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宋代官员家庭外命妇封赠制度略论 被引量:2
作者 郭艳艳 《商丘师范学院学报》 CAS 2010年第11期60-64,共5页
外命妇作为古代女性的一种政治身份,是一个地位显赫的群体,其封号系统在宋代变化较大。外命妇身份的确立一般是通过封赠制度来实现的。封赠制度不仅对女性所依附的男性官员的品阶有具体要求,对被封赠的女性也有一定的条件限制。官员母... 外命妇作为古代女性的一种政治身份,是一个地位显赫的群体,其封号系统在宋代变化较大。外命妇身份的确立一般是通过封赠制度来实现的。封赠制度不仅对女性所依附的男性官员的品阶有具体要求,对被封赠的女性也有一定的条件限制。官员母、妻在具备封赠制度所要求的条件后,可以获得封号并接受该制度的管理。宋代外命妇可以进入一定的政治领域,获得一定的政治或经济待遇。 展开更多
关键词 宋代 外命 封赠制度
唐代外命妇朝谒制度考 被引量:1
作者 张艳辉 《乐山师范学院学报》 2012年第1期91-94,共4页
关键词 外命 礼会 朝见 礼仪
辽代外命妇制度探析 被引量:2
作者 张敏 《内蒙古民族大学学报》 2012年第4期8-9,共2页
外命妇是命妇制度的重要组成部分。辽代的外命妇制度,沿袭唐朝制度,造就了辽代社会中一个特殊的女性阶层。对辽代外命妇封号及其权利和义务等问题的思考,不仅是了解辽朝上层妇女生存状态的重要线索,也是进一步研究辽代统治制度和社会生... 外命妇是命妇制度的重要组成部分。辽代的外命妇制度,沿袭唐朝制度,造就了辽代社会中一个特殊的女性阶层。对辽代外命妇封号及其权利和义务等问题的思考,不仅是了解辽朝上层妇女生存状态的重要线索,也是进一步研究辽代统治制度和社会生活的基础。 展开更多
关键词 辽代 外命 封号 权利 义务
金代外命婦制度的演變 被引量:1
作者 孫建權 《文史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期161-178,共18页
《金史·百官志》所載外命婦制度沿革不可盡信。金初外命婦制度沿襲遼制。皇統年間,熙宗正式創建了外命婦制度,其中尤以“制定品官次室命婦封號”和“命婦郡望從夫姓”爲兩大特色。正隆二年,海陵王取消了品官封贈次室的資格,金代外... 《金史·百官志》所載外命婦制度沿革不可盡信。金初外命婦制度沿襲遼制。皇統年間,熙宗正式創建了外命婦制度,其中尤以“制定品官次室命婦封號”和“命婦郡望從夫姓”爲兩大特色。正隆二年,海陵王取消了品官封贈次室的資格,金代外命婦制度至此基本定型。世宗朝與章宗前期沿用海陵之制。章宗不久大幅改革外命婦制度。先於明昌初將品官封贈外命婦的依據,從原來只由散官決定,變革爲“受散官和職事官共同影響,且二者從一高”;再於承安二年降親王妻妾外命婦封號爲“王夫人”“孺人”;最後約在泰和五年新增“從五品官母妻封鄉君”之制。衞紹王大安以後,金代外命婦制度大體又恢復到正隆二年之制。金代外命婦制度簡明易行,該特點與金代官員數量不多有關,既折射出女真統治者追求“簡政高效”的治國理念,也反映了有金一代人口規模始終不大的歷史事實。 展开更多
关键词 金代 外命 金熙宗 正隆二年 金章宗
作者 黄顺义 《濮阳职业技术学院学报》 2009年第3期42-46,共5页
宋代外命妇是一个特殊的女性群体,深受妇道与王道双重羁縻,尚能准确定位自身身份,谨慎求证身份价值。仅从其相夫教子的行为粗略考察,外命妇纤弱的身躯与灵魂深处,无不感伤着时代遐想的心灵拷问,在其奔忙于妇道与王道的人生旅途上,承载... 宋代外命妇是一个特殊的女性群体,深受妇道与王道双重羁縻,尚能准确定位自身身份,谨慎求证身份价值。仅从其相夫教子的行为粗略考察,外命妇纤弱的身躯与灵魂深处,无不感伤着时代遐想的心灵拷问,在其奔忙于妇道与王道的人生旅途上,承载了太多的价值理念与身份诉求。 展开更多
关键词 宋代 外命 相夫教子 身份诉求
兼融南北:《大唐开元礼》的册后之源 被引量:4
作者 吴丽娱 《魏晋南北朝隋唐史资料》 2006年第1期101-115,共15页
在研究《大唐开元礼》的过程中,分辨礼制的来源和渊源常常是必须面对的首要难题。与此有关,陈寅恪先生《论韩愈》一文关于'唐代之史可分前后两期,前期结束南北朝相承之旧局面,后期开启赵宋以降之新局面,关于政治社会经济者如此,关... 在研究《大唐开元礼》的过程中,分辨礼制的来源和渊源常常是必须面对的首要难题。与此有关,陈寅恪先生《论韩愈》一文关于'唐代之史可分前后两期,前期结束南北朝相承之旧局面,后期开启赵宋以降之新局面,关于政治社会经济者如此,关于文化学术者莫不如此'的判断最具有启发性。而他在《隋唐制度渊源略论稿》礼仪篇中又指出《开元礼》折中《贞观》、《显庆》二礼,从而间接袭用隋礼和隋唐制度赖以成立的(北)魏(北)齐、梁陈和西魏北周三源的关系。《开元礼》的创作既当结束旧局面之际,因此对于每项具体的礼制,便有着弄清其近端来源和远程渊源的两大任务。这一点,对于皇后礼而言亦不例外。不久前,笔者撰写《朝贺皇后:〈大唐开元礼〉中的则天旧仪》一文,重点讨论《开元礼》中大臣命妇朝贺皇后的仪注,涉及纳后的婚礼问题。本文即是在前文基础上,对于《开元礼》中的皇后婚礼展开进一步讨论。 展开更多
关键词 六礼 亲迎 武则天 王彪 群臣 外命 婚姻观念 纳采 见舅姑 《开元礼》
Facilitating IT outsourcing through improving buyer-vendor interaction in outsourcing life cycle
作者 谢刚 梅姝娥 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2011年第1期96-100,共5页
For a clear understanding of how to foster necessary attributes of partnerships that promote a closer relationship for achieving outsourcing success,this paper tries to explore the role of interaction.Based on empiric... For a clear understanding of how to foster necessary attributes of partnerships that promote a closer relationship for achieving outsourcing success,this paper tries to explore the role of interaction.Based on empirical data from a logistics and procurement flat system outsourcing case and earlier research,the industrial network approach