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等级分类法的发展与类目复分方法——兼评《<中图法>类目复分方法及其疑难解释》 被引量:1
作者 倪波 杨晓骏 《图书情报知识》 CSSCI 北大核心 1992年第1期10-12,23,共4页
众所周知,国内外现行著名的等级体系文献分类法,都不同程度地使用了通用复分表等一些类目复分方法。最近,国内第一部专论类目复分理论和技术的专著——俞君立和黄葵两位老师编著的《<中国图书馆图书分类法>(第三版)类目复分方法... 众所周知,国内外现行著名的等级体系文献分类法,都不同程度地使用了通用复分表等一些类目复分方法。最近,国内第一部专论类目复分理论和技术的专著——俞君立和黄葵两位老师编著的《<中国图书馆图书分类法>(第三版)类目复分方法及其疑难解释》,已由陕西科学技术出版社出版。拜读这一专著,引发了我们的一些思考。一、等级分类法的发展历程等级分类法的发展与文献的发展是密切相关联的。古代,无论是中国还是外国。 展开更多
关键词 图书类法 等级类法 复分方法
“I212/217”类复分需不需要加“0”——兼与冯康、张瑞莲同志商榷 被引量:5
作者 蔡振华 刘宗仁 《图书馆论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第5期97-98,162,共3页
文章认为冯康、张瑞莲同志主张在“I2 12 / 2 17”类目复分时上位类时代号后加“0”的观点是错误的。文章对此进行了分析、论述 ,并指出正确的复分方法。
关键词 “I212/217” 类标引 类目 复分方法 文学类目 加“0”问题
作者 吕元康 《图书馆论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 1992年第3期19-21,共3页
复分是指原来类目转换分类标准再度划分形成下位子目的过程,它的依据是概念的“分析与综合”原理,其实质就是“分面组配”。分类法使用复分方法不仅能简化类目的设置,减少分类法类目表的篇幅,而且在一定程度上弥补体系分类法的不足,增... 复分是指原来类目转换分类标准再度划分形成下位子目的过程,它的依据是概念的“分析与综合”原理,其实质就是“分面组配”。分类法使用复分方法不仅能简化类目的设置,减少分类法类目表的篇幅,而且在一定程度上弥补体系分类法的不足,增加类目的组合能力,增强了类目的细分化程度,适应现代科学技术高度分化、又高度综合的发展要求,所以复分方法广泛地被现代分类法所采用。《中图法》就采用了一系列复分方法,《中图法》采用的复分有时要加“0”,有时不必加“0”,加“0”问题一直是《中图法》用户难于掌握的问题,同时也是图书分类的专家学者一直争论的问题,对此我粗略地归纳了加“0”的几种情况,及对加“0”的意义作一探讨。 展开更多
关键词 中图法 复分方法 图书类法
作者 胡玉霞 《图书馆工作》 1992年第2期28-31,共4页
关键词 中图法 标记符号 复分方法
作者 闵景贤 《西北高校图书馆通讯》 1992年第2期16-17,共2页
关键词 中图法 复分方法 面组配理论
作者 于新国 《浙江高校图书情报工作》 2004年第3期22-24,共3页
关键词 《中国图书馆类法》 类级 类号 “0” 类目 复分方法
Surface edge element method for 3-D electromagnetic computation 被引量:1
作者 余海涛 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2005年第2期170-174,共5页
A surface edge element method is proposed and implemented in the study ofelectromagnetic scattering fields of general targets. The basis functions for surfaces of arbitraryshape are derived according to the geometrica... A surface edge element method is proposed and implemented in the study ofelectromagnetic scattering fields of general targets. The basis functions for surfaces of arbitraryshape are derived according to the geometrical properties of each triangular patch. The proposedbasis functions are 3-D linear functions and the tangential components of the vectors are continuousas the traditional edge element method. Combined field integral equations (CFIE) that include bothelectrical field and magnetic field integral equations are used to model the electromagneticscattering of general dielectric targets. Special treatment for singularity is presented to enhancethe quality of numerical solutions. The proposed method is used to compute the scattering fieldsfrom various targets. Numerical results obtained by the proposed method are validated by resultsfrom other numerical methods. 展开更多
关键词 surface edge element method method of moment combined field integralequations scattering field
作者 黄邦高 《图书馆工作与研究》 1987年第1期56-58,共3页
《图书馆工作与研究》于去年第一期发表的史永元先生《也谈【中图法】的“0”》(以下简称《也谈》)一文,比较详细地分析、论述了“0”在《中图法》中的各种涵义、用途、使用范围和使用方法等,读后很受启发。但对于《中图法》加“0”的问... 《图书馆工作与研究》于去年第一期发表的史永元先生《也谈【中图法】的“0”》(以下简称《也谈》)一文,比较详细地分析、论述了“0”在《中图法》中的各种涵义、用途、使用范围和使用方法等,读后很受启发。但对于《中图法》加“0”的问题,我认为史先生所说并不全面,因此本文不揣冒昧,谈点不同的意见,请史先生和专家指正。 展开更多
关键词 《中图法》 加“0”问题 类目 类号 一般性问题 仿 复分方法 专类 通用
作者 朱金福 王永亮 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1995年第2期114-121,共8页
Argyris'natural approach is employed to analyze vibranon mode of multilayered composite plates and shells.The shells can be either symmetric or unsymmetric.The spectral transformation Lanczos method with selective... Argyris'natural approach is employed to analyze vibranon mode of multilayered composite plates and shells.The shells can be either symmetric or unsymmetric.The spectral transformation Lanczos method with selective or fully orthogonalization is used to solve the eigenvalue problem of pencil(K,M).Some problems on shift,which is essential for the success of this method, are discussed.A few numerical examples, including composite square plates and conical shells,are presented. The results show that the method in this paper is efficient and reliable for vibration mode analysis. 展开更多
