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后来居上 蓄势冲天——江苏盐城市科行建材环保有限公司发展侧记
作者 李贺林 沈素华 《中国水泥》 CAS 2004年第3期24-25,共2页
关键词 江苏 城市科行建材环保有限公司 建材企业 以人为本 企业管理
作者 学文 贺林 《中国建材》 2004年第5期79-80,共2页
关键词 城市科行公司 企业管理 企业制度 民营企业 跨跃式发展
藁城市农料所 藁城市科炬种业公司2005年重点小麦品种介绍
《河北农业》 2005年第7期44-44,共1页
藁城市农科所是我国较早开展优质小麦育种研究的单位之一,科研实力雄厚,是全国小麦品质育种成员单位。本所坚持优质麦产业化开发策略,一手抓品种推广和基地建设,一手抓优质麦商品市场开发,努力把优质小麦的品质和规模优势转化为产... 藁城市农科所是我国较早开展优质小麦育种研究的单位之一,科研实力雄厚,是全国小麦品质育种成员单位。本所坚持优质麦产业化开发策略,一手抓品种推广和基地建设,一手抓优质麦商品市场开发,努力把优质小麦的品质和规模优势转化为产业优势。本所真诚欢迎种子界、粮食界和面粉企业的领导、专家、朋友来我所观摩指导,共谋优质小麦产业发展大计。 展开更多
关键词 城市农料所 城市科炬种业公司 2005年 小麦 8901改优系 藁优9415品种 选育 特征特性 栽培要点
作者 陈研研 万思 张燕 《产业创新研究》 2024年第10期25-27,共3页
科创中国的背景下,为了大力推动徐州市建设高水平、品牌化的科创中心城市,主要在理清科创中心城市的内涵前提下,对国内外科创中心城市的建设趋势与特点进行分析,对徐州市的科创中心城市建设优势、劣势、机会、挑战等进行SWOT分析,立足... 科创中国的背景下,为了大力推动徐州市建设高水平、品牌化的科创中心城市,主要在理清科创中心城市的内涵前提下,对国内外科创中心城市的建设趋势与特点进行分析,对徐州市的科创中心城市建设优势、劣势、机会、挑战等进行SWOT分析,立足徐州市的独特资源、区位、交通等优势以及市场机遇,提出适合徐州市的科创中心城市建设路径,旨在促进徐州市建设科创中心城市,为我国其他城市提供方法借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 徐州市 创中心城市 城市科技创新 城市建设 创机制
内陆地区构建科创中心城市的机制与路径研究 被引量:1
作者 李英东 邢樱子 邱浩敏 《科技管理研究》 北大核心 2023年第1期79-85,共7页
分析我国内陆地区形成科技创新中心城市的基本态势,指出部分内陆地区大城市正在面临发展科创产业的历史性机遇,初步具备孕育科创产业的科技资源与经济基础,但也普遍存在创新氛围不浓、创新投入不足、缺少科创企业和创新配套服务机构等... 分析我国内陆地区形成科技创新中心城市的基本态势,指出部分内陆地区大城市正在面临发展科创产业的历史性机遇,初步具备孕育科创产业的科技资源与经济基础,但也普遍存在创新氛围不浓、创新投入不足、缺少科创企业和创新配套服务机构等问题。提出构建内陆科创中心城市的机制与路径,即要构建有利于科技创新的制度与政策环境,形成以研究型大学和科研机构为创新动力源,以科创企业为龙头,以一流的法律、会计、审计、信息服务、融资机构为中介的区域创新生态系统,并与发达国家及沿海地区紧密互动以获得创新溢出效应。并进一步提出在构建内陆科创中心城市时,应注意避免过度投资、重复投资、经济金融化等现象,实现包容性发展。 展开更多
关键词 内陆地区 创中心城市 协调发展 机制 路径
基于城乡融合的科创城市与特色小镇协同发展路径研究——以环巢湖地区为例 被引量:1
作者 刘爽 徐怡芳 《小城镇建设》 2023年第2期5-10,49,共7页
当前,我国科技创新发展战略主要聚焦于大中型城市,偏向大中型城市的创新政策将会造成创新要素在城乡之间分配不平等、城乡差距扩大。城乡科技创新的协同有助于城乡之间创新要素的流动、减少城乡差距,但乡村受制于产业基础薄弱、与城市... 当前,我国科技创新发展战略主要聚焦于大中型城市,偏向大中型城市的创新政策将会造成创新要素在城乡之间分配不平等、城乡差距扩大。城乡科技创新的协同有助于城乡之间创新要素的流动、减少城乡差距,但乡村受制于产业基础薄弱、与城市空间障碍大等原因,较难与城市形成创新协同。特色小镇是科创城市与乡村的联结点,特色小镇与科创城市协同发展,有助于辐射带动乡村发展,促进城乡融合和社会公平。科创城市与特色小镇的协同路径包括空间互补联动、产业协同布局、功能复合开发等。本研究以安徽省环巢湖区域为例,分析了科创城市与特色小镇协同的先决条件,探究了科创城市与特色小镇的协同发展路径,以期为今后特色小镇的发展提供一定的参考。 展开更多
