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佳华广场中庭网壳工程的动力分析 被引量:1
作者 闫旭 魏德敏 《工程力学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2001年第A03期38-41,共4页
本文采用ETABS 有限元分析软件,对昆明佳华中庭网壳工程进行了动力反应分析,得出了结构的周期极其相应的空间振型,并采用三条地震波对结构进行了时程反应分析,得出了一些有意义的结论。
关键词 有限元分析 动力持性 时程分析 广场 中庭 壳工程
本质安全理念在郫县体育场馆网壳工程项目中的应用 被引量:1
作者 覃明 《四川建筑》 2016年第6期245-247,共3页
"本质安全"的原理已成为一种新的安全管理理念和风险控制方法,郫县体育馆网壳工程作为郫县体育馆项目的一个主要单位工程,在施工过程中,存在高处作业、吊装作业、立体交叉作业、施工机具集中、作业人员密集等诸多危险源,发生... "本质安全"的原理已成为一种新的安全管理理念和风险控制方法,郫县体育馆网壳工程作为郫县体育馆项目的一个主要单位工程,在施工过程中,存在高处作业、吊装作业、立体交叉作业、施工机具集中、作业人员密集等诸多危险源,发生各种伤害事故的概率较大。文章结合现场施工实际,在施工过程中贯彻本质安全理念,打造项目本质安全。 展开更多
关键词 体育馆网壳工程 危险源 本质安全
作者 宋红智 《建筑技术》 北大核心 1995年第1期41-42,共2页
早拆支撑用于模壳工程的施工方法宋红智(天津市第三建筑工程公司,300160)天津市长途电讯综合楼高141m,共31层。主楼部分高98m,双向均为5个开间。除四角4个开间为钢筋混凝土筒体外,中间各开间均采用模壳支设的钢... 早拆支撑用于模壳工程的施工方法宋红智(天津市第三建筑工程公司,300160)天津市长途电讯综合楼高141m,共31层。主楼部分高98m,双向均为5个开间。除四角4个开间为钢筋混凝土筒体外,中间各开间均采用模壳支设的钢筋混凝土现浇双向密肋楼盖。密肋梁的... 展开更多
关键词 壳工程 早拆支撑 施工方法
作者 刘毓军 《新世纪水泥导报》 CAS 2015年第B12期50-52,共3页
对大跨度、大面积抽空网壳的研究和探索,利用创造性思维在设计、加工、安装等各个环节上进行了改进和创新,形成了一整套行之有效的程序化工艺流程和积累了丰富的现场施工经验,技术经济效果显著。多哥HTCC项目石灰石堆场的建设,该堆... 对大跨度、大面积抽空网壳的研究和探索,利用创造性思维在设计、加工、安装等各个环节上进行了改进和创新,形成了一整套行之有效的程序化工艺流程和积累了丰富的现场施工经验,技术经济效果显著。多哥HTCC项目石灰石堆场的建设,该堆场跨度48m、长度88m,采用了抽空大跨度抽空圆柱面双层网壳技术。 展开更多
关键词 圆柱面双层网壳工程 抽空处理 设计 加工 施工
目前网架(壳)工程中一些技术问题的探讨 被引量:6
作者 丁芸孙 《建筑结构》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第6期30-33,36,共5页
探讨了网架 (壳 )的杆件拼装 ,超大直径空心球和空心球壁厚薄不匀 ,焊接标准 ,螺栓球锥头 ,封板 ,横向力 ,悬挂吊车疲劳 ,橡胶支座及其支座假定 ,风载 ,验收的标准等问题 ,供网架 (壳 )设计施工时参考。
关键词 网架工程 壳工程 杆件 空心球 螺栓球 锥头 封板
基于生物矿化的生物壳工程 被引量:3
作者 杨宇玲 王广川 唐睿康 《中国科学:化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期601-610,共10页
生物矿化是生物体提高自身存活能力的重要手段,可以通过无机非生命体实现对有机生命体的保护和功能化.得益于这些自然现象的启发,我们将生物矿化原理应用于各种生物单元的功能化改造,进一步提出了仿生壳工程概念.经过生物矿化改造后,生... 生物矿化是生物体提高自身存活能力的重要手段,可以通过无机非生命体实现对有机生命体的保护和功能化.得益于这些自然现象的启发,我们将生物矿化原理应用于各种生物单元的功能化改造,进一步提出了仿生壳工程概念.经过生物矿化改造后,生物体系可以维持原有生物性质但又被人工材料赋予了新功能,在材料、生物、医学等各个领域有着重要的价值.本文对基于生物矿化的壳工程修饰方法及其应用进行了介绍,并对该领域的研究前景进行了展望. 展开更多
关键词 生物矿化 壳工程 生物活性 界面修饰
基于midas Gen的单层球形网壳结构分析及应用研究 被引量:2
作者 王亮 聂向东 +2 位作者 崔传峰 秦兴宽 梁思浩 《建筑技术》 2024年第5期583-587,共5页
基于midas Gen软件模型,在不同应力比下对实体工程金属网壳模型进行分析,获得了工程实体金属网壳模型静力荷载下铸钢铰支座反力、罕遇地震时铸钢铰支座反力、静力荷载销轴反力、罕遇地震销轴反力分布情况。将设计模型得到的实体工程金... 基于midas Gen软件模型,在不同应力比下对实体工程金属网壳模型进行分析,获得了工程实体金属网壳模型静力荷载下铸钢铰支座反力、罕遇地震时铸钢铰支座反力、静力荷载销轴反力、罕遇地震销轴反力分布情况。将设计模型得到的实体工程金属网壳荷载–位移曲线与有关设计模型网壳荷载–位移曲线进行对比,通过实体工程金属网壳模型设计实例,分析了不同应力下的杆件位移情况,从而证明了实体工程金属网壳模型设计的准确性及合理性。 展开更多
关键词 midas Gen 实体工程金属网 荷载–位移 设计实例 模型设计
作者 吴海梅 范志斌 《工程建设与设计》 2000年第1期10-11,共2页
讨论了以钢筋混凝土圆锥、圆柱面作为结构单元的工程壳体结构内力的计算方法。此类壳体结构在贮液池、水塔、贮料仓、生物发酵池等工程中均有广泛应用,准确计算其内力对于确保结构设计的安全与经济尤为重要。作者尝试用位移法计算此类... 讨论了以钢筋混凝土圆锥、圆柱面作为结构单元的工程壳体结构内力的计算方法。此类壳体结构在贮液池、水塔、贮料仓、生物发酵池等工程中均有广泛应用,准确计算其内力对于确保结构设计的安全与经济尤为重要。作者尝试用位移法计算此类结构的内力,并编制计算机程序实现微机计算。 展开更多
关键词 位移法 工程体结构 内力计算
大跨球面网壳的悬挑安装法与施工内力分析 被引量:7
作者 卓新 董石麟 《浙江大学学报(工学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期148-151,共4页
