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天山北麓河流纵剖面与基岩侵蚀模型特征分析 被引量:30
作者 赵洪壮 李有利 +1 位作者 杨景春 吕红华 《地理学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期563-570,共8页
本文提取分析天山北麓10条河流的纵剖面,通过函数拟合纵剖面形态特征,同时运用基岩侵蚀力模型来研究河流纵剖面形态的发育演化过程,来揭示河流纵剖面的发育与构造活动之间的内在关系。研究表明:天山北麓河流地貌地形发育阶段处于河流侵... 本文提取分析天山北麓10条河流的纵剖面,通过函数拟合纵剖面形态特征,同时运用基岩侵蚀力模型来研究河流纵剖面形态的发育演化过程,来揭示河流纵剖面的发育与构造活动之间的内在关系。研究表明:天山北麓河流地貌地形发育阶段处于河流侵蚀作用强烈的前均衡状态时期。塔西河的纵剖面凹曲度最大,向东西两侧河流凹曲度依次降低,乌鲁木齐河与四棵树河凹曲度最小,河流的凹曲度(θ)和河道坡度(KS)的数值分布规律与所对应构造部位晚更新世以来的抬升速率和地壳缩短速度相一致,排除时间、气候因素和基岩性质影响因素后,发现晚更新世以来天山北麓河流纵剖面形态变化主要受构造抬升作用的影响。 展开更多
关键词 河流纵剖面 基岩侵蚀模型(S-A模型) 河流凹曲度 河道坡度 构造运动 天山
白龙江流域河流纵剖面与基岩侵蚀模型特征 被引量:3
作者 常直杨 王建 +1 位作者 白世彪 张志刚 《山地学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期183-190,共8页
构造地形指标的发展对于构造运动的量化研究具有重要意义。白龙江流域位于青藏高原与西秦岭造山带之间的过渡地带,对该流域地貌是否处于构造隆升与河流侵蚀的均衡状态,以及内部构造活动性的差异如何等问题尚缺乏细致研究。基于Arcgis9.3... 构造地形指标的发展对于构造运动的量化研究具有重要意义。白龙江流域位于青藏高原与西秦岭造山带之间的过渡地带,对该流域地貌是否处于构造隆升与河流侵蚀的均衡状态,以及内部构造活动性的差异如何等问题尚缺乏细致研究。基于Arcgis9.3与ASTERGDEM数据,提取了白龙江流域32条支流的纵剖面,拟合其最佳函数形态,并利用基岩侵蚀模型提取了各个支流的标准化陡峭指数、凹曲度及拟合系数值,来揭示白龙江流域河流对构造运动的响应特征。结果表明:白龙江流域河流拟合函数以指数函数为主,河流大多发育处于侵蚀作用强烈阶段;中上游地区标准化河流陡峭指数值较下游地区偏大,凹曲度值和拟合系数中上游较下游值偏小,反映了白龙江流域中上游与下游构造活动强度的差异性;32条支流的凹曲度大部分小于均衡状态经验平均凹曲度值(0.49),表明白龙江流域地貌形态发育大部分还没有达到均衡阶段。 展开更多
关键词 白龙江 构造运动 河流纵剖面 基岩侵蚀模型 陡峭指数 凹曲度
基岩地下水流模型的摄动待定系数随机有限体积法及应用 被引量:3
作者 韩华 程凌鹏 孙维志 《工程勘察》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第4期24-27,共4页
针对基岩地下水流的不确定性 ,本文提出了求解基岩地下水流问题的摄动待定系数随机有限体积法 (PCSFVM) ,并将该方法应用于深圳葵涌地区水源地基岩地下水运动的随机模拟 。
关键词 基岩地下水流模型 摄动待定系数 随机有限体积法 随机模拟
作者 康志勇 陈昌 +1 位作者 李龙 张杨 《大庆石油地质与开发》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第4期122-130,共9页
针对受钻井液污染的基岩地层电阻率及宏观裂缝孔隙度评价难的问题,根据均质储集岩模型和侧向电阻率测井原理,建立了基岩地层体积模型,并导出了系列基岩参数分别与基质参数和宏观裂缝参数之间的关系函数。从基岩储层污染前的2类导电介质... 针对受钻井液污染的基岩地层电阻率及宏观裂缝孔隙度评价难的问题,根据均质储集岩模型和侧向电阻率测井原理,建立了基岩地层体积模型,并导出了系列基岩参数分别与基质参数和宏观裂缝参数之间的关系函数。从基岩储层污染前的2类导电介质到污染后的3类导电介质进行分析,引入了“地层流体替换率”和“钻井液滤液分配系数”,进而建立了基岩地层真电阻率和视电阻率评价方程及宏观裂缝孔隙度解释方程。结果表明,基质孔隙度的变化是影响基岩地层电阻率大幅度变化的本质内因,也是识别基岩储层的重要标志,随着基岩宏观裂缝孔隙度的增大,侧向电阻率逐渐减小。实际岩心分析资料证实,该方法可明显提高基岩宏观裂缝孔隙度的解释精度。研究成果可为基岩储层评价及参数研究提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 基岩地层体积模型 侧向电阻率 宏观裂缝孔隙度 储层污染 地层流体替换率 钻井液滤液分配系数
作者 邹俊杰 何宏林 +5 位作者 周永胜 魏占玉 石峰 耿爽 苏鹏 孙稳 《地震地质》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期833-846,共14页
随着断层面形貌测量、宇宙成因核素测年等技术的发展,基岩断层面成为在基岩区古地震研究的良好研究对象。但是,受沟谷侵蚀、沉积覆盖和人为改造等非构造因素影响,并非所有出露的基岩断层面都能完整记录和保存古地震信息。因此,必须在基... 随着断层面形貌测量、宇宙成因核素测年等技术的发展,基岩断层面成为在基岩区古地震研究的良好研究对象。但是,受沟谷侵蚀、沉积覆盖和人为改造等非构造因素影响,并非所有出露的基岩断层面都能完整记录和保存古地震信息。因此,必须在基岩断层面上选择合适的研究点。传统的野外测量方法耗时费力,难以掌握基岩断层面的整体信息,即使通过高分辨率卫星影像也无法获得基岩断层面的精细结构。小型无人机航测(sUAV)采用低空摄影测量技术,可快速获取基岩断层面高精度的地表三维结构,为筛选目标工作点提供便利。文中以山西地堑系六棱山北麓断裂的马家窑基岩断坎为例,采用小型无人机航测结合SfM摄影测量技术,获得了基岩断层面的高精度三维地形数据,通过精细地貌解译和断层坎剖面分析识别了沿断层坎分布的崩塌破坏、沉积埋藏和侵蚀剥露等非构造因素,分析了侵蚀、埋藏和构造这3种典型的基岩断层面的形态特征,选取了适合开展古地震研究的基岩断层面点,展现了小型无人机在基岩区古地震研究工作中发挥的重要应用潜力。 展开更多
关键词 小型无人机航测 古地震研究选点 基岩断层面3D模型 断层坎剖面形态 六棱山北麓断裂
江苏镇江城市三维地质结构模型的建立及其地质意义 被引量:6
作者 苗巧银 朱志国 +1 位作者 高立 杨其菠 《上海国土资源》 2016年第3期65-70,共6页
随着镇江城市建设发展对地下空间的开发和利用,以及对城市地质环境及其地壳稳定性的需求,城市地质调查兴起。本文根据城市地质调查成果,即第四系松散沉积层各时代岩相分区、钻孔分层信息等资料,首次采用分区建模方法,构建了第四纪三维... 随着镇江城市建设发展对地下空间的开发和利用,以及对城市地质环境及其地壳稳定性的需求,城市地质调查兴起。本文根据城市地质调查成果,即第四系松散沉积层各时代岩相分区、钻孔分层信息等资料,首次采用分区建模方法,构建了第四纪三维地质结构模型;根据基岩岩相分布、主干隐伏断裂,构建了基岩三维地质结构模型。三维地质结构模型揭示了地层的沉积历史,展示了地层的纵横向分布、沉积环境在三维空间的相变关系、以及断裂对地壳稳定性的影响,可为城市建设提供重要支持。 展开更多
