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作者 张巧华 夏银丽 《中国外汇》 2023年第23期64-65,共2页
“枫桥经验”是浙江省绍兴市的一张金名片,更是全社会基层治理的行动指南。身处“枫桥经验”发源地,国家外汇管理局绍兴市分局(下称外汇局绍兴市分局)深入践行新时代“枫桥经验”,以“三三制”(三大阵地、三项机制)工作方法,聚焦管理“... “枫桥经验”是浙江省绍兴市的一张金名片,更是全社会基层治理的行动指南。身处“枫桥经验”发源地,国家外汇管理局绍兴市分局(下称外汇局绍兴市分局)深入践行新时代“枫桥经验”,以“三三制”(三大阵地、三项机制)工作方法,聚焦管理“不缺位”、服务“全方位”,扎实推进基层外汇管理高质量发展。 展开更多
关键词 枫桥经验 国家外汇管理局 浙江省绍兴市 外汇局 基房 层外汇管理 服务体系建设 三三制
深深故土情 款款公益心——记湛江市九届政协常委、雷州隆基房地产开发公司总经理李可文
作者 包文艳 陈钰 《人民之声》 2002年第6期46-47,共2页
在有"天南重地"之称的雷州,有一个充满传奇色彩的人物。他就是雷州、湛江两级市政协常委,湛江籍驻云南总商会会长,雷州市隆基房地产开发公司总经理李可文。二十多年来,他搏击商海,经商、办厂、搞建筑,干一行成功一行,事业红... 在有"天南重地"之称的雷州,有一个充满传奇色彩的人物。他就是雷州、湛江两级市政协常委,湛江籍驻云南总商会会长,雷州市隆基房地产开发公司总经理李可文。二十多年来,他搏击商海,经商、办厂、搞建筑,干一行成功一行,事业红红火火。致富后,他热心社会公益事业,积极回报社会,从1994年起先后共捐助609.7万元,支持家乡发展教育、文化和公益事业。他用自己深深的故土情怀和无私奉献谱写了美丽的人生篇章。(一)已过不惑之年的李可文,原籍雷州市白沙镇水美村,几十年前,祖辈迁居南兴镇港西村。 展开更多
关键词 政协常委 南兴镇 李可 基房 开发公司 港西村 社会公益事业 白沙镇 雷州市 居住地点
缬沙坦与螺内酯对心房颤动射频消融术后心房基质的影响 被引量:5
作者 谭鹏进 商丽华 +1 位作者 刘建国 张涛 《中国循证心血管医学杂志》 2021年第8期986-989,共4页
目的观察缬沙坦与螺内酯对心房颤动(房颤)射频消融术后心房基质的影响。方法将60例接受房颤射频消融术的患者随机分为螺内酯组、缬沙坦组和对照组,每组各20例。随访6个月,对比分析三组患者术后6个月的心肌纤维化指标(Ⅲ型前胶原氨基端... 目的观察缬沙坦与螺内酯对心房颤动(房颤)射频消融术后心房基质的影响。方法将60例接受房颤射频消融术的患者随机分为螺内酯组、缬沙坦组和对照组,每组各20例。随访6个月,对比分析三组患者术后6个月的心肌纤维化指标(Ⅲ型前胶原氨基端肽(PⅢNP)、层粘连蛋白(LN)、人基质金属蛋白酶-1(MMP-1))及超敏C反应蛋白(hs-CRP)、醛固酮浓度(ALD)指标的变化。结果三组患者年龄、性别、房颤类型、基础疾病构成等基线资料一致,无统计学差异。三组患者PⅢNP、MMP-1、hs-CRP及ALD的浓度的变化(术后-术前)均无统计学意义。三组患者LN浓度的差值(术后6个月~术前)有差异(P=0.000),其中螺内酯组的LN浓度差值的绝对值较对照组及缬沙坦组高,且有统计学意义(P=0.000)。结论推测螺内酯可降低房颤射频消融术后6个月患者的LN浓度,减轻心肌纤维化。 展开更多
关键词 颤动 导管消融 螺内酯 缬沙坦 层粘连蛋白
作者 文青 《中国房地产》 2015年第7Z期68-69,共2页
6月7日,第十五届天津市"华商恒基杯"走进开发商房地产策划大赛决赛在天津商业大学举行。大赛由天津商业大学新商陆房地产协会主办,秉承"零距离感受专业、近距离观察市场"的理念,在地产行业的支持下,为天津市各大高... 6月7日,第十五届天津市"华商恒基杯"走进开发商房地产策划大赛决赛在天津商业大学举行。大赛由天津商业大学新商陆房地产协会主办,秉承"零距离感受专业、近距离观察市场"的理念,在地产行业的支持下,为天津市各大高校相关专业的学生提供了一个挑战、发掘、展示自我的机会和平台。天津商业大学教务处副处长计宏伟、商学院党委书记李新锁、商学院党委副书记翟云峰以及天津市华商恒基房地产开发有限公司营销总监高峰。 展开更多
关键词 地产策划 天津商业大学 地产协会 地产营销 院党委副书记 商恒 教务处副处长 营销总监 基房
作者 杨旭东 邵排宗(文/图) 《致富天地》 2023年第12期30-31,共2页
“泥巴路、土基房,寒冬腊月吃粗粮。”曾是云南省德宏傣族景颇族自治州梁河县襄宋乡关璋村的真实写照。近年来,在云南省烟草公司的帮扶下,关璋村依托美丽的自然风光,大力挖掘阿昌族文化、推进农耕文化体验,全面推动文旅融合发展,有效带... “泥巴路、土基房,寒冬腊月吃粗粮。”曾是云南省德宏傣族景颇族自治州梁河县襄宋乡关璋村的真实写照。近年来,在云南省烟草公司的帮扶下,关璋村依托美丽的自然风光,大力挖掘阿昌族文化、推进农耕文化体验,全面推动文旅融合发展,有效带动村民增收致富。 展开更多
关键词 文旅融合 增收致富 阿昌族 烟草公司 农耕文化 基房 梁河县 自然风光
Genetic Polymorphism of TLR4 Gene and Correlation with Mastitis in Cattle 被引量:5
作者 王兴平 许尚忠 +2 位作者 高雪 任红艳 陈金宝 《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期406-412,共7页
Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) recognizes pathogen ligands and mediates signaling to initiate innate and adaptive immune responses. In this experiment, a 316 bp and 382 bp fragments of TLR4 gene named T4CRBR1 and T4CRB... Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) recognizes pathogen ligands and mediates signaling to initiate innate and adaptive immune responses. In this experiment, a 316 bp and 382 bp fragments of TLR4 gene named T4CRBR1 and T4CRBR2, of Chinese Holstein, Sanhe cattle, and Chinese Simmental was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), respectively. The genetic polymorphisms in the three populations were detected by Single-Strand Conformational Polymorphism (SSCP) in the first locus and by digesting the fragments with restriction endonuclease Alu I in the second one. Results showed that both alleles (A and B) of two loci were found in all the three populations and the value of polymorphism information content (PIC) indicated