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古外科医籍疾病治疗经验对恶性肿瘤中医治疗的启发 被引量:10
作者 陈群伟 张永生 《浙江中医药大学学报》 CAS 2012年第2期131-133,共3页
古代外科医籍所载多种疾病的临床特征与现代恶性肿瘤具有较好的对应性。通过对其中"失荣"、"乳岩"、"茧唇"等疾病治疗特点的分析,得到一些对恶性肿瘤中医治疗有启发意义的宝贵经验,其中扶正与祛邪、局部... 古代外科医籍所载多种疾病的临床特征与现代恶性肿瘤具有较好的对应性。通过对其中"失荣"、"乳岩"、"茧唇"等疾病治疗特点的分析,得到一些对恶性肿瘤中医治疗有启发意义的宝贵经验,其中扶正与祛邪、局部攻蚀和整体治疗相结合的思想,重视早期治疗和分阶段治疗的理念,以及对误治的认识,都对临床工作有着重要的指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 恶性肿瘤 治疗 外科医
丁甘仁外科医案辨证规律初探 被引量:1
作者 于凌 王颖晓 李其忠 《南京中医药大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期425-427,共3页
目的分析丁甘仁医案著作中外科病案的辨证规律。方法采用Apriori算法建模,对丁氏外科医案进行关联规则分析,并结合传统的文献研究及频数统计,探索丁氏外科的辨病、辨证特色。结果丁氏外科医案中疽为优势病种,痈、骨槽风、瘰疬等病也较... 目的分析丁甘仁医案著作中外科病案的辨证规律。方法采用Apriori算法建模,对丁氏外科医案进行关联规则分析,并结合传统的文献研究及频数统计,探索丁氏外科的辨病、辨证特色。结果丁氏外科医案中疽为优势病种,痈、骨槽风、瘰疬等病也较为常见。与《中医外科学》中辨证对比,丁氏对疽的辨证更注重里证,而非表里同病;丁氏对大头瘟的辨证以表实热证为主要证型,而非内热证。此外,丁氏医案中辨证为血虚气滞或阴亏气滞的病案比气滞血瘀、痰瘀互结、气血两虚等常规外科证型更为常见。结论丁甘仁外科医案所体现的辨证规律对当下外科疾病的辨证具有重要的参考价值;阴血亏与气滞两种病机的并存多出现在瘤、癌、瘰疬、附骨疽等病案中,反映了丁氏对"因虚而滞"和"因滞而虚"两种病变机理的认识,丰富了中医气血关系的理论,扩充了中医外科辨证的思路。 展开更多
关键词 丁甘仁 外科医 辨证规律 数据挖掘
作者 朱朝军 郭远强 +1 位作者 孙旭 张朝晖 《中医外治杂志》 2022年第2期126-128,共3页
高憩云是清末民国时期的外科名医,津沽疮疡学术流派的创始人,《外科医镜》是其最重要的代表作。他倡导内、外治结合,认为学习外科著作应批评继承,重视阴阳辨证,创立方剂,强调顾护脾胃;创制外科器械,主张刀针切割,配图说明器械的应用要点... 高憩云是清末民国时期的外科名医,津沽疮疡学术流派的创始人,《外科医镜》是其最重要的代表作。他倡导内、外治结合,认为学习外科著作应批评继承,重视阴阳辨证,创立方剂,强调顾护脾胃;创制外科器械,主张刀针切割,配图说明器械的应用要点,开创了中医外科手术器械的先河;提出了许多至今仍指导临床的外治原则。本文整理了高憩云《外科医镜》的学术特点。 展开更多
关键词 高憩云 李竞 津沽疮疡 流派 外科医
作者 韩建群 付铁 《中国医学美学美容杂志》 1997年第1期7-8,共2页
关键词 美容外科医 伦理道德
浅析高思敬《外科医镜》“角药”的运用 被引量:1
作者 盖长志 李廷保 《甘肃科技》 2022年第22期80-83,共4页
“角药”指方剂中三味中药的有机配合,如一车配两轮,一鸟展双翼,三位一体,扬长补短,增效减毒。清代名医高思敬的《外科医镜》中包含多组角药的运用,本文选取了其中运用典型的5组角药,如疏肝健脾角药柴胡、当归、白芍;解毒活血角药银花... “角药”指方剂中三味中药的有机配合,如一车配两轮,一鸟展双翼,三位一体,扬长补短,增效减毒。清代名医高思敬的《外科医镜》中包含多组角药的运用,本文选取了其中运用典型的5组角药,如疏肝健脾角药柴胡、当归、白芍;解毒活血角药银花、当归、甘草;健脾益气角药人参、白术、茯苓;补中益气角药黄芪、人参、炙甘草;补肾养阴角药熟地、山药、山茱萸;通过对这些角药的整理研究,明确了高氏的用药特点,为后世医家论治外科疾病提供了一定的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 外科医 角药 高思敬 外科疾病 有机配伍
作者 江盈科 《语文世界(上旬刊)》 2011年第10期13-13,共1页
关键词 外科医 小学生 阅读知识 语文学习
丁甘仁外科医案内治用药特色初探 被引量:1
作者 于凌 王颖晓 李其忠 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第8期3551-3553,共3页
目的:探究丁甘仁外科医案的内治用药特色。方法:运用Apriori算法对128例丁甘仁外科医案的内治用药从辨证选药、论病选药、据症选药、特色药对4个方面进行数据挖掘。结果:筛选出"瘀血-僵蚕,浙贝母,赤芍"等高关联性的证-药关系... 目的:探究丁甘仁外科医案的内治用药特色。方法:运用Apriori算法对128例丁甘仁外科医案的内治用药从辨证选药、论病选药、据症选药、特色药对4个方面进行数据挖掘。结果:筛选出"瘀血-僵蚕,浙贝母,赤芍"等高关联性的证-药关系;梳理出疽、痈等外科疾病的高频用药;筛选出"发热-浙贝母"等部分高关联性的症-药关系;挖掘出"草河车-紫花地丁"等特色外科药对。结论:丁甘仁在外科病证的内治用药方面选药精当、特色鲜明。结合原文回溯的数据挖掘是针对中医文献特殊性的更为有效而合理的方法。 展开更多
关键词 丁甘仁 外科医 用药特色 关联规则
基于中医传承辅助系统分析《外科医镜》疮疡消肿溃脓内治验方用药规律 被引量:1
作者 徐强 孙瀚驰 +1 位作者 刘振雷 张朝晖 《时珍国医国药》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期223-226,共4页
目的总结津沽疮疡学术流派创始人高思敬在其著作《外科医镜》中对于促进疮疡疾病消肿溃脓有效内治验方的组方用药规律,为临床用药提供参考。方法收集《外科医镜》中所载相关验方,基于中医传承辅助平台(V2.5)构建数据库,并对纳入研究的... 目的总结津沽疮疡学术流派创始人高思敬在其著作《外科医镜》中对于促进疮疡疾病消肿溃脓有效内治验方的组方用药规律,为临床用药提供参考。方法收集《外科医镜》中所载相关验方,基于中医传承辅助平台(V2.5)构建数据库,并对纳入研究的药物进行分析。结果筛选出符合纳入标准的方剂共166条,其中共涉及171味中药,用药以甘草、当归、黄芪、皂角刺、白芷、连翘等为主,药性药味多以温性、寒性以及甘味、苦味为主,归经主要归于肺、脾经。使用频次≥33次共有42个药对;无监督熵聚类分析演化出8个核心组合潜在新方剂。结论对于《外科医镜》病案中促进疮疡疾病消肿溃脓的内治验方规律进行挖掘,得到黄芪,川芎,白芷,当归,甘草,皂角刺,连翘,穿山甲,桔梗,陈皮,天花粉的核心组方,其促进疮疡消肿溃脓主要可能通过辛温、甘温、苦寒之药发散、补益脾肺、清消等作用得以实现,熵层次聚类挖掘所获8首潜在新处方分别针对中阳不足、肝火亢盛、肺脾肾虚、瘀血阻滞、风寒湿盛、肝郁痰凝等证,为后续针对疮疡的内治方药选择和临床用药提供一定的依据。 展开更多
关键词 疮疡 外科医镜》 高思敬 验方 用药规律 津沽疮疡学术流派
四库全书医家类外科医籍评述 被引量:1
作者 樊建开 王有朋 《上海中医药大学上海市中医药研究院学报》 1997年第2期52-55,共4页
