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作者 丁泓月 《城市地理》 2018年第1X期45-45,共1页
关键词 城市产生 城市发展 中国古代城市形成
徐州市城市居民生活垃圾产生量研究 被引量:2
作者 李铁松 覃发超 +1 位作者 雷代勇 马耐山 《环境卫生工程》 2007年第1期15-17,共3页
探讨了影响徐州市城市居民生活垃圾产生量的因素:内在因素、个体因素、社会因素。其中内在因素居主导地位,首先表现在城市规模越大,聚居人口越多,产生的垃圾量也越多,其次随着生活水平提高,徐州市城市居民GDP的增长,城市居民生活垃圾产... 探讨了影响徐州市城市居民生活垃圾产生量的因素:内在因素、个体因素、社会因素。其中内在因素居主导地位,首先表现在城市规模越大,聚居人口越多,产生的垃圾量也越多,其次随着生活水平提高,徐州市城市居民GDP的增长,城市居民生活垃圾产生量明显增加;个体因素包括个体的行为习惯、生活方式、受教育程度等对垃圾产生量的影响;社会因素主要表现在有关垃圾减量、回收、再利用等措施的实施。建立并研究了人均GDP预测模型,该模型可以预测未来徐州市城市居民生活垃圾产生量。 展开更多
关键词 城市生活垃圾产生 GDP 影响因素 预测
城市生活垃圾产生量及组分的预测方法研究 被引量:9
作者 王欢 王伟 《环境卫生工程》 2006年第4期6-8,共3页
关键词 城市生活垃圾产生 城市生活垃圾组分 影响因素 预测模型
《山西师大学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2005年第6期F0003-F0003,共1页
关键词 车效梅 “历史与旅游文化学院” 山西师范大学 《中东中世纪城市产生、发展与嬗变》 新书介绍
城市经济学文献综述研究——基于城市经济学研究的基本问题的视角 被引量:1
作者 黄镠 《环渤海经济瞭望》 2013年第2期56-59,共4页
城市经济学是一门研究城市地域范围内的资源优化配置问题的学科,属于空间经济学的范畴。城市经济学作为一门独立的学科存在,自然有其独特于其他学科的一些研究范式。首先它属于经济学的研究范畴,那就避免不了研究城市中的经济学问题,这... 城市经济学是一门研究城市地域范围内的资源优化配置问题的学科,属于空间经济学的范畴。城市经济学作为一门独立的学科存在,自然有其独特于其他学科的一些研究范式。首先它属于经济学的研究范畴,那就避免不了研究城市中的经济学问题,这就回到了通常的经济研究领域,也就是研究城市中如何实现资源的有效配置,研究城市经济如何实现可持续增长。其独特之处就在于它把经济的研究放在了城市这一特定的空间之上。我们自然就会问:什么是城市?城市是怎样形成的?城市经济又是怎么样发展的?城市的边界在哪里?城市空间下的城市问题有哪些?这些正是这一学科的重点或者叫研究对象。 展开更多
关键词 城市经济学城市城市产生城市发展城市
水泥窑协同处理城市生活垃圾 被引量:3
作者 周磊 《四川水泥》 2017年第6期1-1,13,共2页
一、我国城市生活垃圾处理现状1.1我国城市生活垃圾特点我国城市生活垃圾产生量大,成分复杂。按照水泥窑协同处理垃圾综合利用要求,可将其分为轻质可燃物、有机厨余物、无机混合物、渗滤液四大类。轻质可燃物主要包括塑料、纸张、树... 一、我国城市生活垃圾处理现状1.1我国城市生活垃圾特点我国城市生活垃圾产生量大,成分复杂。按照水泥窑协同处理垃圾综合利用要求,可将其分为轻质可燃物、有机厨余物、无机混合物、渗滤液四大类。轻质可燃物主要包括塑料、纸张、树枝、织物、橡胶等,经加工后用作燃料;有机厨余物主要指厨房中产生的各种蔬菜、剩饭残余、动物内脏等,经过发酵抑制后低温烘干,用作原、燃料使用;无机混合物包括渣土、石块、砖瓦、玻璃、陶瓷、废砼等,直接用作水泥原料;处置过程如有稍量的金属也将被单独分选回收;渗滤液经污水系统处理达标后,可直接排放或用于灌溉。 展开更多
关键词 城市生活垃圾产生 水泥窑 协同 城市生活垃圾处理 无机混合物 垃圾综合利用 动物内脏 低温烘干
基于灰色理论与BP神经网络预测成都市生活垃圾产生量 被引量:9
作者 张珏 张建强 《环境科学与管理》 CAS 2012年第8期52-56,共5页
根据成都市中心城区垃圾产生量的历年数据,先用以时间为单变量的灰色GM(1,1)预测模型得到历年数据的拟合值,再分析垃圾产生量与其影响因素之间的灰色关联度,选出关联度最大的4个因素建立多变量的灰色GM(1,5)预测模型与BP神经网络模型,... 根据成都市中心城区垃圾产生量的历年数据,先用以时间为单变量的灰色GM(1,1)预测模型得到历年数据的拟合值,再分析垃圾产生量与其影响因素之间的灰色关联度,选出关联度最大的4个因素建立多变量的灰色GM(1,5)预测模型与BP神经网络模型,并对垃圾产生量的预测精确度进行了对比,用预测精度最高的BP神经网络模型对未来年份的垃圾产生量进行了预测,为成都市垃圾处理处置规划提供了理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 灰色预测 BP神经网络 城市生活垃圾产生 预测精度
生态文明城市固体废物资源化利用的大数据管理制度建设 被引量:5
作者 张天泽 《世界环境》 2020年第3期89-89,共1页
时至今日,城市尤其是大城市因固体废物污染问题产生的"垃圾围城"现象迟迟得不到根本性解决,工业固体废料、危险废物以及城市生活垃圾产生量居高不下,导致生态污染、健康损害、城市建设失衡等诸多不利后果,成为影响中国生态文... 时至今日,城市尤其是大城市因固体废物污染问题产生的"垃圾围城"现象迟迟得不到根本性解决,工业固体废料、危险废物以及城市生活垃圾产生量居高不下,导致生态污染、健康损害、城市建设失衡等诸多不利后果,成为影响中国生态文明建设一大制约因素。 展开更多
关键词 固体废物污染 固体废料 危险废物 垃圾围城 生态污染 健康损害 生态文明城市 城市生活垃圾产生
马克思主义的城乡关系观 被引量:5
作者 李怀 《甘肃社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期105-109,共5页
马克思主义的城乡关系观是马克思主义者关于城乡关系的总看法和理论观点。其中,城乡体制、城乡结构与城乡融合是马克思主义城乡关系观的核心问题。生产力的发展和劳动分工的专业化是影响城市产生、城市变迁和城乡分离的物质条件,生产资... 马克思主义的城乡关系观是马克思主义者关于城乡关系的总看法和理论观点。其中,城乡体制、城乡结构与城乡融合是马克思主义城乡关系观的核心问题。生产力的发展和劳动分工的专业化是影响城市产生、城市变迁和城乡分离的物质条件,生产资料私有制的资本主义生产方式是城乡对立的社会条件。社会主义公有制是弱化城乡差别与消除城乡对立的制度基础。通过城乡统筹来实现城乡融合,是调整城乡体制、优化城乡结构的基本趋势,也是构建和谐城乡关系的关键。统筹兼顾、家庭联产承包责任制、统筹城乡、新农村建设、城乡一体化、新型城镇化等是中国特色马克思主义城乡关系观的重点内容。历史唯物主义分析的立场、矛盾分析的立场和实践分析的立场构成了马克思主义城乡关系观的方法论。 展开更多
关键词 城市产生 城乡分离 城乡对立 城乡融合 城乡结构 城乡关系
利用水泥窑协同处置固体废物污染控制要求 被引量:3
作者 何捷 《中国水泥》 CAS 2013年第8期61-62,共2页
