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作者 王欣妍 王辰星 +2 位作者 詹云军 丁丁 严岩 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第22期10512-10523,共12页
在全球气候变化加剧及中国城市化进程加速的背景下,城市生态风险的管理日趋受到关注。面对日趋复杂且无法完全规避的生态风险,主动的适应性管理和全过程动态监测是应对风险的关键。当前的适应性管理体系较为分散,且对城市生态风险全过... 在全球气候变化加剧及中国城市化进程加速的背景下,城市生态风险的管理日趋受到关注。面对日趋复杂且无法完全规避的生态风险,主动的适应性管理和全过程动态监测是应对风险的关键。当前的适应性管理体系较为分散,且对城市生态风险全过程综合管理的研究较少,亟需形成统一规范的理论框架。在综述并总结国内外城市生态风险管理及适应性管理研究进展的基础上,提出了全过程的生态风险适应性管理框架。基于适应性理论的“潜力⁃连通度⁃韧性”三维模型和适应性循环的四个阶段“开发、保护、释放、重组”,开展对生态风险与城市发展阶段及相应的管理措施之间的动态响应关系的研究。框架包含三层循环,内层为生态风险适应性管理的四个步骤,包括问题形成、适应性理论三维框架分析、生态风险表征与适应性阶段识别、风险适应性管理。中层为全过程管控机制,统筹考虑灾前预警、灾中应对和灾后恢复的全过程生态风险管理。外层为适应性管理的最终目标,即建立“接纳风险、主动适应、韧性发展、动态循环”的复杂适应系统。该框架通过将生态风险管理从特定适应性能力转移到多种适应性能力的协同与权衡,设计了一个能够吸收和适应未来干扰的系统。从生态风险指标体系的构建、生态风险的定量预测、生态风险管理系统的建立及全过程的适应性决策等方面讨论了研究前沿,以推动我国全过程生态风险适应性管理的研究,有助于确定城市未来发展路径并实现可持续发展。 展开更多
关键词 生态风险管理 城市生态风险 适应性管理 全过程管理 复杂适应系统
我国重大城市生态风险的特征分析 被引量:1
作者 余丽 陈翔 +1 位作者 丁江涛 卢桂成 《价值工程》 2018年第27期280-281,共2页
生态风险是人类所面临的一种生存风险,正威胁着人类社会的安全。城市生态风险是对城市存在着直接危害的生态风险。重大城市生态风险是危害性较大、波及范围较广、持续时间较长、预防控制较难,且带来严重社会心理恐慌的城市生态风险。重... 生态风险是人类所面临的一种生存风险,正威胁着人类社会的安全。城市生态风险是对城市存在着直接危害的生态风险。重大城市生态风险是危害性较大、波及范围较广、持续时间较长、预防控制较难,且带来严重社会心理恐慌的城市生态风险。重大城市生态风险是当今人类社会生态风险防范的重点领域和方向。 展开更多
关键词 生态风险 城市生态风险 重大城市生态风险
作者 闫星星 许玉晓 《价值工程》 2017年第30期66-67,共2页
在城市生态风险管控过程中,不同的利益主体追求各自利益的最大化,因此造成了城市生态风险不断加剧,本文基于城市生态风险管控的背景下,通过分析政府,企业,公众三方主体的行为动机,结合博弈论的相关方法,构建均衡模型,分析各利益相关主... 在城市生态风险管控过程中,不同的利益主体追求各自利益的最大化,因此造成了城市生态风险不断加剧,本文基于城市生态风险管控的背景下,通过分析政府,企业,公众三方主体的行为动机,结合博弈论的相关方法,构建均衡模型,分析各利益相关主体间的最优策略。 展开更多
关键词 城市生态风险 利益主体 博弈论
城市景区生态风险的蒙特卡洛仿真研究 被引量:1
作者 马雨濛 信鹏圆 孟瑾 《计算机仿真》 2024年第7期326-329,389,共5页
为了提升城市景区生态风险评估准确性,提出城市景区生态风险的蒙塔卡洛仿真方法。采用加权多尺度Retinex算法对城市景区遥感图像展开增强处理,获得增强后的城市景区遥感图像。从风险效应、风险受体和风险源三个角度出发,选取城市生态风... 为了提升城市景区生态风险评估准确性,提出城市景区生态风险的蒙塔卡洛仿真方法。采用加权多尺度Retinex算法对城市景区遥感图像展开增强处理,获得增强后的城市景区遥感图像。从风险效应、风险受体和风险源三个角度出发,选取城市生态风险评估指标,引入熵值法获取指标对应的权重。通过极差标准化法归一化处理风险指标数据,建立蒙特卡洛仿真模型,并在模型中引入三角分布函数改进权重值域不合理的问题,利用蒙特卡洛模拟模型结合城市景区数据对城市景区的生态风险展开评估。仿真结果表明,所提方法采集的图像清晰度高,风险评估精度高,可准确划分景区的高风险区域和低风险区域。 展开更多
关键词 城市景区生态风险 加权多尺度算法 熵值法 蒙特卡洛仿真模型
基于Balanced Score Card的滨海城市化生态风险评价
作者 刘强 赵少亭 《环境保护科学》 CAS 2017年第6期100-106,共7页
在快速城市化过程中,沿海城市经济发展迅速,导致生态环境问题日益突出。以青岛市为例,引入BalancedScoreCard(BSC)概念,从人居环境、经济发展、资源与环境、人文响应4个维度构建城市生态风险评价指标BSC模型,基于BSC模型,建立青岛生态... 在快速城市化过程中,沿海城市经济发展迅速,导致生态环境问题日益突出。以青岛市为例,引入BalancedScoreCard(BSC)概念,从人居环境、经济发展、资源与环境、人文响应4个维度构建城市生态风险评价指标BSC模型,基于BSC模型,建立青岛生态风险评价指标体系;根据加权综合评价法,构建生态风险评价模型,评价2005~2015年青岛生态风险;通过灰色斜率关联度模型,探究影响青岛生态风险的因素。结果表明,青岛市生态风险整体呈下降趋势,从高风险下降到中等风险。生态风险的主要影响因子为:第二产业占GDP比重>建成区绿化覆盖率>第三产业占GDP比重>单位GDP能耗>每万人拥有医疗床位数>GDP增长率>工业SO_2排放量。最后,为青岛提出合理的生态风险管理建议。 展开更多
关键词 快速城市 生态风险评价模型 城市生态风险评价指标BSC模型 影响因素分析
基于景观格局-服务的景观生态风险评价——以广州市为例 被引量:33
作者 刘珍环 张国杰 付凤杰 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第10期3295-3302,共8页
城市化对景观的结构和功能造成极大干扰,城市景观变化引起的生态风险受到城市生态建设的关注,但景观生态风险评价技术体系尚待深化,以促进风险防范决策。研究选取植被碳固定、土壤保持、水源涵养与提供和栖息地提供等景观服务改进景观... 城市化对景观的结构和功能造成极大干扰,城市景观变化引起的生态风险受到城市生态建设的关注,但景观生态风险评价技术体系尚待深化,以促进风险防范决策。研究选取植被碳固定、土壤保持、水源涵养与提供和栖息地提供等景观服务改进景观脆弱度的评价方法,以广州市为案例研究区,评价了1990-2015年广州市城市景观生态风险及其时空变化特征。研究结果表明:(1)基于景观格局与服务的景观生态风险评价能够有效地评估城市景观生态风险的空间分布,但评价需要关注结果验证和辅助情景分析,方可为景观生态风险的预警和预测提供科学依据。(2)1990-2015年广州市的景观干扰度先增加后降低,2000年是景观干扰度变化的转折点;25年间,景观脆弱度不断增加,中脆弱度和高脆弱度比例之和维持在60%以上;2000年是景观生态风险的转折点,1990-2000年景观生态风险趋于增大,2000-2015年景观生态风险趋向降低;景观干扰度、脆弱度和生态风险在空间上呈现南部高于北部,西部高于东部的分布特征。(3)近25年,广州市景观生态风险与景观变化具有较好的空间一致性。维持低风险的比例为40.74%,基本都分布在北部山区,而维持高风险的比例为6.67%,由低风险向高风险的转变比例为32.28%,由高风险转变为低风险的比例为20.31%。 展开更多
