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湘北华容地区小墨山花岗岩体SHRIMP U-Pb年龄及地球化学特征 被引量:6
作者 马铁球 李纲 +2 位作者 柏道远 周柯军 王先辉 《资源调查与环境》 2010年第1期1-11,共11页
小墨山岩体侵位于中元古代冷家溪群中,由两期侵入体组成,早期为粗中粒—中粒斑状黑云母二长花岗岩;末期为细粒黑(二)云母二长花岗岩。通过锆石SHRIMP U-Pb法测得岩体侵位年龄为122.5±2.1 Ma(2σ),MSWD=1.9,成岩时代为早白垩世。主... 小墨山岩体侵位于中元古代冷家溪群中,由两期侵入体组成,早期为粗中粒—中粒斑状黑云母二长花岗岩;末期为细粒黑(二)云母二长花岗岩。通过锆石SHRIMP U-Pb法测得岩体侵位年龄为122.5±2.1 Ma(2σ),MSWD=1.9,成岩时代为早白垩世。主元素中,SiO2变化于67.20%~75.16%,K2O含量高,且K2O>Na2O,K2O/Na2O为1.16~1.72;ASI值变化于0.96~1.10之间,平均1.02,属准铝质-微过铝质、高钾钙碱性系列。岩石明显富集大离子亲石元素,亏损高场强元素,Rb/Sr=0.27~15.13;Nb/Ta=15.9~17.1,为锶和铌亏损型。ΣREE总体较高,重稀土含量相对较高,轻重稀土分馏稍弱,ΣCe/ΣY为0.49~6.18,(La/Yb)N为0.66~15.54。有较高的εNd(t),为-6.8^-8.7;T2DM相对较小(1.47~1.62 Ga)。综合研究表明,小墨山花岗岩石为壳源型富黑云母过铝花岗岩类(CPG),其成因应为下地壳物质和上地壳物质混合而成,与花岗岩底侵作用或注入地壳中的幔源岩浆有关,形成的构造背景为陆内挤压造山向非造山转换的后造山拉张环境,是在紧随侏罗纪挤压造山运动之后的构造松驰和拉张减薄条件下所形成。 展开更多
关键词 早白垩世 锆石SHRIMP定年 地球化学 花岗岩 墨山
作者 黄维岳 《今日中国》 1992年第3期36-37,共2页
黄廷海先生是近十年來以独創流墨山水画著稱海內外画壇的山水畫家和美術理論家。他勇於打破大陸山水畫大一統的時尚之風及有關理論為中外画壇所矚目。特別是他的流墨山水画,独樹一幟,一掃陳腐舊習,開拓出嶄新的現代風範,被視為當代中國... 黄廷海先生是近十年來以独創流墨山水画著稱海內外画壇的山水畫家和美術理論家。他勇於打破大陸山水畫大一統的時尚之風及有關理論為中外画壇所矚目。特別是他的流墨山水画,独樹一幟,一掃陳腐舊習,開拓出嶄新的現代風範,被視為當代中國最優秀的中年山水畫家之一。一九八三年,當黃廷海將自己苦研五年之久的一批山水畫新作,命名為“流墨山水画”,並首次在江蘇省美術館展出時,引起了画壇的轰動。許多觀众駐足在他的作品前, 展开更多
关键词 黄廷海 山水畫 研五 勾染 傅抱石 冰雪山水 墨山 墨法 张仁芝 亚明
《职业圈》 2005年第12期48-47,共1页
关键词 浮雕 雕塑 墨山 书法艺术
黑团团里墨团团 黑墨团里天地宽 萧谦中重墨山水略论兼及李可染先生 被引量:1
作者 张传伦 《新美域》 2006年第3期84-137,共54页
关键词 李可染 黑墨 萧谦中 墨山 黄宾虹 龚贤 石涛 钤印 龚半千 美术评论家
作者 邓绪娟 刘宜波 江致衡 《当代江西》 2022年第2期49-50,共2页
两年前,这里还是有景景不秀、有绿不出彩、有人老幼多的山间小村。如今,这里满眼碧绿,溪水潺潺,一座座白墙灰瓦的民房掩映在青山绿水间,各类果树相间分布,宛如一处世外桃源。安义县长均乡观察村墨山自然村,坐落在梅岭山脚下,近80%村民... 两年前,这里还是有景景不秀、有绿不出彩、有人老幼多的山间小村。如今,这里满眼碧绿,溪水潺潺,一座座白墙灰瓦的民房掩映在青山绿水间,各类果树相间分布,宛如一处世外桃源。安义县长均乡观察村墨山自然村,坐落在梅岭山脚下,近80%村民外出务工,曾一度是"空心村"。近年来,墨山村在乡村建设行动中,深挖书画历史文脉,在保留原生村落的基础上进行建设,实现文韵墨香新墨山的蜕变。 展开更多
关键词 乡村建设 世外桃源 历史文脉 安义县 墨山 空心村 外出务工 自然村
作者 刘知白 《艺术市场》 2013年第11期2-3,共2页
关键词 墨山
从筹建内陆最早的核电站到落户湖南最大的火电厂 长江小镇焦灼与冲动的背后:破解湖南能源困局
作者 李永华 《中国经济周刊》 2016年第12期72-75,共4页
关键词 核电建设 桃花江 项目协调 墨山 火电项目 中国经济周刊 神华 华电 装机规模 华容
《烹调知识》 2011年第8X期59-59,共1页
2011世界厨王台北争霸赛李锦记队夺冠2011年5月30日,台北,由国际知名酱料品牌、中国烹饪协会名厨专业委员会荣誉主任单位李锦记组建的"李锦记厨师队"以"烟雨江南水墨山青"系列菜肴征服十位国际评审,荣获职业组冠军... 2011世界厨王台北争霸赛李锦记队夺冠2011年5月30日,台北,由国际知名酱料品牌、中国烹饪协会名厨专业委员会荣誉主任单位李锦记组建的"李锦记厨师队"以"烟雨江南水墨山青"系列菜肴征服十位国际评审,荣获职业组冠军,勇夺"世界厨王"宝座。精选的厨师队伍由中国烹饪协会名厨专业委员会北京工作区主任、中国烹饪大师屈浩领队,由石秀松、陈庆、侯新庆及李可(中国烹饪协会名厨专业委员会新星俱乐部会员)4位在大陆厨艺界非常活跃的一线厨师组成鼎盛的参赛阵容。夺魁菜肴以"烟雨江南水墨山青"为题,选用了李锦记旧庄蚝油、天成一味、红烧汁和排骨酱等酱料,烹饪出六道造型精巧别致的菜肴,获得了评委的高度赞赏。 展开更多
关键词 中国烹饪 李锦记 墨山 俱乐部会员 石秀 旧庄 王台 工作区 陈庆 李可
阳羡茶 古代的珍稀贡品
作者 陈翠红 《茶(健康天地)》 2009年第11期46-47,共2页
宜兴,濒临太湖,层峦叠嶂,风光绮丽,更兼有"善卷"、"张公"、"灵谷"三洞之胜,吸引着无数海内外游客。不少慕名而来的旅游者,在饱览了宜兴的湖光山色、洞天奇景之后,都忘不了沏上一杯"阳羡茶"来... 宜兴,濒临太湖,层峦叠嶂,风光绮丽,更兼有"善卷"、"张公"、"灵谷"三洞之胜,吸引着无数海内外游客。不少慕名而来的旅游者,在饱览了宜兴的湖光山色、洞天奇景之后,都忘不了沏上一杯"阳羡茶"来品尝一番。阳羡茶产于宜兴的唐贡山、南岳寺、离墨山、茗岭等地,"阳羡茶"以汤清、芳香。 展开更多
关键词 阳羡茶 南岳寺 茗岭 风光绮丽 墨山 善卷 茶圣陆羽 饮茶习俗 茶道文化 紫笋茶
作者 周仕龙 《河北果树》 1989年第2期41-41,共1页
关键词 常年产量 丰产技术 开发效果 糯性 粗放管理 组装配套 墨山 星火计划项目 年平均 常规技术