that these were a moderate polymorphism. Statistical results of X^2 test indicated that two polymorphism sites in the three populations fitted with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P 〉 0.05). After sequencing, A-G single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) was identified at nucleotide 4,525 in intron 1 of TLR4 gene and C-T SNP was identified at nucleotide 1,397 in exon 3 of TLR4 gene. Meanwhile, the effect of polymorphism of TLR4 gene on somatic cell score (SCS) was analyzed, the results indicated that the cattle with allele A in T4CRBR1 showed lower somatic cell score than that of allele B (P 〈 0.05). In short, the allele A might play an important role in mastiffs resistance in bovine. 展开更多
关键词 BOVINE TLR4 gene SSCP RFLP MASTITIS somatic cell count somatic cell score
作者 贺国瑞 《中国民政》 2004年第10期45-,共1页
在《村民委员会组织法》的具体实施过程中,存在着村民自治难、难自治的现象,主要表现在以下几个方面:一是村民自治的认识水平不高,影响了农村基层民主政治建设的发展;二是实施法律不够严格,非法操纵民主选举的现象仍然存在;三是村支两... 在《村民委员会组织法》的具体实施过程中,存在着村民自治难、难自治的现象,主要表现在以下几个方面:一是村民自治的认识水平不高,影响了农村基层民主政治建设的发展;二是实施法律不够严格,非法操纵民主选举的现象仍然存在;三是村支两委职责不明,工作协调不够;四是村委会缺乏村级集体经济来源,村民自治成了"无米之炊";五是村级自治功能弱化.对此,笔者认为应采取以下改革思路和途径. 展开更多
关键词 基房
《山西财税》 2014年第7期24-24,共1页
为深化文化体制改革,满足人民群众日益增长的文化需求,近日,我省实行省级购买公共演出服务政策。省级购买公共演出服务包括五方面内容:一是省委、省政府组织的深入农村、企业、高校、部队等基层单位的慰问性演出;二是省委、省政府安排... 为深化文化体制改革,满足人民群众日益增长的文化需求,近日,我省实行省级购买公共演出服务政策。省级购买公共演出服务包括五方面内容:一是省委、省政府组织的深入农村、企业、高校、部队等基层单位的慰问性演出;二是省委、省政府安排的重要节假日惠民演出等公共演出活动;三是省直院团赴基层特别是贫困县开展的公益演出或惠民演出;四是省委、省政府举办的对外文化交流合作与推广;五是省委、省政府委托的其他文艺演出。购买公共演出服务严格按照政府采购规则和程序进行, 展开更多
关键词 服务政策 对外文化交流 层单位 文化体制改革 文艺演出 人民群众 基房 竞争性谈判 调演剧目 音乐
作者 丁祖昱 《中国房地产》 2017年第17期28-29,共2页
"股神"巴菲特又开股东大会了。基本上,这算是全球投资界的朝圣大会。今年,世界各地有4万余人集聚在美国偏远的内布拉斯加州小城奥马哈,其中,有将近1/8的"朝圣者"来自中国。据说大会还专门为中国人设立了用于观看大会现场直播的分会... "股神"巴菲特又开股东大会了。基本上,这算是全球投资界的朝圣大会。今年,世界各地有4万余人集聚在美国偏远的内布拉斯加州小城奥马哈,其中,有将近1/8的"朝圣者"来自中国。据说大会还专门为中国人设立了用于观看大会现场直播的分会场,并提供普通话同声传译服务,整个大会除英语外,中文是唯一的外国语言。 展开更多
关键词 投资界 同声传译 外国语言 奥马哈 内布拉斯加州 产投资 投资信托 地产投资 地产市场 基房
N-myc downstream-regulated gene 2 promotes proliferation of HO-8910 ovarian cancer cells 被引量:2
作者 Fenhong Kang Yaping Luo Yanlong Wang 《Oncology and Translational Medicine》 2018年第4期171-175,共5页
Objective To investigate N-myc downstream-regulated gene 2(NDRG2) expression in ovarian cancer cells and its potential usefulness as a diagnostic marker and/or target for therapeutic intervention.Methods Human NDRG2 L... Objective To investigate N-myc downstream-regulated gene 2(NDRG2) expression in ovarian cancer cells and its potential usefulness as a diagnostic marker and/or target for therapeutic intervention.Methods Human NDRG2 L/S gene was obtained by revers-transcription polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR). Sequence analysis confirmed the identity of NDRG2 L/S gene, which was then inserted into a eukaryotic vector p LNCX2, which was in turn transfected into NDRG2 gene-negative HO-8910 cells. Flow cytometry(FCM) and 3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide(MTT) assay were conducted to determine the proliferation rate of HO-8910 cells. Cisplatin resistance of HO-8910 cells transfected with p LNCX2-NDRG2 L/S was evaluated by FCM. Tumors were generated in female nude mice by subcutaneous injection of HO-8910 cells.Results NDRG2 gene was isolated and its expression vector was successfully constructed. NDRG2 expression positively correlated with the proliferation of HO-8910 cells. NDRG2 L/S promoted tumorigenicity in HO-8910 cells.Conclusion The present study identified a novel function of NDRG2 L/S gene and demonstrated its involvement in the promotion of ovarian cancer cell proliferation and enhancement of cisplatin resistance in HO-8910 cells. Future studies are warranted to determine the relationship between NDRG2 upregulation and ovarian cancer progression. 展开更多
