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午门城台结构受力性能的主要影响因素 被引量:1
作者 曹璞琳 刘卫华 +1 位作者 程枭翀 化建新 《土木与环境工程学报(中英文)》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期205-214,共10页
以午门城台为对象,在现场勘察及长期监测的基础上,利用数值模拟和试验设计相结合的方法,从冻融循环、局部饱水作用、底部不均匀竖向变形作用、上部竖向荷载4个因素以及因素间耦合影响的方面分析结构的受力性能。研究发现:对结构应力影... 以午门城台为对象,在现场勘察及长期监测的基础上,利用数值模拟和试验设计相结合的方法,从冻融循环、局部饱水作用、底部不均匀竖向变形作用、上部竖向荷载4个因素以及因素间耦合影响的方面分析结构的受力性能。研究发现:对结构应力影响方面,上部竖向荷载、底部不均匀竖向变形、局部饱水作用均是高度显著因子,冻融循环次数、冻融循环次数与局部饱水作用时长的交互作用对拱券顶部最大拉应力同样为高度显著因子;对城台变形影响方面,局部饱水作用、底部不均匀竖向变形、上部竖向荷载均是高度显著因子。研究结果揭示了古建筑城台结构受力性能的主要影响因素及影响规律,为该类古建筑日常维护和预防性保护方案制定提供了科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 古建城台 午门城台 受力性能 影响因素 影响规律
作者 陈玮 《西夏学》 2023年第1期296-308,共13页
志丹城台石窟金代佛教造像题记,记录有大量党项人名,这些党项人一部分出于卞移族,一部分出于小胡族。从题记可知,卞移族大酋俄氏家族有数人担任本族巡检,其中一人还兼带金朝武散官。俄氏家族所任之部族巡检,乃金朝沿袭北宋旧制,作为世... 志丹城台石窟金代佛教造像题记,记录有大量党项人名,这些党项人一部分出于卞移族,一部分出于小胡族。从题记可知,卞移族大酋俄氏家族有数人担任本族巡检,其中一人还兼带金朝武散官。俄氏家族所任之部族巡检,乃金朝沿袭北宋旧制,作为世袭蕃巡检享有金朝俸禄。题记对金朝皇帝、臣宰的祝福体现了党项蕃官对于金朝的政治认同和忠诚。题记还反映了金代党项人与石空寺僧人在功德实践上的亲密合作,以及金代党项人的罗汉信仰、涅槃信仰。 展开更多
关键词 城台石窟 金代 党项 蕃官
作者 徐聪慧 《文物春秋》 2018年第3期46-51,共6页
正定城墙南门系统工程为正定城墙整体保护工作的一期工程。在对正定南门瓮城南城台实施保护维修的过程中,于现存遗址下发现早期遗存,遂与考古部门紧密合作,对瓮城城墙和南城台基址进行考古勘探,确定瓮城城墙基址年代上限不早于元代,其... 正定城墙南门系统工程为正定城墙整体保护工作的一期工程。在对正定南门瓮城南城台实施保护维修的过程中,于现存遗址下发现早期遗存,遂与考古部门紧密合作,对瓮城城墙和南城台基址进行考古勘探,确定瓮城城墙基址年代上限不早于元代,其始建年代为元代中晚期,南城台年代不早于元末,大致年代为元末明初。为了更好地保护和合理利用这一新的文物价值,根据遗存现状和考古勘查结果,最终将原设计方案的原形制恢复城台改为建设城墙博物馆。 展开更多
关键词 正定墙修缮工程 城台 墙博物馆
作者 石建刚 《西夏学》 2021年第1期332-347,共16页
城台第2窟是宋金两朝沿边德靖寨汉蕃军民共同出资营建的一座超大型洞窟。其营建经历了前后三个阶段,第一期(1108年之前)营建了主室除文殊、普贤之外的所有造像;第二期(1108—1112年)主要镌刻了主室的文殊普贤造像和前廊的7尊罗汉像、日... 城台第2窟是宋金两朝沿边德靖寨汉蕃军民共同出资营建的一座超大型洞窟。其营建经历了前后三个阶段,第一期(1108年之前)营建了主室除文殊、普贤之外的所有造像;第二期(1108—1112年)主要镌刻了主室的文殊普贤造像和前廊的7尊罗汉像、日月光菩萨造像;第三期(1149—1155年)完成了前廊其余造像的雕刻。该窟自第二期造像完成之后,至少经历4次重修,历次重修均因河水泛涨淹没洞窟所致,重修活动则多以妆彩造像为主。洞窟题记所见供养人均来自邻近的保安军德靖寨,德靖寨为洞窟营建提供了经济基础和民众基础。北宋时期所见供养人均为汉族军民。而金代则汉蕃军民同时出现,该窟成为汉蕃民族融合的见证,也是他们共同的精神家园。 展开更多
关键词 城台石窟 洞窟营建 德靖寨 汉蕃供养人
凉城地震台保温降噪措施 被引量:2
作者 赵铁锁 刘芳 王鑫 《华北地震科学》 2020年第4期68-71,共4页
为解决凉城地震台地震计受气流扰动、温度变化等因素产生的无规则漂移问题,研制了保温防风箱;通过分析安装保温防风箱前后地震记录波形、台基的平均噪声水平,得出保温防风箱对空气和温度干扰起到了有效的抑制作用。该保温降噪技术可为... 为解决凉城地震台地震计受气流扰动、温度变化等因素产生的无规则漂移问题,研制了保温防风箱;通过分析安装保温防风箱前后地震记录波形、台基的平均噪声水平,得出保温防风箱对空气和温度干扰起到了有效的抑制作用。该保温降噪技术可为其他台站减少自然环境干扰方面提供有益借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 地震 保温防风箱 噪声功率谱 自然环境干扰
万里长城北京段的建造艺术 被引量:1
作者 谷上礼 《海淀走读大学学报》 2004年第2期39-42,共4页
关键词 北京 建造 城台 峰火 信息传递系统 石刻 石雕艺术
作者 郑锦锦 谢法龙 +1 位作者 卢瑞祥 李万博 《建筑技术》 2021年第6期718-719,共2页
古建筑城台台面砖件经过长期的风吹日晒、雨水侵蚀及人员行走等的磨损后,表面易出现剥落、碎裂、残缺等病害。在遵循“修旧如旧,保持原有风貌”的修缮原则基础上,为提高砖件整体寿命,在铺墁完成后,需进行防护和增强处理。砖件防护和增... 古建筑城台台面砖件经过长期的风吹日晒、雨水侵蚀及人员行走等的磨损后,表面易出现剥落、碎裂、残缺等病害。在遵循“修旧如旧,保持原有风貌”的修缮原则基础上,为提高砖件整体寿命,在铺墁完成后,需进行防护和增强处理。砖件防护和增强处理工艺,既可保留古建传统打点和墁水活工艺,还融合了现代抗渗、耐磨、造旧处理工艺。 展开更多
关键词 城台地面砖件 抗渗耐磨处理 造旧处理
作者 钟秋 金亨泰 《集装箱化》 1996年第11期28-32,共5页
关键词 韩国 集装箱设施 釜山港 营运方式 城台集装箱码头 货物吞吐量
粤语台山台城话音系中的鼻音与后塞鼻音 被引量:2
作者 刘新中 《中国语文》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期590-601,639-640,共14页
本文讨论“鼻音带塞”这种语音现象的语音实验描写和音位归纳的问题。选择粤语四邑片的台山台城话为例,利用鼻流计对记录为鼻音或鼻音带塞的声母做了分析,从鼻音声母的本身的鼻音度、后接元音的鼻音度等几个方面分析了台山台城鼻音声母... 本文讨论“鼻音带塞”这种语音现象的语音实验描写和音位归纳的问题。选择粤语四邑片的台山台城话为例,利用鼻流计对记录为鼻音或鼻音带塞的声母做了分析,从鼻音声母的本身的鼻音度、后接元音的鼻音度等几个方面分析了台山台城鼻音声母带塞音成分的情况,通过与潮州等地类似声母的比较发现,语音学上,浊塞音使得后接元音去鼻音化,后接元音是否鼻化是判断鼻音带塞的重要指标;从音位归纳上说,中国东南部闽粤等方言中的鼻音带塞的成分具有不同的音位地位,在潮州话中,鼻音带塞是一个区别特征,我们定名为鼻冠塞音,而粤语中的鼻音带塞的成分是一个伴随特征,我们给它们定名为后塞鼻音。 展开更多
