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作者 时平 《传统中国研究集刊》 2022年第1期144-158,共15页
满剌加官厂是郑和下西洋在海外设立的航行保障基地,近年来成为郑和研究中一个热点问题.它不仅涉及"一带一路"上郑和文化遗产研究,而且也开启重新认识满剌加官厂在郑和下西洋中的历史地位.本文在考辨满剌加官厂文献基础上,讨... 满剌加官厂是郑和下西洋在海外设立的航行保障基地,近年来成为郑和研究中一个热点问题.它不仅涉及"一带一路"上郑和文化遗产研究,而且也开启重新认识满剌加官厂在郑和下西洋中的历史地位.本文在考辨满剌加官厂文献基础上,讨论了以往研究中忽略的明人评论,对官厂的航海与地缘环境、形制、性质及经略作用进行分析,提出官厂与官场性质有别,选择满剌加设立官厂,是郑和下西洋治理马六甲海峡的重要举措之一,为郑和船队往返西洋航行提供可靠的保障,成为明初治理天下秩序的重要环节. 展开更多
关键词 满剌加官厂 史料辨析 外府与区略 海峡治理 天下秩序
作者 赖永德 《四川中医》 北大核心 2008年第8期34-35,共2页
关键词 胃病 证治 中医临床 治疗
作者 泰国世界日报 《农村新技术》 2019年第2期37-37,共1页
泰国农产品和食物标准局秘书长格立表示,办事处将与外府中小企业联盟一起,共同推进农业4.0策略,提升外府农民有机种植、有机农产品加工水平,迈向应用新技术的阶段。根据泰国农业4.0发展方向的指示,未来农业生产要在数字经济环境中实现... 泰国农产品和食物标准局秘书长格立表示,办事处将与外府中小企业联盟一起,共同推进农业4.0策略,提升外府农民有机种植、有机农产品加工水平,迈向应用新技术的阶段。根据泰国农业4.0发展方向的指示,未来农业生产要在数字经济环境中实现数字化的市场管理,推动农产品标准化和避免使用价格干预做法,提升农民、合作社、农业经营实体和农业中小企业的竞争实力和市场销售能力。 展开更多
关键词 有机 农业 泰国 外府 农产品 经济
唐代四川的区位优势 被引量:2
作者 梁中效 《成都大学学报(社会科学版)》 2000年第1期49-54,共6页
唐代是中国西部全面开放、迅猛发展的鼎盛时期。四川凭借其既毗邻国都又沟 通南北丝绸之路的区位优势,以其特有的富饶和雄险,不仅充当了长安的“外府”和控制西北、 西南的枢要,而且敞开剑门和夔门,在大力吸纳长安文化的同时,又毫... 唐代是中国西部全面开放、迅猛发展的鼎盛时期。四川凭借其既毗邻国都又沟 通南北丝绸之路的区位优势,以其特有的富饶和雄险,不仅充当了长安的“外府”和控制西北、 西南的枢要,而且敞开剑门和夔门,在大力吸纳长安文化的同时,又毫不保留地向南、北丝绸之 路提供必要的物质保障,竭力向域外传播盛唐文明。在大唐灿烂文化的史册上,四川写下了光彩 夺目的一页,对世界文明的发展作出了贡献。 展开更多
关键词 唐朝 四川 区位优势 长安 外府
An Analysis of the Great Power Strategy of India's Modi Government
作者 Wang Xiaowen 《Contemporary International Relations》 2017年第4期102-125,共24页
Over the past two years, India's Modi government has demonstrated the following features: focusing on the goals of becoming a great power and shaping India's South Asian dominance, expanding the scope of diplo... Over the past two years, India's Modi government has demonstrated the following features: focusing on the goals of becoming a great power and shaping India's South Asian dominance, expanding the scope of diplomatic strategy, emphasizing the role of soft power and focusing on self-development as well as external environment. Modi's great power strategy is deeply influenced by the Indian realistic international political outlook and, to a certain extent, reflects the governing philosophy of the Bharatiya Janata Party. The great power strategy is Modi's governing foundation and governing style, embedding Modi distinctive personal style. Under the influence of the great power strategy, China and India have increased their economic cooperation scope, widening the forms of public diplomacy, with an obvious geopolitical collision; India is taking more measures to check China. 展开更多
关键词 INDIA Modi government great power strategy Sino-India relations
Obama's Legacy The Foreign Policy of the Late-Term Obama Administration
作者 Ni Feng 《Contemporary International Relations》 2017年第2期67-81,共15页
The year 2014 was a tipping point for the Barack Obama Administration--that was the year when it strove to forge a legacy of the Obarna era but came up against challenges arising from major changes that were taking pl... The year 2014 was a tipping point for the Barack Obama Administration--that was the year when it strove to forge a legacy of the Obarna era but came up against challenges arising from major changes that were taking place internationally and domestically. The Administration was then focused on maintaining a fragile balance between creating this legacy and responding to these challenges. Obama stuck to his fundamental principles when dealing with overseas affairs, but he also came up with new responses. The dynamic balance struck between these two formed the basis of the global strategy of the late-term Obama Administration. The Administration's focus at this time highlights the dilemma it faced in forging a legacy. Further, the foreign policy of Obama and Trump are actually not so different; they both supported some degree of isolationism with a focus on domestic issues. 展开更多
