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复言汤联合多奈哌齐治疗脑卒中后失语临床观察 被引量:12
作者 胡亚妮 俞翔 《陕西中医》 2015年第8期977-978,共2页
目的:观察复言汤联合多奈哌齐治疗卒中后失语症的疗效。方法:将86例患者随机分为两组,治疗组54例,采用复言汤联合多奈哌齐进行治疗;对照组32例,采用多奈哌齐进行治疗。分别从总体疗效、在口语表达、听理解、复述及命名等方面进行评价。... 目的:观察复言汤联合多奈哌齐治疗卒中后失语症的疗效。方法:将86例患者随机分为两组,治疗组54例,采用复言汤联合多奈哌齐进行治疗;对照组32例,采用多奈哌齐进行治疗。分别从总体疗效、在口语表达、听理解、复述及命名等方面进行评价。结果:治疗组有效率为88.9%,对照组有效率为78.1%;经统计学比较有显著差异(P<0.05);两组在口语表达、听理解、复述及命名方面治疗前后均有明显改善(P<0.05);两组治疗后口语表达、复述及命名相比较有明显差异(P<0.05)。结论:中西医联合治疗卒中后失语症疗效优于西药单纯治疗该病。 展开更多
关键词 失语/中西医结合疗法 中风后遗症 复言
“言可复也”究竟谓何 被引量:1
作者 杨柳岸 杨逢彬 《武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期79-87,共9页
《论语·学而》“信近于义,言可复也”,朱熹释“复”为“践言”,为杨伯峻先生《论语译注》采纳。孙晓春认同何晏所释“信近于义”谓“信非义也”,“言可复也”谓“出言反复”,以为《论语译注》解读错误。杨、孙所提供两则《左传》... 《论语·学而》“信近于义,言可复也”,朱熹释“复”为“践言”,为杨伯峻先生《论语译注》采纳。孙晓春认同何晏所释“信近于义”谓“信非义也”,“言可复也”谓“出言反复”,以为《论语译注》解读错误。杨、孙所提供两则《左传》的书证(僖公九年、哀公十六年)全同。“践言”实为塙诂。其一,书证的归纳证明,先秦典籍中“近于……”,指与前者近似,并无“不是前者”的言下之意。其二,《左传·僖公九年》“能欲复言而爱身乎”孔颖达疏:“意能欲使前言可反复而行之,得爱惜身命不死乎?”书证的归纳证明,“能欲……而……乎”句式中“而”前后词语所表之义美恶相反。如此,“复言”只能是“践言”而不能是“出言反复”。其三,孔疏“反复而行之”谓“践言”。书证的归纳证明,“反复”作状语指“多次”;作谓语、宾语才是“反复无常”。其四,《国语·晋语二》记载同一事件的“岂能欲行吾言而又爱吾身乎”对应《左传·僖公九年》的“能欲复言而爱身乎”,可证“复言”即“行吾言”,也即“践行吾言”。其五,《国语·楚语下》谓“复言而不谋身”“爱而不谋长”“直而不顾”“皆有其华而不实者也”“爱而不谋长”“直而不顾”可归纳为“美而恶”,因此才“华而不实”,“复言而不谋身”亦当循此例,故“复言”只能是“践言”。这说明,当几则故训解释不同时,或当故训、文例产生矛盾时,应当主要依从文例。而孙先生采纳的何晏注,没有得到文例的支撑。 展开更多
关键词 复言 审句例
作者 朱惠仙 《南昌工程学院学报》 CAS 2015年第2期80-84,共5页
偈散相间是汉译佛经突出的文体特征,偈散间过度套语"复说偈言"与"重说偈言"在译经中出现频繁。从字面上看两者似乎没什么差别,其实两者同中有异。对其异同的揭示,有助于准确读懂佛经。在大量考察的基础上,从"... 偈散相间是汉译佛经突出的文体特征,偈散间过度套语"复说偈言"与"重说偈言"在译经中出现频繁。从字面上看两者似乎没什么差别,其实两者同中有异。对其异同的揭示,有助于准确读懂佛经。在大量考察的基础上,从"重"、"复"的语义指向、套语的使用环境等角度探析其异同。 展开更多
关键词 汉译佛经 套语 说偈 重说偈 辨析
复方半枝莲汤治疗慢性前列腺炎60例 被引量:4
作者 张庆好 张更生 《新中医》 CAS 北大核心 1994年第1期32-32,共1页
运用自拟复方半枝莲汤治疗慢性前列腺炎60例,结果痊愈38例,好转18例,无效4例,总有效率为93.3%。认为本病肾虚为本,病机为湿热瘀阻膀胱,临床以实证多见,即使有虚也属本虚标实,多兼下焦湿热瘀阻。治疗上以清热利湿,... 运用自拟复方半枝莲汤治疗慢性前列腺炎60例,结果痊愈38例,好转18例,无效4例,总有效率为93.3%。认为本病肾虚为本,病机为湿热瘀阻膀胱,临床以实证多见,即使有虚也属本虚标实,多兼下焦湿热瘀阻。治疗上以清热利湿,活血化瘀为主,少佐补肾。 展开更多
关键词 前列腺炎 复言半枝莲汤
三峡库区移民安置区土地资源整理开发模式研究 被引量:14
作者 周宝同 李雪梅 谢德体 《西南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第1期78-82,共5页
对重庆三峡库区移民安置区土地资源构成及未利用土地资源质量进行了分析 .在总结了主要未利用土地类型的土地质量和开发潜力的基础上 ,阐述了自然环境、区位条件不同的安置区的土地资源高效综合利用模式 .阐明了土地资源高效配置与区位... 对重庆三峡库区移民安置区土地资源构成及未利用土地资源质量进行了分析 .在总结了主要未利用土地类型的土地质量和开发潜力的基础上 ,阐述了自然环境、区位条件不同的安置区的土地资源高效综合利用模式 .阐明了土地资源高效配置与区位条件改善、产业结构调整以及经济建设发展的内在联系 .针对田土坎、河滩地、荒草地等主要未利用土地类型 ,提出了包括土地整理、复垦。 展开更多
关键词 移民安置区 土地整理 未利用土地 三峡库区 土地资源 整理开发模式 复言生态系统建设
“信近于义,言可复也”再议 被引量:2
作者 王泽春 《孔子研究》 CSSCI 2017年第2期86-93,共8页
诚信问题历来是思想家讨论和研究的重要问题。《论语》中的"信近于义,言可复也"是讨论这一问题的名句,但对这句话的解释却不尽相同,分歧的原因主要在于对有子思想、重要概念、先秦诸子思想以及《左传》引文的解读不同。通过... 诚信问题历来是思想家讨论和研究的重要问题。《论语》中的"信近于义,言可复也"是讨论这一问题的名句,但对这句话的解释却不尽相同,分歧的原因主要在于对有子思想、重要概念、先秦诸子思想以及《左传》引文的解读不同。通过对《论语》文本进行分析和对重要概念进行考察,以及对有子思想及先秦其他思想家诚信思想进行论证,加之对《左传》中"复言"的探析,可以知道这句话的原意就是:如果所作出的承诺、约定是合宜的,所说的话就能兑现。 展开更多
关键词 有子 复言
Mirror neuron system as the joint from action to language 被引量:3
作者 陈巍 袁逖飞 《Neuroscience Bulletin》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第4期259-264,共6页
Mirror neuron system (MNS) represents one past decade, and it has been found to involve in multiple of the most important discoveries of cognitive neuroscience in the aspects of brain functions including action unde... Mirror neuron system (MNS) represents one past decade, and it has been found to involve in multiple of the most important discoveries of cognitive neuroscience in the aspects of brain functions including action understanding, imitation, language understanding, empathy, action prediction and speech evolution. This manuscript reviewed the function of MNS in action understanding as well as language evolution, and specifically assessed its roles as the bridge from body language to fluent speeches. Then we discussed the speech defects of autism patients due to the disruption of MNS. Finally, given that MNS is plastic in adult brain, we proposed MNS targeted therapy provides an efficient rehabilitation approach for brain damages conditions as well as autism patients. 展开更多
关键词 mirror neuron system action understanding LANGUAGE REHABILITATION
Recovery and grade prediction of pilot plant flotation column concentrate by a hybrid neural genetic algorithm 被引量:6
