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中国比较文学复兴期研究概述 被引量:1
作者 徐志啸 《喀什师范学院学报》 北大核心 1995年第2期60-64,72,共6页
中国比较文学复兴期研究概述徐志啸除鲁迅外,中国现代文坛上的一批著名作家都曾受到外国文学的影响,对此,研究者们。对他们一一作了剖析与比较。《郭沫若早期文学观与西方文学理论》(伍晓明)一文认为,郭沫若的“文学无目的”思想... 中国比较文学复兴期研究概述徐志啸除鲁迅外,中国现代文坛上的一批著名作家都曾受到外国文学的影响,对此,研究者们。对他们一一作了剖析与比较。《郭沫若早期文学观与西方文学理论》(伍晓明)一文认为,郭沫若的“文学无目的”思想,与西方泛神论及康德、叔本华美学思... 展开更多
关键词 中国比较文学 研究概述 恐怖主义 外国文学研究 “自我小说” 复兴期 中国古典诗歌 外国文学影响 外来影响 郁达夫
作者 张韪钺 《日本问题研究》 1999年第3期54-57,共4页
关键词 复兴期 经济政策 日本战后 政策研究 制度准备 产业合理化政策 经济起飞 日本经济 战后日本 产业合理化运动
作者 徐志啸 《喀什师范学院学报》 北大核心 1995年第1期62-68,共7页
中国比较文学复兴期影响研究概述徐志啸复兴期的比较文学研究中,①影响研究的论文占了相当的比重,这种“影响”,并非单向的,其中既有外来文学影响中国文学(包括古代与现代)的研究,也有中国文学影响外国文学的研究,还有外国文学... 中国比较文学复兴期影响研究概述徐志啸复兴期的比较文学研究中,①影响研究的论文占了相当的比重,这种“影响”,并非单向的,其中既有外来文学影响中国文学(包括古代与现代)的研究,也有中国文学影响外国文学的研究,还有外国文学间的相互影响探讨,因此,我们可称这... 展开更多
关键词 中国现代文学 中国比较文学 外国文学影响 鲁迅 研究概述 复兴期 中国古代文学 小说 厨川白村 果戈理
作者 田月梅 金炳镐 《广西民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第1期38-45,共8页
新时代新征程是中华民族伟大复兴关键期。在以中国式现代化建设全面推进中华民族伟大复兴过程中,要以铸牢中华民族共同体意识为根本方向,要以坚定不移走中国特色解决民族问题的正确道路为根本方针,要以坚持和完善民族区域自治制度为制... 新时代新征程是中华民族伟大复兴关键期。在以中国式现代化建设全面推进中华民族伟大复兴过程中,要以铸牢中华民族共同体意识为根本方向,要以坚定不移走中国特色解决民族问题的正确道路为根本方针,要以坚持和完善民族区域自治制度为制度保障,要以加强和改进党的民族工作为创新方式,要以全面推进民族团结进步事业为主要途径,进而推进民族工作高质量发展,提升民族事务治理能力和水平,开创民族工作新局面。 展开更多
关键词 中华民族复兴关键 民族工作方略 民族工作主线 根本方针 主要途径
作者 周耀群 《乐府新声(沈阳音乐学院学报)》 2019年第1期5-10,共6页
在文艺复兴音乐断代史的编纂中,历史分期是著者首先要面临的问题:文艺复兴时期的边界如何确定?时期内部音乐演变的阶段性怎样划分?这不仅是这一领域历史研究与写作的传统的积淀,而且更体现出历史编纂者们观察问题的视角,及所采用的学术... 在文艺复兴音乐断代史的编纂中,历史分期是著者首先要面临的问题:文艺复兴时期的边界如何确定?时期内部音乐演变的阶段性怎样划分?这不仅是这一领域历史研究与写作的传统的积淀,而且更体现出历史编纂者们观察问题的视角,及所采用的学术原则和方法。奥地利音乐历史学家安布罗斯最早把15、16世纪作为一个整体看待,为文艺复兴音乐断代的奠定基础。以里曼为首的一些德国音乐学家则主张把14世纪划归文艺复兴。然而20世纪大多数历史学家还是遵循了安布罗斯的分期传统。在断代内部阶段划分方面,里斯、布朗、阿特拉斯、珀金等的音乐断代史著则依据各自的编史原则对内部分期进行了不同的处理。 展开更多
关键词 文艺复兴断代史分 断代的边界 内阶段划分 原则与观点
民族复兴关键期坚定青年理想信念探讨 被引量:1
作者 陈广亮 程子航 《中学政治教学参考》 北大核心 2022年第27期78-81,共4页
当今世界正处于百年未有之大变局,我国也正处于实现中华民族伟大复兴的关键时期.青年是国家的未来、民族的希望,在民族复兴关键期坚定青年理想信念,是实现青年高层次发展的基本前提,是实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的重要保障.新时代,青... 当今世界正处于百年未有之大变局,我国也正处于实现中华民族伟大复兴的关键时期.青年是国家的未来、民族的希望,在民族复兴关键期坚定青年理想信念,是实现青年高层次发展的基本前提,是实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的重要保障.新时代,青年面临经济社会结构变迁、意识形态领域斗争复杂和世界正处于百年未有之大变局的重大考验,要通过加强党的领导、优化各类青年组织、丰富思想政治教育方式、完善基于公平正义的激励机制,在民族复兴关键期坚定青年理想信念. 展开更多
关键词 民族复兴关键 青年 理想信念
作者 胡建军 《长春大学学报》 2007年第9期42-45,共4页
"齐诗"失传较早,历来少有学者研究。但随着清中后期汉学及今文经学的兴起,"齐诗"研究繁盛一时,出现了魏源、廖平、刘师培等大师,但之后却又一度消沉,直至近期"齐诗"研究才又重新出现繁盛的趋势,由此可见... "齐诗"失传较早,历来少有学者研究。但随着清中后期汉学及今文经学的兴起,"齐诗"研究繁盛一时,出现了魏源、廖平、刘师培等大师,但之后却又一度消沉,直至近期"齐诗"研究才又重新出现繁盛的趋势,由此可见近二百年来"齐诗"研究大致经历创始、中衰、复兴三个时期。 展开更多
关键词 “齐诗”研究 创始 中衰 复兴期
作者 韩霈煖 《中国管理信息化》 2012年第7期37-39,共3页
一个国家的流通政策不仅可以反映当时的社会、经济乃至政治状况,也可以看出政府作为政策主体所采取的态度和介入的方式、程度。本文首先按纵向顺序对战后日本流通政策的演进进行梳理,在此基础上对每一阶段不同政策的背景、特点及影响进... 一个国家的流通政策不仅可以反映当时的社会、经济乃至政治状况,也可以看出政府作为政策主体所采取的态度和介入的方式、程度。本文首先按纵向顺序对战后日本流通政策的演进进行梳理,在此基础上对每一阶段不同政策的背景、特点及影响进行深入分析,希望对中国制定流通政策提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 流通政策 经济复兴期 高速增长 平稳增长
作者 向雁 《中国出版》 CSSCI 北大核心 1997年第10期49-49,共1页
新界说带来新视野———略谈《边塞诗论稿》□向雁边塞诗是我国古代诗歌的一个重要组成部分。长期以来,有关边塞诗的论文、著述、选本可谓琳琅满目,举不胜举。但是,所论都仅以唐代边塞诗歌作为主要对象。而1996年8月黄山书社出... 新界说带来新视野———略谈《边塞诗论稿》□向雁边塞诗是我国古代诗歌的一个重要组成部分。长期以来,有关边塞诗的论文、著述、选本可谓琳琅满目,举不胜举。但是,所论都仅以唐代边塞诗歌作为主要对象。而1996年8月黄山书社出版的、黄刚先生的《边塞诗论稿》第一... 展开更多
关键词 边塞诗 新视野 论稿 新界 唐代边塞诗歌 魏晋南北朝 中国古代 复兴期 演变 美学意蕴
作者 宁萌 《北京印刷学院学报》 2020年第4期81-83,共3页
姜夔自度曲自诞生以来,就以其卓越的艺术成就和无穷的艺术魅力深受人们的喜爱和研究者的瞩目,论者如云。从宋末的滥觞到元、明两朝的沉寂,从清代的复兴到民国以来的繁荣,数百年来,姜夔自度曲的研究绵延不断,时冷时热。各路方家见仁见智... 姜夔自度曲自诞生以来,就以其卓越的艺术成就和无穷的艺术魅力深受人们的喜爱和研究者的瞩目,论者如云。从宋末的滥觞到元、明两朝的沉寂,从清代的复兴到民国以来的繁荣,数百年来,姜夔自度曲的研究绵延不断,时冷时热。各路方家见仁见智,褒贬不一。延至当代,更呈现出视野开阔化、方法多样化、领域专业化的研究局面。当然,由于种种原因,在取得丰富研究成果的同时,也存在着一些不足,值得后来研究者反思与展望。 展开更多
关键词 姜夔自度曲研究 滥觞 沉寂 复兴期 繁荣
Illustrations for Dante's Inferno: A Comparative Study of Sandro Botticelli, Giovanni Stradano, and Federico Zuccaro 被引量:2