关键词 US global strategy Obama's legacy diplomatic legacy
Analysis on Human Resource Outsourcing in Chinese Government
作者 CHEN Siyu 《International English Education Research》 2016年第12期5-8,共4页
Social and economic development, the deepening of the reform of our government have higher requirements, then the Government is an important step in the implementation of human resources outsourcing, is now the phenom... Social and economic development, the deepening of the reform of our government have higher requirements, then the Government is an important step in the implementation of human resources outsourcing, is now the phenomenon of corporate human resources outsourcing has been very common, the Government also needs further enterprise, This paper studies the cost-benefit analysis of government human resource outsourcing by deepening the understanding of human resource management and the comparative analysis of government and enterprise human resource management to verify whether it is feasible and the way to outsource human resource management. The content has made the detailed analysis, to study our country government's human resources outsourcing question has the vital significance. 展开更多
关键词 GOVERNMENT human resources management human resources outsourcing
Technical Efficiency Estimation of Government Linked Companies in Malaysia
作者 Jennifer Tunga Janang Rosita Suhaimi Norhana Salamudin 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第6期555-564,共10页
The Malaysian government launched the Government Linked Companies Transformation (GLCT) Programme in May 2004, with the aim, amongst others, of ensuring continuous improvement of these firms amidst global trade comp... The Malaysian government launched the Government Linked Companies Transformation (GLCT) Programme in May 2004, with the aim, amongst others, of ensuring continuous improvement of these firms amidst global trade competitiveness and economic challenges. This paper examines technical efficiency of government linked companies (GLCs) and benchmarks the result with top foreign owned firms listed in Bursa Malaysia. The study employs an unbalanced panel dataset of 31 existing GLCs over a period of nine years (2000-2008) using the stochastic frontier model. The results provide estimates of mean technical efficiency of these firms for the first time, and highlight the variation between the GLCs and foreign owned firms which represent international standard. The findings show mean technical efficiency of GLCs is moving towards the frontier but it still relatively low compared to the foreign firms. The trend declined drastically at the later period showing a wider gap against the benchmark firms. The findings hope to contribute to the growing literature on firms' efficiency focusing on privatized firms in developing countries. 展开更多
关键词 government linked companies technical efficiency PRIVATIZATION stochastic frontier model
Thoughts on e-waste recycling
作者 Yinhe BU 《International English Education Research》 2014年第4期103-105,共3页