关键词 景观格局 景观服务 城市景观生态风险 时空变化
以科学发展观为指导 构建新疆城市化进程评价体系——兼谈城市、县(市)社会经济基本情况统计改革
作者 余晓明 张叶飞 +1 位作者 王绚 杨磊 《新疆财经》 2010年第1期63-66,71,共5页
深入学习科学发展观活动对统计工作提出了更新、更高的要求。本文在分析现行国际上测度城市化进程两种主要方法(主要指标法和复合指标法)的基础上,从指导思想和原则、构建新的指标体系、评价方法选择等方面提出新疆城市化进程评价体系... 深入学习科学发展观活动对统计工作提出了更新、更高的要求。本文在分析现行国际上测度城市化进程两种主要方法(主要指标法和复合指标法)的基础上,从指导思想和原则、构建新的指标体系、评价方法选择等方面提出新疆城市化进程评价体系的构建。另外,本文也对改革目前城市、县(市)社会经济基本情况统计提出一些建议。 展开更多
关键词 新疆城市 指标体系 城市生态风险指标 统计改革
基于生态适应性循环三维框架的城市景观生态风险评价 被引量:108
作者 刘焱序 王仰麟 +2 位作者 彭建 张甜 魏海 《地理学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第7期1052-1067,共16页
本研究以城市社会—生态系统为风险评价对象,引入生态适应性循环三维框架,将景观生态风险评价指标从单一的景观指数层面扩展至"潜力—连通度—恢复力"三维准则,并以深圳市为研究区,基于有序加权平均(OWA)算法对评价结果进行... 本研究以城市社会—生态系统为风险评价对象,引入生态适应性循环三维框架,将景观生态风险评价指标从单一的景观指数层面扩展至"潜力—连通度—恢复力"三维准则,并以深圳市为研究区,基于有序加权平均(OWA)算法对评价结果进行情景设置。研究结果显示,评价中干扰指标主要影响风险评价结果属性值域,而风险空间格局则受暴露指标制约;深圳全市景观生态风险整体呈现"西高东低"的分布格局,城市新建成区风险最高,大鹏半岛风险最低,羊台山与笔架山公园则是城区内部的相对风险低值区;基于OWA方法设置情景偏好,绘制"忽视"、"正常"及"重视"三种风险情景下的城市景观生态风险图。本研究基于生态适应性循环理念集成社会—生态系统时空动态干扰与暴露指标表征城市景观生态风险,并通过OWA方法变换主观偏好、降低评价不确定性,可以满足不同发展思路下的城市开发布局需求,从而为城市景观发展空间权衡提供决策支持。 展开更多
关键词 城市景观生态风险 生态适应性循环 有序加权平均 城市发展空间权衡 深圳市
Simulating Sustainable Urban Development by Incorporating Social-ecological Risks into a Constrained CA Model 被引量:1
作者 ZHU Jiang YU Yanna +2 位作者 ZHOU Shenglu WANG Xiang LV Ligang 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第4期600-611,共12页
A key solution to urban and global sustainability is effective planning of sustainable urban development, for which geo-techniques especially cellular automata(CA) models can be very informative. However, existing CA ... A key solution to urban and global sustainability is effective planning of sustainable urban development, for which geo-techniques especially cellular automata(CA) models can be very informative. However, existing CA models for simulating sustainable urban development, though increasingly refined in modeling urban growth, capture mostly the environmental aspect of sustainability. In this study, an adaptable risk-constrained CA model was developed by incorporating the social-ecological risks of urban development. A three-dimensional risk assessment framework was proposed that explicitly considers the environmental constraints on, system resilience to, and potential impacts of urban development. The risk-constrained model was then applied to a case study of Sheyang County, Jiangsu Province in the eastern China. Comparative simulations of urban development in four contrasting scenarios were conducted, namely, the environmental suitability constrained scenario, the ecological risk constrained scenario, the social risk constrained scenario, and the integrated social-ecological risk constrained scenario. The simulations suggested that considering only environmental suitability in the CA simulation of urban development overestimated the potential of sustainable urban growth, and that the urbanization mode changed from city expansion that was more constrained by social risks to town growth that was more constrained by ecological risks. Our risk-constrained CA model can better simulate sustainable urban development; additionally, we provide suggestions on the sustainable urban development in Sheyang and on future model development. 展开更多
关键词 risk assessment vulnerability framework social-ecological systems perspective urban planning Sheyang County
Study on City Environment,Safety and Health from the Viewpoint of Ecological Risks
