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厚表土薄基岩煤层开采覆岩运动规律 被引量:60
作者 方新秋 黄汉富 +1 位作者 金桃 柏建彪 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第S1期2700-2706,共7页
厚表土薄基岩煤层采用综放开采后基本顶将难于形成稳定结构,发生滑落失稳导致工作面"压架",在对薄基岩定义的基础上,综合采用实验室试验、理论分析、数值模拟和现场实测的方法对薄基岩煤层开采上覆岩层运动规律进行了研究。... 厚表土薄基岩煤层采用综放开采后基本顶将难于形成稳定结构,发生滑落失稳导致工作面"压架",在对薄基岩定义的基础上,综合采用实验室试验、理论分析、数值模拟和现场实测的方法对薄基岩煤层开采上覆岩层运动规律进行了研究。研究结果表明,若其他条件不变,"砌体梁"结构的稳定主要取决于基岩厚度和上覆表土层的力学性质及厚度,具有较大承载力的厚黏土层能与薄基岩组合形成稳定的结构,降低稳定结构所需最小基岩厚度。由此建立薄基岩工作面结构力学模型,并针对司马矿具体条件分析认为当表土为松散砂土,最小基岩厚度40m;当黏土厚度40m,最小基岩厚度20m;黏土厚度30m,最小基岩厚度30m。据此提出首采面可安全开采,在现场工业性试验中得到成功验证。 展开更多
关键词 采矿工程 基岩 基岩结构 黏土 综采放顶煤
四川西昌地区基底结构初探 被引量:2
作者 刘绍裕 《天然气工业》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1994年第6期18-23,共6页
据已有地质资料分析,四川西昌地区是油气勘探很有前景的后备区,但勘探、研究程度极低,尤其缺乏深部构造和基底结构资料,为此,利用以往的重、磁力资料重新进行计算机处理,并结合已有资料对区内基底结构、岩性、断裂及构造单元划分... 据已有地质资料分析,四川西昌地区是油气勘探很有前景的后备区,但勘探、研究程度极低,尤其缺乏深部构造和基底结构资料,为此,利用以往的重、磁力资料重新进行计算机处理,并结合已有资料对区内基底结构、岩性、断裂及构造单元划分、含油气前景等重新进行了解释与研究。研究认为:区内主要有9条基底断裂,以南北向为主,东西向为辅,特基底切割成特征各异的9个断块区;基底存在着由下元古界深变质岩系和中、上元古界浅变质岩系组成的“双层基底”,其岩性分布主要受东西向基底断裂控制;基底起伏亦受断裂控制,明显呈“东高西低”格局,甘洛、布拖以西为凹陷,以东为隆起。根据这些特征,可将区内划分为9个四级构造单元,结合己有地质、地震及遥感资料综合分析认为:米市凹陷生储盖组合较好,是油气勘探的有利区;昭觉、布拖断凹和凉山断穹虽然出露地层较老,但其深部、背斜翼部及向斜部位仍是有希望的地区。 展开更多
关键词 四川 西昌 重力勘探 磁力勘探 基岩结构 油气勘探
采动条件下陷落柱构造对基岩与地表沉降影响数值分析 被引量:1
作者 徐兵 常晋雷 李见波 《华北科技学院学报》 2022年第3期14-19,共6页
地表移动变形受多种地质和采矿因素的影响,是一个非常复杂的时空力学过程。为研究采动作用下陷落柱构造对地表异常沉降的影响,以霍尔辛赫煤矿地质条件为背景,建立采动条件下陷落柱影响煤层上覆基岩变形和地表下沉数值模型,开展陷落柱对... 地表移动变形受多种地质和采矿因素的影响,是一个非常复杂的时空力学过程。为研究采动作用下陷落柱构造对地表异常沉降的影响,以霍尔辛赫煤矿地质条件为背景,建立采动条件下陷落柱影响煤层上覆基岩变形和地表下沉数值模型,开展陷落柱对地表沉陷影响机制研究。理论分析了陷落柱对关键基岩层的破断影响机制;数值解答了陷落柱影响下围岩应力场和位移场变化规律以及陷落柱影响下地表下沉形态,计算结果表明陷落柱区域地表沉陷值大于无陷落柱时的沉陷值。该研究为类似矿区的地表异常沉陷研究提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 异常沉降 陷落柱 煤矿开采 基岩结构 黄土
柴达木盆地东坪地区基岩风化壳特征 被引量:6
作者 伍劲 高先志 +5 位作者 马达德 张永庶 周伟 牛花朋 孔红喜 王波 《现代地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期129-141,共13页
柴达木盆地阿尔金山前斜坡带发现了规模分布的东坪基岩气田,其基岩风化壳的作用成为关注的问题。依据元素分析、X-射线衍射分析、岩心薄片观察,常规测井响应和成像测井响应特征,识别出东坪地区基岩风化壳发育不同结构层,且不同结构层的... 柴达木盆地阿尔金山前斜坡带发现了规模分布的东坪基岩气田,其基岩风化壳的作用成为关注的问题。依据元素分析、X-射线衍射分析、岩心薄片观察,常规测井响应和成像测井响应特征,识别出东坪地区基岩风化壳发育不同结构层,且不同结构层的储集特征有很大差异。研究表明,基岩风化壳结构可划分为土壤层、完全风化层和半风化层,而半风化层又可进一步分为溶蚀带和崩解带;其中土壤层厚度0~2 m,完全风化层厚度4~15 m,溶蚀带厚度36.5~164 m,崩解带厚度300~1 000 m。基岩半风化层是储层发育带,其中溶蚀带储集物性好于崩解带,溶蚀带发育较多的溶蚀孔洞和溶蚀加宽的网状裂缝,孔隙度范围2%~16%;而崩解带发育弱溶蚀构造缝和节理缝,孔隙度范围2%~8%。东坪地区大规模发育基岩风化壳为柴达木盆地远离烃源岩灶的斜坡地区寻找油气提供了借鉴依据。 展开更多
关键词 风化壳 基岩风化结构 基岩风化储层 柴达木盆地
岩浆岩与变质岩风化壳储集层差异--以阿尔金山山前带东段基岩储集层为例 被引量:3
作者 李欣 谢庆宾 +4 位作者 牛花朋 张永庶 李传龙 宋姝豫 吴志雄 《新疆石油地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期133-146,共14页
