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作者 张慧丹 《黑龙江科技信息》 2010年第21期157-157,共1页
音乐教育是以音乐艺术为手段,让学生在学习中,性格、思想、情操乃至意志受到感染熏陶,从而达到教育的效果。我们说"知识靠积累,技能和能力靠锻炼,情感、态度、价值观靠内化"。因此,在初中音乐教学中我们教师要积极创设丰富多... 音乐教育是以音乐艺术为手段,让学生在学习中,性格、思想、情操乃至意志受到感染熏陶,从而达到教育的效果。我们说"知识靠积累,技能和能力靠锻炼,情感、态度、价值观靠内化"。因此,在初中音乐教学中我们教师要积极创设丰富多彩的活动形式,通过创设的活动情景,使学生获得情感体验,有效地激发学生的参与热情,调动学生的积极性,让学生去感悟音乐,表现音乐,创造音乐,不仅使每个学生的音乐潜能得到开发,同时也让学生在不知不觉,潜移默化中掌握音乐知识,从而也达到育人细无声的德育效果。 展开更多
关键词 课堂教学 活动 冶情 提能 增知
作者 宫文婧 《学理论》 2021年第8期49-51,共3页
日本一六四四部队成员在医学类刊物发表了大量学术论文和研究报告,文中涉及"人体实验""细菌武器"等详细数据,发表时间和研究内容反映了一六四四部队在备战细菌战过程的六年里研究范围、程度和学术轨迹。其中又以一... 日本一六四四部队成员在医学类刊物发表了大量学术论文和研究报告,文中涉及"人体实验""细菌武器"等详细数据,发表时间和研究内容反映了一六四四部队在备战细菌战过程的六年里研究范围、程度和学术轨迹。其中又以一六四四部队首任部队长增田知贞最为典型,据笔者视野所及,其公开发表论文超过20篇,文章带有强烈的殖民侵略军事目的,公开引用了多项反人类的细菌战人体实验数据,研究范围涵盖细菌战攻击及防御两个方面,相关成果直接应用于日本对华细菌战,给中国军民和生态环境造成巨大创伤。其研究成果在战后亦作为重要的参考资料,在日本医学界广泛流传和引用,贻害无穷。对增田知贞论文的考察,是对一六四四部队现有研究的重要补充,对于了解一六四四部队反人类、反文明的战争罪行亦有裨益。 展开更多
关键词 一六四四部队 石井四郎 细菌战 人体实验
增知启智 倍感振奋 学习《闽山闽水物华新——习近平福建足迹》有感
作者 方丹青 《政协天地》 2022年第8期37-38,共2页
《闽山闽水物华新——习近平福建足迹》以习近平同志在闽工作期间富有创造性和开拓性的思想与实践为主线,形象生动地展示了他始终坚持人民至上的发展理念和敢于探索的创新精神,为各级领导干部在新时代伟大实践中更好担当作为提供了鲜活... 《闽山闽水物华新——习近平福建足迹》以习近平同志在闽工作期间富有创造性和开拓性的思想与实践为主线,形象生动地展示了他始终坚持人民至上的发展理念和敢于探索的创新精神,为各级领导干部在新时代伟大实践中更好担当作为提供了鲜活样本和学习典范。读罢此书,增知启智,深受鼓舞。联系建阳区政协本职工作,体会有三。 展开更多
关键词 启智 闽山 增知 创新精神 人民至上 创造性 形象生动 思想与实践
作者 李宝山 钱明辉 《中国经济评论(1536-9056)》 2003年第3期7-13,共7页
在知识经济挂帅的今天,知识变得更有价值,越来越成为企业价值的主体,成为企业财富甲主要源泉,而企业却变得更加容易失去知识了。为了有效地避免企业知识资产流失,本文提出了“避免企业知识资产流失的连环三招”,即留知管理、续知... 在知识经济挂帅的今天,知识变得更有价值,越来越成为企业价值的主体,成为企业财富甲主要源泉,而企业却变得更加容易失去知识了。为了有效地避免企业知识资产流失,本文提出了“避免企业知识资产流失的连环三招”,即留知管理、续知管理和增知管理。 展开更多
关键词 管理 管理 增知管理
作者 张函 《书法》 2023年第9期82-85,共4页
近些年,域外的中国书法研究并不能像海外绘画研究那样对本土研究产生重要影响。一是源于域外的研究成果很难第一时间进入本土学者视野;二是本土书法研究正处于“我行我素”的发展阶段;三是书法发展重技术、轻学术的趋势已成为主流;四是... 近些年,域外的中国书法研究并不能像海外绘画研究那样对本土研究产生重要影响。一是源于域外的研究成果很难第一时间进入本土学者视野;二是本土书法研究正处于“我行我素”的发展阶段;三是书法发展重技术、轻学术的趋势已成为主流;四是域外中国书法研究仍然未受到应有的关注。以毕罗为代表的的西方学者和以增田知之为代表的日本学者,成为近两年域外中国书法研究的代表性人物。这在很大程度上为我们了解域外的中国书法研究提供了条件。 展开更多
关键词 域外中国书法研究 毕罗
侵华日军云南腾冲鼠疫细菌战研究 被引量:9
作者 张华 《湖南文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第3期89-94,共6页
腾冲细菌战由于它的战略意义和伤亡人数成为重要的日本侵华细菌战之一。而对腾冲细菌战的研究现状、战略意图、细菌战过程和影响以及重庆国民政府1944~1945年对腾冲鼠疫的防治进行客观分析,将有助于史学界对日军侵华细菌战有更深入的... 腾冲细菌战由于它的战略意义和伤亡人数成为重要的日本侵华细菌战之一。而对腾冲细菌战的研究现状、战略意图、细菌战过程和影响以及重庆国民政府1944~1945年对腾冲鼠疫的防治进行客观分析,将有助于史学界对日军侵华细菌战有更深入的了解。 展开更多
关键词 云南腾冲 鼠疫细菌战 防疫
作者 陈致远 朱清如 《南通大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2013年第1期67-71,共5页
关于南京"荣"1644部队的研究,有些问题值得进一步探讨。如1644部队到底是1938年建立还是1939年建立?为何称"荣"字1644部队?1644部队到底经历了几任部队长及各部队长任期如何?1644部队为何又称多摩部队?它与登户研... 关于南京"荣"1644部队的研究,有些问题值得进一步探讨。如1644部队到底是1938年建立还是1939年建立?为何称"荣"字1644部队?1644部队到底经历了几任部队长及各部队长任期如何?1644部队为何又称多摩部队?它与登户研究所是怎样的关系?1644究竟有过多少支部及支部状况如何等?本文综合各种史料将对这些问题逐一研究,以就教方家。 展开更多
关键词 荣”1644部队 登户研究所 细菌战支部
作者 周宏高 《林区教学》 2009年第9期106-107,共2页
为了强化学生的思维能力,锻炼学生分析问题和解决问题的能力,发展学生的创新能力,近年来,我们化学组从提高化学教学质量出发,把“小论文”活动作为第二课堂的主要内容,从激趣、励志、增知、拓智、益能这几个角度来落实,有力地促... 为了强化学生的思维能力,锻炼学生分析问题和解决问题的能力,发展学生的创新能力,近年来,我们化学组从提高化学教学质量出发,把“小论文”活动作为第二课堂的主要内容,从激趣、励志、增知、拓智、益能这几个角度来落实,有力地促进了课堂教学目标的实施和教学改革的进展,成效初见。 展开更多
关键词 学生 论文 激趣 励志 增知 拓智 益能
The nuclear signaling of NF-KB: current knowledge, new insights, and future perspectives 被引量:74
作者 Fengyi Wan Michael J Lenardo 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第1期24-33,共10页
The nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) transcription factor plays a critical role in diverse cellular processes associated with proliferation, cell death, development, as well as innate and adaptive immune responses. ... The nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) transcription factor plays a critical role in diverse cellular processes associated with proliferation, cell death, development, as well as innate and adaptive immune responses. NF-κB is normally sequestered in the cytoplasm by a family of inhibitory proteins known as inhibitors of NF-κB (IκBs). The signal pathways leading to the liberation and nuclear accumulation of NF-κB, which can be activated by a