This paper summarizes the situation of e-waste recycling in China, points out several key problems, identify the causes and draw lessons and experiences abroad about e-waste management, propose systematic suggestions ... This paper summarizes the situation of e-waste recycling in China, points out several key problems, identify the causes and draw lessons and experiences abroad about e-waste management, propose systematic suggestions from the production side, the recovery side, consumers side, government departments and thelegislation. 展开更多
关键词 e-waste recycling ISSUES CAUSES systematic recommendation
Dynamic Target Costing (TC) in Real Estate Development Industry in Taiwan
作者 Wu Chiling Chen Shumei 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第2期203-211,共9页
This paper discusses whether target costing (TC) is affected by the impacts of external circumstances and appears dynamic in real estate development industry. A case study was conducted and combined with literature ... This paper discusses whether target costing (TC) is affected by the impacts of external circumstances and appears dynamic in real estate development industry. A case study was conducted and combined with literature reviews to test this proposition. The results of this paper show that the formula appears dynamic on the impacts of economic depression/recession, inflation, and change of governmental policy to assist the firms in the achievement of planned profits. TC, as a strategic profit management system in the industry, exhibits brisk utilization in a dynamic formula with more of a focus on value added to maintain fixed profits. It is different from the focus on cost reduction by a static formula in previous literatures. 展开更多
关键词 target costing (TC) real estate development industry top-down method SUBTRACTION DYNAMIC
Analyses and Suggestions on China's Foreign Trade Development Pattern Transformation
作者 裴长洪 彭磊 郑文 《China Economist》 2011年第5期4-16,共13页
In coping with the global financial crisis, all levels of the Chinese government and foreign trade firms have not only created new practices but have also changed their goal from transforming the growth pattern of for... In coping with the global financial crisis, all levels of the Chinese government and foreign trade firms have not only created new practices but have also changed their goal from transforming the growth pattern of foreign trade to transforming the development pattern of joreign trade. China's experience shows that economic instruments such as Net Barter Terms of Trade (NBTT) and the smile curve theory have limitations when it comes to interpreting foreign trade. If used improperly, scientific theories often lead to.fallacies. Transjbrming the development pattern of China's .foreign trade requires the following changes: national income distribution, foreign trade competition, market exploration, and resource utilization. We advise that competent authorities create a reasonable and operational system of assessment indicators. 展开更多
关键词 trade conditions transformation of foreign trade development pattern taking stock of experiences economics connotations
An Analysis of the Indian Modi Administration's Policy on the South China Sea Issue
作者 Lou Chunhao 《Contemporary International Relations》 2017年第4期48-71,共24页