优化资源 保护环境 加快推进世界第三代核电技术落户湖南
作者 丁中智 《湖南省社会主义学院学报》 2009年第3期16-17,共2页
一、大规模发展核电能够促进"资源节约、环境友好"型社会建设当今世界,能源、环境和气候变化问题已经成为全球最高政治会晤的主要议题。能源结构的改变将对世界经济、政治格局产生深远的影响。世界银行认为:"使用清洁的... 一、大规模发展核电能够促进"资源节约、环境友好"型社会建设当今世界,能源、环境和气候变化问题已经成为全球最高政治会晤的主要议题。能源结构的改变将对世界经济、政治格局产生深远的影响。世界银行认为:"使用清洁的化石燃料和技术。 展开更多
关键词 核电技术 湖南 中电投集团 核电厂 核电站 发电厂 第三代 墨山 核电机组 核电项目 百万千瓦
Land cover change and carbon stores in a tropical montane cloud forest in the Sierra Madre Oriental,Mexico 被引量:4
作者 Edgar G.LEIJA-LOREDO Numa P.PAVóN +2 位作者 Arturo SáNCHEZ-GONZáLEZ Rodrigo RODRIGUEZ-LAGUNA GregorioáNGELES-PéREZ 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第10期2136-2147,共12页
Tropical montane cloud forest is one of the ecosystems with the highest biomass worldwide, representing an important carbon store. Globally its deforestation index is –1.1%, but in Mexico it is higher than –3%. Carb... Tropical montane cloud forest is one of the ecosystems with the highest biomass worldwide, representing an important carbon store. Globally its deforestation index is –1.1%, but in Mexico it is higher than –3%. Carbon estimates are scarce globally, particularly in Mexico. The objective of this study was to simulate future land-cover scenarios for the Sierra Madre Oriental in Mexico, by analyzing past forest cover changes. Another objective was to estimate stored carbon in the two study areas. These objectives involve the generation of information that could be useful inputs to anti-deforestation public policy such as the REDD+ strategy. Remote sensing was used to measure land cover change and estimate carbon stocks. Satellite images from 2015, 2000 and 1986 were used, and Dinamica EGO freeware generatedmodels of future projections. Between 1986 and 2015, 5171 ha of forest were converted to pasture. The annual deforestation rates were –1.5% for Tlanchinol and –1.3% for the San Bartolo Tutotepec sites. Distance to roads and marginalization were highly correlated with deforestation. By 2030, an estimated 3608 ha of forest in these sites will have been converted to pasture. Stored carbon was estimated at 16.35 Mg C ha-1 for the Tlanchinol site and 12.7 Mg C ha-1 for the San Bartolo site. In the Sierra Madre Oriental deforestation due to land cover change(–1.4%) is higher than levels reported worldwide. Besides having high values of stored carbon(14.5 Mg C ha-1), these forests have high biodiversity. The models' outputs show that the deforestation process will continue if action is not taken to avoid the expansion of livestock pasturing. This can be done by paying incentives for forest conservation to the owners of the land. The results suggest that REDD+ is currently the most viable strategy for reducing deforestation rates in tropical montane cloud forests in Sierra Madre Oriental. 展开更多
