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新中国外交“革命化”趋向的初步显现——刍议《列宁主义万岁》的写作背景、过程及其影响 被引量:1
作者 汪振友 《海南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第11期121-129,共9页
二战后,美苏两国为了争夺当代世界的控制权,竞相高举"和平"之大旗。而在20世纪50年代末60年代初,中国由于面临着以美国为首的西方资本主义世界全面封锁和遏制以及以苏联为首的社会主义阵营逐步疏离的巨大挑战,所以,选择全面&q... 二战后,美苏两国为了争夺当代世界的控制权,竞相高举"和平"之大旗。而在20世纪50年代末60年代初,中国由于面临着以美国为首的西方资本主义世界全面封锁和遏制以及以苏联为首的社会主义阵营逐步疏离的巨大挑战,所以,选择全面"革命化"的外交战略就有了一定的历史必然性和现实合理性。在世界两强竞相施压的大背景下,中共发表《列宁主义万岁》等三篇文章,希望推动苏共重回马克思列宁主义的轨道,但是却遭到苏共的反对并反击中共偏离了真正的马克思列宁主义路线。而西方国家通过双方激烈的理论交锋逐步确认中苏之间存在重大分歧,并设法利用之分化社会主义阵营以从中获益。 展开更多
关键词 新中国 中苏关系 《列宁主义万岁》 大论战 外交“革命
媒介化公共外交的图像语义:基于Faster-RCNN技术的美国驻华使馆视频分析 被引量:1
作者 赵鸿燕 周芳欣 《国际论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期46-54,77-78,共9页
本文使用计算机领域前沿的Faster-RCNN技术对美国驻华大使馆视频进行目标物视觉识别,并对数据进行统计检验和语义分析,挖掘美国外交视频向中国公众所传递的外交语义及意图。检验发现:检测目标"人"出现频数最高,是主导性关键... 本文使用计算机领域前沿的Faster-RCNN技术对美国驻华大使馆视频进行目标物视觉识别,并对数据进行统计检验和语义分析,挖掘美国外交视频向中国公众所传递的外交语义及意图。检验发现:检测目标"人"出现频数最高,是主导性关键视像且多以"单个人"形式出现;20类检测目标的出现频数存在显著差异,显示出信息发布意图的特殊性与指向性;引入统计学方法检测"人"出现次数的随机性,证明"人"的分布呈现规律性;将20类检测目标重新归类并统计检验,证明类别"人物"常与生活质量类别的物体关联出现。由此得出美国外交视频的图像语义:聚焦美国普通个体,渲染其民生幸福,以议程设置和框架构建维护美国霸权。 展开更多
关键词 媒介公共外交 Faster-RCNN技术 美国驻华大使馆视频 图像识别
作者 冯建勇 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第2期186-198,共13页
民国时期的边疆治理呈现出明显的“外交化”特征。1930年代初,国民政府更是将边疆治理“外交化”理论化、政策化。边疆治理“外交化”主要采取搁置、妥协的边疆统合策略,在本质上是向列强让渡边疆地方的相关权益,因此,彼时从政府到舆论... 民国时期的边疆治理呈现出明显的“外交化”特征。1930年代初,国民政府更是将边疆治理“外交化”理论化、政策化。边疆治理“外交化”主要采取搁置、妥协的边疆统合策略,在本质上是向列强让渡边疆地方的相关权益,因此,彼时从政府到舆论均将边疆治理“外交化”政策视作一项权宜之计,即在国家实力不足和地缘政治环境恶劣的情形下,通过边疆外交,最大限度地稳定边疆局势、维护边疆主权。从国民政府边疆治理“外交化”的实施过程来看,伴随着地缘政治因素和国家实力因素两个变量的分化、重组,在不同阶段、不同地方,边疆治理的方式和期待亦有所不同。当国民政府尝试将边疆治理“外交化”的时候,表明国民政府已经深刻认识到,边疆治理应统筹国内、国外两个大局。具体来说,在边疆地区,需要凝聚当地上层政治社会知识精英的人心,求得中央与地方对外政策、行动上的一致;在外交关系上,需要尽可能获得相关利益方的谅解,消解列强干涉中国边疆之可能,并在时机成熟的情形下顺势而为。 展开更多
关键词 边疆治理 外交化 内政 国民政府
作者 袁成亮 《西部学刊》 2015年第3期47-51,共5页
"虚化外交"是指政府或社会组织在与特定对象交往过程中所采取故意"虚化"自身与对方差异,从而获取对方认同、支持与合作的一种策略。延安时期,中共为了争取美国支持以利中国战后和平民主团结光明前途的实现,在对美... "虚化外交"是指政府或社会组织在与特定对象交往过程中所采取故意"虚化"自身与对方差异,从而获取对方认同、支持与合作的一种策略。延安时期,中共为了争取美国支持以利中国战后和平民主团结光明前途的实现,在对美公共外交中就中共性质、中共与苏联关系等美国所担忧的问题以及中共对外交往中"民间政党"的角色有意识地进行"自我虚化",从而获得了美在华中国通们的信任与支持,并在一定程度上也间接促进了华盛顿高层对中共认识的改变。尽管由于种种原因,中共对美"虚化外交"并没有达到预期目的。但它对未来中美关系改善与发展产生了有利影响,而中共在"虚化外交"实施过程中所采取的"态度诚恳、循序渐进,坚持原则,有理有节"方针也为新时期如何开展"虚化外交"提供了有益的借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 延安时期 中共 美国 自我虚 外交
论国家文化软实力的权力化——以《媳妇的美好时代》的对外传播为例 被引量:1
作者 文蕾 《新闻研究导刊》 2015年第13期180 211-,211,共2页
在信息时代,文化作为一国综合国力的有机组成部分,其在国际政治和外交关系中的作用越来越不容小觑,文化外交被越来越多的国家重视。我国作为一个有着源远流长灿烂文化的文明古国,如何能够将我们丰富的文化资源向外传播出去,充分调动大... 在信息时代,文化作为一国综合国力的有机组成部分,其在国际政治和外交关系中的作用越来越不容小觑,文化外交被越来越多的国家重视。我国作为一个有着源远流长灿烂文化的文明古国,如何能够将我们丰富的文化资源向外传播出去,充分调动大众媒介资源和渠道为国际社会提供更多的"公共产品"(public goods),让我们的文化和价值观念为国际社会广泛接受和认同,使我国的文化软实力完成权力化过程成为一个需要思考的问题。本文以《媳妇的美好时代》的对外传播为例,意图以一管窥全豹,探讨国家文化软实力的权力化。 展开更多
关键词 外交 软实力 软权力 《媳妇的美好时代》 对外传播
作者 李靖堃 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第5期88-114,共27页