关键词 特色小镇 协同发展 城市 城乡融合 环巢湖地区
作者 薛琪薪 《上海城市管理》 2024年第4期11-20,共10页
在全球科创中心城市建设背景下,高层次青年海归科技人才的引领作用更加凸显。基于2022年上海市青年科技人才专项调研和访谈数据,筛选其中的高层次海归科技人才并对他们的价值观念、事业发展、生活适应等方面的问题进行研究。调研发现,... 在全球科创中心城市建设背景下,高层次青年海归科技人才的引领作用更加凸显。基于2022年上海市青年科技人才专项调研和访谈数据,筛选其中的高层次海归科技人才并对他们的价值观念、事业发展、生活适应等方面的问题进行研究。调研发现,高层次青年海归科技人才在价值观念上积极向上,在事业发展上信心充足,在生活适应上融入城市,取得了较好的发展成绩;但在科研资助、平台支持、科技攻关等人才政策方面还存在改进空间,在人才激励、人才评价、学习交流等工作机制方面仍需完善,在工作生活平衡、家庭住房、子女教育等人才服务方面还需提升。最后据此提出相关对策建议。 展开更多
关键词 全球创中心城市 高层次人才 海归技人才 发展状况 人才政策
《阻燃材料与技术》 2005年第4期26-26,共1页
FRRP-1三聚氰胺-甲醛树脂包覆微胶囊化红磷,它是平均粒径为9微米的亮紫红色细微粉末,85%过350目筛,装填密度0.6~0.8;着火点温度为320±2℃;含磷82~88%,它在空气和水中经24h,PH3的发生量分别为1×10^-4和3×10... FRRP-1三聚氰胺-甲醛树脂包覆微胶囊化红磷,它是平均粒径为9微米的亮紫红色细微粉末,85%过350目筛,装填密度0.6~0.8;着火点温度为320±2℃;含磷82~88%,它在空气和水中经24h,PH3的发生量分别为1×10^-4和3×10^-6克。 展开更多
关键词 城市科力化工助剂厂 微胶囊化红磷阻燃剂 装填密度 着火点温度 配方
作者 沈素华 《中国建材》 2003年第11期57-57,共1页
关键词 城市科行建材环保有限公司 机立窑 袋式除尘器 营销策略 市场竞争 建材业
教育治理现代化与教育促进法治化 被引量:1
作者 汤黎虹 《温州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第6期55-56,共2页
关于现代教育,有人界定为"适合现代生产体系、现代经济体系、现代文化体系、现代科学技术、现代社会生活方式的教育概念、形态和特征";有人界定为"教育者以大生产性和社会性相统一的内容,把受教育者社会化为能适应现代... 关于现代教育,有人界定为"适合现代生产体系、现代经济体系、现代文化体系、现代科学技术、现代社会生活方式的教育概念、形态和特征";有人界定为"教育者以大生产性和社会性相统一的内容,把受教育者社会化为能适应现代生产力和生产关系相统一的现代社会的人的活动"1。其实,无论如何界定。 展开更多
关键词 现代经济体系 现代 社会生活方式 社会生产方式 温州大学 中国教育 法治研究 LEGAL 城市科
中国特色新型城镇化道路的基本内涵 被引量:2
作者 杨荫凯 《政策》 2014年第6期58-60,共3页
城镇化是生产力发展的必然规律,是现代化建设的必由之路。科学推进城镇化是有效解决"三农"问题的重要途径,是推动区域协调发展的有力支撑,也是扩大内需和促进产业升级的重要抓手,对我国全面建成小康社会、加快推进现代化进程... 城镇化是生产力发展的必然规律,是现代化建设的必由之路。科学推进城镇化是有效解决"三农"问题的重要途径,是推动区域协调发展的有力支撑,也是扩大内需和促进产业升级的重要抓手,对我国全面建成小康社会、加快推进现代化进程具有重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。党的十八届三中全会通过的《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》(以下简称《决定》)明确提出,要完善城镇化健康发展体制机制,坚持走中国特色新型城镇化道路。 展开更多
关键词 新型城镇化 城市建设管理 全面深化改革 现代化建设 中国特色 必然规律 工作会议 人口城镇化 城市科
作者 袁伟 《经济展望》 2024年第4期48-56,共9页