关键词 vibration analysis method composite materials PLATES Lanczos method natural approach
作者 陈莺 瞿嘉福 《图书馆界》 北大核心 1992年第3期32-32,45,共2页
《中图法》对“0”符号的运用可概括为两种情形,即除了把“0”作为一般类号,用来表示总论、通史及一般性问题等以外,还作为区分标识,用来区别复分。这种双重性,使“0”的运用成为分类人员共同关心的一个问题。《中图法》第二版1980年发... 《中图法》对“0”符号的运用可概括为两种情形,即除了把“0”作为一般类号,用来表示总论、通史及一般性问题等以外,还作为区分标识,用来区别复分。这种双重性,使“0”的运用成为分类人员共同关心的一个问题。《中图法》第二版1980年发行以来,探讨“0”用法的文章络绎不绝。这些文章在指导解决具体类号标著时,不无帮助,但从理论上探讨“0”意义的文章却为鲜见,对提高分类理论建设成效不显,导致三版修改时干脆来个“一刀切”, 展开更多
关键词 中图法 第三版 复分方法
Failure behavior of horseshoe-shaped tunnel in hard rock under high stress:Phenomenon and mechanisms 被引量:3
作者 Hao WU Guo-yan ZHAO Shao-wei MA 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第2期639-656,共18页
A particle flow code(PFC) was first applied to examining the mechanical response of a horseshoe-shaped opening in prismatic rock models under biaxial compression. Next, an improved complex variable method was proposed... A particle flow code(PFC) was first applied to examining the mechanical response of a horseshoe-shaped opening in prismatic rock models under biaxial compression. Next, an improved complex variable method was proposed to derive the stress distribution around the opening. Lastly, a case study of tunnel failure caused by rock burst in Jinping Ⅱ Hydropower Station was further analyzed and discussed. The results manifest that a total of four types of cracks occur around the opening under low lateral confining stress, namely, the primary-tensile cracks on the roof-floor, sidewall cracks on the sidewalls, secondary-tensile cracks on the corners and shear cracks along the diagonals. As the confining stress increases, the tensile cracks gradually disappear whilst the spalling failure becomes severe. Overall, the failure phenomenon of the modelled tunnel agrees well with that of the practical headrace tunnel, and the crack initiation mechanisms can be clearly clarified by the analytical stress distribution. 展开更多
关键词 horseshoe-shaped tunnel fracture behavior rock burst stress distribution complex variable method particle flow code
A Compound Algorithm of Denoising Using Second-Order and Fourth-Order Partial Differential Equations 被引量:5
作者 Qianshun Chang Xuecheng Tai Lily Xing 《Numerical Mathematics(Theory,Methods and Applications)》 SCIE 2009年第4期353-376,共24页
In this paper, we propose a compound algorithm for the image restoration. The algorithm is a convex combination of the ROF model and the LLT model with a parameter function 0. The numerical experiments demonstrate tha... In this paper, we propose a compound algorithm for the image restoration. The algorithm is a convex combination of the ROF model and the LLT model with a parameter function 0. The numerical experiments demonstrate that our compound algorithm is efficient and preserves the main advantages of the two models. In particular, the errors of the compound algorithm in L2 norm between the exact images and corresponding restored images are the smallest among the three models. For images with strong noises, the restored images of the compound algorithm are the best in the corresponding restored images. The proposed algorithm combines the fixed point method, an improved AMG method and the Krylov acceleration. It is found that the combination of these methods is efficient and robust in the image restoration. 展开更多
关键词 Algorithm of denoising image restoration total variation second-order functional.
