High precise, high voltage pulse generator made up of high-power IGBT and pulse transformers controlled by a computer are described. A simple main circuit topology employed in this pulse generator can reduce the cost ...High precise, high voltage pulse generator made up of high-power IGBT and pulse transformers controlled by a computer are described. A simple main circuit topology employed in this pulse generator can reduce the cost meanwhile it still meets special requirements for pulsed electric fields (PEFs) in food process. The pulse generator utilizes a complex programmable logic device (CPLD) to generate trigger signals. Pulse-frequency, pulse-width and pulse-number are controlled via RS232 bus by a computer. The high voltage pulse generator well suits to the application for fluid food non-thermal effect in pulsed electric fields, for it can increase and decrease by the step length 1.展开更多
文摘High precise, high voltage pulse generator made up of high-power IGBT and pulse transformers controlled by a computer are described. A simple main circuit topology employed in this pulse generator can reduce the cost meanwhile it still meets special requirements for pulsed electric fields (PEFs) in food process. The pulse generator utilizes a complex programmable logic device (CPLD) to generate trigger signals. Pulse-frequency, pulse-width and pulse-number are controlled via RS232 bus by a computer. The high voltage pulse generator well suits to the application for fluid food non-thermal effect in pulsed electric fields, for it can increase and decrease by the step length 1.