作者 F. Nakhaei M.R. Mosavi A. Sam 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2013年第1期69-77,共9页
Today flotation column has become an acceptable means of froth flotation for a fairly broad range of applications, in particular the cleaning of sulfides. Even after having been used for several years in mineral proce... Today flotation column has become an acceptable means of froth flotation for a fairly broad range of applications, in particular the cleaning of sulfides. Even after having been used for several years in mineral processing plants, the full potential of the flotation column process is still not fully exploited. There is no prediction of process performance for the complete use of available control capabilities. The on-line estimation of grade usually requires a significant amount of work in maintenance and calibration of on-stream analyzers, in order to maintain good accuracy and high availability. These difficulties and the high cost of investment and maintenance of these devices have encouraged the approach of prediction of metal grade and recovery. In this paper, a new approach has been proposed for metallurgical performance prediction in flotation columns using Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Despite of the wide range of applications and flexibility of NNs, there is still no general framework or procedure through which the appropriate network for a specific task can be designed. Design and structural optimization of NNs is still strongly dependent upon the designer's experience. To mitigate this problem, a new method for the auto-design of NNs was used, based on Genetic Algorithm (GA). The new proposed method was evaluated by a case study in pilot plant flotation column at Sarcheshmeh copper plant. The chemical reagents dosage, froth height, air, wash water flow rates, gas holdup, Cu grade in the rougher feed, flotation column feed, column tail and final concentrate streams were used to the simulation by GANN. In this work, multi-layer NNs with Back Propagation (BP) algorithm with 8-17-10-2 and 8- 13-6-2 arrangements have been applied to predict the Cu and Mo grades and recoveries, respectively. The correlation coefficient (R) values for the testing sets for Cu and Mo grades were 0.93, 0.94 and for their recoveries were 0.93, 0.92, respectively. The results discussed in this paper indicate that the proposed model can be used to predict the Cu and Mo grades and recoveries with a reasonable error. 展开更多
关键词 Artificial neural network Genetic algorithm Flotation column Grade Recovery Prediction
Clinical utility of the platelet-lymphocyte ratio as a predictor of postoperative complications after radical gastrectomy for clinical T2-4 gastric cancer 被引量:13
作者 Kenichi Inaoka Mitsuro Kanda +13 位作者 Hiroaki Uda Yuri Tanaka Chie Tanaka Daisuke Kobayashi Hideki Takami Naoki Iwata Masamichi Hayashi Yukiko Niwa Suguru Yamada Tsutomu Fujii Hiroyuki Sugimoto Kenta Murotani Michitaka Fujiwara Yasuhiro Kodera 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第14期2519-2526,共8页
AIMTo identify simple and sensitive markers for postoperative complications after gastrectomy, the predictive values were compared among candidate preoperative factors.METHODSThree-hundred and twelve patients with pre... AIMTo identify simple and sensitive markers for postoperative complications after gastrectomy, the predictive values were compared among candidate preoperative factors.METHODSThree-hundred and twelve patients with previously untreated clinical T2-4 gastric cancer who underwent a D2 standard gastrectomy (distal gastrectomy or total gastrectomy) were included in the analysis. Correlations between 21 parameters that can be determined by preoperative routine blood tests and clinically relevant postoperative complications (grade II or higher according to the Clavien-Dindo classification) were evaluated. The optimal cutoff values and clinical significance of the selected markers were further evaluated by subgroup analyses according to age, body mass index, operative procedure and clinical disease