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异地海域年极值风暴增水同现规律的探讨 被引量:6
作者 董胜 梁永超 郝小丽 《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期468-474,共7页
以塘沽和龙口海洋观测站 2 0年极值增水值为样本 ,基于二维冈贝尔逻辑分布模式 ,探讨了不同海域风暴潮增水极值的联合分布规律。通过对二维分布的联合概率密度、条件概率密度和同现概率的计算 ,给出了相应的工程设计参数 ,供有关部门在... 以塘沽和龙口海洋观测站 2 0年极值增水值为样本 ,基于二维冈贝尔逻辑分布模式 ,探讨了不同海域风暴潮增水极值的联合分布规律。通过对二维分布的联合概率密度、条件概率密度和同现概率的计算 ,给出了相应的工程设计参数 ,供有关部门在防潮规划时参考。 展开更多
关键词 风暴 二维冈贝尔逻辑分布 联合概率 防潮规划 风暴潮
熔化极电弧增材制造18Ni马氏体钢组织和性能 被引量:12
作者 杨东青 王小伟 +2 位作者 黄勇 李晓鹏 王克鸿 《焊接学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第8期6-9,21,I0001,共6页
采用熔化极电弧增材工艺制备了成形良好的18Ni马氏体钢单墙体,研究了增材构件热处理前、后的组织力学性能.结果表明,增材构件的微观组织主要是柱状树枝晶,沉积态增材构件组织和力学性能存在局部差异:构件组织顶部为马氏体,硬度平均值为3... 采用熔化极电弧增材工艺制备了成形良好的18Ni马氏体钢单墙体,研究了增材构件热处理前、后的组织力学性能.结果表明,增材构件的微观组织主要是柱状树枝晶,沉积态增材构件组织和力学性能存在局部差异:构件组织顶部为马氏体,硬度平均值为360 HV;中部和底部区域则为马氏体和奥氏体且中部硬度平均值为468 HV,略高于底部硬度平均值437 HV;构件纵向抗拉强度(1375 MPa)高出横向抗拉强度(1072 MPa)约28.3%,对应的断后伸长率分别为1.1%和0.8%.对增材构件进行825℃保温1 h的固溶热处理后,析出相重新溶入奥氏体,构件组织转变为马氏体,硬度值下降(平均值为328 HV),变化波动小;纵向和横向抗拉强度相当,分别为1025 MPa和1034 MPa,断后伸长率分别为6%和14%. 展开更多
关键词 熔化电弧材制造 18Ni马氏体钢 固溶处理 组织性能
渤海埕北海域风暴潮多年一遇极值增水的数值计算 被引量:8
作者 赵滨 张平 汪景庸 《黄渤海海洋》 CSCD 2000年第3期14-19,共6页
利用一个二维正压浅海模型和大小区嵌套式的计算格式 ,对埕北海域及其附近连续2 0 a的风暴潮进行了数值模拟 ,并获得了与实测值较为一致的结果。在此基础上对该海区的风暴潮极值增水做出了多年一遇的长期预测。
关键词 风暴潮 多年一遇 长期预测
异质辅助填丝熔化极电弧增材制造熔敷金属成分与性能调节 被引量:1
作者 韩庆璘 高佳 +1 位作者 李鑫磊 张广军 《中国机械工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第7期858-863,共6页
为了实现高效、稳定的金属异质材料零件的增材制造,提出了异质辅助填丝熔化极电弧增材制造方法。向熔池中同时输送H08Mn2Si低碳钢焊丝与H06MnNi3CrMoA高强钢焊丝,开展了熔敷金属成分、组织、性能调节试验。结果表明,随着高强钢质量分数... 为了实现高效、稳定的金属异质材料零件的增材制造,提出了异质辅助填丝熔化极电弧增材制造方法。向熔池中同时输送H08Mn2Si低碳钢焊丝与H06MnNi3CrMoA高强钢焊丝,开展了熔敷金属成分、组织、性能调节试验。结果表明,随着高强钢质量分数增大,熔敷金属组织中粒状贝氏体和针状铁素体的数量增加,提高了熔敷金属的抗拉强度与显微硬度,抗拉强度与显微硬度的调节范围分别为558~885 MPa和197HV~390HV。最后应用该方法成形了低碳钢/高强钢异质材料履带诱导齿模拟件,在两种材料之间通过成分梯度过渡连接,实现了硬度渐变,有效缓和了界面失配现象。 展开更多
关键词 辅助填丝 熔化电弧材制造 异质双丝 性能调节
作者 韩庆璘 何澳 +2 位作者 李鑫磊 张广军 黎文航 《电焊机》 2023年第2期97-103,共7页
双钨极TIG电弧具有低电弧压力特性,能够在大电流下避免驼峰、咬边等缺陷,提高熔敷效率。为将其应用于增材制造,采用单丝输送和双丝输送两种模式,针对200 A以上的大电流双钨极TIG电弧,研究熔敷电流、送丝速度、行走速度对熔敷成形的影响... 双钨极TIG电弧具有低电弧压力特性,能够在大电流下避免驼峰、咬边等缺陷,提高熔敷效率。为将其应用于增材制造,采用单丝输送和双丝输送两种模式,针对200 A以上的大电流双钨极TIG电弧,研究熔敷电流、送丝速度、行走速度对熔敷成形的影响。结果表明,在单丝输送模式下,200~350 A电流范围内,送丝速度过快会导致熔敷道铺展不良,而在350 A以上,送丝速度过快会导致插丝缺陷;采用双丝输送模式,能提高电弧熔丝热效率,有效降低插丝倾向,提高熔敷效率。最终得出200~650 A电流下的最大许用送丝速度和行走速度范围,为双钨极TIG电弧增材制造提供了成形良好的工艺窗口。双钨极TIG电弧增材在650 A熔敷电流下依然能够成形良好,熔敷效率达到5.36 kg/h。 展开更多
关键词 双钨TIG电弧材制造 熔敷效率 双丝 工艺窗口
增安型2/4极双速高压箱式空-水冷三相异步电动机 被引量:1
作者 裴明轩 赵成军 +1 位作者 鲁伟 方予 《电气防爆》 2004年第2期37-38,共2页
论述了增安型 2 /4极双速高压箱式空 水冷却三相异步电动机的设计 ,介绍了YAKS 630 - 2 /4极电动机的型式试验结果 ,并对电磁、结构设计、冷却方式及附属监控设备等要点进行了论述。
关键词 安型2/4双速高压箱式空-水冷三相异步电动机 型式试验 结构设计 防爆性能
人工神经网络在风暴潮增水预报中的应用 被引量:9
作者 薛彦广 沙文钰 +1 位作者 徐海斌 李少斐 《海洋预报》 2005年第2期33-37,共5页
本文根据1967~1982年间影响湛江站增水的热带气旋资料,选取了其中对湛江站增水影响比较显著的因子,运用人工神经网络中的BP算法,建立了湛江站风暴潮增水预报的人工神经网络模型,并使用贝叶斯优化算法提高了BP网络模型的预报能力,结果... 本文根据1967~1982年间影响湛江站增水的热带气旋资料,选取了其中对湛江站增水影响比较显著的因子,运用人工神经网络中的BP算法,建立了湛江站风暴潮增水预报的人工神经网络模型,并使用贝叶斯优化算法提高了BP网络模型的预报能力,结果表明所建BP网络模型的训练拟合效果和预报效果都比较好.表明该网络模型可以用于湛江站风暴潮增水的预报.同时本文也为其它的港口、码头等近岸海洋工程风暴潮增水的预报提供了一个有效可行的方案. 展开更多
关键词 人工神经网络 BP算法
作者 王芊 《商展经济》 2024年第24期93-96,共4页
信托公司是资产证券化业务中重要的参与者,其参与资产证券化业务的主要方式是通过设立特定目的信托作为资产证券化的特定目的载体,并对其进行管理。由于资产证券化业务的复杂性和专业性,信托公司开展该业务如果不能形成规模效应,就难以... 信托公司是资产证券化业务中重要的参与者,其参与资产证券化业务的主要方式是通过设立特定目的信托作为资产证券化的特定目的载体,并对其进行管理。由于资产证券化业务的复杂性和专业性,信托公司开展该业务如果不能形成规模效应,就难以使其成为稳定盈利点。信托公司资产证券化业务的可持续发展需要信托公司自身、监管部门等多方努力。 展开更多