关键词 Cloud forest Carbon stores C mitigation Climate change Dinamica EGO Forest management Remote sensing.
Spatial Variability of Soil Properties at Capulin Volcano,New Mexico,USA:Implications for Sampling Strategy 被引量:40
作者 D.C.WEINDORF 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第2期185-197,共13页
Non-agricultural lands are surveyed sparsely in general.Meanwhile,soils in these areas usually exhibit strong spatial variability which requires more samples for producing acceptable estimates.Capulin Volcano National... Non-agricultural lands are surveyed sparsely in general.Meanwhile,soils in these areas usually exhibit strong spatial variability which requires more samples for producing acceptable estimates.Capulin Volcano National Monument,as a typical sparsely-surveyed area,was chosen to assess spatial variability of a variety of soil properties,and furthermore,to investigate its implications for sampling design.One hundred and forty one composited soil samples were collected across the Monument and the surrounding areas.Soil properties including pH,organic matter content,extractable elements such as calcium (Ca),magnesium (Mg),potassium (K),sodium (Na),phosphorus (P),sulfur (S),zinc (Zn),and copper (Cu),as well as sand,silt,and clay percentages were analyzed for each sample.Semivariograms of all properties were constructed,standardized,and compared to estimate the spatial variability of the soil properties in the area.Based on the similarity among standardized semivariograms,we found that the semivariograms could be generalized for physical and chemical properties,respectively.The generalized semivariogram for physical properties had a much greater sill value (2.635) and effective range (7 500 m) than that for chemical properties.Optimal sampling density (OSD),which is derived from the generalized semivariogram and defines the relationship between sampling density and expected error percentage,was proposed to represent,interpret,and compare soil spatial variability and to provide guidance for sample scheme design.OSDs showed that chemical properties exhibit a stronger local spatial variability than soil texture parameters,implying more samples or analysis are required to achieve a similar level of precision. 展开更多
关键词 generalized semivariogram GIS optimal sampling density sampling design
Landslide risk perception and communication for disaster risk management in mountain areas of developing countries:a Mexican foretaste 被引量:6
作者 Irasema ALCáNTARA-AYALA Ana Rosa MORENO 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第12期2079-2093,共15页
