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作者 潘春丹 徐晓梅 +1 位作者 闵翠华 朱敏敏 《上海农业科技》 2013年第2期23-24,共2页
为更好地掌握浦东新区糯玉米的生产情况,促进浦东新区糯玉米产业健康、可持续发展,对浦东新区糯玉米主要种植乡镇的基础情况进行了调查,并对调查结果加以分析,提出了加大宣传和扶持力度、加强各类培训、促使糯玉米产业健康可持续发展的... 为更好地掌握浦东新区糯玉米的生产情况,促进浦东新区糯玉米产业健康、可持续发展,对浦东新区糯玉米主要种植乡镇的基础情况进行了调查,并对调查结果加以分析,提出了加大宣传和扶持力度、加强各类培训、促使糯玉米产业健康可持续发展的建议。 展开更多
关键词 糯玉米 基础情况 调查 分析 建议
互联网背景下中小城市城建档案馆信息化建设基础情况分析 被引量:2
作者 李丹 《城建档案》 2020年第12期9-10,共2页
互联网背景下中小城市城建档案管理面临着数字化转变,传统的管理模式已经不适应时代发展的需要。本文阐述了中小城市城建档案馆数字化建设存在的问题及互联网背景下档案数字信息共享平台的建立,进而提出了城建档案信息化建设的实施策略... 互联网背景下中小城市城建档案管理面临着数字化转变,传统的管理模式已经不适应时代发展的需要。本文阐述了中小城市城建档案馆数字化建设存在的问题及互联网背景下档案数字信息共享平台的建立,进而提出了城建档案信息化建设的实施策略,旨在加快中小城市城建档案信息化进程,适应信息时代的发展需求,更好地服务社会。 展开更多
关键词 互联网 城建档案 信息化 基础情况 分析
作者 郑建钢 《中外妇儿健康(学术版)》 2011年第6期538-539,共2页
目的:探讨门诊高血压患者的基础情况、危险分层及降压达标率。方法:回顾性分析我院2010年6月至12月收治的100例门诊高血压患者的临床资料,对其疾病史、危险因素、用药情况、血压达标率等情况进行分析。结果:该组患者的基线血压为(139.6&... 目的:探讨门诊高血压患者的基础情况、危险分层及降压达标率。方法:回顾性分析我院2010年6月至12月收治的100例门诊高血压患者的临床资料,对其疾病史、危险因素、用药情况、血压达标率等情况进行分析。结果:该组患者的基线血压为(139.6±18.5)/(82.2±12.1)mmHg,有心血管病史者占40.0%、糖尿病史者占20.0%和吸烟者占18.0%等。降压药的使用率为90.0%,联合用药率为65.0%,血压的达标率为40.0%。结论高血压是心血管的高危因素,患者降压药的使用率较高,但达标率较低。中西医结合,同时进行饮食方式的指导,建立健康的生活方式,切实改善高血压的降压达标率,提高患者的生活质量。 展开更多
关键词 高血压 基础情况 降压药 危险分层 达标
中国部分城市医院25336例门诊高血压患者基础情况和危险分层及降压达标率的调查 被引量:46
作者 成云芳 彭海燕 +4 位作者 王文 吴海英 朱鼎良 王景峰 刘力生 《临床心血管病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第8期603-605,共3页
目的:了解中国部分城市医院门诊高血压患者的基本情况、危险分层和降压达标率。方法:在北京、上海、广州100家医院,入选年龄35~85岁、性别不限、原发性高血压门诊患者25336例。调查患者生活习惯、疾病史、危险因素、用药情况及检查... 目的:了解中国部分城市医院门诊高血压患者的基本情况、危险分层和降压达标率。方法:在北京、上海、广州100家医院,入选年龄35~85岁、性别不限、原发性高血压门诊患者25336例。调查患者生活习惯、疾病史、危险因素、用药情况及检查血压、身高、体重、腰围等。结果:25336例患者,平均年龄(63.6±11.5)岁,男性占51.8%,有心血管病病史占39.2%,糖尿病为20.30,心房颤动史为9.60,左室肥厚为19.7%,正在吸烟者为17.60。基线血压平均(139.3±18.6)/(82.3±12.0)mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa);危险分层高危/很高危占72.10;降压药物使用率占97.7%(其中钙拮抗剂为55%);联合降压治疗占65.1%;血压达标率为39.30。结论:本组门诊高血压患者为心血管病发生的高危人群,降压药使用率高,但达标率不高。 展开更多
关键词 高血压 基础情况 危险分层 血压达标
作者 张芳 《中国计量》 2023年第7期66-67,共2页
关键词 新能源汽车 充电桩 强制检定 基础情况
作者 吴纲 《上海预防医学》 CAS 2001年第4期176-176,共1页
关键词 常熟市 流动人口 儿童 基础免疫情况
高职学生基本情况的调查分析 被引量:2
作者 黄运祥 《机械职业教育》 2002年第3期7-8,共2页
关键词 高等职业院校 调查研究 学习态度 学习方法 学习信心 校园文化 学生基础情况
作者 蒋栋 李婷 张冬丽 《商场现代化》 北大核心 2008年第32期227-229,共3页
我国工业化、城镇化的加速推进,消费结构、产业结构的全面升级,改革开放的不断深化,以及国家对京津冀都市圈支持力度的持续加强,为建设创新型河北提供了前所未有的机遇,同时经济实力的增强夯实了河北自主创新的经济基础。但是河北省科... 我国工业化、城镇化的加速推进,消费结构、产业结构的全面升级,改革开放的不断深化,以及国家对京津冀都市圈支持力度的持续加强,为建设创新型河北提供了前所未有的机遇,同时经济实力的增强夯实了河北自主创新的经济基础。但是河北省科技实力有待提高,研发经费和发明专利申请都低于全国平均水平,科技人才匮乏,这些又制约了创新型省份的建设。因此,探求建设"创新型河北"的科技对策对于河北发展具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 创新型省份 基础情况分析 科技对策
作者 李林 刘海田 +1 位作者 王绍卿 邱德山 《中国计划免疫》 2002年第5期294-294,253,共2页
关键词 常规(基础)免疫接种情况统计汇总报表 数据评估 数据错误 计划免疫 卫生统计
灌南县纯白金针菇产业发展探析 被引量:1
作者 赵加生 胡静 《现代农业科技》 2011年第21期372-372,374,共2页
关键词 纯白金针菇:产业基础:发展情况:前景展望:江苏灌南
Level of Independence in Georgia Throughout the 14th Century
作者 Giuli Alasania 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第8期964-978,共15页
In 1329-1334, George the Brilliant took advantage of the situation created in the llkhanate, eliminated his political opponents and restored the territorial integrity of Georgia. He created a solid legal basis for the... In 1329-1334, George the Brilliant took advantage of the situation created in the llkhanate, eliminated his political opponents and restored the territorial integrity of Georgia. He created a solid legal basis for the country and regulated the ecclesiastic area. He was in West Georgia in 1329-1332/1333. The llkhanid coin was not minted in Georgia during that period; yet, soon the king of Georgia, which had already been united by that