关键词 N-myc downstream-regulated gene 2 (NDRG2) ovarian cancer HO-8910 cell MTT CISPLATIN
Baseband Design for 5G UDN Base Stations:Methods and Implementation 被引量:3
作者 Zhaoyun Cai Dake Liu 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第5期59-77,共19页
Baseband design and implementation for micro/pico base stations (mBS) in 5G ultra-dense network (UDN) is studied. Low cost is an essential requirement for mBS baseband in UDN. Digital baseband cost of ASIC/ASIP (... Baseband design and implementation for micro/pico base stations (mBS) in 5G ultra-dense network (UDN) is studied. Low cost is an essential requirement for mBS baseband in UDN. Digital baseband cost of ASIC/ASIP (Application Specific Integrated Circuit / Instruction-set processor) is of the most uncertainty in roBS system. However. the actual costs and hardware feasibility of the baseband are yet unknown to network deployers and researchers. In this paper, we studied the baseband hardware system design and implementation for low-cost roBS. We analyzed popular baseband algorithms and architectures for both full-digital and hybrid beamforming (BF) for UDN. We then proposed feasible chip-level solutions for the baseband with up to 128-antenna BS system, and estimated their implementation cost. Results show that among lull-digital BF algorithms, zero-forcing is a choice of high performance and low cost; for hybrid BF, 4×32 architecture (32 RF chains) provides good reduction in baseband cost with acceptable performance loss, thus it can be a preferable solution under low cost consider- ation. The proposed system planning method can also be used for the design of other related systems. 展开更多
关键词 5G Communication ASIC/ASIP UDN baseband implementation massive MIMO
Biosynthesis of 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid from L-tyrosine using recombinant Escherichia coli cells expressing membrane bound L-amino acid deaminase
作者 Huanru Ding Weirui Zhao +6 位作者 Changjiang Lu Jun Huang Sheng Hu Shanjing Yao Lehe Mei Jinbo Wang Jiaqi Mei 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第2期380-385,共6页
4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid (4-HPPA), a kind of α-keto acid, is an intermediate in the metabolism of tyrosine and has a wide range of application in food, pharmaceutical and chemical industry. Using amino acids as ... 4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid (4-HPPA), a kind of α-keto acid, is an intermediate in the metabolism of tyrosine and has a wide range of application in food, pharmaceutical and chemical industry. Using amino acids as raw material to prod uce the corresponding α-keto acid is thought to be both economic and efficient. Among the enzymes that convert amino acid to α-keto acid, membrane bound L-amino acid deaminase (mL-AAD), which is anchored to the outer side of the cytomembrane, becomes an ideal enzyme to prepare α-keto acid since there is no cofactors needed and H2O2 production during the reaction. In this study, the mL-AAD from Proteus vulgaris was used to