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“天天马士基”对我国船公司经营策略的影响分析 被引量:4
作者 汤朱健 《中国外资》 2012年第14期116-117,共2页
2011年10月24日,马士基航运公司(以下简称"马士基")在亚欧航线上推出了名为"天天马士基"航运的新服务。该服务可为货主承诺"提货时间",且如果马士基不能在承诺时间内将货物送达,马士基将会对货主做出每... 2011年10月24日,马士基航运公司(以下简称"马士基")在亚欧航线上推出了名为"天天马士基"航运的新服务。该服务可为货主承诺"提货时间",且如果马士基不能在承诺时间内将货物送达,马士基将会对货主做出每集装箱100美元或以上的赔偿。此项举措一出,包括我国船公司在内的全球其他所有船公司都明显感觉到了自己在经营上将会受到影响。本文在了解了"天天马士基"的概况和国内外航运市场的现状后,分别从4个方面来逐一分析了"天天马士基"对我国船公司经营策略的影响,以看清我国船公司所面临的处境。 展开更多
关键词 “天天马 航运市场 影响
《涉外税务》 2000年第9期67-70,共4页
关键词 北京 基士得耶办公设备公司 反避税 调查报告
集装箱班轮发船间隔时间动态博弈模型及其应用——以应对“天天马士基”为例 被引量:2
作者 殷允健 赵刚 《上海海事大学学报》 北大核心 2012年第4期52-56,63,共6页
为优化集装箱班轮发船间隔时间,使船公司获得最大利益,基于动态博弈建立数学模型,并通过应对"天天马士基"的案例来验证模型的有效性.与传统班轮确定发船间隔时间的方法有所不同,提出发船间隔时间对揽货数量的影响,并将对手的... 为优化集装箱班轮发船间隔时间,使船公司获得最大利益,基于动态博弈建立数学模型,并通过应对"天天马士基"的案例来验证模型的有效性.与传统班轮确定发船间隔时间的方法有所不同,提出发船间隔时间对揽货数量的影响,并将对手的运营策略纳入影响自身决策的因素中.在竞争日趋激烈的航运市场,通过调整发船间隔时间获得最大利益对船公司具有重要意义. 展开更多
关键词 航运 发船间隔时间 动态博弈 数学模型 最大利益 天天马
作者 罗云 《中学生数理化(高二数学、高考数学)》 2016年第22期5-6,共2页
如果a,b是正数,那么(a+b)/2≥(ab)(1/2),当且仅当a=b时取等号,即两个正数的算术平均数大于或等于它们的几何平均数。基本不等式(a+b)/2≥(ab)(1/2)的常见用途:(1)若两个正数的和为定值,则可求其积的最大值;(2)若两... 如果a,b是正数,那么(a+b)/2≥(ab)(1/2),当且仅当a=b时取等号,即两个正数的算术平均数大于或等于它们的几何平均数。基本不等式(a+b)/2≥(ab)(1/2)的常见用途:(1)若两个正数的和为定值,则可求其积的最大值;(2)若两个正数的积为定值,则可求其和的最小值;(3)证明不等式。一、利用基本不等式求最值利用基本不等式求最值时,必须满足: 展开更多
关键词 本不等式 几何平均数 不等式证明 算术平均数 当且仅当 变系数 基士 工尹 运算性质
作者 韩京伟 《港口经济》 2012年第12期11-15,共5页
马士基于近期在亚欧航线上推出了"天天马士基"服务,给整个班轮业服务带来了理念上的革新,但在航运界内出现了不同的观点。由于"天天马士基"的亚洲挂靠港主要位于中国,因此"天天马士基"服务能否在中国顺... 马士基于近期在亚欧航线上推出了"天天马士基"服务,给整个班轮业服务带来了理念上的革新,但在航运界内出现了不同的观点。由于"天天马士基"的亚洲挂靠港主要位于中国,因此"天天马士基"服务能否在中国顺利开展对于该服务能否持续至关重要。本文利用协调理论,从市场需求、基础设施、政策法规、运营理念和节能减排等角度进行分析,探讨"天天马士基"服务开展的可行性,并提出相关的建议。 展开更多
关键词 “天天马 协调 因素 可行性 货源
作者 易大存 周启文 《绿色大世界》 1995年第4期22-22,共1页
在宜城市,有一位被称为点播绿色种子的人,他就是现任宜城市林业局局长的杨玉觉。在宜城的大地上,他留下了一串串绿色的印迹,谱写出一曲曲绿化宜城的凯歌。5年来,不论是骄阳似火、暑气逼人的盛夏,还是在数九寒天的隆冬,在汉江两岸,都能... 在宜城市,有一位被称为点播绿色种子的人,他就是现任宜城市林业局局长的杨玉觉。在宜城的大地上,他留下了一串串绿色的印迹,谱写出一曲曲绿化宜城的凯歌。5年来,不论是骄阳似火、暑气逼人的盛夏,还是在数九寒天的隆冬,在汉江两岸,都能看到他忙碌不停的身影。青山不墨千秋画,绿水无言万古诗。经过不懈的努力,宜城市提前实现了灭荒的目标,赢得了荣誉。 展开更多
关键词 长杨 林业局长 造林绿化 华中农大 资源综合开发 造血功能 加工合同 王集镇 镇田 基士
《中国印刷物资商情》 2000年第8期11-14,共4页
中国印刷物资总公司器材分公司(以下简称中印器材分公司)是中国印刷物资总公司主要专业经营公司之一,是业内同仁忠实可靠的朋友,多年来与国内外几十个生产供应厂家保持着长期、稳固、紧密、友好的业务合作关系,并以其雄厚的实力、广阔... 中国印刷物资总公司器材分公司(以下简称中印器材分公司)是中国印刷物资总公司主要专业经营公司之一,是业内同仁忠实可靠的朋友,多年来与国内外几十个生产供应厂家保持着长期、稳固、紧密、友好的业务合作关系,并以其雄厚的实力、广阔的资源、优质的产品、合理的价格、热情的服务,为全国新闻出版、轻工包装印刷全行业提供了强劲的物资保障。 中印器材分公司长期经营国内外知名厂家生产的油墨、拷贝片、电分片、激光输出片、片基、红膜、PS版、套药、锌版、橡皮布、衬垫、白呢、铁丝、刀片、塔线、水辊绒套、进口炭素纸、炭素转印膜、海绵、胶带、镜头、网屏、 展开更多
关键词 印刷物资 印刷器材 油墨 基士得耶 切纸机 装订机械 地址 胶印机 橡皮印刷机 炭素纸 企业 企业管理
《中国制造业信息化(学术版)》 2004年第2期59-60,共2页
关键词 机械工业企业 财务 PTC 浪潮通软 山推股份 ERP 动力系统 业界 基士 航天科技 战略合作伙伴
《中国印刷物资商情》 2000年第11期-,共4页
今年初,中国印刷物资总公司装帧材料分公司对机构做了相应调整,装帧材料分公司全体职工将一如既往竭诚地为全国出版、印刷界朋友服务! 为了便于广大客户及生产厂家、销售单位联系业务,现将装帧材料分公司机构设置、联系电话及通讯地址... 今年初,中国印刷物资总公司装帧材料分公司对机构做了相应调整,装帧材料分公司全体职工将一如既往竭诚地为全国出版、印刷界朋友服务! 为了便于广大客户及生产厂家、销售单位联系业务,现将装帧材料分公司机构设置、联系电话及通讯地址介绍如下: 展开更多
关键词 基士得耶 北京市 印刷物资 切纸机 装订机械 油墨 中国印刷科学技术研究所 地址 印刷器材 企业 企业管理
《中国印刷物资商情》 2000年第10期13-15,共3页
今年初,中国印刷物资总公司装帧材料分公司对机构做了相应调整,装帧材料分公司全体职工将一如既往竭诚地为全国出版、印刷界朋友服务! 为了便于广大客户及生产厂家、销售单位联系业务,现将装帧材料分公司机构设置、联系电话及通讯地址... 今年初,中国印刷物资总公司装帧材料分公司对机构做了相应调整,装帧材料分公司全体职工将一如既往竭诚地为全国出版、印刷界朋友服务! 为了便于广大客户及生产厂家、销售单位联系业务,现将装帧材料分公司机构设置、联系电话及通讯地址介绍如下: 展开更多
关键词 基士得耶 单张 切纸机 装订机械 油墨 自动生产线 生产自动线 综合生产系统 印刷物资 地址 铝型材 生产能力 感光液 企业 企业管理
低迷市场背景下的航运业创新变革 被引量:2