关键词 粤语 鼻音度 鼻音 鼻冠塞音 后塞鼻音
赫图阿拉城“尊号台”遗址建筑格局及相关问题讨论 被引量:3
作者 梁振晶 《故宫博物院院刊》 北大核心 2002年第5期54-60,共7页
关键词 汗宫大衙门 硬山式青砖瓦房 八角殿 赫图阿拉“尊号”遗址 建筑格局
用PLC与变频实现恒压供水 被引量:1
作者 罗文洛 《电气时代》 2004年第1期114-115,共2页
关键词 水厂 恒压供水 PLC 变频器 可编程序控制器
作者 罗文洛 《自动化博览》 2003年第5期15-17,共3页
关键词 水厂 恒压供水系统 变频技术 PLC 变频器 可编程序控制器
Computer support system for residential environment evaluation for citizen participation
作者 葛坚 蒋介德 +1 位作者 陆江 HOKAO Kazunori 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第8期894-899,共6页
Though the method of citizen participation in urban planning is quite well established, for a specific segment of residential environment, however, existing participation system has not coped adequately with the issue... Though the method of citizen participation in urban planning is quite well established, for a specific segment of residential environment, however, existing participation system has not coped adequately with the issue. The specific residential environment has detailed aspects that need positive and high level involvement of the citizens in participating in all stages and every field of the plan. One of the best and systematic methods to obtain a more involved citizen is through a citizen workshop. To get a more “educated” citizen who participates in the workshop, a special session to inform the citizen on what was previously gathered through a survey was revealed to be prerequisite before the workshop. The computer support system is one of the best tools for this purpose. This paper describes the development of the computer support system for residential environment evaluation system, which is an essential tool to give more information to the citizens before their participation in public workshop. The significant contribution of this paper is the educational system framework involved in the workshop on the public participation system through computer support, especially for residential environment. The framework, development and application of the computer support system are described. The application of a workshop on the computer support system was commented on as very valuable and helpful by the audience as it resulted in greater benefit to have wider range of participation, and deeper level of citizen understanding. 展开更多
关键词 Computer support system Residential environment evaluation Citizen participation
Driving Mechanism of Cultivated Land Transition in Yantai Proper,Shandong Province,China 被引量:5
作者 QIN Weishan ZHANG Yifeng LI Guangdong 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第3期337-349,共13页
Cultivated land transition and its driving mechanism are the hotspots among studies on land use change. In this study, we constructed a framework to study the driving mechanism of cultivated land transition from the q... Cultivated land transition and its driving mechanism are the hotspots among studies on land use change. In this study, we constructed a framework to study the driving mechanism of cultivated land transition from the quantitative perspective. Based on the vector data of land use in 1990, 2000 and 2009 of Yantai Proper, Shandong Province China, 11 explanatory variables were chosen from two aspects: the elevation, slope, cost distance to major water area and cost distance to minor water area, which presented physical factors; cost