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气相色谱-串联质谱法检测蔬菜农药残留基质效应与基质分类的研究 被引量:71
作者 易盛国 侯雪 +3 位作者 韩梅 骆正联 刘又铭 刘凤 《西南农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期537-543,共7页
本文研究了37种农药在9种不同基质中基质效应,分析了含水量、含糖量、含油脂量及含蛋白质量高低与基质效应强弱的关联,总结了4种营养组分含量对基质效应影响的规律。结果表明:含水量越高,基质效应越弱;糖类、油脂及蛋白质含量越高,基质... 本文研究了37种农药在9种不同基质中基质效应,分析了含水量、含糖量、含油脂量及含蛋白质量高低与基质效应强弱的关联,总结了4种营养组分含量对基质效应影响的规律。结果表明:含水量越高,基质效应越弱;糖类、油脂及蛋白质含量越高,基质效应越强。本试验为农药残留分析基质分类的可行性提供了实验依据,同时也为代表性基质的选择提供了数据基础。 展开更多
关键词 效应 基质分类 农药残留 气相色谱-串联谱法
基于地貌区划的新疆地表基质质地分类方案 被引量:1
作者 李洪宇 刘晓煌 +3 位作者 刘玖芬 赵晓峰 张文博 李福杰 《现代地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期706-717,共12页
地表基质调查是新时代自然资源调查监测与地质工作的新领域,分类是地表基质调查的前提。为尽快掌握全国或省级更大区域的地表基质空间格局,需借鉴相关学科概念、充分利用已有基础调查成果,探索分类方案。质地是地表基质内不同颗粒的组... 地表基质调查是新时代自然资源调查监测与地质工作的新领域,分类是地表基质调查的前提。为尽快掌握全国或省级更大区域的地表基质空间格局,需借鉴相关学科概念、充分利用已有基础调查成果,探索分类方案。质地是地表基质内不同颗粒的组合状况,基于质地类型刻画地表基质类型,有助于明确其孕育林草生态要素的本底特征。新疆地域广阔、地貌复杂,地貌是该区自然资源与地表基质质地分类空间分异的主控因素。本研究利用数字高程模型、遥感影像、土地利用、土壤性质、植物特征等多源信息,确定新疆地貌三级区划方案,基于地貌区划提出地表基质质地的分类方案。将新疆按坡度、起伏度、高程和成因分为47种地貌类型,划分6个一级、27个二级和1056个三级地貌区。山地区的三级地貌区数量高于平原区,中海拔丘陵是分布最广泛的三级地貌类型,中起伏中山和中海拔风积地貌分别是山地和平原内面积最大的三级地貌类型。大部分地貌类型的植被根系深度平均值低于100 cm, 0~200 cm的土壤信息足以描述新疆地表基质结构。不同三级地貌类型的0~200 cm内主要土壤质地类型的数量占比均值为70.9%,表明在新疆采用基于地貌的地表基质质地分类具有一定可靠性。粉壤质、砂质和砾质是新疆的主要地表基质质地,分别占全疆面积的49.6%、27.1%和10.3%。粉壤质是新疆森林、草原与耕地资源数量与质量最高的质地分类。基于地貌类型的地表基质质地分类方案兼顾了水热条件与地表物质组成,有助于评价不同类别自然资源的适宜性,可为新疆土地整治与生态修复提供重要参考。 展开更多
关键词 新疆 地貌区划 地表分类 自然资源
人工湿地基质及其去污机理 被引量:11
作者 朱铁群 解蒙 袁航 《节水灌溉》 北大核心 2008年第10期37-40,共4页
根据人工湿地基质的来源将其分为天然基质、工业副产品基质和人造基质。对常见的人工湿地基质如沸石、页岩、粉煤灰的去污能力进行了比较,并对基质去除悬浮固体物、有机物、氮、磷、重金属、硫的机理进行了阐述。最后提出了人工湿地基... 根据人工湿地基质的来源将其分为天然基质、工业副产品基质和人造基质。对常见的人工湿地基质如沸石、页岩、粉煤灰的去污能力进行了比较,并对基质去除悬浮固体物、有机物、氮、磷、重金属、硫的机理进行了阐述。最后提出了人工湿地基质选择的建议。 展开更多
关键词 人工湿地 基质分类 比较 去污机理 选择
基于微观孔隙结构的基质储层质量差异展布——以红河油田长8油层为例 被引量:6
作者 郭秀娟 夏东领 +3 位作者 庞雯 吴胜和 邹敏 王静 《断块油气田》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期708-712,共5页
致密砂岩储层非均质性极强,基质储层质量差异研究难度大、分布规律不清楚。文中从导致基质储层质量差异的根本原因--微观孔隙结构研究入手,在大量岩心分析实验基础上,开展基质储层精细分类及分布研究。结果表明:红河油田长8油层基质储... 致密砂岩储层非均质性极强,基质储层质量差异研究难度大、分布规律不清楚。文中从导致基质储层质量差异的根本原因--微观孔隙结构研究入手,在大量岩心分析实验基础上,开展基质储层精细分类及分布研究。结果表明:红河油田长8油层基质储层孔隙结构发育7类孔喉组合样式,不同孔隙结构的储层储渗能力存在较大差异;优选了代表致密储层储集能力的可动流体孔隙度和代表渗流能力的主流喉道半径作为储层质量分类的关键参数,将长8油层致密砂岩基质储层分为4类;搭建微观-宏观研究桥梁,采用基于沉积的成岩相控方法,预测了4类基质储层质量的展布,为下一步"甜点区"评价及优选奠定了良好的基础。 展开更多
关键词 致密砂岩 微观孔隙结构 储层 储层分类 成岩相
作者 李双媛 徐柱 +1 位作者 王玉刚 孙金金 《干旱区研究》 2025年第1期84-96,共13页
地表基质分类是开展地表基质调查监测的基础,同时也是揭示地表基质与地表覆盖层的协同耦合关系的关键,有助于从地表覆被和地下空间要素两个层次认识地表基质与生态环境的作用机制。本研究以干旱区典型的内陆河流域——新疆三工河流域为... 地表基质分类是开展地表基质调查监测的基础,同时也是揭示地表基质与地表覆盖层的协同耦合关系的关键,有助于从地表覆被和地下空间要素两个层次认识地表基质与生态环境的作用机制。本研究以干旱区典型的内陆河流域——新疆三工河流域为靶区,依据干旱区山地-绿洲-荒漠景观异质性分布特征,在地表基质的分布区域、海拔范围及主要地表覆被的基础上,构建了一套地表基质三级分类分区体系。整体划分为4个地表基质一级类、17个二级类及28个三级类。根据土壤理化性质及植被根系分布特征,地表基质调查深度在南部山区以50 cm;中部平原区以3 m;北部沙漠区小于10 m为宜。此外,基于垂直带生态系统NPP的分异性特征,验证了分类体系的合理性,体现了地表基质层孕育支撑土地覆被的作用关系。研究成果为未来干旱区自然资源调查监测和科学管理决策提供理论与技术支撑。 展开更多
关键词 地表 地表基质分类 调查深度 干旱区 三工河流域
Advances in Soilless Culture Research 被引量:26
作者 王紫芹 甘德欣 龙岳林 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第2期269-278,323,共11页
Soilless culture refers to the technique by which crops are grown using nutrient solution or solid substrate along with nutrient solution without natural soil. This technique has developed for more than 150 years, and... Soilless culture refers to the technique by which crops are grown using nutrient solution or solid substrate along with nutrient solution without natural soil. This technique has developed for more than 150 years, and plays an essential role in promoting the development of horticultural, agricultural and forestal production, as well as agricultural modernization. Substrate and nutrient solution formulae and their application are the core of soilless culture technique. Based on the classification system of soilless culture, the types, advantages and scope of application of substrate formulae for growing vegetables and flowers in soilless culture, as well as the types, advantages and scope of application of nutrient solution formulae, and the regulation of nutrient solution ingredients are first systematically summarized in this paper; then, the advantages and disadvantages of the inorganic energy-intensive soilless culture and eco-organic soilless culture, and their scopes of application are analyzed; finally, research directions for further perfecting soilless culture technique are presented, and the outlook for the application of soilless culture is also provided. 展开更多
