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作者 李娜 周亚军 《教育视界》 2021年第31期55-58,共4页
学校确立“城市主人教育”的文化主题,其核心理念是陶熔生命底色,竖起脊梁担事;文化要素包括志存贤能的校风、慧润英华的教风和勤泽智勇的学风。“城市主人 教育”的建设需要从课程文化、学生文化、教师文化、组织文化、校园文化五个 ... 学校确立“城市主人教育”的文化主题,其核心理念是陶熔生命底色,竖起脊梁担事;文化要素包括志存贤能的校风、慧润英华的教风和勤泽智勇的学风。“城市主人 教育”的建设需要从课程文化、学生文化、教师文化、组织文化、校园文化五个 维度协同推进。 展开更多
关键词 城市主人教育 文化内涵 族群交往
作者 王明洁 邓珺 向科 《建筑与文化》 2024年第10期59-61,共3页
关键词 粤港澳大湾区 科技园 地域性设计 研究综述
中国农民工转型问题研究 被引量:2
作者 徐诺金 《征信》 北大核心 2018年第12期1-12,共12页
伴随着全面改革开放的深入推进,农民工转型为现代产业工人、城市市民和城市主人进程缓慢,成为影响经济社会发展的重大问题。目前,对农民工转型的重要性和紧迫性认识不足,面临农民工规模大、转型成本高、存在转型偏见和认识误区、制度约... 伴随着全面改革开放的深入推进,农民工转型为现代产业工人、城市市民和城市主人进程缓慢,成为影响经济社会发展的重大问题。目前,对农民工转型的重要性和紧迫性认识不足,面临农民工规模大、转型成本高、存在转型偏见和认识误区、制度约束和政策障碍及自身转型意愿和能力不足等困难,但也存在进城落户政策放松、逐渐占主体的新生代农民工进城落户意愿强、居家进城农民工数量增多、城市吸纳人口潜力大、财政能力增强等机遇。应当抓住难得机遇,凝聚共识、形成合力,通过制度创新和政策改革,加快推进农民工向现代产业工人、城市市民和城市主人转型,确保农民工在城市"进得去、留得下、过得好"。 展开更多
关键词 农民工转型 现代产业工人 城市市民 城市主人
Challenges of "Semi-Urbanization" to Village Democracy in China
《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2012年第1期29-50,共22页
This article analyzes the impact of urbanization on village democracy in China. The "economic absorption and social exclusion" of semiurbanization path has attracted rural residents to cities. These people participa... This article analyzes the impact of urbanization on village democracy in China. The "economic absorption and social exclusion" of semiurbanization path has attracted rural residents to cities. These people participate in the urban economy just as a factor of production (labor) without enjoying the rights that urban citizens(xfiUagers) have. This urbanization path and population mobility has had a profound influence on rural democracy in China. On the one hand, large numbers of young people have left; the traditional villages in central and western China, which are characterized by population output( many even move with their entire families), causing the villages to lose their political elite while the interaction chain between villagers has been shortened and social trust in the villages has been weakened, thereby giving rise to a low quality of rural democracy. On the other hand, large numbers of migrant workers have flocked into the urbanized villages in eastern China, which are characterized by population input, and these people far outnumber local residents. Migrant workers are excluded from rural democracy and the governance structure. This local citizenship based on the household registration system restricts the inclusiveness of village democracy. 展开更多
关键词 semiurbanization village democracy ruraltourban migrants local citizenship
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