The increasing impact of disasters at local,national,regional and global scales in recent decades has provided enough evidence to urgently direct attention towards the necessity of disaster risk reduction and manageme... The increasing impact of disasters at local,national,regional and global scales in recent decades has provided enough evidence to urgently direct attention towards the necessity of disaster risk reduction and management,and this requires knowledge.Knowledge without communication is barren,and to communicate the risk of disaster it is necessary to understand the perception of the people at risk.In particular,this paper deals with the necessity to delineate strategies of risk communication in pursuance of risk knowledge as a core of disaster risk reduction and management,especially in mountain areas of developing countries.To portray this issue,an analysis of landslide risk perception in terms of experience,landslide risk awareness,exposure,preparedness,and risk communication and trust was undertaken in the municipality of Teziutlán,Puebla,Mexico,an area that has been affected for several decades by episodes of mass movement.Analysis of the responses to a risk perception questionnaire has offered valuable insights in terms of the information and knowledge most required by the people living in the area of interest,in order to devise a realistic and functional strategy to communicate the risk of a landslide disaster.This includes better understanding of controlling factorsand drivers of this risk,and the establishment of potential trusted sources of risk communication.Beyond considering practical matters of risk assessment and management,risk perception and communication can increase the resilience of vulnerable people,and can enhance capacity building for present and future generations. 展开更多
关键词 Risk perception Risk communication Landslides Disaster risk Mountain areas
Species and Plant Community Reorganization in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt under Climate Change Conditions
作者 VILLERS-RUIZ Lourdes CASTAEDA-AGUADO Diana 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第6期923-931,共9页
This study analyzes six vegetation communities in relation to current climatic parameters and eight climate change scenarios along an elevation gradient extending from 2,710 m to 4,210 m in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic ... This study analyzes six vegetation communities in relation to current climatic parameters and eight climate change scenarios along an elevation gradient extending from 2,710 m to 4,210 m in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. The projected movements of 25 plant species with the current restricted or wide altitudinal distributions were also modeled. To relate climatic parameters to the species and communities, a Precipitation/Temperature (P/T) index was used both for the current and the different climate-change scenarios. The temperatures are expected to increase by 1.1℃ to 1.7℃ by 2020 and by 2℃ to 3℃ by 2o5o. A decrease of 4% to 13% in the annual precipitation is