stage.RESULTSSixty-six patients (21.1%) experienced grade II or higher postoperative complications. The platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR, total lymphocyte count/platelet count × 100) exhibited the highest area under the curve value (0.639) for predicting postoperative complications among the 21 parameters, and the optimal cutoff value was determined to be 0.71 (sensitivity = 70%, specificity = 56%). In the univariate analysis, the odds ratio of a low PLR for the occurrence of postoperative complications was 2.94 (95%CI: 1.66-5.35, P < 0.001), and a multivariate binomial logistic analysis involving other potential risk factors identified a low PLR as an independent risk factor for postoperative complications (OR = 3.32, 95%CI: 1.82-6.25, P < 0.001). In subgroups classified according to age, body mass index, operative procedure and clinical disease stage, the low PLR group exhibited an increased incidence of postoperative complications.CONCLUSIONThe preoperative PLR is a simple and useful predictor of complications after curative gastrectomy in patients with clinical T2-4 gastric cancer. 展开更多
关键词 Gastric cancer GASTRECTOMY Platelet-lymphocyte ratio Postoperative complication Prediction
Development of tool-path generation module for 5-axis control machining of impellers 被引量:3
作者 JUNG Hyoun-chul SON Hwang-jin JUNG Yoon-gyo 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第12期3424-3429,共6页
An impeller is difficult to machine because of severe collision due to the complex shape,overlapping and twisted shape of the impeller blades.So,most computer aided manufacturing(CAM)software companies have developed ... An impeller is difficult to machine because of severe collision due to the complex shape,overlapping and twisted shape of the impeller blades.So,most computer aided manufacturing(CAM)software companies have developed CAM module for manufacturing impeller according to their CAM software.But these dedicated modules are difficult to use for inexperienced users.The purpose of this work is to develop a tool-path generation module for impellers.For this purpose,it is based on Visual Basic language and used CATIA graphical environment.The result of simulation for generated tool-path by the module is satisfactory.And it has slow processing speed compared to other commercial modules,but it is easy to use. 展开更多
关键词 IMPELLER computer aided manufacturing 5-axis control machining tool path MODULE
The Parable of the Chicken House: Charles S. Peirce, Complex/Dynamic Systems, and Environmental Science
作者 Jesse James Thomas 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2015年第10期559-568,共10页
This paper describes how scientist-philosopher Charles S. Peirce (1839-1914) develops theories that lead eventually to contemporary complex/dynamic systems. In both Peirce and complexity theory, possible bridges app... This paper describes how scientist-philosopher Charles S. Peirce (1839-1914) develops theories that lead eventually to contemporary complex/dynamic systems. In both Peirce and complexity theory, possible bridges appear between analogical/reductionist representations and metaphorical/creative symbols. In complex/dynamic terms, Peirce's scientific theories become a conceptual egg that hatches a century later in complex systems, which is relevant in turn to environmental science and engineering. 展开更多
关键词 SEMIOTICS complex/dynamic systems sub-agential state coupling epigenetic landscape SELF-ORGANIZATION multicausality.
Specifying and Configuring Routing Policies of Relative AS in RPSL
作者 夏登文 石绥祥 于戈 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2004年第2期9-18,共10页