从外科专业研究的需要出发,对《四库全书》医家类的外科医籍作了探析,辑出外科专著10种及散见于其他医籍中的外科学方论共200余卷。对各专著的内容及特点逐一作了介绍,并对《四库》收录外科医籍的得失作了评述,为今人研究、利用四库外... 从外科专业研究的需要出发,对《四库全书》医家类的外科医籍作了探析,辑出外科专著10种及散见于其他医籍中的外科学方论共200余卷。对各专著的内容及特点逐一作了介绍,并对《四库》收录外科医籍的得失作了评述,为今人研究、利用四库外科医籍提供了方便。 展开更多
关键词 《四库全书》 家类 外科医 评述
外科医师如何避免皮瓣臃肿 被引量:1
作者 John Jesitus 陈晓栋 《中华医学美学美容杂志》 2004年第6期338-338,共1页
关键词 外科医 皮瓣臃肿 修整手术 外科缩减术 鼻部缺损
作者 邰宁正 王琳 范志宏 《组织工程与重建外科杂志》 2009年第6期349-351,共3页
病理性瘢痕是南于胶原等大量结缔组织的合成大于分解而导致基质过度合成、沉淀而形成。病理性瘢痕的形成机制和抑制措施,一直是整形美容外科医生面临的难题。近20年来的研究发现,免疫学相关因素在病理性瘢痕发病与防治巾具有重要的作... 病理性瘢痕是南于胶原等大量结缔组织的合成大于分解而导致基质过度合成、沉淀而形成。病理性瘢痕的形成机制和抑制措施,一直是整形美容外科医生面临的难题。近20年来的研究发现,免疫学相关因素在病理性瘢痕发病与防治巾具有重要的作用,日益受到重视。 展开更多
关键词 病理性瘢痕 TREG细胞 美容外科医 结缔组织 免疫学 合成
Correlation of MRI-determined small bowel Crohn’s disease categories with medical response and surgical pathology 被引量:12
作者 Ian Craig Lawrance Christopher J Welman +1 位作者 Peter Shipman Kevin Murray 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第27期3367-3375,共9页
AIM: To determine whether magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used to categorize small bowel Crohn's disease (SB CD) into groups that correlate with response to medical therapy and surgical pathology.METHODS: ... AIM: To determine whether magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used to categorize small bowel Crohn's disease (SB CD) into groups that correlate with response to medical therapy and surgical pathology.METHODS: Data was collected from all patients with MRI evidence of SB CD without significant colonic disease over a 32-mo period. Two radiologists, blinded to clinical findings, evaluated each MRI and grouped them based on bowel wall thickness and wall enhancement. These categories were: (1) "fibrosis", (2) "mild segmental hyper-enhancement and mild wall thickening", (3) "mild segmental hyper-enhancement and marked wall thickening", (4) "marked segmental transmural hyper-enhancement". Patient response to additional medical therapy post-MRI was prospectively determined at 8-wk. Non-responders underwent endoscopy and were offered therapeutic endoscopy or surgery. Surgical pathology was assessed against the MRI category. RESULTS: Fifty-five patients were included. Females and category "2" patients were more likely, and patients with luminal narrowing and hold-up less likely, to respond to medical therapy (P < 0.05). Seventeen patients underwent surgery. The surgical pathologicalfindings of fibrosis and the severity of inflammation correlated with the MRI category in all cases.CONCLUSION: Our fi ndings suggest that SB CD can be grouped by the MRI f indings and that these groups are associated with patients more likely to respond to continued medical therapy. The MRI categories also correlated with the presence and level of intestinal inflammation and fibrosis on surgical pathology, and may be of prognostic use in the management of CD patients. 展开更多
关键词 Magnetic resonance imaging Crohn's disease FIBROSIS Prognosis PATHOLOGY
Surgical treatment of anal stenosis 被引量:25
作者 Giuseppe Brisinda Serafino Vanella +4 位作者 Federica Cadeddu Gaia Marniga Pasquale Mazzeo Francesco Brandara Giorgio Maria 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第16期1921-1928,共8页