作者 Liana De Girolami Cheney 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2016年第8期488-520,共33页
This essay is twofold: the first part focuses on the interpretation of the concept of Hell in Dante's Inferno and Italian culture as depicted in Last Judgment scenes such as Giotto's in the Arena Chapel of Padua; S... This essay is twofold: the first part focuses on the interpretation of the concept of Hell in Dante's Inferno and Italian culture as depicted in Last Judgment scenes such as Giotto's in the Arena Chapel of Padua; Signorelli's in the Orvieto Cathedral; and Michelangelo's in the Sistine Chapel in Rome. The second part deals with the drawing illustrations for the text of Dante's Divine Comedy composed by the Florentine painters Sandro Botticelli, Giovanni Stradano, and Federico Zuccaro. Here the emphasis is on Dante's Inferno, which comments upon Neoplatonic personalities, Florentine politics, and current popular art. Comparisons with some of Botticelli's, Stradano's, and Zuccaro's drawing illustrations indicate the assimilation of classical artistic concepts such as Horace's ut pictura poesis [as is painting so is poetry] as well as Plato'sfurorpoeticus [poetical inspiration] promoted in the writings of Marsilio Ficino, a Renaissance Neoplatonic philosopher. 展开更多
关键词 Dante Divine Comedy canto (chant) HELL creativity poetry drawings BOTTICELLI Stradano Zuccaro NEOPLATONISM utpicturapoesis furorpoeticus Marsilio Ficino
The Hungarian Community in Ferrara at the Estes Court (15-16th Centuries)
作者 Enrica Guerra 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第5期567-574,共8页
This paper, that has been introduced at the annual meeting of the Renaissance Society of America (Washington, March 22, 2012), is a little part of a wider research about migration and movements of people between Wes... This paper, that has been introduced at the annual meeting of the Renaissance Society of America (Washington, March 22, 2012), is a little part of a wider research about migration and movements of people between Western and Eastern Europe (and vice versa) that, started one year ago, is still in progress. Despite a common thought that had considered, still in 15th century, Hungarians as unculturished and violent people, the town of Ferrara, ruled by the Estes, had welcomed many of them during the 15-16th centuries. They were, above all, and as the sources testify, literati and students. This paper tries to show and analyze the cultural reasons and the background that have determined Hungarians' presence in Ferrara during the Renaissance, with the consciousness that if many sources have been studied, many others must be 展开更多
关键词 the Estes Pier Paolo Vergerio Janos Vit6z Hungarians Ferrara
Hearth and Home" A Psycho-Sexual Reading of Procreating the Vampire Race in Dracula by Bram Stoker
作者 Stacey L. Mascia 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2011年第3期167-172,共6页
It is in the spirit of a "new family unit" that Dracula attempts vampire procreation in Bram Stoker's Dracula (2000) The themes of proper lineage and procreation juxtaposed with archaic late Victorian ideas invit... It is in the spirit of a "new family unit" that Dracula attempts vampire procreation in Bram Stoker's Dracula (2000) The themes of proper lineage and procreation juxtaposed with archaic late Victorian ideas invite exploration in this timeless novel. The novel is considered Gothic, yet it meets the cultural milieu of the fin de sikcle contemporary London of the 1890s. As the novel is considered fairly contemporary for its time, it is important to note that given new scientific theories such as eugenics, it is possible that Stoker