关键词 城市地质 三维地质结构 岩相分区 分区建模 第四纪模型 基岩模型
滇中河网特征及其对断层活动的响应 被引量:3
作者 段佳鑫 董有浦 +3 位作者 吴可 汝鑫 张东越 王丹 《大地构造与成矿学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期296-307,共12页
滇中地区作为青藏高原东南缘构造活动最强烈的地区之一,发育了许多活动走滑断裂,并且在该区域上密布着不同级别的河网,为利用河网分析断裂活动提供了有利条件。为揭示滇中河网发育与断裂活动内在联系,本文基于30 m分辨率的SRTM-3数字高... 滇中地区作为青藏高原东南缘构造活动最强烈的地区之一,发育了许多活动走滑断裂,并且在该区域上密布着不同级别的河网,为利用河网分析断裂活动提供了有利条件。为揭示滇中河网发育与断裂活动内在联系,本文基于30 m分辨率的SRTM-3数字高程模型(DEM)在ArcGIS环境下提取了滇中地区金沙江、珠江、红河内的20条支流的河流网络,分析其典型的河网参数(分支比和长度比),通过这些比值与Horton定律描述的一般性河流网络进行对比。同时,基于ArcGIS空间分析技术及Matlab程序脚本系统,对这20条河流流域纵剖面进行定量化研究,分析其河道基岩侵蚀力模型,得到S-A拟合图解。结果表明:滇中地区金沙江、珠江、红河中大多数与断裂带重合的高级别河流的支流,河网发育明显地受到了断裂活动的影响;在河道基岩侵蚀力模型S-A拟合图中呈现为上凸和下凹相间排列,这一现象在金沙江流域的各支流最为显著,造成这一现象的原因可能是研究区内的河道主要受走滑断裂控制,当断裂以压扭性为主时,河道的隆升量大于剥蚀量,S-A拟合曲线表现为上凸;当断裂以张扭性为主时,河道的隆升量小于剥蚀量,S-A拟合曲线表现为下凹。通过对河网构造地貌特征的研究可以使我们更好地理解该地区的构造活动特征。 展开更多
关键词 滇中 走滑断层 河流地貌 Horton定律 河道基岩侵蚀力模型 构造活动
作者 田立佳 张明华 张辰光 《华南地质与矿产》 CAS 2012年第1期79-83,共5页
本文利用DEM数据,运用基岩河道侵蚀模型提取九龙江北溪流域的河流下凹程度、陡峭指数和蜿蜒度等地貌指数研究北溪流域地质构造活动特点。通过对流域地貌参数的分析发现九龙江北溪流域陡峭指数存在自NW向SE递减的规律,陡峭指数和蜿蜒度... 本文利用DEM数据,运用基岩河道侵蚀模型提取九龙江北溪流域的河流下凹程度、陡峭指数和蜿蜒度等地貌指数研究北溪流域地质构造活动特点。通过对流域地貌参数的分析发现九龙江北溪流域陡峭指数存在自NW向SE递减的规律,陡峭指数和蜿蜒度有很好的对应关系.排除气候因素和基岩性质等影响因子,认为河道陡峭指数的分布特征揭示了九龙江北溪流域的地壳抬升速率自西北向东南递减的分布特征,此认识与前人采用精密水准资料计算地壳垂直运动速率结果相一致。 展开更多
关键词 DEM 河道基岩侵蚀力模型 地貌指标 构造抬升速率
A damage-based constitutive model for rock under impacting load 被引量:5
作者 Guangming Zhao Lixiang Xie Xiangrui Meng 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第4期505-511,共7页
Using the Splitting Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) experimental system, investigations were made into the dynamic mechanical performances of underground soft rocks. The experiments proved that the measured stress-str... Using the Splitting Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) experimental system, investigations were made into the dynamic mechanical performances of underground soft rocks. The experiments proved that the measured stress-strain curves display the characteristics of plastic deformation. By making use of a revised overstress constitutive formula for the stress model and by taking into account that the strain rate and strain are a function of I - E(t)/Eo, a revised overstress constitutive formula for the stress model was simplified by applying dimensional analysis and consequently, a simplified overstress formula was obtained for the stress model. Then, by taking into consideration the effects of damage under a dynamic load on the dynamic loading strength of the rock, the continuous damage theory and the statistical strength theory were introduced into the development of the simplified overstress constitutive formula for the stress model. Hence, a damage-based constitutive formula for an overstress model, which can be appropriately applied to the analysis of full dynamic stress-strain curves, was developed. By using the simplified damage-based constitutive formula for an overstress model, the actually measured curves are fitted, indicating that the fitting curves and those actually measured are in good agreement. 展开更多
关键词 SHPB Continuous damage theory Statistic strength theory Overstress constitutive formula
