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基于声粒子分布积分的无网格声场计算方法 被引量:4
作者 曾向阳 王海涛 杜博凯 《应用声学》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期84-89,共6页
小尺度封闭空间内部声场的数值计算是声学设计、噪声控制等领域的关键技术。由于波动声学及几何声学方法计算频率上的限制,中频段声场计算问题一直是个难点。本文以声学无网格法为基础,提出了一种基于声粒子分布积分的无网格声场数值计... 小尺度封闭空间内部声场的数值计算是声学设计、噪声控制等领域的关键技术。由于波动声学及几何声学方法计算频率上的限制,中频段声场计算问题一直是个难点。本文以声学无网格法为基础,提出了一种基于声粒子分布积分的无网格声场数值计算方法。文中利用声线跟踪理论计算声场中的声粒子分布,并以某个时间点上的声粒子作为蒙特卡罗法中的积分点,将其应用于无网格法中,从而获得声场中的节点声压。利用该方法对一个矩形封闭空间的中低频声场进行了计算,并与模态叠加法、商用声场计算软件、经典无网格法的结果进行了对比,证明基于声粒子分布积分的无网格声场数值计算方法在中低频段相较于传统基于网格的方法具有更高的精度。 展开更多
关键词 小尺度封闭空间 无网格法 声粒子跟踪 蒙特卡罗积分 中频段
利用变径声粒子进行空间声场的仿真 被引量:1
作者 吴勃 赵毅 姜根山 《电声技术》 北大核心 2002年第6期11-15,共5页
关键词 变径声粒子 空间 仿真
声线跟踪法的改进—变径声粒子跟踪法 被引量:1
作者 刘波 赵毅 《华北电力大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2003年第2期87-89,共3页
对房间声学计算机模拟方法中的经典方法之——声线跟踪法进行了分析。借用声粒子的概念,提出了用跟踪变径声粒子进行房间声学仿真的方法。在拥有较高仿真速度的同时,该方法克服了声线跟踪法中接收器区域大小选择的困难。用Visual Basic ... 对房间声学计算机模拟方法中的经典方法之——声线跟踪法进行了分析。借用声粒子的概念,提出了用跟踪变径声粒子进行房间声学仿真的方法。在拥有较高仿真速度的同时,该方法克服了声线跟踪法中接收器区域大小选择的困难。用Visual Basic 6.0编制了仿真程序并进行了仿真实验。 展开更多
关键词 线跟踪法 声粒子 计算机模拟
作者 +2 位作者 向云(译) 阎锋(校) 《国外铁道车辆》 2021年第4期37-42,共6页
关键词 车内噪 贡献度 声粒子速度 传递函数 日本
作者 闫孝姮 淡新贤 +1 位作者 陈伟华 刘方田 《电工技术学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第14期4305-4316,共12页
感应式磁声磁粒子浓度成像(MACT-MI)是一种基于磁声耦合效应的磁性纳米粒子(MNPs)浓度成像新方法。由于其磁声信号的信噪比低,导致系统成像质量不佳,该文提出一种改善MACT-MI信噪比的新思路:首先,基于经典目标场法(TFM)设计梯度线圈的思... 感应式磁声磁粒子浓度成像(MACT-MI)是一种基于磁声耦合效应的磁性纳米粒子(MNPs)浓度成像新方法。由于其磁声信号的信噪比低,导致系统成像质量不佳,该文提出一种改善MACT-MI信噪比的新思路:首先,基于经典目标场法(TFM)设计梯度线圈的思路,将最小化磁场相对误差定义为适应度函数,并采用鲸鱼优化算法对电流密度系数进行优化,设计了一种结构灵活、激励简单的高质量梯度磁场线圈;其次,为研究梯度磁场空间分布特征对MACT-MI的影响,该文构建不同的MNPs分布模型,并利用多物理场仿真软件COMSOL对MACT-MI的物理过程进行数值求解,得到成像区域的磁力和声压分布。仿真结果表明,磁力和声压的有效波动范围与梯度磁场均匀空间的大小成正比,且随着均匀空间的缩小,磁力和声压的峰值也随之衰减,通过提高磁场的均匀度可以有效提高磁声信号的信噪比,改善系统成像质量。研究结果可为成像装备的设计以及MACT-MI的后续实验应用提供研究基础。 展开更多
关键词 粒子浓度成像 目标场法 梯度磁场 均匀空间
作者 卢涛 刘纪龙 +1 位作者 朱卫民 齐芳 《计量学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第12期1849-1854,共6页
为解决传统基于自相关器的实验系统检测空气自由场声压时自相关延迟时间τ值步进过大的问题,基于光子自相关法搭建了消声箱环境、并设制了无固定频移的光路系统、信号采集及处理系统。该系统将自相关延迟时间的步进值减小到1μs,相较于... 为解决传统基于自相关器的实验系统检测空气自由场声压时自相关延迟时间τ值步进过大的问题,基于光子自相关法搭建了消声箱环境、并设制了无固定频移的光路系统、信号采集及处理系统。该系统将自相关延迟时间的步进值减小到1μs,相较于传统基于自相关器的实验系统声压测量误差减少0.2 dB。最后,与传声器法和传统光子自相关法进行了比较,在600~1200 Hz范围内对106.4 dB声压的测量结果表明:该声压测量方法对空气声场声压的测量最大偏差为0.6 dB。 展开更多
关键词 学计量 压测量 光子自相关法 延迟时间 声粒子振速 器法
相同极性永磁体对感应式磁声磁粒子浓度成像过程影响的仿真 被引量:3
作者 闫孝姮 李政兴 +1 位作者 潘也 陈伟华 《电工技术学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第8期1926-1937,共12页
感应式磁声磁粒子浓度成像(MACT-MI)是一种基于磁声耦合效应的磁性纳米粒子(MNPs)浓度成像新方法,为降低激励源幅值、增大磁声信号的信噪比,该文提出一种加入相同极性永磁体的MACT-MI新思路。根据Langevin顺磁理论,研究加入相同极性的... 感应式磁声磁粒子浓度成像(MACT-MI)是一种基于磁声耦合效应的磁性纳米粒子(MNPs)浓度成像新方法,为降低激励源幅值、增大磁声信号的信噪比,该文提出一种加入相同极性永磁体的MACT-MI新思路。根据Langevin顺磁理论,研究加入相同极性的永磁体后MACT-MI的电磁学与声学特性,进而对磁体系统进行设计,同时构建浓度渐变模型,采用多物理场仿真软件COMSOL对MACT-MI的物理过程进行求解,得到磁通密度、磁力和声压的二维分布及其对应的一维曲线。研究结果表明,加入相同极性永磁体后,MNPs受到的磁力更强,从而激发信噪比更大的磁声信号,有利于声信号的获取,在所设计的磁体系统激励下,MNPs产生的声压呈上下对称分布且方向相反,浓度均匀模型中声压的峰值出现在浓度边界处,浓度渐变模型声压的峰值出现在渐变中心处。研究结果可为成像装备的设计以及MACT-MI的后续实验乃至临床应用提供研究基础。 展开更多
关键词 磁性纳米粒子 相同极性永磁体 感应式磁粒子浓度成像 磁力
基于矩阵式线圈的感应式磁声磁粒子浓度成像研究 被引量:1
作者 闫孝姮 李政兴 +2 位作者 孙迪 陈伟华 高鹏 《电工技术学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第17期4269-4283,共15页
