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作者 孔祥东 《收藏与投资》 2016年第1期130-133,共4页
大约在1998年末,我从一行家手上购得林散之诗稿三种,一为《卖书四首》,25cm×55cm,4300元;二为《挽镇江苗丈辛叟二首》,20cm×67cm,4500元;三为《题画友李山新疆写生稿》,15cm×69cm,4200元。有一个早先想买的人看到诗稿到... 大约在1998年末,我从一行家手上购得林散之诗稿三种,一为《卖书四首》,25cm×55cm,4300元;二为《挽镇江苗丈辛叟二首》,20cm×67cm,4500元;三为《题画友李山新疆写生稿》,15cm×69cm,4200元。有一个早先想买的人看到诗稿到我手上甚感不解,卖家原来就要这个价,他说挽诗不吉利,希望便宜一点,卖家硬是不同意;过两天想买的人主动投降,带钱上门,卖家却回绝他说不卖了。怎么又全部卖给了我?大概是我看到挽诗称赞说:是少有的精品。 展开更多
关键词 林散之 诗稿 李山 汪亚尘 高剑父 壁鱼 结字 中国美术会 去住 淮阴县
作者 黄家琦 罗宏伟 《音乐世界》 1991年第3期24-25,共2页
关键词 采油树 如水 解理 壁鱼 草土 朝夕相伴 流江 一著
作者 李婷 黄虎威 《音乐世界》 1989年第9期14-14,共1页
关键词 对我说 壁鱼 三遥
《北京物价》 2003年第Z1期31-31,共1页
关键词 壁鱼 牛川
Development of a Cross-Flow Fish Smoking Kiln Fired by Biomass Material
作者 Ajiboye Solomon Oyerinde Agboola Simeon Ogunlowo Olawale John Olukunle 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2013年第7期531-541,共11页
Traditional smoking of fish in Nigeria is often carried out in open and unsanitary environment. In addition, the current process does not result in uniformly smoked fish and uses wood (an increasingly scarce material... Traditional smoking of fish in Nigeria is often carried out in open and unsanitary environment. In addition, the current process does not result in uniformly smoked fish and uses wood (an increasingly scarce material) as heat source. The fish smoking kiln designed and fabricated in this study addresses these problems. The kiln (700 × 800 × 1,500 mm) is made of stainless steel on the inside and mild steel on the outside with glass fiber insulation separating the inside and outside covers. The sample to be smoked is totally enclosed by the kiln with a latchable door provided at one of the sides for placing of samples to be smoked. In addition, the kiln was designed to use waste biomass resource as fuels (sawdust and/or maizecob). Bonga fish (Ethmalosafimbriata) and African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) were used as test samples for the kiln. The temperature of the chamber increased to about 120 ℃ to 160 ℃ when fueled with sawdust and about 150 ℃ to 200 ℃ for maizecob. The total heat transfer resistance through the kiln walls was determined to be 1.0 ℃/W. About 6-8 h was required to smoke-dry 16 kg of fish samples from initial moisture content of 75% to about 25% or 20% moisture level. 展开更多
关键词 Smoking kiln SAWDUST maizecob Bonga CATFISH biomass material.
Neurolin expression in the optic nerve and immunoreactivity of Pax6-positive niches in the brain of rainbow trout(Oncorhynchus mykiss) after unilateral eye injury 被引量:1
作者 Evgeniya V.Pushchina Anatoly A.Varaksin 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第1期156-171,共16页
In contrast to astrocytes in mammals, fish astrocytes promote axon regeneration after brain injury and actively participate in the regeneration process. Neurolin, a regeneration-associated, Zn8-1abeled protein, is inv... In contrast to astrocytes in mammals, fish astrocytes promote axon regeneration after brain injury and actively participate in the regeneration process. Neurolin, a regeneration-associated, Zn8-1abeled protein, is involved in the repair of damaged optic nerve in goldfish. At 1 week after unilateral eye injury, the ex- pression of neurolin in the optic nerve and chiasm, and the expression of Pax6 that influences nervous system development in various brain regions in the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were detected. Immunohistochemical staining revealed that the number of Zn8~ cells in the optic nerve head and intraor- bital segment was obviously increased, and the increase in Zn8~ cells was also observed in the proximal and distal parts of injured optic nerve. This suggests that Zn8* astrocytes participate in optic nerve regeneration. ELISA results revealed that Pax6 protein increased obviously at 1 week post-injury. Immunohistochemi- cal staining revealed the appearance of Pax6+ neurogenic niches and a larger number of neural precursor cells, which are mainly from Pax6+ radial glia cells, in the nuclei of the diencephalon and optic tectum of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Taken together, unilateral eye injury can cause optic nerve reaction, and the formation of neurogenic niches is likely a compensation phenomenon during the repair process of optic nerve injury in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). 展开更多
