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温度对青虾幼体变态发育及培育率的影响 被引量:5
作者 谢文星 谢山 +3 位作者 黄道明 常秀岭 杨汉运 陈英鸿 《淡水渔业》 CSCD 北大核心 1999年第7期8-9,共2页
关键词 青虾 幼虾 水温 发育 培育率
斑点叉尾鮰人繁及苗种培育技术研究 被引量:2
作者 张红波 张现更 +2 位作者 程振卿 李华友 张培峰 《科学养鱼》 北大核心 2007年第4期8-9,共2页
我们于2006年2~9月在邹城市洼陡水库实施了斑点叉尾鲴人工繁殖及苗种培育技术研究项目,共选择后备亲鱼100尾,7~8月间产卵,共获得卵块23块,产卵率为38。3%,平均受精率97%,孵化出卵黄苗22.5万尾,培育至3.5~4.0厘米时存活18.6... 我们于2006年2~9月在邹城市洼陡水库实施了斑点叉尾鲴人工繁殖及苗种培育技术研究项目,共选择后备亲鱼100尾,7~8月间产卵,共获得卵块23块,产卵率为38。3%,平均受精率97%,孵化出卵黄苗22.5万尾,培育至3.5~4.0厘米时存活18.6万尾,培育率82.6%。 展开更多
关键词 苗种培育技术 斑点叉尾鲴 人工繁殖 后备亲鱼 产卵 邹城市 受精 培育率
青虾工厂化育苗试验 被引量:2
作者 邹盛希 李永吉 +1 位作者 吴文胜 曾艳君 《水利渔业》 北大核心 2002年第2期5-6,共2页
利用河蟹人工育苗工厂设施进行青虾工厂化育苗 ,2 0 0 1年度育苗三茬 ,培育出仔虾苗 2 2亿尾。抱卵率为 93% ,孵化率为 84 % ,平均培育率为 33% ,平均单位水体育苗 16 3万尾 /m3 。
关键词 工厂化育苗 试验 青虾 育苗 抱卵 孵化 培育率
《河南科技(乡村版)》 2009年第3期35-35,共1页
在池塘孵化鲤鱼苗,需设置鱼巢,收集鱼卵,以提高孵化率和鱼苗培育率。以往人们常用的鲤鱼巢有棕片、树根、水草等。在实践中,我们发现用这些东西作鱼巢时,池内常掉落这些鱼巢的残物,在收集鱼巢或捕鱼时,不仅麻烦,也易损伤鱼苗。... 在池塘孵化鲤鱼苗,需设置鱼巢,收集鱼卵,以提高孵化率和鱼苗培育率。以往人们常用的鲤鱼巢有棕片、树根、水草等。在实践中,我们发现用这些东西作鱼巢时,池内常掉落这些鱼巢的残物,在收集鱼巢或捕鱼时,不仅麻烦,也易损伤鱼苗。经试验对比,用网片作鱼巢的效果比使用植物类鱼巢要理想. 展开更多
关键词 鲤鱼苗 网片 卵巢 池塘孵化 试验对比 鱼巢 培育率 孵化
作者 吴涛 《农村百事通》 2009年第13期25-25,共1页
据业内人士分析,黑鱼苗高价运行估计会一直持续到明年春季。 首先.从供求方面来讲,今年的黑鱼苗显得有点供不应求。受气候影响.今年黑鱼苗(早苗)培育率不高.出苗量有限。黑鱼苗之所以培育困难.主要是因为黑鱼苗对气候要求很高... 据业内人士分析,黑鱼苗高价运行估计会一直持续到明年春季。 首先.从供求方面来讲,今年的黑鱼苗显得有点供不应求。受气候影响.今年黑鱼苗(早苗)培育率不高.出苗量有限。黑鱼苗之所以培育困难.主要是因为黑鱼苗对气候要求很高。在春天的时候,下一场雨可以把白天30℃的温度下降到20℃甚至20℃以下。 展开更多
关键词 高位运行 鱼苗 价格 气候影响 供不应求 培育率 出苗量 苗高
Analysis of Fertility Differences of Peiai 64S in Hunan and Hainan
作者 宁金花 张艳贵 宋忠华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第9期1967-1970,共4页
[Objective] The purpose was to study and analyze the difference of Peiai 64 S fertility expression in two different climatic regions, Hainan and Hunan in 2010, and confirm the suitable region for its production of hyb... [Objective] The purpose was to study and analyze the difference of Peiai 64 S fertility expression in two different climatic regions, Hainan and Hunan in 2010, and confirm the suitable region for its production of hybrid seeds. [Method] Eight sowing times were designed, March 20 and 30, April 10 and 30, May 15, June 1, 10 and 20, respectively in Changsha of Hunan. Thirteen sowing times were designed in Hainan, January 28, February 12 and 27, March 14 and 29, April 13 and 28, May 13 and 28, June 12, July 1, 12 and 27, respectively. Peiai 64S was gradually managed and recorded heading stage during cultivation, and the effects of different climate influencing factors, such as daily mean temperature, daily maximum temperature, daily minimum temperature, duration of day at 0-25 d before heading (namely pollen mother cell meiophase), on pollen fertility were analyzed to confirm sensitive periods of light and temperature. [ResuLt] There was a big difference in sensitive period among the same cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) in different climatic regions. The sensitive period of Peiai 64S was in first four phases, phases V, VI, VII, VIII (0-13 d) in Changsha of Hunan, which was in last four phases, phases I, II, III, IV (13-25 d) in Haikou of Hainan. Under natural conditions, Peiai 64S pollen sterility rate were all more than 99.5% and seed-setting rates all less than 0.5% in Haikou, so production of hybrid seeds was safe. Its pollen sterility rate was 21.3%- 100.0% in Hunan, so its security coefficient of hybrid seeds production was lower than that in Hainan. [Conclusion] The security coefficient of hybrid seeds production of CMS Peiai 64S is lower than that in Hainan. 展开更多
关键词 Peiai 64S FERTILITY Sensitive periods
Factors Influencing Migrant Workers’ Employment and Earnings——The Role of Education and Training 被引量:23
作者 王德文 蔡昉 张国庆 《Social Sciences in China》 2010年第3期123-145,共23页
In the urban labor market, the rural labor force can choose whether to become self- employed or work for wages depending on their stock of human capital and local labor market conditions. A simple Mincer earnings regr... In the urban labor market, the rural labor force can choose whether to become self- employed or work for wages depending on their stock of human capital and local labor market conditions. A simple Mincer earnings regression shows that the rate of return to schooling for wage earners is two percentage points higher than that for the self-employed. After correcting for bias in sample selection, the expanded Mincer earnings equation estimated the rate of return to schooling for wage earners at between 5.3 and 6.8 percent. From the standpoint of training, we found that the simplest form of training, short-term training and formal training played an important role in promoting migrant workers’ repeat mobility. However, the simplest form of training did not have a significant effect on earnings,whereas short-term and formal training played an important determining role in this respect. Moreover, rights protection issues such as wage arrears also had an important effect on migrant workers’ repeat mobility. In handling heterogeneity and endogenous educational variables among migrant workers, the authors found that the years of schooling of the parents of migrant workers were not an ideal instrumental variable. 展开更多
关键词 migrant workers employment choices repeat mobility rate of return to education and training treatment effects modely
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