感应式磁声磁粒子浓度成像(MACT-MI)是一种基于磁声耦合效应的磁性纳米粒子(MNPs)浓度成像新方法,为降低激励源幅值,产生更加稳定的声压信号,该文提出一种基于矩阵式线圈的磁声磁粒子浓度成像系统,采用天牛须-鱼群优化算法对矩阵式线圈... 感应式磁声磁粒子浓度成像(MACT-MI)是一种基于磁声耦合效应的磁性纳米粒子(MNPs)浓度成像新方法,为降低激励源幅值,产生更加稳定的声压信号,该文提出一种基于矩阵式线圈的磁声磁粒子浓度成像系统,采用天牛须-鱼群优化算法对矩阵式线圈进行优化设计,根据优化结果采用多物理场仿真软件COMSOL对MACT-MI的物理过程进行求解,并将结果与Maxwell线圈进行对比,同时基于实际生物组织环境中的MNPs分布,构建浓度渐变模型,得到了成像区域的磁力、声压分布。结果表明,该文设计的矩阵式线圈能在较小的激励下产生大小相等且分布更为均匀的梯度磁场,从而产生更为稳定的声压信号;根据所构建的浓度渐变模型,MNPs所受磁力和声压波形宽度均与渐变区域宽度成正比,声压峰值与渐变区域的浓度梯度成正比。研究结果可为成像装备的设计以及MACT-MI的后续实验乃至临床应用提供研究基础。 展开更多
关键词 粒子浓度成像 天牛须-鱼群算法 矩阵式线圈 浓度渐变 磁力
作者 魏广宇 陈凝飞 仇志勇 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第1期155-165,共11页
基于包含驱动和阻尼的三波非线性相互作用模型,构建了一个描述高能量粒子测地声模(EGAM)与Dimits区漂移波湍流相互作用的系统,并在系统的线性增长及非线性振荡阶段分别进行了解析和数值研究.更进一步的数值结果表明,在忽略EGAM的贡献时... 基于包含驱动和阻尼的三波非线性相互作用模型,构建了一个描述高能量粒子测地声模(EGAM)与Dimits区漂移波湍流相互作用的系统,并在系统的线性增长及非线性振荡阶段分别进行了解析和数值研究.更进一步的数值结果表明,在忽略EGAM的贡献时,该系统具有随着线性驱动/阻尼率等参数的变化,从极限环振荡经历倍周期分岔最终进入混沌的行为特征.在此基础上,形式上构建了本系统的非线性饱和Dimits区,并研究了EGAM对Dimits区漂移波的影响.结果表明,对于不同幅度和频率的EGAM,被调制后的漂移波将表现出受到激发或抑制的效果.对此,采用相空间分析的方法给出了相应的解释. 展开更多
关键词 漂移波 带状流 高能量粒子测地 三波非线性耦合
Application and optimization design of non-obstructive particle damping-phononic crystal vibration isolator in viaduct structure-borne noise reduction
作者 SHI Duo-jia ZHAO Cai-you +3 位作者 ZHANG Xin-hao ZHENG Jun-yuan WEI Na-chao WANG Ping 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第7期2513-2531,共19页
The problems associated with vibrations of viaducts and low-frequency structural noise radiation caused by train excitation continue to increase in importance.A new floating-slab track vibration isolator-non-obstructi... The problems associated with vibrations of viaducts and low-frequency structural noise radiation caused by train excitation continue to increase in importance.A new floating-slab track vibration isolator-non-obstructive particle damping-phononic crystal vibration isolator is proposed herein,which uses the particle damping vibration absorption technology and bandgap vibration control theory.The vibration reduction performance of the NOPD-PCVI was analyzed from the perspective of vibration control.The paper explores the structure-borne noise reduction performance of the NOPD-PCVIs installed on different bridge structures under varying service conditions encountered in practical engineering applications.The load transferred to the bridge is obtained from a coupled train-FST-bridge analytical model considering the different structural parameters of bridges.The vibration responses are obtained using the finite element method,while the structural noise radiation is simulated using the frequency-domain boundary element method.Using the particle swarm optimization algorithm,the parameters of the NOPD-PCVI are optimized so that its frequency bandgap matches the dominant bridge structural noise frequency range.The noise reduction performance of the NOPD-PCVIs is compared to the steel-spring isolation under different service conditions. 展开更多
关键词 non-obstructive particle damping phononic crystal vibration isolator band gap optimization floating-slab track bridge structure-borne noise control particle swarm optimization
Superparticles Formed by Amphiphilic Tadpole-like Single Chain Polymeric Nanoparticles and Their Application as an Ultrasonic Responsive Drug Carrier
作者 江力 李会亚 陈道勇 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第2期211-218,I0002,共9页