Vertical vibration of a floating pile in a saturated viscoelastic soil layer overlaying bedrock 被引量:3
作者 崔春义 张石平 +1 位作者 杨刚 李晓飞 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第1期220-232,共13页
An axisymmetrical analytical solution is developed to investigate the vertical time-harmonic vibration of a floating pile in a saturated viscoelastic soil layer overlaying bedrock. The soil is described by porous medi... An axisymmetrical analytical solution is developed to investigate the vertical time-harmonic vibration of a floating pile in a saturated viscoelastic soil layer overlaying bedrock. The soil is described by porous medium model established by Boer, while the pile is described by a beam vibration theory. By using separation theory of differential operator and variables to solve the dynamic governing equations for the soil, the fundamental solutions for the soil reactions on side and bottom of the pile are obtained. The dynamic impedance of the pile head is then derived by solving the vibration equation for the pile according to the compatibility condition between the pile and the soil. The proposed model is validated by comparing special cases of our model with the existing results. Numerical examples are presented to analyze the vibration characteristics of the pile. 展开更多
关键词 floating pile vertical vibration saturated viscoelastic soil Boer's porous medium model separation theory
Prevention of rockburst by guide holes based on numerical simulations 被引量:6
作者 ZHU Qi-hu LU Wen-bo +2 位作者 SUN Jin-shan LUO Yi CHEN Ming 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第3期346-351,共6页
We studied variations in the stress field around guide holes drilled during tunnel excavation to understand the mechanical mechanism by which these holes help prevent rockburst.The study used elasto-plastic analysis o... We studied variations in the stress field around guide holes drilled during tunnel excavation to understand the mechanical mechanism by which these holes help prevent rockburst.The study used elasto-plastic analysis of a circular chamber under non-axisymmetrical loads.The results showed that the unloading of in-situ stresses, and the forming of a secondary stress field, leads to a severe change in the stress field around the guide holes.This causes the formation of an X-shaped area of plastic deformation, which prevents the rockburst.Adopting a sub-model finite element technique, we analyzed the factors that influence the distribution of the plastic area, such as the guide hole distribution and the in-situ stress state.The calculations showed that higher initial stresses result in greater adjustment to the stress field.When the stress concentration is greater the size of the plastic area surrounding the guide hole is larger.A multi-row distribution of the guide holes shaped like a quincunx can increase the interconnectivity of the plastic areas and allow the plastic area to extend from the tunnel wall deep into the surrounding rock.An optimized design was put forward based on the distribution of the plastic area around guide holes and the factors that influence it. 展开更多
关键词 ROCKBURST guide hole shear failure finite element method sub-model