and the international marketing and purchasing interaction model are used to analyze the nature of interaction in a three-phased outsourcing life cycle,particularly,characteristics and activities of the transition phase are identified.The findings reveal that developing a relationship between partners requires an industrial network perspective.Improving the key aspects of interaction,information and knowledge sharing,communication and collaborative participation,involved in the important events of three phases would contribute to enhance the relationships performance.The key aspects of interaction should take place among the network actors and not just between buyers and vendors. 展开更多
关键词 information technology(IT) outsourcing outsourcing life cycle INTERACTION
《微型机与应用》 北大核心 2008年第7X期4-4,共1页
720万美元天价稿酬、厚达900多页的"股神"巴菲特唯一授权官方传记《滚雪球》中文版将于今年年底面世,预览了其中的几个章节,巴菲特不同时期的三个片断给笔者留下了深刻印象。片断一:1942年的春天,还是小男孩的巴菲特把姐姐招... 720万美元天价稿酬、厚达900多页的"股神"巴菲特唯一授权官方传记《滚雪球》中文版将于今年年底面世,预览了其中的几个章节,巴菲特不同时期的三个片断给笔者留下了深刻印象。片断一:1942年的春天,还是小男孩的巴菲特把姐姐招募为合伙人,为两人买了城市服务公司的3股优先股。 展开更多
关键词 服务公司 伯克希尔 哈撒韦 投资失误 公司价值 外命 梢售额 时事评论 时学 负面报道
作者 丁宁宁(文/图) 《大众考古》 2020年第12期60-64,共5页
宋代,女性去世后获撰墓志的人数较唐代为多。志主主要是有身份、有影响的士家女眷,这种身份一般会呈现在墓志首题中。首题一般以附夫、附子的形式进行书写,反映了志主身份的差异,表现出"趋尊"与"附男"的文化意蕴,... 宋代,女性去世后获撰墓志的人数较唐代为多。志主主要是有身份、有影响的士家女眷,这种身份一般会呈现在墓志首题中。首题一般以附夫、附子的形式进行书写,反映了志主身份的差异,表现出"趋尊"与"附男"的文化意蕴,同时也是宋代外命妇制度在墓葬文化中的特殊"实践"。 展开更多
关键词 墓葬文化 女眷 墓志 趋尊 外命 首题 宋代 文化意蕴
Lactobacilli,bifi dobacteria and E.coli nissle induce pro-and anti-inflammatory cytokines in peripheral blood mononuclear cells 被引量:3
作者 Ulf Helwig Karen M Lammers +8 位作者 Fernando Rizzello Patricia Brigidi Verena Rohleder Elisabetta Caramelli Paolo Giochetti Juergen Schrezenmeir Ulrich R Foelsch Stefan Schreiber Massimo Campieri 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第37期5978-5986,共9页
AIM: To investigate whether the stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNC) with the cell debris and cell extraction of different probiotic strains is similar or species specific. METHODS: Three stra... AIM: To investigate whether the stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNC) with the cell debris and cell extraction of different probiotic strains is similar or species specific. METHODS: Three strains of bifidobacteria, 4 strains of lactobacilli, and E. coli nissle were sonicated and centrifuged in order to divide them into cell extract and cell debris. PBMNC were separated by density gradient and incubated for 36 h with either the cell debris or the cell extract of single strains of probiotic bacteria in doses from 10^2 to 10^8 CFU/mL. Cell supernatants were taken and interleukin (IL)-10, IL-1β, and tumor necosis factor (TNF)-α were determined by ELISA. RESULTS: Depending on the species super-family, the strains had different stimulation patterns. Except for both L. casei strains, the cell extract of bitTdobacteria and/actobacilli had less stimulating capacity than cell debris, whereas the cell extract of E. coli nissle had similar stimulating properties to