distance to district center, cost distance to town center, cost distance to city expansion center, cost distance to major roads, cost distance to city roads, cost distance to county roads and cost distance to rural roads, which presented the socio-economic factors. Combined with spatial analysis tools and Logistic regression analysis model, we construct Logistic regression analyses with four objectives that were urban construction land, rural residential land, orchard and other lands. The results show that, cost distance to district center, cost distance to town center, cost distance to city expansion center and cost distance to city roads are the significant explanatory variables for the transition of cultivated land into urban construction land. The main explained factors on the transition of cultivated land into rural residential land are slope, cost distance to town center, cost distance to county roads and cost distance to rural roads. Slope, cost distance to minor water area, cost distance to town center, cost distance to county roads and cost distance to rural roads are the significant explanatory variables for the transition of cultivated land into orchard land. Elevation, slope, cost distance to major water area and cost distance to minor water area are the main explanatory variables on the transition of cultivated land into other land uses. 展开更多
关键词 cultivated land use transition driving mechanism Yantai Proper China
I Sing, Therefore I am The Political Representation of Taiwan Residents K-pop Urban Fans at K-pop KTV (Karaoke)*
作者 Haerang NOH 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第8期628-642,共15页
The Korean popular cultural waves have been spread into East Asia for more than a decade. In late of 2000, for most of the perspectives about Korean waves had been moved on the 3rd stage of the K-pop industrial struct... The Korean popular cultural waves have been spread into East Asia for more than a decade. In late of 2000, for most of the perspectives about Korean waves had been moved on the 3rd stage of the K-pop industrial structure, K-pop idol stars as contents of Korean popular music have turned the pivotal co.ntents in East Asia and West countries. This research examined how Taiwan Residents K-pop consumers are identified as the K-pop enthusiast legitimizing and what they represent the "prosumer" of Korean popular music. Moreover, the practice of K-pop is getting turn consumer in Korean song karaoke (KTV) in Taipei city. What sort of cultural form emerges the political representation in the cultural space, K-pop KTV in Taipei. Through how Taiwan Residents K-pop followers diverse K-pop music for singing K-pop in KTV, it could more elaborate the meaning of contents the culture form of space between production and consumption of the cultural mediation. 展开更多
关键词 K-pop cultural diversion Karaoke space practice Marxist feminism
Estimation of the Relationship among Fractional Vegetation Cover, Land Surface Temperature and Electricity Consumption in Taipei City
作者 Hsiao-Tung Chang 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第3期355-366,共12页