prepare whole-cell catalysts to produce 4-HPPA from L-tyrosine. The secretory efficiency of mL-AAD conducted by its own twin-arginine signal peptide (twin-arginine translocation pathway, Tat) and integrated pelB (the general secretory pathway, Sec)-Tat signal peptide was determined and compared firstly, using two pET systems (pET28a and pET20b). It was found that the Tat pathway (pET28a-mlaad) resulted in higher cell-associated mL-AAD activity and cell biomass, and was more beneficial to prepare biocatalyst. In addition, expression hosts BI21 (DE3) and 0.05 mmol. L- 1 IPTG were found to be suitable for mL-AAD expression. The reaction conditions for mL-AAD were optimized and 72.72 mmol,L 1 4-HPPA was obtained from 100 mmol.L 1 tyrosine in 10 h under the optimized conditions. This bioprocess, which is more eco-friendly and economical than the traditional chemical synthesis ways, has great potential for industrial application. 展开更多
关键词 4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvic acidc-tyrosine Membrane-bound L-amino acid deaminases Biocatalysis Molecular biology Biological engineering
Overexpression of fibrinogen-like protein 2 protects against T cell-induced colitis 被引量:2
作者 Agata Bartczak Jianhua Zhang +6 位作者 Oyedele Adeyi Achiya Amir David Grant Reginald Gorczynski Nazia Selzner Andrzej Chruscinski Gary A Levy 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第15期2673-2684,共12页
AIMTo determine the effect of overexpression of fibrinogen-like protein 2 (FGL2) on regulatory T cell (Treg) and effector T (Teff) cell function on T cell-induced colitis in Rag1<sup>-/-</sup> mice.METHODS... AIMTo determine the effect of overexpression of fibrinogen-like protein 2 (FGL2) on regulatory T cell (Treg) and effector T (Teff) cell function on T cell-induced colitis in Rag1<sup>-/-</sup> mice.METHODSTreg and Teff cells from fgl2<sup>-/-</sup>, fgl2<sup>+/+</sup>, and fgl2<sup>Tg</sup> mice were purified by FACS. They were studied in vitro for immunosuppressive activity and cell proliferation and in vivo for their effects on the development and prevention of T cell-induced colitis in Rag1<sup>-/-</sup> mice.RESULTSIn vitro, fgl2<sup>Tg</sup> Treg had enhanced immunosuppressive activity, and fgl2<sup>Tg</sup> Teff had reduced proliferation to alloantigen stimulation. Transfer of Teff from C57Bl/6J mice (fgl2<sup>+/+</sup>) into Rag1<sup>-/-</sup> mice produced both clinical and histologic colitis with dense infiltrates of CD3<sup>+</sup> T cells, crypt abscesses and loss of goblet cells. Fgl2<sup>Tg</sup> Treg prevented the development of T cell-induced colitis, whereas fgl2<sup>+/+</sup> and fgl2<sup>-/-</sup> Treg were only partially protective. In mice that received fgl2<sup>Tg</sup> Treg, the ratio of Foxp3<sup>+</sup> to CD3<sup>+</sup> cells was increased both in the colon and in mesenteric lymph nodes, and Teff cell proliferation as determined by staining with Ki67 was reduced. Teff cells from fgl2<sup>Tg</sup> mice did not produce colitis.CONCLUSIONHere we show that fgl2<sup>Tg</sup> Teff are hypoproliferative and do not induce colitis. We further demonstrate that fgl2<sup>Tg</sup> Treg prevent colitis in contrast to fgl2<sup>+/+</sup> Treg, which were only partially protective. These studies collectively provide a rationale for exploring the use of FGL2 or Treg expressing high levels of FGL2 in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. 展开更多