关键词 资产证券化 资产支持证券 信托公司 特定目的载体 结构性重组 信用增极
Design of a Metasurface Antenna Based on Characteristic Mode Theory
作者 HE Huan 《电讯技术》 北大核心 2024年第10期1561-1568,共8页
A novel metasurface antenna consisting of 5×5 rectangular patch elements is presented.Thestructure with and without the central element are both analyzed by the Characteristic Mode Theory(CMT).The developed mutua... A novel metasurface antenna consisting of 5×5 rectangular patch elements is presented.Thestructure with and without the central element are both analyzed by the Characteristic Mode Theory(CMT).The developed mutually orthogonal principal modes of the optimized periodic patch structure areexcited by a center-feed dipole.A differential feeding network is employed to realize impedance matching.Prototype with profile height of 0.07λ_(0)(λ_(0)is the wavelength in free space at the lowest operatingfrequency)is fabricated and assembled to verify the simulation results.The measured results show that thereflectance coefficient of proposed matesurface antenna is less than-10 dB in the whole operating bandrange from 4.2 GHz to 5.5 GHz,a relative bandwidth of 26.8%is achieved,and the maximummeasured realized gain is more than 9 dBi with a maximum radiation efficiency of 90%.The designprovides a guideline on the application of characteristic modes(CMs)to radiation problems. 展开更多
关键词 metasurface antenna characteristic mode theory dipole antenna realized gain
风暴潮作用下的大湾区海堤安全设计潮位探究--以伶仃洋河口湾为例 被引量:4
作者 李彬 何用 方神光 《人民珠江》 2021年第12期70-75,共6页
基于伶仃洋河口湾控制站点历年设计频率潮位、风暴潮增水统计、上游洪水来流等分析显示,伶仃洋海域近年0.5%~2.0%设计频率潮位抬升幅度为0.2~1.0 m,风暴潮极值增水都在2.5 m以上,现状相邻设计频率的潮位差不超过0.2 m,风暴潮极值增水与... 基于伶仃洋河口湾控制站点历年设计频率潮位、风暴潮增水统计、上游洪水来流等分析显示,伶仃洋海域近年0.5%~2.0%设计频率潮位抬升幅度为0.2~1.0 m,风暴潮极值增水都在2.5 m以上,现状相邻设计频率的潮位差不超过0.2 m,风暴潮极值增水与洪水基本不遭遇,与天文潮中潮遭遇概率最大。因此,针对设计频率潮位在河口海域应用中存在相邻频率潮位差过小、强台风期间潮水位跳频严重、不能直接体现风暴潮极值增水在海堤高程设计中的主导作用等问题,提出了海堤风暴潮安全设计潮位的概念,由海域多年平均高潮位与风暴潮最大极值增水叠加组成,概念清晰,使用简单,突出海堤抵御风暴潮灾害的主要功能,计算值与伶仃洋口门、狮子洋及三角洲网河区主要站点2020年复核后的100~200年一遇设计潮位较为接近且略大,证实了其安全可靠,初步分析认为2020年复核后的赤湾站设计频率潮位成果偏大。海堤安全设计潮位的概念可推广应用在海堤达标加固设计、海堤风暴潮安全风险评估以及风暴潮灾害预警及应对等领域。 展开更多
关键词 海堤 风暴潮 天文潮 遭遇
Novel p-Channel Selected n-Channel Divided Bit-Line NOR Flash Memory Using Source Induced Band-to-Band Hot Electron Injection Programming
作者 潘立阳 朱钧 +2 位作者 刘楷 刘志宏 曾莹 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第10期1031-1036,共6页
A novel p-channel selected n-channel divided bit-line NOR(PNOR) flash memory,which features low programming current,low power,high access current,and slight bit-line disturbance,is proposed.By using the source induced... A novel p-channel selected n-channel divided bit-line NOR(PNOR) flash memory,which features low programming current,low power,high access current,and slight bit-line disturbance,is proposed.By using the source induced band-to-band hot electron injection (SIBE) to perform programming and dividing the bit-line to the sub-bit-lines,the programming current and power can be reduced to 3.5μA and 16.5μW with the sub-bit-line width equaling to 128,and a read current of 60μA is obtained.Furthermore,the bit-line disturbance is also significantly alleviated. 展开更多
关键词 flash memory DINOR band-to-band SIBE disturbance
A monolithic InGaP/GaAs HBT power amplifier for W-CDMA applications 被引量:1