1国内外水泥窑协同处置固体废物现状中国是水泥生产大国,每年消耗约23亿吨原材料,1.9亿吨煤,造成CO2直接排放12亿吨,以及150万吨NOx和大量烟粉尘,环境负荷沉重。与此相对应的是,我国每年至少产生1000万吨危险废物。而城市生活垃圾产生... 1国内外水泥窑协同处置固体废物现状中国是水泥生产大国,每年消耗约23亿吨原材料,1.9亿吨煤,造成CO2直接排放12亿吨,以及150万吨NOx和大量烟粉尘,环境负荷沉重。与此相对应的是,我国每年至少产生1000万吨危险废物。而城市生活垃圾产生量更以每年5%~8%的速度增长,达到3亿吨左右,数量可观。据统计,历年垃圾堆存量已占用耕地5亿m2,全国660个城市中有200个城市陷入垃圾包围之中。城乡结合区域环境恶化。 展开更多
关键词 固体废物污染 水泥窑 城市生活垃圾产生 控制要求 协同 水泥生产 环境负荷 危险废物
作者 陈天社 《西亚非洲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第6期77-78,共2页
关键词 开拓性 伊斯兰教 《中东中世纪城市产生、发展与嬗变》
Relationship Between Producer Services Developing Level and Urban Hierarchy——A Case Study of Zhujiang River Delta 被引量:11
作者 ZHONG Yun YAN Xiaopei 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第1期1-8,共8页
As the Central Place Theory indicates, the centricity of a central city can influence the extension of its ser- vice. Since the service industry in the theory is mostly consumer services, it is worth studying the rela... As the Central Place Theory indicates, the centricity of a central city can influence the extension of its ser- vice. Since the service industry in the theory is mostly consumer services, it is worth studying the relationship between the producer services and the centricity of the city in the service society with producer services becoming a more im- portant part of the service industry. The paper takes the case of the Zhujiang (Pearl) River Delta (PRD), a developed region in China, to study the relationship between the developing level of producer services and the urban hierarchy. Based on the analysis about the spatial difference of the producer services in the nine cities of the PRD, and the divi- sion of the nine cities according to some economic indices, it is shown that there is a correlation between the develop- ing level of producer services and the urban hierarchy. Furthermore, two deductions about the future status of the pro- ducer services in the city and the location of the producer services in a large region can be made from this correlation between the developing level of producer services and the urban hierarchy. 展开更多
关键词 producer services urban hierarchy CORRELATIVITY Zhujiang (Pearl) River Delta (PRD)
Characteristics and Mechanism of Agricultural Transformation in Typical Rural Areas of Eastern China:A Case Study of Yucheng City,Shandong Province 被引量:11
作者 CHEN Yangfen LIU Yansui XU Keshuai 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第6期545-553,共9页
Rural off-farm employment,rapid loss of agricultural land,and advanced technology popularization had led agricultural production in Chinese typical rural areas come at a critical transformation and upgrade stage.Based... Rural off-farm employment,rapid loss of agricultural land,and advanced technology popularization had led agricultural production in Chinese typical rural areas come at a critical transformation and upgrade stage.Based on sample survey data gathered from 401 households in Yucheng City,Shandong Province,this paper focuses on the characteristics and mechanism of agricultural transformation in typical rural areas of the eastern China.It was found that 74.3% of households surveyed kept at least one member engaging in off-farm employment,and 57.1% looked forward to expanding