2024年7月,英国举行议会下院选举。这是它正式退出欧盟后的首次大选,其结果对英国未来的内外政策具有重要影响。此次大选反映出英国政治生态中的一些重要变化,特别是在选民偏好和政党格局方面。在选民偏好方面,民众不仅对政治越来越冷漠... 2024年7月,英国举行议会下院选举。这是它正式退出欧盟后的首次大选,其结果对英国未来的内外政策具有重要影响。此次大选反映出英国政治生态中的一些重要变化,特别是在选民偏好和政党格局方面。在选民偏好方面,民众不仅对政治越来越冷漠,而且其政党偏好也更具流动性和易变性,这也凸显了英国选举制度长期以来存在的民主困境;在政党政治方面,随着挑战型政党力量的增强,英国政党格局碎片化进一步加剧。选民偏好的变化与挑战型政党的兴起都将对执政党的政策实施造成压力。与此同时,工党在斯塔默的领导下有意淡化意识形态,在此基础上,其经济社会政策重回中间路线;而在外交方面,以“进步现实主义”作为指导理念,安全成为优先议题,外交“安全化”趋势明显;在地区取向上,工党政府的外交政策重新聚焦于欧洲,并向“全球南方”倾斜。 展开更多
关键词 英国大选 政治冷漠 政党碎片 外交安全
鸦片战争前的“行欠”纠纷与中英交涉问题新探 被引量:1
作者 蔡晓荣 孙宝根 《天府新论》 2006年第6期117-120,共4页
鸦片战争前的中外“行欠”纠纷主要产生于以下两个原因:贸易中议价的不合理及货物的赊卖活动;洋商对行商的高利放贷。清政府在处理“行欠”纠纷时,混普通涉外民商纠纷为政府外交事务,加之中国缺乏解决涉外民商纠纷的法律制度安排,使得... 鸦片战争前的中外“行欠”纠纷主要产生于以下两个原因:贸易中议价的不合理及货物的赊卖活动;洋商对行商的高利放贷。清政府在处理“行欠”纠纷时,混普通涉外民商纠纷为政府外交事务,加之中国缺乏解决涉外民商纠纷的法律制度安排,使得“行欠”纠纷无法在当时的法律体系内得到解决;而英商和英国政府在交涉中的策略选择,也使得“行欠”一步步演成了两国之间的国际交涉。 展开更多
关键词 行欠 中英交涉 民商纠纷 外交化
媒介化公共外交与中国外交话语的对外传播——基于中国驻英大使馆新闻活动的考察 被引量:2
作者 欧亚 《外交评论(外交学院学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期27-72,5-6,共48页
中国外交部门如何更好地向国际社会说明中国的外交战略与对外政策,为中国和平崛起争取更多的理解、认同和支持,是目前"西强我弱"的国际话语格局下一个带有现实焦灼感的重要命题。媒介化公共外交旨在通过影响媒体框架来争夺、... 中国外交部门如何更好地向国际社会说明中国的外交战略与对外政策,为中国和平崛起争取更多的理解、认同和支持,是目前"西强我弱"的国际话语格局下一个带有现实焦灼感的重要命题。媒介化公共外交旨在通过影响媒体框架来争夺、获取与行使"宣称真相"的权力,是服务国家安全与利益的特殊权力手段。2010—2020年间,中国驻英大使馆运用以"发言人制度为基础、大使新闻活动为核心"的媒介化公共外交机制,通过信息发布、意见倡导和冲突论辩三种模式,对英国新闻界进行系统化、组织化的沟通对话并施加影响。在这一过程中,中国驻英大使馆将中英关系"黄金时代"叙事内嵌于建构中国崛起后的国家身份、价值观与目标的宏观叙事体系,投射中国国家声誉,提升国际影响力,并在具体议题上突破阻力,阐述事实真相,建构认同、进行说服、争取支持,化解负面舆情并推动营造英国政府执行有利于中国政策的意见气候。在英国既定的政治文化—媒体制度条件下,媒介化公共外交存在一定的局限性。在中国崛起推动中国外交转型的背景下,从战略层面把握中国驻外使领馆媒介化公共外交的优势,超越宣传、有所为有所不为,更好地发挥外交官多元化角色的职能及加强媒介化公共外交机制建设,可以更有效地促进中国外交话语的对外传播,实现对外政策目标。 展开更多
关键词 媒介公共外交 媒体框架 中国外交话语 中国驻外使领馆 中英关系
作者 李德渊 《中国科技翻译》 1997年第4期30-33,共4页
作者提倡外语人才要阅读优秀诗歌、经典作品或名人名言,以陶冶情操和文学素养,达口语生动化和文学化。建议大专院校外语系增设外交语言课或采用口语、外贸、新闻外语相结合的方法,形成口译规范语言学,以提高政治与业务素养,使口译... 作者提倡外语人才要阅读优秀诗歌、经典作品或名人名言,以陶冶情操和文学素养,达口语生动化和文学化。建议大专院校外语系增设外交语言课或采用口语、外贸、新闻外语相结合的方法,形成口译规范语言学,以提高政治与业务素养,使口译规范化和外交化。总之,通俗的文学语言和规范的外交辞令,可以从根本上增强口语与口译的表达力度,使之满足政治、经济、技术和文化等方面的跨世纪发展要求。 展开更多
关键词 口语 口译 文学语言 外交化语言 口译规范语言
作者 李德渊 《上海翻译》 CSSCI 北大核心 1998年第1期23-26,共4页
口语与口译上海市工业设备安装公司李德渊如果说笔译是一种静态艺术,那么口语与口译便是一种动态艺术。而口语与口译如何符合标准,是值得探索的课题。本文旨在提倡口语的生动化、文学化及口译的规范化、外交化,以提高口语与口译质量... 口语与口译上海市工业设备安装公司李德渊如果说笔译是一种静态艺术,那么口语与口译便是一种动态艺术。而口语与口译如何符合标准,是值得探索的课题。本文旨在提倡口语的生动化、文学化及口译的规范化、外交化,以提高口语与口译质量,使之满足政治、经济、技术和文化等... 展开更多
关键词 口语教学 外交化语言 中国加入世贸组织 外交辞令 招商引资 意译法 集团总公司 中外合资企业 外交谈判 使用规范
Integration of Teaching and Assessing Intercultural Communicative Competence 被引量:1
作者 Xiaole GU Yuqin ZHAO 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2021年第2期241-258,264,共19页
The launch of the Belt and Road Initiative in China calls for a paradigm shift in theory and practice of foreign language(FL)teaching from a communicative language teaching approach(CLT)to intercultural language teach... The launch of the Belt and Road Initiative in China calls for a paradigm shift in theory and practice of foreign language(FL)teaching from a communicative language teaching approach(CLT)to intercultural language teaching(ICLT),which treats intercultural communicative competence(ICC)as the core of FL education.Unfortunately,the College English Curriculum Requirements of China(CECR)does not specify the aspects for cultural teaching or assessment;nor does it provide