针对目前我国跨度最大的球面网壳工程 ,漳州后石电厂 12 3m直径双层球面网壳 ,所采用的一种新的施工方法——小拼单元悬挑安装法施工技术进行了全面介绍 ,同时对结构在施工过程中杆件的内力变化进行了全过程的跟踪计算分析 .分析结果表... 针对目前我国跨度最大的球面网壳工程 ,漳州后石电厂 12 3m直径双层球面网壳 ,所采用的一种新的施工方法——小拼单元悬挑安装法施工技术进行了全面介绍 ,同时对结构在施工过程中杆件的内力变化进行了全过程的跟踪计算分析 .分析结果表明 ,这种方便、廉价的施工新方法在技术上是可行的 ,结构在施工中是安全的 .工程实践证明 ,这种用简易的施工机具安装大型网壳的施工方法是成功的 .并特别指出网壳工程设计时考虑施工过程的重要性 。 展开更多
关键词 双层球面网 小拼单元悬挑安装法 施工内力 施工方法 壳工程 结构 大跨度
作者 杜建辉 《中国科技期刊数据库 工业A》 2022年第8期39-41,共3页
近年来,铸造类企业通过实施工业化改革与产业转型,一方面建立了内容完整、流程标准的铸件生产制造产业链条,形成了设计铸造一体化实践模式,另一方面通过引入新材料、新技术、新工艺,全面提升了V法铸造工艺的应用效率与效果。当前正值此... 近年来,铸造类企业通过实施工业化改革与产业转型,一方面建立了内容完整、流程标准的铸件生产制造产业链条,形成了设计铸造一体化实践模式,另一方面通过引入新材料、新技术、新工艺,全面提升了V法铸造工艺的应用效率与效果。当前正值此类企业高质量铸造时期,需要持续增强规模化生产。本文以此为出发点,概述了工程机械桥壳规模化生产现状,剖析了该工艺在工程机械桥壳规模化生产中应用时的关键性技术。 展开更多
关键词 V法铸造 工程机械桥 规模化生产 关键性技术
作者 曹晗 《铁道建设》 2009年第1期44-46,共3页
本文通过青岛站站台雨棚单层网壳工程深化设计工程,对复杂单层网壳的建模、施工图绘制、方钢管节点的放样等方面进行研究,应用CAD实体建模技术,在工程施工的深化设计和放样、下料过程中,具有直观、精确、快捷特点,保证了工程施工... 本文通过青岛站站台雨棚单层网壳工程深化设计工程,对复杂单层网壳的建模、施工图绘制、方钢管节点的放样等方面进行研究,应用CAD实体建模技术,在工程施工的深化设计和放样、下料过程中,具有直观、精确、快捷特点,保证了工程施工质量。 展开更多
关键词 单层网结构 站台雨棚 青岛 工程施工质量 建模技术 设计工程 壳工程 钢管节点
作者 胡平 《中国科技期刊数据库 工业A》 2024年第7期0075-0078,共4页
在机械制造领域中,数控加工技术几乎是不可替代的存在,这种技术依托于计算机,通过特定的软件和精确的数据提升机床的工作效率,提升加工精度。本文系统介绍了数控加工技术的概念、原理及其在模具制作各个阶段中的具体应用情况。通过对一... 在机械制造领域中,数控加工技术几乎是不可替代的存在,这种技术依托于计算机,通过特定的软件和精确的数据提升机床的工作效率,提升加工精度。本文系统介绍了数控加工技术的概念、原理及其在模具制作各个阶段中的具体应用情况。通过对一种工程机械类差速器壳体垂直线模具从设计到加工制造的全过程分析,阐述了数控技术在模具加工中的优势,为机械制造行业推广应用数控加工技术提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 数控加工技术 模具制造 工程机械类差速器体垂直线模具 加工分析
从生物矿化到仿生矿化:构筑新功能生命体 被引量:3
作者 周玥旻 王晓雨 唐睿康 《大学化学》 CAS 2022年第3期59-76,共18页
生物矿化是生命体通过调控无机矿物的成核、取向、生长和组装来制造有机-无机复合材料的过程。借鉴生物矿化的原理,可利用有机基质实现无机材料的可控合成,制备出性能优异的新型复合材料。更有趣的是,将材料和生物体从结构和功能两个层... 生物矿化是生命体通过调控无机矿物的成核、取向、生长和组装来制造有机-无机复合材料的过程。借鉴生物矿化的原理,可利用有机基质实现无机材料的可控合成,制备出性能优异的新型复合材料。更有趣的是,将材料和生物体从结构和功能两个层面整合,利用材料-生物之间的协同调控,可构筑出新功能生命体,这也是仿生矿化发展的重要方向。本论文首先介绍生物矿化的基本理论和自然界中的生物矿化现象。随后通过对生物矿物结构和功能的阐述,提出仿生构筑新功能生命体的概念,并系统介绍构筑新型材料-生物体的方法,在此基础上系统总结新功能生命体在环保、能源、医学等领域的应用。最后,针对目前该领域存在的局限和问题展开讨论,对实现智能仿生构筑生命体的研究进行展望。我们认为基于仿生矿化构筑新功能生命体的研究能够推动学科边界不断融合,为材料学、化学生物学、生物无机化学以及医学等领域的发展提供新的方向。 展开更多
关键词 生物矿化 生物体-材料复合 壳工程 人工细胞器
SPSM and its application in cylindrical shells 被引量:2
作者 聂武 周素莲 彭辉 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2008年第1期40-47,共8页
In naval architectures, the structure of prismatic shell is used widely. But there is no suitable method to analyze this kind of structure. Stiffened prismatic shell method (SPSM) presented in this paper, is one of th... In naval architectures, the structure of prismatic shell is used widely. But there is no suitable method to analyze this kind of structure. Stiffened prismatic shell method (SPSM) presented in this paper, is one of the harmonic semi-analytic methods. Theoretically, strong stiffened structure can be analyzed economically and accurately. SPSM is based on the analytical solution of the governing differential equations for orthotropic cylindrical shells. In these differential equations, the torsional stiffness, bending stiffness and the exact position of each