The cooling effects of urban green vegetation cover, which can help decrease LST (land surface temperature) in urban area. When air temperature decreases, the electricity consumption of household will also mitigate ... The cooling effects of urban green vegetation cover, which can help decrease LST (land surface temperature) in urban area. When air temperature decreases, the electricity consumption of household will also mitigate loading. Meanwhile, that lack of assessment of green vegetation coverage impact to LST and electricity consumption, so that it could not clearly quantify the environmental contribution of green coves. In Taipei city, for example, FVC (fractional vegetation cover) value and LST was collected from Aster satellite remote sensing images, and data of household electricity consumption was acquired from Taiwan Power Company. Based on these three factors, it analyzed relative model. In the urban area, fractional vegetation cover might influence with land surface temperature and electricity consumption. The result shows that when the value of fractional vegetation cover is low, the air temperature is high. While fractional vegetation cover is increase, not only the land surface temperature is decreasing but the electricity consumption is also reducing. This study hopes can be the reference materials for the future metropolis plan and to inhibit the spread of urban thermal environment. 展开更多
关键词 Remote sensing FVC LST aster satellite images electricity consumption.
Spatial Variation of the Characteristics of Urban Heat Island Effect in Hong Kong 被引量:1
作者 Hing Yim Mok Man Chi Wu Cheuk Yin Cheng 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2011年第9期779-786,共8页
Recent studies by the Hong Kong Observatory show that the urban centre of Hong Kong has considerable Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect that arises from the different thermal properties between urban and the surrounding... Recent studies by the Hong Kong Observatory show that the urban centre of Hong Kong has considerable Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect that arises from the different thermal properties between urban and the surrounding rural areas. The studies have also shown that the urban-rural temperature difference or UHI intensity in the urban centre of Hong Kong can be greater than 10℃. However, the characteristics of UHI in Hong Kong would not be unique were it not for its complex topography and the significant spatial variation in the degree of urbanization within the territory. Making use of the extensive spatial coverage of the automatic weather stations operated by the Observatory, this study attempts to document the spatial variation of the characteristics of UHI effect in Hong Kong in summer and winter through cases studies. Cases in summer and winter with meteorological conditions typical for high UHI effect (that is, clear sky, light wind and stable atmospheric condition) are selected for the study. The characteristics of UHI effect in terms of the daytime warming rates, nocturnal cooling rates and diurnal temperature ranges at the selected automatic weather stations are analysed. The territory of Hong Kong is then classified into different categories according to the identified characteristics with a view to portraying the spatial morphology of UHI effect in Hong Kong. 展开更多
关键词 Hong Kong Urban Heat Island heating rotes cooling rates diumal temperature ranges.