Geographically, India is not a country in the region of the South China Sea, nor is it a country concerned in the issue on a geopolitical level or a US ally in the Asia-Pacific region. It has been very cautious to avo... Geographically, India is not a country in the region of the South China Sea, nor is it a country concerned in the issue on a geopolitical level or a US ally in the Asia-Pacific region. It has been very cautious to avoid taking sides in the South China Sea issue. However, since Modi took office in 2014, changes have taken place in the external environment that India faces, in maritime safety strategy, as well as in India's policies toward the US and China. India is becoming increasingly active in the issue of the South China Sea, voicing criticism and taking precautions against China. While India's policy on the South China Sea will not be completely the same as that of the United States and Japan, due to concerns for its own interests in the future, it is quite possible that India will take advantage of the issue of the South China Sea and will adopt more comprehensive ways to get involved in the issue. 展开更多
关键词 The Modi administration policy on the South China Sea Sino-Indian relations
明代的寄庄 被引量:4
作者 韩大成 《明史研究》 1991年第1期24-34,共11页
在我国历史上,把去外府州县乡里购买的土地,一称之为寄庄。拥有寄庄的人,则称之为寄庄户。对此,有的记载这样写道:'寄,寓也。得业之民,原非土著,以其寓居于田庄者而立户'。另外,又有记载说'寄庄户,则人非版籍,徒以田产置在... 在我国历史上,把去外府州县乡里购买的土地,一称之为寄庄。拥有寄庄的人,则称之为寄庄户。对此,有的记载这样写道:'寄,寓也。得业之民,原非土著,以其寓居于田庄者而立户'。另外,又有记载说'寄庄户,则人非版籍,徒以田产置在各里而得名者也'。寄庄大约在唐代就出现了,后来,随城市工商业的发展,土地兼并的加剧和赋税徭役的不断增加,寄庄不是在日渐缩小,而是正好相反,也呈现出不断扩大的趋势。大约到明代中叶以后,寄庄已逐渐发展到'通天下皆有'的地步。本文只想就明代的情况,作些初步的探索。 展开更多
关键词 寄庄 外府 明王朝 北直隶 里甲 明代中叶 卫所 土地兼并 明朝政 袁州
作者 钟建民 《文史知识》 1984年第2期75-77,共3页
石渠阁是西汉的藏书所在之一。《通典》:'汉凡图书所在,有石渠石室延阁广内,贮之于外府,又有御史中丞居殿中,掌兰台秘书,及麒麟天禄两阁藏之于内禁。'汉高祖八年(前199年),萧何营造未央宫时,就在那巍峨壮丽的未央宫大殿北面造... 石渠阁是西汉的藏书所在之一。《通典》:'汉凡图书所在,有石渠石室延阁广内,贮之于外府,又有御史中丞居殿中,掌兰台秘书,及麒麟天禄两阁藏之于内禁。'汉高祖八年(前199年),萧何营造未央宫时,就在那巍峨壮丽的未央宫大殿北面造了石渠阁。石渠阁的下面,有一条砻石的水渠,流水淙淙,石渠阁的名称即由此而来。 展开更多
关键词 石渠阁 广内 御史中丞 《通典》 兰台 外府 博士弟子 白虎观会议 宣帝 殿中
作者 李肇 《碑林集刊》 1998年第1期273-273,共1页
进士为时所尚久矣。是故俊乂实集其中,由此出者,终身为闻人。故争名常切,而为俗亦弊。其都会谓之举场,通称谓之秀才。投刺谓之乡贡。得第谓之前进士。互相推敬谓之先辈。俱捷谓之同年。有司谓之座主。京兆府考而升者,谓之等第。外府不... 进士为时所尚久矣。是故俊乂实集其中,由此出者,终身为闻人。故争名常切,而为俗亦弊。其都会谓之举场,通称谓之秀才。投刺谓之乡贡。得第谓之前进士。互相推敬谓之先辈。俱捷谓之同年。有司谓之座主。京兆府考而升者,谓之等第。外府不试而贡者。 展开更多
关键词 前进士 投刺 进士科 外府 京兆 乡贡 座主 私试 慈恩寺塔 曲江会
《森林与人类》 2005年第6期96-96,共1页
柳宗元的坎坷人生经历,对柳氏后人在营造自己的宅第时产生了巨大的影响。一方面居住的地方要绝对偏僻,达到隐居的目的,并具备一定的防御功能;另一方面还要着眼于建村选址中的土地、水源之类的自然生存条件及居所位置、朝向、周围的... 柳宗元的坎坷人生经历,对柳氏后人在营造自己的宅第时产生了巨大的影响。一方面居住的地方要绝对偏僻,达到隐居的目的,并具备一定的防御功能;另一方面还要着眼于建村选址中的土地、水源之类的自然生存条件及居所位置、朝向、周围的山形等关乎“风水”的问题。 展开更多
关键词 柳氏民居 建筑格局 外府 二层楼木质结构 柳宗元
作者 单士元 《工会信息》 2014年第29期28-29,共2页
1937年卢沟桥事变后,北平沦陷,不少文化机关进驻了日本顾问,但故宫博物院却没有来过一个日本人。这一方面是由于社会名流的暗中保护和留守人员的尽力抵制,另一方面也是因为日本人更注重军事占领。它们以武力占领了中国大片领土和重要城... 1937年卢沟桥事变后,北平沦陷,不少文化机关进驻了日本顾问,但故宫博物院却没有来过一个日本人。这一方面是由于社会名流的暗中保护和留守人员的尽力抵制,另一方面也是因为日本人更注重军事占领。它们以武力占领了中国大片领土和重要城市,错误地认为中国早晚属它所有,狂妄地把中国看作其"外府",把故宫的文物视为它在"外府"收藏的文物。它们从没有想到会有投降的一天,所以也就没有急于插手故宫。当时,不少与故宫有关系的社会名流如朱桂辛(朱启钤)、叶恭绰、陈垣等。 展开更多
关键词 叶恭绰 中国大片 军事占领 外府 日伪统治 陈垣 留守人员 祝书元 抗战期间 克敏
The Role of China's Local Governments on Sino-South Korean Diplomatic Normalization: A Case Study of Shandong Province
作者 Qi Huai-gao 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2012年第2期82-105,共24页