阿尔金山山前带东段基岩风化壳储集层以岩浆岩风化壳和变质岩风化壳为主,为了解2种风化壳储集层的差异,通过岩心观察描述,借助常规测井曲线和地层微电阻率扫描成像测井图像识别基岩风化壳结构,对典型井风化壳结构进行划分,绘制连井剖面... 阿尔金山山前带东段基岩风化壳储集层以岩浆岩风化壳和变质岩风化壳为主,为了解2种风化壳储集层的差异,通过岩心观察描述,借助常规测井曲线和地层微电阻率扫描成像测井图像识别基岩风化壳结构,对典型井风化壳结构进行划分,绘制连井剖面;通过岩心观察、薄片鉴定、扫描电镜、元素能谱测井、常规测井、常量元素测试、氦孔隙度-空气渗透率测试数据等总结2种风化壳储集层在矿物成分、地球化学响应、常规测井、储集空间特征方面的差异,建立岩浆岩和变质岩风化壳储集层发育模式。结果表明,基岩风化壳按风化程度由上至下划分为土壤层、完全风化层、半风化层和未风化层4层结构,为了便于研究又将半风化层细分为半风化层溶蚀带和半风化层崩解带。岩浆岩矿物纵向分布形式差异不大;变质岩由浅到深暗色矿物和黏土矿物含量整体减少。通过SiO2/Al2O3可知,研究区基岩多处于半风化状态,花岗岩SiO2/Al2O3为5.13~6.50,较稳定;变质岩SiO2/Al2O3为3.01~6.53,变化较大。岩浆岩半风化层溶蚀带储集空间类型为裂缝-孔洞型,半风化层崩解带储集空间类型为裂缝型;变质岩半风化层溶蚀带储集空间类型为孔洞型,半风化层崩解带储集空间为孔洞-裂缝型。变质岩半风化层溶蚀带孔隙度为0.413%~8.509%,岩浆岩半风化层溶蚀带孔隙度为0.926%~7.152%;变质岩半风化层崩解带孔隙度为1.367%~5.211%,岩浆岩半风化层崩解带孔隙度为1.429%~8.572%.岩浆岩和变质岩半风化层崩解带孔隙度和渗透率之间的相关性较半风化层溶蚀带好。变质岩半风化层溶蚀带是变质岩风化壳储集层最重要的储集层,是稳产的主要因素,其次是半风化层崩解带;岩浆岩半风化层崩解带是岩浆岩风化壳储集层最重要的储集层,其次是半风化层溶蚀带。变质岩风化壳储集层的储集性能优于岩浆岩岩风化壳储集层。 展开更多
关键词 阿尔金山 基岩风化壳 储集层 岩浆岩 变质岩 基岩风化壳结构 储集层发育模式
灵新煤矿十四煤层顶板稳定性研究 被引量:4
作者 柴敬 田坤 +1 位作者 岳鹏超 侯树宏 《西北煤炭》 2008年第1期16-18,共3页
关键词 覆岩结构 基岩结构 顶板稳定性
西北断陷盆地覆盖区填图方法探索——新疆巴里坤盆地填图实践 被引量:9
作者 王国灿 赵璇 +4 位作者 陈超 陈越 季军良 王岸 曹凯 《地质力学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期809-821,共13页
西部断陷盆地覆盖区覆盖层与基岩面地质结构及盆山关系是当今覆盖区区域地质调查研究需解决的重点与难点。基于新疆巴里坤山间断陷盆地覆盖区地质填图试点实践,梳理出断陷盆地区地质填图的基本内容和填图目标;强调覆盖区地质调查必须针... 西部断陷盆地覆盖区覆盖层与基岩面地质结构及盆山关系是当今覆盖区区域地质调查研究需解决的重点与难点。基于新疆巴里坤山间断陷盆地覆盖区地质填图试点实践,梳理出断陷盆地区地质填图的基本内容和填图目标;强调覆盖区地质调查必须针对需解决的关键地质问题,贯彻地表地质调查—地球物理探测—钻孔验证相结合的基本工作思路;确定出普适性的填图技术路线和围绕填图目标及基本内容的针对性填图方法组合;最后以巴里坤断陷盆地填图为例,从调研目标的确定到物探工作及方法组合优选和钻探布设,系统介绍了巴里坤断陷盆地覆盖区地质填图的方法体系,并最终落实到地质填图成果的体现,成为西部断陷盆地覆盖区地质填图的示范。 展开更多
关键词 西部断陷盆地覆盖区 填图目标 填图技术方法 基岩面地质结构 覆盖层地质结构 巴里坤盆地
Nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) microscopic simulation based on random-walk: Theory and parameters analysis 被引量:1
作者 谭茂金 徐晶晶 +1 位作者 邹友龙 徐赤诚 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第3期1091-1097,共7页
The microscopic response characteristics of nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) are widely used for characterizing complex pore structures of rocks. Due to the prohibitive NMR experiment cost, numerical simulation was emp... The microscopic response characteristics of nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) are widely used for characterizing complex pore structures of rocks. Due to the prohibitive NMR experiment cost, numerical simulation was employed as an alternative approach to verify some theoretical aspects of NMR responses. Firstly, the basic principles of pore-scale NMR simulation based on random-walk method(RWM) were introduced. The RWM-simulated results were benchmarked with the analytical results for an ideal spherical pore model. Then, the effects of two numerical parameters, namely diffusion radius and walk numbers, were studied on the simulation accuracy. The simulation method is then applied to various pore models with different pore sizes and pore shapes filled with different fluids to study the microscopic NMR response characteristics. The numerical experiments are useful for understanding and interpreting NMR measurements and the simulation code provides a numerical tool to perform pixel-based digital rock analysis. 展开更多
