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关于中国近代城市工业发展历史分期问题的研究 被引量:6
作者 徐苏斌 赖世贤 +1 位作者 刘静 青木信夫 《建筑师》 2017年第6期40-47,共8页
基于整体结构性地认识和了解中国近代城市工业发展及工业建筑建设基本历程的需要,对其发展进行历史分期尤为重要。以相关研究综述为基础,从历史分期的标准和依据、分期的方法、分期的时间跨度、分期的节点坐标等对中国近代城市工业发展... 基于整体结构性地认识和了解中国近代城市工业发展及工业建筑建设基本历程的需要,对其发展进行历史分期尤为重要。以相关研究综述为基础,从历史分期的标准和依据、分期的方法、分期的时间跨度、分期的节点坐标等对中国近代城市工业发展相关问题进行了深入的讨论,提出了以资料史实分析为主、并借助GIS工具建立数据库验证分期方案,即针对不同研究可作"略分"和"细分",同时概述各历史分期的特点。 展开更多
关键词 中国近代 城市工业发展 历史分期
作者 姜红 《中共青岛市委党校青岛行政学院学报》 2023年第5期43-47,共5页
工业是一个地区综合实力和竞争力的重要体现,是推动经济长期稳定增长的重要引擎。作为中国最早开启工业化的城市之一,工业曾经一度是青岛经济的脊梁。然而,2006年以后由于青岛市未抓住关键转型期机遇,工业基础地位逐步弱化,产业更新迭... 工业是一个地区综合实力和竞争力的重要体现,是推动经济长期稳定增长的重要引擎。作为中国最早开启工业化的城市之一,工业曾经一度是青岛经济的脊梁。然而,2006年以后由于青岛市未抓住关键转型期机遇,工业基础地位逐步弱化,产业更新迭代滞后,被其他城市逐步反超。客观考虑工业经济发展质量的影响因素,借鉴相关学者对制造业高质量发展的评价指标,围绕创新驱动、结构优化、质量效益、绿色发展4个方面构建工业经济发展质量指标体系。采用熵值法、依据样本数据及权重计算出综合得分,并对青岛与苏州、南京、杭州、重庆等城市工业经济发展质量状况进行评价和对比分析,进而提出强化创新驱动、推动结构优化、坚持绿色发展等推动工业经济高质量发展的举措。 展开更多
关键词 城市工业发展 高质量发展 指标 创新
在土地资源和环境承载力约束下的城市工业发展 被引量:5
作者 莫虹频 温宗国 陈吉宁 《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第12期2088-2092,共5页
在土地资源和环境承载力的约束条件下,分析了当今中国城市工业发展的适宜规模。以工业结构演化理论和概率论为基础进行定量分析,集成了情景分析、Monte Carlo模拟与HSY算法。以用地资源为约束条件,设定了3种情景的大连市2010年和202... 在土地资源和环境承载力的约束条件下,分析了当今中国城市工业发展的适宜规模。以工业结构演化理论和概率论为基础进行定量分析,集成了情景分析、Monte Carlo模拟与HSY算法。以用地资源为约束条件,设定了3种情景的大连市2010年和2020年工业结构。计算结果表明:大连市11个行业中,电力行业对土地占有量的影响最明显;2010年适宜规模为87~123亿元。超越该上限,将导致较大的突破土地资源承载力风险。 展开更多
关键词 城市工业发展 资源承载力 情景分析 HSY算法 大连
城市工业发展一般规律探寻 被引量:4
作者 张新伟 《中国工业经济研究》 CSSCI 1991年第8期9-14,共6页
关键词 城市工业发展 中国 日本 城市工业结构 特征
西部地区工业化城市化发展模式选择 被引量:3
作者 胡俊生 《理论与现代化》 2000年第12期27-28,共2页
由于我国西部地区农业比重大,工业底子差,城市化水平低,所以西部工业化城市化不宜采用“苏南模式”,而应立足当前,着眼于长远,集中力量促成现有城市特别是中小城市的扩张与升级,走集中型工业化城市化发展道路。而小城镇建设首先必须以县... 由于我国西部地区农业比重大,工业底子差,城市化水平低,所以西部工业化城市化不宜采用“苏南模式”,而应立足当前,着眼于长远,集中力量促成现有城市特别是中小城市的扩张与升级,走集中型工业化城市化发展道路。而小城镇建设首先必须以县城(县政府所在镇)为重点,有选择地建设和发展特色小城镇和小城市。 展开更多
关键词 西部地区 工业城市发展 模式选择 "苏南模式" 中小城市 城市特色
以新旧动能转换助推老工业城市转型发展研究——以淄博市为例 被引量:2
作者 徐天铁 《新西部》 2019年第30期56-57,共2页
关键词 新旧动能转换 工业城市转型发展 对策
鞍山物流工业遗产保护与再利用策略研究 被引量:1
作者 孙玉超 汪海鸥 《中国储运》 2023年第1期122-123,共2页
工业遗产不仅是人类文化遗产的重要组成部分,同时也是城市工业发展的历史见证,其所处地段在很大程度上反映了城市的文化底蕴以及工业生产时期的典型风貌。本文的研究主体主要是针对鞍山区域内现有的工业遗产,通过相关文献的梳理和实地调... 工业遗产不仅是人类文化遗产的重要组成部分,同时也是城市工业发展的历史见证,其所处地段在很大程度上反映了城市的文化底蕴以及工业生产时期的典型风貌。本文的研究主体主要是针对鞍山区域内现有的工业遗产,通过相关文献的梳理和实地调研,获取鞍山工业遗产的基本资料,对于鞍山不同区域内的工业遗产进行整体保护格局的建构,并提出具体的再利用的策略,以期为不同地区以及城市工业遗产的保护与再利用提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 人类文化遗产 保护与再利用 历史见证 物流 城市工业遗产 城市工业发展 工业生产 鞍山
中西部和东部地区老工业基地振兴的机遇、挑战与方略 被引量:4
作者 李政 安树伟 王佳宁 《改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第7期5-17,共13页
新型工业化和新型城镇化的加快推进,供给侧结构性改革的逐步深化,创新驱动发展战略的实施,体制机制改革的不断深入,为中西部和东部地区老工业基地振兴发展带来了新的机遇和新的挑战。中西部和东部地区的老工业基地振兴发展要与"一... 新型工业化和新型城镇化的加快推进,供给侧结构性改革的逐步深化,创新驱动发展战略的实施,体制机制改革的不断深入,为中西部和东部地区老工业基地振兴发展带来了新的机遇和新的挑战。中西部和东部地区的老工业基地振兴发展要与"一带一路"建设、京津冀协同发展、长江经济带等重大战略互动衔接,通过建立老工业基地与"一带一路"的对外开放合作机制,完善老工业基地融入京津冀的协同发展机制和成果转化机制,强化老工业基地与长江经济带的产业转移机制与示范推广机制,培育中西部和东部地区老工业基地振兴发展的新动能,拓展发展新空间。 展开更多
关键词 工业基地振兴 中西部和东部地区 工业城市转型发展
作者 白信通 《经贸实践》 2022年第4期58-59,共2页
全球化背景下城市竞争加剧,城市既要捕捉外部发展的机会窗口,提升自身竞争力,又要满足多样化的需求,带来了工业发展的深刻变革。市辖区作为城市次级行政单元,成为城市工业发展的重要载体,是促进城市工业发展的重要力量。市辖区资本、技... 全球化背景下城市竞争加剧,城市既要捕捉外部发展的机会窗口,提升自身竞争力,又要满足多样化的需求,带来了工业发展的深刻变革。市辖区作为城市次级行政单元,成为城市工业发展的重要载体,是促进城市工业发展的重要力量。市辖区资本、技术、劳动力、信息等生产要素高度聚集,规模效应、聚集效应和扩散效应十分突出。 展开更多
关键词 机会窗口 工业百强 行政单元 规模效应 聚集效应和扩散效应 重要载体 城市工业发展 竞争加剧
作者 徐斌 《南方建筑》 2006年第7期39-42,共4页
中国城市发展政策经过改革开放以来20多年的不断演进,逐步找到了一条适合中国当前国情发展需要的新的城市发展之路.从20世纪80年代的"严格控制大城市规模,合理发展中等城市,积极发展小城市"到提出"完善区域性中心城市功... 中国城市发展政策经过改革开放以来20多年的不断演进,逐步找到了一条适合中国当前国情发展需要的新的城市发展之路.从20世纪80年代的"严格控制大城市规模,合理发展中等城市,积极发展小城市"到提出"完善区域性中心城市功能,发挥大城市辐射带动作用",在这个演变过程中我国是在不断摸索城市建设道路.本文试图从城市化发展规律入手,论述如何正确把握我国城市化进程,并提出了我国在制定城市化发展政策时应注意解决的问题. 展开更多