Routing policies specification language (RPSL) allows a network operator to specify routing policies at various levels in the Internet hierarchy, for example at the autonomous system (AS) level. At the same time, poli... Routing policies specification language (RPSL) allows a network operator to specify routing policies at various levels in the Internet hierarchy, for example at the autonomous system (AS) level. At the same time, policies can be specified with sufficient detail in RPSL so that the low level router configurations can be generated from them. This paper is a discussion on using the RPSL to describe routing policies of relative AS in the Internet routing registry (IRR). We first analyze the relationships between a pair of ASes, and then explain how to specify various relative AS routing policies in RPSL. At last, we show an example of configuring routing policies using RtConfig that is a tool developed by the Routing Arbiter Project (RAP). 展开更多
关键词 routing policy AS RPSL BGP IRR
Task Complexity and Second Language Teaching
作者 GAO Hai-long 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第12期924-927,共4页
In the past few years, the notion of task complexity has been receiving substantial attention in the field of second language acquisition. This paper explores task complexity from the cognitive perspective by analyzin... In the past few years, the notion of task complexity has been receiving substantial attention in the field of second language acquisition. This paper explores task complexity from the cognitive perspective by analyzing two studies with Skehan's limited capacity hypothesis and Robinson's cognition hypothesis. The two studies, namely You-Jin Kim's (2012) and Mirdamadi and Jong (2015), explore on how linguistic complexity affects language performance. Two hypotheses, Skehan's limited capacity hypothesis and Robinson's cognition hypothesis, explain the two studies from the cognitive perspective by predicting either that increasing task complexity reduces a pool of attentional capacity during task performance or that increasing complex tasks promotes greater accuracy and complexity of speech and writing. It is suggested that language teaching, syllabus designing in particular, should be based on the basis of task complexity. 展开更多
关键词 task complexity limited capacity hypothesis cognition hypothesis
Giovanni Antonio Bazzi, Allegories of Love: Emblematic Ardor
作者 Liana De Girolami Cheney 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2017年第5期277-313,共37页
Giovanni Antonio Bazzi (1477-1549), also known as I1 Sodoma, was a Milanese painter who developed his mature style in Siena during the early Cinquecento. Between 1505 and 1510, under the tutelage of the Chigi and Pe... Giovanni Antonio Bazzi (1477-1549), also known as I1 Sodoma, was a Milanese painter who developed his mature style in Siena during the early Cinquecento. Between 1505 and 1510, under the tutelage of the Chigi and Petrucci families, Bazzi depicted mythological paintings focusing on the personifications of love both terrestrial and celestial. This paper looks at two such works. In one, there hangs on a sycamore tree a classical cartello with the Latin inscription Celestes, meaning celestial or heavenly, providing the title for the painting Amore Celeste (Celestial Love, Figure 3). A woman, as the personification of love, stands in front of two altars. She ignites one urn with fire and at the same time pours water over another burning fire. In the second work, a tondo with the theme of Terrestrial Love and Celestial Love, Bazzi considered the mischievousness of Venus' children Eros and Anteros (Figure 12). These paintings are mythological and poetical delights with complex symbolism, here analyzed in terms of their iconography in relation to classical influences and Renaissance Neoplatonic love or furor divinus. The paradoxical quest of Renaissance Neoplatonic love was to fuse pagan love with Christian love. For the humanists of the time (Bembo, Colonna, Poliziano, Ficino and Pico) this moral dilemma was a philosophical puzzle, but for artists (Botticelli, Nicoletto da Modena, Pinturicchio and Bazzi) the theme was a pictorial challenge. 展开更多
关键词 Allegories LOVE ICONOGRAPHY POETRY NEOPLATONISM Sienese patronage Sodoma
Complex Sequence of the English Nominal Group
作者 Esther Olayinka Bamigbola 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第4期271-281,共11页
