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慢性萎缩性胃炎中医复杂证候群及其分布规律 被引量:8
作者 贺大强 孙喜灵 +1 位作者 王斌胜 丁宝刚 《辽宁中医杂志》 CAS 2014年第2期205-207,共3页
目的:探讨慢性萎缩性胃炎中医复杂证候群及其分布规律。方法:对入选的1000例慢性萎缩性胃炎患者的四诊症状和体征进行完整的收集和整理,根据“四特征五阶段”诊断标准进行辨证分型,然后运用统计学定性资料的统计表描述方法进行分析... 目的:探讨慢性萎缩性胃炎中医复杂证候群及其分布规律。方法:对入选的1000例慢性萎缩性胃炎患者的四诊症状和体征进行完整的收集和整理,根据“四特征五阶段”诊断标准进行辨证分型,然后运用统计学定性资料的统计表描述方法进行分析研究。结果:慢性萎缩性胃炎患者证候复杂,除脾胃系证候外还伴有肝系、心系、肾系、肺系、大肠系等诸多脏腑病证,其中肝系、心系、肾系病证与脾胃系证候比重相当;脾胃系证候中虚证主要表现为脾阳虚证、脾气虚证、胃阴虚证、胃气虚证、胃阳虚证,脾胃虚弱证或脾胃虚寒证;实证主要表现为胃热证、胃火旺证、胃有瘀血证,脾胃湿热证。其中脾阳虚证、胃阴虚证及脾胃虚弱证是虚证中较为突出的单一证候;胃热证、胃火旺证、胃有瘀血证及脾胃湿热证是实证中较为突出的单一证候。慢性萎缩性胃炎患者可同时见有1—10个中医证候分型,其中同时存在4~8个证候的患者明显多于其他证候。结论:慢性萎缩性胃炎中医证候以复杂证候群的形式存在,除脾胃系证候外还兼有肝、心、肾等其他脏腑病证,且多存在3个或3个以上证候分型. 展开更多
关键词 慢性萎缩性胃炎 复杂证候群 候分布规律
作者 贺大强 孙喜灵 《陕西中医学院学报》 2014年第1期37-40,共4页
目的探讨慢性萎缩性胃炎(CAG)常见三种胃镜象中医复杂证候群分布规律及其涉病脏腑的相关性,为临床辨证论治提供指导。方法分别搜集三种胃镜象患者病例,对其完整四诊资料辨证分型后进行统计分析。结果CAG单纯萎缩患者证候复杂,临床... 目的探讨慢性萎缩性胃炎(CAG)常见三种胃镜象中医复杂证候群分布规律及其涉病脏腑的相关性,为临床辨证论治提供指导。方法分别搜集三种胃镜象患者病例,对其完整四诊资料辨证分型后进行统计分析。结果CAG单纯萎缩患者证候复杂,临床中多存在2~9个中医证候,其中同时存在3—8个证候的患者占较大比例,高达96.49%;CAG伴胆汁反流患者中医证候复杂,多存在1~10个中医证候,其中同时存在3~9个证候患者占较大比例,约占98.05%;CAG伴胆汁反流、糜烂患者中医证候复杂,多存在1~10个中医证候,其中同时存在3—9个证候患者占较大比例,约占98.08%;三者基本都涉及脾胃、肝、肾及膀胱、心、肺及大肠等脏腑;三者涉病脏腑证候差异采用SPSSl7.0定性资料无序多分类x2检验,P〉0.05,无统计学意义。结论慢性萎缩性胃炎常见三种胃镜象中医证候复杂,多同时存在3—9个中医证候,多涉及脾胃、肝、肾及膀胱、心、肺及大肠等脏腑,且三者间所涉病脏腑证候无明显差异。 展开更多
关键词 慢性萎缩性胃炎 胃镜象 复杂证候群 脏腑相关性
976例冠心病中医复杂证候分布规律研究 被引量:20
作者 梅琼 曾祥法 《中国中医基础医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第10期1370-1372,共3页
目的:探讨冠心病中医复杂证候分布规律。方法:将976例冠心病按单一证候、2个证候组合、3个及以上证候组合进行中医证候分型,计算构成比并分析其分布规律。结果:单一证候分为血瘀、痰浊、气滞、络阻、热(火)、水饮、寒凝、气虚、血虚、... 目的:探讨冠心病中医复杂证候分布规律。方法:将976例冠心病按单一证候、2个证候组合、3个及以上证候组合进行中医证候分型,计算构成比并分析其分布规律。结果:单一证候分为血瘀、痰浊、气滞、络阻、热(火)、水饮、寒凝、气虚、血虚、阴虚、阳虚11个证候,血瘀(93.44%)为本病核心证候,络阻(88.62%)、痰浊(71.41%)与热邪(65.88%)占重要位置;2个证候组合分为痰瘀互结、痰热互结、血瘀络阻、气滞血瘀、气虚血瘀、寒凝血瘀、气阴两虚、气血两虚、阳虚水泛9个证候,血瘀络阻(86.16%)、痰瘀互结(69.15%)与痰热互结(62.70%)占主导地位;3个及以上证候组合分为血瘀痰浊络阻(或兼热)、气滞血瘀络阻、气虚血瘀络阻、气阴两虚兼络瘀5个证候,血瘀痰浊络阻(68.34%)占主导地位,偏热者尤多(65.88%)。结论:血瘀为冠心病核心证候,其次是络阻、痰浊。本病是由2个及以上证候组合引起,3个及以上证候组成的复杂证候占主导,血瘀痰浊络阻为核心证候,其中偏热者尤多。 展开更多
关键词 冠心病 中医复杂证 候分布规律
论从复杂证群辨治角度认识麻黄升麻汤的重要意义 被引量:3
作者 严兴海 何茁 +2 位作者 杨宇玲 杨树成 何复东 《环球中医药》 CAS 2018年第1期102-104,共3页
复杂证群在临床中普遍存在,对其认识的缺陷与辨治方法的片面是影响中医临床疗效的关键因素。根据临床实践及学习体会,笔者认为张仲景在《伤寒杂病论》中通过麻黄升麻汤示范了临证时复杂证群的辨治方法,有极其重要的理论价值和临床价值,... 复杂证群在临床中普遍存在,对其认识的缺陷与辨治方法的片面是影响中医临床疗效的关键因素。根据临床实践及学习体会,笔者认为张仲景在《伤寒杂病论》中通过麻黄升麻汤示范了临证时复杂证群的辨治方法,有极其重要的理论价值和临床价值,这种辨治思路代表了中医辨治的最高境界,唯有掌握麻黄升麻汤的辨治思路,才能灵活掌握应用方剂证候和理论推证证候来指导临床实践,克服形而上学的死板机械论,由中医辨治的必然王国走向中医辨治的自由王国,举一反三,灵活处理复杂多变的临床病例,尤其对于证候叠加的复杂证群辨治才能得心应手,取得理想的临床疗效。 展开更多
关键词 复杂证 论治 麻黄升麻汤 中医理论
基于《伤寒杂病论》方证探求辨析上热下寒证治 被引量:3
作者 孙语男 韩松雪 金宇安 《环球中医药》 CAS 2020年第6期1101-1104,共4页