关键词 新型工业城市化协调发展聚集经济
156项工程与新中国工业城市发展(1949~1957年) 被引量:28
作者 何一民 周明长 《当代中国史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第2期70-77,共8页
“一五”时期,以156项工程为契机,新中国开始了全面的社会主义工业化建设。这些大型经济建设项目的启动,不仅改变了中国城市发展的道路、方向,而且为中国城市的快速发展提供了强劲的动力,从而推动了中国城市进入以重工业优先发展战略为... “一五”时期,以156项工程为契机,新中国开始了全面的社会主义工业化建设。这些大型经济建设项目的启动,不仅改变了中国城市发展的道路、方向,而且为中国城市的快速发展提供了强劲的动力,从而推动了中国城市进入以重工业优先发展战略为导向的新阶段。在这一发展模式的作用下,中国城市的发展呈现出城市职能的经济化、城市化发展的高速化、大中城市优先发展以及区域城市发展均衡化等新特点,这种城市发展的变化既彻底改变了旧中国城市的半殖民地半封建性质,又为后来中国城市的发展奠定了全新的基础。 展开更多
关键词 156项工程 工业城市发展 模式 特点
西北水资源可持续利用现状分析 被引量:2
作者 贺军奇 汪有科 《西北水力发电》 2005年第2期35-38,共4页
关键词 西北水资源 生态环境 工业、农业及城市发展 可持续利用
《表面工程与再制造》 2022年第2期61-63,共3页
关键词 电镀工业 电镀行业 酸雾 重污染行业 污染治理 氰化物 重金属 城市工业发展
作者 ZHANG Ping-yu(Northeast Institute of Geography and Agricultural Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130012, P. R. China) 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2003年第3期216-223,共8页
Industrial transformation represents a unique economic phenomenon in China’s regional economy, and old industrial city reconstruction has long been a key problem that affects state security. As a typical old industri... Industrial transformation represents a unique economic phenomenon in China’s regional economy, and old industrial city reconstruction has long been a key problem that affects state security. As a typical old industrial city in China, Shenyang established its heavy industrial city position in the First Five-year Plan period(1953-1957), and this industrial structure has been consolidated for a long time. After 1978, Shenyang began its long lasting industrial reconstruction in an all-round way by 3 main initiatives including restructuring economic system, upgrading traditional industrial technology and developing high-tech industry. In the end of the 1990s, it could be identified that remarkable structural changes took place in city economy at large as well as individual industrial sector. According to the GDP proportion change, Shenyang is on the way to a high level industrial structure. The secondary industry also engendered significant shifting as smelting and textile industry declined sharply but IT industry increased largely. Although the ratio of the heavy industry to the light industry changed periodically, the heavy industrial output value most time kept a high proportion over 60% of the gross industrial output value in the past five decades. Shenyang has favorable conditions for developing equipment manufacturing industry, but it should carry out the program by establishing its leading role in urban economy plan, building "Theme Industrial Parks", improving Tiexi Industrial Zone, removing any kind of system barrier, enlarging private and other ownerships economy and improving technology, marketing and management by IT application. In response to economy globalization, Shenyang needs to expand the cooperation worldwide and improve the cohesion with surrounding cities. 展开更多
关键词 industrial transformation industrial structure urban development shenyang
The research of economic development law in resourceful city
作者 路世昌 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2001年第2期103-107,共5页