作者 黄继伟 王志功 +2 位作者 廖英豪 陈志坚 方志坚 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2011年第2期132-135,共4页
A monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) power amplifier (PA) is proposed. It adopts a new on-chip bias circuit, which not only avoids the instability of the direct current bias caused by the change in the... A monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) power amplifier (PA) is proposed. It adopts a new on-chip bias circuit, which not only avoids the instability of the direct current bias caused by the change in the power supply and temperature, but also compensates deviations caused by the increase in input power. The bias circuit is a current-mirror configuration, and the feedback circuit helps to maintain bias voltage at a constant level. The gain of the feedback circuit is improved by the addition of a non-inverting amplifier within the feedback circuit. A shunt capacitor at the base node of the active bias transistor enhances the linearity of the PA. The chip is fabricated in an InGaP/GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) process. Measured results exhibit a 26. 6-dBm output compression point, 33.6% power-added efficiency (PAE) and - 40.2 dBc adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR) for wide-band code division multiple access (W-CDMA) applications. 展开更多
关键词 power amplifier wide-band code division multipleaccess(W-CDMA) heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) bias circuit gain compression
Enhancement of signal-noise-ratio in a distributed polarization mode coupling detection system 被引量:3
作者 JING Wen-cai LI Xiao-jingi +5 位作者 LIU Kun XU Tian-hua ZHANG Yi-mo ZHANG Hong-xia JIA Da-gong PENG Gang-Ding 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2007年第1期57-61,共5页
A distributed polarization-mode coupling measurement system was designed and implemented using white light interferometry. It can be used for the measurement of polarization mode coupling in a high-birefringence fiber... A distributed polarization-mode coupling measurement system was designed and implemented using white light interferometry. It can be used for the measurement of polarization mode coupling in a high-birefringence fiber of up to i km. This system can be used in both fiber-optic sensors and optical fiber communications. Wavelet Transform was adopted in data processing to improve the signal-noise-ratio. The signal-noise-ratio of this system was improved more than 15 dB after denoising. The influence of denoising threshold on signal-noise-ratio and measurement accuracy was also discussed. Hilbert Transform and non-linear regression can be used in conjunction with Wavelet Transform to enhance the signal-noise-ratio and spatial resolution of this system. 展开更多
关键词 Wavelet transform DENOISING POLARIZATION
A Simple Model to Determine the Trends of Electric Field Enhanced Water Dissociation in a Bipolar Membrane 被引量:2
作者 杨伟华 何炳林 徐铜文 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2001年第2期179-185,共7页