关键词 microscopic nuclear magnetic resonance random-walk method pore structure parameters analysis
Microstructures and mechanical properties of BP/7A04 Al matrix composites 被引量:6
作者 Cai-he FAN Ling OU +3 位作者 Ze-yi HU Jian-jun YANG Gang CHEN Hong-ge YAN 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第10期2027-2034,共8页
The microstructures and interface structures of basalt particle reinforced 7A04 Al matrix composites (BP/7A04 Al) were analyzed by using OM, TEM, SEM and EDS, and the mechanical properties of 7A04 Al alloy were compar... The microstructures and interface structures of basalt particle reinforced 7A04 Al matrix composites (BP/7A04 Al) were analyzed by using OM, TEM, SEM and EDS, and the mechanical properties of 7A04 Al alloy were compared with those of BP/7A04 Al matrix composites. The results show that the basalt particles are dispersed in the Al matrix and form a strong bonding interface with the Al matrix. SiO2 at the edge of the basalt particles is continuously replaced by Al2O3 formed in the reaction, forming a high-temperature reaction layer with a thickness of several tens of nanometers, and Al2O3 strengthens the bonding interface between basalt particles and Al matrix. The dispersed basalt particles promote the dislocation multiplication, vacancy formation and precipitation of the matrix, and the precipitated phases mainly consist of plate-like η(MgZn2) phase and bright white band-shaped or ellipsoidal T (Al2Mg3Zn3) phase. The bonding interface, high dislocation density and dispersion strengthening phase significantly improve the mechanical properties of the composites. The yield strength and ultimate tensile strength of BP/7A04 Al matrix composites are up to 665 and 699 MPa, which increase by 11.4% and 10.9% respectively compared with 7A04 Al alloy without basalt particles. 展开更多
关键词 Al matrix composites basalt particle interface structure precipitated phase strengthening mechanism
Mineralogical Features and Properties of Serpentine as Indicator of the Deep Earth Subduction Processes
作者 Tatiana V. Posukhova Leily L Elene B. Cherepetskaya Ivan E. Sas 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2012年第12期729-743,共15页
The article presents the results of study of composition, structure and properties of three genetic types of serpentinite, developed by chromite-bearing ultrabasic rocks, by metamorphic zones of carbonate rocks and wi... The article presents the results of study of composition, structure and properties of three genetic types of serpentinite, developed by chromite-bearing ultrabasic rocks, by metamorphic zones of carbonate rocks and within the zone of weathering of ultrabasic rocks. The samples were selected from deposits, located along the Main Ural Fault-the Paleozoic subduction zone (named GUR). Peculiarities of microstructure, chemical composition and properties of serpentinites formed in different geological conditions were investigated and their comparative study was held. They were devided three groups of serpentinites with oriented and non-oriented structure which formed by different protholites: mantle, lithosphere and crust. 展开更多