关键词 optic nerve injury neurolin Zn8 PAX6 rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) radial ilia cells MICROENVIRONMENT neural regeneration
Histology of the Body Wall of the Piscine Leech, Cystibranchus mastacembeli (Hirudinea: Piscicolidae)
作者 Zohair Ibraheem Fattohy Rahemo Narmin Rafiq Hamad 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2013年第2期136-143,共8页
The histology of the body wall of the fish parasitic leech, Cystibranchus masstacembeli Rahemo, 1989 collected from freshwater eel, Mastacembelus simach was investigated. The body wall found consists of five layers, n... The histology of the body wall of the fish parasitic leech, Cystibranchus masstacembeli Rahemo, 1989 collected from freshwater eel, Mastacembelus simach was investigated. The body wall found consists of five layers, namely: cuticle, epidermis, dennis, muscle layer and botryoidal tissue. Cuticle is very thin layer, casting was evident in some sections, annulation was also seen in longitudinal sections, some time with sensory structures inside the crypts. Epidermis with hammer-shaped ceils, these cells are broad towards the outer and narrower towards their inner ends. In some sections intensively stained haematoxylin-eosin granules from which neck-like tubes leads with filiform projections outward to open to the exterior by minute apertures. Dermis is thicker than epidermis, with distinct large cells connected by a connective tissue and some muscle fibers, also large vacuoles or empty vesicles were detected which are haemocoelomic capillaries, which along with those situated in the epidermis make a respiratory membrane of this leech. Muscle layer consists of outer circular and inner longitudinal, the later is more abundant and occupies more space than the circular. Botryoidal tissue fills the spaces between body wall and inner intestinal or crop diverticulae, its tissue is composed of more or less rounded cells, more eosinophilic cytoplasm but with dark nuclei, intermingled with small oblique or radial muscle fibers, haemocoelomic spaces were also evident in this layer. 展开更多
关键词 HISTOLOGY body wall FISHES
作者 张显成 《古籍研究》 1998年第1期16-,38,共2页
衣鱼、白鱼、蛃鱼,三名同一物(此物还有'蠹鱼'、'壁鱼'、'蟑鱼'诸名),均指一种小虫,中药以之入药。可是,从清儒开始,对这三名的语源(即传统训诂学所说的'得名之由')的训释就错了。下面先看前人的论述:... 衣鱼、白鱼、蛃鱼,三名同一物(此物还有'蠹鱼'、'壁鱼'、'蟑鱼'诸名),均指一种小虫,中药以之入药。可是,从清儒开始,对这三名的语源(即传统训诂学所说的'得名之由')的训释就错了。下面先看前人的论述:《尔雅·释虫》:'蟑,白鱼。'郭璞注:'衣中书鱼,一名蛃鱼。'郝懿行义疏:'白鱼长仅半寸(8至9毫米——笔者),颇有鱼形而歧尾,身如傅粉华色,可观,亦名壁鱼,一名蠹鱼。'《广雅·释虫》:'白鱼,蛃鱼也。'王念孙疏证引《图经本草》云:'今人谓之壁鱼,白鱼能啮书及衣,故又名蠹鱼。'又引《尔雅翼》云:'衣书中虫,始则黄色,既老而身有粉。 展开更多
关键词 壁鱼 郝懿行 传统训诂学 释虫 尔雅翼 郭璞注 义疏 王念 得名之由
《中国拍卖》 2005年第5期1-1,共1页
上回在“治大国如烹小鲜”一文中我们分析了一些行业从冷到热所遇到的固有难题在拍卖发展中亦开始凸现。处理得当与否,事实成败。读张会长报告,使我们更清醒地认识了形势:中国拍卖行业未来一个阶段的主要矛盾,是和拍卖企业数量的过快增... 上回在“治大国如烹小鲜”一文中我们分析了一些行业从冷到热所遇到的固有难题在拍卖发展中亦开始凸现。处理得当与否,事实成败。读张会长报告,使我们更清醒地认识了形势:中国拍卖行业未来一个阶段的主要矛盾,是和拍卖企业数量的过快增长做斗争。那么,如何有效地控制增长速度,十分关键。 展开更多
关键词 拍卖行业 安出 如烹小鲜 中拍协 增长速度 中亦 资金门槛 文中 外松 壁鱼
作者 路新 《小哥白尼(军事科学)》 2014年第5期16-19,共4页
我们已经在这片山谷徘徊了两个月之久,战斗仍然在继续。乱石中,密林里,我们同罗马帝国的强大兵团追逐、相遇,并且抗衡着。他们将我们称为巴尔干半岛上无事生非的哥特人,土壤的贫瘠和匈奴人的侵扰让我们不得不一次次收起帐篷,趁着夜色出... 我们已经在这片山谷徘徊了两个月之久,战斗仍然在继续。乱石中,密林里,我们同罗马帝国的强大兵团追逐、相遇,并且抗衡着。他们将我们称为巴尔干半岛上无事生非的哥特人,土壤的贫瘠和匈奴人的侵扰让我们不得不一次次收起帐篷,趁着夜色出发,在战马与长矛的护佑下四处游荡……直至那一天,我们得到罗马帝国皇帝瓦伦斯的允许,得以跨过多瑙河,定居在帝国境内。作为回报,我们要用铁与血的代价为帝国御边。然而,安定的生活并没胡如期而至。帝国士兵无端的驱使和虐待,终于令我们忍无可忍。因此,抵御外敌、保护边境的长矛与剑调转了方向,指向罗马帝国的强大兵团。 展开更多
关键词 阿德里安堡 哥特人 瓦伦斯 四处游荡 拉法 匈奴人 大队人马 拉克斯 壁鱼 拉特
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