Optimization of machining parameters in drilling hybrid aluminium metal matrix composites 被引量:6
作者 T.RAJMOHAN K.PALANIKUMAR M.KATHIRVEL 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第6期1286-1297,共12页
Taguchi method with grey relational analysis was used to optimize the machining parameters with multiple performance characteristics in drilling hybrid metal matrix A1356/SiC-mica composites. Experiments were conducte... Taguchi method with grey relational analysis was used to optimize the machining parameters with multiple performance characteristics in drilling hybrid metal matrix A1356/SiC-mica composites. Experiments were conducted on a computer numerical control vertical machining centre and Lzs orthogonal array was chosen for the experiments. The drilling parameters namely spindle speed, feed rate, drill type and mass fraction of mica were optimized based on the multiple performance characteristics including thrust force, surface roughness, tool wear and burr height (exit). The results show that the feed rate and the type of drill are the most significant factors which affect the drilling process and the performance in the drilling process can be effectively improved by using this approach. 展开更多
关键词 hybrid composites Grey relational analysis Taguchi method
3D Multiphase Piecewise Constant Level Set Method Based on Graph Cut Minimization 被引量:2
作者 Tiril P Gurholt Xuecheng Tai 《Numerical Mathematics(Theory,Methods and Applications)》 SCIE 2009年第4期403-420,共18页
Segmentation of three-dimensional(3D) complicated structures is of great importance for many real applications.In this work we combine graph cut minimization method with a variant of the level set idea for 3D segmenta... Segmentation of three-dimensional(3D) complicated structures is of great importance for many real applications.In this work we combine graph cut minimization method with a variant of the level set idea for 3D segmentation based on the Mumford-Shah model.Compared with the traditional approach for solving the Euler-Lagrange equation we do not need to solve any partial differential equations.Instead,the minimum cut on a special designed graph need to be computed.The method is tested on data with complicated structures.It is rather stable with respect to initial value and the algorithm is nearly parameter free.Experiments show that it can solve large problems much faster than traditional approaches. 展开更多
关键词 Piecewise constant level set method energy minimization graph cut SEGMENTATION three-dimensional.
Analysis of transient temperature field of the laminate composite membrane in space environment 被引量:1
作者 王长国 杜星文 赫晓东 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2007年第5期686-690,共5页
The on-orhit transient temperature of reflector laminate film was analyzed by using finite element method (FEM). Numerical simulation was used by FEM software ANSYS. Results reveal that the temperature levels of the... The on-orhit transient temperature of reflector laminate film was analyzed by using finite element method (FEM). Numerical simulation was used by FEM software ANSYS. Results reveal that the temperature levels of the laminate composite membrane alternate greatly in the orbital period, which is about±80℃. This range exceeds the material ' s operating temperature level. So it is necessary to put effective thermal control into effect to the laminate composite membrane. There is temperature gradient in the thickness direction of the laminate composite membrane; there is a light change in Kevlar/Epoxy layer. The temperature of the laminate composite membrane is obviously lower than the seam' s temperature. Results provide reference to the thermal control of the inflatable reflector with high precision requirement. 展开更多
关键词 inflatable reflector laminate composite membrane transient temperature field SEAM temperature gradient
8-Weighted-Type Fractional Fourier Transform Based Three-Branch Transmission Method 被引量:3
作者 Jing Li Xuejun Sha +1 位作者 Xiaojie Fang Lin Mei 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第9期147-159,共13页
To improve the bit error rate(BER) performance of multiple input multiple output(MIMO) systems with low complexity, a three-branch transmission scheme employing 8-weighted-type fractional Fourier transform(8-WFRFT) mo... To improve the bit error rate(BER) performance of multiple input multiple output(MIMO) systems with low complexity, a three-branch transmission scheme employing 8-weighted-type fractional Fourier transform(8-WFRFT) module is proposed. In the proposed scheme, the original signal is first decomposed into eight sub-signals and then merged into three component signals by the same carrier pattern. The three signals have mathematical constraint relations among themselves that can counteract the channel fading. They are simultaneously transmitted via three independent antennas after delay regulating. At the receiver, an inverse 8-WFRFT module is employed to obtain the estimated original signal by processing the received signal. Then, the bit error rate(BER) performance, transmitting power, transmission rate, power spectrum and computational complexity of the proposed scheme are analysed in detail. Numerical results show that the proposed scheme has a superior performance compared to STBC based three-antenna transmission scheme, in terms of BER performance. 展开更多
关键词 8-weighted-type fractional Fourier transform (8-WFRFT) bit error rate (BER) low complexity multiple input multiple output (MIMO)
Complex Wave Solutions for (2+1)-Dimensional Modified Dispersive Water Wave System 被引量:1
作者 LIANG Jin-Fu GONG Lun-Xun 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第7期17-22,共6页