Evaluation of Dynamic Behavior of Bedrock Foundation Based on FEM and DEM Simulations
作者 Yujing Jiang 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第12期1608-1614,共7页
The seismic behavior of the bedrock foundation during earthquakes concerns the stability and safety of nuclear power plants. Discontinuities like joints and faults existing in rock masses affect significantly the dyna... The seismic behavior of the bedrock foundation during earthquakes concerns the stability and safety of nuclear power plants. Discontinuities like joints and faults existing in rock masses affect significantly the dynamic behavior of bedrock. The dynamic FEM (finite element method) has been commonly utilized to analyze the seismic responses of bedrock, however, it cannot well represent the large deformation behavior of discontinuities. The DEM (distinct element method) has a better capability of simulating the sliding and separation of discontinuities existing in the bedrock, which influence the propagation of seismic waves. In this study, the dynamic FEM and DEM simulations were carried out to investigate the seismic behavior of the bedrock foundation under a nuclear power plant, and the differences between those two methods were illuminated. Numerical simulation results indicate that the FEM underestimates the attenuation effect of faults on the propagation of seismic waves. With the capability of simulating large deformation behavior of discontinuities, the DEM can be regarded as a better method for studying the seismic responses of bedrock foundation which contains discontinuities. 展开更多
关键词 Seismic behavior numerical simulation rock foundation DISCONTINUITY FEM DEM.
Unsaturated Creep Behaviors of Weak Intercalated Soils in Soft Rock of Badong Formation 被引量:4
作者 ZHU Yan-Bo YU Hong-Ming 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第6期1460-1470,共11页
The cutting slopes in soft rock of redbed appeared in Yichang-Badong highway often suffer from the instability along weak intercalations, so the creep behaviors of weak intercalated soils are crucially important for t... The cutting slopes in soft rock of redbed appeared in Yichang-Badong highway often suffer from the instability along weak intercalations, so the creep behaviors of weak intercalated soils are crucially important for the stability of cutting slopes. Because the deformation of weak intercalated soils is significantly affected by water content due to the strong water sensitivity, it is necessary to study the influence of matric suction on the creep behaviors of weak intercalated soils. In order to find out the unsaturated creep characters of weak intercalated soils, a GDS unsaturated triaxial apparatus was used. Then the triaxial creep experiments on weak intercalated soil samples under varying matric suction were conducted to obtain the unsaturated creep curves. The results show that the weak intercalated soils have obvious creep behaviors, and the creep strain is in nonlinear relationship with stress and time. When the matric suction is constant, a larger deviator stress will lead to a larger creep strain; When the deviator stress is constant, a smaller matric suction will lead to a larger creep