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自反应喷射成型复相结构陶瓷的组织与性能 被引量:1
作者 王建江 刘宏伟 +2 位作者 胡文斌 姚文谨 温晋华 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第A02期90-93,共4页
以Ti粉、B4C粉和蔗糖(C的前驱体)为原料,制备了Ti(C,N)-TiB2复相结构陶瓷坯件,分析了陶瓷坯件的组织结构与性能。研究得出,该复相结构陶瓷的组织为典型的多相非均质结构,主要由Ti(C0.7,N0.3)、TiC、TiN、TiB2、TiO2、Ti2O等各相组成,其... 以Ti粉、B4C粉和蔗糖(C的前驱体)为原料,制备了Ti(C,N)-TiB2复相结构陶瓷坯件,分析了陶瓷坯件的组织结构与性能。研究得出,该复相结构陶瓷的组织为典型的多相非均质结构,主要由Ti(C0.7,N0.3)、TiC、TiN、TiB2、TiO2、Ti2O等各相组成,其中,Ti(C0.7,N0.3)相在整个坯件中广泛分布,构成坯件组织的基体,TiC、TiN和TiB2等相分布在基体相之中,它们之间界面良好,组织致密,而Ti2O、TiO2等副产物相结构较为松疏,周围伴有气孔等缺陷。喷射沉积坯件的孔隙率为2.9%,显微硬度(HV0.2)为19450MPa,断裂韧性为6.0MPa.m1/2。 展开更多
关键词 自反应喷射成型 复相结构陶瓷 组织性能 Ti(C N)-TiB2
时效Mn-Cu合金中的复相结构 被引量:1
作者 雷运涛 吴杏芳 韩顺昌 《电子显微学报》 CAS CSCD 2000年第4期443-444,共2页
关键词 时效锰-铜合金 复相结构 高阻尼合金 电子衍射
Nd9(Fe,In)_(85)B_6纳米复相永磁材料的结构与磁性能研究 被引量:4
作者 张栋杰 都有为 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期303-305,共3页
用熔体快淬法制备了纳米复相结构 Nd9Fe85- B6Inx 永磁体,利用 XRD 和 VSM 等方法研究了 In 掺杂和热处理温度对其磁性能的影响。结果表明,在磁体 Nd9Fe85- B6Inx 中 In 掺杂可以提高其矫顽力和剩磁比,可改善磁体磁滞回线矩形度;有助于... 用熔体快淬法制备了纳米复相结构 Nd9Fe85- B6Inx 永磁体,利用 XRD 和 VSM 等方法研究了 In 掺杂和热处理温度对其磁性能的影响。结果表明,在磁体 Nd9Fe85- B6Inx 中 In 掺杂可以提高其矫顽力和剩磁比,可改善磁体磁滞回线矩形度;有助于改善磁体 Nd9Fe85- B6Inx的热处理性能。在 Nd9Fe85- B6Inx 中,不掺杂 In 和掺杂 In 为 0.5 mol%时,具有最佳的矫顽力和磁能积,其值分别为 465 kA/m 和 145 kJ/m3。 展开更多
关键词 ND-FE-B 纳米复相结构 矫顽力
《科技中国》 2012年第2期31-35,共5页
关键词 纳米材料 复相结构 镶嵌结构 热稳定 强韧化 机理 变形 纳米结构材料
弛豫型铁电体Pb(B_(1/3)Nb_(2/3))O_3基复合陶瓷中两相共存的研究 被引量:3
作者 李振荣 王晓莉 +1 位作者 张良莹 姚熹 《硅酸盐学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第2期202-207,共6页
在PZN-BT-PT,PMN-BT-PT和PNN-PT系统中,用两相混合烧结法,分别制备了PZN基、PMN基和PNN基复合陶瓷.介电性能测试结果表明,PZN基陶瓷为两相共存的复相陶瓷;而PMN基和PNN基陶瓷中的两相... 在PZN-BT-PT,PMN-BT-PT和PNN-PT系统中,用两相混合烧结法,分别制备了PZN基、PMN基和PNN基复合陶瓷.介电性能测试结果表明,PZN基陶瓷为两相共存的复相陶瓷;而PMN基和PNN基陶瓷中的两相都发生了很大程度的固溶.应用键价理论和键性分析对此进行了讨论,并从两组元间扩散动力学的角度和显微结构特征对这一现象进行了分析. 展开更多
关键词 合陶瓷 复相结构 铁电体 弛豫型 铝基
作者 侯万良 常新青 +3 位作者 王建强 郝云彦 胡壮麒 杜文新 《中国稀土学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第4期325-328,共4页
采用气体雾化法制备了新型RE(NiAlCu) x(x= 4 .5,4 .9,5 .6) 微晶贮氢合金粉末,并进行了微观结构、热力学及电化学性能研究。合金颗粒呈较为规则的球形,x= 4.5 时,微观结构由基体AB5 相及沿相界... 采用气体雾化法制备了新型RE(NiAlCu) x(x= 4 .5,4 .9,5 .6) 微晶贮氢合金粉末,并进行了微观结构、热力学及电化学性能研究。合金颗粒呈较为规则的球形,x= 4.5 时,微观结构由基体AB5 相及沿相界分布的AB3 与AB 共晶相复合结构组成;x= 4 .9 时,微观结构由基体AB5 相及少量呈不连续网状分布的AB相复合结构组成;x= 5.6 时,微观结构由基体AB5 相及沿相界分布的AB5 与Ni3Al 共晶相复合结构组成。合金的电化学容量为210 ~300mAh·g-1 ,活化次数为1 ~3 次。其活化是由于吸氢前后内在双相复合结构促使合金颗粒沿相界产生淬火显微裂纹,并在吸放氢过程中逐渐扩展,颗粒内部露出大量新鲜反应界面所致。 展开更多
关键词 稀土 气体雾化 贮氢合金 复相结构 活化 电极
作者 董金虎 《中国塑料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期57-60,共4页
分别采用溶液共混法、熔融共混法以及二阶共混法来制备PP/纳米SiO2复合材料,探讨了不同共混方法时,纳米SiO2含量对复合材料力学性能及微观结构的影响。结果表明,从纳米SiO2的分散来说,溶液共混最好、二阶共混次之、熔融共混最差;当纳米S... 分别采用溶液共混法、熔融共混法以及二阶共混法来制备PP/纳米SiO2复合材料,探讨了不同共混方法时,纳米SiO2含量对复合材料力学性能及微观结构的影响。结果表明,从纳米SiO2的分散来说,溶液共混最好、二阶共混次之、熔融共混最差;当纳米SiO2含量超过3%时,二阶共混法制备的复合材料具有复相结构;而纳米SiO2用量超过5%时,3种共混方法制备的复合材料都出现层状结构;因此,纳米SiO2含量为3%时的二阶共混法制备的复合材料既形成了复相结构又还未出现层状结构,其综合力学性能优异,拉伸强度提高了21.3%,断裂伸长率增加了27.6%,冲击强度提高了131.1%。 展开更多
关键词 聚丙烯 纳米二氧化硅 共混方法 二阶共混 层状结构 复相结构
作者 杨月英 王建江 《热加工工艺》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期72-75,共4页