The nominal group is an important aspect of English and other languages and requires specific attention because of its complex structure and sequence. This study examines how sequencing affects users' understanding a... The nominal group is an important aspect of English and other languages and requires specific attention because of its complex structure and sequence. This study examines how sequencing affects users' understanding and interpretation of the English nominal group and attempts to prescribe guidelines to the different challenges which the complex ordering of the nominal group poses to users of English as a second language. The findings of the study indicate that the complex ordering of the nominal group has a significant impact on their semantic effects in any discourse, and many of the difficulties users of English as a second language are faced with have to do with lack of adequate understanding of the structure and usage of the nominal group. Some of these problems can be addressed through a comprehensive study and examination of linguists' explanation of the nominal group and practical application of their guidelines. A functional approach to the study of the group will help second language learners of English to have a better understanding of its structure 展开更多
关键词 functional grammar nominal group ORDERING language teaching
The Normative Value of Truth and the Problem of Lie
作者 Marta Szabat 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第2期98-104,共7页
The article concerns the normative value of truth in relation to lie. Based on arguments derived primarily from ancient philosophers (Eubulides, Plato, Aristotle), medieval philosophers (St. Augustine, St. Thomas A... The article concerns the normative value of truth in relation to lie. Based on arguments derived primarily from ancient philosophers (Eubulides, Plato, Aristotle), medieval philosophers (St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas), the thinker of the Renaissance---Machiavelli, the main philosopher of the Enlightenment--Kant, the 19th-century author of Beyond Good and Evil (Nietzsche), and contemporary thinkers such as Derrida and Lacan, the author considers here truth as a normative value. Lying is relative to the truth, and it has no ontological legitimacy, even it cannot exist without truth itself. In the final part of the article, the author concludes that the truth, however, cannot lead to clearly had effects, be harmful or cause pain disproportionate to the effects caused by lie. Therefore, it must coexist with the good--the other parent value. Only when both values complement each other can we talk about the normative value of truth. The truth should be correlated with other values on which value systems are based, especially the good of a person or group of persons, avoiding harm towards others, and the protection of a person's health and life. Only then can the truth be appropriate to use. It is not an immovable foundation, but a dynamically functioning value, in which language and the ethical (active) dimensions provide the value of the specified situations. The truth can be a double-edged sword: It may hurt, but it can defend itself. The latter function seems to be the most important type of the normativity of truth. 展开更多
Developing Nominalization Awareness in Teaching Writing to Chinese Learners of English
作者 WANG Xue-feng 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第11期1650-1660,共11页
Nominalization is one of the grammatical features introduced by Halliday and his colleagues in SFL (Systemic Functional Linguistics) theory. It helps create a style of writing with density, complexity, and abstract.... Nominalization is one of the grammatical features introduced by Halliday and his colleagues in SFL (Systemic Functional Linguistics) theory. It helps create a style of writing with density, complexity, and abstract. For English learners, it is crucial to develop nominalization awareness in their writing. This paper first examines the main features ofnominalization in English; it then contrasts the writing style differences before and after the students were taught the features of nominalization and discusses problems found in teaching of nominalization. It finally provides some pedagogical implications for teaching writing to Chinese learners of English. 展开更多
