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作者 关贞兰 《河北广播电视大学学报》 2016年第3期40-42,共3页
《神秘的分享者》中的主人公船长与另一艘船上的大副莱格特之间有种神秘的关系,对他们间的神秘关系进行探讨是分析小说中人物复杂心理的一把钥匙。船长把莱格特看成他的影子、幽灵、替身,甚至他的另一个自我,这种二重身式的身份认同关... 《神秘的分享者》中的主人公船长与另一艘船上的大副莱格特之间有种神秘的关系,对他们间的神秘关系进行探讨是分析小说中人物复杂心理的一把钥匙。船长把莱格特看成他的影子、幽灵、替身,甚至他的另一个自我,这种二重身式的身份认同关系便是弗洛伊德在其"恐惑"理论中所提到的复影的概念,即莱格特是船长的复影。作为船长的陪衬,莱格特不仅展露了船长对自我的自恋,还折射出了船长内心隐藏的理想人格,以及孤独、疯狂的自我,从而揭示了船长自我的复杂性。 展开更多
关键词 《神秘的分享者》 弗洛伊德 复影 船长 格莱特 自我 杂性
作者 关贞兰 《濮阳职业技术学院学报》 2016年第1期138-139,共2页
《道连·格雷的画像》中画家巴兹尔和亨利伯爵分别代表了道连不同的性格和气质。奥斯卡·王尔德用这两个人物作为道连的陪衬,用以突出道连与众不同的性格。根据弗洛伊德的"恐惑"理论,作为陪衬的巴兹尔和亨利就是道连... 《道连·格雷的画像》中画家巴兹尔和亨利伯爵分别代表了道连不同的性格和气质。奥斯卡·王尔德用这两个人物作为道连的陪衬,用以突出道连与众不同的性格。根据弗洛伊德的"恐惑"理论,作为陪衬的巴兹尔和亨利就是道连的"复影",是道连性格中被压抑的部分的外化。 展开更多
关键词 “恐惑” 复影 巴兹尔 亨利 道连
作者 关贞兰 《牡丹江教育学院学报》 2016年第4期10-11,共2页
《道连·格雷的画像》中,道连对画像起初的痴迷和占有欲体现了他的自恋;后来道连对画像充满恐惧,因为画像转变成道连死亡的预兆。根据弗洛伊德的"恐惑"理论,画像充当的正是道连的"复影"。从画像与道连间的"... 《道连·格雷的画像》中,道连对画像起初的痴迷和占有欲体现了他的自恋;后来道连对画像充满恐惧,因为画像转变成道连死亡的预兆。根据弗洛伊德的"恐惑"理论,画像充当的正是道连的"复影"。从画像与道连间的"复影"关系解读作品可以清晰地揭示道连一步步堕落并最终走向死亡的全过程。 展开更多
关键词 复影 画像 道连 堕落
作者 关贞兰 《淮北职业技术学院学报》 2015年第5期75-76,共2页
《道连·格雷的画像》中的亨利伯爵是个很复杂的人物。他愤世嫉俗,内心持有享乐主义思想,他能准确地说出每个人内心的黑暗秘密,在现实中他却扮演着一个被社会接受的伯爵的形象,这是个被压抑的虚假的自我。那个真实的自我在遇到道连&... 《道连·格雷的画像》中的亨利伯爵是个很复杂的人物。他愤世嫉俗,内心持有享乐主义思想,他能准确地说出每个人内心的黑暗秘密,在现实中他却扮演着一个被社会接受的伯爵的形象,这是个被压抑的虚假的自我。那个真实的自我在遇到道连·格雷后,找到了可以发泄的"替代物"。堕落的道连是罪恶的亨利的真实自我的外化,即,堕落的道连是亨利的"复影"。 展开更多
关键词 复影 道连 亨利 虚假自我 真实自我
作者 程庭辉 胡镓 《外国美学》 2024年第1期259-274,共16页
在勒内·基拉尔的欲望摹仿理论中,“复影”(double)是一个贯穿始终的概念。基拉尔综合了黑格尔哲学中的“主奴辩证法”,心理学、精神病学中的幻觉(hallucinatory)和镜像(an image in the mirror)说,以及古希腊神话中的神怪同体概念... 在勒内·基拉尔的欲望摹仿理论中,“复影”(double)是一个贯穿始终的概念。基拉尔综合了黑格尔哲学中的“主奴辩证法”,心理学、精神病学中的幻觉(hallucinatory)和镜像(an image in the mirror)说,以及古希腊神话中的神怪同体概念,赋予了“复影”这一术语极为丰富的意涵。该语词也成为解读基拉尔欲望美学的一把钥匙,对于演绎欲望摹仿的方式、摹仿欲望动力机制的生成、摹仿欲望机制中欲望主体与欲望介体之间相互依存与竞争的辩证关系有重要的意义。在基拉尔的解释框架中,他以此为基础揭示出社会中暴力文化的根源,追溯宗教仪式中替罪羊和救世主是如何形成的,揭示神话仪式对迫害关系的掩盖行为,为解读神话、宗教仪式和文学提供了新的视角。 展开更多
关键词 基拉尔 欲望摹仿 复影 欲望美学
作者 王卉 《当代外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期50-57,共8页
本文从创伤角度研究艾米斯小说《时间之箭》的伦理意义。研究发现,作者在该部作品中以心理复影的叙述策略体现出大屠杀中施暴者的创伤经历,故事的叙述者作为主人公的复影而存在;这种复影关系同时也体现为主体内部自我与他者的伦理关系,... 本文从创伤角度研究艾米斯小说《时间之箭》的伦理意义。研究发现,作者在该部作品中以心理复影的叙述策略体现出大屠杀中施暴者的创伤经历,故事的叙述者作为主人公的复影而存在;这种复影关系同时也体现为主体内部自我与他者的伦理关系,主人公因为拒绝与他者发生移情而处在人格分裂的境地;其人格的分裂则象征着纳粹分子将犹太人视为他者,对其进行清洗和屠杀。因此,《时间之箭》中的复影现象是具有伦理意义的。 展开更多
关键词 马丁·艾米斯 《时间之箭》 复影 伦理
作者 关贞兰 《吉林广播电视大学学报》 2016年第7期101-102,共2页
关键词 《序曲》 曼斯菲尔德 贝里尔 镜像 复影
作者 李赛男 《牡丹江教育学院学报》 2022年第7期1-2,97,共3页
品特的《归于尘土》被认为是一部战争作品,但却对战争历史事件没有明确的道德回应。从弗洛伊德的“复影”概念出发,“拳头”与“警笛”展示了残酷战争的初始记忆,“导游”与“工厂”暗示了战争集中营的复影,“母亲”与“孩子”代表了无... 品特的《归于尘土》被认为是一部战争作品,但却对战争历史事件没有明确的道德回应。从弗洛伊德的“复影”概念出发,“拳头”与“警笛”展示了残酷战争的初始记忆,“导游”与“工厂”暗示了战争集中营的复影,“母亲”与“孩子”代表了无法忘却的创伤。由此,人们能够清晰地认识并理解过去是如何在当下的生活中复现的,即战争记忆如何成为当下人民生活的梦魇,并使人思考如何面对战争给受害者带来的创伤这一主题。 展开更多
关键词 记忆 《归于尘土》 战争书写 复影
作者 夏玉红 《黑河学院学报》 2022年第5期122-124,共3页
关键词 哥特式 暗恐 复影
作者 侯瑞敏 《湖北第二师范学院学报》 2017年第6期23-26,共4页
身份错位和认同一直是流散作家难以回避的问题,而他们小说中的人物也常常置身双重身份的两难境地。弗洛伊德在其论文《暗恐》中从心理分析学层面对"非家幻觉"做出了阐释。张思敏的小说《爱的晕眩》的主人公格丽丝的生活经历复... 身份错位和认同一直是流散作家难以回避的问题,而他们小说中的人物也常常置身双重身份的两难境地。弗洛伊德在其论文《暗恐》中从心理分析学层面对"非家幻觉"做出了阐释。张思敏的小说《爱的晕眩》的主人公格丽丝的生活经历复杂,她的主体发生异化焦虑。压抑的复现和"复影"给她带来的"他者"之感让一直把澳大利亚当作"家"的格丽丝产生了"非家幻觉"。社会和家庭双重文化的影响,使格丽丝发出了"寻家"的精神诉求。 展开更多
关键词 非家幻觉 压抑的 复影 主体异化 非家焦虑
作者 关贞兰 《河北北方学院学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第4期37-40,共4页
康拉德的小说《黑暗的心》在叙述结构上采用了套层式叙述,外层是海员讲述的马洛的故事,内层是马洛讲述的库尔兹的故事,而外层马洛的故事和内层库尔兹的故事之间没有清晰的界线,马洛讲述的库尔兹的故事成为马洛故事的自我反射。在审美形... 康拉德的小说《黑暗的心》在叙述结构上采用了套层式叙述,外层是海员讲述的马洛的故事,内层是马洛讲述的库尔兹的故事,而外层马洛的故事和内层库尔兹的故事之间没有清晰的界线,马洛讲述的库尔兹的故事成为马洛故事的自我反射。在审美形式上,叙述的内外界线被模糊,构成了"恐惑"式叙述;在伦理意义上,作为欧洲文明使者的马洛从库尔兹身上窥到了以文明自居的欧洲人内心深处暗藏的野蛮本性。欧洲文明的神话被颠覆,欧洲与非洲、文明与野蛮之间的界线被模糊,从而构成了弗洛伊德意义上的"恐惑"。《黑暗的心》从审美到伦理,都是一部"恐惑"的小说。 展开更多
