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以人为本 安全发电 多业发展
作者 徐祖林 陈秀端 《农电管理》 2000年第10期21-21,共1页
关键词 以人为本 电厂管理 电力安全生产 上犹县 领导干部 江西省 自身建设 水利水电 电力市场 多业发展
作者 巩斯文 《现代企业》 1995年第12期12-13,共2页
任玉平,是延安地区煤炭经销(出口)公司的经理。他1960年参加工作,1973年以来,一直在煤炭战线工作。22年来,他辛勤工作,成绩显著,为延安的经济建设和煤炭事业的发展做出了重大贡献。 特别是任玉平同志担任地区煤炭经销(出口)公司经理以来... 任玉平,是延安地区煤炭经销(出口)公司的经理。他1960年参加工作,1973年以来,一直在煤炭战线工作。22年来,他辛勤工作,成绩显著,为延安的经济建设和煤炭事业的发展做出了重大贡献。 特别是任玉平同志担任地区煤炭经销(出口)公司经理以来,他以现代企业家的胆略和精神风貌,开拓创新,艰苦奋斗,使公司创建6年来,从无到有,不断发展壮大,目前已成为一业为主,多业发展的集团化企业。 展开更多
关键词 延安地区 公司经理 煤炭生产 发展 延安经济 煤炭市场 多业发展 现代企 煤炭工 集团化企
作者 王建立 《传媒》 北大核心 2009年第8期73-74,共2页
关键词 地市党报 领域 经营 金融危机 下降趋势 生存压力 多业发展 发展
作者 卢成林 《教育与教学研究》 1999年第7期76-77,共2页
关键词 中学 设置 骨干专 九十年代 社会产 电子电器 技术教育 多业发展 联合办学 支柱产
《创造》 1994年第S1期29-29,共1页
小厂的腾飞──楚雄市食品一厂发展纪实尤如一部浑宏的交响曲中的一个音符,楚雄市食品一厂─—一个不足百人的街道集体企业,以其特有的风采,展示了改革开放的壮丽画卷。艰难的起步1971年,鹿城镇党委、政府为解决社会闲散人员的... 小厂的腾飞──楚雄市食品一厂发展纪实尤如一部浑宏的交响曲中的一个音符,楚雄市食品一厂─—一个不足百人的街道集体企业,以其特有的风采,展示了改革开放的壮丽画卷。艰难的起步1971年,鹿城镇党委、政府为解决社会闲散人员的生活出路,用两万余元,买下了城区朱... 展开更多
关键词 楚雄市 多业发展 街道集体企 市场竞争 综合利用 挑战和机遇 食品加工 原材料浪费 名特食品 销售收入
作者 吴建业 《中国钨业》 CAS 1999年第5期253-255,共3页
关键词 钨矿山 多业发展 改革 转产分流
中国水利报社第一党支部滦平县河道管理处党支部携手铸党魂 被引量:1
作者 李丽红 《河北水利》 1998年第4期10-10,共1页
5月22日,中国水利报社第一党支部一行17人,在社长陈小江率领下,到滦平县参加与滦平县河道管理处党支部举行的支部共建仪式。中国水利报社的同志们,首先参观了滦平县河道管理处的5家企业,对他们取得的成就表示赞扬,对河道处... 5月22日,中国水利报社第一党支部一行17人,在社长陈小江率领下,到滦平县参加与滦平县河道管理处党支部举行的支部共建仪式。中国水利报社的同志们,首先参观了滦平县河道管理处的5家企业,对他们取得的成就表示赞扬,对河道处今后的发展提出了宝贵建议。下午4点... 展开更多
关键词 党支部 河道管理 中国水利 滦平 报社 共建活动 党建工作 好的领导班子 多业发展 基层水利
作者 方亲显 《决策》 1995年第8期26-27,共2页
粮食是关系国计民生的具有战略意义的特殊商品,是社会经济稳定和发展的基础。我国的粮食体制改革自1985年开始,已近10个年头,进入市经济的客观的条件已趋成熟。但是,由于去年年底发生了全国性的粮食市场波动,又使目前的粮食体改处于困... 粮食是关系国计民生的具有战略意义的特殊商品,是社会经济稳定和发展的基础。我国的粮食体制改革自1985年开始,已近10个年头,进入市经济的客观的条件已趋成熟。但是,由于去年年底发生了全国性的粮食市场波动,又使目前的粮食体改处于困难境地。那么,粮食体制到底如何改?本期刊发的两篇文章从不同的角度,提出了大胆的设想。具有一定的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 两线运行 新构想 政策性 粮食局 性经营 粮食市场 粮食企 储备 多业发展 机构分设
作者 蒋永淦 《中国煤炭工业》 1996年第11期22-24,共3页
在松藻局16年的发展历史上,有这样两组数字:一是1992年底为分界线,前13年亏损年均增长73.5%,后3年亏损年均减少30%;二是1992年全局2.71万人产煤276.6万吨,去年全局2.3万人产煤302.8万吨。两组数字形成强烈反差,这标志着该局在国家政... 在松藻局16年的发展历史上,有这样两组数字:一是1992年底为分界线,前13年亏损年均增长73.5%,后3年亏损年均减少30%;二是1992年全局2.71万人产煤276.6万吨,去年全局2.3万人产煤302.8万吨。两组数字形成强烈反差,这标志着该局在国家政策扶持下,在自我解困的道路上迈出了坚实的步伐。 该局原局长现任局党委书记蒋永淦同志谈了他们的做法和体会,愿对您有所启示,文章将分两期刊出。 展开更多
关键词 正确思路 煤炭生产 目标成本管理 管理模式 政策扶持 以煤为本 转产分流 思维方式 多业发展 思想观念
作者 杨殿法 《农村农业农民》 1994年第1期28-29,共2页
我担任村支部书记10年来,和支部一班人积极带领群众闯市场,走出了一条以市场为导向,以猪鬃加工为龙头,实行多业发展的路子,使农民人均纯收入达到1500多元,为国家创外汇100多万元。上级领导对我们取得的成绩给予了肯定和表彰,我们村被省... 我担任村支部书记10年来,和支部一班人积极带领群众闯市场,走出了一条以市场为导向,以猪鬃加工为龙头,实行多业发展的路子,使农民人均纯收入达到1500多元,为国家创外汇100多万元。上级领导对我们取得的成绩给予了肯定和表彰,我们村被省、市评为"双文明村",我个人被省、市、县评为优秀共产党员、优秀农民企业家,1993年当选为省八届人大代表。我是怎样带领群众闯市场的呢? 展开更多
关键词 猪鬃 市场反馈 群众 市场经济 农民人均纯收入 农民企 多业发展 优秀共产党员 人大代表 加工
作者 曹均雪 《四川农业与农机》 1995年第1期13-13,共1页
今日宜宾地区农机研究所,科技面向经济、科技为经济服务已非口号,大农业思想得到确立,市场意识、竞争意识明显提高,形成了科技、生产、培训多业发展的欣欣向荣局面。1991年以来,全所完成省级攻关项目两项,实现专利技术三项,完成多项横... 今日宜宾地区农机研究所,科技面向经济、科技为经济服务已非口号,大农业思想得到确立,市场意识、竞争意识明显提高,形成了科技、生产、培训多业发展的欣欣向荣局面。1991年以来,全所完成省级攻关项目两项,实现专利技术三项,完成多项横向技术服务,累计实现生产产值960万元,实现税利近百万元,固定资产增值70元左右。现在科研项目已涉及农业机械、林业机械、工程机械、电子产品、工程建筑等多种行业。 展开更多
关键词 农机研究所 工程机械 宜宾 固定资产增值 机械 科研项目 多业发展 机械 市场意识 专利技术
Regional diversity of agricultural labor productivity and its driving force in east China
作者 Liu Ziqiang Li Jing Lu Qi 《Ecological Economy》 2009年第2期144-151,共8页