以Ti-B4C-蔗糖(C的前驱体)为主体系,添加5wt%Al进行自反应喷射成形复相结构陶瓷坯件试验,分析Al对其反应特性的影响。结果表明:Al的加入降低了体系中所有反应的起始温度,促进了体系的燃烧合成与反应转化,并生成了TiAl2和Al2O3新相;Al的... 以Ti-B4C-蔗糖(C的前驱体)为主体系,添加5wt%Al进行自反应喷射成形复相结构陶瓷坯件试验,分析Al对其反应特性的影响。结果表明:Al的加入降低了体系中所有反应的起始温度,促进了体系的燃烧合成与反应转化,并生成了TiAl2和Al2O3新相;Al的加入缩短了喷射粒子转化为陶瓷液滴的时间,促进了目标产物碳氮化钛和硼化钛的生成;Al的加入使金属的氧化由钛的一元氧化变为钛、铝的二元氧化,并因铝的选择性氧化而抑制了自反应喷射成形过程中Ti的氧化,使喷射沉积坯件内不含副产物相TiO2,这些对控制喷射沉积工艺和改善沉积坯件的组织结构有利。 展开更多
关键词 自反应喷射成形 添加剂 复相结构陶瓷 氧化与氮化
Solid-phase sintering process and forced convective heat transfer performance of porous-structured micro-channels 被引量:2
作者 白鹏飞 易子川 +1 位作者 唐彪 周国富 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第3期900-906,共7页
A solid-phase sintering process for the low-cost fabrication of composite micro-channels was developed. Three kinds of composite micro-channels with metallic porous structures were designed. The sintering process was ... A solid-phase sintering process for the low-cost fabrication of composite micro-channels was developed. Three kinds of composite micro-channels with metallic porous structures were designed. The sintering process was studied and optimized to obtain porous-structured micro-channels with high porosity. The flow resistance and heat transfer performance in the composite micro-channels were investigated. The composite micro-channels show acceptable flow resistance, significant enhancement of heat transfer and dramatic improvement of flow boiling stability, which indicates a promising prospect for the application in forced convective heat transfer. 展开更多
关键词 solid-phase sintering composite micro-channels porous structure flow resistance convective heat transfer
作者 王为 项民 +2 位作者 郭鹤桐 覃奇贤 任殿胜 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 1998年第1期98-101,共4页
The interfacial interaction existing in the Ni ZrO 2 composite plating has been investigated. The experimental results show that no new phases were formed in the interfacial regions between matrix Ni and ZrO 2 part... The interfacial interaction existing in the Ni ZrO 2 composite plating has been investigated. The experimental results show that no new phases were formed in the interfacial regions between matrix Ni and ZrO 2 particles, but an orbital interaction through the mutual overlap of the d orbits does exist in the interfacial regions between Ni atoms and Zr 3+ ions. 展开更多
关键词 Ni ZrO 2 composite plating interfacial structure INTERACTION
作者 Zhou Yuming Xu Baowen (Dept. of Computer Science & Eng., Southeast Univ., Nanjing 210096) (State Key Laboratory of Software Engineering, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072) (Jiangsu Key Lab. of Computer Info. Proc. Tech., Soochow Univ., Suzhou 215006) 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2003年第3期227-231,共5页
To provide system designer a valid measure to evaluate the structure complexityof class diagrams objectively, this letter first proposes a method to transform a class diagramsinto a weighted class dependence graph, th... To provide system designer a valid measure to evaluate the structure complexityof class diagrams objectively, this letter first proposes a method to transform a class diagramsinto a weighted class dependence graph, then presents a structure complexity measure for classdiagrams based on entropy distance. 展开更多
关键词 Class diagrams Structure complexity MEASURE Entropy distance DEPENDENCE