was attempting to show a new kind of family unit---one that is not begot of the actual sex-act, but rather one that is propagated through the mingling of blood as a replacement for semen. There is much evidence in the novel to suggest that he not only wants to continue his family, but also that he is a true Renaissance "man" in his knowledge of other cultures, his pleasure and decadence in the finer material possessions, and his consumption of private property to continue his lineage in comfort and safety. It is clear in the novel that a brief analysis of the concepts of progeny and eugenics that the character of Dracula can be read as a "regular guy" simply trying to continue his lineage in an unforgiving and judgmental world. Dracula is violent in his preservation of his lineage, but he only does so to ensure he will not have to be a night-dweller on his own for eternity. He is a kind of demonic cupid with piercing fangs instead of angelic arrows He has to kill the human soul to obtain this obsessive dream of hearth and home 展开更多
关键词 Dracula fin de sikcle PROGENY EUGENICS HEARTH
Quentin Skinner's "Rhetorical Turn" and the Chances for Political Thought
作者 Karl Palonen 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第1期9-22,共14页
Quentin Skinner's work since his turn to rhetoric has not been extensively discussed. My thesis is that with this turn Skinner has invented another novelty in the study of political thought, by including the analysis... Quentin Skinner's work since his turn to rhetoric has not been extensively discussed. My thesis is that with this turn Skinner has invented another novelty in the study of political thought, by including the analysis of the rhetoric of debating pro et contra among political agents as sources of political thought. The exemplary institution for such debates is the Westminster Parliament, and Skinner extends the analysis of the rhetorical culture of English Renaissance to studies on parliamentary debates. Here I am first comparing Skinner's The Foundations of Modern Political Thought and Reason and Rhetoric in the Philosophy of Hobbes in their relationship to rhetoric. Subsequently I discuss Skinner's comments on English parliamentary debates, including his recommendation to read Hobbes's Leviathan "as a speech in Parliament." Reason and Rhetoric has inspired valuable studies on English Renaissance political rhetoric, shortly discussed here. For the understanding of the distinct parliamentary variety of deliberative rhetoric, I refer to the formation of a specific parliamentary procedure and to procedural tracts from sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Westminster, which among others create a parliamentary vocabulary and rules for conducting and regulating parliamentary debates. The parliamentary procedure institutionalizes the principle of in utramque partem disputare, central in Skinner's rhetorical studies. By this manner we can re-activate the link between political thought and parliamentary studies as well as explicate a dissensual alternative to Jiirgen Habermas's views on the political thought studies and parliamentary debates. 展开更多
关键词 Quentin Skinner political thought rhetorical studies English Renaissance rhetoric parliamentary rhetoric parliamentary procedure
Revisiting History Through Crime Fiction: Shiono Nanami's Scarlet Venice in The Renaissance Trilogy of Murder
作者 Ikuho Amano 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第1期242-253,共12页