This work is concentrated on elucidating the mechanism of the electric field enhanced water dissociation. A simple model was established for the theoretical current-voltage characteristics in water dissociation proces... This work is concentrated on elucidating the mechanism of the electric field enhanced water dissociation. A simple model was established for the theoretical current-voltage characteristics in water dissociation process on a bipolar membrane based on the existence of a depletion layer and Onsager's theory. Particular attention was given to the influence of applied voltage on depletion thickness and the dissociation constant. The factors on the water splitting process, such as water diffusivity, water content, ion exchange capacity, temperature, relative permittivity, etc. Were adequately analysed based on the derived model equations and several suggestions were proposed for decreasing the applied voltage in practical operation. The water dissociation tests were conducted and compared with both the theoretical calculation and the measured current-voltage curves reported in the literature, which showed a very good prediction to practical current-voltage behavior of a bipolar membrane at high current densities when the splitting of water actually commenced. 展开更多
关键词 bipolar membrane electric field water dissociation current-voltage characteristics
基于盘整市的RSI投资决策 被引量:1
作者 王品 《经济数学》 2012年第1期25-29,共5页
以函数相似的概念为核心思想,以公理化的方法给出若干数学定义及公理、定理.以非传统的新技术分析方法,在沪深历史数据的基础上,由统计分析求得波形增(减)函数极值的RSI取值范围,从而得到股票的买卖点.通过上述方法在沪深15个月的盘整市... 以函数相似的概念为核心思想,以公理化的方法给出若干数学定义及公理、定理.以非传统的新技术分析方法,在沪深历史数据的基础上,由统计分析求得波形增(减)函数极值的RSI取值范围,从而得到股票的买卖点.通过上述方法在沪深15个月的盘整市里,为一般投资者提供了一个跑赢大盘风险极小的投资方案. 展开更多
关键词 函数相似 RSI指标 类时序函数 波形(减)函数 收益分析
Amplified winter Arctic tropospheric warming and its link to atmospheric circulation changes 被引量:1
作者 HUANG Xian-Ting DIAO Yi-Na LUO De-Hai 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2017年第6期435-445,共11页
The physical cause of amplified deep Arctic tropospheric warming in winter in the Barents-Kara Seas (BKS) is examined. The authors propose that changes in the atmospheric circulation patterns are important for deep ... The physical cause of amplified deep Arctic tropospheric warming in winter in the Barents-Kara Seas (BKS) is examined. The authors propose that changes in the atmospheric circulation patterns are important for deep Arctic tropospheric warming in winter. It is found that the retrograde Urals blocking (UB) event concurrent with a negative North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO-) that arises from a prior negative Arctic Oscillation (AO-) is not favorable for tropospheric warming because of less water vapor over the BKS. Such UB events are related to more winter BKS sea ice associated with the negative sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly in the BKS. In contrast, a UB occurring together with a positive North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO~) shows less movement and can significantly enhance tropospheric warming over the BKS through increasing tropospheric sensible heat energy due to a persistent BKS water vapor increase. This type of quasi-stationary UB event is related to prior less BKS sea ice associated with a positive BKS SST anomaly that coexists with the North Atlantic SST tripole structure. In summary, because warm, wet and low sea-ice winters in the BKS are related to UB events with an NAO~, and depend on the winter prior sea-ice condition, the tropospheric warming is to some extent a manifestation of the sea-ice-blocking-moisture feedback in the BKS. 展开更多