Anal stenosis is a rare but serious complication of anorectal surgery, most commonly seen after hemorrhoidectomy. Anal stenosis represents a technical challenge in terms of surgical management. A Medline search of stu... Anal stenosis is a rare but serious complication of anorectal surgery, most commonly seen after hemorrhoidectomy. Anal stenosis represents a technical challenge in terms of surgical management. A Medline search of studies relevant to the management of anal stenosis was undertaken. The etiology, pathophysiology and classification of anal stenosis were reviewed. An overview of surgical and non-surgical therapeutic options was developed. Ninety percent of anal stenosis is caused by overzealous hemorrhoidectomy. Treatment, both medical and surgical, should be modulated based on stenosis severity. Mild stenosis can be managed conservatively with stool softeners or fiber supplements. Sphincterotomy may be quite adequate for a patient with a mild degree of narrowing. For more severe stenosis, a formal anoplasty should be performed to treat the loss of anal canal tissue. Anal stenosis may be anatomic or functional. Anal stricture is most often a preventable complication. Many techniques have been used for the treatment of anal stenosis with variable healing rates. It is extremely difficult to interpret the results of the various anoplastic procedures described in the literature as prospective trials have not been performed. However, almost any approach will at least improve patient symptoms. 展开更多
关键词 Anal canal surgery Anal stenosis ANOPLASTY HEMORRHOIDECTOMY COMPLICATIONS Lateral internal sphincterotomy Surgical flap
血浆游离DNA水平增高可作为预测重型颅脑损伤患者死亡率的独立指标(英文) 被引量:6
作者 Rodrigues Filho EM1 Simon D +4 位作者 Ikuta N Klovan C Dannebrock F de Oliveira CO Regner A 《中华神经外科疾病研究杂志》 CAS 2014年第3期258-258,共1页
Trauma is the leading cause of death under 45 years worldwide and up to 50% of trauma fatalities are due to brain injury.Prediction of outcome is one of the major problems associated with severe TBI and research effor... Trauma is the leading cause of death under 45 years worldwide and up to 50% of trauma fatalities are due to brain injury.Prediction of outcome is one of the major problems associated with severe TBI and research efforts have focused on the investigation of biomarkers with prognostic value following TBI. Therefore,our aim was to investigate whether cell-free DNA concentrations correlated to short-term primary outcome( survivor or death) and GCS scores following severe TBI. A total of 188 victims of severe TBI were enrolled in this prospective study,outcome variables comprised: survival and neurological assessment using the GCS at ICU discharge. Control blood samples were obtained from 25 healthy volunteers. Peripheral venous blood was collected at admission in the ICU. Plasma DNA was measured using a real-time quantitative PCR assay for the β-globin gene. There was correlation between higher DNA levels and both fatal outcome and lower hospital admission GCS scores. Plasma DNA concentrations at the chosen cut- off point( ≥171,381 kilogenomesequivalents /L) predicted mortality with a specificity of 90% and a sensitivity of 43%. Logistic regression analysis showed that elevated plasma DNA levels were independently associated with death( P < 0. 001). In conclusion,high cell-free DNA concentration was a predictor of short-term mortality following severe TBI. 展开更多
关键词 神经外科 疾病 临床研究 症状
Implementation and evaluation of a pain management core competency education program for surgical nurses 被引量:3