any theoretical or practical guidance for teachers on how to teach or assess ICC.This leads to teachers’confusion about what should be taught and assessed and how,hence to a deficiency in real actions.In this paper,we first outline the learning outcomes of ICLT-oriented courses,the ICC components which respectively fall into the categories of intercultural attitude,knowledge and skills.By presenting the pedagogical practice of a cultural literacy course,we also demonstrate how FL teachers can help learners achieve these learning outcomes through a fivestage instruction process.Finally,we discuss how these learning outcomes can be assessed using formative and summative assessment tools,especially how ICC components can be incorporated into a comprehensive test of FL. 展开更多
关键词 intercultural communicative competence(ICC) intercultural language teaching(ICLT) ICC assessment
Cystamine ameliorates liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride via inhibition of tissue transglutaminase 被引量:2
作者 Jiang-Feng Qiu Zhi-Qi Zhang Wei Chen Zhi-Yong Wu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第32期4328-4332,共5页
AIM: To investigate the anti-fibrosis effect of the tissue transglutarninase (tTG) specific inhibitor cystarnine on liver fibrosis. METHODS: Sixty-eight male Sprague Dawley rats were divided into three groups: no... AIM: To investigate the anti-fibrosis effect of the tissue transglutarninase (tTG) specific inhibitor cystarnine on liver fibrosis. METHODS: Sixty-eight male Sprague Dawley rats were divided into three groups: normal control, liver fibrosis control and cystamine-treated group. Liver fibrosis was induced by intraperitoneal injection of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), and Cystarnine was administrated by intraperitoneal injection starting 2 d before the first administration of CCl4. Animals in each group were further divided into 2 subgroups according to two time points of 4 wk and 8 wk after treatment. Hepatic function, pathological evaluation (semi-quantitative scoring system, SSS) and liver hydroxyproline (Hyp) content were examined. Real-time PCR was used to detect the expression of tTG, smooth muscle alpha actin (α-SMA), tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1 (TIMP-1) and collagen-1 mRNA. The expressions of tTG and α-SMA protein were detected by Western Blotting. RESULTS: Eight weeks after treatment, the SSS score of liver was significantly less in the cystamine group than that in the fibrosis control group (P 〈 0.01). The levels of alanine arninotransferase (ALT) and total bile acid (TBA) at the 4 wk and 8 wk time points were decreased in the cystamine group compared with those in fibrosis controls (P 〈 0.01). Liver hydroxyproline content at the 4 wk and 8 wk time points showed a substantial reduction in the cystamine group compared to fibrosis controls (P 〈 0.01). The expression of tTG, α-SMA, collagen-1, TIMP-1 mRNA and tTG, as well as α-SMA protein was downregulated in the cystamine group compared to fibrosis controls. CONCLUSION: Cystamine can ameliorate CCl4 induced liver fibrosis and protect hepatic function. The possible mechanism is related to the reduced synthesis of the extracellular matrix (ECM) caused by the inhibition of hepatic stellate cell activation and decreased expression of TIMP-1. 展开更多