strain. Based on the Mesri creep model, an improved creep model for weak intercalated soils under varying matric suction was established, in which the relationship of stress-strain was expressed with a hyperbolic function, and the relationship of strain-time was expressed with power functions in stages. Then an unsaturated creep model including stress-matric suction-strain-time for weak intercalated soils was established based on the power function relationship between matric suction and Ed(a parameter of the improved creep model). The comparison of the calculated values of creep model and the experimental values shows that the creep behaviors of weak intercalated soils can be predicted by the unsaturated creep model by and large. 展开更多
关键词 Badong formation Weak intercalated soils Unsaturated creep behaviors Soil triaxial apparatus Creep model
Deep-seated geodynamics and position of Platinum-bearing basite-ultrabasite massifs of southeast Russia
作者 Khomich V.G. Boriskina N.G. 《Global Geology》 2012年第3期204-209,共6页
In the southeast part of the North-Asian craton, several ring basite-uhrabasite plutons have been rec- ognized, with which the commercial placers of platinoids associate. Analysis of the known geodynamic models of the... In the southeast part of the North-Asian craton, several ring basite-uhrabasite plutons have been rec- ognized, with which the commercial placers of platinoids associate. Analysis of the known geodynamic models of the region formation and materials of seismic tomography showed that the subduction processes, that actively manifested themselves in the Asia-Pacific convergence zone in Mesozoic, were responsible for initiation of the stagnated oceanic slab. Its NE and SW boundaries appear to coincide with the transform faults. Projection of the transform fault, bordering the above mentioned slab in the NEN, coincides with the Konder-Feklistovsky metal- logenic belt distinguished earlier and its Aldan (Inaglinsky) member. Higher platinum content of ring massifs of the belt is controlled by the influence of the lower mantle derivatives on the ascending upper mantle plumes. 展开更多
关键词 southeast Russia mantle plumes Platinum-bearing ring massifs
Clay Minerals Properties as Downhole Formation Pressure Indicator
作者 Dmitry Kozhevnikov Kazimir Kovalenko Andrey Gorodnov Ivan Deshenenkov 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2011年第11期990-994,共5页
The successful estimation of formation pressures (or formation pore gradient) is fundamental and the basis for many engineering works including drilling and oilfield development planning. Common log data are used fo... The successful estimation of formation pressures (or formation pore gradient) is fundamental and the basis for many engineering works including drilling and oilfield development planning. Common log data are used for formation pressure calculation. Modern techniques for pressure prediction have several disadvantages, notably, incorrect account of the downhole nonsteady thermal field and clay mineral composition. We propose a way to overcome listed shortcomings: a technique for thermal field proper account while formation pressure estimation and a petrophysical model, which reflects relationships between clay minerals composition and rock properties, derived from log data. 展开更多