China's eastern area is at middle and later stage of industrialization during which the relation between urban and rural areas, industry, and agriculture appears maladjusted. The main problems are shrinkage in agricu... China's eastern area is at middle and later stage of industrialization during which the relation between urban and rural areas, industry, and agriculture appears maladjusted. The main problems are shrinkage in agricultural comparative earning and lack of driving force of agricultural development. Based on calculating agricultural labor productivity in east China from 1996 to 2005, this paper analyzes contributing degree of motive forces of agriculture develop in ten provinces and cities of east China applying GCA (Grey correlative analysis). The results show that there is no absolute correspondence between the level of industrialization and agricultural labor productivity in China's eastern area. There is no synchronous development between industry and agricultural labor productiviry in some areas. Fertilizer and agricultural machinery input had high contributing degree for ten years; however; contributing degree in land and irrigation work input was low. Non-materialization inputs became the leading role in most provinces and cities' increase of agricultural labor productivity. Modern agricultural development need non-materialization inputs as primary motive force, at the same time, direct material input and facility input as guaranteed function. For some reasons, agricultural development is characterized by "more direct material input, less facility input " in east China now. Optimal driving.force model of future agricultural development in east China is that non-materialization inputs are dominant, that perfected facility input arc guarantee, and that certain substance inputs are necessary 展开更多
关键词 Agricultural development Driving force Direct material input Facility input. Non-materialization inputs East China
Design and Development of a Forest Nursery, for the Enhancement of Multi-Functional Agriculture and for a Didactical Purpose
作者 Elena Valent Sirio Rossano Secondo Cividino +4 位作者 Marco Barbaro Luisa Dalla Costa Stefano Santi Simona Rainis Rino Gubiani 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第8期892-900,共9页
The experimental idea of the present project was elaborated in order to create a structure where different categories and institutions could collaborate, with the common aim to develop a sustainable and profitable agr... The experimental idea of the present project was elaborated in order to create a structure where different categories and institutions could collaborate, with the common aim to develop a sustainable and profitable agriculture in mountain and marginal areas. The target was the recovering of an abandoned agricultural site, throughout its re-organisation, re-qualification and auto-sustainability, involving local citizens. This approach was based on three further broad functions such as environmental, economic and social purposes. This cooperation, that allows the capitalization of local knowledge and the forging of relationships between local and external sources of expertise, information and advice, is fundamental to the future of existing rural communities, in particular in mountain areas. The model proposed, with the elaboration of a management software and technical agronomic sheets, could be an incentive for the activities already present in that region and to stimulate new ones. The enhancing of the native ecological system, the biodiversity tutelage and the valorization of the knowledge of the territory is the basic requirement for the successful of any land management. 展开更多
关键词 Innovative sustainable and multi-functional agriculture recovering of disused agronomic areas biodiversity tutelage horticulture.