Investigation of acoustic scale effects and boundary effects for the similitude model of underwater complex shell-structure 被引量:3
作者 WANG San-de YANG De-sen LIU Ning 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2007年第1期31-35,共5页
In this paper, the acoustic scale effects and boundary effects for the similitude model of underwater complex shell-structure are investigated. The similitude conditions and relations between the similitude model and ... In this paper, the acoustic scale effects and boundary effects for the similitude model of underwater complex shell-structure are investigated. The similitude conditions and relations between the similitude model and its prototype were studied in the references. This paper investigates the acoustic scale effects for the similitude model, which are influenced by loss factor, shear and rotatory inertia. At the same time, the boundary effects which are influenced by surface sound reflection are investigated in the experiment of similitude model. The results show that the acoustic scale effects may be controlled with model designing, the boundary effects can be controlled with experimental designing between the similitude model and its prototype. 展开更多
关键词 acoustic scale effects acoustic boundary effects SIMILITUDE
Optimal Vibration Control of Adjacent Building Structures Interconnected by Viscoelastic Dampers
作者 Ming-Yi Liu An-Pei Wang Ming-Yi Chiu 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2017年第5期468-476,共9页
The objective of this paper is to investigate the dynamic characteristics of two adjacent building structures interconnected by viscoelastic dampers under seismic excitations. The computational procedure for an analyt... The objective of this paper is to investigate the dynamic characteristics of two adjacent building structures interconnected by viscoelastic dampers under seismic excitations. The computational procedure for an analytical model including the system model formulation, complex modal analysis and seismic time history analysis is presented for this purpose. A numerical example is also provided to illustrate the analytical model. The complex modal analysis is conducted to determine the optimal damping ratio, the optimal damper stiffness and the optimal damper damping of the viscoelastic dampers for each mode of the system. For the damper stiffness and damping with optimal values, the responses can be categorized into underdamped and critically damped vibrations. Furthermore, compared to the viscous dampers with only the energy dissipation mechanism, the viscoelastic dampers with both the energy dissipation and redistribution mechanisms are more effective for increasing the damping ratio of the system. The seismic time history analysis is conducted to assess the effectiveness of the viscoelastic dampers for vibration control. Based on the optimal damping ratio, the optimal damper stiffness, the optimal damper damping of the viscoelastic dampers for a certain mode of the system, and the viscoelastic dampers can be used to effectively suppress the root-mean-square responses as well as the peak responses of the two adjacent buildings. 展开更多
关键词 Adjacent building structure viscoelastic damper complex modal analysis seismic time history analysis.