wide variety of stimuli, have been extensively studied in the past two decades. After gaining access to the nucleus, NF-κB must be actively regulated to execute its fundamental function as a transcription factor. Recent studies have highlighted the importance of nuclear signaling in the regulation of NF-κB transcriptional activity. A non-Rel subunit of NF-κB, ribosomal protein S3 (RPS3), and numerous other nuclear regulators of NF-κB, including Akirin, Nurrl, SIRT6, and others, have recently been identified, unveiling novel and exciting layers of regulatory specificity for NF-κB in the nucleus. Further insights into the nuclear events that govern NF-κB function will deepen our understanding of the elegant control of its transcriptional activity and better inform the potential rational design of therapeutics for NF-κB-associated diseases. 展开更多
关键词 RPS3 IMMUNITY DNA binding
College English Teachers' Perceived Difficulties in Teaching Content-Based Courses and Opportunities for Their Knowledge Growth
作者 FENG Rui-min 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第8期1395-1403,共9页
This paper explores three College English teachers' perceived difficulties in teaching content-based courses in the Chinese context and opportunities for their change in the knowledge base. Interviews and classroom o... This paper explores three College English teachers' perceived difficulties in teaching content-based courses in the Chinese context and opportunities for their change in the knowledge base. Interviews and classroom observation were used to collect data. After coding and recoding of the audio data, the researcher found that College English teachers face the following difficulties: positioning of themselves, commitment to the course, students' expectation, the balance between language and content, and administrative support. Meanwhile, the experience of teaching content-based courses offered them an opportunity to increase their knowledge of the content, the learners, and educational values. Some implications for CBI (content-based instruction) in curriculum reform were put forward at the end of the paper. 展开更多
关键词 CBI (content-based instruction) perceived difficulties knowledge growth
Towards a Collaborative Learning Environment Through ICT: A Case Study
作者 Suryani Atan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第1期53-57,共5页
This paper expounds how the possibility of collaboration and construction of knowledge being put into practice in a group of ICT (information and communication technologies)-based teaching and learning programmes fo... This paper expounds how the possibility of collaboration and construction of knowledge being put into practice in a group of ICT (information and communication technologies)-based teaching and learning programmes for Mother Tongue languages, collectively known as 10'CMT. 10'CMT, which is initiated by the ETD (Educational Technology Division) of MOE (Ministry of Education) Singapore, embodies a focus on the development of relevant pedagogy by which web-based technologies are embedded in meaningful learning activities in the classroom. Through a case study of a primary school in Singapore, this paper exemplifies how 10'CMT has the ability to promote collective knowledge and, by doing so, essentially supporting the growth of the individual student's knowledge. It draws on the students' engagement in peer editing, peer evaluation, peer interaction, and feedback with self-reflective practices through the affordances of an array of online tools. This paper will also discuss how the 10'CMT approach promotes the ability to respond flexibly to complex problems, to communicate effectively, to manage information, to work in teams, to use technology, and to produce new knowledge which are deemed to be crucial competencies for 21 st century. 展开更多
关键词 collaborative learning mother tongue language ICT (information and communicationtechnologies)-based lesson STUDENT-CENTRED