当前,全球正处于新一轮科技革命和产业变革的重大机遇期,全球科技创新呈现格局叠加演变、前沿领域竞争加剧、创新范式变革、创新主体多元等特征趋势。上海科创中心建设步入功能升级关键跃升期,需要对标全球最高标准、最好水平,以科技创... 当前,全球正处于新一轮科技革命和产业变革的重大机遇期,全球科技创新呈现格局叠加演变、前沿领域竞争加剧、创新范式变革、创新主体多元等特征趋势。上海科创中心建设步入功能升级关键跃升期,需要对标全球最高标准、最好水平,以科技创新培育新质生产力、打造战略新优势。本研究立足“百年未有之大变局”重要论断,基于全球主要科技创新中心城市(都市圈)跟踪评估,分析全球科创演进格局与发展趋势,从基础研究、硬核产业、要素活力、创新生态等维度开展国际国内对标分析,并围绕创新策源力、资源配置力、科创转化力、开放链接力,提出强化功能、提升上海国际科技创新中心能级的建议举措。 展开更多
关键词 全球城市 创中心 技创新 对标研究
城市边缘大型居住区规划设计探析——中山万科城市风景设计 被引量:3
作者 曹卓 《建筑学报》 北大核心 2009年第5期28-30,共3页
关键词 中山万城市风景 城市边缘大型居住区 邻里空间
From Compact City to Smart City: A Sustainability Science & Synergy Perspective 被引量:1
《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2017年第4期200-208,共9页
This brief conceptual paper contributes a sustainability theoretic perspective of an urbanization paradigm known as Compact City. Compact City is an urban planning and development concept which promotes relatively hig... This brief conceptual paper contributes a sustainability theoretic perspective of an urbanization paradigm known as Compact City. Compact City is an urban planning and development concept which promotes relatively high population density associated with an integrated and mixed-use land district. It is enabled by transit-oriented development and results in low transport-related energy consumption and reduced the GHG (Greenhouse Gases) pollution. Compact City conserves the natural capital of land mass and subscribes to the strong sustainability ethics. ICT (Information and Communications Technology) could be deployed to optimize the Compact City operations by first tackling some of the development problems associated with Compact City and also unleashing new urban innovations and functionalities to achieve sustainable urbanization. The paper suggests and elucidates several general systemic synergies archetypes such as co-benefits, cascading, ICT infrastructure reuse, etc., which could be leveraged to facilitate the emergence of compact green smart and resilient city. These archetypes are solutions to the Compact City paradigm thus conductive to the development ofa Sustainability Science of Compact City. 展开更多
关键词 Compact City SYNERGIES CO-BENEFITS CASCADING REUSE Sustainability Science.
