guangzhou, this paper examines how different concepts of city in terms of urban-rural relationships are shaped in transforming China since 1949, and explores how they influence the way in which urban pl... By focusing on Guangzhou, this paper examines how different concepts of city in terms of urban-rural relationships are shaped in transforming China since 1949, and explores how they influence the way in which urban planning are practiced. In the pre-reform era, the city was defined as a productive space under the system of urban-rural segregation established for securing rapid industrialization. Urban planning was thus only concerned with the development of urban areas. In the 1980 s and 1990 s after the reform, institutional change and economic transformation mobilized the urban-rural linkages. The development of suburban areas was then considered by urban planning, but this consideration was a passive response to urban problems such as population explosion and water resources protection. Since the new millennium, the agenda for sustainable development and problems of uneven urban-rural development have called for the development of urban-rural integration. In this context, the city is conceptualized as a complex of mountain, city, river, farmland and sea, reconstructing the ideology of urban-rural division in defining urban development. Urban planning has therefore sought in an active way to develop a sustainable city embracing rural and natural elements, and to balance economic growth and environmental protection. It is argued that developing the concept of city as a complex of urban and rural elements contributes to the urban planning for sustainable urban development, while this conceptualization relies on the recognition of the integrated urban-rural relationship. 展开更多
关键词 urban-rural relationship concept of city urban planning sustainable urban development GUANGZHOU
Feasibility study on the integration of urban and rural minimum living security system based on SWOT model 被引量:1
作者 CHEN Likaag 《International English Education Research》 2017年第2期14-16,共3页
This paper uses SWOT analysis, feasibility analysis of integration of urban and rural residents in China, including the overall analysis of the urban and rural integration China internal conditions, mainly for its ove... This paper uses SWOT analysis, feasibility analysis of integration of urban and rural residents in China, including the overall analysis of the urban and rural integration China internal conditions, mainly for its overall advantages and disadvantages are analyzed; and the external environment, the system is mainly to raise the opportunities and threats were analyzed; in these. The external conditions are analyzed based on the construction of SWOT strategic matrix, found the advantages and disadvantages of the reform process of the integration of urban and rural subsistence allowances system in coexist, opportunities outweigh the challenges, so China's overall urban and rural integration construction is feasible. 展开更多
关键词 Minimum living security: SWOT analysis FEASIBILITY
Tsingtao li stone community management present situation analysis
作者 Chen Chen Shi Menglin 《International English Education Research》 2015年第6期65-67,共3页
In China, the country with a large population, the number of rural residents still occupies a considerable proportion. With the development of the country, reducing the living standards of the gap between urban and ru... In China, the country with a large population, the number of rural residents still occupies a considerable proportion. With the development of the country, reducing the living standards of the gap between urban and rural areas as soon as possible, to be able to realize urban and rural integration, a new rural community management is a very good choice. In this paper, the research aims to Tsingtao li stone community the brief analysis of the present situation of community management, research on the current situation of community management problems, and put forward the community management services to long-term healthy development of the constructive Suggestions and countermeasures. 展开更多
关键词 Tsingtao Lee stone community Community managemen Analysis of the situation
The Initial Exploration of The Catastrophic Medical Insurance in Shanghai
作者 Liu Jiao Youchun 《International English Education Research》 2015年第4期33-35,共3页
Developing the catastrophic medical insurance for urban and rural residents positively is the key action to keep the new round of reform for medical system into deep. However this insurance is the 'shortage' of the ... Developing the catastrophic medical insurance for urban and rural residents positively is the key action to keep the new round of reform for medical system into deep. However this insurance is the 'shortage' of the national health system, so the Shanghai government carries out The Trial Measures for Catastrophic Medical Insurance of urban and rural residents in 2014. In this thesis, we will describe the current situation of the catastrophic medical insurance in Shanghai from aspects of financing, level of compensation, the way to undertake and regulatory. What's more, we expect to explore the weakness of catastrophic medical insurance in actual motion, and offer proposals for progressively realizing the integration of urban and rural in medical insurance, improving the basic health care directory, enhancing cooperation with commercial medical insurance. 展开更多
关键词 catastrophic medical insurance operational mechanism cooperation office INTEGRATION
Farmland Capitalization an Urgen issue in Institutional Reform
作者 张晓山 《China Economist》 2011年第1期49-57,共9页
Developing modern agriculture is an important aspect of urban and rural integration. Chintz has adopted a new, highly compatible, multipronged approach. Judgingfrom current agricultural and rural policies, factors lik... Developing modern agriculture is an important aspect of urban and rural integration. Chintz has adopted a new, highly compatible, multipronged approach. Judgingfrom current agricultural and rural policies, factors like capital, labor and land will continue to interact and revolve. The transformation of China's rural land tenure system is at a critical posifion in the overall strategy of developing tile rural economy. However, rural institutional reform will inevitably be constrained by the path and pattern China's industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization take. Creating a new pattern of urban and rural socioeconomic integration requires reform and improvement of rural grassroots governance structure. The interaction and reconsolidation of the factors have again become intertwined with the superstructure of rural society and will inevitably affect the direction and pace of rural grassroots governance structural reJbrm. Protecting the economic interests of farmers while respecting their democratic rights will always be at the heart of agricultural modernization. 展开更多
关键词 mode of agricultural modernization reform of rural land tenure system structure of rural grassroots governance socialist new countryside
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