The paper explores an ambiguous intersection between history and fiction in Scarlet Venice (Hi no Venezia, in original) (1988) by Japanese novelist and historiographer, Shiono Nanami (1937-). As a prominent tran... The paper explores an ambiguous intersection between history and fiction in Scarlet Venice (Hi no Venezia, in original) (1988) by Japanese novelist and historiographer, Shiono Nanami (1937-). As a prominent transnational writer who has worked on the Italian Renaissance and the Roman antiquity for about 40 years, Shiono fictionalizes the political culture of 16th century Venice in the context of the Eastern Mediterranean history. Based on her The Tales of the Sea Capital (1981), historiography par excellence, the novel portrays the political maneuver of the Republic of Venice from viewpoints of diplomacy. With this thematic approach to history, the novel centers on the life and death of Alvise Gritti (1480-1534), an illegitimate son of famed Venetian Doge, Andrea Gritti. In the metaphorical/metafictional structure of historical crime fiction, the novel unveils the austerity of Venetian polity, while contrasting it with the liberalism fostered in Sultan Suleiman's Ottoman court. In conclusion, the author interprets that Alvise Gritti is a victim of the political intricacy with which Venice was wrestling, implying that the republic is the metaphorical murderer. Whereas Alvise's death commemorates a drastic step taken by Venice for political negotiation, Shiono's recent writings suggest that Japan should model the rigid pragmatism in Venetian politics, along with its effective use of intelligence in diplomacy 展开更多
关键词 modern Japanese literature Italian Renaissance historical crime fiction Mediterranean history Venicein literature
Gothic Heritage in Renaissance Mantua
作者 Giulio Girondi 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第10期640-656,共17页
The aim of this paper is to present the less known phenomenon of late-Gothic Mantuan architecture in the second half of the 15th century. Indeed Mantua is famous for its Renaissance monuments. However, some of the Gon... The aim of this paper is to present the less known phenomenon of late-Gothic Mantuan architecture in the second half of the 15th century. Indeed Mantua is famous for its Renaissance monuments. However, some of the Gonzaga palaces show Gothic details, such as towers or battlements. In addition, some patricians, merchants, and priests continued to follow the Gothic tradition until the final decade of the "Quattrocento". This paper will present a first list of these interesting architectures--both public and private, religious and profane--which, in some cases and despite the Gothic language, the archival research has demonstrated a late 15th century executions. 展开更多
关键词 Gothic heritage RENAISSANCE Mantua Gonzaga
Architectural and Urban Communication in Social Identity: The Case Study of Agadir Morocco: From Colonial Preponderance to Renaissance Which Social Identity?
作者 Amal Ben Attou 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第10期1383-1390,共8页
This paper proposes the architectural communication as a socio-spatial identification, and a channel for the politico-patrimonial dialogue in a determined territory which is in this case the south Moroccan city of Aga... This paper proposes the architectural communication as a socio-spatial identification, and a channel for the politico-patrimonial dialogue in a determined territory which is in this case the south Moroccan city of Agadir. By analyzing Agadir's urbanistic and architectural content thorough ages, we find ourselves involved in an enthralling and passionate debate concerning two important aspects. The first is the historical temporality of the city's architectural and urbanistic changes. In other words, it is the different architectural transformation related to the political transmutations that Agadir has witnessed since the