作者 Xuelian Liu Li Li +2 位作者 Lingxiao Wang Keela Herr Qiuchan Chen 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第1期51-57,I0004,共8页
Objective:To investigate the effect of a pain management core competency education program on surgical nurses’pain knowledge and pain management nursing practice behaviors.Methods:An 8-h education program focused on ... Objective:To investigate the effect of a pain management core competency education program on surgical nurses’pain knowledge and pain management nursing practice behaviors.Methods:An 8-h education program focused on pain management core competency was provided twice in two weeks including the multidimensional nature of pain,pain assessment,pharmacological and nonpharmacological management,and knowledge application was developed and implemented for surgical nurses by a multidisciplinary team.Multimodal teaching approaches such as didactic teaching and vignettes of cases for nurses to discuss were used.The Clinical Pain Knowledge Test(CPKT)was completed by 135 and 107 nurses from 17 surgical wards pre and post-program,respectively.Two hundred and three patients’medical records were randomly sampled according to the number of operations in each ward one week before and in the fifth week after the intervention,respectively.Documentation of patients’postoperative pain management nursing practice behaviors and pain intensity scores were collected.Results:After the intervention,the CPKT scores of nurses significantly increased from 45.6%±12.3%to 54.2%±10.2%(t=5.786,P<0.001).Nurses’postoperative pain management nursing practice improved,with proportion of pain assessment documentation increased from 59.6%(121/203)to 74.9%(152/203)(χ^(2)=10.746,P=0.001),those using pain intensity assessment tools increased from 81.8%(99/121)to 95.4%(145/152)(χ^(2)=13.079,P<0.001),and intramuscular injection of nonopioids decreased from 12.6%(13/103)to 2.7%(3/111)(χ^(2)=7.598,P=0.006).Patients’average worst pain score on the operation day significantly decreased(Z=-2.486,P=0.013),and scores from the first to the third postoperative day also decreased(Z=-2.172,P=0.030).Conclusions:Implementation of a pain management core competency education program for surgical nurses can increase their knowledge of core competencies of pain management,improve selected pain management practices,and decrease patients’postoperative pain intensity. 展开更多
关键词 EDUCATION Nurses Pain management Surgery department
Hemi-hepatectomy in pediatric patients using two-surgeon technique and a liver hanging maneuver 被引量:9
作者 Kyoko Mochizuki Susumu Eguchi +3 位作者 Ryuichiro Hirose Taiichiro Kosaka Mitsuhisa Takatsuki Takashi Kanematsu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第10期1354-1357,共4页
AIM: To evaluate the efficacy of the two-surgeon technique with the liver hanging maneuver (LHM) for hepatectomies in pediatric patients with hepatoblastoma. METHODS: Three pediatric patients with hepatoblastoma w... AIM: To evaluate the efficacy of the two-surgeon technique with the liver hanging maneuver (LHM) for hepatectomies in pediatric patients with hepatoblastoma. METHODS: Three pediatric patients with hepatoblastoma were enrolled in this study. Two underwent right hemi-hepatectomies and one underwent a left hemihepatectomy using the two-surgeon technique by means of saline-linked electric cautery (SLC) and the Cavitron Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator (CUSA; Valleylab, Boulder, CO) and the LHM. RESULTS: The mean operative time during the parenchymal transections was 50 rain and the mean blood loss was 235 g. There was no bile leakage from the cut surface after surgery. No macroscopic or microscopic-positive margins were observed in the hepatic transections. CONCLUSION: The two-surgeon technique using SLC and CUSA with the LHM is applicable to even pediatric patients with hepatoblastoma. 展开更多