Herein, we report self-assembly of tadpole-like single chain polymeric nanoparticles (TPPs) and the ultrasonic response of the resultant superparticles. The TPPs are with an intramolecularly crosslinked poly(2-(me... Herein, we report self-assembly of tadpole-like single chain polymeric nanoparticles (TPPs) and the ultrasonic response of the resultant superparticles. The TPPs are with an intramolecularly crosslinked poly(2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl pent-4-ynoate)-rpoly(hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PMAEP-r-PHEMA) chain as the "head" and a poly(2- (dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate (PDMAEMA) linear chain as the "tail", and are pre- pared simply and emciently by Glaser-coupling of the pendant alkynes in the PMAEP-r- PHEMA block in the common solvent methanol. The formation of the TPPs was confirmed by gel permeation chromatograph, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering, static dynamic scattering, and transmission electron microscopy. In aqueous solution, the amphiphilic TPPs could self-assemble into regular superparticles, driven by aggregation of the hydrophobic "heads". Since in the structure there is no chain entanglement and the embedding of PDMAEMA chains disturb close-packing of the "heads", the superpartieles are responsive to a low-energy ultrasonic vibration, as evidenced by greatly enhanced release of the functional molecules from the superparticles by treatment of a low-energy ultrasound. Therefore, the superparticles should be very promising in the use as the drug carriers that can be manipulated from a long distance, considering that ultrasonic energy can be focused at a small area in a relatively long distance from the ultrasound-radiating source. 展开更多
关键词 Single chain polymer nanoparticles Superparticles Ultrasonic response Drug carrier
Ruthenium nanoparticles supported on mesoporous MCM-41 as an efficient and reusable catalyst for selective oxidation of arenes under ultrasound irradiation 被引量:3
作者 Alireza Khorshidi 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期153-158,共6页
Mesoporous MCM-41 was used as a support for the uniform dispersion of ruthenium nanoparticles having an average particle size of 5 nm.The obtained nanocomposite,MCM-41-Ru,was characterized using inductively coupled pl... Mesoporous MCM-41 was used as a support for the uniform dispersion of ruthenium nanoparticles having an average particle size of 5 nm.The obtained nanocomposite,MCM-41-Ru,was characterized using inductively coupled plasma,transmission electron microscopy,energy dispersive X-ray analysis,X-ray diffraction,and BET surface area measurements.The material was employed as an efficient and recyclable catalyst in the ultrasound-assisted oxidation of arenes.It was observed that ultrasound irradiation in combination with KBrO3 as the oxidant,in the presence of MCM-41-Ru nanoparticles,accelerates the oxidation reaction to afford the desired products in good yields.The recovered catalyst retained activity for successive runs,with a continuous change in the nature of its active sites. 展开更多
关键词 Nanoparticle Ultrasound RUTHENIUM Arene oxidation MCM-41
Limit Properties of One Dimensional Periodic Hopping Model 被引量:1
作者 张云新 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第1期65-68,I0001,I0002,共6页