stiffener are taken into account with the Heaviside singular function. An algorithm is introduced, in which the actions of stiffeners on shells are replaced by external loads at each stiffener position. Stiffened shells can be computed as non-stiffened shells. Eventually, the displacement solution of the equations is acquired by the introduction of Green function. The stresses in a corrugated transverse bulkhead without pier base of an oil tanker are computed by using SPSM. 展开更多
关键词 stiffened shell stress analysis singular function Green function corrugated bulkhead
Some Engineering Properties of Sunflower Seed and Its Kernel
作者 R. Khodabakhshian B. Emadi M. H. Abbaspour Fard 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2010年第4期37-46,共10页
Some engineering properties of sunflower seed and its kernel, Shahroodi variety as a case study, were investigated at various moisture content levels (3-14% d.b.) for three size categories (large, medium and small... Some engineering properties of sunflower seed and its kernel, Shahroodi variety as a case study, were investigated at various moisture content levels (3-14% d.b.) for three size categories (large, medium and small). With increase of moisture content from 3 to 14% d.b., all the main dimensions (length, width and thickness), geometric mean diameter, porosity, true density, terminal velocity and static coefficient of friction increased while bulk density and rupture force for both sunflower seed and its kernel decreased for all size categories. The results showed that the highest value of static coefficient of friction for both seed and kernel was on the rubber surface, followed by plywood, polyethylene, galvanized iron, and finally aluminium surfaces. The seeds required less compressive force to dehull when loaded under the horizontal as compared to the vertical orientation. But for kernels, the trend was the opposite. Also, the compressive forces needed to initiate rupture of sunflower seed hulls were higher (47.1-94.72 N) than those required to rupture the kernel (8.5-13.4 N) in both orientations. 展开更多
关键词 Sunflower seed KERNEL engineering properties Shahroodi variety moisture content SIZE
Preparation and Properties of Collagen-Chitosan/Glycosaminoglycans as Candidate Tissue Engineering Biomaterials 被引量:1
作者 LIQin-Hua HUANGYao-xiong CHENGJian-su 《Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering(English Edition)》 2004年第2期47-51,共5页
A novel biomaterial scaffold was created from collagen chitosan/GAG. Its tensile strength was 8.6MPa(wet state)and degree of swelling water was 60%~75% with higer ultimate elongation 300%. Rabbit corneas of collagen ... A novel biomaterial scaffold was created from collagen chitosan/GAG. Its tensile strength was 8.6MPa(wet state)and degree of swelling water was 60%~75% with higer ultimate elongation 300%. Rabbit corneas of collagen chitosan/GAG implantation samples in vivo for biodegradation showed that the inplantion samples was complets biodegrable and digested afere 120 day. There was enought time to maintain cell growth,immigrating and proliferation. This biomaterials scaffold can be used for cell culture and in various tissue engineering fields. 展开更多