The Social Construction of City: Taipei in Human Condition
作者 Chia-ching Lin Feng-chia Li 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第11期981-989,共9页
This paper tries to discuss everyday life and its relation to urban experiences in different aspects of Taipei City in Human Condition, performed by Greenray Theatre in Taiwan since 2001. The serial play, including si... This paper tries to discuss everyday life and its relation to urban experiences in different aspects of Taipei City in Human Condition, performed by Greenray Theatre in Taiwan since 2001. The serial play, including six parts,1 displays the life of ordinary people, primarily the middle and labor classes. Historically, Human Condition tells about Taiwan Residents' life from the period of Japanese occupation in Taiwan to the present day. The public's everyday life and their cultural activities are delicately represented on the stage. Human Condition especially focuses on people living in Taipei city, the capital and most populated place of the country. In different historical periods and political atmospheres, the characters' economic and social activities, nostalgic feelings about the past, passions for love and friendship, and awakening of fighting for humanity and freedom construct their social positions as well as establish different aspects of Taipei. We can see the transformation of the city by means of people's social relationships and economic activities. Drawing on Henri Lefebvre's concept of everyday life as rhythmic movement and spatial practice in the process of urbanization, this paper aims at studying the characters' social practice that defines their position and formation of identity within place. Human Condition unravels the characters' connection and disconnection from place in each period of Taiwan's historical and political conditions. The life in Taipei differs from each historical, economic, and political system that defines people's attitudes and perspectives toward this land. The characters within every historical background and political system tell us what Taipei represents and symbolizes to people. The transition of Taipei produces impacts on people that endow them with different personalities and perspectives toward life. As globalization invades into this city, the definition of human in city life has to be reconsidered. As a place of encounter, accumulation of cultural hybridity in Taipei formulates multiple dispositions and social structures. By analyzing the characters represented in every historical period of Taipei, this article interrogates to what extent of "in-place" or "out-of-place" of the characters is interpreted in this space and, in the progress of urbanized development of Taipei, what the value is to affect and connect people's relationships. 展开更多
关键词 Human Condition Greenray Theatre Taipei human city life
Analysis on Micro Creative Space Development from the Perspective of New Urbanization View Field——Taking Micro Creative Garden of Gongshu District as an Example
作者 Pan Jiaozheng 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第5期61-64,共4页
With the rapid developmem of new urbanization, a number of micro creative space has emerged in China. The micro creative space of Gongshu District in Hangzhou has experienced a rapid and mixed development. Considering... With the rapid developmem of new urbanization, a number of micro creative space has emerged in China. The micro creative space of Gongshu District in Hangzhou has experienced a rapid and mixed development. Considering the existing problems of those space, the following measures can help those space realize an organic urban growth: arranging the layout comprehensively, optimizing industrial agglomeration, improving the planning management quality and optimizing public platform serx, ice support. The good development of micro creative garden can promote the full flow of creative element, so as to accelerate city economic structure transformation, increase city space efficiency and promote the city innovation development. 展开更多
关键词 micro creative space new urbanization development strategy
作者 刘中和 《秦汉研究》 2014年第1期274-283,共10页
中国古代的城市防御体系有广义和狭义之分,其中广义指从国土领域的边防长城到单体的建筑防御体系,狭义指体现城镇本身防御功能的城墙及相关的防御体系。1狭义的中国古代的城市防御体系,除了作为主体建筑的城墙外,还由城门、城台、城楼... 中国古代的城市防御体系有广义和狭义之分,其中广义指从国土领域的边防长城到单体的建筑防御体系,狭义指体现城镇本身防御功能的城墙及相关的防御体系。1狭义的中国古代的城市防御体系,除了作为主体建筑的城墙外,还由城门、城台、城楼、瓮城、角台、角楼、马面等不可或缺的组成部分,以及护城河、吊桥等环境设施构成。 展开更多
关键词 城台 体系 广义
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