the operational scale of arable land,while just 13.7% had actually transferred their agricultural land.Since growing off-farm employment does not result in the collapse of traditional subsistence agriculture,therefore,agricultural production in Yucheng City is at an incomplete transformation phase from traditional small-holder farming to modern scale economy.It is caused by both macro environments and family characteristics,while urban-rural dual structure,imperfect rural development policy and agricultural technology popularization make peasant economy strengthen upon maintenance,and small-holder farming becomes peasant's natural response owing to pluriactivity,local off-farm employment,reverse elimination,etc.In order to achieve smooth agricultural transformation of typical rural areas in the eastern China,it needs to promote professional differentiation among peasants,under clear policies adopted by central government.Providing comprehensive services for agricultural production and improving production skills and knowledge of farmers who are still living in the countryside will effectively stimulate the process of agricultural transformation. 展开更多
关键词 agricultural transformation off-farm employment arable land management Yucheng City China
Impact of Small Scale Irrigation Technologies on Poverty Alleviation among Peri-urban and Urban Farmers 被引量:2
作者 Kwamina Ewur Banson Daniel Asare +2 位作者 Lee Heng Joe Frederick Cobbinah Alex Adu-Sarkodieh 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2014年第2期142-151,共10页
Smallholder farms, mainly rain-fed dominate the agricultural sector in Ghana, accounting for about 80% of total production. Cultivation is mostly of indigenous and non-traditional varieties, characterized by low produ... Smallholder farms, mainly rain-fed dominate the agricultural sector in Ghana, accounting for about 80% of total production. Cultivation is mostly of indigenous and non-traditional varieties, characterized by low productivity, and compounded by production shocks due to environmental stresses. The research introduced vegetable farmers to better irrigation and compost management practices using the nuclear and isotopic techniques. On the average, yield of vegetables increase by 9.2% under irrigation and organic manure application compared to yield under the conventional method. Farmers saved 60%-70% of the total cost on water per acre using drip irrigation. Relative to conventional methods, farmers save at least US$70 per acre on fertilizer taking in to account cost of converting manure to compost. The result also revealed that, overall poverty gap among farmers who only depends on rain fall needed an additional 55% of the present income to attain minimum basket of their basic needs compared to 30% among some of those who irrigate in addition to rainfall. Results of our study have shown that farmers could gain financially, redeem themselves from poverty as well as improving their social conditions and ensure ecologically sustainable development with Small Scale Irrigation integrated with the right composting recipe. 展开更多
关键词 Smallholder-farmers drip irrigation compost-recipe agriculture poverty gap organic vegetables.