关键词 COLLAGEN-CHITOSAN GAG Biomaterials scaffold Biodegradation in vivo
Application of New Type Pre-classification Hydrocyclone with Centrifugal Volute in Grinding Process 被引量:1
作者 Xueqi Cui Shuli Wang Jun Suo Lei Wang Jimin Zheng 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2013年第12期1213-1218,共6页
Hydrocyclone is widely used in closed-circuit grinding process. However, in the first classification operation of coarse particles with high pulp density, the shortcomings of traditional cyclone are that the grinding ... Hydrocyclone is widely used in closed-circuit grinding process. However, in the first classification operation of coarse particles with high pulp density, the shortcomings of traditional cyclone are that the grinding cycle load is much high, the apex of cyclone is easily to be blocked and classification efficiency is less. Specifically, the problems of traditional cyclone used in grinding process are as follows: (1) Mill utilization factor is low and its handling capacity is small; (2) Coarse particles mixing in cyclone overflow affects the following separation process and fine particles mixing in underflow causes over-grinding, which affects the total recovery rate of valuable minerals; (3) High grinding cycle load leads to large amount of high-density slurry pumping, which causes high energy consumption and severe wear of cyclones, pipelines and pumps. The applications of new type pre-classification hydrocyclone with centrifugal volute in the first classification process of iron mine mill are introduced in the paper. Pulp particles fed in the centrifugal volute are arranged in advance, so that coarse particles can be far away from the overflow pipe, which can reduce the short circuit current to avoid coarse particles entering overflow and improve classification efficiency and accuracy of cyclone. The strong points of the new cyclone in the coarse classification operation are as follows: (1) Finer overflow and less fine particles mixing in underflow improves classification efficiency more than 10%; (2) Lower ball mill load cycle improves ball capacity more than 10%; (3) Grinding energy consumption reduces by more than 20% and cyclone feed pump reduces energy consumption by more than 12%. In short, new type pre-classification cyclone with centrifugal volute solves the problems of fine particles mixing in underflow, high grinding cycle load and less classification efficiency in the coarse classification operation. Therefore, it has broad application prospects in ferrous metal and non-ferrous metal ore dressing plant. 展开更多
关键词 Centrifugal volute HYDROCYCLONE pre-classification.