expected for the 2020 horizon, and a reduction between 3% and 20% is expected for 2050. The reductions in water availability were projected for all altitude levels and plant communities. The most marked reduction was under the HADLEY- A2 scenario, in which the lower limit of the altitudinal range increased from 2,71o to 3,31o m (2050 horizon) with reductions in the P/T index between 36% and 39% compared to the current climate. Most plant species tended to shift their distribution from 20o to 300 m upward in the 2020 temporal horizon scenarios. The Pinus hartwegii, Alnus jorullensis and Pinus montezumae communities would have a shorter altitudinal range as they move upward and merge with the remaining species at the higher altitudinal range. For the 2o5o temporal horizon, 3o% of the species, primarily those from the higher altitudinal range, would disappear because their P/Tindex values would be above the limit of plant survival (〉4,210 m). 展开更多
关键词 Forest communities Climate change Upward movement Natural protected areas
作者 戴海涛 《艺术家》 2021年第10期92-93,共2页
笔墨创新建立在艺术家对传统重彩山水画的深刻体会、认识和把握上。与此同时,它也脱离不了中国哲学思想的滋养。重彩山水画创新可以通过笔墨创新来实现,在重彩山水画教学过程中,教师要把创新与传统联系起来,培养学生的笔墨创新思维,以... 笔墨创新建立在艺术家对传统重彩山水画的深刻体会、认识和把握上。与此同时,它也脱离不了中国哲学思想的滋养。重彩山水画创新可以通过笔墨创新来实现,在重彩山水画教学过程中,教师要把创新与传统联系起来,培养学生的笔墨创新思维,以达到借古开今的目的,促进重彩山水画教学的发展。 展开更多
关键词 重彩士水画 笔墨创新 教学设计
臆断岂能立论 附会何以为据——墨子滕州人说的实地考察报告
作者 郭成智 《湖南科技学院学报》 2005年第3期142-144,共3页
关键词 考察报告 滕州 立论 附会 历史文献 墨家学派 春秋时期 创始人 鲁山县 河南省 出生地
作者 戴天全 《煤炭工程》 1958年第5期16-,共1页
用车辆进行清理的中央井底水仓和箕斗井筒的清理井底外巷,均由两段倾角不同的巷道组成,其间用坚曲线来连接.所以,在计算整个巷道的纵尺寸及其与井底车场的关系时,出现了两个相互制约的未知数.因此,需用二元联立方程式来计算这些尺寸,现... 用车辆进行清理的中央井底水仓和箕斗井筒的清理井底外巷,均由两段倾角不同的巷道组成,其间用坚曲线来连接.所以,在计算整个巷道的纵尺寸及其与井底车场的关系时,出现了两个相互制约的未知数.因此,需用二元联立方程式来计算这些尺寸,现介绍于下.水仓及其清理斜巷的计算井底车锡中,两个并联的水仓,应分别进行计算,其方法完全相同.为了便于叙述,暂把清理水仓的斜巷也看成是水仓的一个部份,并且规定清理斜巷与水仓通道连接处为水仓的起点,水仓的分水巷与水仓连接处为水仓的终点. 展开更多
关键词 斜巷 水巷 通道连接 中央井 水官 清理方法 水泵房 卜士 垂直高度 墨山
作者 Bambetel +2 位作者 Burkhard Dammer 李薇 范嘉苑(译) 《现代装饰(家居)》 2015年第7期80-85,共6页
竹,在中国是一种拥有深厚文化底蕴的植物,它被文人赋予了丰富的文化内涵。"宁可食无肉,不可居无竹。无肉令人瘦,无竹令人俗。"竹子清新高雅,具有不媚不谄的品格,深受文人墨客的喜爱。木,一种最古老和常见的物料,温润朴实,拥有天然的纹... 竹,在中国是一种拥有深厚文化底蕴的植物,它被文人赋予了丰富的文化内涵。"宁可食无肉,不可居无竹。无肉令人瘦,无竹令人俗。"竹子清新高雅,具有不媚不谄的品格,深受文人墨客的喜爱。木,一种最古老和常见的物料,温润朴实,拥有天然的纹理,当设计融入质朴的原木之中,就会散发出一种自然情怀。竹与木,都是打造家居用品常用的材料之一,而不同的设计师运用竹木则可以表现出不同的意蕴气质,营造出不同格调的生活空间。在本期的竹木家居主题中,国内工作室自然家以丝竹为物料设计的灯具,简洁却视觉丰富, 展开更多
关键词 名片盒 生活空间 文化底蕴 令人 方寸之间 墨山水画 墨山 黑胡桃木 completed 母盘
金山嘉祐禅寺元代圣旨碑 被引量:1
作者 李文仲 《文物天地》 1996年第3期24-25,共9页
浚州金山嘉祐禅寺原有一通元朝仁宗皇庆元年(1312)刊刻的《圣旨碑》,寺、碑已毁,其碑拓现存河南省鹤壁市博物馆。因其有值得重视的研究价值,现予发表,供研究者参考。浚州(后改称浚县),在元代属大名路。现划归鹤壁市。金山嘉祐禅寺遗址,... 浚州金山嘉祐禅寺原有一通元朝仁宗皇庆元年(1312)刊刻的《圣旨碑》,寺、碑已毁,其碑拓现存河南省鹤壁市博物馆。因其有值得重视的研究价值,现予发表,供研究者参考。浚州(后改称浚县),在元代属大名路。现划归鹤壁市。金山嘉祐禅寺遗址,在鹤壁市郊蔡庄村西黑山南麓,距浚县县城八十余里。《浚县志·山水》载:'县西北八十里,桀然而峙者曰黑山,一名墨山,形如展箕,岩石奇怪,其色苍黑。山之东有寺,曰嘉祐寺'。 展开更多
关键词 圣旨碑 嘉祐 浚州 墨山 蔡庄村 大名路 河南省鹤壁市 皇庆 通元 枯禅
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