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·康复医学基础知识问答·——25 什么是人格测验?
《现代康复》 CSCD 1998年第10期1107-1107,共1页
关键词 康复医学 基础知 人格测验 心理学
作者 罗小凤 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)医药卫生》 2024年第8期0167-0170,共4页
探究对社区高血压患者提供以知信行模式为基础护理干预的意义。方法 样本制定为社区高血压患者(n=60),时间制定为2022年12月至2023年12月,电脑抽号法分2组,研究组:30例患者接受以知信行模式为基础护理干预;常规组:30例患者接受常规护理... 探究对社区高血压患者提供以知信行模式为基础护理干预的意义。方法 样本制定为社区高血压患者(n=60),时间制定为2022年12月至2023年12月,电脑抽号法分2组,研究组:30例患者接受以知信行模式为基础护理干预;常规组:30例患者接受常规护理干预;对比两组患者的不同。结果 血压水平控制效果、生活质量、不良反应发生率控制效果、依从性等对比,研究组更佳(p<0.05)。结论 对社区高血压患者提供以知信行模式为基础护理干预的效果更显著。 展开更多
关键词 信行模式为基础的护理干预 社区高血压 生活质量
毛泽东哲学体系的集成模式:“辩证唯物论的知行统一观” 被引量:1
作者 徐才 《学术交流》 北大核心 2003年第9期6-8,共3页
在毛泽东的哲学著作中,蕴涵着一个上至理论根基,下至具体操作的集成模式。这个模式,我们可以用《实践论》中的最后一句话来概括:"这就是辩证唯物论的知行统一观"。这个"知行统一观"的具体构成,可作如下归结:知行观... 在毛泽东的哲学著作中,蕴涵着一个上至理论根基,下至具体操作的集成模式。这个模式,我们可以用《实践论》中的最后一句话来概括:"这就是辩证唯物论的知行统一观"。这个"知行统一观"的具体构成,可作如下归结:知行观的理论基础———实践论和矛盾论;知行观的知行原则———实事求是;知行观的知行宗旨和慧源———群众路线;知行观的知行方法———调查研究;知行观的知行指归———研究国情走自己的道路。这个集成模式,可以说是中国共产党人几十年的基本经验和基本结论在毛泽东哲学体系中所凝结成的哲学"蓝本",它已潜在地成为中国共产党人和全中国人民的知行规约。把这一集成模式提炼和归结出来,具有重要的哲学及文化"原型"的意义。 展开更多
关键词 行观的理论基础 行观的行原则 行观的行宗旨和慧源 行现的行方法 行观的行指归
高职院校档案管理的四项基础工作 被引量:2
作者 靳继成 《文教资料》 2011年第19期235-237,共3页
高职教育起步较晚,档案管理工作整体水平与高职教育快速发展的需要存在一定差距。同时,档案信息化建设给档案工作带来了新的机遇和挑战。在高职院校档案管理中,夯实"知、职、指、制"四个方面的基础工作,有助于高职院校档案管理工作整... 高职教育起步较晚,档案管理工作整体水平与高职教育快速发展的需要存在一定差距。同时,档案信息化建设给档案工作带来了新的机遇和挑战。在高职院校档案管理中,夯实"知、职、指、制"四个方面的基础工作,有助于高职院校档案管理工作整体水平的提升。 展开更多
关键词 高职院校档案管理工作基础工作“职、指、制”
作者 姚丽君 《中国科教创新导刊》 2009年第15期42-42,共1页
当今高考是对学生能力和素质的检验,因此高三历史复习课堂也应注重这方面的培养,“感知-探究-运用”的复习课教学模式通过基础感知,拓展探究和运用反馈三个环节,培养学生多方面的能力,挖掘学生创新和发散思维的潜力,促进学生综合... 当今高考是对学生能力和素质的检验,因此高三历史复习课堂也应注重这方面的培养,“感知-探究-运用”的复习课教学模式通过基础感知,拓展探究和运用反馈三个环节,培养学生多方面的能力,挖掘学生创新和发散思维的潜力,促进学生综合素质的全面发展。理论分析和实践证明:“感知-探究-运用”教学模式都具可行性。 展开更多
关键词 基础 拓展探究 运用反馈 高效 能力 素质
作者 董大伟 《消费电子》 2013年第18期185-185,共1页
由于计算机技术的广范普及,越来越多的人报考计算机等级考试,等级考试分为基础知识和上机操作两部分,其中基础知识中的数据结构考点,对于非计算机专业的考生来说是一个难点,本文主要介绍等级考试中如何解决数据结构相关知识点,以... 由于计算机技术的广范普及,越来越多的人报考计算机等级考试,等级考试分为基础知识和上机操作两部分,其中基础知识中的数据结构考点,对于非计算机专业的考生来说是一个难点,本文主要介绍等级考试中如何解决数据结构相关知识点,以便圆满的结束考试。 展开更多
关键词 计算机等级考试 公共基础知 数据结构
论大学之道的成德进路、体知基础及其当代意义 被引量:5
作者 胡治洪 《孔子研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第1期4-12,共9页
大学之道以格物、致知、诚意、正心、修身相贯通而齐家、治国、平天下相分途或相递进的进路,指明了所有人都须以修身成德为本,从而基于各自的主客观条件而明明德、亲民乃至止于至善。大学之道将成德进路得以实现的基础确立在可以被概括... 大学之道以格物、致知、诚意、正心、修身相贯通而齐家、治国、平天下相分途或相递进的进路,指明了所有人都须以修身成德为本,从而基于各自的主客观条件而明明德、亲民乃至止于至善。大学之道将成德进路得以实现的基础确立在可以被概括为"体知"的身心工夫之上。大学之道的本末内外观、身心工夫论和道德社会说,对于当今人们的立身行己、为人处世乃至实现社会和谐,都仍然具有现实指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 大学之道 成德进路 基础 当代意义
作者 孙晨燕 《内蒙古教育(B)》 2010年第3期17-18,共2页
美国国家专业教学标准委员会(NBPTS)于1998年提出建立,并于2001年正式实施的一整套教学专业标准,所涉及科目多达30多门。制定标准的初衷是为应对急速变化中的世界经济社会发展对于美国教师面临的挑战,所有的专业标准都建立在"教师... 美国国家专业教学标准委员会(NBPTS)于1998年提出建立,并于2001年正式实施的一整套教学专业标准,所涉及科目多达30多门。制定标准的初衷是为应对急速变化中的世界经济社会发展对于美国教师面临的挑战,所有的专业标准都建立在"教师应当知道和能够做什么"的政策基础上,为就美国教师的证书评定体系提供参考意见,标准的出台明确规划了为成为一名"有成就的教师"(accomplishedteacher)应达到多方面的要求。 展开更多
关键词 幼儿教师 教学标准 美国教师 教学专业 专业标准 政策基础 评定体系 世界经济 标准概述 学科基础知
基于新高考改革背景下 高中思想政治课有效教学方法探讨
作者 黄斌 《好日子》 2021年第25期213-213,共1页
基于新高考改革背景,教师与学生的位置要发生变化,突出学生主体,政治教学目标要契合基本学情,全面和具体,重视引导学生参与与体验。通过创设良好学习环境与培养政治学习兴趣、加强政治基础教学与巩固基础知识内容、借助现代教学工具与... 基于新高考改革背景,教师与学生的位置要发生变化,突出学生主体,政治教学目标要契合基本学情,全面和具体,重视引导学生参与与体验。通过创设良好学习环境与培养政治学习兴趣、加强政治基础教学与巩固基础知识内容、借助现代教学工具与促进知识联系现实生活、重视案例分析指导与培养学生核心素养,适应新高考改革的需要。教师落实有效教学方法,可实现思政课程教学目标。 展开更多
关键词 新高考 高中思想政治 学习兴趣 基础知
作者 韦文宁 《好日子》 2021年第34期195-195,共1页
图式教学法是指运用图片、图表等实施教学的方式方法,在初中历史教学中应用图示教学法,能够将基本的历史概念、零散的历史史实与抽象的历史逻辑,通过图片与图表等生动地展现,更好帮助学生系统学习与更好把握,提高历史课程教学效果。通... 图式教学法是指运用图片、图表等实施教学的方式方法,在初中历史教学中应用图示教学法,能够将基本的历史概念、零散的历史史实与抽象的历史逻辑,通过图片与图表等生动地展现,更好帮助学生系统学习与更好把握,提高历史课程教学效果。通过在预习、导入、新授、小结等环节中应用图示教学法,能够发挥出重要的价值,包括激发参与历史学习的兴趣、更好地掌握历史基础知识、培养历史的逻辑思维能力、培养创新思维与解题能力。教师可以根据历史课程教学的实际需要,深入运用图示教学法,能够有效达成历史课程教学目标。 展开更多
关键词 图示教学法 初中历史 激发兴趣 基础知
Social Work as a Research-Based Profession: Opportunities, Prerequisites and Restrictions 被引量:2
作者 Juha Hamalainen 《Sociology Study》 2011年第7期473-483,共11页