作者 王文婧 王学锋 陈扬 《水运管理》 2013年第1期14-16,22,共4页
为了让受金融危机影响的低迷的航运市场尽快恢复活力,根据最新的权威数据,从外生性要素和内生性要素两方面分析目前航运市场的发展动态,研究寻找市场出路,结合当前马士基、IHI和JFE Holding为航运变革创新所作出举动,再对上海国际航运... 为了让受金融危机影响的低迷的航运市场尽快恢复活力,根据最新的权威数据,从外生性要素和内生性要素两方面分析目前航运市场的发展动态,研究寻找市场出路,结合当前马士基、IHI和JFE Holding为航运变革创新所作出举动,再对上海国际航运中心的建设进行研究分析,认为航运业的创新变革是当前可以拯救航运市场最好的办法,其不但是解决目前问题的良策,更是整顿整个市场、让航运市场长久发展的必要途径,强调进行行业变革的紧迫性。 展开更多
关键词 航运 天天马 供需状况 航运产业链
胶州湾北部软底大型底栖动物丰度和生物量的研究 被引量:17
作者 于子山 张志南 王诗红 《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 2000年第z1期-,共7页
1995年3~11月对胶州湾北部软底海域进行了 两月一次的大型底栖动物调查。调查期间,大型底栖动物总平均丰度和总平均生物量分别为 1891.3 inds./m2和41.9 g.w.w/m2。与该海域有关大型底栖动物丰度和生物量的历史 资料相比较,本研究所... 1995年3~11月对胶州湾北部软底海域进行了 两月一次的大型底栖动物调查。调查期间,大型底栖动物总平均丰度和总平均生物量分别为 1891.3 inds./m2和41.9 g.w.w/m2。与该海域有关大型底栖动物丰度和生物量的历史 资料相比较,本研究所得到的大型底栖动物丰度值显著增加,生物量值则有较明显的下降, 初步分析了发生这些变化主要原因。丰度和生物量比较曲线表明,所研究海域底栖生物群落 处于中等干扰(即污染的影响 )状态。 展开更多
关键词 胶州湾 大型底栖动物 丰度 生物量
Coordinated regulation of active and repressive histone methylations by a dual-specificity histone demethylase ceKDM7A from Caenorhabditis elegans 被引量:2
作者 Hanqing Lin Yiqin Wang +11 位作者 Yanru Wang Feng Tian Pu Pu Yi Yu Hailei Mao Ying Yang Ping Wang Lulu Hu Yan Lin Yi Liu Yanhui Xu Charlie Degui Chen 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第8期899-907,共9页
H3K9me2 and H3K27me2 are important epigenetic marks associated with transcription repression, while H3K4me3 is associated with transcription activation. It has been shown that active and repressive histone methylation... H3K9me2 and H3K27me2 are important epigenetic marks associated with transcription repression, while H3K4me3 is associated with transcription activation. It has been shown that active and repressive histone methylations distribute in a mutually exclusive manner, but the underlying mechanism was poorly understood. Here we identified ceKDM7A, a PHD (plant homeodomain)- and JmjC domain-containing protein, as a histone demethylase specific for H3K9me2 and H3K27me2. We further demonstrated that the PHD domain of ceKDM7A bound H3K4me3 and H3K4me3 co-localized with ceKDM7A at the genome-wide level. Disruption of the PHD domain binding to H3K4me3 reduced the demethylase activity in vivo, and loss of ceKDM7A reduced the expression of its associated target genes. These results indicate that ceKDM7A is recruited to the promoter to demethylate H3K9me2 and H3K27me2 and activate gene expression through the binding of the PHD domain to H3K4me3. Thus, our study identifies a dual-specificity histone demethylase and provides novel insights into the regulation of histone methylation. 展开更多
关键词 KDM7A DEMETHYLASE H3K9me2 H3K27me2 PHD JMJC HISTONE methylation
Introduction of the Archimedean Screw Pump to East Asia during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
作者 Albert Koenig 《Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology》 2020年第1期102-138,共37页