关键词 Ural SERPENTINE subduction processes petrophysical properties velocity of elastic waves acoustic emission
A Preliminary Analysis of Relations Between Tectonic Deformation of Sedimentary Cover and Basement in Kuqa Depression
作者 LiuJie QuGuosheng +3 位作者 TongXiaoguang SongHuizhen ZhouQing ZhangNing 《Earthquake Research in China》 2004年第4期406-416,共11页
Study of seismic activity in the Kuqa area enables us to infer some possible active faults in basement from the epicentral distribution on different profiles. The relations between active faults in the basement and su... Study of seismic activity in the Kuqa area enables us to infer some possible active faults in basement from the epicentral distribution on different profiles. The relations between active faults in the basement and surface structures are analyzed and the difference between sedimentary cover and basement in their deformation characteristics and the genesis are discussed. The following conclusions have been drawn: (1) the epicentral distribution indicates that, the east Qiulitag and south and north Qiulitag deep faults in the basement correspond to the east and west Qiulitag anticlines, respectively. Moreover, deep faults also exist beneath the Yiqiklik and Yaken anticlines. It indicates that the formation of surface structures is controlled by deep structures; (2) A NE-trending strike-slip fault develops along the line from the western termination of Yiqiklik structure to Dongqiu Well 5 and a NW-trending active fault on the western side of Baicheng. The two active faults across the tectonic strike are the main causes for tectonic segmentation of the Kuqa depression and possibly the cause for the middle segment (Kuqa-Baicheng) of the depression to be more shortened than both its eastern and western terminations; (3) The difference between the sedimentary cover and basement in their deformation characteristics depends mainly on the different properties of media between them. The lithospheric strength of the basement in the basin is fairly high, which determines the basement deformation to be mainly of brittle fracture——seismic activity. While the strength of sedimentary cover is low, where there exist weak thin layers, such as coal and gyps. Under the effect of strong tectonic compression, the sedimentary rocks may undergo strong viscous or plastic flow deformation; meanwhile, an aseismic detachment may take place along the weak layers. 展开更多
关键词 SEISMICITY Surface structure Basement fault Deformation character Kuqa depression
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