关键词 Fibrinogen-like protein 2 COLITIS Regulatory T cells Transgenic mouse Inflammatory bowel disease
MinK gene G112A polymorphisms and atrial fibrillation:a Meta-analysis
作者 Zhang Lin Zhong Li +1 位作者 Li Yafei Ma Xiangyu 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2009年第4期198-207,共10页
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia with multi-factorial pathogenesis. A number of studies of genetic epidemiology have assessed the association of G112A (G38S) single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs... Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia with multi-factorial pathogenesis. A number of studies of genetic epidemiology have assessed the association of G112A (G38S) single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in Mink gene with AF in different populations. However, the results are inconsistent and inconclusive. We performed a Meta-analysis of the association between G112A polymorphisms of MinK gene and AF to estimate the magnitude of the gene effect. Six case-control studies with a combined 854 cases and 1079 controls were summarized. Subgroups in different races were separately analyzed. Heterogeneity and publication bias were also explored. When all groups were pooled, the individuals with G allele had an over 40% higher risk of AF compared with individuals with the A allele. The GG genotype (versus AA genotype) was found to be significant association with increased AF risk. The significant associations were also found in both dominant and recessive genetic model. For subgroup analysis, the results were consistent with above, except that the pooled OR for Chinese population was not significant in a recessive genetic model. In conclusion, G112A polymorphisms in Mink gene may have an important effect on the pathogenesis of AF. This warrants further investigation in large multi-center studies with precise design. 展开更多
关键词 MinK gene Single nucleotide polymorphisms Atrial fbrillation META-ANALYSIS
Crohn's disease genotypes of patients in remission vs relapses after infliximab discontinuation 被引量:1
作者 Cathy Lu Alistair Waugh +12 位作者 Robert J Bailey Raeleen Cherry Levinus A Dieleman Leah Gramlich Kata Matic Mario Millan Karen I Kroeker Daniel Sadowski Christopher W Teshima Dennis Todoruk Clarence Wong Karen Wong Richard N Fedorak 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第36期5058-5064,共7页
AIM: To investigate genetic differences between Crohn's disease (CD) patients with a sustained remission vs relapsers after discontinuing infliximab while in cortico- steroid-free remission. METHODS: Forty-eight ... AIM: To investigate genetic differences between Crohn's disease (CD) patients with a sustained remission vs relapsers after discontinuing infliximab while in cortico- steroid-free remission. METHODS: Forty-eight CD patients received infliximab and were in full corticosteroid-free clinical remission but then discontinued infliximab for reasons other than a loss of response, were identified by review of an electronic database and charts. Infliximab-associated remis- sion was defined as corticosteroid-free plus normaliza- tion of clinical disease activity [CD activity index (CDAI) 〈 150] during follow-up visits based on physician global assessments. A CD relapse (loss of infliximab-induced remission) was clinically defined as a physician visit for symptoms of disease activity (CDAI 〉 220) and a thera- peutic intervention with CD medication(s), or a hospital- ization with complications related to active CD. Genetic analyses were performed on samples from 14 patients (n = 6 who had a sustained long term remission after stopping infliximab, n -- 8 who rapidly relapsed after stopping infliximab). Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain 2 (NOD2)/caspase activation recruitment do- main 15 (CARD15) polymorphisms (R702W, G908R and L1007fs) and the inflammatory bowel disease 5 (IBDS) polymorphisms (IGR2060a1 and IGR3081a1) were ana- lyzed in each group. RESULTS: Five single nucleotide polymorphisms of IBD5 and NOD2/CARD15 genes were successfully analyzed for all 14 subjects. There was no signifcant increase in frequency of the NOD2/CARD15 polymor- phisms (R702W, G908R and L1007fs) and the IBD5 polymorphisms (IGR2060al and IGR3081a1) in either group of patients; those whose disease relapsed rap- idly or those who remained in sustained long term remission following the discontinuation of infliximab. Nearly a third of patients in full clinical remission who stopped infliximab for reasons other than loss of re- sponse remained in sustained clinical remission, while two-thirds relapsed rapidly. There was a marked dif- ference in the duration of clinical remission following discontinuance of infliximab between the two groups. The patients who lost remission did so after 1.0 years 4- 0.6 years, while those still in remission were at the time of this study, 8.1 years 4- 2.6 years post-discon- tinuation of infliximab, P 〈 0.001. The 8 patients who had lost remission after discontinuing infiiximab had a mean number of 5 infusions (range 3-7), with a mean treatment time of 7.2 mo (range 1.5 mo-15 mo). The mean duration of time from the last infusion of inflix- imab to the time of loss of remission was 382 d (range 20 d-701 d). The 6 patients who remained in remission after discontinuing infliximab had a mean number of 6 infusions (range 3-12), with a mean treatment dura- tion of 12 mo (range 3.6 mo-32 too) (P = 0.45 relative to those who lost remission). CONCLUSION: There are no IBD5 or NOD2/CARD15 mutations that predict which patients might have sus- tained remission and which will relapse rapidly after stopping infliximab. 展开更多
关键词 INFLIXIMAB Anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha Crohn's disease Inflammatory bowel disease GENOTYPE
A Need to Innovate the Dutch Building Regulation
作者 Nico P.M. Scholten Rob T.H. de Wildt 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第3期308-320,共13页
In 2008, two governmental committees presented their conclusions on strengthening the role of the private building sector in building control. In 2011, three new studies were commissioned by the government to address ... In 2008, two governmental committees presented their conclusions on strengthening the role of the private building sector in building control. In 2011, three new studies were commissioned by the government to address perceived problems. One of them was an integral study, executed by ERB (Foundation Expertcentre Regulations in Building), RIGO (Research Institute for Real Estate) and TNO (Research Institute for Applied Technologies), to innovate the whole building regulations system. It led to proposals to redefine responsibility and liability for all parties. This study states