The resource advantage of resourceful region has made the region develop very fast. However because the resource is of exhausting character, this means that the region has hidden troubles of economic depression. The p... The resource advantage of resourceful region has made the region develop very fast. However because the resource is of exhausting character, this means that the region has hidden troubles of economic depression. The paper analyzes the formation of resourceful region and the law of resourceful regions economic development, and then the paper brings forward that the resourceful region has a potential danger of economic depression. Considering Chinas economic development practice, the paper puts forward a basic way of thinking. That is: we must attach importance to the problem of industrial structure when we pay attention to existing resource advantage in order to avoid the simplification of regional industrial structure and to avoid entering a vicious cycle. 展开更多
关键词 resourceful region exhausting of resource regional depression economic law
Impacts of Suburbanization on Urban Eco-environment of Xi'an in China
作者 Li Junli Cao Mingming 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2011年第4期90-94,共5页
Suburbanization in large cities is an important phenomenon in the process of urbanization development in China in recent decades,which plays a very important role in promoting city development,whereas some side effect... Suburbanization in large cities is an important phenomenon in the process of urbanization development in China in recent decades,which plays a very important role in promoting city development,whereas some side effects on the eco-environment appeared at the same time.This paper,taking Xi'an City in China as a case study site,analyzed the features of population suburbanization and industry suburbanization and pointed out the impacts of suburbanization on urban eco-environment.Based on the research,suggestions of countermeasures for urban planning and municipal management of Xi'an City in protecting urban eco-environment and conserving natural ecology were put forward in the end. 展开更多
关键词 SUBURBANIZATION urban environment ecological impacts COUNTERMEASURES Xi'an City
Study on City Environment,Safety and Health from the Viewpoint of Ecological Risks
作者 YIN Qian-liang 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第1期74-76,共3页
Urban ecological risk analysis is a relatively new study field.Rapid industrial modernization and urbanization have significantly improved the living standards of the city.However,as environmental,safety and health is... Urban ecological risk analysis is a relatively new study field.Rapid industrial modernization and urbanization have significantly improved the living standards of the city.However,as environmental,safety and health issues are causing widespread concern,these problems have potential serious threat on ecosystems and human health.So how to solve many problems arising from city has become a key to sustainable development of human civilization.The present article analyzed the major problems that the city confronts and pointed out the main measures from the aspects of urban environment,safety and health. 展开更多
关键词 Urban environment Urban safety Healthy city RISK
From Industrial Heritage to a Regional Development Core in the 20th Century: The Case of Ilha Solteira
作者 Monica Peixoto Vianna 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第5期583-590,共8页