关键词 《黑暗的心》 弗洛伊德 恐惑 复影 审美 伦理
Coordinate unification method of high-precision composite measurement in two dimensions 被引量:2
作者 文信 付鲁华 +2 位作者 赵炎 张恒 王仲 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2016年第3期205-213,共9页
Multi-sensor coordinate unification in dimensional metrology is used in order to get holistic, more accurate and reliable information about a workpiece based on several or multiple measurement values from ... Multi-sensor coordinate unification in dimensional metrology is used in order to get holistic, more accurate and reliable information about a workpiece based on several or multiple measurement values from one or more sensors. Because of the problem that standard ball is deficient as a standard artifact in the coordinate unification of high-precision composite measurement in two dimensions (2D) , a new method is proposed in this paper which uses angle gauge blocks as standard artifacts to achieve coordinate unification between the image sensor and the tactile probe. By comparing the standard ball with the angle gauge block as a standard artifact, theoretical analysis and experimental results are given to prove that it is more precise and more convenient to use angle gauge blocks as standard artifacts to achieve coordinate unification of high-precision composite measurement in two dimensions. 展开更多
关键词 high-precision composite measurement image sensor tactile probe coordinate unification angle gauge block
Recurrent giant fibrovascular polyp of the esophagus 被引量:7
作者 Ser Yee Lee Weng Hoong Chan +2 位作者 Ranjiv Sivanandan Dennis Teck Hock Lim Wai Keong Wong 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第29期3697-3700,共4页
Giant fibrovascular polyps of the esophagus and hypopharynx are rare benign esophageal tumors. They arise most commonly in the upper esophagus and may, rarely, originate in the hypopharynx. They can vary significantly... Giant fibrovascular polyps of the esophagus and hypopharynx are rare benign esophageal tumors. They arise most commonly in the upper esophagus and may, rarely, originate in the hypopharynx. They can vary significantly in size. Even though they are benign, they may be lethal due to either bleeding or, rarely, asphyxiation if a large polyp is regurgitated. Patients commonly present with dysphagia or hematemesis. The polyps may not be well visualized on endoscopy and imaging plays a vital role in aiding diagnosis as well as providing important information for preoperative planning, such as the location of the pedicle, the vascularity of the polyp and the tissue elements of the mass. They can also be recurrent in rare cases, especially if the resection margins of the base are involved. We review the recent literature and report a case of a 61-year-old man with a recurrent giant esophageal fibrovascular polyp with illustrative contrast barium swallow, CT and intra-operative images, who required several surgeries via a combination of endoscopic, trans-oral, trans-cervical, trans-thoracic and trans-abdominal approaches. 展开更多
关键词 Giant fibrovascular polyp ESOPHAGUS Esophageal polyp Fibroepithelial polyps
Evaluation of Land Reclamation and Implications of Ecological Restoration for Agro-pastoral Ecotone: Case Study of Horqin Left Back Banner in China 被引量:3
作者 ZHOU Jian ZHANG Fengrong +2 位作者 XU Yan GAO Yang XIE Zhen 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第5期772-783,共12页
