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作者 李栋 《金陵神学志》 2011年第1期14-23,共10页
改革开放以来,基督教活动场所与日俱增。这当中,除了按照国家政策法令设立的正式堂点以外,还出现了为数不少的"私设聚会点"。所谓"私设聚会点",就是信徒群众聚会活动场所的设立,没有按照国家相关政策法令进行注册登... 改革开放以来,基督教活动场所与日俱增。这当中,除了按照国家政策法令设立的正式堂点以外,还出现了为数不少的"私设聚会点"。所谓"私设聚会点",就是信徒群众聚会活动场所的设立,没有按照国家相关政策法令进行注册登记,是信徒群众为满足自己宗教信仰生活的需要私下设立。信教群众聚集在一起过宗教生活,是信徒信仰生活之必须;聚会崇拜,就需要场所。但问题是:在有了《宗教事务条例》以后,信徒在未经过合法登记、批准的场所中聚会,就违背了遵照国家现行法律的规定,这样的聚会场所就不合法。有人说,这些信徒可以到已经批准的教堂去聚会,问题不就解决了吗?但问题似乎不那么简单。眼下出现的在自己私下设立的聚会场所中聚会的情况屡禁不止,就恰好说明了问题的复杂性。就目前四川省省会城市、以及了解到的一些地市县的情况来看,"私设聚会点"普遍存在,它已经成为政府在依法管理上的一个棘手问题;同时对于宗教团体来讲,在如何带领广大信徒爱国遵纪守法上也面临难题。这个问题该如何解决,以利于今日社会的稳定、和谐——这是政府主管部门、宗教团体和广大信徒群众都必须思考的问题。 展开更多
关键词 《宗教事务条例》基督教活动场所设立
非基督教运动中的“非基督教周”活动述论——以广东省为聚焦点 被引量:2
作者 郭华清 《广州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2003年第10期24-29,共6页
1922~1927年,我国爆发了一场反对基督教的运动,史称"非基督教运动"。1924年底,上海非基督教同盟倡议,各地的非基督教组织应于每年的圣诞节前后一个星期(12月22~28日)发起"非基督教周"活动,以示威、演讲、散发传... 1922~1927年,我国爆发了一场反对基督教的运动,史称"非基督教运动"。1924年底,上海非基督教同盟倡议,各地的非基督教组织应于每年的圣诞节前后一个星期(12月22~28日)发起"非基督教周"活动,以示威、演讲、散发传单和小册子等形式宣传反基督教,这一倡议得到全国各地的响应。"非基督教周"活动实际上成为非基督教运动得以开展的主要平台,使得非基督教运动每年至少有一次和一周以上时间的保证。 展开更多
关键词 基督教运动 “非基督教周”活动 广东省
作者 周加才 赵匡为 魏晓蕾 《江苏省社会主义学院学报》 2000年第2期4-10,共7页
近年来,由于受到国际国内诸多因素影响,在基督教活动中出现了一些新情况新问题.打着基督教旗号的邪教活动屡禁不止,国外敌对势力利用宗教进行的政治渗透不断加剧,基督教界内神学思想导向上也出现了一些偏差,中国基督教“三自”爱... 近年来,由于受到国际国内诸多因素影响,在基督教活动中出现了一些新情况新问题.打着基督教旗号的邪教活动屡禁不止,国外敌对势力利用宗教进行的政治渗透不断加剧,基督教界内神学思想导向上也出现了一些偏差,中国基督教“三自”爱国运动在进一步巩固和发展的过程中面临着新的考验与挑战。 展开更多
关键词 基督教活动 神学思想建设 政治渗透 宗教信仰
作者 王浩 《基督宗教研究》 2020年第2期-,共20页
从晚清至民初历经八十多年的发展,潮汕地区已有一批稳定的基督教徒及较为完善的基督教慈善救济事业。在传教过程中,基督教同潮汕地区民间信仰产生了激烈的冲突与斗争,与此同时,二者又在慈善文化及理念中体现着同一性。由此,基督教同潮... 从晚清至民初历经八十多年的发展,潮汕地区已有一批稳定的基督教徒及较为完善的基督教慈善救济事业。在传教过程中,基督教同潮汕地区民间信仰产生了激烈的冲突与斗争,与此同时,二者又在慈善文化及理念中体现着同一性。由此,基督教同潮属民间善堂组织虽然在发展信众方面竞争共存,但亦在开展慈善救济活动中达到合作双赢的效果。从以服务传教为目的的慈善救济活动,到近代化范畴意义的教育、医疗、赈济、卫生等活动的转变,基督教开展的各项活动,推动了潮汕社会的近代化递变进程,同时也开启了基督教在潮汕社会从边缘走向中心的进路。 展开更多
关键词 晚清 民初 潮汕地区 基督教慈善救济活动 潮汕地方社会
It Is Easy When You Are a Christian: Badeng Kenyah Conversion to Christianity
作者 Tan Chee-Beng 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2016年第4期254-272,共19页
In this article, 1 explore how the Long Geng Badeng Kenyah community of Sarawak converted to Christianity even though there was no sustained missionary persuasion from the outside. Over a period of study, I eventually... In this article, 1 explore how the Long Geng Badeng Kenyah community of Sarawak converted to Christianity even though there was no sustained missionary persuasion from the outside. Over a period of study, I eventually accept the simple emic explanation that "it is easy when you are a Christian" to be an important explanation. Central to this view is that Christianity provides an alternative religion that allows the people to avoid the need to observe the many troublesome taboos that hinder frequent traveling and engaging in various kinds of economic activities. The influence of relatives is an important factor, too, and as more people become Christians, the traditional Bungan followers lose the support to continue with the traditional religion and eventually almost all follow their relatives to adopt the new religion, which they find do not hinder practicing their culture other than replacing the traditional worship with the Christian way. The ethnographic study provides the opportunity to relate to recent scholarship on the anthropology of Christianity, and facilitates anthropological reflection on the study of cultural change, in particular, in relation to the work of Marshall Sahlins. 展开更多
关键词 Christian conversion Adet Bungan Badeng Kenyah SARAWAK SIB Church
Liturgical Ministers as Ministerial Leaders' Implications for Parish Worship in Nigeria
作者 Emmanuel Chinedu Anagwo 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2017年第5期231-242,共12页
This paper explores liturgical ministers as ministerial leaders to embrace different liturgical functions as ministries of service. This is against the backdrop of Tridentine liturgy whereby the worship is looked up a... This paper explores liturgical ministers as ministerial leaders to embrace different liturgical functions as ministries of service. This is against the backdrop of Tridentine liturgy whereby the worship is looked up as an exclusive leadership function of the priests alone to lord it over others. It identifies lack of active participation by the lay faithful as one of the major factors escalating passive participation in the liturgical celebrations in Nigeria. In this way, the paper argues that rethinking ministerial leadership is a medium to promote active and parish liturgical participation. Their implications suggest the bishops and priests to ensure that the lay faithful take part fully aware of their ministerial leadership role, actively engaged in the rite and enriched by its effects. Employing descriptive and analytical methods, the mantra of the paper is that in a parish worship where liturgical ministers thrives well as ministerial leaders, it produces mature Christian faithful who know their faith, understand their liturgical roles and diligently exercise them. Such a parish community operates on a level of facilitative and participatory leadership where everyone is carried along through direct participation in directing the liturgical celebrations of the parish. 展开更多
关键词 Ministerial leadership Liturgical Ministers Parish worship
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