that of the cell debris of the strain and significantly more stimulating capacity than that of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. The cell debris of bifidobacteria stimulated more cytokine release than the cell debris of lactobacilli. The cell debris of lactobacilli did not have a stimulating capacity when lower concentrations were used. Neither cell extraction nor cell debris had an inhibitory effect on the production of the tested cytokines by stimulated PBMNC. CONCLUSION: The incubation of probiotic strains, which have been used in clinical trials for inflammatory diseases, with immunocompetent cells leads to different species specific reactions. High IL-10 response to cell debris of bifidobacteria and E. coli nissle can be found. This corresponds to positive effects of bihdobacteria and E. coli nissle in clinical trials for inflammatory bowel disease compared to negative outcomes obtained with lactobacilli. 展开更多
关键词 LACTOBACILLI BIFIDOBACTERIA PROBIOTICS Interleukin-l0 Tumor necrosis factor-α INTERLEUKIN-1Β Peripheral blood mononuclear cells
The Exolife: Gas Dust Streams and Seeds
作者 Oleg B. Khavroshkin Vladislav V. Tsyplakov 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2015年第3期203-214,共12页
The hypothesis that bacteria and protozoa microorganisms are able to travel from one planet to another and become of exolife was not taken seriously by the scientific community for a long time. However at the end of t... The hypothesis that bacteria and protozoa microorganisms are able to travel from one planet to another and become of exolife was not taken seriously by the scientific community for a long time. However at the end of the 20th century the situation changed dramatically. Firstly, in 1990, meteorites consisting of Martian rocks were found. Secondly, it became clear that many microorganisms especially bacteria spores have an uncanny ability to endure the rugged environment of the outer space for a long time and then re-activate in a more favorable environment. If we compare these findings, the idea of interplanetary transmigration of the simplest forms of life on meteoroids ceases to look so illusory. The final dot in this issue was made by the works of academician Rozanov, and later Hoover (Professor Richard B. Hoover) through the discovery of fossilized microbes inside of a meteorite massif, that is to say, seeds of life. However, to tie only the simplest forms of life to meteorites or comets is to introduce strong constraints on the likelihood of delivery of seeds (spores of life) to Earth for many obvious reasons. Besides, exobiology does not negate the problem of origin of life, and transfers it into the era of the young universe. Therefore, it is necessary to consider in detail the essence of seeds of life or cosmic particles of dust and gas-dust streams as their carriers, their penetration path to Earth and forms of their existence. 展开更多
关键词 Gas-dust streams spores of life and space viruses comets and meteoroids biological hazards.