The concept of research-based social work is introduced and discussed from the point of view of preconditions for its realization. Attention is paid both to the academic research of social work and to opportunities fo... The concept of research-based social work is introduced and discussed from the point of view of preconditions for its realization. Attention is paid both to the academic research of social work and to opportunities for developing a knowledge-producing social work practice. Both of these are seen as essential elements of a research-based profession. On the one hand, the academic research is necessary for development of social work as a research-based professional system, and on the other hand, a knowledge-producing practice, conducted by research-oriented practitioners, can only be realized within such a system. Historically, social work has been partly developed as a knowledge-applying instead of a knowledge-producing profession, although the central founding pioneers emphasized the importance of an own-knowledge basis and theory formation, as well as the idea of knowledge-producing practice based on a corresponding professional identity. The future of social work as a professional system in modern society may depend decisively on how it develops a research-based professional identity, not only in the sense of academic research but also through practitioners with research orientation. These are practitioners who would be capable of research-based working in terms of creative knowledge production, thus of developing social work as a credible research-based profession. This can be created only through education in which the development of necessary professional skills is linked to advanced academic meta-skills. There are good reasons to suspect that a three-year education is too short for this. 展开更多
关键词 Social work profession research-based social work education of social work social work practice
Meta-analysis of combined therapy for adult hepatitis B virus-associated glomerulonephritis 被引量:34
作者 Xiao-Yong Zheng Ri-Bao Wei +2 位作者 Li Tang Ping Li Xiao-Dong Zheng 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第8期821-832,共12页
AIM: To investigate the efficacy and safety of combined antiviral and immunosuppressant therapy in adult hepatitis B virus-associated glomerulonephritis (HBVGN) patients. METHODS: A computerized literature search was ... AIM: To investigate the efficacy and safety of combined antiviral and immunosuppressant therapy in adult hepatitis B virus-associated glomerulonephritis (HBVGN) patients. METHODS: A computerized literature search was carried out in the PubMed database, Embase, the Cochrane Library, Chinese BioMedical Literature on disc, Chinese Medical Current Contents, Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wanfang and VIP (Chinese Technological Journal of Database) to collect articles between June 1980 and December 2010 on therapy with immunosuppressants, e.g., glucorticosteroids, mycophenolate mofetil and leflunomide, combined with antivirals, e.g., interferon, lamivudine, entecavir and adefovir dipivoxil, in adult HBV-GN patients. The primary outcomes were remission of proteinuria, clearanceof HBV e-antigen, and elevation of serum albumin. The secondary outcomes were blood levels of alanine aminotransferase, serum creatinine, and HBV-DNA titer. Meta-analysis was performed using Review Manager 5.1. Fixed or random effect models were employed to combine the results after a heterogeneity test. The effects of the combined therapy were analyzed for different doses of glucorticosteroid and different types of HBV-GN. RESULTS: Twelve clinical trials with 317 patients were included. A significantly higher incidence of HBV-GN was found in male patients (relative risk = 2.40, 95% CI: 1.98-2.93). Combined therapy reduced the proteinuria significantly with a mean difference of 4.19 (95% CI: 3.86-4.53) and increased the serum albumin concentration significantly with a mean difference of -11.95 (95% CI: -12.97-10.93) without significant alterations of liver function (mean difference: 4.62, 95% CI: -2.55-11.79) and renal function (mean difference: 10.29, 