One dimensional periodic hopping model is useful to understand the motion of microscopic particles in thermal noise environment. In this research, by formal calculation and based on detailed balance, the explicit expr... One dimensional periodic hopping model is useful to understand the motion of microscopic particles in thermal noise environment. In this research, by formal calculation and based on detailed balance, the explicit expressions of the limits of mean velocity and diffusion constant of this model as the number of internal mechanochemical sates tend to infinity are obtained.These results will be helpful to understand the limit of the one dimensional hopping model.At the same time, the work can be used to get more useful results in continuous form from the corresponding ones obtained by discrete models. 展开更多
关键词 Diffusion constant Mean velocity Hopping model
An Improved Gaussian Particle Filter Algorithm Using KLD-Sampling 被引量:1
作者 ZHOU Zhaihe ZHONG Yulu +1 位作者 ZENG Qingxi TIAN Xiangrui 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2020年第4期607-614,共8页
To adjust the samples of filtering adaptively,an improved Gaussian particle filter algorithm based on Kullback-Leibler divergence(KLD)-sampling(KLGPF)is proposed in this paper.During the process of sampling,the algori... To adjust the samples of filtering adaptively,an improved Gaussian particle filter algorithm based on Kullback-Leibler divergence(KLD)-sampling(KLGPF)is proposed in this paper.During the process of sampling,the algorithm calculates the KLD to adjust the size of the particle set between the discrete probability density function of particles and the true posterior probability density function.KLGPF has significant effect when the noise obeys Gaussian distribution and the statistical characteristics of noise change abruptly.Simulation results show that KLGPF could maintain a good estimation effect when the noise statistics changes abruptly.Compared with the particle filter algorithm using KLD-sampling(KLPF),the speed of KLGPF increases by 28%under the same conditions. 展开更多
关键词 particle filter Gaussian particle filter KLD-sampling noise mutation adaptive particle numbers
Asymmetric Effects on Escape Rates of Bistable System 被引量:2
作者 王参军 戴祖诚 梅冬成 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第12期1041-1044,共4页
The asymmetric effects on the escape rates from the stable states x±in the bistable system are analyzed. The results indicate that the multiplicative noise and the additive noise always enhance the particle escap... The asymmetric effects on the escape rates from the stable states x±in the bistable system are analyzed. The results indicate that the multiplicative noise and the additive noise always enhance the particle escape from stable states x±of bistable.However,the asymmetric parameter r enhances the particle escape from stable state x_+,and holds back the particle escape from stable state x_-. 展开更多
关键词 bistable system escape rate asymmetric effects noise
Dynamics analysis of vibration process in Particle Impact Noise Detection 被引量:2
作者 ZHANG Hui ZHOU Chang-lei +1 位作者 WANG Shu-juan ZHAI Guo-fu 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第3期444-448,共5页
Particle Impact Noise Detection (PIND) test is a reliability screening technique for hermetic device that is prescribed by MIL-PRF-39016E. Some test conditions are specified, although MIL-PRF-39016E did not specify ho... Particle Impact Noise Detection (PIND) test is a reliability screening technique for hermetic device that is prescribed by MIL-PRF-39016E. Some test conditions are specified, although MIL-PRF-39016E did not specify how to obtain these condi- tions. This paper establishes the dynamics model of vibration process based on first order mass-spring system. The corresponding Simulink model is also established to simulate vibration process in optional input excitations. The response equations are derived in sinusoidal excitations and the required electromagnetic force waves are computed in order to obtain a given vibration and shock accelerations. Last, some simulation results are given. 展开更多