The Stability Research of the Finite Difference Scheme for a Nonlinear Partial Differential Equation
作者 王秀琴 徐琛梅 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2009年第3期394-399,共6页
The main purpose of this paper is to set up the finite difference scheme with incremental unknowns for the nonlinear differential equation by means of introducing incremental unknowns method and discuss the stability ... The main purpose of this paper is to set up the finite difference scheme with incremental unknowns for the nonlinear differential equation by means of introducing incremental unknowns method and discuss the stability of the scheme.Through the stability analyzing for the scheme,it was shown that the stability of the finite difference scheme with the incremental unknowns is improved when compared with the stability of the corresponding classic difference scheme. 展开更多
关键词 finite difference partial differential equation stability research incremental unknowns
Defect feature recognition method of glass fibre-reinforced structure based on visual image analysis 被引量:1
作者 HUANG Jingde 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2022年第1期61-67,共7页
Glass fibre-reinforced(GFR)structure is extensively used in radome,spoiler and some other equipment.In engineering practice,due to the influence of wear,aging,impact,chemical corrosion of surface structure and other f... Glass fibre-reinforced(GFR)structure is extensively used in radome,spoiler and some other equipment.In engineering practice,due to the influence of wear,aging,impact,chemical corrosion of surface structure and other factors,the internal structure of this kind of structure gradually evolves into a defect state and expands to form defects such as bubbles,scratches,shorts,cracks,cavitation erosion,stains and other defects.These defects have posed a serious threat to the quality and performance of GFR structure.From the propagation process of GFR structure defects,its duration is random and may be very short.Therefore,designing a scientific micro defect intelligent detection system for GFR structure to enhance the maintainability of GFR structure will not only help to reduce emergencies,but also have positive theoretical significance and application value to ensure safe production and operation.Firstly,the defect detection mechanism of GFR structure is discussed,and the defect detection principle and defect area identification method are analyzed.Secondly,the processing process of defect edge signal is discussed,a classifier based on MLP is established,and the algorithm of the classifier is designed.Finally,the effectiveness of this method is proved by real-time monitoring and defect diagnosis of a typical GFR structure.The experimental results show that this method improves the efficiency of defect detection and has high defect feature recognition accuracy,which provides a new idea for the on-line detection of GFR structure defects. 展开更多
关键词 glass fibre-reinforced(GFR)structure multi-layer perceptron(MLP) machine vision defect detection
A Semantic-based Clustering Method to Build Domain Ontology from Multiple Heterogeneous Knowledge Sources
作者 凌玲 胡于进 +1 位作者 王学林 李成刚 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第2期1-7,共7页
In order to improve the efficiency of ontology construction from heterogeneous knowledge sources, a semantic-based approach is presented. The ontology will be constructed with the application of cluster technique in a... In order to improve the efficiency of ontology construction from heterogeneous knowledge sources, a semantic-based approach is presented. The ontology will be constructed with the application of cluster technique in an incremental way. Firstly, terms will be extracted from knowledge sources and congregate a term set after pretreat-ment. Then the concept set will be built via semantic-based clustering according to semanteme of terms provided by WordNet. Next, a concept tree is constructed in terms of mapping rules between semant^me relationships and concept relationships. The semi-automatic approach can avoid non-consistence due to knowledge engineers having different understanding of the same concept and the obtained ontology is easily to be expanded. 展开更多