The Jesuits played an important role in the transmission of Western science and technology to China during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries,though their impact on water technology has received scant attention ... The Jesuits played an important role in the transmission of Western science and technology to China during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries,though their impact on water technology has received scant attention thus far.As a case in point,Sabatino de Ursis,Society of Jesus熊三拔,in collaboration with the Chinese official Xu Guangqi徐光啟,published in 1612 Hydraulic Methods of the Far West(Taixi shuifa泰西水法),the earliest book in China on Western water-lifting devices,which contained a detailed description of the Archimedean screw pump.While the impact of the Archimedean screw pump in China and Korea remained rather limited,the screw pump was used to drain water from gold mines in the Japanese Sado Island from as early as 1637.This fact became known in the West only in the very late 1800s when hand-colored picture scrolls about the Japanese gold mining process became available.These scrolls show various applications of Archimedean screw,which apparently were made according to the manufacturing instructions in Hydraulic Methods of the Far West. 展开更多
关键词 Hydraulic Methods of the Far West(Taixi shuifa泰西水法) Archimedean screw pump JESUITS China Korea Japan
Overview of a Cycle of Predicament: A Comparative Study Between Shylock and Heathcliff Cyclic Process of Victimization
作者 U. H. Ruhina Jesmin 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第8期779-784,共6页
This paper attempts to explore how Shylock in William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice (1995) and Heathcliff in Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights (2003) were victimized who became victimizer later to heal the... This paper attempts to explore how Shylock in William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice (1995) and Heathcliff in Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights (2003) were victimized who became victimizer later to heal their wound and compensate their loss and how they were victimized in turn in doing so. Shylock was victimized by the Christian society along with his own. His daughter left him in favor of the Christians. He later became a victimizer but was ironically victimized in turn in wreaking vengeance on his foes in the court. Similarly, Heathcliffs true spiritual love was rejected by His Catherine, neglected by everyone, physically and mentally abused. Later, he wreaked vengeance upon his foes but was victimized to death in turn. Shylock entered the court as a victimizer but left it as a victimized individual just as Heathcliff entered the Heights, after self-imposed exile, as a victimizer and left it as a victimized individual for good. Therefore, both of them experienced a cycle of victimization. 展开更多
关键词 TRAUMA MARGINALIZATION victimized victimizer self-victimization
In vivo Anticancer Activities of Benzophenone Semicarbazone against Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma Cells in Swiss Albino Mice
作者 Khairul Islam Shaikh M Mohsin Ali +1 位作者 Mele Jesmin Jahan Ara Khanam 《Clinical oncology and cancer researeh》 CAS CSCD 2012年第4期242-247,共6页