City Networks of Online Commodity Services in China:Empirical Analysis of Tmall Clothing and Electronic Retailers 被引量:7
作者 XI Guangliang ZHEN Feng +1 位作者 HE Jinliao GONG Yanhao 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第2期231-246,共16页
City networks have been a critical topic in the fields of urban geography and regional economics. Numerous studies have explored city networks, focusing mainly on infrastructure and industrial networks. Unlike traditi... City networks have been a critical topic in the fields of urban geography and regional economics. Numerous studies have explored city networks, focusing mainly on infrastructure and industrial networks. Unlike traditional urban network of which the major measuring indexes are population sizes and entity industries, online commodity service networks could reflect well the influencing of emerging economies, especially the Internet economy, on city networks. This study analyzes and reveals structural features of China's city networks through online commodity services, providing the internet economic approach on city networks. Results indicate that the core cities of online commodity service networks are mainly concentrated in eastern coastal areas. In addition, spatial polarization and layer structure of network connections are obvious, descending from the centers in eastern China to peripheral cities in central and western China. Online commodity services of different cities show apparent differences and uncertainties in terms of specialization rates of international connection, which presents a tendency toward diversification. Online commodity service networks are not only associated with goods production, supply, and consumption in physical space but also reflect virtual information, capital, and technology flows, thus providing a new empirical approach for understanding city networks in information and internet economic age. 展开更多
关键词 city networks online commodity services intercity relationships SPECIALIZATION
Characterization of Soil Quality Under Vegetable Production Along an Urban-Rural Gradient 被引量:54
作者 ZHANG MINGKUI, WANG MEIQING, LIU XINGMEI, JIANG HONG and XU JIANMINGCollege of Resource and Environmental Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029 (China) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第2期173-180,共8页
Human activity and urbanization result in urban-rural environmental gradients. Understanding effect of the gradients on soil properties is necessary for management of the soils around urban areas. In this study, soil ... Human activity and urbanization result in urban-rural environmental gradients. Understanding effect of the gradients on soil properties is necessary for management of the soils around urban areas. In this study, soil quality of some vegetable fields was characterized along an urban-rural gradient in Shaoxing County, Zhejiang Province. Fifteen soil physical and chemical properties were evaluated by using principal component analysis.Results showed that there was a great variation in the soil quality along the gradient. From rural to urban zones, soil organic matter, water-stable aggregates, cation exchangeable capacity (CEC), total N and P, and available K increased, whereas soil pH value decreased. In addition, Pb, Cu, Ni, Co, Zn and Cr in the soils tended to be accumulated toward the urban zone. Sequential chemical extraction showed that mobility of all the heavy metals in the soils tended to increase from the rural to the urban zones. The variation of soil properties accounted for by the first principal component was significantly explained by the difference in application rates of municipal wastes. 展开更多
关键词 principal component analysis soil quality urban-rural environmental gradient
作者 CHENJie 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第3期227-238,共12页
Rapid urbanization and growing size of cities will have an increasing impact on the global environment in the 21st century. As an engine of urban development to drive economic growth and technological innovations, ind... Rapid urbanization and growing size of cities will have an increasing impact on the global environment in the 21st century. As an engine of urban development to drive economic growth and technological innovations, industry has moved its focus from controlling environmental hazards to stimulating sustainable industrial development throughout the entire product lifecycle. These process- and technology-driven innovations for industrial production are prerequisites for enhancement of urban environment and sustainable development of cities. In this review, problems of environment and resources scarcity associated with rapid urbanization are demonstrated. And, on the basis of expatiations on the concepts and policies of the cleaner production(CP) and other similar initiatives with the goal of preventing pollution at the source and of managing the raw material more efficiently, two different ways to link the practice of cleaner production in industrial sector with performance of urban environment are discussed in detail. Then, the introduction, practice and legislation of CP strategies in China are outlined, and possibility for China to develop CPC (Cleaner Practices for Cities) approaches in the demonstration cities is discussed. Finally, some suggestions on implementation of CPC strategies are put forward. 展开更多
关键词 URBANIZATION urban environment cleaner production cleaner practices for cities sustainable cities