关键词 Tissue transglutaminase CYSTAMINE Liver fibrosis Cross linking Extracellular matrix
Chin ese Local Operas Fascinate Parisians
作者 Gao Yuan Wu Gang 《China & The World Cultural Exchange》 2006年第2期4-6,共3页
The Second Chinese Theatre Festival took place in the winter of 2005 in Paris, France. The event, organized by China Cultural Center in Paris, has seen six local opera troupes from Hebei, Jiangsu, Jilin, Fujian and Gu... The Second Chinese Theatre Festival took place in the winter of 2005 in Paris, France. The event, organized by China Cultural Center in Paris, has seen six local opera troupes from Hebei, Jiangsu, Jilin, Fujian and Guangdong provinces, showing to Parisians scores of traditional programs of Chinese operas. Chinese theatric art is not novel to French people. Over past decades in the history of modern China, Chinese opera masters, in particular, Peking opera singers, visited Paris many times and made traditional Chinese opera known to French people. For example, when visiting Paris half the century ago, master Cheng Yanqiu gave lectures on Peking opera, the first Chinese opera genre that was introduced to French people. 展开更多
关键词 法国 巴黎 中国 对外文交流 戏剧演出 2005年
Sun Yingdi “Liszt in primary colours”
作者 Fenglin 《China & The World Cultural Exchange》 2006年第11期34-35,共2页
关键词 孙颖迪 青年钢琴演奏家 新西兰 巡演 对外文交流 中国
Island of Music Embraces National Violin Competition
作者 Feng Lin 《China & The World Cultural Exchange》 2006年第10期6-7,共2页
The 8th National Violin Performance Competition, under the auspices of Chinese Cultural Ministry and sponsored and organized by Qingdao Municipality, took place in the city of Qingdao from September 17 to 26. 87 conte... The 8th National Violin Performance Competition, under the auspices of Chinese Cultural Ministry and sponsored and organized by Qingdao Municipality, took place in the city of Qingdao from September 17 to 26. 87 contestants from a dozen of prestigious music conservatories from across the country competed in the nal round, presenting high-level art galas to this beautiful seaside city. 展开更多
关键词 青岛市 中国文 第八届 小提琴 比赛 中外文交流 2006年
Localization and the Chinese Overseas: Acculturation, Assimilation, Hybridization, Creolization, and Identification 被引量:1
作者 TAN Chee-Beng 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2018年第2期73-87,共15页
Based on materials on the localized Chinese overseas, including the Melaka Babas, who are mostly Malay-speaking Chinese, this article reflects on the use of such terms as acculturation and assimilation, as well as hyb... Based on materials on the localized Chinese overseas, including the Melaka Babas, who are mostly Malay-speaking Chinese, this article reflects on the use of such terms as acculturation and assimilation, as well as hybridization and creolization, in relation to highly localized Chinese. All these concepts