Portugal settlement until the after earthquake of 1960. While the second is about the perception toward the architectural oeuvre deeply settled in the territory and the memory of the city's designers. This aspect is linked to the society's perception toward the architectural-urban transformations in their territory. In our paper, we are going to focus on two major architectural and urbanistic ages in the history of Agadir. The first period we are going to approach is the architectural and urbanistic features of Agadir during French settlement. The second period is Agadir's architectural renaissance after 1960s earthquakes. Since the core of our study is the architectural acts, it is definitely a matter of interpretation related to the philosophical, mental and ideological representation of the city's architecture and urbanism either by those who artistically invented Agadir during colonialism or those who reinvented Agadir after 1960s earthquakes. Do urbanism and architecture represent for Agadir, a power, a doctrine or a savoir-faire? Can we affirm that Agadir's architecture is truly reflecting the image of its society? Is this society in itself immersed sufficiently in its architecture? Several hypotheses are possible in this research. Nevertheless, the fact that in this paper we use communication as a vehicle to establish a dialogue between arts, politics and socio-ideologic and territorial governance makes us recognize the different bridging relationships between the architectural action, the political and urbanistic content represented in the architectural expression. It also helps us to discover and analyze the ideologies that lead the architects during their conception. Finally, is this architecture which normally must represent the society in tempo-spatial territory admitted by the local citizens? All these are lines of research we are going to shed light on in this paper. 展开更多
The Palmanova Cantonments: Conservation, Value-Enhancement and Transformation for an Integrated and Overall Regeneration
作者 Maria Paola Gatti Giovanni Russo Luca Zecchin 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2017年第6期559-570,共12页
Italian military real-estate is highly varied as regards its location, intended uses, its typological, stylistic, and constructive features and its state of conservation. What historical and documental value can we at... Italian military real-estate is highly varied as regards its location, intended uses, its typological, stylistic, and constructive features and its state of conservation. What historical and documental value can we attribute to the typological and technical aspects of military buildings? What problems and strategies have to be studied before such buildings can be repurposed for inclusion into a circuit of social and civil uses? Some attempts were made to answer these questions by analysing the military real estate of Palmanova, the fortress city founded by the Serenissima Republic of Venice in 1593, a city designed by engineers, military analysts, and expert military architects all answerable to the Fortifications Office of Venice. There are a number of barracks situated inside the city's fortified walls, within a somewhat confined area: Montezemolo, Isonzo, Ederle, Filzi, Montesanto and others in outlying villages. Barracks built in different periods (some during the Renaissance, others in the eighteenth century and some even after the Second World War) have been gradually phased out of service. Their restoration and functional leverage, in the early years of this century, were discussed in terms of an economic and cultural strategy that would not upset the city. New regeneration strategies are called for if these abandoned military structures are not to undergo further deterioration. These strategies should be based upon a knowledge of these structures' features--their layout, architecture, technologies--and should also embrace local policies, but first and foremost they require real, contextualized and economically sustainable projects. 展开更多