The extended Riccati mapping approach^[1] is further improved by generalized Riccati equation, and combine it with variable separation method, abundant new exact complex solutions for the (2+1)-dimensional modified... The extended Riccati mapping approach^[1] is further improved by generalized Riccati equation, and combine it with variable separation method, abundant new exact complex solutions for the (2+1)-dimensional modified dispersive water-wave (MDWW) system are obtained. Based on a derived periodic solitary wave solution and a rational solution, we study a type of phenomenon of complex wave. 展开更多
关键词 MDWW system generalized Riccati equation variable separation method complex wave
The Complex Analysis Method of Numerical Identification of Parameters of Quasiideals Processes in Doubly-Connected Nonlinear-Layered Curvilinear Domains
作者 Olena Hladka Andriy Bomba 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2014年第7期514-521,共8页
The method of numerical solving of nonlinear model problems of theory of a complex quasi-potential in doubly-connected nonlinear-layered curvilinear domains considering inverse influence function of flow on a conducti... The method of numerical solving of nonlinear model problems of theory of a complex quasi-potential in doubly-connected nonlinear-layered curvilinear domains considering inverse influence function of flow on a conductivity coefficient of medium was developed on the basis of synthesis of numerical methods of the quasi-conformal mappings and summary representations in conjunction with domain decomposition by method Schwartz. The proposed algorithm allows finding the potential of the quasiideals field, construction a motion grid (fluid-flow grid) simultaneously defining the flow lines that separate of sub-domains constancy of coefficient conductivity and identification the piecewise-constant values of coefficient conductivity, the local flows for the known measurements on boundary of domain. 展开更多
关键词 Quasi-conformal ('piecewise-conformal') mappings of numerical identification of parameters domain decomposition complex quasi-potential summary representations method method by method Schwartz nonlinear-layered medium.
Manufacture of Flax Reinforced PP Laminates and Research on the Tensile Properties
作者 刘丽妍 黄故 王瑞 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第3期362-366,共5页
Flax fiber was used to reinforce Polypropylene (PP) owing to its lower impact on environment and suitable mechanical behaviors. To overcome the difficulty of penetrating fibers due to the high viscosity of thermo-pl... Flax fiber was used to reinforce Polypropylene (PP) owing to its lower impact on environment and suitable mechanical behaviors. To overcome the difficulty of penetrating fibers due to the high viscosity of thermo-plastic resin, PP filaments wrapping around the linen yam produced commingled yams, which were woven into fabrics as preforms to make laminates by optimum hot-pressing technology. The effects of fiber volume fraction, fabric density and structure on tensile properties of composites were researched through analyzing the tensile test results and the scanning electronic microscope (SEM) micrographs of fracture surface. Conclusions are drawn that the properties of laminates with fiber volume fraction of 0.50 are better than those with the other two fractions. For plain structure, the tensile properties in warp direction decrease according to the increase of weft density while in weft direction increase. For different fabric structures, properties of laminates with structures of plain 3, twill 2/2 and twill 3/1 increase gradually. And properties in weft direction are prior to those in warp direction for each laminate. 展开更多
关键词 FLUX POLYPROPYLENE composites technologicalparameters tensile properties
Screening and diagnosis of endometrial cancer in Lynch syndrome
作者 Caroline Cornou Anne Sophie Bats +7 位作者 Charlotte Ngo Léa Rossi Perrine Capmas Pierre Laurent-Puig Chérazade Bensaid Claude Nos Marie Aude Lefrère-Belda Fabrice Lécuru 《World Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology》 2016年第4期218-225,共8页
Lynch syndrome (LS) is an autosomal dominant inherited cancer predisposition syndrome caused by a mismatch of DNA repair (MMR system). Lifetime risk of developing endometrial and ovarian cancer in LS is higher tha... Lynch syndrome (LS) is an autosomal dominant inherited cancer predisposition syndrome caused by a mismatch of DNA repair (MMR system). Lifetime risk of developing endometrial and ovarian cancer in LS is higher than in the general population and gynecologic screening appears interesting. Screening is based on several tests: pelvic ultrasound, endometrial biopsy and hysteroscopy for endometrial cancer, pelvic ultrasound and CA125 for ovarian cancer. Those tests appear efficient for the diagnosis of gynecologic cancers in LS. Nevertheless, screening tests have not proved clinical benefit until now, and potential problems of compliance, risk of false negative cases, and interval cancer associated with screening do justify offering prophylactic surgery to patients. Women with LS should be informed of the potential benefits and risks of screening and the importance of evaluation in case of gynecologic symptoms or abnormal bleeding. Chemoprevention by progestin-containing oral contraceptives and the treatment ofthe potential benefits and risks of screening and the importance of evaluation in case of gynecologic symptoms or abnormal bleeding. Chemoprevention by progestin-containing oral contraceptives and the treatment of premalignant lesion are available options for reducing the risk of endometrial cancer in LS population. 展开更多
关键词 Lynch syndrome Endometrial cancer Ovarian cancer Gynecologic screening Prophylactic hysterectomy
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