The agro-pastoral ecotone has been recognized as the main distribution area of reserved land resource for cultivation. Accordingly, clarifying this assumption, as well as concerting land reclamation and ecological res... The agro-pastoral ecotone has been recognized as the main distribution area of reserved land resource for cultivation. Accordingly, clarifying this assumption, as well as concerting land reclamation and ecological restoration, is important to ensure food security and environmental improvement in the agro-pastoral ecotone. We selected Horqin Left Back Banner(HLBB) as the subject of our case study. The landscape ecological security pattern of this area was determined using the minimum cumulative resistance model. Over-cultivation, quantity of reserved land resource for cultivation, and changes in landscape indexes before and after land use adjustment were then analyzed. Over-cultivation is a serious problem in the agro-pastoral ecotone. Reserved land resource for cultivation is less than that considered previously, and the area of reserved land resource for cultivation in HLBB only accounts for 11.50% of total uncultivated land. With regard to changes in landscape indexes, the adjusted land use pattern is effective for anti-desertification. The compensation standard for abandoned cultivated land should be improved and the comprehensive results of ‘Grain for Green' should be evaluated to further implement ecological restoration in the agro-pastoral ecotone. 展开更多
关键词 land reclamation ecological restoration minimum cumulative resistance model agro-pastoral ecotone China
New correction method for controlled-source electromagnetics source effects 被引量:1
作者 Bo YUAN Di-quan LI Yan-fang HU 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第12期3356-3366,共11页
A novel method for source effect correction based on integral equation method is proposed.By taking the electrical horizontal field Ex of current source as an example,the correction method is validated using both simu... A novel method for source effect correction based on integral equation method is proposed.By taking the electrical horizontal field Ex of current source as an example,the correction method is validated using both simulated data and field data.The results show that the correction method is feasible and effective for isotropic media.When the field data are processed,the correction method normalizes the sources with different geological structures,which eliminates the geological difference among sources,and retains the geological difference among receivers.The correction results are in line with the expectation in whole. 展开更多
关键词 source effect controlled-source electromagnetics source overprint effect shadow effect
2-Harmonic Totally Real Submanifolds in a Complex Projective Space
作者 孙弘安 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 1995年第3期37-41,共5页
In this paper, we discuss the relations between the 2-harmornic totally real submsnifold and the minimal totall real submanifold in the complex protective spsace, and obtain the pinching conductions for the second fu... In this paper, we discuss the relations between the 2-harmornic totally real submsnifold and the minimal totall real submanifold in the complex protective spsace, and obtain the pinching conductions for the second fundamental form and the Rieci curature of the 2-harmornic totally real submanifold in the complex projective space. 展开更多
关键词 complex projective space totally real 2-HARMONIC MINIMAL
Complete Kaehler Submanifolds in CP^n
作者 SONGXiao-xin HUCong-e 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期214-220,共7页
In this paper we mainly investigate projectively flat complete Kaehler submanifolds, in CP^n. We give the pinching constants and the local structure.