95% CI: 0.14-20.45). No signif icant activation of HBV-DNA replication occurred (mean difference: 0.12, 95% CI: -0.37-0.62). There was no significant difference between the high dose glucorticosteroid group and the low dose glucorticosteroid group in terms of proteinuria remission (P = 0.76) and between different pathological types of HBV-GN [membranous glomerulonephritis (MN) vs mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis, P = 0.68; MN vs membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, P = 0.27]. CONCLUSION: Combined antiviral and immunosuppressant therapy can improve the proteinuria in HBVGN patients without altering HBV replication or damaging liver and renal functions. 展开更多
关键词 META-ANALYSIS Hepatitis B virus-associatedglomerulonephritis GLUCOCORTICOIDS IMMUNOSUPPRESSANT Antiviral drug
The Study of English teaching mode based on information platform in higher vocational education 被引量:1
作者 Min Dai 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第1期49-51,共3页
The development of modem information technology brings opportunities to vocational English teaching reform. Teachers use the advantages &modem information technology can create a good teaching situation, optimize the... The development of modem information technology brings opportunities to vocational English teaching reform. Teachers use the advantages &modem information technology can create a good teaching situation, optimize the classroom teaching process, cultivate student' s self-learning ability, and improve the effectiveness of vocational English classroom teaching. The purpose of college English teaching is to enable students to master certain basic knowledge and skills in English, with some listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation ability, a simple verbal and written communication in daily activities and foreign business activities. Modem information technology provides a strong tecbaaical support to achieve this goal. Multimedia teaching methods widely used in teaching activities to vocational English class have brought a series of profound changes. Teachers using modem educational teclmology to fully develop learning resources, build new teaching model, which make vocational English classroom full of vigor and vitality. 展开更多
关键词 English teaching MODE information platform.
Could One Transformational Leader Convert the Organization From Knowledge Based Into Learning Organization, Then Into Innovation? 被引量:1
作者 Fawzy Soliman 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第12期1352-1361,共10页
This paper examines the role of transformational leadership in transforming an organization into a knowledge based, then into learning organization so that it becomes an innovative company. Important features of the l... This paper examines the role of transformational leadership in transforming an organization into a knowledge based, then into learning organization so that it becomes an innovative company. Important features of the leader such and ability to assist in developing and accommodating the implementation of knowledge management programs, learning organization concepts and innovation protocols are discussed in this paper. This paper demonstrates that shifting the organization to become a knowledge based and then to be learning organization and finally to become innovative company could involve some unique attributes of a transformation leadership. In that regards, the paper also demonstrates that organizations need first to create, capture, transfer, and mobilize knowledge before it can be used for learning and then for innovation. The paper will present a method of a studying how successful innovation leaders of companies could found themselves acting in three roles namely: knowledge leader, learning leader and then innovation leader. 展开更多
关键词 transformational leadership INNOVATION knowledge management learning organization
Treatment of cholecystitis with Chinese herbal medicines:A systematic review of the literature 被引量:1