唐大明宫含元殿与外朝朝会制度 被引量:4
作者 杜文玉 《唐史论丛》 CSSCI 2012年第2期1-25,共25页
在大明宫中含元殿的地位最为特殊,其历史影响与社会影响也最大,但是其在大明宫中的实际功能和在国家政治生活中,并非须臾不可离开,这一点与其宏伟的建筑外表显得极不协调。含元殿在大明宫的功能更多地体现在国家礼仪方面,与中枢决策和... 在大明宫中含元殿的地位最为特殊,其历史影响与社会影响也最大,但是其在大明宫中的实际功能和在国家政治生活中,并非须臾不可离开,这一点与其宏伟的建筑外表显得极不协调。含元殿在大明宫的功能更多地体现在国家礼仪方面,与中枢决策和政事的处理基本无涉,虽然号称是举办外朝活动的场所。 展开更多
关键词 含元殿 朝会 太极宫 朝集使 《册府元龟》 玄宗 外命 制举 内朝
Competition in Marketing: Survival Yardstick for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria
作者 Olanrewaju Samson Ibidunni Ogundeji J. K. Ogundele 《Chinese Business Review》 2013年第11期775-788,共14页
The topic investigated competition in marketing as a survival yardstick for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria. The objectives addressed by this study were: (1) identifying different types and intensi... The topic investigated competition in marketing as a survival yardstick for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria. The objectives addressed by this study were: (1) identifying different types and intensity of competition that SMEs are exposed to along the life-cycle portfolio in Nigeria; (2) quantifying the strength of SMEs vis-a-vis some foreign enterprises in terms of market competition; and (3) proffering solutions on how best they could match competitively these foreign enterprises. Relevant models and theories were employed in literature to evolve detailed analysis of issues relating to the variables used in terms of competition in marketing and survival of juice-producing SMEs. Two hypotheses were investigated through the survey of 20 prominent Ikeja based SMEs using Cluster sampling, 5-points Likert summated rating scale was adopted, while Yard's formula with 95% confidence level and 5% error tolerance was used. Alternative form validity of the instrument was measured at 0.63 while its reliability was measured at Cronbach's alpha of 0.70. Pearson's product-moment correlation was used in testing hypothesis 1 while standard multiple regressions were used to test hypothesis 2. Findings revealed that there was strong relationship between survival of juice-producing SMEs with forms of competition on a firm's life-cycle; while competition had positive effects on survival components for the enterprises. It was concluded that since competition subsists in any firm's life-cycle, strategies to support operations for survival must be adopted. It was recommended that operators of SMEs have to monitor and manage competition as it affects their businesses positively and/or negatively. 展开更多
关键词 COMPETITION firms' life-cycle survival of enterprises strategies to support operations operators of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) monitor and manage competition
Quality-Oriented Facade Systems: Initial Investments vs. Global Cost Approach
作者 Rachele Perego 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第4期483-491,共9页
An analysis applied to an existing building considering the whole service life, regulated or, if any, measured, of energy/technological upgrading action does not only require initial investments to be taken into accou... An analysis applied to an existing building considering the whole service life, regulated or, if any, measured, of energy/technological upgrading action does not only require initial investments to be taken into account. Of course, such investments are significant and will have to be considered at a first stage, but it is not the only aspect to be considered. Provisions of Construction Procurement Guidance, No.7 Whole Life Costs state: "All procurement must be made solely on the basis of value for money in terms of the optimum combination of global costs--and not only initial investment costs--and quality to meet the user's requirements". 展开更多
关键词 Facade system initial investments global cost approach QUALITY convenience.