关键词 Kaehler Submanifolds COMPLETE scalar curvature
Characteristics, causation, and rehabilitation of Zhouqu extraordinarily serious debris flows in 2010, China 被引量:5
作者 WANG Lan-min WU Zhi-jian +1 位作者 WANG Ping CHEN Tuo 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第8期2342-2348,共7页
In early morning of Aug 8th, 2010, the rain-triggered tremendous debris flows broke out simultaneously at the Sanyanyu ravine and Luojiayu ravine, which locate in the north part of Zhouqu County town. The debris flow ... In early morning of Aug 8th, 2010, the rain-triggered tremendous debris flows broke out simultaneously at the Sanyanyu ravine and Luojiayu ravine, which locate in the north part of Zhouqu County town. The debris flow is the most severe event of the same kind of disasters in the past sixty years in China, which caused great losses of people's lives and properties. Based on field investigation, remote sensing image interpretation and analysis of local climatological data, the local topographical conditions, active tectonic movement, massive debris source and torrential rains were the main formation causes which induced the catastrophic debris flows. Moreover, detailed geological surveys were carried out following the disaster, the other geological potential hazard sites were found out, and the geological and seismic hazard assessment has been put into practice. At last, scientific and appropriate countermeasures have been suggested to prevent and mitigate the extraordinarily serious debris flow. 展开更多
关键词 debris flows hazard assessment geological survey Zhouqu county
A Note on Totally Real Riemannian Foliations with Parallelized Mean Curvature Vectors in a Complex Projective Space
作者 PENG Hui-chun 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2011年第3期410-414,共5页
We discussed a totally real Riemannian foliations with parallel mean curvature on a complex projective space.We carried out the divergence of a vector field on it and obtained a formula of Simons’type.
关键词 Riemannian foliations complex projective space mean curvature DIVERGENCE
Earthquake-Affected Time-Space Domain, Recurrence Interval and Effective Preparation Time of Earthquakes
作者 Wang Shengzu and Zhang ZongchunInstitute of Geology & Laboratory of Tectonophysics, China Seismological Bureau, Beijing 100029, China 《Earthquake Research in China》 2002年第4期380-395,共16页
The study shows that earthquake-affected time-space domain (ETSD), i.e. a time-space range in which strong earthquakes are unable to occur owing to the influence of a prior earthquake occurring, shows a hyperbolic mar... The study shows that earthquake-affected time-space domain (ETSD), i.e. a time-space range in which strong earthquakes are unable to occur owing to the influence of a prior earthquake occurring, shows a hyperbolic margin curve in the t(time)-r(distance) coordinate plane, which has a maximum affected radius r 0 at t=0 and a maximum influence time t 0 (i.e. the in-situ recurrence interval of earthquakes) at r=0. Based on the time-distance distributions of posterior earthquakes relative to prior ones in the regions of North China, Northwest China, Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) plateau and Southwest China, the optimized and 90%-confidence margin curves are estimated using optimization and statistical analysis methods. This indicates that the concept and method of ETSD with 3-dimension (time-distance-magnitudes) instead of those of “recurrence interval" with 1-dimension (time) or 2-dimension (time-magnitude) provides a new approach to understanding the fluctuation of seismic activities, estimating the effective earthquake-preparation time of potential hypocenters, and therefore improving the medium- and long-term prediction of strong earthquakes. 展开更多
关键词 Earthquake-affected time-space domain Recurrence interval Affected radius Effective earthquake-preparation time
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