关键词 Particle Impact Noise Detection (PIND) VIBRATION Electromagnetic force
Method for grinding and delaminating muscovite 被引量:1
作者 Shirleny Fontes Santos Silvia Cristina Alves Franca Tsuneharu Ogasawara 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第1期7-10,共4页
A method of dry grinding muscovite based on the use of knife-mills is reported.It was possible to produce mica with a particle size below 100 and 45μm.After grinding,the samples were submitted to sonication treatment... A method of dry grinding muscovite based on the use of knife-mills is reported.It was possible to produce mica with a particle size below 100 and 45μm.After grinding,the samples were submitted to sonication treatment,which promoted delamination of the material.The particle size distribution shows that sonicated mica has more particles in the size range 10-50μm than does non-sonicated mica have. This also indicates a decrease in the average particle size.Characterization of the treated muscovite by scanning electron microscopy revealed a highly delaminated material with a plate-like structure.The products were characterized by chemical analysis and X-ray diffraction,too.This mica has already been used for the synthesis of pearlescent pigments. 展开更多
关键词 Muscovite Grinding Ultrasound treatment Mineral processing
Sono-assisted preparation of magnetic ferroferric oxide/graphene oxide nanoparticles and application on dye removal 被引量:4
作者 江国栋 常青 +2 位作者 杨福福 胡晓允 唐和清 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第3期510-515,共6页
A simple ultrasound-assisted co-precipitation method was developed to prepare ferroferric oxide/graphene oxide magnetic nanoparticles(Fe_3O_4/CO MNPs).The hysteresis loop of Fe_3O_4/GO MNPs demonstrated that the sampl... A simple ultrasound-assisted co-precipitation method was developed to prepare ferroferric oxide/graphene oxide magnetic nanoparticles(Fe_3O_4/CO MNPs).The hysteresis loop of Fe_3O_4/GO MNPs demonstrated that the sample was typical of superparamagnetic material.The samples were characterized by transmission electron microscope,and it is found that the particles are of small size.The Fe_3O_4/GO MNPs were further used as an adsorbent to remove Rhodamine B.The effects of initial pH of the solution,the dosage of adsorbent,temperature,contact time and the presence of interfering dyes on adsorption performance were investigated as well.The adsorption equilibrium and kinetics data were fitted well with the Freundlich isotherm and the pseudosecond-order kinetic model respectively.The adsorption process followed intra-particle diffusion model with more than one process affecting the adsorption of Rhodamine B.And the adsorption process was endothermic in nature.Furthermore,the magnetic composite with a high adsorption capacity of Rhodamine B could be effectively and simply separated using an external magnetic field.And the used particles could be regenerated and recycled easily.The magnetic composite could find potential applications for the removal of dye pollutants. 展开更多