are seen as different ways of describing cultural formation in transcultural context. In particular, the relevance of using creolization to refer to the kind of creative process of cultural formation beyond its original usage in the Caribbean is discussed. This results in the identification of fragmented creolization as in the case of the Caribbean and a rooted creolization as in the case of the Babas. The author shall first discuss the issues of assimilation and integration, followed by hybridization and creolization. This is followed by the discussion on localization of Chinese overseas and identity. The concluding section provides some remarks on the concepts reviewed, and three main categories of acculturated Chinese are identified, namely, Chinese who are linguistically assimilated but still observe major Chinese traditions, Chinese who are so acculturated to the mainstream society that they hardly practice Chinese traditions, and Chinese who are both highly localized and highly mixed “racially”. 展开更多
关键词 acculturation and assimilation HYBRIDIZATION creolization localization and identity Baba Chinese overseas
On the Translation of Public Signs From the Functional Perspective
作者 ZHU Ji-feng 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第6期1246-1252,共7页
With the rapid development of Chinese economy, more and more foreigners have been attracted to China to invest, work, study, and travel. To help the foreigners better understand China and facilitate cross-cultural com... With the rapid development of Chinese economy, more and more foreigners have been attracted to China to invest, work, study, and travel. To help the foreigners better understand China and facilitate cross-cultural communication, bilingual or even trilingual public signs spring up in every part of China. As is known that public signs, usually in the form of a few words, pictures, or words accompanied with a picture, function not only as a"face" of a city and a nation, but also as a first calling card given to the foreigners. Moreover, public signs have definite functions--informing, warning, or directing. However, to our disappointment, mistranslations of the public signs are often presented in some places. As a special text whose function is strong and communicative purpose is quite clear, the translation of public signs should be based on the text's functions and the translator's purpose. This paper classifies public signs, compares Chinese signs with English ones, and comes up with the principle for its Chinese-English translation, namely, an A-B-C approach (Adapt-Borrow-Create approach) which is based on the Skopostheorie. 展开更多
On the Chinese Culture Transmission and Strategies
作者 ZHANG Jie 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第4期314-319,共6页