关键词 ontology building heterogeneous knowledge sources semantic-based clustering WordNet.
A special hierarchical fuzzy neural-networks based reinforcement learning for multi-variables system
作者 张文志 吕恬生 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2005年第6期661-666,共6页
Proposes a reinforcement learning scheme based on a special Hierarchical Fuzzy Neural-Networks (HFNN)for solving complicated learning tasks in a continuous multi-variables environment. The output of the previous layer... Proposes a reinforcement learning scheme based on a special Hierarchical Fuzzy Neural-Networks (HFNN)for solving complicated learning tasks in a continuous multi-variables environment. The output of the previous layer in the HFNN is no longer used as if-part of the next layer, but used only in then-part. Thus it can deal with the difficulty when the output of the previous layer is meaningless or its meaning is uncertain. The proposed HFNN has a minimal number of fuzzy rules and can successfully solve the problem of rules combination explosion and decrease the quantity of computation and memory requirement. In the learning process, two HFNN with the same structure perform fuzzy action composition and evaluation function approximation simultaneously where the parameters of neural-networks are tuned and updated on line by using gradient descent algorithm. The reinforcement learning method is proved to be correct and feasible by simulation of a double inverted pendulum system. 展开更多
关键词 hierarchical fuzzy neural-networks reinforcement learning double inverted pendulum
High-Gain Approach Based Full-Order Observers for Linear Systems with Unknown Inputs
作者 韩冬 刘俊 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2016年第2期164-173,共10页
In this paper, a full-order observer which can be fully decoupled from the unknown inputs as the conventional full-order observer does is designed by using auxiliary outputs, but the requirement of the matching condit... In this paper, a full-order observer which can be fully decoupled from the unknown inputs as the conventional full-order observer does is designed by using auxiliary outputs, but the requirement of the matching condition is removed. The procedure of calculating the parameter matrices of the full-order observer is also presented. Compared with the existing auxiliary outputs based sliding-mode observers, the designed observer has a simpler design procedure, which is systematic and does not involve solving linear matrix inequalities. The simulation results show that the proposed method is effective. 展开更多
关键词 full-order observer high-gain approach observer matching condition unknown input
Motor vehicle accidents: How should cirrhotic patients be managed? 被引量:1
作者 Takumi Kawaguchi Eitaro Taniguchi Michio Sata 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第21期2597-2599,共3页
Motor vehicle accidents (MVAs) are serious social issues worldwide and driver illness is an important cause of MVAs. Minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE) is a com- plex cognitive dysfunction with attention deficit, wh... Motor vehicle accidents (MVAs) are serious social issues worldwide and driver illness is an important cause of MVAs. Minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE) is a com- plex cognitive dysfunction with attention deficit, which frequently occurs in cirrhotic patients independent of severity of liver disease. Although MHE is known as a risk factor for MVAs, the impact of diagnosis and treatment of MHE on MVA-related societal costs is largely unknown. Recently, Bajaj et al demonstrated valuable findings that the diagnosis of MHE by rapid screening using the inhibitory control test (ICT), and subsequent treatment with lactulose could substantially reduce the societal costs by preventing MVAs. Besides the ICT and lactulose, there are various diagnostic tools and therapeutic strategies for MHE. In this commentary, we discussed a current issue of diagnostic tools for MHE, including neuropsychological tests. We also discussed the advantages of the other therapeutic strategies for MHE, such as intake of a regular breakfast and coffee, and supplementation with zinc and branched chain amino acids, on the MVA-related societal costs. 展开更多