that by an effort of yearly £100 million, unnecessary costs up to £l billion can be avoided and a real quality push will take place in the building and real estate markets. The goals to reach are to minimize the administrative burden for the building owner and to enforce the construction industry to build conforming to the regulations. This paper discusses the ERB study and the given proposals. The ERB study demonstrated that a quality push is needed which potential will lead to less costs for building owners. It also shows that proven solutions, part of the regulations, might be of help for all parties involved. 展开更多
关键词 DEREGULATION education LIABILITY system innovation.
Atrial fibrosis: an obligatory component of arrhythmia mechanisms in atrial fibrillation? 被引量:2
作者 Pyotr G Platonov 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期174-178,共5页
Advances in clinical and fimdamental research, which have been promoted over last decades have led to a well- established understanding of atrial fibrillation (AF) as an epiphenomenon that despite similar manifestat... Advances in clinical and fimdamental research, which have been promoted over last decades have led to a well- established understanding of atrial fibrillation (AF) as an epiphenomenon that despite similar manifestations may have different underlying mechanisms and thus require in- dividualized treatments. With rare exceptions of AF caused by mutations in genes coding ion channels in pa- tients with structurally normal atria, fibrotic replacement of atrial myocardium remains the comer stone of atrial pa- thology in patients with AF. 展开更多
关键词 Atrial fibrillation FIBROSIS REMODELING
ZA PLSs' Performance and Black Swan Approach
作者 Tumellano Sebehela 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第3期305-309,共5页
The empirical study uses black swan approach to analyze the performance of South African (ZA) listed property loan stocks (PLSs). Although there are no empirical studies on black swan perspective and performance o... The empirical study uses black swan approach to analyze the performance of South African (ZA) listed property loan stocks (PLSs). Although there are no empirical studies on black swan perspective and performance of listed real estate funds, the study found that there are similar traits of investing in listed real estate funds from emerging markets' perspective and what black swan advocates such as passive investment strategy and non-normality distribution of returns from listed real estate funds. Furthermore, the individual return of each fund was higher the return of the property loan stocks index and the probabilities of all variables confirm that they (variables) are significant when alpha is 10% at confidence level of 90%. 展开更多
关键词 black swan passive investment strategy property loan stocks
Primary resistance to crizotinib treatment in a non-small cell lung cancer patient with an EML4-ALK rearrangement:a case report 被引量:5
作者 Ling Zhang Yunxia Li +3 位作者 Shaohong Zhang Chen Gao Keke Nie Youxin Ji 《Cancer Biology & Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第2期178-181,共4页