Stress Analysis of a Circularly-Perforated Finite Orthotropic Composite Plate
作者 N. Fatima R. Rowlands 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2017年第4期209-220,共12页
Stresses, particularly those at geometric discontinuities, can influence structural integrity of engineering components. Motivated by the prevalence of cutouts in components, the objective of this paper is to demonstr... Stresses, particularly those at geometric discontinuities, can influence structural integrity of engineering components. Motivated by the prevalence of cutouts in components, the objective of this paper is to demonstrate ability to stress analyze finite, circularly-perforated orthotropic composites whose external loading may be unknown. Recognizing difficulties in obtaining purely theoretical or numerical solutions, the paper presents a hybrid means of stress analyzing such structures. Individual stresses, including those on the edge of the hole, are obtained in a loaded finite graphite/epoxy composite tensile plate containing a round hole by processing measured values of a single displacement field with an Airy stress function in complex variables. Displacements are recorded by digital image correlation. Traction-free conditions are satisfied analytically at the edge of the hole using conformal mapping and analytic continuation. Stresses satisfy equilibrium and strains satisfy compatibility. Significant features of the technique include its wide applicability, it smooths the measured information, does not require knowing the applied loading, and the rigorous mechanics foundation by which strains are determined from measured displacements. 展开更多
关键词 Stress analysis COMPOSITES experimental mechanics ORTHOTROPY DIC (digital image correlation)
易活化TiFe系储氢合金的研究 被引量:2
作者 李睿 肖方明 +3 位作者 唐仁衡 王英 刘江文 孙泰 《中国稀土学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期438-450,共13页
采用真空电弧熔炼法制备了不同成分的Ti-Fe-Mn三元合金,并将其与La0.85Ce0.15Ni5合金按不同摩尔比1∶y(y=0.005, 0.01, 0.015, 0.02)构成复相结构合金,并研究了Mn及La0.85Ce0.15Ni5合金对复相合金相组成、活化性能及储氢性能的影响。实... 采用真空电弧熔炼法制备了不同成分的Ti-Fe-Mn三元合金,并将其与La0.85Ce0.15Ni5合金按不同摩尔比1∶y(y=0.005, 0.01, 0.015, 0.02)构成复相结构合金,并研究了Mn及La0.85Ce0.15Ni5合金对复相合金相组成、活化性能及储氢性能的影响。实验证明Ti-Fe合金主相的晶胞常数随着Mn的增加而逐渐变大,将其与La0.85Ce0.15Ni5进行复合熔炼所制成的复相结构合金主相仍为TiFe相,但合金中出现了疑为La-Ti中间相的第二相,该相随La0.85Ce0.15Ni5添加量的增加而增多。压力-容量-温度(PCT)测试结果表明:在303 K温度下, TiFe0.8Mn0.2合金的储氢量最高,为1.71%(质量分数)。复相结构合金中y>0.1的合金在303 K下均能充分活化,而且La0.85Ce0.15Ni5添加量越多,合金的活化越容易。不过La0.85Ce0.15Ni5合金的添加会降低Ti-Fe-Mn合金的储氢容量,因此如何控制合适的合金添加量并保持良好的活化和吸放氢性能,仍需要进行深入的研究。 展开更多
关键词 TiFeMn 复相结构 AB5 储氢 易活化 稀土
New Homoclinic and Heteroclinic Solutions for Zakharov System
作者 王传坚 戴正德 母贵 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第11期749-753,共5页
A new type of homoclinic arid heteroclinic solutions, i.e. homoclinic and heteroclinic breather solutions, for Zakharov system are obtained using extended homoclinic test and two-soliton methods, respectively. Moreove... A new type of homoclinic arid heteroclinic solutions, i.e. homoclinic and heteroclinic breather solutions, for Zakharov system are obtained using extended homoclinic test and two-soliton methods, respectively. Moreover, the homoclinic and heteroclinic structure with local oscillation and mechanicaL feature different from homoclinic and heterocliunic solutions are investigated. Result shows complexity of dynamics for complex nonlineaR evolution system. Moreover, the similarities and differences between homoclinic (heteroclinic) breather and homoclinic (heteroclinic) tube are exhibited. These results show that the diversity of the structures of homoclinic and heteroclinic solutions. 展开更多
关键词 homoclinic wave heteroclinic wave breather type homoclinic test Zakharov system
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