Urban Sprawl and Related Problems: Bibliometric Analysis and Refined Analysis from 1991 to 2011 被引量:1
作者 ZENG Chen LIU Yaolin +1 位作者 LIU Yanfang QIU Liquan 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第2期245-257,共13页
To shed light on the general patterns and trends in urban sprawl research,and to provide reference for future study,bibliometric analysis and refined analysis are conducted for publications in this area from 1991 to 2... To shed light on the general patterns and trends in urban sprawl research,and to provide reference for future study,bibliometric analysis and refined analysis are conducted for publications in this area from 1991 to 2011.The general publication output,the global geographical distribution of the authors,the funding and institutions involved,the research areas,and the source titles are analyzed and discussed.Scholars in the United States and China have produced most of the documents in urban sprawl and these two countries are also the largest contributors in terms of funding and institutions.′Environmental Sciences&Ecology′,′Urban Studies′,and′Geography′are the most common research areas,and the journal titled Urban Studies has contributed the most articles.Furthermore,the refined analyses on the 500 top-cited and most relevant publications have revealed that research on urban sprawl is closely associated with the categories of′Urban form and development′,′Land use/land development′and′environment/ecology/biology′.Conclusions are made with respect to the basic paradigm of research on urban sprawl.The multi-disciplinary research into urban sprawl are expected to be more diversified and integrated. 展开更多
关键词 urban sprawl BIBLIOMETRICS scientific output multi-discipline
Study on the modes of metropolitan innovation system
作者 XIE Fu-ji XU Heng-min 《Chinese Business Review》 2007年第3期1-7,共7页
Building regional innovation system has become the important means to upgrade competence of both country and region. Based on comparatively analysis of the metropolitan innovation systems of major innovation centers i... Building regional innovation system has become the important means to upgrade competence of both country and region. Based on comparatively analysis of the metropolitan innovation systems of major innovation centers in the world, this paper concludes four modes of metropolitan innovation system, which are comprehensive knowledge innovation, venture entrepreneurship, learning and overtaking, and Science Park as a carder. According to the four modes and tri-spiral theory of RIS, this paper designs the mode of Shanghai innovation system of overtaking by learning, emphasizing composite innovation player combined firm, university and government, and the strategic aim to build regional and even international innovation center through knowledge innovation, systemic innovation, organizational innovation, cultural innovation and effective control. 展开更多
关键词 metropolitan innovation system technological innovation MODES REGION
Articulating China's Science and Technology:Knowledge Collaboration Networks Within and Beyond the Yangtze River Delta Megalopolis in China 被引量:6
作者 LI Yingcheng Nicholas A.PHELPS 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第2期247-260,共14页
In this paper, we reconsider the defining but often overlooked ‘hinge' function of megalopolises by analyzing how megalopolises have articulated national and international urban systems in the context of a global... In this paper, we reconsider the defining but often overlooked ‘hinge' function of megalopolises by analyzing how megalopolises have articulated national and international urban systems in the context of a globalizing knowledge economy. Taking the case of China's Yangtze River Delta(YRD) region, we particularly focus on knowledge circulation within and beyond the YRD region by analyzing the pattern and process of knowledge collaboration at different geographical scales during the 2004–2014 period. Results show that the structure of scientific knowledge collaboration as reflected by co-publications has been strongest at the national scale whereas that of technological knowledge collaboration as measured by co-patents has been strongest at the global scale. Despite this difference, the structure of both scientific and technological knowledge collaboration has been functionally polycentric at the megalopolitan scale but become less so at the national and global scales. The ‘globally connected but locally disconnected' pattern of Shanghai's external knowledge collaboration suggests that the gateway role of the YRD megalopolis in promoting knowledge collaboration at different geographical scales will take time before it is fully realized. 展开更多