上热下寒证是指热邪在上、寒邪在下,致使阴阳不交、升降失常的证候。其本质是人体阴阳之气不相交会融合,阴阳失衡,导致寒热集于一身分居上下,属复杂矛盾证候。本篇文章通过分析《伤寒杂病论》相关方证,辨析阐明上热下寒证候临床诊治。... 上热下寒证是指热邪在上、寒邪在下,致使阴阳不交、升降失常的证候。其本质是人体阴阳之气不相交会融合,阴阳失衡,导致寒热集于一身分居上下,属复杂矛盾证候。本篇文章通过分析《伤寒杂病论》相关方证,辨析阐明上热下寒证候临床诊治。中土受邪、枢轴不运者,治以健脾和胃、升降气机、清上温下,黄连汤、干姜黄芩黄连人参汤可辨证用之;厥阴为病、风夹寒热者,治以敛肝息风、和肝安胃、清上温下,乌梅丸恰为合拍;枢机不利、胆热脾寒者,治以和解枢机、清胆温脾、畅达三焦,柴胡桂枝干姜汤与之方证相应;下焦阳虚、气化无权者,治以温补脾肾、温阳化气、润燥生津,可予栝蒌瞿麦丸;正虚邪陷、肺热脾寒者,治以发越郁阳、清肺温脾、虚实并治,麻黄升麻汤治之。研究《伤寒杂病论》上热下寒方证的证治规律,灵活掌握其辨证及方药配伍,目的是为临床治疗复杂矛盾证候提供方法和策略。 展开更多
关键词 伤寒杂病论 阴阳失衡 上热下寒 复杂矛盾 论治
Learning curves in minimally invasive esophagectomy 被引量:2
作者 Frans van Workum Laura Fransen +1 位作者 Misha DP Luyer Camiel Rosman 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2018年第44期4974-4978,共5页
Surgical innovation and pioneering are important for improving patient outcome, but can be associated with learning curves. Although learning curves in surgery are a recognized problem, the impact of surgical learning... Surgical innovation and pioneering are important for improving patient outcome, but can be associated with learning curves. Although learning curves in surgery are a recognized problem, the impact of surgical learning curves is increasing, due to increasing complexity of innovative surgical procedures, the rapid rate at which new interventions are implemented and a decrease in relative effectiveness of new interventions compared to old interventions. For minimally invasive esophagectomy(MIE), there is now robust evidence that implementation can lead to significant learning associated morbidity(morbidity during a learning curve, that could have been avoided if patients were operated by surgeons that have completed the learning curve). This article provides an overview of the evidence of the impact of learning curves after implementation of MIE. In addition, caveats for implementation and available evidence regarding factors that are important for safe implementation and safe pioneering of MIE are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Minimally invasive esophagectomy Learning curve Pioneering Safe implementation Profciency gain curve
Preventing“Bad”Content Dispersal in Named Data Networking 被引量:2
作者 Yi Wang Zhuyun Qi Bin Liu 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第6期109-119,共11页
Named Data Networking(NDN)improves the data delivery efficiency by caching contents in routers. To prevent corrupted and faked contents be spread in the network,NDN routers should verify the digital signature of each ... Named Data Networking(NDN)improves the data delivery efficiency by caching contents in routers. To prevent corrupted and faked contents be spread in the network,NDN routers should verify the digital signature of each published content. Since the verification scheme in NDN applies the asymmetric encryption algorithm to sign contents,the content verification overhead is too high to satisfy wire-speed packet forwarding. In this paper, we propose two schemes to improve the verification performance of