关键词 Two-surgeon technique Liver hanging maneuver HEPATOBLASTOMA HEPATECTOMY Pediatric surgery
Preoperative evaluation with T-staging system for hilar cholangiocarcinoma 被引量:11
作者 Ru-Fu Chen Zhi-Hua Li +7 位作者 Jia-Jia Zhou Jie Wang Ji-Sheng Chen Qing Lin Qi-Bing Tang Ning-Fu Peng Zhi-Peng Jiang Quan-Bo Zhou 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第43期5754-5759,共6页
AIM: To investigate the clinical value of T-staging system in the preoperative assessment of hilar cholangiocarcinoma. METHODS: From March 1993 to January 2006, 85 patients who had cholangiocarcinoma diagnosed by op... AIM: To investigate the clinical value of T-staging system in the preoperative assessment of hilar cholangiocarcinoma. METHODS: From March 1993 to January 2006, 85 patients who had cholangiocarcinoma diagnosed by operative tissue-biopsy were placed into one of three stages based on the new T-staging system, and it was evaluated the resectability and survival correlated with T-staging. RESULTS: The likelihood of resection and achieving tumor-free margin decreased progressively with increasing T stage (P 〈 0.05). The cumulative 1-year survival rates of T1, T2 and T3 patients were 71.8%, 50.8% and 12.9% respectively, and the cumulative 3-year survival rate was 34.4%, 18.2% and 0% respectively; the survival of different stage patients differed markedly (P 〈 0.001). Median survival in the hepatic resection group was greater than in the group that did not undergo hepatic resection (28 mo vs 18 mo; P 〈 0.05). The overall accuracy for combined MRCP and color Doppler Ultrasonagraphy detecting disease was higher than that of combined using CT and color Doppler Ultrasonagraphy (91.4% vs 68%; P 〈 0.05 ). And it was also higher in detecting port vein involvement (90% vs 54.5%; P 〈 0.05).CONCLUSION: The proposed staging system for hilar cholangiocarcinoma can accurately predict resectability, the likelihood of metastatic disease, and survival. A concomitant partial hepatectomy would help to attain curative resection and the possibility of longterm survival. MRCP/MRA coupled with color Doppler UItrasonagraphy was necessary for preoperative evaluation of hilar cholangiocarcinoma.(OR = 2.46, 95% CI = 0.98-6.14), and a significantly elevated risk of developing esophageal cancer among alcohol drinkers among alcohol drinkers (OR = 9.86, 95% CI = 3.10-31.38). CONCLUSION: ADH2 and ALDH2 genotypes areassociated with esophageal cancer risk. ADH2*1 allele and ALDH2*2 allele carriers have a much higher risk of developing esophageal cancer, especially among alcohol drinkers. 展开更多
关键词 Hilar cholangiocarcinoma Preoperativestaging Survival rate Surgical treatment
A comparison of maternal fear of childbirth,labor pain intensity and intrapartum analgesic consumption between primiparas and multiparas:A cross-sectional study 被引量:10