唐孝子 選录白燕盦诗集戊申作
作者 陈嘉会 《船山学报》 1933年第1期115-,共1页
关键词 白燕 善化 外命
《显庆礼》与武则天 被引量:6
作者 吴丽娱 《唐史论丛》 2008年第1期1-16,共16页
《显庆礼》是继《贞观礼》之后唐代官修的第二部大礼书,它的修撰在高宗即位后不久,上承贞观,下启开元,同样是唐朝统治上升和承平期的产物,是唐朝礼仪链条上重要的一环。只是《显庆礼》的修撰过程中,恰逢武则天立后,故在政治斗争的意义... 《显庆礼》是继《贞观礼》之后唐代官修的第二部大礼书,它的修撰在高宗即位后不久,上承贞观,下启开元,同样是唐朝统治上升和承平期的产物,是唐朝礼仪链条上重要的一环。只是《显庆礼》的修撰过程中,恰逢武则天立后,故在政治斗争的意义上更与贞观不同。其规模虽然超过《贞观礼》,整个修撰过程却充满矛盾,以至前后阶段旨趣截然相反,最终某些观念与《贞观礼》形成对立,甚至在方向上发生了扭转。 展开更多
关键词 贞观礼 显庆 修撰 开元礼 高宗 永徽 许敬宗 旧唐书 外命 祭先蚕
进入宋代皇室的乳母与宫廷政治斗争 被引量:1
作者 程郁 《历史教学(上半月)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期16-16,共1页
在中国古代史的长河里,皇宫内的乳母往往地位特殊,一些乳母甚至因此登上当时的政治舞台,尤其在东汉与明代,乳母甚至与宦官联手,成为内宫的一股政治势力。在宋代,下层妇女经由女性中介进入皇室成为乳母。其中,皇帝的乳母地位最高,和唐五... 在中国古代史的长河里,皇宫内的乳母往往地位特殊,一些乳母甚至因此登上当时的政治舞台,尤其在东汉与明代,乳母甚至与宦官联手,成为内宫的一股政治势力。在宋代,下层妇女经由女性中介进入皇室成为乳母。其中,皇帝的乳母地位最高,和唐五代的内外相淆不同,宋代皇帝乳母的封号基本上属郡、国夫人等外命妇系列。 展开更多
关键词 外命 中国古代史 内宫 国夫人 唐五代 政治舞台 政治势力 家庭生活 公主府
唐代公主墓志辑略 被引量:2
作者 王其祎 周晓薇 《碑林集刊》 1995年第1期63-77,共15页
公主者,帝女也。惟曰公主者又有长公主及大长公主两等,所谓'外命妇之制,皇姑封大长公主,皇姊妹封长公主,皇女封公主,皆视正一品'(《大唐六典》卷2)。此制始于汉,而历代因之,是公主之封号以其与当朝皇上之辈份关系而分为三等,本... 公主者,帝女也。惟曰公主者又有长公主及大长公主两等,所谓'外命妇之制,皇姑封大长公主,皇姊妹封长公主,皇女封公主,皆视正一品'(《大唐六典》卷2)。此制始于汉,而历代因之,是公主之封号以其与当朝皇上之辈份关系而分为三等,本文所辑之'唐代公主',即于帝女、帝姊妹、帝姑皆所包括焉。《旧唐书》不立帝女传,《新唐书》始立《诸帝公主传》,起自世祖,讫于昭宗,凡有公主212人~①,而其行实仍颇多简略。 展开更多
关键词 《新唐书》 诸帝公主传 外命 昭宗 皇女 《旧唐书》 志石 唐六典 临川郡 西安碑林
作者 孙玉坤 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 1986年第6期429-430,共2页
Up to now there have been over 5 million organic compounds known to the world. The study of the orbital energies of their molecules and their rules of change have become very important.
作者 夏先培 《高中生学习(作文素材与时评)》 2015年第6期40-40,共1页
语言是发展的,"臣""妾"二词由分指男奴和女奴引申为男女各自的谦称,再组合成"臣妾"一词,用作女子对皇帝(应该也包括皇后皇太后等人)的自称(谦称),完全顺理成章,其实古人已经注意及此。例如宋代朱翌《猗觉寮杂记》卷下:"男... 语言是发展的,"臣""妾"二词由分指男奴和女奴引申为男女各自的谦称,再组合成"臣妾"一词,用作女子对皇帝(应该也包括皇后皇太后等人)的自称(谦称),完全顺理成章,其实古人已经注意及此。例如宋代朱翌《猗觉寮杂记》卷下:"男曰人臣,女曰人妾,臣妾对君上之称,男女之别也。今妇人奏状则曰‘臣妾某氏’,是以妇人兼男子之称也。……自汉以前,妇人皆称妾,如‘妾得无从坐’‘奈何妾薄命’之类是也。兼臣妾而言不知起自何代。 展开更多
关键词 妾薄 君上 男女之别 奏状 外命 朱翌 韩厥 礼志 汉语大词典 权威工具书
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