作者 YIN Qian-liang 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第1期74-76,共3页
Urban ecological risk analysis is a relatively new study field.Rapid industrial modernization and urbanization have significantly improved the living standards of the city.However,as environmental,safety and health is... Urban ecological risk analysis is a relatively new study field.Rapid industrial modernization and urbanization have significantly improved the living standards of the city.However,as environmental,safety and health issues are causing widespread concern,these problems have potential serious threat on ecosystems and human health.So how to solve many problems arising from city has become a key to sustainable development of human civilization.The present article analyzed the major problems that the city confronts and pointed out the main measures from the aspects of urban environment,safety and health. 展开更多
关键词 Urban environment Urban safety Healthy city RISK
Ecological Risk Assessment of Combined Pollution of Heavy Metals and Pesticides in Urban Soils
作者 Kang An Xiaoping Xie 《International English Education Research》 2014年第7期104-108,共5页
Urban soil is the main component of urban ecological systems and the key risk receptor from urbanization. Heavy metal and green pesticide pollutions in urban soils have been widely reported with the expanding of urban... Urban soil is the main component of urban ecological systems and the key risk receptor from urbanization. Heavy metal and green pesticide pollutions in urban soils have been widely reported with the expanding of urbanization. Since urban soil pollution comes from various resources, application of integrated thinking and methods is needed in ecological risk assessment of urban soil pollution. This paper synthetically reviewed the combined pollution of heavy metals and pesticide, and ecological risk assessment, and then proposed some research trends and areas in the future that are required to carry out intensively according to the present situation of environmental pollution and international research fronts. 展开更多
关键词 Urban soil Heavy metal PESTICIDE Combined pollution Integrated eco-risk assessment
Distributive Characteristics of Metallic Nano-particles in China's Urban Water Bodies and their Ecological Risks
作者 GAO Yang LUO Zhuanxi XIA Jun 《Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences》 2012年第1期99-103,共5页
Engineering nano-materials & their impact on human health or environmental security constitute a newly emerging R&D hot spot and a key problem now urgently waiting for its solution in supporting the sustainabi... Engineering nano-materials & their impact on human health or environmental security constitute a newly emerging R&D hot spot and a key problem now urgently waiting for its solution in supporting the sustainability of China's nano-science and related technology development. At present, water bodies in Chinese cities have been seriously polluted by metallic nano-particles (MNPs) while related monitoring data are found woefully lacking throughout the country. Based on the above understanding, this article gives a round-up explanation on distributive characteristics of MNPs in the river mouths or water bodies of Chinese cities, their ecological hazards as well as our research in this regard, providing some inspiring ideas and data for control over this scourge. In addition, our exploration probes the discharge traits of MNPs themselves and the mechanism underlying its impact on water pollution. 展开更多