The article deals with the built experience by the CESP (Sao Paulo's Electricity Company) in Urubupunga Complex, during 1950s and 1960s, with concomitant construction of urban centers--an provisional in Jupih and a... The article deals with the built experience by the CESP (Sao Paulo's Electricity Company) in Urubupunga Complex, during 1950s and 1960s, with concomitant construction of urban centers--an provisional in Jupih and another permanent in llha Solteira--with accommodation for singles, working villages and residences for technicians and engineers. The city of Ilha Solteira implanted permanently was an intermediate form of organization between the camp of Jupia and the structure of a city, with a slightly more open community in which the citizens were still quite protected by the company. This study aims to describe the planning and the process of opening the core of Ilha Solteira, through non participant observation field work and research literature on the topic of its conversion into town and the attempt to create a pole of development for the region through their characteristic urban design plan: linear city and radio concentric city. However, the transformation of Ilha Solteira on a city in the early 1980s happened in the crisis of developmentalism and authoritarianism, in a time when the CESP no longer wished to transform Ilha Solteira in pole of regional development, but in a city able to stand alone, because their maintenance costs become prohibitive. 展开更多
关键词 CESP development core Ilha Solteira.
The Implementation of GB/T 19000 Promotes the Advancement of the Management Level of the Leather Industry
作者 Feng Xiangjun Xu Huizi 《China Standardization》 2009年第5期51-54,共4页
Focusing on the economic development of its leather industry,Xinji City in the center ofHebei Province adheres to the scientific concept of development,strives to explore new ideas for industrialdevelopment,and makes ... Focusing on the economic development of its leather industry,Xinji City in the center ofHebei Province adheres to the scientific concept of development,strives to explore new ideas for industrialdevelopment,and makes tireless efforts to implement the GB/T19000 Quality Managementand Quality Assurance.This deepens the standardization of the leather industry and improves thelevel of enterprise management,serving both the economy and the enterprises. 展开更多
关键词 implementation of GB/T19000 STANDARD IMPROVEMENT management level
Development trend of urban community elderly care service industry in the era of"Intemet +"
作者 Xiaohang Zhu Meng Yue Taihui Xu 《International English Education Research》 2015年第6期60-62,共3页
March 5, 2015 the morning of the second session of the Third Session of the NPC, Li keqiang in his government work report first proposed the "Internet +" action plan. This is the "Internet +" for the first time ... March 5, 2015 the morning of the second session of the Third Session of the NPC, Li keqiang in his government work report first proposed the "Internet +" action plan. This is the "Internet +" for the first time into the national economy, top-level design, it is of great significance to the entire Intemet industry, as well as innovation and development of Chinese economy and society. This paper analyzes the "Internet +" status and problems of urban community elderly care service industry, focused on the use of "Intemet +" Endowment way to explore more suitable for the elderly living in multi-party collaboration governments, communities, organizations, the promotion of urban community care services development to meet their social pension service needs, provide better services for the elderly. 展开更多
关键词 Internet elderly care service trend
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