作者 Zhi-Yong Dong Guan-Liang Wang +3 位作者 Xing Liu Jia Liu De-Zeng Zhu Chang-Quan Ling 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第14期1689-1694,共6页
AIM:To analyze the literature on the use of Chinese herbal medicines for the treatment of cholecystitis.METHODS:The literature on treatment of cholecystitis with traditional Chinese medicines(TCM) was analyzed based o... AIM:To analyze the literature on the use of Chinese herbal medicines for the treatment of cholecystitis.METHODS:The literature on treatment of cholecystitis with traditional Chinese medicines(TCM) was analyzed based on the principles and methods described by evidence-based medicine(EBM).Eight databases including MEDLINE,EMbase,Cochrane Central(CCTR),four Chinese databases(China Biological MedicineDatabase,Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure Database,Database of Chinese Science and Technology Periodicals,Database of Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology) and Chinese Clinical Registry Center,were searched.Full text articles or abstracts concerning TCM treatment of cholecystitis were selected,categorized according to study design,the strength of evidence,the first author's hospital type,and analyzed statistically.RESULTS:A search of the literature published from 1977 through 2009 yielded 1468 articles in Chinese and 9 in other languages;and 93.92% of the articles focused on clinical studies.No article was of levelⅠevidence,and 9.26% were of level Ⅱ evidence.The literature cited by Science Citation Index(SCI),MEDLINE and core Chinese medical journals accounted for 0.41%,0.68% and 7.29%,respectively.Typically,the articles featured in case reports of illness,examined from the perspective of EBM,were weak in both quality and evidence level,which inconsistently conflicted with the fact that most of the papers were by authors from Level-3 hospitals,the highest possible level evaluated based on their comprehensive quality and academic authenticity in China.CONCLUSION:The published literature on TCM treatment of cholecystitis is of low quality and based on low evidence,and cognitive medicine may functions as a useful supplementary framework for the evaluation. 展开更多
关键词 CHOLECYSTITIS Traditional Chinese medicine Literature analysis Randomized controlled trials Cognition-based medicine
X-ray repair cross-complementing group 1 polymorphisms and hepatocellular carcinoma:A meta-analysis 被引量:4
作者 Tian Xie Zhen-Guang Wang +1 位作者 Jing-Lei Zhang Hui Liu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第31期4207-4214,共8页
AIM: To perform a systematic meta-analysis to in- vestigate the association between X-ray repair crosscomplementing group 1 (XRCC1) polymorphisms and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) risk. METHODS: Relevant studie... AIM: To perform a systematic meta-analysis to in- vestigate the association between X-ray repair crosscomplementing group 1 (XRCC1) polymorphisms and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) risk. METHODS: Relevant studies extracted from PubMed, Embase, Wanfang, VIP and the Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure databases up to March 2012 were included in the study. Stata software, version 11.0, was used for the statistical analysis. The odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence interval (CI) of the XRCC1 polymorphisms in HCC patients were analyzed and compared with healthy controls. The meta-analysis was performed using fixed-effect or random-effect methods, depending on the absence or presence of significant heterogeneity. RESULTS: Eleven studies with 2075 HCC cases and 2604 controls met our eligibility criteria (four studies, 888 cases and 938 controls for Arg194Trp, four studies, 858 cases and 880 controls for Arg280His, and nine studies, 1845 cases and 2401 controls for Arg399Gln). The meta-analysis revealed no associations between the Arg194Trp and Arg399GIn polymorphisms of the XRCC1 gene and HCC risk under all contrast models (codominant, dominant and recessive models) in the overall analysis