Repair of articular cartilage defects in rabbits through tissue-engineered cartilage constructed with chitosan hydrogel and chondrocytes 被引量:5
作者 Ming ZHAO Zhu CHEN +6 位作者 Kang LIU Yu-qing WAN Xu-dong LI Xu-wei LUO Yi-guang BAI Ze-long YANG Gang FENG 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第11期914-923,共10页
Objective: In our previous work, we prepared a type of chitosan hydrogel with excellent biocompatibility. In this study, tissue-engineered cartilage constructed with this chitosan hydrogel and costal chondrocytes was... Objective: In our previous work, we prepared a type of chitosan hydrogel with excellent biocompatibility. In this study, tissue-engineered cartilage constructed with this chitosan hydrogel and costal chondrocytes was used to repair the articular cartilage defects. Methods: Chitosan hydrogels were prepared with a crosslinker formed by combining 1,6-diisocyanatohexane and polyethylene glycol. Chitosan hydrogel scaffold was seeded with rabbit chondrocytes that had been cultured for one week in vitro to form the preliminary tissue-engineered cartilage. This preliminary tissue-engineered cartilage was then transplanted into the defective rabbit articular cartilage. There were three treatment groups: the experimental group received preliminary tissue-engineered cartilage; the blank group received pure chitosan hydrogels; and, the control group had received no implantation. The knee joints were harvested at predetermined time. The repaired cartilage was analyzed through gross morphology, histologically and immunohistochemically. The repairs were scored according to the international cartilage repair society (ICRS) standard. Results: The gross morphology results suggested that the defects were repaired completely in the experimental group after twelve weeks. The regenerated tissue connected closely with subchondral bone and the boundary with normal tissue was fuzzy. The cartilage lacuna in the regenerated tissue was similar to normal cartilage lacuna. The results of ICRS gross and histological grading showed that there were significant differences among the three groups (P〈0.05). Conclusions: Chondrocytes implanted in the scaffold can adhere, proliferate, and secrete extracellular matrix. The novel tissue-engineered cartilage constructed in our research can completely repair the structure of damaged articular cartilage. 展开更多
关键词 Articular cartilage Chitosan hydrogel REPAIR Tissue engineering
Preparation of enzymatically cross-linked sulfated chitosan hydrogel and its potential application in thick tissue engineering 被引量:2
作者 CHEN ZhiPing WANG Wei +2 位作者 GUO Lei YU YanYan YUAN Zhi 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第12期1701-1709,共9页
For the requirement of preliminary vascularization, the scaffolds for thick tissue engineering should have not only good cell affinity, but also anticoagulant ability. In this paper, enzymatically cross-linked hydroge... For the requirement of preliminary vascularization, the scaffolds for thick tissue engineering should have not only good cell affinity, but also anticoagulant ability. In this paper, enzymatically cross-linked hydrogel scaffolds based on sulfated chitosan (SCTS) were prepared. Firstly, sulfated chitosan-hydroxyphenylpionic acid (SCTS-HPA) conjugate was synthesized, and the structure of SCTS-HPA was identified by FITR and ~H NMR. And then the enzymatically cross-linked hydrogels were pre- pared in presence of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and hydrogen peroxide (H202). The gelation time, mechanical property, morphology and cytotoxicity to human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) of the hydrogel were evaluated in vitro, the tissue compatibility of SCTS-HPA scaffold was studied in vivo. The results showed that the gelation time, mechanical property, morphology of the dehydrated hydrogel could be controlled by the the concentration of HRP and H202. The cytotoxicity test showed that the hydrogel extracts have no cytotoxicity to HUVECs. The in vivo assay indicated that SCTS-HPA scaffold have good tissue compatibility with no thrombus formation. All these results indicated that the SCTS-HPA scaffold could be used as a thick tissue engineering scaffold. 展开更多
关键词 sulfated chitosan horseradish peroxidase ANTICOAGULANT tissue compatibility
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