关键词 FORTRESS decommissioning SECURITIZATION value-enhancement CONSERVATION regeneration.
Giovanni Antonio Bazzi, Allegories of Love: Emblematic Ardor
作者 Liana De Girolami Cheney 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2017年第5期277-313,共37页
Giovanni Antonio Bazzi (1477-1549), also known as I1 Sodoma, was a Milanese painter who developed his mature style in Siena during the early Cinquecento. Between 1505 and 1510, under the tutelage of the Chigi and Pe... Giovanni Antonio Bazzi (1477-1549), also known as I1 Sodoma, was a Milanese painter who developed his mature style in Siena during the early Cinquecento. Between 1505 and 1510, under the tutelage of the Chigi and Petrucci families, Bazzi depicted mythological paintings focusing on the personifications of love both terrestrial and celestial. This paper looks at two such works. In one, there hangs on a sycamore tree a classical cartello with the Latin inscription Celestes, meaning celestial or heavenly, providing the title for the painting Amore Celeste (Celestial Love, Figure 3). A woman, as the personification of love, stands in front of two altars. She ignites one urn with fire and at the same time pours water over another burning fire. In the second work, a tondo with the theme of Terrestrial Love and Celestial Love, Bazzi considered the mischievousness of Venus' children Eros and Anteros (Figure 12). These paintings are mythological and poetical delights with complex symbolism, here analyzed in terms of their iconography in relation to classical influences and Renaissance Neoplatonic love or furor divinus. The paradoxical quest of Renaissance Neoplatonic love was to fuse pagan love with Christian love. For the humanists of the time (Bembo, Colonna, Poliziano, Ficino and Pico) this moral dilemma was a philosophical puzzle, but for artists (Botticelli, Nicoletto da Modena, Pinturicchio and Bazzi) the theme was a pictorial challenge. 展开更多
关键词 Allegories LOVE ICONOGRAPHY POETRY NEOPLATONISM Sienese patronage Sodoma
The Dramatistic Action of Language in Thomas Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy
作者 ZHANG Ting 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第3期159-168,共10页
Kenneth Burke's rhetoric on language as a symbolic action offers an enlightening perspective for revealing the connection between the motivations and actions of the characters in Thomas Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy. Th... Kenneth Burke's rhetoric on language as a symbolic action offers an enlightening perspective for revealing the connection between the motivations and actions of the characters in Thomas Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy. This work is a Renaissance drama that features hues of rhetorical language. Linguistic obfuscation, scapegoat mechanism, and the malfunction and dysfunction of language in victimization and revenge are thrown into relief through Burke's elaborate system of the symbolism of language. Analyzing the discursive performances of the main characters, readers could get clues of their motives that drive their actions, which are both a representation and an illustration of how language as a symbolic action works in literature 展开更多
关键词 The Spanish Tragedy discursive performance Kenneth Burke symbolic action terministic screen
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