Objective Benzophenone semicarbazone(BSC) was synthesized and characterized to identify compounds with anticancer activities. Methods Anticancer activities were studied against Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma(EAC) cells in ... Objective Benzophenone semicarbazone(BSC) was synthesized and characterized to identify compounds with anticancer activities. Methods Anticancer activities were studied against Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma(EAC) cells in Swiss albino mice by monitoring parameters such as tumor weight measurement,survival time of tumor bearing mice,tumor cell growth inhibition,and so on.Some hematological parameters,such as red blood cells,white blood cells,and hemoglobin content,were also measured. Results The results showed that BSC has a positive effect against EAC cells.An assessment was conducted by comparing these results with those obtained using the standard drug bleomycin. Conclusions The BSC compound can be considered as a potent anticancer agent. 展开更多
关键词 anticancer activities EAC cell benzophenone semicarbazone
Hollow and substrate-supported Prussian blue,its analogs,and their derivatives for green water splitting
作者 Jing-Yi Xie Bin Dong 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第11期1843-1864,共22页
To meet the current energy needs of society,the highly efficient and continuous production of clean energy is required.One of the key issues facing the green hydrogen evolution is the construction of efficient,low-cos... To meet the current energy needs of society,the highly efficient and continuous production of clean energy is required.One of the key issues facing the green hydrogen evolution is the construction of efficient,low-cost electrocatalysts.Prussian blue(PB),Prussian blue analogs(PBAs),and their derivatives have tunable metal centers and have attracted significant interest as novel photo-and electrochemical catalysts.In this review,recent research progress into PB/PBA-based hollow structures,substrate-supported nanostructures,and their derivatives for green water splitting is discussed and summarized.First,several remarkable examples of nanostructured PB/PBAs supported on substrates(copper foil,carbon cloth,and nickel foam)and hollow structures(such as single-shelled hollow boxes,open hollow cages,and intricate hollow structures(multi-shell and yolk-shell))are discussed in detail,including their synthesis and formation mechanisms.Subsequently,the applications of PB/PBA derivatives((hydr)oxides,phosphides,chalcogenides,and carbides)for water splitting are discussed.Finally,the limitations in this research area and the most urgent challenges are summarized.We hope that this review will stimulate more researchers to develop technologies based on these intricate PB/PBA structures and their derivatives for highly efficient,green water splitting. 展开更多
关键词 Prussian blue Prussian blue analogues Hollow structure Substrate-supported structures Green water splitting
Advanced Methods of Evaluating Benefits from Improved Flood Immunity in Queensland
作者 Wayne Davies 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第8期973-991,共19页
The regular occurrence and the high costs of flooding to both road agencies and communities is a strong impetus to investigate the methodologies applied to evaluating flood immunity road projects. Very little literatu... The regular occurrence and the high costs of flooding to both road agencies and communities is a strong impetus to investigate the methodologies applied to evaluating flood immunity road projects. Very little literature exists on methods of evaluating the benefits of improving flood immunity through better road infrastructure. This