作者 Yongfang Deng Yan Lin +5 位作者 Liyuan Yang Qiuxia Liang Bailing Fu Huixian Li Huizhu Zhang Yan Liu 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第4期380-387,I0002,共9页
Objectives:To describe and compare fear of childbirth and in-labor pain intensity between primiparas and multiparas and explore the association between the amount of actual pain relief and fear of childbirth.Methods:A... Objectives:To describe and compare fear of childbirth and in-labor pain intensity between primiparas and multiparas and explore the association between the amount of actual pain relief and fear of childbirth.Methods:A convenience sampling method was used.A total of 260 women undergoing spontaneous or induced labor,including 97 primiparas and 163 multiparas,were recruited in a large academic specialized hospital in Guangzhou,China,from February 2018 to August 2019.The clinical data of maternal and neonatal were extracted from a structured electronic medical record system.Other demographic information,such as employment and family monthly income,was collected by a questionnaire.The Numeric Rating Scale(NRS)and the Chinese version of the Childbirth Attitude Questionnaire(C-CAQ)were applied to assess maternal in-labor pain intensity and fear of childbirth.The analgesic consumption and the frequency of manual boluses as rescue analgesia were stored and collected from the analgesia pump.Results:Eighty-two(84.5%)primiparas and ninety-nine(60.7%)multiparas received epidural analgesia(P<0.001).In the epidural subgroup,the primiparous average fear of childbirth(36.46±10.93)was higher than that of the multiparas(32.06±10.23)(P¼0.007).However,multiparas reported more intense in-labor pain[8.0(8.0,9.0)vs.8.0(7.0,8.0)],had more successful manual boluses per hour[2.68(1.65,3.85)vs.1.77(0.90,2.47)],more hourly analgesic consumption[23.00(16.00,28.25)vs.17.24(11.52,21.36)mL]and more average analgesic consumption[0.35(0.24,0.45)vs.0.26(0.19,0.35)mL/(h$kg)]than the primiparas(P<0.05).Spearman’s correlation analysis showed that the maximum in-labor pain was weakly positively correlated with fear of childbirth(r¼0.09)(P<0.05),hourly analgesic consumption(r¼0.16)(P<0.01)and average analgesic consumption(r¼0.17)(P<0.05).No statistically significant association was uncovered between analgesic consumption and maternal fear of childbirth.Conclusions:Fear of childbirth is a potential predictor of labor pain intensity.Further study is needed to explore its role and value in pain management during delivery.Parity is not a determinant of pain relief use and should not be a preconceived preference of obstetric care team members to determine the distribution of epidural analgesia,especially when analgesia resources are insufficient. 展开更多
关键词 Epidural analgesia FEAR Labor pain Obstetrics and gynecology department of the hospital Parity PARTURITION
Chinese Orthopedic Surgeons' Practice Regarding Postoperative Thromboembolic Prophylaxis after Major Orthopedic Surgery
作者 Zhi-jian Sun Gui-xing Qiu +2 位作者 Xi-sheng Weng Yu Zhao Jin Jin 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2012年第3期141-146,共6页