and sensitivity analysis (the studies with controls not in the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were excluded). For XRCC1 Arg280His polymorphism, the overall analysis revealed the significant associa- tion between the His/His genotype and the increased risk of HCC (His/His vs Arg/Arg model, OR: 1.96, 95% CI: 1.03-3.75, P = 0.04). However, sensitivity analysis showed an altered pattern of result and non-significant association (OR: 2.06, 95% CI: 0.67-6.25, P = 0.20). The heterogeneity hypothesis test did not reveal any heterogeneity, and Begg's and Egger's tests did not find any obvious publication bias. CONCLUSION: The XRCC1 Arg194Trp and Arg399GIn polymorphisms are not associated with HCC risk. More rigorous association studies are needed to verify the involvement ofXRCC1 Arg280His polymorphism in HCC susceptibility. 展开更多
关键词 X-ray repair cross-complementing group 1 Polymorphism Hepatocellular carcinoma META-ANALYSIS
Association between Two Polymorphisms of Follicle Stimulating Hormone Receptor Gene and Susceptibility to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: a Meta-analysis 被引量:3
作者 Lei Qiu Jing Liu Qi-ming Hei 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2015年第1期44-50,共7页
Objective To investigate the association between two polymorphisms of follicle stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) gene and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) susceptibility. Methods Case-control studies on relatio... Objective To investigate the association between two polymorphisms of follicle stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) gene and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) susceptibility. Methods Case-control studies on relationship of Thr307Ala and Asn680Ser polymorphisms in FSHR gene and PCOS susceptibility were searched from PubMed, ISI web of knowledge, EBSCO, and China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) databases up to March 21, 2013. The pooled odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CO were calculated using fixed- or random-effect model based on heterogeneity test in 5 genotype models analyses. Results A total of 11 studies were included in the Meta-analysis. The random-effect analysis showed Asn680Ser was significantly associated with the reduced susceptibility to PCOS with dominant model (Asn/Asn+Asn/Ser vs. Ser/Ser, OR=0.83, 95% CI: 0.69-1.00), recessive model (Asn/Asn vs. Asn/Ser+ Ser/Ser, OR=0.84, 95% CI: 0.72-0.98), homozygote comparison (Ash/Ash vs. Ser/Ser, 0R=0.79, 95% CI: 0.63-0.98), and the allele contrast (Asn vs. Ser, OR=0.87, 95% CI: 0.79-0.97) respectively(P=0.02, I2=56.0%), being protective factors for PCOS. However, no significant associations were found between Thr307Ala and PCOS. Conclusion There might be a significant association between Asn680Ser polymorphism and PCOS. 展开更多
关键词 follicle stimulating hormone receptor polycystic ovary syndrome META-ANALYSIS single-nucleotide polymorphism
Investigation into the knowledge base of TEFL teachers in China
作者 YE Hong 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第6期9-22,共14页
The key issues and challenges facing TEFL teachers in China with respect to prospective teacher preparation and professional development are discussed. Drawing upon earlier research on conceptual frameworks, the knowl... The key issues and challenges facing TEFL teachers in China with respect to prospective teacher preparation and professional development are discussed. Drawing upon earlier research on conceptual frameworks, the knowledge base of pre-service teachers is examined through research into the curriculums in TEFL education across diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate levels. A comparative study of the curriculum structures in the education of TEFL teachers reveals a number of key areas of concern: the main hindrance to the development of a stronger knowledge base of pre-service teachers lies in the serious shortage of pedagogical content knowledge, fundamental pedagogical knowledge that are currently available, as well as with the overall inadequacy of practicum hours. It strongly argues for the breadth versus depth in course design and calls for the imperative to reconceptualize the knowledge base of pre-service teachers. 展开更多