paper attempts to address some of the numerous issues hindering the accurate evaluation of flood immunity road projects. The methodologies presented in this paper are designed to evaluate benefits that are not normally included or not fully considered in evaluations; such benefits include reduced flood related road accidents, costs of not travelling during the closure period and additional costs from unanticipated flood events. A key focus of the paper is the consideration of the evaluation of improved flood immunity from a network perspective rather than the typical approach of evaluating flood immunity projects in isolation to each other. The application of the proposed methodologies is demonstrated with a hypothetical example of a typical rural network subjected to regular flooding. The results of the analysis, conducted using the proposed methodologies, reveals that the currently applied methodologies account for less than half the likely value of benefits of a package of projects that will prevent the complete isolation of communities during serious flood events. 展开更多
关键词 Flood immunity economic evaluation cost benefit analysis road closures.
作者 张霖之 《煤炭工程》 1958年第7期1-3,共3页
经过政治战线上和思想战线上的社会主义革命,使我们的思想获得了解放,广大职工群众的政治觉悟和社会主义的积极性大大提高.共产主义的精神,正在人们的思想和工作中发扬旺盛.中央和毛主席提出:在十五年或者更短的时间内,在钢铁和其他主... 经过政治战线上和思想战线上的社会主义革命,使我们的思想获得了解放,广大职工群众的政治觉悟和社会主义的积极性大大提高.共产主义的精神,正在人们的思想和工作中发扬旺盛.中央和毛主席提出:在十五年或者更短的时间内,在钢铁和其他主要工业产品的产量方面赶上和超过英国的口号,更加促迸了社会主义革命和生产力的发展.在中央提出的鼓足干劲,力争上游,多快好省地建设社会主义的总方针、总路线的照耀下,煤炭工业已经出现了一个大跃进的局面. 展开更多
关键词 政治觉悟 主要工业产品 战线上 雨三 整体移动 基士 克恩 生产效率 工作方法 于都
Catalytic graphitization of polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fibers coated with Prussian blue
作者 彭奇龄 周海晖 +2 位作者 黄振华 陈金华 旷亚非 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第4期683-687,共5页
Prussian blue(PB) was used as catalyst to improve the extent of graphitization of polyacrylonitrile(PAN)-based carbon fibers.PB was deposited on carbon fibers by anodic electrodeposition and the thickness of PB coatin... Prussian blue(PB) was used as catalyst to improve the extent of graphitization of polyacrylonitrile(PAN)-based carbon fibers.PB was deposited on carbon fibers by anodic electrodeposition and the thickness of PB coating(PB content) was controlled by adjusting the electrodeposition time.PAN-based carbon fibers with PB coating were heat-treated and the extent of graphitization was measured by X-ray diffractometry and Raman spectroscopy.The results indicate that the extent of graphitization of PAN-based carbon fibers is enhanced in the presence of the coating.When the PB-coated carbon fibers were heat-treated at 1 900 ℃,interlayer spacing(d002) and crystallite size(Lc) reach 0.336 8 and 21.2 nm respectively.Contrarily,the values of d002 and Lc are 0.341 4 and 7.4 nm respectively when the bare carbon fibers were heat-treated at 2 800 ℃.Compared with the bare carbon fibers,PB can make the heat treatment temperature(HTT) drop more than 500 ℃ in order to reach the same extent of graphitization.Furthermore,the research results show that PB content also has a certain influence on the extent of graphitization at the same HTT. 展开更多
关键词 carbon fibers Prussian blue extent of graphitization CATALYST heat treatment COATING
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