关键词 metallic nano-particles (MNPs) water body pollution in cities ecological risks
西湖景区土壤典型重金属污染物的来源及空间分布特征 被引量:43
作者 张海珍 唐宇力 +5 位作者 陆骏 周虹 徐芸茜 陈川 赵赟 王美娥 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期1516-1522,共7页
西湖景区由于其特殊的社会价值和地理位置,其土壤重金属污染问题备受关注.本研究通过对景区网格布点采样,采用数学统计学和Arcgis手段进行西湖风景区土壤重金属污染物的来源及空间分布特征分析.结果表明,景区土壤重金属Cu、Zn、Pb有明... 西湖景区由于其特殊的社会价值和地理位置,其土壤重金属污染问题备受关注.本研究通过对景区网格布点采样,采用数学统计学和Arcgis手段进行西湖风景区土壤重金属污染物的来源及空间分布特征分析.结果表明,景区土壤重金属Cu、Zn、Pb有明显人为累积,为景区的主要重金属污染物,浓度范围分别是4.6~197、11.1~885、11.7~346 mg·kg-1.Cu、Pb、Zn含量最高25%的区域都在景区东北部西湖周围绿地面积比例较小、交通道路密度大、城市化程度较高的区域;不同土地利用类型之间这3种重金属污染物含量的多重比较及空间聚类与离散分析的结果表明,交通排放是这3种重金属污染物的主要来源.本研究的结果为城市交通排放重金属污染土壤生态风险评价及城市环境管理提供了基础数据与理论依据. 展开更多
关键词 城市土壤 重金属污染 交通排放 城市生态风险 空间分布
The vulnerability evolution and simulation of social-ecological systems in a semi-arid area: A case study of Yulin City, China 被引量:6
作者 陈佳 杨新军 +3 位作者 尹莎 吴孔森 邓梦麒 温馨 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第2期152-174,共23页
Taking the semi-arid area of Yulin City as an example, this study improves the vulnerability assessment methods and techniques at the county scale using the VSD(Vulnerability Scoping Diagram) assessment framework, int... Taking the semi-arid area of Yulin City as an example, this study improves the vulnerability assessment methods and techniques at the county scale using the VSD(Vulnerability Scoping Diagram) assessment framework, integrates the VSD framework and the SERV(Spatially Explicit Resilience-Vulnerability) model, and decomposes the system vulnerability into three dimensions, i.e., exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity. Firstly, with the full understanding of the background and exposure risk source of the research area, the vulnerability indexes were screened by the SERV model, and the index system was constructed to assess the characteristics of the local eco-environment. Secondly, with the aid of RS and GIS, this study measured the spatial differentiation and evolution of the social-ecological systems in Yulin City during 2000–2015 and explored intrinsic reasons for the spatial-temporal evolution of vulnerability. The results are as follows:(1) The spatial pattern of Yulin City's SESs vulnerability is "high in northwest and southeast and low along the Great Wall". Although the degree of system vulnerability decreased significantly during the study period and the system development trend improved, there is a sharp spatial difference between the system vulnerability and exposure risk.(2) The evolution of system vulnerability is influenced by the risk factors of exposure, and the regional vulnerability and the spatial heterogeneity of exposure risk are affected by the social sensitivity, economic adaptive capacity and other factors. Finally, according to the uncertainty of decision makers, the future scenarios of regional vulnerability are simulated under different decision risks by taking advantage of the OWA multi-criteria algorithm, and the vulnerability of the regional system under different development directions was predicted based on the decision makers' rational risk interval. 展开更多
关键词 social-ecological systems (SESs) VSD assessment framework VULNERABILITY Yulin City
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