作者 陈阿夫 《新农村》 1998年第8期7-7,共1页
今年48岁的绍兴县马山镇陶家埭村的张阿龙是全县承包经营土地最早的种粮大户。他自1983年承包经营土地以来,经营的面积不断扩大,到1997年水田面积已达320亩,经营项目也从单一的粮食生产向种养结合发展。10多年来,张阿龙共向国家提供商品... 今年48岁的绍兴县马山镇陶家埭村的张阿龙是全县承包经营土地最早的种粮大户。他自1983年承包经营土地以来,经营的面积不断扩大,到1997年水田面积已达320亩,经营项目也从单一的粮食生产向种养结合发展。10多年来,张阿龙共向国家提供商品粮42万公斤、商品猪7300头、商品鱼13.5万公斤。“种养结合,多业发展”,这是张阿龙多年探索的经营方法。在生产实践中,张阿龙感到大面积农田连年靠化肥而不施有机肥,粮食生产难以持续稳定高产。于是下决心办起了畜牧场,每年他在完成定购粮任务。 展开更多
关键词 经营土地 粮食生产 经营项目 结合发展 种养结合 生产实践 种粮大户 多业发展 商品猪 经营方法
A preliminary analysis of fishery resource exhaustion in the context of biodiversity decline 被引量:8
作者 ZHAO ShuJiang Lü BaoQiang +2 位作者 LI RuWei ZHU AiYi WU ChangWen 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第2期223-235,共13页
Marine biodiversity in almost all oceans is being threatened at the genetic, species, and ecosystem levels. The marine ecosystem is being degraded and the extinction rate of marine organisms has accelerated. In this p... Marine biodiversity in almost all oceans is being threatened at the genetic, species, and ecosystem levels. The marine ecosystem is being degraded and the extinction rate of marine organisms has accelerated. In this paper, the potential causes of fishery resource exhaustion in the East China Sea are analyzed, including the change in the stoichiometric composition of seawater with regard to the concentrations of N and P, toxic effects of marine pollution, marine habitat destruction, increased seawater temperatures caused by climate warming, ocean acidification, pressure from overfishing, and the spread of marine pathogenic bacteria. It is believed that the factors mentioned above have significant impact on the exhaustion of fishery resources in the East China Sea. However, considering the cumulative, synergistic, and superimposed effects as well as the amplification effects resulting from their interactions, the actual risk of ecological extinction of marine organisms might be even more severe than that previously estimated. Hence, ecosystem management and research focused on a single risk factor or influencing factor is not enough to prevent marine ecosystem degradation and fishery resource exhaustion. A comprehensive, systematic, effective, and ecosystem-based management policy is imperative for healthy and sustainable fishery development in the East China Sea. 展开更多
关键词 Fishery resources EXHAUSTION EXTINCTION Influencing factor Cumulative effect Superimposed effect Amplifi-cation effect
Protecting Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(IAHS)by Industrial Integration Development(IID):Practices from China 被引量:4
作者 ZHANG Yongxun HE Lulu 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2021年第4期555-566,共12页
With Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(GIAHS)increasing in number around the world,their conservation has become a new international research theme.From the perspective of combining theoretical analyses... With Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(GIAHS)increasing in number around the world,their conservation has become a new international research theme.From the perspective of combining theoretical analyses and practical case applications,this study examines the Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(IAHS)conservation pathways and operation mechanisms through industrial integration development(IID).First,the theoretical framework of IID in IAHS sites was constructed according to the requirements of IAHS conservation,which include analyses of the connotation and basic principles of IID,the necessity of IID for IAHS sites,the resource conditions,and the IID pathways.And then based on the theoretical framework,the IID of Longji Terraces in Guangxi,Honghe Hani Rice Terraces System in Yunnan(HHRTS),Aohan Dryland Farming System in Inner Mongolia(ADFS),and Huzhou Mulberry-dyke&Fish-pond System(HMFS)in Zhejiang are analyzed systematically.The main finding is that IID is an effective pathway for IAHS conservation.However,the IID in IAHS sites must stress the ecological and cultural values of the resources;IID should be based on local resource advantages;and IID should attach importance to the combination of different policies and coordination between different stakeholders. 展开更多
关键词 Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(IAHS) integrated development of industries(IID) heritage conservation Multi-function values China
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