关键词 Arctic warming Uralblocking NAO water vapor sensible heat energy
Wnt/Fz signaling and the cytoskeleton: potential roles in tumorigenesis 被引量:17
作者 Shih-Lei Lai Andy J Chien Randall T Moon 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第5期532-545,共14页
Wnt/β-catenin regulates cellular functions related to tumor initiation and progression, cell proliferation, differ- entiation, survival, and adhesion, β-Catenin-independent Wnt pathways have been proposed to regulat... Wnt/β-catenin regulates cellular functions related to tumor initiation and progression, cell proliferation, differ- entiation, survival, and adhesion, β-Catenin-independent Wnt pathways have been proposed to regulate cell polarity and migration, including metastasis. In this review, we discuss the possible roles of both β-catenin-dependent and -independent signaling pathways in tumor progression, with an emphasis on their regulation of Rho-family GTPases, cytoskeletal remodeling, and relationships with cell-cell adhesion and cilia/ciliogenesis. 展开更多
关键词 WNT CYTOSKELETON CILIA cell adhesion Rho
Verification and Improvement of the Ability of CFSv2 to Predict the Antarctic Oscillation in Boreal Spring 被引量:7
作者 Dapeng ZHANG Yanyan HUANG +2 位作者 Bo SUN Fei LI Huijun WANG 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第3期292-302,340,共12页
The boreal spring Antarctic Oscillation(AAO)has a significant impact on the spring and summer climate in China.This study evaluates the capability of the NCEP's Climate Forecast System,version 2(CFSv2),in predicti... The boreal spring Antarctic Oscillation(AAO)has a significant impact on the spring and summer climate in China.This study evaluates the capability of the NCEP's Climate Forecast System,version 2(CFSv2),in predicting the boreal spring AAO for the period 1983-2015.The results indicate that CFSv2 has poor skill in predicting the spring AAO,failing to predict the zonally symmetric spatial pattern of the AAO,with an insignificant correlation of 0.02 between the predicted and observed AAO Index(AAOI).Considering the interannual increment approach can amplify the prediction signals,we firstly establish a dynamical-statistical model to improve the interannual increment of the AAOI(DY AAOI),with two predictors of CFSv2-forecasted concurrent spring sea surface temperatures and observed preceding autumn sea ice.This dynamical-statistical model demonstrates good capability in predicting DY AAOI,with a significant correlation coeffcient of 0.58 between the observation and prediction during 1983-2015 in the two-year-out cross-validation.Then,we obtain an improved AAOI by adding the improved DY AAOI to the preceding observed AAOI.The improved AAOI shows a significant correlation coeffcient of 0.45 with the observed AAOI during 1983-2015.Moreover,the unrealistic atmospheric response to March-April-May sea ice in CFSv2 may be the possible cause for the failure of CFSv2 to predict the AAO.This study gives new clues regarding AAO prediction and short-term climate prediction. 展开更多
关键词 Antarctic Oscillation interannual-increment approach CFSv2 dynamical–statistical model prediction
Impact of global sea surface temperature on the recent early winter Arctic tropospheric warming in coordinated large ensemble simulations