Based on the theory of sub-national governments' foreign affairs, this paper analyzes the role played by China's local governments at the time when China's central government was formulating polices to establish di... Based on the theory of sub-national governments' foreign affairs, this paper analyzes the role played by China's local governments at the time when China's central government was formulating polices to establish diplomatic relations with South Korea. China's local governments, with Shandong Province in particular, made strong attempts to lobby the central government on the economic need for enlarging bilateral trade and drawing investment from South Korea. These efforts played an active role on Sino-South Korean diplomatic normalization and further advanced the realization of diplomatic contacts already underway. Shandong Province's case shows that sub-national governments have been playing ever more important roles in China's overall diplomacy since the Reform and Opening Up of the economy, which began in 1978. In the multi-fold policy-making process by the central and local governments, it appears that the central government needs to respond to the reasonable interest case for engagement made by sub-national governments. How to accommodate the policy interests of the central and sub- national government entities is an important problem facing China's future diplomacy. 展开更多
关键词 Sino-South Korean diplomatic NORMALIZATION Shandong Qingdao sub-national governments
Ideological or Pragmatic: The US Public Diplomacy toward China in the Post-9/11 Era
作者 Shen Guo-1in 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2009年第2期49-65,共17页
This paper examines the US public diplomacy toward China in the post-9/11 era. Although emphasizing more on promoting a positive American image in the Arabic world, the Bush administration also stepped up its pace on ... This paper examines the US public diplomacy toward China in the post-9/11 era. Although emphasizing more on promoting a positive American image in the Arabic world, the Bush administration also stepped up its pace on beaming the American message to China. Analyzing the public diplomatic behavior since 9/11, including the President's visit to the Olympics, the public diplomacy ambassador sent to China, the influence of the VOA, and the privatization of pubhc diplomacy, the author evaluates the effectiveness of the US public diplomacy toward China, which becomes more pragmatic than ideological. In the end, the divide of the American image in China illustrates the complexity of the US public diplomacy in China. 展开更多
关键词 us government public diplomacy American image
Branding Macao's External Image Through Strategic Communication: A Descriptive Study
作者 Shuguang Zhang Wei Huang +1 位作者 Ni Chen Wenli Cheng 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2015年第3期427-446,共20页
Many national governments have employed strategic communication in promoting their external images. Though somewhat a sub-nation since its handover to China in 1999, the Macao Special Administrative Region Government ... Many national governments have employed strategic communication in promoting their external images. Though somewhat a sub-nation since its handover to China in 1999, the Macao Special Administrative Region Government (MSARG) finds it imperative to apply strategic communication to its place branding in its regional and international communities. Taking on the former Portuguese colony for an in-depth analysis, this study describes the perception of, knowledge about, and practice on strategic communication by the MSARG communication officials. The findings, though limited, seem reconcilable with the analytical assumptions of strategic communication studies in the west. 展开更多
关键词 MACAO Sub-nation Place image - Image branding EXTERNAL communication Strategic communication
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