关键词 Formation pressure clay minerals OVERPRESSURE temperature effect UNDERCOMPACTION PETROPHYSICS log data.
Soil Uncertainties on Performance of Geotechnical Works
作者 Michele Maugeri Salvatore Grasso 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2010年第5期37-47,共11页
Performance-Based Design (PBD) is a more rational approach, particularly in seismic environments. In this approach it is relevant the performance required to structures and to geotechnical works, as well as the geot... Performance-Based Design (PBD) is a more rational approach, particularly in seismic environments. In this approach it is relevant the performance required to structures and to geotechnical works, as well as the geotechnical constitutive models used to predict the performance. The parameters of the constitutive models are related in turn to soil properties. So soil properties are a key point for Performance-Based Design. Questions arising are: (i) which are the more relevant soil properties to solve a specific PBD geotechnical problem? (ii) which are the more relevant model parameters and how they can be evaluated and/or correlated to soil properties? (iii) which is the role of the soil parameters uncertainty in Performance-Based Design? An answer to these questions is given in this paper, outlining the potential offered by the new advanced in-situ and laboratory tests and discussing the performance required by some geotechnical works. 展开更多
关键词 Performance Based Design (PBD) soil properties geotechnical works physical environment.
Sizing of rock fragmentation modeling due to bench blasting using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system and radial basis function
作者 Karami Alireza Afiuni-Zadeh Somaieh 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 2012年第4期459-463,共5页
One of the most important characters of blasting, a basic step of surface mining, is rock fragmentation. It directly effects on the costs of drilling and economics of the subsequent operations of loading, hauling and ... One of the most important characters of blasting, a basic step of surface mining, is rock fragmentation. It directly effects on the costs of drilling and economics of the subsequent operations of loading, hauling and crushing in mines. Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and radial basis function (RBF) show potentials for modeling the behavior of complex nonlinear processes such as those involved in frag- mentation due to blasting of rocks. In this paper we developed ANFIS and RBF methods for modeling of sizing of rock fragmentation due to bench blasting by estimation of 80% passing size (Kso) of Golgohar iron ore mine of Sirjan, lran. Comparing the results of ANFIS and RBF models shows that although the sta- tistical parameters RBF model is acceptable but the ANFIS proposed model is superior and also simpler because the ANFIS model is constructed using only two input parameters while seven input parameters used for construction of the RBF model. 展开更多
关键词 SizingBench blastingOpen pit mineANFISRBF
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