NDN routers to prevent content poisoning. The first content verification scheme, called "user-assisted",leads to the best performance, but can be bypassed if the clients and the content producer collude. A second scheme, named ``RouterCooperation ‘', prevents the aforementioned collusion attack by making edge routers verify the contents independently without the assistance of users and the core routers no longer verify the contents. The Router-Cooperation verification scheme reduces the computing complexity of cryptographic operation by replacing the asymmetric encryption algorithm with symmetric encryption algorithm.The simulation results demonstrate that this Router-Cooperation scheme can speed up18.85 times of the original content verification scheme with merely extra 80 Bytes transmission overhead. 展开更多
关键词 named data networking ROUTER content verification encryption algorithm
Thompson's Group and the Linear Group GL_∞(Z)
作者 Yan WU Xiaoman CHEN 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第6期863-884,共22页
The authors study the finite decomposition complexity of metric spaces of H, equipped with different metrics, where H is a subgroup of the linear group GL∞(E). It is proved that there is an injective Lipschitz map... The authors study the finite decomposition complexity of metric spaces of H, equipped with different metrics, where H is a subgroup of the linear group GL∞(E). It is proved that there is an injective Lipschitz map φ: (F, ds) --* (H,d), where F is the Thompson's group, ds the word-metric of F with respect to the finite generating set S and d a metric of H. But it is not a proper map. Meanwhile, it is proved that φ(F, ds) → (H, dl) is not a Lipschitz map, where dl is another metric of H. 展开更多
关键词 Finite decomposition complexity Thompson's group F Word-metric Lipschitz map Reduced tree diagram
Formal verification with projection temporal logic
作者 TIAN Cong DUAN ZhenHua 《Science Foundation in China》 CAS 2014年第2期37-54,共18页
Projection temporal logic(PTL) is an extension of interval temporal logic(ITL) with a new projection operator prj and infinite intervals which has been well investigated in the past ten years.In this paper,we review t... Projection temporal logic(PTL) is an extension of interval temporal logic(ITL) with a new projection operator prj and infinite intervals which has been well investigated in the past ten years.In this paper,we review the work on PTL in four aspects:(1) decidability,complexity and expressiveness of propositional PTL(PPTL);(2) modeling,simulation and verification language(MSVL);(3) formal verification approaches with MSVL and PPTL;and(4) supporting toolkit MSV. 展开更多
关键词 Projection temporal logic MODELING VERIFICATION SEMANTICS Model checking
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