关键词 NOMINALIZATION English writing pedagogical implications
Dynamics of Globalization: Linguistic and Cultural Perspectives in Nigeria
作者 Chuka Chukwube 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第1期79-85,共7页
The word globalization and what it stands for is no longer new in the world of today. However, there is still no universal definition of globalization. This has led to erroneously or otherwise, the interchangeable use... The word globalization and what it stands for is no longer new in the world of today. However, there is still no universal definition of globalization. This has led to erroneously or otherwise, the interchangeable use of the word with internationalization and liberalization. Suffice it therefore to say that globalization is the transcendence of the economic, political, environmental, social and cultural constraints across territories. The task of this paper is essentially to ascertain the level of involvement of Africa via Nigeria in this new international economic power and order. This is necessary because Nigeria particularly, has become a good consumer of information technology which is an essential ingredient of globalization. The issue then is how prepared are the Nigerian languages in the challenges of information technology as demanded by globalization. What are the implications of the order to Nigerian cultural revival and development? 展开更多
On Normalization of Comprehensive Evaluation System with Complex Uncertain Information
作者 徐扬 曾宪奕 阮达 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2004年第3期30-34,53,共6页
This paper systematically proposes basic requirements on normalization of comprehensive evaluation system with complex uncertain information due to human participation. Four basic academic ideas are as follows: 1) It ... This paper systematically proposes basic requirements on normalization of comprehensive evaluation system with complex uncertain information due to human participation. Four basic academic ideas are as follows: 1) It is necessary to normalize conditions of information acquisition. 2) The effectiveness of comprehensive evaluation depends on the correctness of information acquisition. 3) Any evaluation results can be transformed into linguistic satisfactory degrees. 4) Linguistic values can include a great deal of information. This paper mainly deals with how to select objects to be evaluated, evaluators (panelists) and the methods of information processing, how to construct criteria of evaluation, how to normalize terms of evaluation, the results of evaluation, and the procedure of evaluation. 展开更多
关键词 comprehensive evaluation uncertain information linguistic value satisfactory degree
The Dramatistic Action of Language in Thomas Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy
作者 ZHANG Ting 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第3期159-168,共10页
Kenneth Burke's rhetoric on language as a symbolic action offers an enlightening perspective for revealing the connection between the motivations and actions of the characters in Thomas Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy. Th... Kenneth Burke's rhetoric on language as a symbolic action offers an enlightening perspective for revealing the connection between the motivations and actions of the characters in Thomas Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy. This work is a Renaissance drama that features hues of rhetorical language. Linguistic obfuscation, scapegoat mechanism, and the malfunction and dysfunction of language in victimization and revenge are thrown into relief through Burke's elaborate system of the symbolism of language. Analyzing the discursive performances of the main characters, readers could get clues of their motives that drive their actions, which are both a representation and an illustration of how language as a symbolic action works in literature 展开更多
关键词 The Spanish Tragedy discursive performance Kenneth Burke symbolic action terministic screen
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