关键词 urban network PUBLICATION PATENT scale GATEWAY Yangtze River Delta (YRD)
The Impact of Life Sciences Developments on the UK Urban Environment
作者 Peter Jones Martin Wynn +1 位作者 David Hillier Daphne Comfort 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2016年第1期33-38,共6页
Life sciences urban developments are a relatively recent phenomenon, and follow the emergence of knowledge based urban developments as a potential driver of urban regeneration and local economic growth. The role of th... Life sciences urban developments are a relatively recent phenomenon, and follow the emergence of knowledge based urban developments as a potential driver of urban regeneration and local economic growth. The role of these new centres in transforming the inner cities of some of the UK's larger conurbations is examined and the key planning issues are discussed. The article concludes that the key principles of urban planning and control must still apply in shaping the role these new developments have in the UK's evolving urban landscape. 展开更多
关键词 Life sciences developments biotechnology centres urban planning knowledge city urban management.
The Plural in the Singular, Cities and Disciplinary Batallions? -- Interdisciplinary Approaches Facing Nowadays Environmental Challenges 被引量:2
作者 Christian Sallenave 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第12期1635-1640,共6页
Towns' and cities' stories show their multidisciplinary richness and their complexity between professional skills and ways of life and residence of inhabitants by the analysis of the towns' changes. Through two pro... Towns' and cities' stories show their multidisciplinary richness and their complexity between professional skills and ways of life and residence of inhabitants by the analysis of the towns' changes. Through two protocols of research, during ten years from 2003 to 2012 and so on, of metropolitan changes in Bordeaux and travels in French and European cities, Christian Sallenave shows that: When everyone can write, tell and recognize his own story of town's changes, the cities know the best conditions for their sustainable development; Neither particular, nor general, but both in their specific dialectic; Neither panoptical and sovereign disciplines nor judgmental dopes, but both in their coming and goings and their "patriotic" property and register. The towns' stories are always written and marked in the same time in plural and singular, of arts, sciences and knowledge and pragmatic ways of life and residence. 展开更多
关键词 Sustainable development judgmental dopes panoptical and sovereign disciplines towns' stories plural and singular arts sciences professional skills and pragmatic ways of life and residence.
Moscow and Moscow Region: Ecological Focus for Sustainable Development
作者 Irina Ivashkina 《Sociology Study》 2012年第7期540-550,共11页
This paper presents some results of sustainable urban-planning development in Moscow Capital Region. Moscow City and Moscow Region (Moscow Oblast) are the parts of the Moscow Capital Region. According to the Constit... This paper presents some results of sustainable urban-planning development in Moscow Capital Region. Moscow City and Moscow Region (Moscow Oblast) are the parts of the Moscow Capital Region. According to the Constitution of Russia, adopted in December 1993, Moscow Region and Moscow City are two independent federal subjects of Russian Federation. The sustainable development of Moscow City and Moscow Region as an integrated regional economic and natural complex which plays the most important part in Russia's economy must be based on the integrated solution to the problems of environmental protection, social equity, and economic feasibility. The latest initiative of Russian Government concerns the creation of the Greater Moscow within the new borders of Moscow. Making the decision on the extension of the city limits and stimulation of the Moscow Agglomeration development provides the real way of resolution of the accumulated problems and provides enormous impetus to the sustainable development. The key task of the environmentally sound development of the Greater Moscow is to relieve the historical center of Moscow City; maintain the rational balance of built-up areas, natural and rural landscapes; ensure joint control of the urban development and economic activity; and create the favorable environment for the population. 展开更多
关键词 Moscow Capital Region ecological and social issues sustainable development urban planning
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