作者 Lutao Wang Yongqi Gao +3 位作者 Dong Guo Tao Wang Ying Zhang Wei Hua 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2021年第1期57-62,共6页
Coordinated numerical ensemble experiments with six different state-of-the-art atmosphere models were used to evaluate and quantify the impact of global SST(from reanalysis data)on the early winter Arctic warming duri... Coordinated numerical ensemble experiments with six different state-of-the-art atmosphere models were used to evaluate and quantify the impact of global SST(from reanalysis data)on the early winter Arctic warming during 1982-2014.Two sets of experiments were designed:in the first set(EXP1),OISSTv2 daily sea-ice concentration and SST variations were used as the lower boundary forcing,while in the second set(EXP2)the SST data were replaced by the daily SST climatology.In the results,the multi-model ensemble mean of EXP1 showed a nearsurface(~850 hPa)warming trend of 0.4℃/10 yr,which was 80%of the warming trend in the reanalysis.The simulated warming trend was robust across the six models,with a magnitude of 0.36-0.50℃/10 yr.The global SST could explain most of the simulated warming trend in EXP1 in the mid and low troposphere over the Arctic,and accounted for 58%of the simulated near-surface warming.The results also suggest that the uppertropospheric warming(~200 hPa)over the Arctic in the reanalysis is likely not a forced signal;rather,it is caused by natural climate variability.The source regions that can potentially impact the early winter Arctic warming are explored and the limitations of the study are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Arctic warming Sea surface temperature Multi-model coordinated experiment Eliassen-Palm flux Planetary wave
Numerical Derivation of Strain Rate Effects on Material Properties of Masonry with Solid Clay Bricks 被引量:4
作者 WEI Xueying HAO Hong 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2006年第B09期147-151,共5页
In this paper, numerical method is used als. A typical unit of masonry is selected to serve merical model of RVE is established with detailed to study the strain rate effect on masonry materias a representative volume... In this paper, numerical method is used als. A typical unit of masonry is selected to serve merical model of RVE is established with detailed to study the strain rate effect on masonry materias a representative volume element (RVE). Nudistinctive modeling of brick and mortar with their respective dynamic material properties obtained from laboratory tests. The behavior of brick and mortar are characterized by a dynamic damage model that accounts for rate-sensitive and pressuredependent properties of masonry materials. Dynamic loads of different loading rates are applied to RVE. The equivalent homogenized uniaxial compressive strength, threshold strain and elastic modulus in three directions of the masonry are derived from the simulated responses of the RVE. The strain rate effect on the masonry material with clay brick and mortar, such as the dynamic increase factor (DIF) of the ultimate strength and elastic modulus as a function of strain rate are derived from the numerical results. 展开更多
关键词 masonry structure strain rate effects dynamic increase factor (DIF) elastic modulus ultimate strength
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