关键词 curriculum design knowledge base pedagogical content knowledge fundamental pedagogical knowledge
Computer-generated Conversation Using Newspaper Headline
作者 Eriko Yoshimura Misako Imono Seiji Tsuchiya Hirokazu Watabe 《Computer Technology and Application》 2013年第8期387-394,共8页
In this paper, the authors propose a method that incorporates mechanisms for handling ambiguity in speech and the ability of humans to create associations, and for formulating conversations based on rule base knowledg... In this paper, the authors propose a method that incorporates mechanisms for handling ambiguity in speech and the ability of humans to create associations, and for formulating conversations based on rule base knowledge and common knowledge. Go beyond the level that can be achieved, using only conventional natural language processing and vast repositories of sample patterns. In this paper, the authors propose a method for computer conversation sentences generated using newspaper headlines as an example of how the common knowledge and associative ability are applied. 展开更多
关键词 Computer interface human factors knowledge engineering knowledge representation natural languages.
Innovation of Knowledge-based Hyper-multimedia to Promote a Culture of Using ICT Creatively for Adolescents
作者 Chutipuk Kemwimoottiwong 《Computer Technology and Application》 2013年第5期271-274,共4页
The purpose of the present research was to develop an innovative knowledge-based hyper-multimedia to promote a culture of using information and communication Technology (ICT) creatively for adolescents. Their learni... The purpose of the present research was to develop an innovative knowledge-based hyper-multimedia to promote a culture of using information and communication Technology (ICT) creatively for adolescents. Their learning processes and attitudes toward such innovation in their community were also examined. Thirty juveniles, 13-18 years of age in each Hangdong and Maerim districts, Chiang Mai province were employed in the study. Data collections were made through questionnaires, interview, test, group discussion and brainstorming. Analysis and evaluation were carried out with the applications of sufficient economy philosophy, constructivism theory and Torrance's future problem-solving instructional model. Results showed that the learning innovation of hyper-multimedia presented by the use of animation, video, scene and sound with related action script synchronization was considerably effective. With the application of sufficient economy philosophy, the result indicated that performance efficiency (El/E2) was 92.228/9.83 and the adolescents learning processes and attitudes were very good. These included purchasing of moderate ICT equipments, information screening for self-immunity and creative using of internet and ICT morally and ethically according to the computer laws. This independent learning system was properly designed for the juveniles with the right to retrieve the data or stop using at anytime. By using Torrance's approach and constructivism theory emphasizing on brainstorming techniques, it was noted that learning process was very well adopted by the adolescents with high satisfaction. They had good attitudes toward the extension of sufficient ICT cultural using in their community with emphasis on brotherly relationship. Related organizations should educate their parents to instruct the juveniles to use the internet properly and encourage people to be aware of ICT business in order to protect social and cultural problems encountered in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Adolescents animation and video hyper-multimedia ICT creative using sufficient economy philosophy.
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