关键词 Traffic accident Subclinical hepatic encephalopathy Coffee Zinc Branched chain amino acids
On the Role of Intestinal Microbiota in Patients with Cognitive Decline
作者 Friedrich Leblhuber Barbara Strassert +3 位作者 Kostja Steiner Johanna Gostner Burkhard Schuetz Dietmar Fuchs 《Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology》 2017年第9期648-653,共6页
Objective: The association between gut microbiota composition and biomarkers of immune activation and inflammation was assessed in the elderly. Patients: Serum inflammation markers of fifty-five outpatients (29 fem... Objective: The association between gut microbiota composition and biomarkers of immune activation and inflammation was assessed in the elderly. Patients: Serum inflammation markers of fifty-five outpatients (29 females, 26 males, aged 78 + 8.5 years) were analyzed. Stool specimens and thus data on gut microbiota were available from a subgroup of 23 individuals (9 females and 14 males). Results: Global cerebral atrophy was found in all magnet resonance tomography scans. Mean mini-mental-score examination in Alzheimer's disease patients was 18.8 ± 7.1, in patients with mild cognitive impairment 27.8 ± 1.5. Serum neopterin concentrations correlated with concentrations of fecal S100A12 (p 〈 0.001) and cq-antitrypsin (p 〈 0.05). Faecalibacterium prausnitzii correlated with MMSE (p 〈 0.05), with Akkermansia muciniphila (p 〈 0.01) and with serum neopterin (p 〈 0.05). Fecal zonulin correlated inversely with Clostridium cluster I (p 〈 0.02). Conclusions: Our results underline earlier in vitro and animal studies that cognitive decline associates with age-related changes in the intestinal microbiota and neuroinflammation. However, only correlational evidence can be reported, and a causative relationship still has to be demonstrated. 展开更多
关键词 MICROBIOTA brain-gut axis PREVENTION cognitive decline.
A Study on Short Text Matching Method Based on KS-BERT Algorithm
作者 YANG Hao-wen SUN Mei-feng 《印刷与数字媒体技术研究》 CAS 2024年第5期164-173,共10页
To improve the accuracy of short text matching,a short text matching method with knowledge and structure enhancement for BERT(KS-BERT)was proposed in this study.This method first introduced external knowledge to the i... To improve the accuracy of short text matching,a short text matching method with knowledge and structure enhancement for BERT(KS-BERT)was proposed in this study.This method first introduced external knowledge to the input text,and then sent the expanded text to both the context encoder BERT and the structure encoder GAT to capture the contextual relationship features and structural features of the input text.Finally,the match was determined based on the fusion result of the two features.Experiment results based on the public datasets BQ_corpus and LCQMC showed that KS-BERT outperforms advanced models such as ERNIE 2.0.This Study showed that knowledge enhancement and structure enhancement are two effective ways to improve BERT in short text matching.In BQ_corpus,ACC was improved by 0.2%and 0.3%,respectively,while in LCQMC,ACC was improved by 0.4%and 0.9%,respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Deep learning Short text matching Graph attention network Knowledge enhancement
对一份日军细菌战文件的解读 被引量:2
作者 张华 《民国档案》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期131-134,共4页
关键词 细菌战理论 细菌战
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