Objective To assess Chinese surgeon practice of thromboprophylaxis following major orthopedic surgery. Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted amongst Chinese orthopedic surgeons. A total of 293 surgeons were sur... Objective To assess Chinese surgeon practice of thromboprophylaxis following major orthopedic surgery. Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted amongst Chinese orthopedic surgeons. A total of 293 surgeons were surveyed concerning five key aspects of thromboembolic prophylaxis after major orthopedic surgery at the proseminar of Chinese guidelines for prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE) after major orthopedic surgery in January of 2009. Results Totally, 208 surgeons (71.0%) responded, successfully completing the questionnaire. Of them, 57.6% respondents selected combined basic, mechanical, and pharmacologic methods for thromboprophylaxis; 51.0% respondents prefer starting prophylaxis 12-24 hours after surgery; 60.3% surgeons would use chemoprophylaxis for 7-10 days; 47.6% respondents prefer VTE prevention based on patients' special conditions and needs upon discharge. "Safety" was the most repeated and emphasized factor during VTE prophylaxis. Conclusions Multimodal thromboprophylaxis is frequently used after major orthopedic surgery. Half surgeons prefer to start chemoprophylaxis 12-24 hours after surgery. Thromboprophylaxis regimen varies for discharged patients. 展开更多
关键词 venous thromboembolism major orthopedic surgery survey THROMBOPROPHYLAXIS
Three-dimensional printing: review of application in medicine and hepatic surgery 被引量:10
作者 Rui Yao Gang Xu +4 位作者 Shuang-Shuang Mao Hua-Yu Yang Xin-Ting Sang Wei Sun Yi-Lei Mao 《Cancer Biology & Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第4期443-451,共9页
Three-dimensional(3D) printing(3DP) is a rapid prototyping technology that has gained increasing recognition in many different fields. Inherent accuracy and low-cost property enable applicability of 3DP in many areas,... Three-dimensional(3D) printing(3DP) is a rapid prototyping technology that has gained increasing recognition in many different fields. Inherent accuracy and low-cost property enable applicability of 3DP in many areas, such as manufacturing, aerospace,medical, and industrial design. Recently, 3DP has gained considerable attention in the medical field. The image data can be quickly turned into physical objects by using 3DP technology. These objects are being used across a variety of surgical specialties. The shortage of cadaver specimens is a major problem in medical education. However, this concern has been solved with the emergence of 3DP model. Custom-made items can be produced by using 3DP technology. This innovation allows 3DP use in preoperative planning and surgical training. Learning is difficult among medical students because of the complex anatomical structures of the liver. Thus, 3D visualization is a useful tool in anatomy teaching and hepatic surgical training. However,conventional models do not capture haptic qualities. 3DP can produce highly accurate and complex physical models. Many types of human or animal differentiated cells can be printed successfully with the development of 3D bio-printing technology. This progress represents a valuable breakthrough that exhibits many potential uses, such as research on drug metabolism or liver disease mechanism. This technology can also be used to solve shortage of organs for transplant in the future. 展开更多
关键词 3D printing technology 3D bio-printing technology SURGERY EDUCATION hepatic surgery
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