关键词 Fe3O4/graphene oxide nanoparticles Sonochemical synthesis Adsorption Kinetic modeling Equilibrium Regeneration
A Particle Filter Based Compressive Sensing Method for Tracking Moving Wideband Sound Sources 被引量:2
作者 Juan Wei Fengli Yue +2 位作者 Runyu Li Wenjing Wang Dan Gao 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第5期197-210,共14页
Tracking moving wideband sound sources is one of the most challenging issues in the acoustic array signal processing which is based on the direction of arrival(DOA) estimation. Compressive sensing(CS) is a recent theo... Tracking moving wideband sound sources is one of the most challenging issues in the acoustic array signal processing which is based on the direction of arrival(DOA) estimation. Compressive sensing(CS) is a recent theory exploring the signal sparsity representation, which has been proved to be superior for the DOA estimation. However, the spatial aliasing and the offset at endfire are the main obstacles for CS applied in the wideband DOA estimation. We propose a particle filter based compressive sensing method for tracking moving wideband sound sources. First, the initial DOA estimates are obtained by wideband CS algorithms. Then, the real sources are approximated by a set of particles with different weights assigned. The kernel density estimator is used as the likelihood function of particle filter. We present the results for both uniform and random linear array. Simulation results show that the spatial aliasing is disappeared and the offset at endfire is reduced. We show that the proposed method can achieve satisfactory tracking performance regardless of using uniform or random linear array. 展开更多
关键词 direction of arrival TRACKING compressive sensing particle filter wideband sound sources
A geometric Model for the Spatial Correlation of an Acoustic Vector Field in Surface-generated Noise 被引量:4
作者 Yiwang Huang (1) huangyiwang@hrbeu.edu.cn Qunyan Ren (12) Ting Li (3) 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2012年第1期119-125,共7页
Spatial correlation of sound pressure and particle velocity of the surface noise in horizontally stratified media was demonstrated, with directional noise sources uniformly distributed on the ocean surface. In the eva... Spatial correlation of sound pressure and particle velocity of the surface noise in horizontally stratified media was demonstrated, with directional noise sources uniformly distributed on the ocean surface. In the evaluation of particle velocity, plane wave approximation was applied to each incident ray. Due to the equivalence of the sound source correlation property and its directivity, solutions for the spatial correlation of the field were transformed into the integration of the coherent function generated by a single directional source. As a typical horizontally stratified media, surface noise in a perfect waveguide was investigated. Correlation coefficients given by normal mode and geometric models show satisfactory agreement. Also, the normalized covariance between sound pressure and the vertical component of particle velocity is proportional to acoustic absorption coefficient, while that of the surface noise in semi-infinitely homogeneous space is zero. 展开更多
关键词 spatial correlation sound pressure and particle velocity surthce noise stratitied media ray theory
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