time, restored relations with llkhanids and returned to Tbilisi, which implied making the already united Georgia subject to Mongols. Ilkhanid coins and later, coins of Chobanids, the Golden Horde and Jalayirids circulated during the reign of George the Brdhant. In 1338-1339 George the Brilliant conquered Ossetia and Ilkhanid coins were disseminated on the territory of the Golden Horde after that. Formally, Georgia remained under the control of Ilkhanids, which was replaced by Chobanids in 1338 and the governors of the Golden Horde in 757/1356; and in parallel and afterwards by Jalayirids, which is evidenced by written sources as well as numismatic data; Despite formal dependence on the foreign power, which is evidenced by the deployment of 10,000 troops at the border of Georgia as well, the country enjoyed a rather wide internal autonomy. Participation of George the Brilliant in sending envoys for the purpose of the redemption of the Jvari (Cross) Monastery in Palestine in 1316/7, 1320 cannot be assumed. It seems that in those years envoys were sent by Constantine, the king of West Georgia. All the above do not diminish the merits of George V to the Georgian nation and his historic role in terms of the political unification of the country, the creation of a legal basis for it and the regulation of ecclesiastic affairs--the accomplishments of the king, who deservedly bears the name "the Brilliant". 展开更多
关键词 George the Brilliant Mongols the Ilkhanate Georgia
Using Successive Multi-Goals Method in the Individual-Based Model to Simulate Crowd Behavior during Evacuation Processes
作者 Mohamed H. Mabrouk 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2011年第4期325-330,共6页
The fact of proportional population growth in many countries drags the attention of researchers in the field of crowd dynamics to the need for developing reliable models to predict the behavior of human crowds in emer... The fact of proportional population growth in many countries drags the attention of researchers in the field of crowd dynamics to the need for developing reliable models to predict the behavior of human crowds in emergency situations such as evacuation processes. Computer based models that simulate human crowd dynamics prove to offer the optimum way to predict the crowd realistic behavior especially in emergency situations. This paper presents a vital extension of my previous work in which an individual-based model to simulate the behavior of human crowd was developed using the artificial potential fields to describe the interaction forces between each crowd member and the environment on one side and amongst the crowd members on the other side to add realistic flavor to the predicted crowd behavior. In this paper, the successive multi-goals (SMG) method, which is a new method to represent the environment in which the crowd moves, is developed. Rather than using the traditional static potential field, the successive multi-goals method uses a dynamic potential field which is vital to solve the reactive problem that is considered as a drawback of the model when simulating the human crowd behavior during evacuation of buildings whose structures are complex such as bottlenecks and narrow corridors. Numerical results that match the real behavior of human individuals in emergency situations prove the efficiency of the new method to solve the problem on an individual basis as well as its applicability. 展开更多
关键词 Agent-based simulation pedestrian dynamics artificial potential fields.
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