With the development of economy and international communication, Chinese culture is going out of the country and is known by the world. The paper analyzes the historical and present Chinese culture oversea transmissio... With the development of economy and international communication, Chinese culture is going out of the country and is known by the world. The paper analyzes the historical and present Chinese culture oversea transmission and the strategies of the transmissions. The paper has three parts: The first part is the history of Chinese culture transmission, the second part is the present Chinese transmission, and the third part is the strategies of Chinese culture transmission. And in the conclusion, it is made clear that everyone going abroad or in front of the foreigners is transmitting Chinese culture in one way or another. In order to make Chinese culture popular, some methods should be taken for Chinese visiting or going to other countries. 展开更多
The Cultural Interpretations of Diplomacies of China, Russia and India as Eurasian BRICS Countries
作者 LI Xing WANG Wan 《History Research》 2014年第1期17-20,共4页
China, Russia and India, three Eurasian BRICS countries, are close neighbors, geographically located in the Pacific Ocean, the Arctic Ocean and the Indian Ocean respectively. The research questions why these three cou... China, Russia and India, three Eurasian BRICS countries, are close neighbors, geographically located in the Pacific Ocean, the Arctic Ocean and the Indian Ocean respectively. The research questions why these three countries have some similar characteristics in their diplomacies and foreign policies, which differentiates them both from traditional developed countries and typical developing countries. Before the assessment of this question, analysis of culture and its characteristics, international strategies and diplomacies of these three BRICS countries is necessary and appropriate. Culture plays a special and crucial role in international politics or international relations. The unique cultures of Eurasian BRICS countries, China, Russia and India, have special influences on their diplomacies, which has created a new landscape in current world economy and politics. 展开更多
Negative Pragmatic Transfer and Its Inspiration on the Foreign Languages Teaching and Intercultural Communication
作者 ZHANG XlAO-jin 《International English Education Research》 2014年第11期17-19,共3页
The negative pragmatic transfer in second language acquisition has been seen as the major cause of pragmatic failure. In fact, the constant experiencing of negative pragmatic transfer is an active process of learning.... The negative pragmatic transfer in second language acquisition has been seen as the major cause of pragmatic failure. In fact, the constant experiencing of negative pragmatic transfer is an active process of learning. The paper investigates the characteristics and classification of the negative pragmatic transfer so that people will have an objective attitude towards it. The author also provides suggestions and strategies so as to help the foreign language learners to establish the confidence in the foreign language study and intercultural communication. 展开更多
关键词 second language acquisition negative pragmatic transfer language teaching intercultural communication
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