关键词 Soilless culture CLASSIFICATION SUBSTRATE Nutrient solution
作者 祝庆麟 Sandor Vajda Temple F.Smith 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 1997年第2期84-91,共8页
An inspection of the φ-ψ angle distribution strongly suggests that protein folding is highly constrained. A number of researchers have even suggested that a relatively small set of discrete φ-ψ regions might be su... An inspection of the φ-ψ angle distribution strongly suggests that protein folding is highly constrained. A number of researchers have even suggested that a relatively small set of discrete φ-ψ regions might be sufficient to describe most protein conformation. The total of 541 tight turns from 101 non-identical proteins were extracted form Brookhaven DataBank. The dihedral values of tight turns were scattered into the seven regions on the Ramachandran plot. These seven regions were called A1, A2, B1, B2, B22, T1 and T2. A1 and A2 are the traditional a-helix regions, B1, B2 and B22 the β-strand regions, Tl and T2 the β-turn regions. The A2 and T2 regions were not defined as 'discrete' or single points but rather as one dimensional extended states. Based on the geometry of the two central residues of the tight turns, the new classification of β-turn was defined. This classification of the majority of β-turns fell into only six of the possible forty nine region combinations and were identifiable with the traditional nomenclature of Venkat-achalam(1), but much simpler.The function of β-turn in the conformation of proteins was studied. The hydrophobicity for different type turns was discussed. It shows that β-turns have very strong hydrophilic property, so they are usually situated at the folding protein surface. The features of β-turn and its amino acid distribution in this 541 β-turn group and different type β-turn were given. 展开更多
Study of Substrate and Physico-Chemical Base Classification of the Rivers of Nepal
作者 JHA Bibhuti Ranjan WAIDBACHER Herwig +1 位作者 SHARMA Subodh STRAIF Michael 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2010年第1期70-76,共7页
The rivers in Nepal are classified in terms of geographical regions but a more scientific classification such as on the ba-sis of morphology is clearly lacking. This study was done in 9 rivers namely Jhikhukhola of th... The rivers in Nepal are classified in terms of geographical regions but a more scientific classification such as on the ba-sis of morphology is clearly lacking. This study was done in 9 rivers namely Jhikhukhola of the Koshi system, Aandhikhola, Arungkhola, East Rapti, Karrakhola, Seti and main channel Narayani of the Gandaki system, and two independent systems within Nepal, Bagmati and Tinau. Among the morphologies, river bed or the substratum was taken as the main variable for the analysis which was categorized into 7 types as rocks, boulders, cobbles, pebbles, gravels, sand and silt. There were 23 sampling sites each with 2 stretches of around 100m in those rivers. The data were taken as a percentage, and to avoid biases it was observed visually by the same person for a complete year in every season. With 23 sites each with 2 stretches and 4 replicates corresponding to 4 seasons, there are altogether 184 observations, each termed as a case, that constitute this work. Canonical Discrimination Analysis (CDA) which is most suitable when the data pool is huge was applied to see if the rivers studied distinguish themselves in terms of its morphology. The result was remarkably successful and was close to the established regional classification of the rivers. This kind of river classification has great application in the utilization, conservation and restoration of the most important natural re-source of the country. 展开更多
关键词 Nepal rivers morphology physico-chemical parameter river classification
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