How Unique is ′China Model′: A Review of Theoretical Perspectives on China′s Urbanization in Anglophone Literature 被引量:8
作者 WANG Fenglong LIU Yungang 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期98-112,共15页
As a major aspect of the ′China Model′, urbanization in China is being heatedly discussed in the Anglophone literature in the last two decades. By considering China′s urbanization as a ′testing ground′ of ′west... As a major aspect of the ′China Model′, urbanization in China is being heatedly discussed in the Anglophone literature in the last two decades. By considering China′s urbanization as a ′testing ground′ of ′western′ theories, these studies are important for the understanding of China′s ongoing urban restructuring and exchanging knowledge with ′western′ insights. Based on a survey of existing studies, this paper identifies various endogenous and exogenous concepts and explanations of China′s urbanization. It is suggested that China′s urbanization is mainly driven by a combination of political decentralization and neoliberalization with various forms of social stratification and mobility. However, it is argued that the distinctness of the ′China Model′, which is usually used to support the legitimacy of studies of China′s urbanization, has led to many controversial arguments and diminished the due contributions of Chinese scholars in the knowledge production of China′s urbanization. To consolidate the legitimacy of studies on China′s urbanization and enhance the roles of Chinese scholars, we suggest future studies to pay more attentions to the fundamental theories with looser constraints and ′true questions′ on China′s urbanization. 展开更多
关键词 theoretical perspective URBANIZATION ENDOGENOUS EXOGENOUS China Model
Transforming Strijp S: From Philips' Industrial Site to New Residential and Creative Area 被引量:1
作者 Dimitra Babalis Irene Curulli 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第7期777-787,共11页
In the contemporary city, the transformation of abandoned industrial landscapes offers great potential for experimentation and in creating new urban environments. Industrial heritage plays an essential role in this re... In the contemporary city, the transformation of abandoned industrial landscapes offers great potential for experimentation and in creating new urban environments. Industrial heritage plays an essential role in this respect and it goes beyond its strong cultural and symbolic value. In fact, industrial-cultural heritage is able to re-enact people's capability to maintain the culture of the past while looking forward with appropriate and innovative design solutions. This paper focuses on the design of regeneration of the former Philips' electronic industrial area named Strijp S in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. The master plan is pioneer in experimental rules on development areas due to the Crisis and Recovery Act (2010), a new Dutch law in response to development and economical crisis. The authors identify four criteria of analysis in order to show the complexity of this urban transformation and assess the results of this work-in-progress transformation. Moreover, it will discuss the challenges for industrial architecture/heritage when incorporating different objectives of redevelopment and to which extent the local dynamics are linked to the design of reuse. As conclusion, the paper will debate on the comprehensive urban framework, which puts forward sustainable design criteria, sets out principles in temporary and long-term reuse of the old buildings, and on their implication in terms of urban quality of indoor and outdoor spaces. 展开更多
关键词 Urban transformation industrial heritage heritage conservation and reuse creative industry.
Formation of Los Angeles's low density and high car dependence 被引量:1
作者 戴特奇 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2009年第1期25-31,共7页
As a typical car-dependent city, Los Angeles (LA) is extensively used as an example in research to illustrate car influences on city form. Focusing on the features of LA's geologic conditions and civil circumstance... As a typical car-dependent city, Los Angeles (LA) is extensively used as an example in research to illustrate car influences on city form. Focusing on the features of LA's geologic conditions and civil circumstances, we argued that the relationship between LA's low-density pattern and car dependence is more involved than previously deemed simple causality. The low density should be primarily credited to the spacious requirement of the mining industry, frequent earthquakes and multiethnic population of the city. Off reserves in LA fueled its economic boom and fast urbanization that coincided with the start of mass production of cheap cars, and cars became medium-priced consumables for average families. Politicians preference for short constrnction-period projects enabled fast establishment of LA's highway infrastructure. The popularity of car use in return faciliatated further development of the low-density pattern of the city. The low-density urban form and car dependence created environmental and social problems for LA. Looking at P. R. China's motorization and urban development, we found that the trajectory of Beijing's motorization between 197g and 2003 coincides with that of the U.S. in the 1910s and 1920s. Lessons from LA's urban and transportation development should be suggestive to China's urban and transportation planning. 展开更多
关键词 Los Angeles MOTORIZATION transprotation planning automobile dependence
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