Crizotinib,a small molecular tyrosine kinase inhibitor,manifests dramatic responses in patients with non-small cell lung cancer with echinoderm microtubule associated protein like 4-anaplastic lymphoma kinase(EML4-ALK... Crizotinib,a small molecular tyrosine kinase inhibitor,manifests dramatic responses in patients with non-small cell lung cancer with echinoderm microtubule associated protein like 4-anaplastic lymphoma kinase(EML4-ALK)rearrangements.ALK gene point mutation is the primary mechanism of acquired crizotinib resistance;however,the intrinsic mechanism is not fully understood.Here,we report a patient with a low mutant allele fraction(MAF)of EML4-ALK rearrangement,who experienced primary resistance to crizotinib treatment.The patient was a 66-year-old Chinese man,who had a history of metastatic lung cancer and was treated with first-and third-generation epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors(EGFR TKIs).After 14 months of osimertinib treatment,his disease progressed,and next-generation sequencing was performed from a liquid biopsy of the patient’s blood.An EML4-ALK rearrangement was found and crizotinib was administered.The patient’s lung lesions continued to progress after one month of crizotinib treatment,and pemetrexed-bevacizumab was initiated.After two cycles of chemotherapy,the metastatic cancers shrunk,and the patient maintained stable disease at his last follow-up.EML4-ALK rearrangements can happen in patients with EGFR-positive NSCLC,after acquired resistance to EGFR TKI treatment.The EGFR T790M and C797G mutations occur in cis is a critical mechanism of resistance to osimertinib therapy.The MAF of EML4-ALK rearrangements in cancer cells might be a predictive factor for crizotinib treatment. 展开更多
关键词 Non-small cell lung cancer EML4-ALK target therapy CRIZOTINIB
PIK3CA gene mutations in Northwest Chinese esophageal squamous cell carcinoma 被引量:1
作者 Shi-Yuan Liu Wei Chen +5 位作者 Ehtesham Annait Chughtai Zhe Qiao Jian-Tao Jiang Shao-Min Li Wei Zhang Jin Zhang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第14期2585-2591,共7页
AIM To evaluate PIK3 CA gene mutational status in Northwest Chinese esophageal squamous cell carcinoma(ESCC) patients, and examine the associations of PIK3 CA gene mutations with clinicopathological characteristics an... AIM To evaluate PIK3 CA gene mutational status in Northwest Chinese esophageal squamous cell carcinoma(ESCC) patients, and examine the associations of PIK3 CA gene mutations with clinicopathological characteristics and clinical outcome.METHODS A total of 210 patients with ESCC who underwent curative resection were enrolled in this study. Pyrosequencing was applied to investigate mutations in exons 9 and 20 of PIK3 CA gene in 210 Northwest Chinese ESCCs. The associations of PIK3 CA gene mutations with clinicopathological characteristics and clinical outcome were examined.RESULTS PIK3 CA gene mutations in exon 9 were detected in 48 cases(22.9%) of a non-biased database of 210 curatively resected Northwest Chinese ESCCs. PIK3 CA gene mutations were not associated with sex, tobacco use, alcohol use, tumor location, stage, or local recurrence. When compared with wild-type PIK3 CA gene cases, patients with PIK3 CA gene mutations in exons 9 experienced significantly better disease-free survival and overall survival rates.CONCLUSION The results of this study suggest that PIK3 CA gene mutations could act as a prognostic biomarker in Northwest Chinese ESCC patients. 展开更多
关键词 PIK3CA gene mutations Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma Northwest Chinese Prognostic significance
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